The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 19, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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Kepivsentiug the Newest and Most
l''ushioimble Silks for Spriug
aud Bummer.
Japanese Wash Silks, 31c.
Fancy Taffeta Silks, 75c,
Black Duchesse Silks, 73c,
At no other time during the Spring
will the various department. lie so
thoroughly complete wills new and
desirable goods ns at thir time.
Our direct importation of Silks,
Dress Fabrics, livery, Gloves ami
lOmbroideries bs been received and
each departu'tnt is fully prepared to
exhibit tte. very newest and most
fashionable goods.
(!ood 8ha)iii!s, thoroughly well
made, of excellent materials aud
daintily trimmed.
41a Spruce Street, Scranton.
Dr. Hooves han had Ions and varied ex
perience In hoipital ami private practice
and treats all acute and chronic diseases
of men, women and children.
He, with his assistants, treat all dls
eaes of he nervous system, diseases of
the eye, ear, none and throat, dyppepsia,
rheumatism, lost vitality, premature
Weakness or decay In both aexes, nervous
debility, catarrh, tumors, cancer, erup
tions, tilood-polKonltig, (its, epilepsy, in
discretion and errors of youth, lout man
hood, eczema, scrofula, St. Vtus' dance,
asthma, diseases of the heart, lunc
liver, kidneys, bladder, stomach, etc.
Voung Men Positively Cured.
Offer to the Public for Catarrh.
Any one sufrorlnu with Catarrh who
Wishes to be permanently, quickly and
cheaply cured may receive three months"
treatment for only FIVE DOLLARS. The
ooctor has discovered a specllln for this
dreaded disease. You can treat and cure
yourself and family with It at home, it
never falls to cure. A trial treatment
OFFirrc HOURS-Dally, 9 a. m. to d.
m.; Sundays. 10 to 12 and 2 to 4.
Examine our new line of Spring
Goods. All of the latest designs
and colorings, and our prices
lower than any other house in
the trade, for goods of the same
of every description and quality.
We are overstocked and will sell
at prices about one-half the reg
ular price, as we need the room.
J. Scott Inglis
rrnyor moptlnn; at 7.30 thta evening at
the Methodist Uplscopal church.
Mrs. Harvey Jacques Is visiting her
dauKhter, Mrs. Ira Hrodhead, at Mill
L)o not forgot the apron sale and sup
per In the basement of the Presbyterian
church timlKht.
F. J. Schoonover, of Duryea, wan a
Visitor In town yesterday."
Why continue, to pans youe nltihti In
Scratching- and your days in misery?
. lionn'a Ointment brings Instant relief, and
permanently cures oven thp worst
of ltchlnk l'lles. It never fulls.
The Junior Order of United American
Mechanics will hold a basket social at
HlKKiiis' hall tonight.
Thomas F. Johns, of Pleasant Mount,
Wayne county, was a borough visitor
yesterday. Mr. Johns was formerly In
business at Forest City.
Miss Mattle Cliff, of Fanio. Wayne
county. Is visiting Mrs. I.. J. Wells.
Mrs. Jane Weed, mother of M. W.
Woodmansee, of Forest City, died at
the home 'of her daughter, Mrs. L. II.
Wilcox, In VandlliiK, Saturduy eve
ning at 12 o'clock. Mrs. Weed was 78
years old and had been for 50 years a
consistent mid earnest member of the
Methodist Kpiscopal church at Lake
I'orao, Wayne county. The funeral ser
vices will be held Tuesday morning at
::10 In the Vandliug Congregational
church. Rev. J. G. Evans otltclating.
Mrs. Weed, whose maiden name was
Stanton, was born in Clinton township,
Wayne county.
DivlHlou Na .1. Ancient Order of
Hibernians, of Forest City, and Divi
sion 13, Ancient Order of Hibernians,
of Vaudllng, took part In the St. Pat
rick's Day parade at Carbondale, yes
terday. The Forest City drum corps
and the Yundliug band accompanied
A. V. ki 11, of Lake Como, Wayne
county, was a visitor In town Friday
and Saturday.
Stella Allen is home for a vacation
from the Normal school at Manstleld.
She has been chosen class poet of the
class of '95 at that Institution.
Tonight the Kittle Itlumdes company,
which Is playing a week's stand here,
will present "The Inside Track."
It took a Forest City man three hours
yesterduy morning to get from Carbon
dale to Vandling on the Rapid Transit
lino. Your trolley's off, gentlemen, or
else you need to build another power
M. D. Kvuns spent Sunday and Mon
day as the guest of friends in Kings
ton. Delaware street from Depot to Center
streets Is in a terrible condition. Re
cently as Lee Horton was drawing u
load of coal along this stretch of road,
the sleigh slipped around and went
over the embankment on the east side.
The coal was scattered over several
acres, but most of it landed in the yard
of James Doollttle, who bought It for a
dollar. Strange to say, neither horses
or driver were hurt, although the hair
of both must have assumed the strictly
Mothers! .Mothers!! .Mothers!!!
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been
used for over titty years by millions of
mothers for their children while lectlilnt;.
with perfect success. It soothes the child,
softens the gums, allays all pain; cures
wind colic, and Is the best remedy for
diarrhea. Sold by druggists In every part
of the world, he sure and ask for "Mrs.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup." and take no
other kind. Twcnty-tlve cents a bottle.
The Postal Telegraph company are
putting new poles up. This would be
a goud time to have these poles put In
the alley instead of along Main street.
In the alley there are no trees to Inter
fere with the wires, which Would be
better for the company and also for
the property owners.
Miss Lillle Allen, of the Fast Side,
Mrs. Thomas Robinson und Miss Lillie
Raker, of J street, are ill of grip.
Frank Winter Ih home from Wyoming
seminary for the Faster vacation.
Don't forget the supper In aid of the
First Baptist church Wednesday even
ing. The residence of Peter Allan will
be thrown open for the occasion.
Everybody Is invited.
Mrs. William Oberts, who has been
indisposed for the past two weeks, is
Mrs. Alex Frazer Is confined to her
bed with the grip.
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Tuthlll spent Sun
day with relatives at Carbondale.
Mrs. Mark Sherwood, of Jermyn,
called on her sister, Mr. Kennett, last
Two burglars tried to break Into the
clothing store of H. Shulmen last Mon-
Gen. Catlin Praises Munyon for His
Great Work.
Ills Restoration tojleolth Duo to the Won
derful l.l'tle Sugar Pellets.
General A. II. Catlin, formerly Depu
ty Surveyor of the port of New York.
Is a veteran of the army and a well
known Republican politician.
"I have been troubled with catarrh
for many years," said General Catlin.
"I doctored for It a great deal, but did
not obtain any material relief, and this
winter my condition was terrible. I
took cold easily, and my nose became
stopped up. I had severe pains across
the front of my head, my eyes became
watery, I sneezed a great deal, and
my bones and JolntB ached continually.
When I grit up In the morning my throat
was tilled with a nasty slime, which
dropped there during the night. I had to
hawk a great deal, and this made me
gug and often vomit. There was a roar
ing or buzzing sound In my ears, and
nny breath was very offensive. I lost my
appetite, ran down In weight, and be
came depressed In spirits.
"I tried thoroghly several of the best
physicians, so-called, In New York, took
patent nostrums of all descriptions, but
grew worse all the time.
"Finally, I began Munyon's Catarrh
Remedies. I thought It was no use, and
had but! little faith, but I began to im
prove right away. My disease rapidly
yielded to the remedy, and I underwent
a change that was wonderful. Within
a short time I was entirely cured, the
lnst trace of the hideous disease had
vanished, and today my friends are
marveling at the great change in me.
It Is a wonderful relief to feel strong
and healthy again, and It gives me great
pleasure to testify that my restoration
to health Is duo to Munyon's Catarrh
Munyon's Homeopathic Remedy Com
pany, of Philadelphia, put up a cure for
every dlseaBe. No matter what the dis
ease Is or how many doctors have failed
to cure you, ask your druggist for a
20-cent vial of one of Munyon's cures,
and If you are not benefited your money
will be refunded. 1 .
Those who are In doubt as to the na
ture of their dlseaBe should address
Professor Munyon, 1503 Arch street,
Philadelphia, giving full symptoms of
their disease. Professor Munyon will
carefully diagnose the case and give
you the benefit of hit advice absolutely
free of all charge. The Remedies will
be sent to any address on receipt of re
tell price.
day mornftig about 2 o'clock by burst
ing the back door open with a plunk,
but were frightened away before se
curing anything. Mr. Shulmnn was
sleeping in the store and tired two shots
at them with a re.plver.
Our city fathers accepted the bond of
Treasurer-elect Klchurd I'ren for the
sum of H00O, last Friday evening.
George Newton, S. D. Arnold, A. W.
Hrundage and W. S. liloes were on the
botid as security.
Mr. and Mrs. liyram -Peck, of Green
Ridge, spent Swiday with the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Peck.
Regular communication of Oriental
Star lodge, No. 5SS, Free anil Accepted
Masons, will be held thLs evening.
, Mr. and Mrs. Sabbath Williams and
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Peek spent Sunday
with friends at Nanticoke.
Kdward Dikeman, of Klngslund, N.
J., Is visiting his mother, Airs. James
Frank Donley was dtinvn from Mont
rose over Sunday.
The primary department of the bor
ough school Is closed for the week on
account of diphtheria. The teachers
are Mrs. Thompson und Miss Shook.
The only cases of netual dlphtherlu
have been confined to the Rhinehart
family, but as a precaution It was
thought best to close the school until
all-possible danger was passed. In the
meantime the rooms will be thoroughly
fumigated und the books used by the
children In the family 'where the dis
ease developed will be destroyed.
Robert Atkinson has purchased the
stock of general merchandise of Freder
ick Franks, nt Voso. and will hereafter
conduct the business In his own name.
The transfer was nun'.e iesterday.
Stephen J. Harding, of Fort Muglnnls,
Mon.. arrived hero wllh a carload of
horses Saturduy night, which he will
dispose of In this section. It Is said
that, lie will remain cast, taking up his
abode on his farm across the river.
Mrs. Mary Carver Is reported quite ill
with erysipelas.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Hell, of Jermyn,
spent Sunday In town.
Mrs. Grace Wciser Davis closed her
evangelistic labors here last night and
returns to her home in Jersey City to
day. While her work here has not been
as effectual as many hoped It would be,
yet the church has been blessed and
many outsiders have taken the first
step toward the kingdom. Mrs. Davis
is a sweet Christian lady, ami many re
gret to see her take her departure.
C. Id. Kresky's family will go to Scran
ton Tuesday next, and their new store
will be opened there as soon as possible.
He will go to New York Monday to pur
chase goods. The best wishes of a host
of friends here go with them In their
new venture.
Mary Knapp is recovering from her
attack of tonsilitis.
John Newfeldt has removed from the
Voreheinier house to the place vacated
by James Donley, on East Tioga street.
Commissioner Di Witt is arolind again
afler an attack of grip.
The case of J. L. Newman aud wife.
In the right of the wile, vs. Frank
Towusend, was heard before a board of
arbitrators consisting of H. W. Lewis,
Paul Hillings and Jacob Kresky at the
court house yesterday. The case in
volves u piece of laud over which some
differences have arisen. The testimony
was all taken and the arguments com
pleted, when the matter was adjourned
until this mumlng.
Winter isn't lingering In the lap of
spring; ho has simply crowded her out
of the chair and taken full possession.
Mrs. R. C. Derrick has returned from
a visit at Kingston.
C. O. Dursheimer, esq., will remodel
his home on Putnam street this season.
Dr. and Mrs. V. J. Uurdwell will com
mence housekeeping in one of the Hals
In the Dana block April I, and Mr. uiid
Mrs. Nicholas Fox will do likewise in
the other.
Miss Minnie Young Is learning dress
making with Miss Delia Seott.
J. II. Ackerson is preparing to erect
a new house on Foundry street.
Fire Warden C. II. Young will make
an official tour of Inspection April 1 in
search of defective flues.
Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Crawford, of Jer
myn. spent Sunday with the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Crawford.
The carrier pigeon sent out by G. M..
Heckman on Saturday, and bearing a
message from the New Age, arrived nt
Its home in Scranton about noon the
same day, making the trip in about two
hours. It would doubtless have made
the trip much quicker at a time when
the earth was not covered with snow,
obliterating the landmarks. The other
bird failed to put In an appearance, ami
the owner, Mr. Colvln, thinks it must
have become a prey to hawks, which
id1; very alert for game at this season.
It was a young bird, and had never
flown before. The experiment will lie
tried again after the snow Is gone.
Judge and Mrs. Siltser started for
Nebraska yesterday, where It Is hopeil
the climate will prove beneficial to Mrs.
Slttser's bronchial affection. They will
visit Mr. and Mrs. II. IS. Stone.
"How to Cure All Skin Diseases." '
Simply apply "Swaync's t liniment."
No Internal medicine required. Cures tet
ter, eczema, Itch, all eruptions on the face,
hands, none etc., leaving the skin clear,
white and healthy. Its great healing and
curative powers are possessed by no other
remedy. Ask your druggist for Swayue's
Hurt Wlckwlre, of Carbondale,
passed Sunday with his relatives here.
.Mrs. Herbert.), of Carbondale,
Is visiting hor'parcnts here.
Miss Southwell, who has been spend
ing the past few months at her home,
reurned to Honesdale Saturday.
The funerul services of the Into Jolm
Welch were held at 3 p. in. yesterday
and were conducted by Rev. John N.
A meeting of the Maple City wheel
men will be called In the near future
and plans will be mapped out for nn
active participation in all affairs of In
terest to wheelmen. One of the prll
clpal subjects to be brought up at the
meeting will le the advisability of
holding a meet during the summer.
Wheelmen of Honesdale who are not
yet members of the club should place
their names In the hands of one of the
members before the meeting so that
they can become njembers before the
season opens.
Stvanac. lilcli., -rnVa: "I
have been troubled with a
tort Kilo headache for nbnut
two years and could not giit
anything to help mu, but at
last a tiiend nchltnl me to
ta e your Bu anoxic Blood
blTTEiiH, which 1 did, and
after Uklug two bottles, I
have not liad the ueada.uo
Misses Rebecca Davis and Susie Mor
ris huve returned from their visit to
New York city.
John Ward, u local preacher from
Lackawanna, occupied thu pulpit at
the Methodist Episcopal church on Sun
day last, In the absdnce of Rev. F. A.
King, who was preaching In Clark's
Tile ball of the Modoc Base Ball club
was quite largely attended last even
ing. Miss Annie Cnui tright, of Mill Creek,
Is visiting ut the home of Mr. and Mrs.
W. F. Courtright, on Union street.
A sad accident occurred at the Pyne
mine early yesterday morning. David
Heecham, sr., u miner employed there,
while waiting for a blast to go off, was
shot In the buck of the head und killed
instantly. He went to work at ubout
(i::io o'clock in the morning. The first
tiling he did when commencing his
day's labor was to ignite the squib,
after which he retired to a safe dis
tance. After waiting what he consid
ered u reasonable time for the shot to
go off, he went back to his chamber to
relight the squib. He had Just got to
his place when the explosion occurred,
and the coal- was blown In all direc
tions. A piece struck Mr. Heecham In
the back of the head with the result
as above stated. The force of the ex
plosion blew him across the chumber,
a short distance from where his son
William was safely concealed. Mr.
Heecham was a man of about 43 years
of age, and a highly respected citizen.
A wife and nine children survive him.
He was a member of the Pyne Shaft
Keg fund.
Last evening the Adonis Dramatic
association presented their play, "The
Irish Statesman," to u well-filled house.
The members of the club portrayed
! their respective parts In a very clever
: manner.
Mrs. W. J. Hrown and Miss Hannah
Hrown, Duryea: Miss Lizzie Hlewltt, of
I l'lttstui, and Miss Cannon, of Wllkes
j llarre, were visitors here yesterday.
The. Ladies' Aid society will meet at
Mrs. Jennie Mason's tomorrow after
noon. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lewesley and
son, of Carbondale, are the guests of
Mr. and .Mrs. I). Merry, of Ulakcly.
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Spiccher and Miss
Frances Dougher, of Archbald, spent
Sunday In this place.
The funeral of the late Daniel Fallon
was held yesterday morning at 10
o'clock. The cortege proceeded to St.
Patrick's church, where services were
cunducted by Rev. P. J. Murphy.
Mrs. Dr. J. H. Price and children, of
Xewbui's, N. Y., are visiting Mrs. Jen
nie Voyle. of Lackawanna street.
Misses Mame D. o'Malley and Lizzie
Farrell spent yesterday at Carbondule.
Mr. and Mrs. George Chamberlain, of
Carbondale, visited relatives In town
Henjamln Overlleld visited friends In
tow ii, Saturday last. .
Miss Jessie Hrown returned home
Saturday from an extended visit with
Elinlra friends.
Mr. tuid Mrs. Fisher Wells spent Sun
day last with Mr. aud Mrs. J. S.
Hamuker, ut Athens, Pu.
D. II. Holland spent Sunday with
friends at Laeeyville.
Miss Ruth Sickler, of Tunkhannock,
is visiting at Mrs. Mimes'.
A. It. Porter Is traveling In the lower
part of the state In the Interest of the
Merchants' Insurance company.
Miss Kalhryn Uusworlh spent Sun-
in time, if you are a suf
ferer from that scourge
of humanity known as
consumption, and you
can be cured. 1 here
the evidence of
hundreds of liv
ing witnesses to
the fact that, in
all its early
stages, consump
tion is a curable
disease. Not
every case, but a
large percentage of
cases, aim we believe,
fully ojT per cent, are
cured by Hr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Dis
covery, even alter the disease has pro
gressed so far ns to induce repented bleed
lugs from the lungs, severe lingering cough
with copious expectoration (including tu
bercular matter), great loss of flesh and ex
treme emaciation and weakness.
Do you doubt that hundreds of such cases
reported to us as cured by "Golden Med
ical Discovery " were genuine cases of that
dread and fatal disease ? You need not take
our word for it. They have, in nearly every
instance, been so pronounced by the best
and most experienced home physicians,
who have no interest whatever in mis
representing them, and who were often
strongly prejudiced and advised against
a trial of "Golden Medical Discovery,"
but who have been forced ta confess that
it surpasses, in curative power over this
fatal malady, all other medicines with
which they are acquainted. Nasty cod
liver oil and "its filthy "emulsions" and
mixtures, had been tried in nearly all these
cases ami had cither utterly failed to bene
fit, or had only seemed to benefit a little for
a short time. Kxtract of malt, whiskey,
and various prepaialions of the hypo
phosphites had also been faithfully tried
in vain.
The photographs of a huge number of
those cured of consumption, bronchitis,
lingering coughs, asthuia, chronic nasal
catarrh aud kindred maladies, have been
skillfully reproduced in a book of loo
pages which will be mailed to you, on
receipt of uddrcs3 and six cents in
stamps. You can then write to those who
have been cured and profit by their ex
perience. Address for Hook, World's DISPENSARY
Mcoicai. Association, Buffalo, N. Y.
Our Febrnory Imsluosa w never before so
brisk, t ur I'utrons say that prices do It, atid
wo may udd that eouipl-to aS'rtment of
nprl ii r stock arn a pnwieful aid to values In
keeping our store crowded wtli eager buyers,
Bargains In Lidles' and Children's hV-lfry
Ladles' ribbed cotton hose, fust black,
a superior quality and sold every
where for 2ac. a pair, at
. , , 12 1"2 CENTS.
Children's Ribbsd Hosiery
Child's ribbed cotton hosiery, fast
black, double knees und double soles,
the best hose mude for wear, all
sizes (i to u; this same quality la us
ually sold for & cents; your choice ut
Great Attractions III
Ladles' ; n 1 Children's Uadci w.'ar
We have made decided reductions In
ladles' and children's summer under
wear. Swiss rlblied balbrlggan vest,
low neck and alteveloas, a splendid
(liinllty. aud we have sold thousands
ut cents, at
.. , n 10 CENTS.
Men's Uadetwoar
Half price nnd less. We do not In
tend to carry over any of our winter
underwear. One lot of men's white
and gray undershirts, tu all slses,
Dr. Harry Avery, of Sayre, spent
Sabbath with his friend, Harry States,
day with her friend, Josle Holland, ut
John P. Totten, aged 76 years, died at
his home On Sixth street, In Wyoming,
Suturday morning. The funeral will
take place today ut 2 p. in. at the house.
Interment In the Wyoming cemetery.
Itov. G. H. Lyman, of this place, and
Rev. M. D. Fuller, of Providence, will
olllclate. The deceased was well known
In this valley, having lived here for the
past thirty-six years. He leaves awldow
and nine children. He was born In
Newbury, N. Y., and came to Wllkes
Rarre In 1K43, where he married Miss
Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
William L. Hutler In 1844.
William Cambridge removed his
family from thlB place to Forty-Fort
Nervous Prostration
Hood's Sareaparllla Cavo Ncrvo
Strength and Good Hoalth.
' Hood's Saraaparilla hag helped mo
wonderfully, tor
three years I havo
been doctoring
but could not get
cared, goon after
beginning to tal:o
Hood's Earsapa
rilla there waa a
cbtugetorthe bet
ter. In a short
time I was feeling
solendidlv. For
evoral months previous I could not lie
down to sleep ou account of my heart
trouble and nervous prostration. I now
rest well and am able to do work of
whatever kind. If I had not tried Hood's
'g Saraa
Barsaparilht I do not fC?
know V7hat would i, j
have become of me." trfc
Mrs. S. Braddock, 404 Erie Avenue,
WilHamgport, Penney. ,anla.
HnnH'c Dilla act luirmonlouilv with
w aai. It tin
1 Hood's Saraaparilla. 25e.
230 Lackawanna Ave,, Scranton.
Daop into our store you
will see our preparations
for the spring. Though
the weather is growing
warmer 0111 prices are
still below zero.
Odds and Ends
Of Heavy Weight Suits
we offer at No Profit
Are worthy of your inspec
tion. THE BELL
230 Lackawanna Ave.
that we havo been selling at 39 cents,
reduced to
lion's Half B so
Men's- cotton half hose, fast black -'
und unbleached balbrlirgan, every
pair full regular made and well worth
i'u cents, at
Men's Nsgllfjee Shlrls 121-2 ENTS'
We are offering the best values In
men's negligee outing shirts, laun
dered collars and cuffs. In percule or
cheviot, with the choicest line of
patterns, such as white grounds with
hair line and neat figures and blue
grounds wllh polkadots, striped and
llKUres, all made with a yoke und lln
Islied equal to any $1 Hhlrts; your
500 Dczen Outing Shlrls 43 CENTS'
L :s8 Than Cost
One lot of men's and boys' out shirts,
light ground with the choicest stripes
and colors, exceedingly good value,
und worth nearly doublo the price we '
offer them at
alance of
Wiltons, Axminsters, Moqaettes, YelYets, Body Brussels, Ta
pestry Brussels and Ingrain Carpets.
-Suited to All Kinds of
In All the Different Grades and High Class Novelties.
I "Eif Been in Love?" S
We mean with your house aud its surroundings. If
you'll come here aud examine our new "1895 Spring"
Outfit, consisting of 3 rooms (Parlor, Bed-room and
Dining-room) furnished complete for $125.00 can't
pay it all at once ? Well, we'll fix it for you, intro
duce you to .
So much down and a little every month, and that's
all; you save money and furnish your home in Regal
Style. Yes! You asked for it and we'll give it free
with every outfit, that beautiful
Beautifully decorated. The furnishings of the threa
rooms are as follows :
PJ1D1 RD ete rm Cna'r t"' Side Chairs and Divan (up
nilLUit holstered in brocatelle, tapestry, silk plush or
crush plush), Center Table, Brussels Carpet, one pair
Lace Curtain s,tvo Curtain poles with brass trimming.
Bed, Dresser,
Towel Rack,
Mattress, (cotton top)
orain Carpet. Dinner
Price $125.00 for Entire Outfit. .
Young housekeepers, or those" contemplating, are re
spectfully requested to visit us. '
cia! Sale
the Week.
I Hi
Styles and Furnishing.
CV inn
Headaches prevented and cured by bTta
your eyes scientifically txamiatd ana
titled accurately by
guaranteed in every case.
305 Spruce Street
Washstand, 2 Chairs, Rocker,
Table, Woven Wire Spring,
Ingrain Carpet.
1 1
EBtti 1 ML
Six-ft. Extension Table, ant. oak, 6 cane
high-back Chairs, 2 Window Shades, In-
Set included with above outht