THE SCI? ANTON TRIBUNEMONDAY MORNTNGK MARCH 11, 1895. TALES OF TWOJIITSTONS News of Interest to Readers Up and Down the Valley. BLAZE ON SOUTH MAIN STREET 6lx Thousand Dollars' Worth of Property Goes I'p in Smoke-Hereto Work of the Firemen-Accident to a Boll Player. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Plttston, March 10. Ftre was discov ered In Loughney Bros." nuloon and res taurant, situated on South Main street, at 2.45 this morning. The lire was un der a good headway when the firemen reached the scene. The Nlugaras, Ea gles and Hook and Ladder companies responded. The Niagaras were the first to reach the plug and in a very short time had two streams on the building. For over two hours our tlremen worked liard to save the adjoining property. The Are was confined mostly to the rear of the building, though several times It galnedheadway between the partitions end the flames shot through the root high Into the air. For some time fears were entertained that the occupants had not made their escape, as the smoke was very dense, but It was final ly ascertained that there was no one la the burning building. The building toeing a wooden structure It was com pletely gutted. The adjoining prop erty was saved only through the heroic efforts of our volunteer tire depart ment. The building was owned by Cor coran Bros., and was insured In Cap tain John T. Flannery's agency. The stock, owned by Loughney tiro., was also Insured in the same agency. The damage to the building will amount to .",0W, and loss of stuck will reach 11,000. For the State Chumplonshlp. The state championship game of bas ket ball, between the team of Company C, Thirteenth regiment, of Scranton, and the team of Company C, Ninth regiment, of this place, was played at Armory hall, In this city, Saturday evening. The game was played under last year's rules and was very hotly contested. The visiting team showing their superiority by a score of 20 points to 3 points for the home team. Under last year's rules the players are al lowed privileges of rougher playing than the rules of 1S95. The Scrantons being the larger in stature probably ex plains the reason fur Plttston's defeat. Ic is stated that the home team will re-organize and will, hereafter, give more attention to the practice of the game. Newspaper Men Rusticating. Messrs. William MacCelleu. telegraph e.litcr of the Wilkes-Barre Kecord, and John Burke, who Is also connected with the Record, were circulating among their many friends in this city Satun'ay evening, The object of their visit was to confer with the newspa per men of this city regarding the Press c'ub, which Is being organized In Tilkes-Barre. The object of the club v.ill be to promote a better acquaint encesh'y, fellow-feeling and general ad vancement of the numerous reporters ami correspondents located In Luzerne cou-ity, A Painful Accident. While practicing basket ball at the Yi'ung Men's Christian association rooms, last evening. Fred Randle, of Farsonuge street, captain of the second team, was pushed against the wall and had his head severely cut. He was agisted to the office of Dr. Tobln, who dressed his wound, five stitches being neropiary to hold the scalp In place. Ills condition Is not alarming, however. Miscellaneous Items. A regular monthly meeting of the hoard of trade will be held In the city hall, Tuesday evening, March 12, at 8 o'clock. Goorge S. Nlven, of Nantlcoke, has X'Urcnased the property and bakery of John McQueen, located on South Main s'reet, and will take possession imme diately. All regular subscriptions to the B:ranton Tribune will be received at our local office, No. 8 South Main street. All complaints of non-delivery of The Tribune should be reported at our local office. No. 8 South Main street. Special meeting of the borough coun cil tomorrow (Monday) evening. Jo? littler, chief of police of the West Side, Indulged In target practice with a revolvr, on Saturday afternoon. It Is not known that Joe hit the tdrget, but he euct-eet'ed In putting a bullet through his left hand. Mrs. Shaughnessy, of Browntown, died at 11 o'clock on Saturday evening. She Is sunlved by four daughters and one son. Ai the regular monthly meeting yes terday the old officers of the St, Aloysl u society were re-elected for the en suing year. TAYLOK. ' Mrs. C. H. Van Horn spent a few days of this week In Green Hldge. County Superintendent J. C. Taylor visited the schools in this place on Thursday. The Modoo Base Ball club will hold a ball at Weber's rink on March 1ft. A waltz contest for a prize of 15 will be a feature of the evening. The Lackawanna township night schools Were closed last evening.' Dur ing the four months the schools have been opened they were fairly well at tended. Mrs. Thomas W. Griffiths, of High treet. Is 111. The large house of Robert Llewellyn on the corner of Union and Pond streets, Is rapidly nearlng completion. iiaTlstead. J. S. Jacobs has been appointed agent for the Iron City dish washer for Sus quehanna and Broome counties. Professor and Mrs. C. re. Moxley vis ited Jackson friends today. The IIInr School Literary union elect ed thu following officers on Friday: t resident, Miss Lillian Church; vice president, Warren Preston; secretary, Jesse Van Loan. Miss Anna Burton- has been appointed organist of the Baptl?t church, Churles Beamer has moved Into WEAK HEN TOUR ATTENTION is gaixsd coaa SJS? '""jjj" wrest English Remedy. ' O Gray's Specific Medicine Sur7weekuees of Body aad Mind, Sperma torrhea, sod Impot.Dcy, sad all diseases the! arise fxsm over-lndnkrenoe sad eelf-abuee. as Leas el Memory sad Power, Utaoaese of Vis ion, Pronators Old Af and many other die' eases that lead to Insanity or CewsumpUoo and an early rrare. write for a pamphlet. Addraaa oAaY V mini MB 6ti.. Buffalo. K.Y. The BpeetAo Meditdne Is sold by all moMV JVaT Oa account of counterfeits wo have adept the Yellow Wrapper, the only ftt as m ia aeranwa bt aeitaswi na irunu at i per peceege,, or sis paoaages for It, or sent by mail oa receipt of mosey, KIT lA0! w wmnA Charles Spencer's house on . Fourth street. ' v. D. liurton will open & shoe shop lu part of his store, on Main street, next week. Mrs H. Meriacle Is ylsltlng her mother, at Carbondaie. Mm .r. s. .laoobus will have the front of the Rosa block, on Main street, as soon as the weather permits. Carl EuBolse. or Washington, u. v.. called on friends here Saturday. C. J. Langley was In Blnghamton bat- urday. DUNMOltE. Th hnma nf Miss Marian Kinney. on Butler street, was the scene of u. vurv nl.'Rsant Catherine Friday even ing, the occasion being a recognition social given under the auspices or the lfipworth league. Each member of the league attending brought the oldest photo of themselves that they had, which ufforded much merriment. Ice i-reum and rnke were served. All pres ent enjoyed a very pleasant evening. Proceeds go toward repairing uiu church. A mum u.ipliil tinder the nuHPlceS Ot the Epworth league, will be held at the residence of Daniel Powell, on liiuaciy street, Friday evening, which promises to be the mist Interesting event of the season. Each person who attends must enter the house mum and remain mum until 1U o'clock. All are Invited to at tend. The vouna- ueoule of the Baptist nhurt-h will hold u social at the church tomorrow evening. There will be u line programme rendered, which will con sist of musical selections and recita tions. The ladles will serve refresh ments at the close. Admission, 10 cents. Th.. funeral of Mrs. John Jackson, of Gravity, was held at the Methodist Fiiiisi'imiil church yesterday morning at 10.30. The services were conducted liv Hev. J. C. Leacouk, who preached from II Cor. v, 1, The funeral was very largely attended. Mrs. Jackson had spent the greater part of her life In this town. She was for years a teacher in the Methodist Episcopal bunday scnooi. She leaves a very large circle of rela tives and friends to mourn her death. The Yminir Peonlu's society of I hrls- tlan Endeavor of the Presbyterian nhiu-eh will hold a social at t?!e home of Miss Mame Peckena, in North Park, tomorrow evening. The following pro gramme will be rendered: Piano solo, mu Muhel Christ: piano solo. Miss Anna Boyd; violin solo, Miss Plnkney; recitation, Miss Oliver; solo, .miss rcrlith Wert: recitation. Miss Ida Doty. Refreshments will be served. The sum of 25 cents will be charged lor aumis Blon. W. J. Horan spent last week in New York city. Mrs. P. J. Horan and airs, i-yncn, oi Albany. N. Y.. are visiting relatives In Wllllamsport. L. W. Dillon will address tne Loyai Legion next Saturday evening. Jesse Brady has purchased or jonn M. Coleman the dwelling house, sltuat o,i nn Drinker street, known as tho KnaDO property. Mr. Brady will take possession In a few weeks. John Derrick, an employe ot tne Pennsylvania Coal company, had his hand crushed while spraglng, cars Sat urday. The wound was dressed by Dr. (Survey, who found it necessary to am putate two fingers.. Members of the Order Of Red Men are working day and night to make their Indian village fair a success. Booths are being built, the room decor ated, and everything put In order for the opening. Thursday evening. The oHmlmlnn has been placed so low that all can afford to attend. No pains will be spared by the committee to mane this fair the most successful of any ever held In the borough. The Ladies' Aid society of the Meth odist Episcopal church will hold a so iui Wednesday at the residence of Mrs. E. U. Wert, on Blakely street. Pro ceeds go toward the laOO fund that tne ladles have pledged for repairing the church In the spring. William Miller, who has been 111 of the grip, was able to return to his work at the Dunmore Cash Store Saturday. P. O. McDonnell, of Bloom street, an employe of Spencer Coal company, had his left hand crushel by the cars Sat urday afternoon. Dr. Garvey assisted by Dr. Frank Winters dressed the wound. The committee appointed by the Loyal Legion to organize an orchestra for, the legion will meet at the hall next Friday evening. Miss Mary Qalleiia la 111 of grip. The meeting of the Loyal Legion was very largely attended Saturday even ing to hear Rev. J. C. Leacock. who was the speaker of th( evening, his subject being "The Selfishness of In temperance." The speaker gave a very Interesting and valuable talk on the evils of Intemperance and the tobacco habit, which Is growing so rapidly among young man. Users of the weed were given many points of vital Im portance bearing on the dangerous re sults of the habit. . PMCEBUIW. William Margetson has nrrrptprt a position as mine foreman for the Dela ware, Lackawanna and Western com pany. There will he a meeting of the Prlce burg Glee club at their hull this even ing o transact some Important busi ness. The council being a deadlock there Is ft probability that no borough work will be done this year. Raymond Jones, of EasUin, Is visit ing friends here. INDUSTRIAL TOPICS. The Four Seasons hotel, at Mldillcsbora, Ky was recently bouvht In by I. rntur myer, of New York, for VH.W. The orlg I n ul rost was H.MW.uoo. It was built when the iron boom lilt that section so hard thit It turned the howls of capitalists. Railroad men say that there Is a bettor feeling In railroad rlreles, and the out look for a .decided Improvement In the freight movement Is good. An olllelal of the Pennsylvania railroad conipany yes tenia y suld there Is more demand for ear and that the merchandise being shipped Is larger than has been the cone for Rome time. The Improvement Is not only In the east bound business, but In the west bound as well. Ellas Price, of Heaver Brook, begnn operations In anthracite by selling alnuls rart-loHria of coal picked by him from the banks and stripping. The other day he bulH a plant wMh a rapacity of too tons a day. Jle has an engine to hoist the coal from the stripping and by a system of rollers and somen prepares It In all do mestic sixes. The plant employs a num ber of men, and Is located ncyir the col liery ot O. E. Davis & Hun at Beaver brook. i The Reese bill repealing the Gallagher law for the examination of miners paused second reading in the house at llnrrlsbtirg on Wednesday, The entire delegation from 'the anthracite regions favor the re peal. Mr. Anderson, of Washington, has a bill pending In the house which Is Identical with the Oallagher law, and the members from 'the bituminous regions are eager for Its passage. This la a sin gular difference of opinion between two coal districts of the state. It may. be said also that Senator Vaughan, of Lack awanna, has a bill amending the Galla gher law, und everyone Is anxiously await ing the conflict between the anthracite members and the senators. Philadelphia Record: ''The aotlon of the Reading company In sending 33.000 tons ot anthracite to market during Inst week, together with Its revocation of the freight agreements heretofore existing with the Jersey Central and Lehigh Valley, slg nllles that the receivers of the company have tuken their first practical step to ward putting ilho coinpuny upon a proflt- eurnlng-busls. The uddltion of 25 cents por ton to coal freights received here via the North Pennsylvania was represented to be nothing more than an adjustment of charges to (ximU those ohtalnod on Its own main line, wlillo at the same time It would add a liundHome sum to the net receipts of tho road." A Important meotlng of the board of presidents of the Trunk Line association was held Thursday In New York, In tho building of the New Jersey Central rail road. It was determined Unit the differ- tlul rates on freight for the west that have heretofore been in use by the Erie, Delaware, Lackawunna and Western, New York and Onturlo and the West Shore railroads be, utter April 1 next, uhisllslied, and that a uniform rate he charged by all trunk lines. A telegram was lead from Commissioner Jiluiirliunl, of thu Central Trnttlc association of Chi cago, promising to sustuln the present raites of freight from the west. The exe cutive committee recommended that cler ical orders and the sales of tickets to clergymen lie restricted, to prevent ubuses into which the custom hud fullen. The following gentlemen were present: Chuun cey M. Depew and JI. J. llaydeii, of the New York Centiul; Percy H. Todd, gen eral trutfle uiuiiuger of the West Shore; V. 8. Sluan, of the Delaware, Lacka wanna und Western; E. II. Thomas, of the Kilo; E. JJ. Wilbur, of the Lehigh Vnl ley; J. H. Harris, of the Philadelphia und Iteudlnt;: (I. ltoberts, of the fVnnsyl- vaniu; (.ienerul Orland Smith, of the Bal timore and Ohio, and (I. K. Chllds, of I lie New York, onturlo and Western. STOCKS AXD BONDS. New York, March . As on yesterday the stock market was strong for Suvar anil weak and lower for thu railway list. SiiKur wits in brisk dciuund und touched pur. The railway gruui wus depressed during the llrst hour of business, Dela ware und Hudson svlllug down 1, Jersey Central I, LuulsvUlu und Nashvlllo "t,. The anthracite coalers were sold by locul operators on the poor condition of trade. After 11 o'clock the pressure to sell abated and a rallyxof t to occurred, the lat ter In Jersey Central. Distillers were steady. Speculation closed steady. Net changes show advances of to l1 in the railway list. The Industrials gained l,t to IU. Total sules were Itt.ixx) shares. The range of today's prices for the ac tive stocks of the New York stock mar ket ure given In-low. Tho quotations are furnished The Tribune by (!. du 11. Dlm nilck, manager for William Linn, Allen A Co., stock brokers, 412 Spruce street, Scruntun. O'pn- High- Low- CIos- Am. Tobacco Co !U V V- W Am. Cot. Oil 22 tl 21'i SI Am. Sunur He'g Co. loo W- Wt Atch., To. & S. Fo... 4 3'i 3t 3?i Can. South 48 4s 4 4S Chicago (ius 71' 71?; 72, Chic. & N. W K4 SS S74 Ms Chic, U. & g li'J--4 70'i 70'i Chic, Mil. & St. P... M 64 63", W Chic, K. 1. & V Ha M7 B1H Delaware & Hud 123' 124 123 124 1).. L. W lM'ii lWi liV4 lWti Dlst. & C. K 12'. 12'i 12 12'i, Oen. Electric '.'il1 2il 2ii'i IM Luke Shore l.'itl V.W 135'i l:M Louis. Ac Nash 47'i 47-1 47 47 Mo. Pacific lit Wf, lH-' Nat. Cordage S'i Mt Sa Ck Nat. Lead 30 30 3)t N. J. Central tH Ml 84i N. Y. Central W', 9.".' 4'ji .". N. Y., L. E. & W 7, 7'i 7 N. Y.. S. W.. Pr... 37' ?7U 37' 37 Nor. Pacific. Pr 13'3 i:i-4 m, Ont. A West lii4 l.r.44 15. 1 r. H Phil. & Head 74 lli 1 ''i Southern 11. K 4 t4 &4 4 I nlon Paeitlo hU 8a S Sli Wabash f.1 &V t est. union iV4 wh4 (.7' B. O W'h Go1, W CHICAGO HOARD OF TRADE PRICKS. O'pn- High- Low- Clos- WHEAT. Ing. est. est. Ing. May fie" BT. M' 55 July COt. rlG 60 OATS. May 29',4 23. 2914 29'i Jiuy ii-j zi"4 U'VV CORN. May 45, 4r,, i 4:. ouiy i.j tj .J'. LARD. May Cm C.K 6.0) 6 C2 July U.72 .73 0.72 6.75 I OKK. May 10.S3 10.97 10.82 1Q.K July 11.10 JJ.lg Scranton Hoard of Trudo Exchange Quo lotions. No. I'ar Hhs. Vul. STOCKS. rjld. Ask. 4 Crystal Luke Water Co 450 20 DO Lime Dep. & Lis. Hank C2 50 10 100 First Nnt'l Hunk Coo 0 loo First National Hank ((.'urlHindiilet 2".0 20 100 Oreen ifge'r Co .... 110 lift lil Liieka. Lumber Co... 110 5 lot) l.acka. Trust & Safe Deposit Co 150 5 100 M. & M. Savings Hank (t.'arlionilalc). no 22! 10 SO Providence A Ablng- ton Turnpike Co..., Ki 10 100 Hcra'n Savings Rank. 200 10 ltio Scru'n Lace Cur. Co 7f 5 ion Scranton Forging Co 100 110 25 l'K) Third Nnt'l Hunk.... 3,'C C 100 NiU'l Korlng & Drill ing Co., Pr 100 45 100 Thnron Coal Land Co .... W 5n loo Traders' Nat'l Hunk 12(1 40 MO Dickson Mfg Co ViO 3 lin Hcranton Keddlng t?o .... 10l(, 11 lm Scranton Axle Works .... lut 27 loo Hr in 11 ton Pucklng Co 110 BllNDH. R f.oo Scranton (llass Co C00 2 boo K'vjn'y Steam Heat Pow er Co 5 S loo Dickson Mfg Co UK 80 Ioini Scranton Trac. Co ."i0 1 1UU t"n Cnrbondale City School 11. in. Is 110 York New Produce Murkct. New York. March . Klour Dull. Arm Wheat Kulily active, drmer: No. 2 red store und elevator, t.'.4c; ultout, lioatllc. ; f. o. b., tMiHHI'gc; iniKiaileil red, Muii'Jc. ; No. I northern, 0Khiii. ; oldlons Itini; Mann. .V!. . flisy, ; June, r,c July and August. Hoc: Seiitemher. W.c December, WHc Corn Dull, stronger; No. 2, bOu.Me. elevator; Wi',u('i'.iv. nlloat: ungraded mixed. i'.l'-ii.l '4o, ; steiuncr mixed, fioV4u5l'v.; options dull and stromi; AIHV. wc; ,iuiy, im: iisis ljuiei, nrmer notions dull. Ilrmer: March and Mnv S3e.; No. 2 white, 3i4c; spot prices, No. 2. ;u'4h:wv'.'. no. 2 wnoie, 37c: No. 2 Chi. cbko, 3l''ic; No. 3, 32Uc: No. 3 white, 3;V.;. ; mixed western, XPbaii'ic; white state and western, 37u4U-. Provisions- Hull. imchiiiiKed. I. ill. I Unlet, easier luntnr gulet, weak; nsite dairy. HalKc; no. creamery, 0111, iiiuiuc. ; western uaily do. creamery, new, l.'tnlUc; do old. Italfic, : do. factory, 7al2c ; rolls, 7alSc Mllifii. lsc: Imitation ereamurv. Bullc Hkmts Lower; state, Pennsylvania ami western, l&V.; southern, l4nl5V.; duck 85c. Itnffnlo stock Alnrket. Clilcngo, March .-Cuttlo Itecelpts, 1,000 head: nmrket steady; common to extra steers, Blockers und feeders, f.o4 HO; cows and bulls, tl.5'Si4.W; culviu. U.tomCi.U). lions Itecelpts, 2K,oini head; mnkot weak; heavy, m.; common to choice mixed, In sr.H4.40; choice assorted llsht, f3.t.5n4.IC; pigs. f3a4. Sheep - l(wel(ts. l.unu nenn; muiKei wenuv; I 1 -fui lor to choice, t2.fiOni.IiO; lumps, I3.25u5.40. OIIMarket. rittsbtirg, Mnreh 9. Oil oismed and highest, luvt; lowest anil closed, HIS. "I was completely covered with sores Kvery muscle In my body ached. Had been sick for five years. Doctors could do me no good. Most of my time wus enimt In lien: was a complete wreck. litir dock Hlood Hitters have completely cured me In three months." Mrs. Annie Zoepen, Crookstown, Minn. e Mothers! Mothered Mothers!!! Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Byrun has been used for over fifty years by millions ot mothers for their children while teething. with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain; cures wind collo. and Is the best remedy for diarrhea. Hold by druggists in every part of the world. He sure ana ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Byrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-live cents a bottle, A GREAT AGREEMENT. 25,000 Physicians of One Mind. mod for Strength First. Medietas tor Care Second. The Least rood thai will give Most Noarlshmemt, the Ktad. In this enlightened age, the old theory held by physicians to get as much medi cine iu the least possible time into the system of a patient, even at the expense of stomach, blood, brains, nerves, and often, In the end, life Itself has been abandoned. Tho old way was to "dose." If the Eattleht had a tremendous constitution, e sometimes "pulled through;" If not, which was more often the case, that spe cial disease was considered niore danger ous, as it had claimed another for its own. But this Is all changed now. AH promi nent physicians agree on one subject, any wdy. It Is this build the patient tip first, give him new blood and strength, add flesh to his bones. lie's then ready to receive the bcnelit of proper medical treatment. To do this rffectually.'tliut mutt be given which will, lu the least quantity, produce tho greatest amount of vitality, not a stimulant which quickly reucts diaattrous ly, but a genulnu food, a muscle, bone, and blood lnuker. Such a food wat long sought fur, uud at lust discovered lu that original and only raw food extract Boviuiue. l)y the use of this wonderful life-generating preparation, every organ of the body becoming strengthened by nourish ment, naturally begins to perform its ordi nary function, and ut ouce the patient is on tho road to recovery. It is this result, obtained In hundreds of cases where Ilovltilno has been used, that has caused Its indorsement by Ui,U0U prominent pliyslciuus in America. In addition, thousands who have been benelitcd can vouch for the wonderful re sults obtained by the use of ilovinine, for invalids, the old, convalescents, tho over-worked, or, In fact, all who have fouud it necessary to maiutaln strength, flesh, and vigor. ItlCPOTlT OF THE CONDITION OP THE FIRST NATIONAL BUNK at Hcranton. In the state of Pennsylvania, ut the close of business, Tuesday, March 5, 18115 : ltEHOUHCES. Loans and discounts 1,920,95j W Overdrafts, secured und unse cured 1,401 04 I'. 8. Bonds to secure circula tion 80,000 00 Stocks, securities, etc 2,!l(i3,03Ji 72 Hanking house, furniture und llxtures 30,000 00 Other real estute und mort gages owned 225 00 Due from Nutlouul Hanks (not tteserve Agentsi 61,298 8 Due from State Bunks and Hankers 28,419 30 Duo from uvproved reserve agents 790,458 fll Checks from oiher cash Items... 17,301 83 Kxchunges (or cleurlng house... 12.o:o 42 Notes of other Nutlonul Hanks.. 9,323 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels, and rents 918 05 Lawful .Money Reserve In Hank, viz: Specie J112.728 58 Legal tender Notes... 104,050 00 277 384 58 Redemption fund with V. S. Treasurer (5 per cent, of clr latlon S,C00 CO Due from L S. Treasurer other than u per cent, redemption fund 11,000 00 Total JO, 207,031 19 200.000 00 750,000 CO 128.0C9 71 72,000 00 80,034 29 21,857 44 330 00 829.742 11 118.349 21 0,610 18 132 26 None None None LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In ) Surplus fund Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid National Hunk notes outstund Ing Due to other National Hanks... Duo to Btate Hanks und Hank ers Dividends unpaid Indlvlduul deposits subject to check 4, Demand certillcates of deposit'.. Certllled checks Cashier's checks outstanding.... Notes und bills redlscounted Hills payable Liabilities other than those above stated Total rt,207,OSl 19 Stuto of Pennsylvania, County of Lacka wanna, ss.: I, ISAAC POST. Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above Ktuttment Is true to the best of my knowledge uud belief. ISAAC POST, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 9th dav of March, H'. DAVID J. DAVIS, Notury Public. Correct Attest: JOHN JERMYN. V. F. IIAI.I.STEAD, W. W. HCKANTON, Directors. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE I at Scranton, In the State of Pennsylvania, at the close of business, Mulch Gth, 1895: RESOLKC1CS. I ,ouns and discounts .11, 438, 774 91 Overdrafts scoured and unse cured 289 74 1'. H. Honda to secure circula tion 10,000 (0 Premiums on C. S. Uunds 943,75 Htocks, securities, etc 290,655 20 Hanklnir liotiBe, furniture and fixtures 28,074 46 Due from National Hanks (not Reserve Agents) 12,509 90 Duo from Slate Hanks and Hankers J0.679 77 Due from approved reserve agents 240.541 51 Checks and other cash Items... 6,u: HI Kxehnnues for cleurlng house... 3.7.'W SI Notes of other National Hanks. 2,100 CO Fractional paper currency, nickels und cents 853 34 Lawful Money Reserve In Hunk, vlx: Specie 1100,945 37 Legal tender notes... 4U.5O0 00 147,445 37 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 of circulation).. ,6O0 00 Due from 1 1. 8. Treasurer, other than 6 redemption fund 4,000 00 Totul 2,2t7,fH)0 !0 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In J200.000 00 Surplus fund , 200,000 00 I prollts, less expenses and tuxes paid "2,350 00 National Hang notes outstand ing 71,800 (0 Due to uiner National nanus.,. 25,743 89 Due to State Hunks and Hunk ers 1 I9 S3 Dividends unpaid 520 50 individual ucposns aunject to cheek 1,020.203 H) isunsnu ceriiucutes or deposit. 5,370 88 Certlllod checks 2,5111 1'9 ( ashler s checks outstanding.,. 75 si Notes and hills redlscounted..,. None Hills payable Nona Liabilities other than those above stated None Total 82,207,901; 10 Btuto of Pennsylvania, County of Lack iiwantni, ss: 1, WM. H. PUCK, Cashier of the above named bank, Mo solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. WM. H. PKCK, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of March, lHtKV. BAM'L W. EDOAR, Notary Public. Correct Attest : WM. CONNF.LL, , IIENRV H1CLIN, JR., QUO. H. CA'f-LlM, Directors. Chicago Stook Market. llurTulo,. March 9.-4?at tie Receipts, 2,000 head; on w4e, 40 hceul; market opened dull and lvalOc. lower, closed weak; fair to choice Ohio heifers, I3.85a4.8ii; fat cows, i2.40u4.75t fair 'to good bulls. I2.85a3.25. Hous Receipts, 14.000 hend; on sale, 4,000 head; market easier to 6c. lower; York ers, I4.4ea4.45; mixed packers, 84.45a4.50; mediums, IV4f.a4.50; good heavy, 4.5oa4.&5; roughs, I3.75a4.l0. Sheep and Lambs Ke ceopts, ,0U0 head; on sale, 8,000 head; mar ket weak; sheep, ll.7UaJi,0i wethers, 4a 4.35; lambs, I3.25a5.85. Connolly & Wallace urn V tJCS We claim our goods to be superior iu style, finish aud workmanship to any other line shown in Scrantou. The variety of weaves in both Cloth and Silk is so great that we can supply the most exact demand. Interlined with hair cloth or fibre chamois, PRICES FROM $5.00 TO $35.00. SILK WAIST PATTERNS Immense line to select from. Special prices rale for a few days. 31c. TO $1.25 PER YARD. CONNOLLY & gllllllllllllllillllllllll'S OCb 1 SmiiEai ii:(iHtfliiiiii2i w E WILL clean Ingrain and Brussels for 3 Cents scoured oy tne can't please you. ONE Cru! A Word. WANTS Or ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID FOH, IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE. NO CHAROlS WILL BE LE88 THAN 16 CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS, EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED. WHICH ARB INSERTED FREE. Help Wanted-Male. WANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN 1A every town to solicit stock subscrip tions; a monopolytbiK money for agentn; uo capital required. EDWARD C. TISH A CO., Burden Block, Chicago. 111. QALESMEN - KKBIDENT SALESMEN O wanted, acquainted with the local and nearby drug and grocery trade, to handle our Hue of high uritde cigars. AddreiH, lrlnff reforoncfs, J. EDWAKD COWLE.-J A Co., 113 Chambers street, N. Y. Helo Wanted Femalaa. WANTED FOB THREE DAYA-YOUK0 ladv for special oflli-e work; ratut be good writer. Address Box 1SU, Puetoflke, Krranton. Wanted. tlOMMON PIOEON8 OB DOVES WANT ' eil; pay highest market price. J. W. FULFOHD. Utica, N. Y. Agenta Wanted. AGENTS WANTED-$J TO $311 PER DAY easily made in any locality. We furnlih a line of eamplea free and allow M por cent, commission for Boiling Particulars free, or we will mail a sample of our good In burling xilvsr upon reoeipt of ton ceuU iu stamps 8TANUAHD SILVERWARE CO., Boston, MaHS. Rfl UOOD AGENTA WANTED TO SELL uU liquid t ljctrlulty. the Kit girm and microbe dt.Htroyer; good for man or beatit. SMniule sent to unv addrene. i!5c. Airenta' term on application. Address M. WEL- Ll NUTuN, aliuiuti utacturer, Plttston. Pa. A GENTS MAKE til) DAILY SULl.lNl) AL J uniltium novelties; nrw process silver ware; bar goods; big- line, the new, wonder ful tnetal; delivered free: sample In velvet lined :. 10.-.; free. ALUMINUM NOVELTY CO.,lUi Broadway, New York. GEN T SH I NljhFspTT E X T UN I V ErI sal Hair Curlers and Wavers (used with out beat), and "Pyr Pulnted"Hair Pine. Lib eral coniniiiwions. Free sample and full par ticulars. Address P. O. Box ibA. New York. f ANTr DACTIVE HALKKM EN "'" "TO handle our line, no peddling. Salarr, f Tft per mouth and expenses paid to all. Goods entirely new. Apply quickly. P.O. Box, MOT, Boston, Usee. Wanted To Rent. U 'ANTED TWO BOOMS SL'ITABLEFOR music studio and aleepini room, with good central iooatiou; references ex chsnirmt. Aiidro s MlHM L. LOUISE HAH DENllEKGII. iV Wyoming aveane. For Rent OFFICES FOR BENT MODERN, OlON tral; good terms to a lawyer with large library. D. B. KEPLOGLK, 4ns Spruce. HALL FOB KENT MONDAY AND HAT urday ovenings vacant; terms, II. m per night for labor ora-nniaitloua. D. B. KKl'LO OLE, 41 Spruce. IOR RENT THE PHOTOURAPH O AL I lery formerly ixruupied by 0, L. Orlflln, Including rooms for housekeeping. l:W Wyo ming avvuue. C1IAH. 8CHLAUEB. TOR RENT BRICK IIOL'HK CF NINE 1 rooms, from April 1st, 4IH Vine street Apply to L. M. 110UTON, a Commonwealth Hullillng. I.OB RENT A LARGE, 4 810RY BUILD V iugatl&l Franklin avenue; suitable for wholesale business. CAHSON A DAV1ES, Scranton, .'OR RENT -BRICK 'WAREHoUHK WITH J elevator on D L. A W . awiti'h and Wost Lackawanna avenue. Hcrauton Stove Work. . , i ii uirxt'n m'liuidiivl. A M r tTMirl-D. nlsliwl rooms at out) Lackawanna aveuu. ,'OR HENT-K1X ROOM HOUSE ON WEST 1 Lackawanna avenue. Address 1 ROM AS K, EVANS, aear 113'.' Luanrne, Hyde Park. fT'Oli REN'F-NItfh LY FURNISHED HALL r eultabln for lodgo iiKima. JOHN JKlt MYN. llll Wyoming ovenu-. For Sale A( SHARES TUADER8 BANK STOCK 'I" for sale Monnv to loan on mortgage. A. D. Dean, attorney, 8.V Washington are. Horate at Auction. 1W1LL SELL AN EXTRA GOOD LOAD of sound young horses at Ceslck's stable Bcrnuton, Monday, March 18, nfteinoor, W. a NO.-RG. J? It. COBB WILL HAVE AN AUCTION 1 sale of 40 brad of horses on Tuiariay, aroh li, nt 1 o'clock sharp; has on hand 54 head for private anlv; horses must be as represented ; stables KM Raymond court. Lost fyVVVVVVWVVVVVVVvrVVVVVVVVVrVV LOtT-A HT. BERNARD POO. ANSWER, 'jig to the name of Brutus. Finder will be rewarded by returning Msme to Charles Rob inson, Idol North Washington avenue, LOBT-A LIGHT-COLO It CD YORK8U1KK dog; answers to iVme of "Dude," Any Information as to his wheruabout will be re warded t KU Hlfllln art. KNOCH f AGS. THE8CMMT0NBE 8EPARAT With Organ Pipe Backs. WALLACE, Latest Improved Process, 10 Election Proclamation. Wavch'sOkike. I ScRAX'joN. r'a.. Man n 8, 1885. f "VTOTICE IS HKREBY GIVEN THAT IS i.i purttuauoe of a resolution of Select Coun cil, appr ved Jlnrch 7. 18W.1. a special election will &e held at the uual pieces for voting in the Sixteenth ward, upon Tuesday, the ttttb day of March, Inns, for the purpose of electing one Helect Councilman tci kerra for the unex pired term ending the first Monday In April (Signed; W. L. CON .NELL. Mayor. Proposals. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE oeived at the office of the City Clerk. Hcranton, Fa . until 7.K) o'clock p. m., Thurs day, March. 14, Ik'jS, to construct aewer sys tem Section B, In the Thirteenth Sewer dis trict, together with thn necessary branches, manholes, bsslns, lampholee, receivers, fix turs and appliancet pertaining thereto. The said sewer svstcm is to oe constructed on portions of West Lackawanna avenue, Fairmont avenue. Chestaut street, LafayetL street, Brown'a Place, aud the court running southwesterly from Brown'a Place, in accord snce with the plana and specifications Bled lu the office of the city clerk. Each proposal shall be accompanied by cash or certified check in the sum of one hundred dollars, which sum Is to bo forfeited to the city in case of failure to execute a contract If awarded the same. Th- city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By order of City Councils. M. T. LAVKLLE, City Clerk. Scranton, Pa., March 4. ISM. Clairvoyant. MRS. FENTON. CLAIRVOYANT AND Phreimlofiat. 412 North Alain avenue For a short time only. Special Notices. TOULD LIKE TO CORRESPOND WITH V tome party d-siring to sell milk route Address JOHN FOSTER, care station agent, Skinner's Eddy, Pa. 7 AM NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH EX 1 hibitions and lecture upon any subject da aired. These exhibitions will be Uluetratel. having iu my possession the most powerful dissolving steieopticons made. E. H. CALL, Tribune Office. rOU WANT THIS RELIC - REPRINT Frank Leslie's Illustrated Week y Wai Illustrations IMl-leoTk Two Volume Polio, $1.j0: payakle monthly, 12.00. Delivered by express complete, Prepaid. Addiess P. O. jiuum, eiBUinson street, scranton. fa- BLANK ROOKS, PAMPHLETS. MAOA lines, etc., bound or rebound at Thi TttinuNB oilice. yuick work. Reasonable prices. Business Opportunity. C)nn MONTHLY GUAR AN TEED M AN tyiUU u lecturing concern wants represent ative in Scrsnton (or any city not takenl. Must have low hundred dollars cash to pay for goods on delivery after orders have been se cured. F. E. BAIL, Morse BTd g, New York. AN ENERGETIC YOUNG MAN TO IN V vest t'-MO cash Immediately, thus secur ing a position at (16 weekly, security aud In terest on the amount, which will be refunded end of contract. Those moaning busiue.s only addrees P. O. Drawer So". Notice to Taxpayers. tmE BOARD OF APPEALS ELECTED BY 1 City Councils to hear ai reals from city assessments for the vear IMSv will hear an- fieala at the oloc of tne City Clerk. Municipal lulUllDg, from tho Sixth, Fourteenth, Eigh teenth and Nineteenth wards, on Thursday. March lth, lltfj; hours, 0 to 13 a. m. and 2 to t p. in. By order of Board of Appeals. U. T. LAVKLLE, Clerk. Scranton, Ta., March T. ltS, Situations Wanted. SllUATlON WANTED A YOUNG LADY would like a situation t sew at dressmak ing in a ahnp: has had experience. Address "B. 8.," 1411 Price street, city. pOLORED WOMAN WANTS WASHING V; and ironing to take borne. Addreaa 4S? Oakford court. SITUATION W AN TED B Y YOU Ml MAN O as itroceiy clerk or ntiy honorable em ployment; good references. Box lUi, Old Forge, Lackuwanua. Al'OMAN WANTS WORK TO DO WA8H ' Ing or cleaning offices or scrubbing, Addrese"J. C," Ml 8. Main avenue, city. AMERICAN LADY. EXPERIENCED. AM bittons and trustworthy, wsnta position In sturo, olllc'e or receptioual. "B. G. C," tribune. WIDOW. LIMITED INCOME, REFINED, I! good disposition, wanti homo as htmse keeper or waitress where one servant is kept. "Widow C.,"Tribuno. "(UlTOATioN WANTED FOR WASHING ti Ironing or cleaning by the day: washing taken home also. Call or address 'L. B.,"W North Sumuer avenue. Uvde Park. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. Q. EDGAR DEAN HAS REMOVED to 18 Spruce street, Scranton, l's. (Just opposite Court House Square.) tk A. 'a. connellT OKFICH SOI Washington avenue, cor. Spruce street, over Francke's drug etroe. Residence, IU Vine st. Office hours: 10.80 to 111 n. m. and i to 4. and 8.J0 to 7.30 p. m. Sun day, i to I p. m. DR. W. li ALLEN, 61 North Washington avenue. AxTpRKD HAND, WILLIAM J. HANr Attorneys and Counsellors, Commou wealth building. Rooms 18, 30 and ill. W. P. BOYLE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, No. It and M, Burr building, Washing ton avenue. CARPET EMBTl 20lCnue, per yard. Rugs and Carpets uive us a trial and see if we ML 602 and 604 Lack, aye., Corner Adams. DR. C. L. FREY, PRACTICE LIMITED" diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose anct Throat; office, 122 Wyoming ave. Resi denoa, 829 Vine street. DR. L. M. GATES, 125 WASHINGTON avenue. Office hours, 8 to a. m., l.S to 1 and 7 to J p. m. Residence 3W Madl on avenue. JOHN L. WENTZ, M. D., OFFICES f and 63 Commonwealth building; resi dence 711 Madison ave.; office hours, 10 to 12, 2 to 4, 7 to 8; Sundays, 2.30 to 4. evenings at residence. A specialty made of diseases of the eye, ear, nose) and throat and gynecology. DR. KAY, 206 PEN'S AVE.: 1 to J P. M.f call 2062. Dls. of women, obstretrice and and all dls. of chll. Lawyers. JESSUPS A HAND, ATTORNEYS ANDl Counsellors at law, CommenwealUsJ building, Washington avenue. W. H. JESSUP, HORACE E. HAND, W. H. JESBUP. JR. WILLARD, WARREN A KNAPP. AT torneys and Counsellors at Law, Re publican building, Washington avw Due, Scranton. Pa. C. R. TITCHER. ATTORNEY-ATA law, Commonwealth building, Bcraa ton, Pa. C. jrOEGYSlhjPRUCE STREET. D. B. REPLOGLE, ATTORNEY LOAN9: negotiated on real estate security. 4t4 Spruce street B. F. lULLATirATTORNEY-AT-LAW ia r yommg ave., Bfianion, fa. FRANK T. OKELL. ATTORNET-AT-Law. Room 6, Coal Exchange, Scran ton, Pa. JAMES W. OAKFORD. ATTORNEY. at-Law, rooms S3, 64 ana i. Common wealth building. BAMUElTbaXRrXTTORNET-AT-Law. Office, S17 Spruce St., Scranton, Pa.. L. A. WATRE3, ATTORKEY-AT-LAW, 423 Lackawana ave., Scranton, Pa. J. XI. C. RANCH, 136 WYOMING AVE. Schools. SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA, Scranton, Pa., prepares boys and girls for collge or business; thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at re quest. Opens September 10. REV. THOMAS M. CANN. WALTER H. BUELL. MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERQAR ten and School, tit Adams avenue. Pu pils received at all times. Next term will open Jan. 27. DentitiU. DR. WILLIAM A. TAFT SPECIALTY" in porcelain, crown and bnege work. , Odontothreapia. Office, J25 North Washington avenue. C. C.ITaUBACHT SURGEON d"eNT13T." No. 115 Wyoming avenue. R. M. 8TRATTON, OFFICE COAL EX change. Loans. THE REPUBLIC SAVINGS AND Loan Association will loan you money on easier terms and pay you better on Investment than any other association. Call on S. N. Callander, Dime Bank building. Seeds. O. R. CLARK & CO.. SEEDSMEN AND Nurserymen; store 148 Washington ave nue; green house, 18M North Main ave nue; store telephoe 782. Teas. GRAND UNION TEA CO., JONES BROS. Wire Screens. JOB KUETTEL. 615 LACKAWANNA avenue, Scranton, Pa., manufacturer of ii o ocicaua. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE. IB and 117 FRANK- 11 n avenue. Rates reasonable. P. Z1EGLER, Proprietor. WESTMINSTER HOTEL, E. N. AN ABLE, Proprietor. Sixteenth St.. one block east or Broadway. at Union Square, New York. American plan, 83.54 per day and upward. 8C R A N TOnThoY" 8 E. N E A RD L. tt Vf. paaseiiKer depot. Conducted on the Uuropeau plan, VICTOR KOCH, Prop. Architects. DAVIS A VON BTORCH. ARCHITECTS, ltooma 24, 5 and 28, Commonwealth building, Scranton. ETlTW' A LT E RrARCHlf 'KCT T6kFICH rear of kOti Washington avenue. v BROWN A MORRIS, ARCHITECTS, Prloe building, 1M Washington avenue. Boranton, Miscellaneous. MAUKR'S OHCHESTRA-MUSIO FOR balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dings and concert work furnlehod. For terms address R. J. Duller, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulbert's music store. MEGARGEE BROTHHS71r1nto'r5: supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington ave., Boran ton, Pa. . :" CnDBRTAKINO AND LIVERY, 16M Capouae ave. D. L, FOOTE, AGT. FRANK P. 'VMOWtCimliW'&i& sale dealers In Woodware, Cordage and Oil Cloth. 720 Weat Lackawanna ave. THOMAS AUBREY, EXPERT AC countant and auditor. Office, 412 Sprues street. Agent. tor the Rex Fire Extin guisher, i