2 TTIE SCRAXTOX TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 19, 1895. (J my tc . x j Xv y . - II FOR THE ! 1' I BALANCE OF THE WEEK I TALES OF TWO PITTSTONS ! Elopement of Miss Xkhols and Wil liam Pav, Alias Brewster. ST.PATRICK'S DAY CELEBRATED fine Appearance Made by the Various Societies I'pon Parade Short Para graphs Concerning Prominent Residents of the Valley. Special to the Scranton Tribune. PIttston, March IS. St. Patrick's Day U'fl4 PKlnhra ferl In thla nltir u-lth thn usual demonstrations. The golden orb had scarcely shown Itself above the eastern hills before the patriotic sons of Krln began to assemble to partici pate In the early morning parade. The marshals were early engaged In arrang ing the position of the various organiza tions which were to form the line of parade. At least 1.500 men were In line as the parade moved from Broad street at 9 o'clock. The uniforms and carriage of the several organizations excited considerable favorable comment, es pecially that of officers of Division 3, Ancient Order of Hibernians, who were distinguished from the other divisions by a high hat and a rose above the three leaves of green. Sensational Elopement. George H. Dendle, of 25 Johnson street, appeared before Justice Khret last evening and procured warrants for the arrest of his niece, Miss Mamie Nichols, and William P. Fay, alias Frank Brewster. The information stat ed that the above mentioned did feloni ously steal and take away from the In formant one watch and chain and also . hank bills and gold to the amount of J27 or til). The officers In whose hands the war rants were placed learned that the couple had driven to Wllkes-Barre last evening, from which point they had purchased ' tickets to New . York city over the Lehigh Valley road, and hail departed on their Journey eastward on train No. 6. In response to telegrams from the Wllkes-Barre police, officers at Bethle hem boarded the train upon Its arrival In that city and arrested the eloping couple. Officer Brown, of this city, went to Bethlehem on an early morn ing train and brought Miss Nichols and Fay back to PIttston this afternoon. Fay, or Brewster, and Miss Nichols were given a hearing before Justice Khret upon their arrival In the city. Fay was held to bail In the sum of $800 for an appearance at April court, In de fault of which he was placed In the city lockup for safe keeping until tomorrow morning, when he will be taken to the county Jail, unless a bondsman appears. 'Miss Nichols was held In the sum of $200, her uncle, Mr, Dendle, the prosecu tor, becoming her security, .Fay, or Brewster, came to 'this city from Dunmore about seven months ago. He hus) stayed a the Valley house, and has had no visible means of support. When arrested he would mnke nn ntntement eirnent nn Inulnnn. tlon that the elopement was a scheme that originated In the brain of Miss Nichols. When seen In the lockup by a Tribune reporter this evening he in timated that friends would come to his rescue with ball before morning. Miss Nichols, who Is about 25 years of age, stated that on Sunday afternoon Brewster, who had been a frequent . visitor to the house, called and asked j Great Special Sale jj ' at . I her to take a walk with him. She con sented and upon their roturn to the house In the evening, they found that Mr. and Mrs. Dendle had gone to church. In spite of her remonstrance, she says, Fay forced his way Into the house by a side door and ransacked the building, securing the money and watch. Then at the point of a revolver he forced her to accompany him to Wllkes-Barre and take the train to New York, where they were to have been married. Mr. Dendle is a stone cutter by occu pation, and Is one of the respected citi zens of the West Side. Miss Nichols had resided with her uncle's family for about nine years past. The money stolen belonged to some church society, of which Mr. Dendle Is treasurer. The watch and a portion of the money were found upon the prisoners when they were captured at Bethlehem. Miscellaneous Items. All regular subscriptions to the Scran ton Tribune will be received at our local office. No. 8 South Main street. Attorney Hugh C. Smythe has been confined to his home on Delaware ave nue by the grip for the past few days. Louis Haas, of Scranton, was a vis itor In town today. H. P. Sharpe, president of Wllkes Barre St. Aloyslus society, William J. Ktigle, Thomas A. Dunn, William Mc Donald, William A. (lullugher und Thomas A. Dougher, of Wllkes-llarre, were In this city viewing the St. Pat rick's day festivities. The following breakers of the Penn sylvania Coal company will resume work this morning for the balance of this week. Nos. 6. 8, 14, Central and Old Forge. All others will remain Idle. All complaints of non-delivery of The Tribune should be reported at our local office, No. 8 South Main street. Stanley Crooks is seriously 111 at his home on Scotch Hill. T. P. O" Brlen, of the Upper End, Is a visitor In Scranton today. DUNMORE. William Miller has purchased a house and lot on Brook street adjoining the residence of Samuel Cole. Mr. Miller will occupy his new home about April 1. The many friends of Otto Dresser are pleased to learn that he has returned to his work at Ludwlg's drug store af ter a long Illness of typhoid fever at his home In South Scranton. Regular weekly devotional meeting of the Kpworth league this evening. Mrs. Thomas Sansenbaugh Is 111 of grip. The Indian village fair was well at tended last evening. This evening will be "village concert night." The com mittee have secured the "Magnolia quartette," colored singers, of Scranton, for Wednesday and Friday evenings. Fancy and valuable articles will be chanced off every evening. ' HANSOM. The funeral of Miss Mamie Olster, who died on Thursday, March 14, at the hospital at Wllkes-Barre, occurred on Sunday. A sufferer for years from a disease that baffled her physicians, she never uttered a complaint. Of a singularly quiet, lovable nature, she made friends wherever she went, She was a favorite with little folks and many a little one will miss her loving caress and kiss. She was a member of the Ransom Evangelloal church, Hun day school and Keystone League of Christian Endeavor. To her Christian ity was a reality. Beautiful, Dowers, Great Special Sale THE) F'iLXK. 400-402 Lackawanna Ave. emblematical of her pure life, covered the handsome casket. The Hansom choir, ably assisted by members of the Baptist choir from PIttston, Impres sively sung the tender hymn entitled "Beautiful Beckoning Hands," a favor ite with the departed. Her remains were carried to the little church yard near the Susquehanna river, by whose winding course the greater part of her quiet life had been passed. UAKB03DALK. Yesterday Mr. and Mrs. John Moon Issued Invitations to the marriage of their daughter, Clara L, to Delmer K. Wilson, on Wednesday evening, April 3, at 7 o'clock, at their residence, 83 Belmont street. Mrs. iM. B. Peck, of Slllwatcr, was a Caibondale visitor yesterday. Mrs. Monroe IOyler, of Forest City, was In this city yesterday, attending the funeral of the late Frederick IVarce. DALTON. A freei lecture will be given nt the ltiintlst church Wednesday evening, March 20, by Mrs. Benjamin, of Michi gan. Mrs. Benjamin Is one or me ablest sneakers of the duy and nil should make an effort to hear her. Col lection will be taken. The Woman's Christian Temperance union will hold their regular monthly social at the rooms Friday evening, March 22. A short programme win no rendered and refreshrmmts will bo served. T. ....... .1.... Bi.m.itnma ft illiroatlVA file. orders add stomach, dmtrcss after eat ing, burning at pit of stomach, dull, heavy feeling Burdock Wood Hitters never falls to correct any irouoies oi una soi i. INDllTMALTOriCS. The February statement of shipments of anthracite coal, as compiled by the bu reau of anthracite coal statistics, fur nishes additional Illustration of how little vnluo nro the "monthly agreements" of the companies to restrict the output to a given tonnage. The production for Feb rnary hud been fixed at 2,500,0(10 itons; the olllchil returns show It to have been 3, 133,24(1 tons, or 033,2411 tons more than the agreed output. NuUher region can claim It did not exceed Us agreed output; all show Increases compared with the snmo month Inst yonr. For the- two months, Jununry and February, shipments aggre gated C.lSHi,7W) tons, Indicating a yearly production or 38,1(111.080 tons. The stock of coal on hand it tide water shipping points on Feb. 28, 1895, was 030.058 ons; on Jan. 31, 1895, It was 7IHI.170 .tons; the decrease, therefore, was 60,618 tons. The statement In dctull follows: 1 iRitrr i irsm; i Heglons. Wyom'g. , lhlgh ... Sch'y'U .. Total .. Ton. Tons. plfter'ce. i77wi, i wt.ot 1 1 ,2(io, 83o! ini i. 51117359. n 448,9X0.10 W,,784.00'l. 7!l,2ri.l0 808.Oli6.08 707,890.00 I. 190,170.03 a,18a,240.O22,344,0l.iril. 788,735,07 Tons. Tons, Tteglon. Wyom'g l.ohlgh .. Sch'y'U . For Year. ForYear.l DHfor'ce. i8,r.r.i.8M.08: 2,7R4;0(19.Ofil, 820,78.1.17 HH,X.U3 1,772,027.08! 7W.97X.13l. (19.019.10 1,408,483.17 1. 274.44J.il Total 6,1im,780.H!li,032,43l,1(lI,l,1(i4,24S.18 It Is lmpossllilo to approximate with any decree of accuracy the consumption of coul. The state of the trade sufficiently proves 4 hat coal Is being largely overpro duced at this time. Since the beginning of thls month the coal companies have greatly Increased "their shipments, and the price of coal In Now York has declined to the lowest point for years. Notwithstand ing all the rumors from New York that an amicable understanding as to tonnage Is likely to be reached by the presidents of the anthracite coal carrying companies, nothing has occurred which cliangus tho situation. A call has been Issued for the regular quarterly passenger-rate meeting of the Central Traffic association at Chicago, m April 4, for the purpose of changing the association's basing and extension sheets, und to Issuu the quarterly rate sheet to go Into effect May 1. The Iron Range and Huron Bay railway, which extends between Champion and Huron bay, a dlstunce of thirty-four miles, has been abandoned. The rolling stock, ties, grading and rails cost tl.OOO.uoo. The road was built to haul ore from the Cham pion mine, which has long been Idle. STOCKS AND BONDS. New York. March 18. The bears on storks were evidently thoroughly alarmed during the early hours of business and covureii rrecly tn every direction, llio fact that there was a slightly better de mand from outside sources tor all classes of storks udded to the nervousness pre vailing In bearish circles. In addition the market received better support from Lon don. The announcement that tho presi dents of the anthracite coal roads had nt last agreed to meet In conference to act mi the toniuiKe question also had a stimu lating Influence. The Heading, It Is under stood, lnis modltled Its demnnds. A fea ture of the trading was the Increased ac tivity III the low priced issues, especially ill bituminous coalers. These Issues seored cuius of 'j to 2H per cent. The Im provement In the higher priced Issues ranged f mm s to 3j pur cent., Jersey Cen tral lending. The Industrials were nil hlKher, Sugar lending with a rise to OO'j. i.alu In thedaythe stock, however, dropped to 97'i. the announcement that the Dutch Koveruinuiit hud favorably recommended the tuklug off the export bounty from the Dutch culonles sugar being unfavorably Interpreted by local operators. The gen eral market ran off in nymputhy und prices receded 'i to . The closing was fairly steudy. Net changes show gains of i to 2. Jersey Central leading. Total sales, 200,000 shines. The range of today's prices for the ac tive stocks of 'the New York stock mar ket lire gven below. Tho quotations aro furnished The Tribune by U. du 11. Dlm mlrk, manager for William Linn, Allen ft Co., stock brokers, 412 Spruce street, Scranton. Op'n- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. lug. Am. Tobacco Co 92 92 91 8Ui Am. 4'ot. Oil 25 25'i 24i 2t Am. Bugar He'g Co. 98 9!t 97' 97'i A ten., To. A 8. Fe... ' 4 X 4 Can. South 49i 4H", 49'S 49-S C.hes. Ohio Kit 17 Hit, HI, Chicago (las 71! 72'4 7"'d 71 Chic. A N. W 89', HI 89V 90-H Chic., H. & y 71H 72'i 71", 7l4 C. C. C. ft fit. L SON 87' M 37'4 Chic, Mil. ft St. P... 554 58'4 55 50 Chic, It. I. l 2'i 03' 2 'I3'i Dukiware & Hud 127 127'W 127 127; 1)., L . W 1'iO HUM KM HW Dlsl. ft C. F 11H 12'4 114 ll't (len. Klectrlu 291 WO, 29V4 29'j lukft Shore 130 137 VM 137 Louis, ft Nash 4X4 49fc 48 49't Miinhnittan 10 le 1MV( 1H8)i l''i Wi Alo, l'aclllo 2& 21 2iOi 2il' Nat. Cordage 5 5 5 r's Nat. l,eHd 30 .le'ii 30 30 N. J. Central Dili 93 '4 9U4 924 N. Y. Central IMS IM' 94 W N. Y L. B. ft W,.... 8"i, K M N. Y 8. ft W 13'i 13 13 13 N. Y 8. ft W Pr... Ho 89 39 39 Nor. Piiclllc 3'J 3 8V4 3'4 Nor. Puelllc, pr 14 15 .14 15 (Int. ft West 10 lli IliU Iti'i Phil, ft Head. 9 9 8v4 Iv4 Southern It. R 10 10 10 1u Tex. Paclllc H V4 Wabash 5 5'4 t M Walsish, Pr 13 13'4 18 13 West. Union. 88 8XM, 88 88 U CHICAGO BOAKD OF TRADE PRICKS. Op'n-High-Low-Clos-' WHEAT. ' , log. est. est. Ing. May ..I.... 50 SP 50 50 July 57 67 60 67 OATS. Miiy 29 29'4 2914 2C'4 July 284 2S' 28 28. i CORN. Mny 48 40 45 4(1 July 45T4 40 45 40!4 LARD. May , , 0 82 , 6 8 7R 8.80 July 1.95 0.( .90 0.92 I'ORK. . ' . May .. 12.05 12.05 11.75 11.W July 13.13 12,12 11,97 12.07 ' - York Ntw Produce .Market. New York, March -lS.-Flour Quiet, steady; winter wheat, low grades, Jl.OOa 2.3u; do. fair to fumy, $2.35m2."."); do. pat ents, $2.9na3; Minnesota clear, $2.2uu2.iW; do. strulghts, J3tt3.2fi; do. patents. $3.25a 4.25; city mills, 3.35u3.40; do. patents, $4a 4.15. Wheat Dull, lower; No. 2 red store and elevator, fi0c; atloat, 62'4a02'nc.; f. o. b., ttl4ui2c. ; ungraded red, 57aC4c. ; No. 1 northern, 7Oa70c.; options closed firm, lower; March, tiOe.; May. 01c; June and July, 0IV..O.; August und September, Ol-c; December, 63V. Corn Dull, firm; No. 2, 52'4u52'2C elevator; 53'l4ii54c. afloat; un graded mixed, 52c; steamer mixed, 5n'2a 52'sc. ; npiions closed linn, higher; May, 51c; July, 50-V-1. ats Firm, quiet: op tions dull, firm; May, April and May, 33c: No. 2 white April, iKc; May, 86c; Siot prices. No. 2, 33a:Ul-..c. ; No. 2 White, Hoc; white state and western, 37u41c. Beef 37c; No. 2 Chicago, 84a34'.4c.; No. 3. 32c; No. 3 white, 3ti',c. ; mixed western, 33'.ja (Jiilet, firm: family, $9.7.'u12; extra mess, J7.fmaS.23. Beef Hams Firm ; $18. Tiercd Heef yulet; city extra India mess, $13a 15. Cut Meats Firm, more active; pickled bellies, 0'4C. : do. shoulders, 4u5c.; do. hums, 84a8c ; middles, strung, quiet, nominal. Lard ijiflet, easy; western steAin, J7; city, KOJVi: March. $7: May, J7.1U; retlned, quiet; continent, J7.40; South America, 17.75; compound, 5:la.rse. Pork Dull, steady; mess, $131113.50. Hotter Firmer; state dairy, (la 18c; do. creamery, old, luuluc; western dairy, Snr.'Sc.; do. creamery, new, 11a20e. : do. old, 8'vn1."i. ; do. factory, 0al2c. ; rolls, 7ul2c. ; F.IkIiis, 1'na2tic; Imitation creamery. MaJa'bc. Cheese Firm; state large, Xnll'ic; do. fumy colored, 11'iiC ; do. while, lie; do. small, 8 12c. ; part sktms, ;inS'-..e. ; full sklnis, l,H2Iit Kggs Heavy, lower; state und Pennsylvania. Hul4've.; duck, 28 n32c; western fresh, 13'inl3'!iC.; southern, 12h,ul3c. lluffalo Stock .Market. Buffalo, March 18. Cattle Receipts. 2. 000 head; on sale, 2.2HO head; market opened active with fat stock 1(u25e. higher, closed Btendy; light to medium steers, $ln4.X."; good shipping, $5n5.50; extra heavy, $5.ii0a 6.75; mixed butchers, $3.75n4.b0; bulls, 3.50a 4.75; light to good ptoekers anil feeders, t3.25ail.iiii. Hogs Receipts, 17,(HH) head; on Kale, 10,000 head; the market ealy was steady, strong, at the close Yorkers were strong and other grades steady; early quotations, Yorkers, tl.U5u4.75; pigs and lights, t4.0lta4. 05; mixed packers, tl.70n4.75; mediums and heavy, t4.i5a4.S5; pigs, tl.Oua 4.05; Yorkers sold late at $l.7Ha4.75. Sheep and lmbs Receipts, 15,(l head; on sale, 22,000 head: at the opening lambs easy, sheep strong, market closed steudy for sheep, easy for lambs; good to best lambs, t5.25s0; common to fulr, tl.50uo.lo; choice mixed sheep, t4.40a4.70: light to fulr. fit. .Via 4.25: export wethers, $4.tou6.S0; ewes, f-40 a4.80. Chicago Stock Market. Chicago, March 18. Cattle Receipts. H, 010 head; tmu ket steady; common to choice steers, t3.90a8.35; (Mocker nnd feeders, t2.tSOa4.50; tows and bulls, tl.50u4.50; cnlves, t2.50ii5.50. Hogs Receipts, 3S.000 head; market firm; heavy. tl.45a4.70; common to choice mixed, t.4(iii4.85; cholco assorted, t4.00a4.5: light, l. 40ii4. (ill; pigs, t3.75a4.S5. Sheep Receipts, 14,000 head; market stesdy: Inferior to choice, t2.75u4.7o; lambs, tJ.50ui.05. Philadelphia Tallow Market. Philadelphia, March 18. Tallow Is firm and In fair demand. We quote: City, prime, In hhds, 44c; country, prime. In bbis, 4'ic ; do. dark, In bbls, 4c; cakes, 414c i grease, 3c. Oil Market. Pittsburg, March 18. Oil opened and lowset, lll4i highest, 112; closing, 1UT4. Situations Wanted. SOUTHERN LADY, COMPARATIVELY stranger, would like home with refined people as housekeeper or wMtresa. Excep tional references. Address Wui thy, Tribune oflioe. SITUATION WANTED BY AN ENOLI8H girl, ess 14 ye.rn, to Ukrt eare of children. Addrnss "A. 8.' Tribune ohice. WORK WANTED BY A WOMAN TO wash or scrub or do house or office cleaning. Address "A. C," t7 8. ilnln eve. SITUATION WANTED BY A WIDOW k) woman to go out washing by the (1st or tk washing home, Cell or address MRS. HOFFMAN, Mo. w oedsr avenue, city. WANTED POB1TION AS HOU8KKEEP ' er by American widow of 40; nn fsoilly; ItRtlng psrttoulnrs. Address "HOUSEKEKP ,R," PIttston postofflce, Plttiton, 01 CENT A Word. WANT! Or ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID FOR, IN AD VANCE. WHEN A HOOK ACCOUNT 18 MADE, NO CHARGE WILL BE LE88 THAN 25 CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS, BX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH ARB INSERTED FRER wanted. WANTED SECOND-HAND SAFETY. Jl.Ooo to l,ft 4) to loan. X.," Tribune ofHco. Help Wanted-Msle. w ANTED TWO OOOD BUTCHERS. IX- qmre uii n . Main avenue, ulty. WANTED - WELL KNOWN MAN IN '? evrry town to solicit stock suliscrip tions; s monopoly; big money for stents: 110 capital required. EDWARD C. FISH A CO., Borden Block, Chioago. III. SALESMEN HK8IDENT SALESMEN iJ wanted, aeminlntod with ths local and nsarby drug and grocery trade, to handle our lino of high grado cigars. Aililrets, giving references, J. EDWARD COWLES 4 CO., H3 Chambers street. N. V. Helo Wanted Females. VANTED-A 1RI FOR OENERAL 1 liounework In small family. Inquire, with refer-nee. at H:19 1'herry St., 8erantm. For Rent. HOUSE FOR KKNT-0 KOOMS; GOOD 11 location; water in kitclieu. Address 8. 8. YEA14KK. Moscow. Pb. iTolt RENT A LARUE. Kl'RNlSHED 10 I1 room house in the country; thirty min utes drive from Olenburn: n barn and lilsnty of truit on the grounds. M. 8. KNIUllT, 200 Cherry street, Dunniore. I OR KENT A HUILDINO ON KHANKLIN V avenue, suitable tor business. Address P. O. Box 448. IJ'OR RENT THE PHOTOGRAPH OAL lery formerly occupied by C. L Orlfllii, including rooms tor housekeeping. 138 Wyo ming avenue. CHA8. SCHLAUEH. IOR RENT BKlL'K UOUSK Of NINE i1 roous, from April lit, 418 Vine street Apply to L. M. HORTON, 8 Commonwealth Biiild'lmr. , iiOll RENT A LARUB, 4 STORY BUILD J1 Ins st KM Franklin svtnne; suitable for wholesale business. CARSON & DAVIES, Hrrauton. 1;0R RENT- BltlCK WAREHOl'SE .W'TH 1' elevator on 1),. L. & W . switch and West Lackawanna avenue. 8erantoiitovs W orks. I WR RENT-FURNISHED AND UN FUR ' iiishvdrooinsatMie Lsckawenns avemir 170 R RENT SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WK8T 1 Lnckawanna avenue. Address THOMAS E, EVANS, ser 1182 Luserno, Uyds Park f7bR BENT NICELY FURNISH ErTll ALL V sultablo for lodge rooms, JOHN JER MYN, 110 Wyoming Dvenue. For Sals, fOTS FOR bALE-dlKALTHY AND J J pleasantly locatvd: one mils from sta tion, on Mnln street. Inquire of O. CHAP MAN, Clark's Oreon, Lackawanna Co., Pa. UoralelotFon WHEELER AVE r hue, near Mulberry street. Address " Tribune office. ' JOR BALE A QOOD, DOUBLE CABLE 1 hand elevator. HULL 4 CO. Horses at Auction. 1Tn1Tcbb ' March 20, fifty head of horses at his Ba saar. Bale every Tuesday following at 1 o'clock. Weight from 1.000 to 1.50)1. Notice to Stockholder. rrHADJURNrnrNN X of the stockholders of the Thuron Coal Land Company will be held at the ofllos of the company, room IV Commonwealth Building, Scranton, Pa., on Tuesday, March 20, 1805, at 4.80 p, in. THUS. U, DALE, Secretary. Boarding. DELIGHTFUL ROOMS. WELL FUR uhed, with or without board. C44 W a ington avenue. Wanted Furnished Rooms. TANTED-3 0R4 ROOMS. FURNISHED. t lor light housekeeping, by gentlsmsu and wife, address "W. b.,'' Tribune. Spec!: Notices. WOULD LIKE TO CORRESPOND WITH soroepartv d?s.rig to sell milk route. Address JOHN f oSl'EH, care sution agent. Skinner's Eddy, Pa. ADAME ANNETT7tHE UREAT MEX ican Lifo Reader, has arrived for a abort stay only, and cau be cotisnllsd on all anairs pertaining to life, at 422 Mulberry street. Hours 10 s. m. to V p. m. I AM NOW PREPARED TO FURNISHES 1 hibitions snd lectute upon any subject d. sired. These exhibitions will bo illustrate.!, having iu my possession the nwftt powerful dissolving stereopticons made. E. H. CALL, Tribune Office. rOUWANT THIS RELIC REPRINT Frank Leslie's Illustrated Week y War llHistratioc s IStil lS'.). Two Volume Folio, 110.50; payable monthly, 2.U0. Delivered by express ccmplete. Prepaid. Addiess P. O. MOODY, 81s Oibson ureet, Scrsnton.a. BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAUA zines, etc., bound or rebound at Ths Tkihc.vs ofUce. Vutck work. Ressonsbls prios. Agents Wanted. OENTS MAKE till DAILY SELL! NO Al. iV uuiinuui novelties; now process silver ware; bsrgtsuls; big line, tho nw, wonder ful metal: delivered free: sample In velvet lined case. 10c: catalogue frew. ALUMINUM NOVELTY CO., &l Broadway, New York. A UENT8 HINDE 8 PATENT UNIVEK- lY sal Hair Curlers and Wavers (used with out hoat), and "I'yr rointeu 'nair nus. i.in oral commissions. Free sample snd lull par ticulars. Address P. O. Box 450, Now York. UANff'D ACTIVE "SALESMEN- TO handle our linn, no peddling. Sslarr, $75 per mouth and expenses paid to all, Oooil entirely now. Apply quickly. P. O. Box, 5JS Boston, Mass. Proposals. CKALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RK O reived until Friday. March 22, bv William Barnte. Manager of the Scranton ho Ball Club for seor card and outside feuoe privi leges. All bids must be for cash. Address WILLIAM BARN IE, 810 LsckwauiiTsnu. SEALER PROPOSALS WILL BE RE ceived st the office of tho City Clerk, Scranton, Pa., until 7.3ti o'clock p. in., Thnr dav, March. 21. lsitf, to furnish lights for the M unlcipal building. Engine and station Houses ofthot'ity of Scranton. The city reservti the right to reject say and all proposals. By order of City Councils. M . T. LAVELLE, City Clerk. Scranton. Ps.. March 1ft. 1805. Notice to Taxpayers. rTH&JATRDOFVAP 1 by City Councils to hear appeals front city ossessmnnts for the yesr ISSft, will hesr appeals at the office of the City Clerk, Muni ci,al Building, from the First, Second, Third, Eighth, Thirteenth. Seventeenth and Six teenth wards, cn Thursday, March 21, lSUj, from 0 to 12 a m. snd 2 to A p. m. . By Order of Bsrd of Appeals. M. T. LAVEI LK, City Clerk. Scranton, Pa., March 14. 1805. Notice Assignee's Ssls. 1 highest bidder, for the benefit of creditors, ths entire plant of the Walter Printing Com- fany on March 22 between the hours oft and i o'clock. All persons indobted to said UrU will make Immediate payment to me. JOHN U. HuLT. Assignse, . j Found.- . 1 with lmtisls on handle. Owner cam have same by calling at 311 Franklin, Clairvoyant. MRS. FENTON, CLAIRVOYANT AND Phrenologist, 428 Lackawanna avenue. Fur a short time only.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers