The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 11, 1895, Image 1

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Indications That New York Presbytery
Is Tanning Coals of Criticism.
The Social Reformer's Insinuations That
the Influence of Tuinmnny Ixtended
to and Into the Presbyterian
Church May Cause Trouble.
New York, March 10. Dr. Charles II.
Parkhurst la to be the subject of spe
cial attention at tomorrow's session of
the New York presbytery and In a man
ner that may lead to proceeding" as
complicated and prolonged as those
that originated exactly four years ago
in the name of Charles A. Itriggs.
Plans are now forming to give lr.
Parkhurst a scorching over the coals of
criticism respecting his conduct toward
brethren In the ministry. If these
plans are followed out, as they give
promise of being, there Is likely to be as
great public Interest In the proceedings
of the Presbyterian church for the next
few years as was created by Dr. Park
hurst's friend and sympathizer, Dr.
Trouble has been preparing for Dr.
Parkhurst ever since his strictures ut
tered In the pulpit and published in the
New York Tribune upon the tlnanclul
Integrity and business honor of the
New York presbytery In relation to the
sates of the abandoned church of Sea
and Land.
The particular remark of Dr. Park
hurst on this subject, at which um
brage was taken by the New York min
isters, Is thus quoted: "You know that
I have been censured by my brethren of
the New York presbytery, but I tell
you that I am prepared to fight Tam
many wherever I find It" meaning
that the ubiquitous Influence of Tam
many hall has asserted itself against
him to such an extent as to cause the
New York presbytery to violate Its
solemn engagements In order to sub
vert the Influence of Dr. Parkhurst and
his church In Madison square. Dr.
Parkhurst may have an opportunity to
explain this and other like remarks on
the same subjects tomorrow afternoon
In speaking to resolutions which will
probably be offered when the presby
tery assembles In the lecture room of
the First Presbyterian church.
Public Interest In the Case.
Public Interest In the proposed action
Js Increased by reason of the near
approach of the Presbyterian general
assembly which meets at Pittsburg
next May. By reason of Dr. Park
hurst's singular fame as a leader In
Nfw York City's social and political re
form movement, has arisen In the west
a desire to make him moderator of the
body. The recent vote of approval of
his extraordinary course in New York
Presbytery is regarded as a first step
In that direction.
It Is believed that Dr. Parkhurst's
nomination would awaken an enthus
iasm at Pittsburg that would beat
down the old barrier of Brlggs and
Antl-Briggs, which havfc stood for three
(successive general assemblies and cause
his unanimous election as moderator.
What effect the action of tomorrow will
have on these plans would seem to de
pend upon the adotion and projection of
the resolutions of censure which are
to be offered in his name.
Frighten! Many People Into Letting Him
Vaccinate Them.
Sedalia, Mo., March 10. An Imposi
tion was practiced yesterday upon the
citizens of Ottervllle, thirteen miles
east of this city, by a sharper, who rep
resented himself to be a physician and
a member of the Sedalia board of
health. The alleged doctor said that
smallpox had become epidemic In Se
dalia, and that he had been directed to
visit all the towns In the county and
vaccinate the people.
He was well supplied with vaccine
points, and he vaccinated a large num
ber of persons at a dollar each. After
filling his pockets with silver he took
an east-bound train. The Ottervllle
folks, after learning that there was not
a case of smallpox in Sedalia and that
the doctor was a fraud, were highly In
A Itumnne Agent Visits a irngo Attired
In flloomors and a Plug Hat.
New Haven, March 10. Humane So
ciety Agent lirown has returned from
an official visit to the farm of a family
named Sanford, near Mllford. Mrs.
Sanford has driven her husband away
and rules the place with an Iron hand.
Her husband says she thinks more of
the dogs and children than she does
of him or the cattle.
- When Agent Brown arrived at the
farm Mrs. Sanford, attired In bloomers
and an old plug hat, refused him admis
sion. In the stable he found the car
cass of a cow that had been dead for
some weeks. The remaining cattle
were greatly emaciated and almost
starved to death. He gave the animals
some water, the first they had had In a
week, and fed them.
The City of Carriage Makers Scorched by
a $0.4,000 Illao.
Cortland, N. Y., March 10. At 2.15
this morning Cortland was visited by
the hottest and most disastrous fire
since the great Cortland Wagon com
pany conflagration In December, 1888.
It started In the boiler room of the
Cortland Cart and Carriage company
nd the whole plant was destroyed.
i. flames spread to the livery stable
C. B. Peck, to the blacksmith shop
of John Hodgson and to the carriage
shop of A. C. Dusenbery.
The total loss Is $05,000; Insurance
partial. Sixty men. are thrown out of
employment at the Cortland Cart and
Carriage company.
Man Arrested in Kansas City Kept Half
witted Hoys to Work Burnt Arm iame.
: Kansas City, March 10. Harry Mor
ton, of St. Louis, who came to Kansas
f'ltu to work the Italian niidrnne sys
tem, has been arrested here together
with two or ms worKers, joe Wil
son and Jim Hull. Morton had a
diamond pin, a ring, a brooch and a
pair of earrings In his possession, to
gether with a purse containing $147 In'
nlckles, dimes and pennies. Letters
connecting him with a gang of thieves
were also found.
Morton's understudies, Jiy and Jim,
are mere boys and half wltted. Mor
ton forced them to pour muriatic add
upon their arms, causing frightful
sores, which, to prevent from healing,
more acid was applied dully. The boys
would visit dwelling houses, present
their burned arms uud ask for alms.
Morton kept all the money and stayed
at a good hotel, while the boys had to
scratch for a living.
Pcspcrutu Attempt to Loot a lluuk at
Erie, Pa., March 10. Burglars made
a desperate attempt to loot the bank
ing house of U. S. Buttles, In Ulrurd,
near this city, at an early hour this
morning. They entered u large library
building adjoining the bank and dug
a hole through the wall, but failed to
strike the vault. They next attucked
the wall at the side of the vault with
When the bunk officers reached the
bank the robbers were within a brick
of the Interior of the vault. A brisk
tight and hurried retreat got the three
burglars to a passing train on which
they escaped.
Nuliunt Comes to the trout ith the Dig-
gest Fish Story of the Seuson-lucluding
lliruiu Snulu's Hurpooa.
Boston, March 10. A light whale
about seventy-five feet In length and
evidently an old settler, was killed off
Nuhunt yesterday by a picked crew of
experienced men made up In Nuhant
for the purpose.
The whaling party sighted the mon
ster about a quarter of a mile off shore
and proceeding cautiously were able to
get near enough to strike him Just be
hind the head with a harpoon. The
whale suddenly slung, threw up his
huge tall and disappeared In a whirl
pool of green water. To the harpoon
was fastened about thirty fathoms of
line, on the end of which was a stout
cask. This was thrown overboard, and
In a moment It was whisked out of
sight by the whale In his efforts to es
cape. The whale came to the surface about
a mile from where he had gone down,
swimming round and round, seeming
to have the twine wound around him.
The hunters lay off and watched his
struggles, which made the waters boll.
After a while he quieted down so that
the men were able to get within ten
yards of him and put a charge of slugs
Into his head from an old fashioned
flint lock and duck gun that soon hud
him floating belly up and stone dead.
The body was then towed to a point
near Little Nahant beach, from which
point it Is the intention to tow It as
close in shore as possible. The whale
Is evidently an old one. Deeply Im
bedded In his back was an ancient har
poon, badly rusted, with the Inscrip
tion. "Hiram K. Swain1, Nantucket,
1SJ3," still legible.
A Quebec I lajksmilh Claims to Uavo a
Process for Tempering Aluminum His
Interests Carefully Guarded by the
Catholic Church.
Quebec, March 10. Concerning the
report that V. Allard, the Levis black
smith, who re-discovered, three years
ago, the lost Egyptian art of hardening
copper, has discovered a process of tem
pering aluminum so as to give It tlv
hardness of Iron, It may be said that
there Is no doubt that Allard Is in pos
session of the process for hardening
soft metals, and If It can be success
fully applied on a large scale at not
too great a cost Its value to the me
chanical world Is beyond estimate. Al
lard Is a very difficult man to deal with.
His process Is a secret, and Is likely to
remain one unless some one can be
found venturesome enough to count
out a million or so of dollars In hard
cash before receiving the secret.
Allard Is now an old man, and as It
Is doubtful whether he has made any
one a repository of his secret It may
yet dh; with him, for he appears ob
stinately determined upon his terms,
as he showed in dealing with those who
were anxious to secure his copper pro
cess. Interviewing him Is out of the
question. He Is a devout Catholic, and
the ecclesiastical authorities are care
fully guarding his Interests.
Bcnnie Jones and Joey Burns Clinch at
Pottsville, Pa., March 10. Centennial
hall contained a big crowd on Satur
day night to witness the wrestling
match between Bennle Jones, cham
pion light weight of America and Joe
Burns, champion of Lancashire, Eng.
The match was for tloO and Burns was
to throw Jones four times In an hour.
Burns won, but he had a very hard
time doing It, and only succeeded be
cause Jones wore tights and his oppon
ent's costume was loose fitting. On
Tuesday evening Jones and Emll Beck,
of Philadelphia, will wrestle for $100 a
Of No Astronomical Value.
Washington, March 10. The lunar
eclipse tonight came off according to pro
gramme, but owing to the thick clouds It
was only partially noticeable here. The
naval ob-ervatory authorities paid no at
tention t the affair, saying it was pf no
astronot .cal value, and that (he condi
tions were unfavorable.
Work for Fifteen Hundred Men,
Bethlehem, Pa., March 10. The largest
sleel mill of the Bethlehem Iron com
pany will resume operations tomorrow
on a tweve-thoiiBaml ton order for a
Oeorgla railroad. Fifteen hundred Idle
workmen will be given empoyment.
For selling liquor without a llcennn at
Buverfonl, Charles Abbott Is now In jail.
Manager Wllllutn Miller, of the Potts
ville Butter compuny, Is under bull for
selling oleo.
Worry over'an Invention which he had
patented drove Churles Smith, of Iteud
in if, Innan.
Thoso famous veterans, the First do
fenders, will hnve a reunion at Lewis
town on April 18.
A. N. Wolf, aged M, Inventor of a
turbine water wheel and extensive manu
facturer of the roller process for making
flour, at Allentown, Pa.
ult for $1C,000 duinages was brought at
llarrlsburg against the Pennsylvania rail
road by Mrs. Surah Nye, whose husband
wus killed while shoveling snow.
The Chinese Leave Two Thousand
Dead on the Field.
Jupuuesn Lose Hut One liundred Men in
the Uuttlo-Tlie Town Is llurncd to
the (J round During the
London, March 10. A Central News
correspondent In Toklo quotes this dis
patch, which was sent from Yin Kao
or New Chwung, on Murch 7. Yester
day Oenerud Nodzu reported that his
army, with the uld of the Klrst divi
sion, hud attacked the Chinese at
Tenchantl that morning. The Jupanese
advanced from three directions, out
force coming from the eust, one from
the northeast, and the third from the
northwest. A hot artillery fire wus
opened at 7 a. m., and under Its cover
the three bodies of troops stormed the
town shortly before 10.30. The Chin
ese numbered 10.000 or more.
At tlrst they fought stubbornly, but
eventually they broke and ran, throw
lug down their urms uud making no ef
fort to save stundurds or bugguge.
Most of the Chinese lied to the north
west. Although the Jupanese loss was
but 100 killed, the Chinese left more
than 2,000 dead and dying in and uround
the town. All the enemy's war ma
terial wus captured. The town cuught
lire durlntr the fight and before night
wus burned to the ground.
The Centra! News correspondent In
Shanghai suys that the Chinese are
making great preparations to defend
Formosa against the expected luudlng
of the Jupanese.
All but Two Hundred of the Cuban In
surgents Take the Uuth of Allegiance
and Arc forgiven.
Jacksonville, Fla., March 10. A spec
ial to the Times Union from Port
Tampa. Fla., says:
The steamer Olivette arrived today
with advices from Cuba up to 1. o'clock
Saturday. La Lucha, of Havana, pub
lishes an Interview with Consul Gen
eral Williams, In which that gentle
man denies any knowledge of a request
on the part of the Spanish government
for his recall. General Williams states
very emphatically that his duty is to
protect American citizens and their
property, and that he will do so at ull
hazards. From statements made by a
half score of well informed passengers
the so called revolution has about
petered out. Last Tuesday the govern
ment Issued a proclamation grunting
amnesty to all who laid down their
arms and took the oath of allegiance
within eight days.
All but about 200 of the Insurgents
have done so, and these are divided Into
two bands under the leadership of two
negro brothers named Sartorlus, who
are operating near Santlugo, burning
plantation buildings and raiding stores
belonging to those not in sympathy with
their cause.
Madrid, March 10. The Imparclal has
this despatch dated at Havana today:
"The brothers, Sartorlus and Emlllano
Vasquez, have submitted to the author
ities. The other insurgent loaders,
Joacquin Pedroso and Charles Agulrr,
have given themselves up at Colon."
John Sweeney Burned to Death While In
a Stupor.
Pittsburg, March 10. John E. Swee
ney, aged 40, lost his life, and his wife
received probably futal Injuries by the
burning of their house, No. 611 Sender
son street, Allegheny, early this morn
ing. Sweeney came home drunk and
went up stairs to bed, leaving his wife
asleep on the first floor. At 2 o'clock
she detected the odor of smoke, and on
gonlg to her husband's room found the
lamp overturned and the room In a
She repeatedly attempted to drag
Sweeney to the stairs, but was unable.
She was severely burned before she
abandoned the attempt, and to save
her own life leaped from a window.
The fireman dragged Sweeney out, but
he died In a few minutes. Mrs.
Sweeney Inhaled the flames and was
terribly bruised by her fall. The cou
ple were childless.
lie I ngnges Women us lluiinekcepers and
Steals Their Clothes.
Baltimore, March 10. James Clark,
alias James Lewis, alius J. Templetoti,
was arrested yesterday In York, Pa.,
by Baltimore detectives, charged with
swindling Mrs. Sadie Fields, of this
cHy. Two ww ks ago Clark, It Is claimed,
advertised for a housekeeper to take
charge of a widower's home in the west.
Mrs. Fields sveured the position, and
gave two trunks filled with wearing
apparel to the man to be shiped to her
now home. The man disappeared with
the trunks and the police were notified.
From letters and newspaper clippings
found In Clark's possession, It Is
thought that he has victimized women
In Pennsylvania and New York state.
The Town Visited by a $10,000 Con
Hollldaysburg, Pa., March 10. An In
cendiary fire wus started Inst night In
a barn In the lower part of this town.
A high wind was prevailing and the
flames spread with frightful rapidity
and It looked nt one time as If that part
of the borough would be destroyed.
Six barns were entirely destroyed and
the lumber yards and stock of Cun
drons planing mill and a number of
residences were damaged. One fireman
had his leg broken by a bnrrel of water
fulling from the mill roof. The loss Is
estimated at $10,000, partly covered by
Tho .Sensational Minister Will Establish
a Now Church. ' '
New York, March 10. For a long
time past there have been dissensions
among the members of the Twenty
third Street Baptist church, due to the
objection of tho more conservative
members of the congregation to the
"sensational" character of the sermons
preached during the lust Ave years by
the pastor, Rev. Thomas i)lxon, Jr.
This morning Mr. Dixon announced
his determination to severhls connec
tion with the church and to found a
now one on a broad and popular plat
form, Mr. Dixon read his resignation
to his congregation, many portions of
which were loudly applauded by the
votaries of the retiring pustor.
In referring briefly to the clroum
stances which prompted his resignation
Mr. Dixon said: "I shall establish a
new church; there will be only one creed
In it. belief In the Lord Jesus Christ.
I believe It to be a more Important part
of my life to lift many men out of the
ditch than to spend my time In making
a few men Baptists. Mr. Dixon's resig
nation takes effect May 1. Mr. Dixon is
only 30 years old, and came to New
York nearly seven years ago. In 1892
he preached a number ot sermons de
nouncing lngersoll. He recently de
fended Thomas C. Piatt from the pulpit
against the attacks of Rev. Dr. Park
An Allegheny School Teacher Enticed to
on Out of the way House and Kept Pris
oner for Several Weeks,
Cincinnati, O., March 10.-.A special
from Falrmount, W. Va., says: A local
paper yesterday printed the following:
During the early part of December,
Miss Emma Huston, a teacher In the
Allegheny City public schools, adver
tised In the Pittsburg papers for a sit
uation as a painter of photogarphs or
a tutor in drawing and was answered
by a man giving the name of Mahlon C.
Stephens, who represented himself as
a prominent and wealthy farmer, some
thing of an amatuer photographer, hav
ing a wife and children and living near
this city. Stephens added that besides
having a large number of photographs
which he wanted printed, he was de
sirous of employing an instructor for
his children, he offered tho young lady
as salary $j0 a month and board.,
Miss Huston decided to accept the
proposition, und left home on Dec. 26
fur Little Falls, a small station between
here and Morgantown, where her em
ployer was to meet her and escort her
to his home, three miles distant. Upon
reaching the station, Stephens was
there, but had no conveyance and had
to borrow a horse. The couple finally
reached a small house which Stephens
said was his home. Upon going In
Miss Huston found It uninhabited,
Stephens excusing the absence of his
family by saying they were away over
night, but would return In the morning.
Stephens put the horse away and re
turned to the house, where, at the point
of a revolver, he maltreated the girl
and where for several weeks he kept
her a prisoner, tying her with a rope
when hejeft the building and threaten
ing to kill her if she made an outcry.
When the roads became passable,
probably fearing discovery, he took her
to Clinton Furnace, pressing ft revolver
at her side as they passed person.1) or
residences on the road. There he kept
her one night, after whl4h she managed
during his temporary absence to sever
the rope and escape, reaching a house
In a pitiful condition, the rope still
around her waist.
The girl said that Stephens had taken
$17, all the money she had, besides being
In possession of her trunk. She was
taken to Morgantown, her father and
brother wired for, and a warrant sworn
out for Stephens, but when the officers
reached his home he had fled. It being
reported that he had tuken to the
mountains of Preston county, where a
search la now being made for him.
Stephens Is a widower, having no fam
ily at all, and his entire story to the
girl was a myth.
A Boston Contract Will Keep Pennsyl
vania Mills Lively All Slimmer.
Harrlsburgh, Pa., March 10. The con
tract for the steiwoik of the first sec
tion of the fctoston subway through
which electric cars will run, was let to
the Pennsylvania Steel Compuny, of
Steelton, Pa., yesterday. The steel com
pany have made extensive preparations
nt their plant which will enable them
to roll the lurge eye beams Included In
the contract, and which have hitherto
been made by only one mill In the
The first section of the subway will
be two thousand feet long under Bos
ton Common, und will contain! two
million pounds of steel. This contract
will keep the Steelton mills busy nearly
al summer. They also anticipate con
tracts for other sections of the subway.
Mrs. Anuio Killian Takes Poison Which
Operates Successfully.
Lancaster, Pa., Murch 10. Poison
taken with suiuldul Intent toi'4 y killed
Mrs. Ahnle Kllliun, aged 18 years. She
was one of the young woman arrested
In Philadelphia several months ago on
the charge of being an accomplice of
the Hlnden gang of burglars, whose
heudo,uurters (were In Philadelphia.
While the burglars were sent to the
penitentiary she escaped. She has not
been living with her husbund.
Joy of Anthony lo Santo on Being Aa
qnltted of Murder Charge.
Pottsville, Pa., March 10. After be
ing out from 10 o'clock Saturday nintll
0 this morning the Jury In the trial of
Anthony De Santo, charged with the
murder of Richard Lloyd, brought in
a verdict of not guilty.
The prisoner was very much pleased,
and in his Joy klsBed each one of the
Jurymen and his counsel.
Smnllcy's New Position.
Ixmdon, March 10. a. W. Smalley, for
many years the London corrhspondent of
the New York Tribune, hug been ap
pointed correspondent of the London
Times In Now York. Mr. Smulley, who Is
Gl years old, Amcrlcan-born, and a grad
uate of Yale, has represuntod the Trib
une here for twenty-four years.
Minneapolis will offer to the state Lor
Ing park, forty acres, valued at $2,000,000,
for a capltol site. .
The Oklahoma legislature passed a law
to prohibit the manufacture or giving
away of cigarettes. . '
On the charge of killing his wife at
Kansas City, Dr. Von Muller has been
arrested at Cracow, Poland.
For wrecking the Lexington (Va.) bunk,
C. W. Flggat, the fugitive cashier, and H,
K. Godwin,- assistant cashier, were In
dicted. ,
The Condemned Murderer Consents
to an Interview.
Thinks Fully Eight of Ilia Ten Chances
for Living Am Uone-IIas Taken
Things Philosophically Bllxt
Has tho Nerve.
Minneapolis, March 10. The Hay
ward trlul Is still occupying public at
tention to a very lurge extent. The
chances of an order for a new trial from
the Supreme court are being dlscusHed
and there Is a very general opinion
that the verdict will Btund. Yesterday
Harry Hayward consented to be Inter
viewed, talking freely concerning the
verdict and other matters connected
with his case. Asked If the verdict
was as he hud expected, he said:
"Well, yes, I think I hud about made
up my mind the Jury would render
Buch a verdict. After listening to all
the evidence that wa brought against
me I hardly saw how the Jury could do
otherwise. But In spite of my being
found guilty, I am Innocent," he said,
with more warmth than he has yet
shown, "though I suppose the public at
large will never believe It."
"Have you given up ull hope?"
"Well, yes, Just about, und yet not
entirely. You see I look upon this
mutter Just us a gambler would. Be
fore the jury brought In It? verdict I
considered I had Just about ten chances
of winning but now I consider fully
eight of them are gone. I don't think
there Is much of a show for me now.
My only hopes are that the conscience of
some of those In this conspiracy will go
back on them -und cause them to tell
the truth finally, and the only man from
whom I expect anything Is Bllxt, I
don't know though," musingly, "He's
got a terrible nerve, you might bring
all the preachers in the world In front
of him and start hell fire Itself under
neath him and yet he would only laugh
at you."
"Ydu are prepared for the worst then,
are you, Harry?"
"Yes," with a smile, "I am. They
talk about my having so much 'nerve'
in this case. I don't consider that I
have used very much nerve. I have
not braced myself against anything. I
have simply taken things phllosphlcally
as they come, knowing there was no
help for them until the truth should
come out. And so I shall look at It up
to the end."
Awful Crime of Mary Caruthers, an Un
natural Mother, Who Planncdan Elope
ment, Paris, Tex., March 10. Mrs. Mary Ca
ruthers and James Strange are under
arrest here, charged with the murder
of the woman's two children, aged 4
and 1 year respectively. Strange was a
farm hand, employed by Caruthers.who
lives twenty miles south of Paris.
About 9 o'clock Friday night Mrs.
Caruthers went to her room, which the
children also occupied. Yesterday
morning when Caruthers awoke he
heard heavy breathing In his wife's
room and entered to learn the cause.
There he found his two little boys in a
deep stupor, from which he was unable
to awaken them. Medical aid was sum
moned, but they both died at 4 o'clock.
Mrs. Caruthers at first stated that she
gave them some chill tonic, but the
woman later confessed that she had
tried to kill them, declnulng that she
did so to get them out of their trouble
and said It wus her intention to kill
Letters and other evidence In the pos
session of the officers show that there
was a conspiracy between her and
Strange to murder the children and
leave the country. She Is nbout J5
years of age and fairly good looking,
while he is about 30 and uncouth. F.n
route here the woman made a desperate
effort to leap from the train, but was
prevented by the guard.
He Could Not Decipher Vice Chancellor's
Now Brunswick, N. J., March 10.
Sheriff Scrvlss stunds B. chance of
being locked up In his own Jail for fall
ing to obey an order of Vice Chun
cellor Bird to arrest Ex-Assemblyman
William R. Jernee, of this city.
The hitter's wife hud secured a
divorce, with $700 alimony, but Jernee
had fulled to pay. When the vice
chancellor sought an explanation of
why the sheriff had failed to arrest
Jernee, the sheriff pleaded that he hud
been unable to rend the handwriting of
the -vice chancellor. Since then Jernee
has been placed In Jail, but the vice
chancellor will have the Bherlff before
him on Tuesday next to give a better
uccount of himself.
Singular Death or Patrick Sullivan, of
Foil Hlver.
Fall River, Mass., March 10. Patrick
Sullivan, aged 59 years and residing
at 22 Tecumseh street, met with death
from an extraordinary cause last night.
About 9 o'clock he went to bed with
three pieces of money In his mouth.
When his wife went to awaken him
this morning his body was cold and he
had probably been dead for some hours.
The medical examiner was called and
It was found that Sullivan had swal
lowed a half dollar, a quarter dollur
und a nickel.
Vera Cruz Is Threatened by an Ancient
St. Louis, Mo., March 10. A Bpeclal
to a morning paper from Cordo, state
of Vera Cru, Mexico, says:
The peak of Orizaba, an ancient vol
cano, Is In a state of eruption. The
signs of disturbance began to manifest
themselves Sunday night, and have In
creased In force constantly since that
time. It Is now vomiting poisonous
gases and thick volumes of smoke are
emitted from 100 apertures In Its maw
The earth for 100 miles around Is Bhak-
en periodically with subterranean vi
brations. For the public Bafety the
governor of the state of Vera Crus will
shortly name a commission of scien
tists to make an investigation Into the
eruption, - and. - to - make recommenda
ttw looking to the protection of the
Inhabitants of the neighboring villages.
The present eruption Is in the heart of
the best Improved coffee districts In
Mexico, where are located many
The Stamboul Is to Be Broken I pat Sun
1 runclKco.
San Francisco, March 10. The old
whaling bark Stamboul will go to the
Arctic no more. Her owners have de
cided to break her up for Junk. The
Stamboul was built in 1843 at Medford,
Mass., and was one of the pioneers of
the California whaling fleet. She is one
of the old style square sterned and
blunt-bowed vessels and was a great
hunter in her day.
Her captain used to boast a record of
600 whales as the Stamboul's total
catch, and doubtless she paid her own
ers a hundred times over her cost price.
The advent of the steam whaler, how
ever, soon caused the Stamboul and
others of the fleet to be disdained.
Ex-Prcsldent Displays Symptoms of the
Qrip-I'ositive Orders That lie Shall Be
Kept (fillet Have Been Issued.
Indianapolis, March 10. General
Harrison's condition was somewhat
Improved today, though he suffered
considerably from pains In the chest
and head. He was stronger, but the
gain was slight, being regarded by the
lower fever, which is one of the grip
symptoms. During the day he suf
fered from pleurltls pains which oc
curred at short Intervals. There has
been little relief from his cold and the
grip symptoms have been almost as
pronounced as on yesterday, being at
tended by a susceptibility to chilly sen
sations whenever changing his position
in bed. His cough troubled him today,
und despite the remedies given, It has
been Impossible to make any marked
change in its violence. The attending
physician does not think that the left
lung Is as much congested as it' was
yesterday. As usual with the grip, his
head was affected quite seriously. But
the pain was less severe today, a re
sult of partial relief from congestion of
the left lung.
Dr. Jameson made several visits to
the patient today, and, while giving
out reports that are more favorable
than those of yesterday, It Is quite evi
dent from his manner that he regards
it as necessary to give the ex-presldent
the closest attention. He has pro
hibited all study, and does not even
allow him to Indulge In the lightest
reading, such exercise increasing the
pain in his head and making him very
restless. Mrs. McKee reached his bed
side at a late hour last night and has
been constantly with him today.
Friends are not admitted to his room
and positive orders have been issued to
keep him quiet, and free from all In-
truslon. Dr. Jameson said after visit
ing him this evening that If he con
tinues to improve he might be able to
leave his room In a few days, possibly
within a week, but care must be exer
cised to prevent a lapse, and especially
to prevent additional cold. Mr. Harri
son sat up for a few moments this af
Says the Populists Will Be Swallowed I'p
in the Reform Movement.
Canton, O., March 10. Senator Pef
fer, of Kansas, addressed a political
meeting here tonight in the interest of
the municipal campaign of Canton
Populists. In an Interview the senator
said that he expects the Populist party
finally to be absorbed by a new party.
Said he:
"There are many elements In conflict
with the policy of the ruling powerB.
The country Is now controlled by prac
tically four combinations the land
monopoly, the labor monopoly, the
transportation monopoly, the money
monopoly. The people of all parties
and of all phases of life see the baneful
effects of these combinations.
"Some of the evils are In one party
and some In another. To make their
voices heard in legislation the opposing
elements must get their votes together.
The end will be a great party made up
of the opposing elements, which party
will absorb the Populists and large por
tions of the Republicans and Dem
ocrats. All of the reform movements,
such as the Populists, the Prohibition
ists, etc., will get together on common
ground In this movement and then
there will be a new name."
I'.iglit Men i:ntombcd.
Booorro, N. M March lO.-The shaft
house of the Old Abe mine at White Oaks,
Lincoln county, caught fire this morning
and In a few moments the flumes wore
communicated to the shutting of the
mine, which was completely destroyed.
Nine men were In the mine at the time,
and only one of them escaped. The others
ar supposed to be dead, as there Is hut
slight possibility that they escaped suffo
cation. ...
llishop 1 horns Head.
aallna, Kan., March lO.-Blshop Thomas,
of the Protestant F.pUoopul church, died
at 9.2T. o'clock lust night. During the day
he rallied and reoognlied his friends and
strong hopes were entertained that he
would recover, but at 8 o'clock he had a
rolapso and from that time on ho grew
weaker until life became extinct.
Kilted by the Express.
Chester, Pa.. March 10. Two young
men, supposod to be from this place, were
walking on tho Haitiniore and Ohio rail
road trauks near here today. Thsy stepped
aside to allow an eut bound freight train
to puss and were, striu.-k and Instmitly
killed by the west bound Hoyul Uluo ex
The pope has addressed a letter to Prln-e
Alois l.lcliteiiEtoln, chief of the Austrian
Anti-Semites, to the effect that his holi
ness cannot approve of class and racial
llosldes paying France amplo compen
sation for Injuries to French subjects and
submitting several questions to Spain for
arbitration, San Domingo will take steps
to1 satisfy the demands ot tho French na
tional honor.
The British Traders' association appeals
to the railway commission to prevent the
London and Southwestern Hullwuy com
pany from carrying American and Can
udlun products from Southampton to
London ut chouper rales than are
charged for the transportation of home
For eastern Pennsylvania, decidedly
colder; cloudy In the Interior; local show
ers followed by clearing weather; norther
ly, winds.
Opened this week in our
Comprising a new and elegant
line of
These goods are specially
adapted fer Early Spring; Wear
and will be hard to Cod later,
Silk and Veal Pliids,
Silk and Wool Juusise,
Chillies ui Ssiiel Silks,
New Silk Plaids .anil Tafttu
for Shirt Waists.
A Suit, Can't Be Beat.
610 aid 512 Lackawanna Ave.
meni Sal?
We are going to have
more room. You are go
iug to have more comfort.
We are going to sell more
Shoes. You are going
to help us.
It has paid jou iu the
past. It will pay j-ou iu
the future.
the Jeweler, can repair
your watch to give per
feet satisfaction, having
had ten years' experience
. in our leading watch fac