The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 21, 1895, Page 2, Image 2
2 THE SCBANTON TRIBUNE THURSDAY MORNINTQ MARCH 21, 1895. TALES OF TWO PITTSTONS News of Interest to Readers Up and Down the Valley MATCH INDUSTRY IS COMING Three Patients Admitted to tUe Hospital. Funeral of Mrs. Harrlfian Poland eron the Warpath Personal and Other Brevities. Special to the Bcranton Tribune. Plttston, March 20. The committee on industries, of the board of trade, met last evening at the olllce of Real Estate Agent F. H. Banker to consider the proposition made by the Hazleton Watch Manufacturing: company, which desires to locate In or near this city. 1A member of the committee stated when in conference with The Tribune reporter this afternoon they were favor ably iinpresaed with the statement and Mauling of the company. The com pany have already the site of the old pistol factory at Exeter In view. The committee Is composed of Messrs. W. O. Thomus, Meyer Schlosser, F. 11. Hanker and Joseph Latigford. Rivers of Alien Uore. Mlch&4 Kyte, a Polish putrlot of the "West Side, becume saturated with Wyoming- Valley embalming Huld this afternoon and started out to illuminate the town. Several of Kyte's compan ions, who possess unpronounelble names, endeavored to persuade the art ist to postpone his enterprise until this Country had received satisfaction from .Spain, but Kyte would listen to no dip lomatic reasoning- A business session followed in which Kyte demonstrated his qualities by vanquishing the crowd. Blood flowed freely and the faces of Kyte's friends looked like a chrysanthemum show at the tlni.sli. The strong arm of the law was evoke'd und Kyte wus pulled in before 'Squire Ehret, who hold the highflyer to ball In the sum of J;!00 for an appearance at court. , Three Alining Accidents. Three patients were admitted to the tiospltu.1 today. The new admissions ore as follows: Joseph Clenosky, a la borer at No. 6 shaft ot the Pennsylva nia Coal company. He was caught by a fall of rock and was so seriously In jured that It was necessary to ampu tate his leg below the knee. The operation was performed by Resident Physician Dr. McKown, assisted by Dr. Beven and Dr. Anna Law. Genosky is a, single man, 28 years old, and lives In Frogtown. Charles Donnelly, a miner at Exeter, living In Oregon, received a compound fracture of the left hand. Patrick Clifford, a lad 14 years old, re ceived a dislocated hip at the Babylon. He was also severely bruised about the head and shoulders. 1 tmcrul Obsequies. The funeral of Mrs. Richard Harrl gan, mention of whose death was made In these columns yesterday, occurred from the family residence In Inkerman this morning. The remains were con veyed to Pt. John's Catholic church, where mass was sung. Interment was made at Market street cemetery. The pall-earers were. P. Durkln, T. Durkln, T. Devlin, Charles Donnelly, E. Welsh and James McDermott. The funeral of the Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. J. Iiultz occurred this afternoon from the family residence on Pine street. Interment was made at Market street cemetery. School Board Meeting. The school board met In the high school building this evening, when the committee's report on the condition of the heating apparatus at Oregon school was received and approved and the apparatus was accepted. On motion it was ordered that bills be paid as fol lows for apparatus and finishing on Oregon school and school No. 3; Mr. Serlrogeour, $933.69; Gorman & English, JSS9. The board then adjourned to April 5. Other Items of Interest. All regular subscriptions to The Tri bune will be received at our local ofllce, No. 8 South Main street. M. F. ftllroy. the merchant tailor, has leased the store room and tailor shop recently vacated by T. T. Bush & Son, on North Main street. Mr. Gllr.oy will remove to the new location April 1. The Insurance adjusters are In town to adjust the loss and damage of Loughney Bros, incurred by their re cent fire. Mrs. B. F. Emigh, t.f Delaware ave nue, was taken seriously ill yesterday afternoon. About forty young people attended the social of the West Side social club, at Howe's hall last evening. The Second Hanke Ball team will vie with the Senior Men's class In a game of basket ball at the Young Men's Christian association gymnasium to morrow evening. W. H. Archer and Patrick Looney, of Rcranton, were in town today on busi ness. Superintendents Andrew and Alex- BUDS, Society buds, young wo men just entering the doors of soci ety or woman- bood, require the wisest care. To be beautiful and charming they must have perfect health, with all it implies a clear skin, rosy cheeks. bright eyes and 'good spirits. At this period the young woman is especially sensi tive, and many nervous troubles, which continue through life, have their origin at this time. If there be pain, headache, backache, and nervous dis turbances, or the general health not good, the judicious use of medicine should be employed. Dr. Pierce' Favorite Prescrip tion is the best restorative tonic and nerv ine at this time. The best bodily condition results from its use. It's a remedy spe cially Indicated for those delicate weak nesses and derangements that afflict wo menkind at one period or another. You'll find that the woman who has faithfully used the "Prescription" is the picture of health, she looks well and the tell uvll. In catarrhal inflammation, in chronic dis placements common to women, where there ure symptoms of backache, diuiness or fainting, bearing down sensations, disor dered stomach, moodiness, fatigue, etc., the trouble is surely dispelled and the sufferer brought back to health and good spirit. WOMAN'S ILLS." Mat. W. R. Bates, of JitlmtrtH. 7umtull Co., Vkit, writes i "A few year ago I took Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription, which ho been a great benefit to me. I am in excelleut health now. I hope that every wo man, who ia troubled with 'women's ilia,' will try the Prescrip tion ' and be benefited Ml have beta." 2 ... Jl Hu Bates. ander Bryden, of ? the Pennsylvania Coal company, were In Dunmore today looking after the affairs of the com pany. ' '- ; -V, John H. Derby, of Wllkes-Barre, was today a visitor In this city. P. H. Gllgallon, of the Electrio City, was a caller at the Sinclair House to day. , Miss Helen Holden and Miss Anna Lewis, of the West Side, spent today with Wllkes-Barre friends. All complaints of non-delivery of The Tribune should be reported at our local ofllce, No. 8 6outh Main street. The case of John Gerrlty vs. the Cork Lane election board, which was to have been given a hearing before Justice Gibbons this evening, was postponed until next Wednesday evening at 5 o'clock. Several witnesses of the prose cuter failed to put in appearance. H. M. Breese, of Wllkes-Barre, was In this city today on business. Ira M. Klrkendaill, of Wilkes-Uurre, Wis visitor In town today. IXDISTBIAL TOPICS. A meeting of the Trunk Linos asso ciation's general passenger agents Is set for Friday to consider the agree ment ou west-bound pussenger busi ness. It Is announced In New York that u meeting of the anthracite coul presi dents has been called for Thursday of this week, to consider the uuthructte coal trade. A few of the presidents talked over the sltuutlon on Saturday and decided to call a meeting. An official of the, Lehigh A'alley rail road denies emphatically the current reports that the company has sold good stove coal at 12.75 per ton, free on board at New York. He says that the lowest price made nn good coal by the Le high has been above 8:1 per ton, und this statement is borne out by a circu lar sent out within forty-eight hours. In the trade it is stated that the low prices am being made on the old lot of chestnut coal with which the company was left "saddled" under the McLeod regime. The sales agents are employing vu rlous devices to cut prices. For exam ple, first-class stove coal Is ottered In Boston at $3.05 delivered, und If J3.1I", Is allowed for the coal ut New York but GO cents Is left for the water freight. This is about 13 to 20 cents below the market rate, und Indicates that the seller is really cutting thu price of coul to or below $3. Even more unfavorable Instances are report ed, all going to show thut the compa nies are becoming more eager to sell their product. A bill Is pending In the Massachu setts senate providing that on and after Jan. 1. ISM, no railroad shall use In moving tratllc between points in this state any locomotive not equipped with a power driving wheel brake und appli ances for operating the train brake sys tem, or run any train which has not a suttiolent number of cars so equipped with power as to enable the engineers to regulate It. On and after Jan. 1, 1SHS, no cars shall be handled without being equipped with automatic couplers which can be worked without going be tween cars. The tonnage of the Huntingdon nnd Broad Top railroad company lust week was very heavy, reaching a total of 44.804 tons, or 15,718 tons more than for tht corresponding week last year. This brings the shipments for the year to date up to 354, 355 tons, an increase, compared with the same period last year, of 29.7S9 tons. One of the most encouraging features of the company's weekly reports Is the steady Increase In the shipments from the lirosd Top re gion. Last week they were 11,94:1 tons, ugalnst 6,0:19 tons In the same week lust year; for the year to dute the Increase is over 11.000 tons. President Janney, referring to the heavy movement of bi tuminous coal over his road, yesterday expressed the opinion that It would con tinue for some time to come, as there was now a good demand for the prod uct from manufacturing sources. Ho also reported a freer movement of gen eral merchandise tralllc. MOMENTS WITH TIIK WITS. A Half-Docn Smile l'rovokers from Vari oils Sources. A wealthy old lady, one bitter cold morning, said to Iter servant: "James, It has been a very cold night, und I am afraid poor Widow Green la suffer ing. Take her a wheelbarrow loud of wood. But, James, before you go, make up this lire and put more wood on. Then give mea nice mug of flip." Juntas obeyed, and was about to Htart on his errand, when his mistress Interposed: "Stop, James, you need not go now; the weather has moderated." Witty Hay ings. One night at a court ball In the Tull ertefl NaHleon III. was so attentive to a beautiful young woman as to excite comment among the other women. At last, In response to a direct tribute to her beauty, she said: "Ah, but Your Majesty compliments me too much." "How remarkable," he replied, with a twinkle In his eye, "thut you should say Just what every other woman here is thinking." Di-tHlt Free Press. "And hnw Is my old friend, the col onel, spending his declining years?" asked the gentleman who had been north for a long time. "Beautifully, sah, beautifully. He has a fine farm, sun. And a string ot trot ters, sah. And a barrel of whiskey six teen years old, and a wife of tho sume age, sah." Cincinnati Tribune, A gpntlemnn who lives lit a nouthern town the other day employed a car penter to partition off a part of his study, nnd particularly liinstructod the workman to make the partition sound proof. The carpenter declared thnt he could do this effectually with a filling of sawdust. When It was finished, the gentleman stood on one Bide and called to the carpenter on the other: "Can you hear me, Smith?" "No, sir, not u bit," was the prompt reply. Munsey's. The tall girl mused aloud: "What." said she, "can 1 do to bring the count to his knees at my feet?" The short girl laughed a hollow, wan little laugh, with a dush of bitter In It. "Suppose," said the short girl, "you drop a dime on the floor." Cincinnati Tribune, Penelope "Well, Bishop, after all, there's only a difference ot a single syl lable between salvation and perdition." The Bishop "Why, my dear young lady, how can you say that?" Penelope "It's merely a question of eternal bliss or eternal blisters." Life. . Piles I Piles ! Itehlng Plies. (Symptoms Moisture; intense Itching and stinging; most at night; worse by Scratching. If allowed to continue tumor form, Which often bleed and ulcerate, be. coming very sore, Bwanye's Ointment tops the Itching and bleeding, heals ul ceration, -mid In most cases removes 11k tumors. At druggists, or by mall, for W cents, Dr, Bwayne ft Bon, Philadelphia. CUSTODIAN BILL PASSED The Measure Sent from House 'to Senate for Concurrence. C0UKT BILL IS PROGRESSING It Is Considered on Second Rcading-An Amendment Includes Scranton in the Circuit Governor's Nominations. Measures on Pinal Heading. Harrlsburg, Pa., March 20. The sen ate mot at 11 o'clock. Among the bills Introduced were tho following: By Mr. Iluckcnberg. repealing the act enabling t'ho tax payers ot townships arid road districts to contract for making roads at their own expense; also authorizing tho construction of llsh dams and baskets ito catch wis during September and October; also providing that bridges destroyed by Ice or otherwise may be rebuilt within four inlleB of the abandoned site. By Mr. Mitchell, of Jefferson, ullowlng the manufacture nnd sale of oleomargarine under cer tain conditions. Senator ClruUy had .the voto reconsid ered on the bill authorizing municipal ities and other corporations having tho right of eminent domain to acquire the whole of nny lot or piece of ground, part of which only may be neceBsury for cor porate use. Senator Baker uttneked the bill, claiming It Is u vicious one, and should not puss. Senator Orndy defended the bill, say ing that where a corporation took part of a piece of land the reniulnder very often becume useless. Senator Green declared the bill the most generously drafted one for the corporations he had ever read. He said ItB meaning was that a railroad could compel any one to sell It land for which It might huve no use, simply becuuse It wanted the land. The bill passed: yeas, 27; nays, 6. These bills, among others, passed finally: Authorizing the superintend ent of public Instruction to employ or aid In the employment of lectures or Instruotois to attend summer assem blies or associations Incorporated for the promotion of education nnd pop ular culture and state teachers' associa tions, und providing for the payment of such lecturers or Instructors; to re quire .the applicants for teachers' per manent oertillcatcs to hold a valid pro fessional certlllcate at least two years before making application; authorizing the courts to dissolve petroleum min ing corporations which have not been actively engaged in business for ten years past; enlarging and extending the power, control und authority of the mother over minor children. The governor sent to the senate the following nominations: Member of the board of medical examiners, represent ing the Eclectic society, Augustus Niles, Wcllsboro; members of the state board of health and vital statistics, J. 13. .McClelland, Pittsburg; John Fulton, Johnstown, und lilchurd Y. Cook, Phil adelphia. They were conllrmed. Uy a vote of 29 to 11 the senate agreed to suspend the rules ami take up the bill creating the ofllce of superintendent of state supplies, which, as passed by the house with amendments, reached the senute shortly before the hour of adjournment. Senator llobin discussed the bill until 1 o'clock, und then called for the order of the day. House Proceedings. The house met at -10 o'clock. A large number of bills were reported from committee. Bills were read In place us follows: By Mr. Hammond, of Westmoreland, to prohibit school Uonrds from hiring teachers who may be rcluted to said boards within certain degrees of con sanguinity. The vote by which the Keen bill, to set apart a school fund for the estab lishment of school libraries, wus de feated on second reading, was recon sidered. It then was amended so as to leave the matter to the discretion of school directors. The bill to establish nn Intermediate court for tho relief of the supreme court was under consideration on second reading. Mr. Kunkel offered an amendment, which was adopted, striking out the provisions for minority representation In the new court. The section providing that the court shall sit In Philadelphia. Harrisburg and Pittsburg was amended so us to include Scranton and Wlllamtiport. Pending further consideration of the bill, the meusure creating ithe ofllce of sta te custodian was taken up on special order and passed finally: yens, 1HI; nays, 17. The bill was sent to the sen ate for concurrence In amendments, When the consldcraitlon of the clrrult court bill whs resumed neveral amend ments were suggested Imt rejected, and the bill passed second reading. Tho (JrUsliy road bill, providing for county convention to legislate on road Improvements, wus defeated on second reading. An hour was spent In debating the bill authorising justices of the peace to heur nnd determine certain specllled offences nnd mlsdemeunors with" the aid of a Jury of six, and to Impose sen tences. TIih bill wus strongly opposed on.coimtltutloniil rounds, but the house adjourned pending Its consideration. - - "I had a bad cold whluh developed Into grip. Physicians gavo ine ua relief, and I finally tried Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Hyrup. One bottle cured me completely. It Is a wonderful medicine." John Han mle, Lyon Station, Pa. STOclAXUBUXflS. New York, March 20. The upward ten denuy of prices at the Stock exchange- wet cheeked by realisations, but still at tho end of tho duy quite a niimlwr 6f tlie prom inent Issue showed gains. A feature of the trailing continues to be the Inquiry for the lower priced stocks, such as tlm bituminous routers and (leneral Electric Improvement III the bituminous coalers wus dun to the rallllcutloii of the Ohio producers' agreement llxed upon In tls city last week, Distillers were active nnd In deiiiuud; the price moved up to 13't. Tliu fCA&AD 0 rwuMt ttm t v liv& VHIJ -law wuit cutis vy7 v3x.l, rrX L. hioniy ateoMMNqto-erf&l5j gTlfXrh . " wutw . eWJl V Wi mc (Inuini jMoro v l I v r I tfcAftwLo traWkiAiTBtJ " in m e him I Vi E1JI ii vitnvu ei V A PUBLIC BENEFACTOR. Professor Manyon's Great Work Among the Suffering. His Medicines Are Marvel In the Way ef Effecting Cure. Mr, George Lodge, the well-known real estate dealer,' Third and Federal streets, Philadelphia, Pa., Is not only one of the most prominent real estate brokers In tho city, but Is the general manager of the new underground sys tem of electrical propulsion, which is destined to supersede the overhead trol ley. Head what he says: "Kver since 1808 I have been a great sufferer from sciatic rheumatism. There were times when the excruciat ing pain nearly drove me insane, and I was practically helpless. Upon a frlend'a advice I was Induced to try Munyon'a Rheumatism Cure. After taking a few doses the pain left me and I have not hud the slightest symptoms of any return of the disease. 1 have recommended this remedy to Beveral of my friends, who have also been cured." Munyon's Itheumatlsm Cure Is guar anteed to cure the rheumntlBin In any part of the body. Acute or muscular rheumatism cured in from one to five duys. It never fulls to cure sharp, shooting pains In the arms, legs or breast, or soreness In any purt of the body in from one to three hours. It Is guaranteed to promptly cure lameness, stiff und swollen joints, stiff back nnd all pains In the hips and loins. Chronic rheumatism, sclutica, lumbago or pain In the back speedily cured. Munyon's Homeopathic Home Rem edy company, of Philadelphia, put up specifics for nearly every dlseaRe.whlch are sold by all druggists, mostly for 25 cents a bottle. Those who ure In doubt as to the na ture ot their disease should address ProfcBsor Munyon, 1505 Arch street, Philadelphia. Professor Munyon will carefully diagnose the case and give you the benefit of his advice absolutely free from churge. The Kemedles will be sent to any address on receipt of re tall price. btivlng was based on tho settlement of ex isting differences with the American Dis tributing company. The. anthracite coal ers wero Irregular but firm. lelaware and Hudson, Iiekawanna und Heading scored Kiilna, but Jersey Central fell from W.'t to i-k. Tho Oraugcrs were less active, in tho morning hour the market was firm, but lute In tho day a decline of "i to was noted. Sugar was unsettled und ranged between SHi'j'n and 97. Speculation loft off Irregular, but In the main firm. Net changes show gains of dn'i In LHstll llng, (leneral Klectrlc, Hocking alley and Heading, und decline of ' to 1 In the other Issues. Total sales were lO.W) shares. The runge of today's prices for the ac tive stocks or the New York slock mar ket are given below. The quotations are furnished Tho Tribune by ll. du K. Dlm mU k. manuger for William Mnn, Allen & Co., stock brokers, 412 Spruce street, Scranton. . . . Op'n- High- Low- Clos ing, est. ,est. lug. Am. Tobacco Co W& M' J?' Am. Cot. oil -''ii :,' Am. Sugar He'g Co. fi f'j '' Atch.. To. & S. Ke... 4'j 4- 4 - Can. South 4!'t, 4!T, 4!N 4:s ("lies. Ut Ohio 17r' IS li;s Ji Chicago C.asa 71 f Chic. N. W W'-i !' WMi Chic, H. J 7.1' oHt i;',1! ,-' C. C. C. & St. L S 37'ii .IS Ch'.c, .Mil. & St. P... "i's r7' r,l1i Chic, K. I. 1' WS 3 ' Delaware ft llud 1-H 1:W 12 1 1 4. & W M Wl n:i lol'i Idst. & C. V 13'3 12 "'a (len. K.lectrle :il;H. Xi :il 32 l.uke Shore l;i7Vt 137' lSi Ui Louis. & Nosh M7 hi'n IW'i m". Manhattan Klc 1UN:14 h 1"K'4 !'' Mo. Pacific 21Ki tW 2I' H Nat. Cordsge... tk ?'r, J Nat. Lead 3o:'t SH N. J. Central M2'!j N. Y. fentral W'j, W.'i HI", 11,1 PC, Y. A: N. K 344 3r 24 yi'-i N. Y I j. ll. & W ' ST I7'h N. Y., S. t W H 14', 14 II', N. Y.. H. ft W., Pr... 3!'T la !.j Nor. Pacific 3'j S Slj 2's Nor. 1'iicMlc, Pr Hi W 1"T ' tint. A West Hi'a 1' hi'-j l'i Phil, ft Head 9T W 9 10'i Southern It. K US 11; H' H'4 Tex. Pacific ' ' tk Cnlon Pacllic !a ' 'j Wabash I U' !" f,1, Wabash, Pr Vl'i i:i' 137 13;i West. Cnlon VW 83 f)7:l4 S7?4 Ex-dl Idend, l'i per cent. CHICAGO BUAKU OF TRADE PRICES. Op'n- Illijh- Low- Clos- WIIEAT. Ing. est. est. lug. Muv r,ii M' 4 Kflb ,Vii July 57 jil4 WH tki:14 ATS. May 29X4 29i 4 2fi July 21'j 2S'a 28K 2S',i C..JHN. Muv 473 47'-h 47 47i July 4tP, 47' 4ii:, 4ti'4 LAlliJ. Mav 6.75 .7."i 0.72 " Julv 8.87 0.87 -tfc7 C.S' POH1C. May 11.00 11.70 11. S3 11.67 July 11.77 11.90 11.75 11.87 Scranton Board of Trada fcichange Quo tations. No. Par Hhs. Val. STOCKS. Bid. Ask. 20 M Dime Hep. & Dls. Hank 02 60 10 100 First Nat' I Hunk W0 20 100 Green H'ge'r Co 110 InO loo I.ui ka. Lumber Co... 110 .. C 100 l.acka. Trust & Safe Heposlt Co 150 f. HiO M. ft M. Savings Hank (Curbondiile). 140 22S 10 to Providence Arling ton Turnpike Co.... 8u ,. 10 100 Scra'n Savings Hunk. 200 .. 10 1"0 Scra'n L.aee Cur. Co N) f, 1(0 Scranton Forging Co 100 110 25 Iixl Third Nat'l Hunk.... m .. & 1U0 Nat l Holing ft Drill ing Co., Pr 100 45 too Thuron Coal I .and Co .... M) M lnu Scrnnlon Heddlng Co .... lut't &0 leo Scrnii'tun Axle Works .... K"i fi HiO Scranton Gluss Co 71 2 HiO Scrtinton Jar & Stop per Co id 4(1 100 Dickson Mfg Co 100 W 60 Luckawanua ft Mont rose Ha 1 1 road f,0 W 100 Traders' Nat'l Hunk 12 HON DM. SO 1000 Scranton Trac. Co 930 2 boo ICcoii'v Steam Ileut ft Power Co R00 30 1000 Scranton Trac. Co Duo B loo Mudlson Avenue Im provement 105 York New Produce Market. New York, March 20. Flour Quiet. Wheat Active; No. 2 red store and eleva tor. n"4e.; afloat, 2e.; f. o. b., muOI'e.; ungraded red, t7uG3e. ; No. 1 northern. BHc. ; options closed firm at unchunKcd prices. Corn Firm, dull; No. 2, &21ie. ele vator; r.P.c. afloat; steamer mixed, Ma 5:'4c. ; option closed Kteady and mi chntigd. oats yulet, stronger; options dull, t cud y; March and April, 3Jtc; May, S3N.C.: July, Xftir.i spot prices. No. 2, 3:lil:i4c; Nu, i white, 37u.; No. 2 Chleugo, 344u:i5c.: No. a, 32c; No. 8 white, SOVie.; mixed western, 3tH.1fe.; white state and western, 37u4lu. Provisions quiet, firm; unchanged, ljird gulet, about steady. Mutter Firm: state dairy, HalHa. ; do. creamery, old. lOalSc; western dairy, fa 12V'.; do. creamery, new, llu20o. ; do. old, stvnUc; do. foctory, 12c; Klglna, 20c; Initiation creamery, 9al4c; rolls, 7al2c. Chwme Firm, unchnnged. liggs Stead ier: etnte and Pennsylvania, 12'4jal214e. ; duck, 20a30c. ; western fresh, IJVitC. ; south am, lllil2',oc. ; goose, 60c ChlooRontook Mnrkct. Chicago, March 20. Cattlo Receipt, , 500 neud; market strong; common to extra steers. $4.10nO.SO; etockers end feeders, liM S4.M; rows and bulls, tl.UOu4.7G; calves, 12.60 all. GO. Hogs Receipts, 81,000 head; mar ket steady; heavy, t4.40a4.HS; common to clinic mixed, H3fia4.t0; choice assorted, t4.noa4.rifi; pigs, t3.75n4.10. Sheep Keoelpts, 8,000 heud; market firm; Inferior, to choice, t2.2.riuri; lambs, t3.G0o6.76. F.very day symptoms of digestive dis ordersacid stomach, distress after eat ing, burning at pit of stomach, dull, heavy feeling Burdock Blood Bitters never falls to correct any trouble of this sort. c onnolly & Wallace FIRST CONSIGNMENT OF Wash Dress Goods NOW OPEN. Many new weaves and ideas to be seen this season, and the designs and colorings are the perfection of art : Asiatic Zephyrs, 10c. Primrose Dimity, 12 l-2c. India Dimity, 25c. We desire to call your special attention to above lines as the most desirable mer chandise of its kind ever brought to Scranton. We offer another case of Zephyr Ginghams, the regular ioc. quality, At 5 Cents Per Yard. CONNOLLY & WALLACE, aiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiie 1 3d i SiiiimiiiimiiiiiiiiiMiB w E WILL clean Ingrain and Brussels for 3 Cents scoured by the Latest Improved Process. can't please you. W ML b 0 CENT A Word. WANTS OP ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH, WHEN PAID FOH, IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE, NO CHARQE WILL BE LESS THAN 28 CKNTS. THIS BULK AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS, EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH ARB INSERTED FREE. Help Wanted Male. VY ANTED TWO UOOD BUTCHUK8. quiro l .tl N . Muiu avenue city. IN- WANTED-WELL-KNOWN MAN IN ' every town lo xolicit stock subscrip tions; a monopoly: big luonpy fur agents: no caultul ri-nuirecl. EDWAKD C. FISH tt CO., Borden lilock, Chicago. HI. CAt.KKMEN - KKS1DENT SALESMEN fcJ wuntf, uctiuahitttU with ths locul und ntnrby druK tttid grocery tradH. to bundle our lino uf high itrodo ciiai-s. AddreiH, ulvln rBforoncM. J. EDWARD COWLES H Co., H3 (Mmtubvrs stroet, N. Y. Agents Wanted. A GENTS MAKE M0 DAILY SEi.LINd AL- uinbium novelties: new tii-o-tes silver- ware: btti-Buodn: bie line, tliu n. w, woudor ful metal; dalivnreu free: suuiulw in velvet lined chk 10.'.; catalouue free. ALUMINUM NOVELTY CO., :j broadway. New York. OENTH HINDET8 HATBNT" UNTvER. al Ilnlr Curlers and Wavers (usd with out bent), nni "Pyr Polntod' lUir Pins. Lib eral cuiniuisiiions. Free aainnle and full par ticular. Address P. O. Box -150. New York. ANT. D - ACTIVE SALESMEN TO handlo our line, no lieddlinir. Salarr, f 75 per luontb and expttnses paid to all. Uoods entirely now. Apply quickly. P. O. Box, S30 U'Mton, Musa. For Kent. OFFICE ROOMS TO LET-IN A SUITE OF two largo. (lrt-r-Us rooms on tho sec ond floor uf Odd Fellows' Building. 20 W'yo mug avenue: suitable for lawyer's, Insurance or plfysiciuii's ofllce. Inquire of janitor ou the premises. TC-K KENT-S!. IiOOM HOUSE IN l.EE V Court, near Oilison atroot; conveniences: rent. $lU0. Inquire of Dr. DkUKAW, Ulbsnn stroet. HOUSE FOirKttNT-o'itOOMS; GOOD location; wnier in kitten. Address 8. S. YEAH EH, Moscow. Fa. inolt RENT-A LARGE, FURNISHED 10 room houin in tho country; thirty min utes drive from Ulenburn; a bain nnd plenty of fruit on t hot! rounds. M. 8. KNIOHT, :V) Cherry atreet, Duuinoro. VOB KENT A BUILDINll ON FRANKLIN V avenue, suitable lor business. Address P. O. Bol 448. F -OR BENT-TIIE PHOTOGRAPH G A br iery formerly urcupled bv C. L. Gt itlin, includliiK rooms for UouMckeeplnir. l;ts Wyo 111 in a avenue. CHAS. SCI1 LAGER. l.OR KENT-BRICK HOUSE OF NI.nE roou's. Apply to I, from April 1st. 4 IS Vine street. .M. HOKTON, 3 Commonwealth Butldinj-. 7.K)K RENT-A LARGE, 4-STORY BUILD J iuRatllCI Franklin avrniie; ouitalile for wholesale business. CARSON & DAVIES, Mtranton. VQR RENT-BRICK WAREHOUSE WITH i1 elevator nn D L. if V. switch and West Lackawanna avenue. Scranton Stove Work. 1?OR RENT FURNISHED AND UNH'R 1 nisbiHl rooms at 5U0 Lackawanna avenue JTOR RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST 1 Lackawanna uvenuo. Address THOMAS E. EVAN 8, aear 11HS Luzerne, Hyde Park. f0R RENT-NICELY FURNISHED HALL P suitable for lodge rooms. JOHN JEK MYN. Ill) Wvominu ovenue. For Sale JOTS FOR HALE-HEALTHY AND J pleasantly located; one milo from sta tion, uii hum street. Inquire of O. CHAP MAN. Clin k's OreoD, Lackawanna Co., P11. Horses at Auction. lRANK COBH SELLS AT AUCTION V March S, fifty bend of horses at his Ha mar. Bain every Tuesday folluniiiR at 1 o'clock. Weight from 1 .iKM I to l..m. Proposals. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE oulved at tho olllce of the City Clerk, Scranton, Pa., until o'clock p. m., Thurs day, March. HI, lbWh to furnish lights fur the Municipal Building. EiikIiio and Stullon Housea of the City of Scranton. The city resrre the right to reject auy and all proposals. By ordar of City Councils. M. T. LAVKI.LE, City Clerk. Scranton. Pa.. March ) IKU.V Clairvoyant. MRS. FENTON, CLAIRVOYANT AND Phrtnulogist, 4-S Lackawanna avenuo. For a abort tlmeonly. l 1 . - 1 - - - ' -i Buffalo Stock Market. Huffalo, March S0.-Cattle-Ricelpt. 1, 9(10 head; on sale, 4f. head: market atciuly to nrm. lloits Receipts, T.BU0 head; on sule, 1.8U0 head; market atendy to linn; York era, Rood to choice, 4.7oa4.7n; mixed paoK ors. $4.7w4.8tl; (food heavy, $1.8i'.H4.Ui; pl(rK, $4.T0eA."r; rouRha, t.7lia4.l; slugs, ta.i'.a 8.76. Sheep and l.iimbs Itocelotn, 11.IXKJ head; nn sale, 10,000 head; mnrket closed weak, for Iambi nd strong for sheep; good mixed sheep, $; fair, f4u4.40; culls and common, $.'lu3.7G; good to prime Iflnibs, tii.GHH5.8r.; fulr to good, $iu6.M; few spring lambs sold at $10 per cwt. oil Market, Pittsburg', March 20. Oil opened and lowest, lVii; highest and closed, 113. Persian Dimity, 25c. Plumetis, 35c. Lappette, 35c. CARPETS SMITH BEPING Eoarding. DeuuhWul''bT! u:sb!d. with or without board. C14 Wash ington avenue. Special Notices. MADAME ANNETTA. THE GREAT MEX lcan Lifo Reader, h;i arrived fur a short slay only, and can be consulted 011 all sfluirs pertaining to life, at 4?i Mulbeiry street. Ladies, '.0 cents. Hours 10 a, in. to V p. m. Woi;LD LIKE TO cop.respond'with V some iiai ty desiring to sell milk route. Address JOHN FOSTER, care station agent. Skinner's Eddy, Pa. I AM NOW PREPARED To'FURNISH EX 1 hlbitlous and lecture upon any subject da sired. These exhibitions will be illustrated, having in my possession the must powerful dissolving stereopticons made. E. H. CALL, Tribune Office. VOU WANT THIS RELIC - REPRINT I Frank Leslie's Illustrated Wevk.y War Illustrations lKOl-lgtlS. Two Volume Folio, SIS..XJ; payable monthly, f.oO. Delivered by express complete. Prepaid. Add) ess P. O. MOODY. BIB Gibson street, Scranton. Pa. BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAGA xiues, etc., bound or rebound at This Thiulnu ofllce. tuick work, livasonable prices. Notice Assignee's Sale. 1 WILL SELL AT PUBLIC SALE TO THE 1 highimt bidder, for the benellt o! creditors, tho entire phut of the Walter Printing Com pany ou .March 22. between the hours of 1) and 1'J o'clock. All persons indebted to said firm will malie immediate pavmeTit t: me. .K)HN H Hi'LT. Assignee. Found. IOLND-SILVER SHOE BUTTOXER, with Initials on handle. Owner cau have same by rulltrtr at all Franklin. Orphans's Court Sale. OKPHAN9 COURT SALE OK THE REAL estate of Charles M. (iray, deceased, late of Spring Brook township, Lackawanna cornty. Pa. Notice is hereby given that by virtneof an order of trio Orphans' Court of Lackawanna county, theie will be exposed for sale at tho Arbitration Room in the Court House at Scranton, on Saturday, April l:L 1M. at i o'clock p. m., tki following described roil is tute situate in the township of Spring Brook, county and atnto afureaaid, and bounded and discribed as follows: Vo. 1 All thut certain pieoe of land situate in Spring Brook townshin, Lackawanna coun ty. Pennsylvania, beglunini? at a stump In line of lots No, l'i and 40 of the Fisher tract; thence westerly along the ilivnl ng line of said tract, IIS rods to a corner common to No. '.U 24. '.H and .'; thence along linn of Nos. )and 24 (being south as in original mrvey bi rods tonstak beside t'lopnblio road; thencalnng said road. 0.1 degrees east, (P.! rods; thence along said road, 01 degrees east, Or rods to p see of beginning. Containing nineteen acres and twenty-eight perches of laud, more or less. No, S Also, all fiat cortain piece ot land situate in said Spring Brook town-hip afore said, beginning at a corner in the public road opposite a stone wall (adivi.ion fenco between land of Charles M. Gray and Rachel Rollius); thence along said wall, sixteen rods at a right angle with said road; thence southwesterly parallel to said roid, forty (40) rods to a cor nnr; thence northwesterly a right angle to last montioned line sixteen rods to the public road and thence along uald public road to tho dace of beginning. Containing" four acres of and, strict measure. No. 3 Also, Ad that certain piece ot land situate in the township of Spring Br' ok, coun ty nnd state aforesaii. bo. 'inning at a corner in the line of a public mad leading from Ma ple Lake to Moscow; thence along said road north, sixty-nine degrees esst. 46 perches to a corner; thence south 04 perches to a corner; thence wost 44 f-10 porches to a corner aud then' e north 77 perches to tho place of begin, ning. Containing 'J3 acres and UJ perches of lairl, mure or less. Saiil promttes are Improved wl;h a one and one half-story frame dwelling house, barn, outbuildings and fruit trees therean. TKKMS OF iALE:-OMs-fourtli of bid dowu on day of ssie and balance upon Dual confirm ation of sale and delivery of deed. MARY JANE GRAY, Administratrix of chas. M. Gray, Dec'd. J. G. Mi'AsKilc. Attorney. Situations Wanted. SOUT atn OUTHERN LADY, COMPARATIVELY f coplo as bonaekeopor or waitress. Excep lonal references. Address Woi thy. Tribune olllce. SITUATION WANTED BY AN ENGLISH girl, age 14 yours, to take ore ot children. Address "A. S.," Tribune office. W0KK WANTED BY A WOMAN TO V f wash or scrub or do house or oftlco cleaning, Address "A. C," BJ7 S. Main ave. UirUATION WANTED BY A WIDOW f woman to go out washing by the davor take washing home. Call or address MRS. HOFFMAN, No. 4il0 Cedar avenue, city. 'ANTED-POS1TION AS HOUBEKEEP. er by American widow of 40; no family; stating particulars. Addrras "HOUSEKEEP ER," l'lltstou postofllce, Pittstou, Physicians and Surgeons. DR. Q. EDGAR DEAN HAS REMOVED to 616 Spruce street, Scranton, Pa. (Just opposite Court House Square.) Hi. A. T. CON NELL, OFFICE S01 Washington avenue, cor. Spruce street, over Fruncke'a drug atroe. Residence, 722 Vine St. Ofllce hours: 10.30 to 12 h. in. and 1 to 4. and 6.S0 to 7.80 p. 111. Sun day, 3 to I p. m. DR. W. E. ALLEN, 013 North Washlngtoa avenue. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J.' HAND, Attorneys and Counsvllora, Common wealth building. Hoonis 1, 20 and H. W. F. BOYLE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Noa. 19 and SiO, Burr building, Washing ton avenue. - French Organdie, 40c. Ascot Suitings, 25c. CheYiot Suitings, 30c. per yard. Rugs and Carpets Give us a trial and see if we ML 602 and 604 Lack, ave., Corner Adams. DR. C. L. FRET, PRACTICE LIMITED1 diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and! Throat: ofllce, 122 Wyoming ave. Resi dence, (29 Vine street. DR. L. M. GATES, 125 WASHINGTON avenue. Office hours. 8 to If a. m.. 1.39 to 3 and 7 to 8 p. in. - Residence 30t Madi son avenue. JOHN L. WBNTZ. M. D., OFFICES bt and 53 Commonwealth building; resi dence 711 Madison ave.; ofllce hours, 10 to 12. 2 to 4, 7 to 8; Sundays, 2.30 to 4, evenings at residence. A specialty made of diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat and gynecology. CRTkAY." 206 FENN AVE. : T to 3 P. M.J call 2',Z. Dls. of women, obstretrlce and. and all dis. of chil. Lawyers. JESSUPS & HAND, ATTORNEYS AND, Counsellors at law. Commonwealth building, Washington avenue. W. H. JESSUP, HORACE E. HAND, W. HJESSUP, JR. WILLARD, WARREN & KNAPP, AT torneya and Counsellors at Law, Re publican building, Washington ave nue, Scranton. Pa. C. R. PITCHER. ATTORNET-AT law. Commonwealth Lulldlng, Scran ton, Pu. C. CO.MEGYS, 32X SPRUCE STP.EET. D. B. P.EPLOGLE. ATTORNEY-LOANS negotiated on real estate security. 4uJ Spruce street. B. F. KILLAM. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 120 Wyoming ave., Scranton. Pa. FRANK T. OKELL, ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Room b. Coal Exchunge, Scran ton. Pa. JAMES W. OAKFORD, ATTORN ET-at-Lnw, rooms 63, 04 and tw. Common wealth building. 8AMUELVv EDGAr7TTORNEY-AT-Law. Ofllce, 317 Spruce St., Scranton. Pa. L. A. WATRES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 423 Lackawana ave., Scranton, Pa. J. M. C. RANCK. 13C WYOMING AVE. Schools. 8CHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA. Scranton. Pa., prepares boys and girls for collge or business; thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at re quest. Opens September 10. REV. THOMAS M. CANN, WALTER 11. HUELL. MISS WORCESTER'S KINDEP.GAR ten and School. 41 J Adams avenue. Pu pils received at all times. Next term will open Jan. 27. Dentists. DR. WILLIAM A. TAFT-SPECIALTT In porcelain, crown and bridge work. Odontothreapla, Office, 320 North Washington avenue. c. c. "laubach. surge"on")enti'S No. 116 Wyoming avenue. R. M. STKATTON, OFFICE COAL Ex change. Louns. THE REPUBLIC SAVINGS AND Loan Association will loan you money on easier terms and pay you better on Investment than any other association. Call on S. N. Calfender, Dime Banlc building. Seeds. O. R. CLARK & CO., SEEDSMEN AND Nurserymen; store 110 Washington ave nuo; green house, 10 North Main ave nue; store tvlephoe 7s2. Teas. GRAND UNION TEA CO., JONES BROS. 1 ' 1 1 -1 Wire Screens. JOS. KUKTTEL. 615 LACKAWANNA avenue, Scruuton, Pa., manufacturer of Wire Screens. Hotels nnd Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 125 and 127 FRANK- lln avenue. Kates reusonablv. P. ZIEGL1CR, Proprietor. WESTMINSTER HOTEL, E. N. AN ABLE, Proprietor. Sixteenth St., one block east or Brouuwur. at Union Square, New York. American plan, $3.60 per duy and upward. BCRANTON HOUSE, Nl:ARDTL7&lvr' passenger depot. Conducted on the European plan. VICTOR KOCH. Prop. Architects. DAVIS & VON STORCH. ARCHITECTS. Rooms 24. 25 and 20, Commonwealth building, Scranton. E. LT'ALTERTARtTHlTECT. 0FFIC8 rear of 000 Washington avenue. LEWIS HANCOCK, JR.. ARCHITECT. 4:t5 Spruce St., cor. Wash, ave.. Scran-ton. BROWN 4 MORRIS, ARCHITECTS, Price building, 124 Washington avenue. Bcrairton. Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA-MUSIC FOR balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dings and concert work furnished. For terms address R. J. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulbert'a music store, 1 MEGA RQ EE BH"OTH"ERS. PRINTERS1 supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington ave.. Scran ton, Pa, Cn DK RTAKLNQ A NDLTvERY! 1533 Capouse ave. D. L. FOOTE, AGT. FRANK "P." BROWN-TTO.rVM6LaTk sale dealers in Woodware, Cordage and OH Cloth, 720 West Lackawanna ave. THOMAS AUBREY, EXPERT Ac countant and auditor. Olllce, 412 Sprue atreet. Agent for the Res Fire Extln-gulaher.