The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 09, 1895, Page 7, Image 7

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- 122 X. Main Avenue, ScrntMt,
; 363 Main Street, Taylor, Pa.
Luce Bros. Best Patent Hour.
We guarantee this to be the
best Flour made, per barrel, $3.65
24 pounds Granulated Sueur, -
Feed, Meal and Corn,
idoz. finest Cold Packed Tomatoes
25-lb. Sack Buckwheat,
1 gallon Pure Maple Syrup,
51b Extra Choice Teas,
Clark & Snover Tobacco -
Best Butter, - - -
Try Our "Strawberry Brand" of
Smoked Meats.
Some Events of the Day on the West
Side of the Citv Noted.
Tendered to Mia tirade Ley.hua by Hor
Young! Krlead.-Doatn of Mrs. IlUa
beta Voeburg -Party at Homo of
Ml. Minnie Harding.
The fifth anniversary of the birth of
Grace, the daughter uf County Detec
tive Thomas Leyshoti, wa.s celebrated
yesterday afternoon by a party given
in her honor by her young friends.
Uames of all sorts were played and the
young folks derived much enjoyment
from these innocent pastimes. Ke
fresbments were served by Mrs. Ley
shun, assisted by several ladles.
Those present were: Misses Helen
Bauer. Edith Llndabury. Khoda Ellas.
Uwladys Jones. Kuth Carson. Blanche
Thomas Harriet Thomas. tve Price,
Margaret Delhi, Stella Campion, Freda
Lewis. Cora Teague. Phoebe Lewis.
Lulu Castner, Maud Jones, Katie Davis.
Margaret Stevens. Mlna Harris, and
Archie Phillips. Allan Phillips, Webster
Leyshon, Parker Washburn, Arthur
Ellas, and Philip Leyshon.
Died While Visiting.
Mrs. Elizabeth Vosburg, of Factory
Ville, who has been spending the last
two weeks with her daughter. Mrs. J.
W. Dershlmer. died at the latter's home
on Eynon street yesterday morning
after a short Illness. Mrs. Vusburg
was not In very good health when she
arrived here, and was taken suddenly
ill a short time afterward. She was
74 years of age, a woman of estimable
qualities and a members of the Fac
toryvllle Bap(t!st church. The remains
will b? conveyed there by Undertaker
Will Price tomorrow morning for in
terment. An Evening Party.
. Mlsa Minnie Hardin, of Xorth Brom
ley avenue, entertained a large num
ber of her young friends last evening
at her home In honor of her birthday.
Games and other diversions were In
dulged In by the young people, and the
evening's entertainment was greatly
enlivened by the Dickson Banjo, Man
Must be sold before April 1. as we have rented
our store to people who take pos
session on that date.
t i
Mm'. Mftii's and Rovs'
- . - J
.&3EMVjIi: ' i. - , f .' V.., . ... ' : . . ..-
dolin and Guitar club, .who played sev
eral choice selections. Hefrenhmenra
were served at a Basonable hour. Those
present were: Misses 1 Lulu , MofEH'V
Kate Burrall, Lena Glnudee, 'Alice
Goodwin, Gertrude Darrowmun, Martha
Nicholls, Marlon Hutchinson, Lois
Street, Llala Phillips, Kdna Saxe.
Gertie Lloyd, Allle Jones, Minnie Hard
ing, and Luther Thomas, Hert Myors,
Hubert Williams. Harry Sprouta, Italph
Street, Llynn Adams, Frank Nicholls,
Claude Pitcher, Clarence Storm, Wal
ter Davies, Kdward Thomas, William
Davles, Charles Wllkins, and Otis
Kicked hy a Mills.
William Williams, a young man em
ployed as a driver in the Mount Pleas
ant mines, was kicked by a mule yes
terday morning and severely injured.
The animal possesses a most vicious
nature, and as Williams was adjusting
the harness he received a blow from
Its hoof In the side of the face. Fellow
workmen ran to his assistance and he
was conveyed to Ills home, on Thir
teenth street, In a carriage. Dr. U. U.
Beddue wus summoned and he dressed
the young mini's Injury.
Tendered u Surprise.
A surprise party wus held last even
ing In honor of Mrs. J. Knauss, at her
home on Jackson street. T'he.e.venlng
wus spent in playing gumes und other
features. Solos and duets were suiik
and many hours socially enjoyed. Ue
freshnients were served. Among those
present were the following: Misses
Minnie Itinker, Kuchel Jones. Lena
Foster. Miss Watklns, Mary Hurwln.
l.ou Deppon, Anna Hiouilbent, F.thel
itinker, Margaret Lever, llitttle Smith,
Lizzie Hermans. Mis. Josle Knauss,
und Messrs. Frank llagen, David
Owens, Lou Jones, Professor Jumes
Hughes, Hert Thayer, Charles Watklns.
Harry Kandolph. George Jacoby, itob
ert Davis, and Mr. l'ross.
Told in u l ew I lues.
John L. Williams, of Academy street,
Is sulTeriiiK from an attack of quinsy.
.Misses Maine Leonard und Kate Hea
l.y are visiting friends in Carbondale.
Dr. George It. Reynolds has returned
home from a business trip to Phlla
del hia.
Fred Humor, of Susquehanna county,
was visiting friends and relatives on
this side yesterday.
Professor M. Zurra, of Newark, N. J.,
has accepted a position In Starner's
photograph gallery.
City Assessor Henry D. Jones, of
North Hyde Park avenue, has pur
chased a tine road horse. , .
A meeting of the Republican league
of the West Side was held last even
ing in their rooms on South Main ave
nue. R. T. Reese, of Washburn street, left
yesterday morning for New York city
to accept a position with the firm of
Bonsen & Brown.
Misses Norma Nicholls, of Lafayette
street, and Sara Hughes, of North
Sumner avenue, will spend the Sabbath
with friends at Justice.
Everybody is Invited to attend th
meeting of Rev. D. C. Hughes' normal
class In the Jackson Street Baptist
church on Monday evening.
The information has been received
here that Mrs. Thomas Lloyd, a former
well-known resident of this side, has
died at her home, In Besslmee, Ala.
P. W. Tague, of North Main avenue,
Intends removing his furniture and un
dertaking establishment to the store
new occupied by Joseph A.nMears. Mr.
Mrars will probably retire from business-Mr.
and Mrs. N. D. 'Mlchler, Mr. and
Mrs. R. H. Bildee, and daughter, Mabel,
Mr. and Mrs. David Richards have gone
to Ashley to attend the .silver wedding
of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Blodgett.
All are invited to the special meeting
at the Salvation Army hall on Price
$25,000.00 WORTH
At Half Price.
r ii , i - ,.
? , ...
street. Big meeting on Saturday even
ing at 8 o'tiock.' Meetings on Sunday
at 7 and 10.20 o'clock a.' m. Collection
The'funorai of ' Allee the-'S-miirith-old
child of Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Smith,
of North Main avenue, took place yes
terday afternoon. Services were con
ducted by Rev. L. C. Floyd, of tho
Simpson Methodist Fplscopal church.
Interment was made in the Washburn
Street cemetery.
.lames Hennigan, of Twelfth street,
died on Thursday after a short illness.
He was 65 years of age and well known.
He is survived by threisnonB and three
duiiKhters. They are: Thomas, Michael,
John, Annie, Maggie and Mary Hennl
Kuu. The funeral will take place on
Sunday afternoon from St. Patrick's
ihu-ch. Interment In the Hyde Park
Cuthollo cemetery.
The following WeHt Sjde people at
tended a 'surprise party at Greenwood,
lust evening, given In honor of John
Loverlng, Inside superintendent at the
Greenwood colliery and a former resi
dent of this side: Mr. und Mrs. A. B,
Fynon, Mr. und Mrs. Thomas Beddoe,
Mr. und Mrs. Rlchurd Nicholls, Mi
und Mrs. David Bevan, Mm.: William
Beddoe, Dr. and Mrs. B. G. Beddoe, Mrs.
V. 1 1 Hums, und Miss Jennie Beddoe.
A pleasant surprise party was held
lust evening at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. II. K. Tewksbury. at 1510 Swetlund
street. Those present were Mr. und
Mrs. N. C. Muyo, Mr. apd Mrs. Frank
Siote, Mr. and Mrs. John Wordell, Air.
and Mrs. George Humiuilt, Mr. and
Mrs. James Sharer, Mr. und Mrs. Wlll
lum PflelTer, Mr. und tMrs. R. Conklin,
Mr. und Mrs. Charles Shooster, Mr. and
Mis. R. 11. llurlburt, Mr. and Mrs.
William Vetter, Mr. and Mrs. John
lUdrxft-r, Mr. and Mrs. John Vlpond,
Mr. und Mrs. Harry Godxhull, Mr. und
Mrs. Albert Becker, Mr. und Mrs. So
den, Air. and Mrs. A. C Mayo, jir. and
Mi's. E. M. Tewksbury, Air. und Airs.
H. E. Slote. Air. und Mrs. C. H. Ban
ning, Air. uud Mrs. B. Scott, Airs. E.
Conklin, Airs. AI. Coukllu, Misses Mury
uud Norma Powell, Stella Banning,
Pauline Jacobs, Myrtle Hull, and D.
F. Mayo, F. R. S.lurts, F. H. Canlleld,
F. K. Shenlnger, WW. Watklns, Aimer
Shafer, C. W. Sproule, George Jacobs,
Bert Banning, I. Price, Hurry Edwards
and Harry Randolph.
West Side llusincss Directory.
PHOTOGRAPHER Cublnet Photos, 11.40
per dozen. They are Just lovely. Con
vince yourself by calling at Starner's
Photo i'uiiors, 101 aud 103 South Muln
HOR9KSHOEING - N. Bush, practical
horseslioer. Work done only In a first
class manner and guaranteed satisfac
tory. Shop, Price street, clone to North
Main avenue.
GROCERIES Revere Standanrd Java
Coffee Is unexcelled. The leudlng coffee
of the day. For sale only at F. V. Ma
son & Co. Fine Groceries, Hit South
Muln avenue.
for anything you have to sell. Furni
ture, Stoves, Tools, etc. Call and see
the stock of J. C. King, im and licM
Jackson street.
WALL PAPER-GO to Fred Reynolds.
200 North Main avenue, and see his
complete line of Wall Paper, Paints
and Window Shades. Just opened with
new stock.
PLUMBING-Wllllam D. Griffiths, 113
North Main avenue, does first-class
Plumbing. Steam Heat and Gas Fitting.
Satisfaction Is strictly guaranteed.
OYSTERS R. E. Davis, market house.
Dealer In Foreign and Domestic Fruits.
Oysters served in every style. 310 North
Main avenue, next to Clarke's.
The merit of a Tribune adlet is that It's
right to the point.
Rheumatism Cured in a Day.
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neu
ralgia radically cures In 1 to 3 days. Its
action upon the system Is remurkuble and
mysterious. It removes at once the
cauee, and , the disease immediately dis
appears. The first dose greatly benefits,
75 cents. Sold by Carl Lorenz, druggist,
You needn't worry about It. If you've de
cided to advertise It In The Tribune adlets.
At Less
Than Cost
Democratic Congress Receives a Sar
castle Epitaph from C. G. rJoland.
Relume of Matters Trammeled at tho
Mediae-Reports of Committees Re
ceived and Officers Nominated.
Death of Mrs. Henry I'. Zlegl.r.
What was lacking In numbers was
made up In enthusiasm at tho monthly
meeting last night of the South Side
board of trade. At the suggestion of C.
a. Roland a very remarkable step was
taken. , Mr. Buland began his remarks
by thanking Heaven that congress had
adjourned. The present industrial
condition of the country is so fearfully
wretched that If a change does not come
soon it Is dltllcult to foretell what tho
end will be. Mr. tlolmid moved, and
Mr. Moore seconded the motion that a
committee of three be appointed to
formulate a. pronunlclatnento that will
let the people of the city know thit the
South Side board of trade is not In sym
pathy with the Industry-wrecking und
punlc-spivadlug congress thut has Just
gone out of existence.
On that committee the chairman ap
pointed Messrs. Roland, O'Toule und
Spruks, three staunch Democrats In
Mr. Scheuer on behalf of the special
sewer committee reported that the
members hud accomplished the end for
which the committee wus formed;
numely tho securing of a sewer for the
South Side.
.Secretary O'Toole presented a resolu
tion commending 'the efforts of Select
Councilman Coyne of the Twentieth
wurd In his efforts to have Palm street
opened for traffic, Mr. Moore of the
manufacturer's committee mude a re
port relative to the ilonesdule Iron
works, lie said that the time lias not
yet arrived to luunch out Into u full
report, but he assured the members
thut this industry would come to Scruu
ton and locate on the South Side.
Mr. Roland stated that the Delaware,
Lackawanna uud Western Railroad
company would souu muke the pro
posed change at the. Mattes street
bridge. The following nominations of
ofllcers were made: President, C, O.
Roland; vice-president! Henry J.
Spruks; secretary. M. J. O'Toole; treas
urer, Michael Miller. An election Will
take place at the next meeting.
Death of Henry f. Zleglur.
The death- of Mrs. Henry J. Zelgler,
of Cedar avenue, occurred yesterday
morning after an Illness thut hud af
fected her for some time. She was be
loved by her numerous friends and ac
quaintances, and In her death, at the
age of 24, her husband loses a wife of
noble character, and the circle In which
she moved will miss her huppy Inspira
tion and cheerfulness. She was mar
ried less than two years ago, and then
had the prospects of a long and devot
ed life. No children are left. Funeral
arrangements have not yet been com
pleted. Shorter Paragraphs.
George Phillips, of Philadelphia, is
visiting friends on Stone avenue.
Rev. Anthony Durkln, of the Pas
sionate Order, Is visiting his parents on
Brook street.
Murk Suyer and Michael Lavelle, of
this side, are said to be fortunate in be
ing . related to a wealthy citizen of
Brooklyn, who died recently. They ex
pect to share a portion of a J.'OO.uuiJ for
tune. Caspar Schaf, a respected resident of
the South Side, died at his home, 813
Plttston avenue, yesterday afternoon
at 4 o'clock. The time of the funeral
has not been decided upon by the
family, v
Jacob Mingle, of Maple street, died
yesterday morning at 6 o'clock. The
funeral will be held Monday morning
at y o'clock with a high mass of requiem
at St. Mary's German Catholic church.
Interment will bo made In the Twenti
eth Ward German Catholic cemetery.
Tribune adlets bring line returns; they
cost only a cent-a-word.
Mrs. Benjamin E. Myers, of Church
avenue. Is visiting relatives In Clark's
Rev. D. M. Klnter, of Main avenue,
expects to return home toduy from Co
lumbia county.
Rev. W. G. Watklns will preach a
sermon In the North Main Avenue Bap
tist church tomorrow on "Odd Fellow
ship." The Celestial, Lincoln and
Illram lodges will be present In a body.
John J. Morgan, of Wales street, was
painfully burned on the back and arms
yesterday morning while at work In the
Leggets Creek shaft by powder, which
Ignited from a spark that fell from his
David J. Iavls, of Parker street, died
In the Lackawanna hospital yesterday
morning about 7 o'clock of pluro-pneti-nionla.
He was born In Glamorgan
shire, South Wales, about thirty-five
years ago and has been a resident of
this country for nearly fifteen years.
He Is survived by a wife and seven
children, the oldest of which Is a girl
about 14 ypars of age. He was well
known, having been an active member
In the Welsh Baptist church, also of
Tonnaluka tribe, No. 72, of the Inde
pendent Order of Red Men. The funeral
services will be held Monday afternoon.
There's no use pnylng a big commission
to find a tenant for that vacant holme,
when you can get the right person by ad
vertising In The Tribune.
John Sandford, of the boiler shop, Is
recovering slowly from a severs attack
of rheumatism.
Jacob Armstrong-, of the machine
shops, has organized a railroaders' ath
letic society that drills regularly In the
rooms above the machine shop.
L. C. Coon, who has been promoted
to the position of foreman of the "eight
wheel shop," Is very popular among all
railroaders and takes an Interest In the
draughting class, of which he Is a mem
ber. Last evening's lecture to conductors
and brakemen was exceptionally well
attended and Increased Interest was
shown In the explanations given by
Messrs. MrKenna and I-angun of the
mysteries of the "air brake." Prepara
tions are being made, for holding the
examination for competenry.
The funeral of Wilbur C. Hollar will
take place from the Residence, 135 Lin
den street, this morning at 8.80 o'clock,
Intimate friends are invited to attend
at tha resldetioe at that hour. The re
mains will be taken on tho Delaware,
Lackawanna and Western train leav
ing at 8.B& a. in. for Uouldsburo, and
free transportation will be afforeded
railroaders desirous of aocompanylng
the mourners. Members of the Brother
hood of Firemen are requested to meet
at the Grand Army of the Republic hall,
on Lackawanna avenue, at 8.1G o'clock.
The Famous Southern Novelist, Mrs. E. Burke Collins, Tells
of Her Complete Recovery from Nervous Debility by the
Use of Paine's Celery Compound.
The London Graphic, In Its recent
summing up of the half dozen success
ful novels of the year. Includes with
Du Maurler's "Trilby," Hall Caine's
"Manxman," Cotian Doyle's "SherlocK
Holmes," "The Heavenly Twins," and
"Ships that Pass In the Night," Mrs. IS.
Burke Collins' "A Modern Heathen."
Speaking of this last work of our dis
tinguished southern author, the Graphic
"What Geo. W. Cable's writings are
to the Creoles of New Orleans, Miss
Murfree to the rough strata of human
ity among the Tennessee mountains,
and Gertrude Atherton to California,
Mrs. K. Burke Collins' ure to the Acudl
ans of the Louisiana Pine Lands. In
her lutest work Mrs. Collins has struck
a new vein In literature, opening to the
novel reading world a vision of the real
life of the Acudluns of the backwoods,
among the wild, scarcely known region
of the bayous and swuinps of Louisi
ana." Besides her novels she contributes
euch week short Btorles, sketches, etc.,
to the prominent magazines and to a
great vurlety of other publications.
Although her writing hasulways been
u labor of love, yet such Incessant men
tal exertion, constantly harvesting the
ideas of her brain without a single idle
season or fullow time for rest and re
freshment, could not fail to have Its
Mrs. John Jackson, of Gravity,
Wayne county, formerly of this place,
died at her home yesterday.
Members of the Epworth League held
a pleasant social last evening at the
home of Miss Marian Kenney.
The employes of the Henn Coal com
pany and the Erie & Wyoming Valley
Railroad company receive their month
ly pay today.
Rev. J. C. Lencock will address the
Loyal Legion this evening at their hall.
A large attendance Is desired. Every
body welcome.
The Epworth League will hold a mum
soclnl at the residence of Daniel Powell
next Friday evening, which promises to
be very amusing.
The Ladles' Aid society of the Metho
dist Episcopal church will hold n social
at the residence of 15. W. Wert on Rink
ley street,' next Wednesday evening.
All are Invited. .
The Ladles' Aid society of the Dudley
Street Baptist church will hold a sup
per at the church on Tuesday evening
next. Supper will be served from 0
o'clock until B.
The Dunmore Express made Its first
appearance yesterday. It Is a blight
sheet full of Interesting local news. It
found a ready sale and seems to have
mnde a favorable Impression on the
reading public. We wish Editor Sny
der success In his new enterprise.
At the annual meeting of Independent
ent Hose Co., the following were elected
ofllcers for the ensuing year: President,
J. C. Schlenz; vice president. F. E.
Nlckefsort; treasurer, Vie Burschel;
financial secretary, A. E. Arnold; trus
tee, Wi H. Sieger; foreman, H. B. Cole;
first assistant foreman, Edward H.
K raus; second asslstunt foreman, II. C.
Kraus; first plpomun.W. H. Purcell;sec
ond plpemon, Peter Meyern; third plpe
mnn, P. W. Carr; fourth plpemun, E. D.
Mulnes; first axmnn, R. Myerhoffer;
second axman, M. Krelnburg; driver, E.
H. Van Camp; Stewart, James J,
"If taken Into the hend by the nostrils
two or three times a week, Thomas' Eclec
trlo Oil will positively relieve the most
offensive case of catnrrh," suys Rev. K.
F. Crane, Dunkirk,' N. Y.
For plumbing and electric bells tele
phone 2242 to W. Q. Doud & Co., CUD Lacka.
Wba& Baby was lick, we (Sts her Ctstorik,
ffhea she was a Child, she orled for Outaria.
Wftea the became Vim, she clung to Outorla,
Vbea she had OuMrao, she gave them Castor!
effect on the recuperative power of her
nervous system. At one time Bhe found
herself tired out and weak from such
uninterrupted work; she became nerv
ous and Incapable of work; she even
saw nervous prostration staring her In
the face. The general toning up tha!
her system needed so badly she found
In Paine's celery compound. Today she
Is perfectly wall and strung again, busy
as ever with her brain and pen, and
grateful to Paine's celery compound foi
the timely help when failure und trou
ble and despair seemed about to close
round her and shut her off from every
thing that was dear to her. She says:
NEW ORLEANS, La.. Nov. 21. 1SH4.
I wish to add my mite to the thou
sands of testimonials which you have
1-ecelved In regard to the efficacy of this
wonderful compound. In my profes
sion of author, such a strengthening
medicine Is Invaluable. I have Just
completed my SCth novel, and constant
work at the desk had weakened my
constitution, Injured my nerves, and 1
suffered from general debility. When
a person In that condition writes con
tinually, living in the realm of Action
and romance, the effect upon the nerv
ous system is lamentable. I was weak
and debilitated, suffered from Insomnia,
and was irritable and nervous. Four
bottles of Paine's celery compound gave
me strength, quieted my nerves, and
A dramatic, acenic and Mechanical .v. at.
Florence Bindley', great rea little
comedy drama,
Sale of Seat. open. Thursday, March 7,
Under New Management
Just One Joyon. Night, Siturday, Marcs 9.
Combined with the Spectacular
Regular prl. Sale of Peat. open. Thurs
day, March?, at the box oltlce.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday,
The Peerlen Irish Comeei.nn.,
Supported by a Hutierb Company of Come
dian, and HonlimttM in the Legitimate
Muaical Comedy In (our AcU,
Under the management of
20o, mate down atalr. reserved tor
ladle, and tecorte.
Next AttrectlonHoward Wall's Ideals in
Of all kiuds, manufactured at short!
notice, at The Tribune Office.
brought sleep to my pillow. I owe last
ing gratitude to this wonderful medi
cine, and I take pleasure in adding
mine to the long list of testimonials.
Yours gratefully.
Mrs. E. Eurke Collins.
313 Valence St.
Paine's celery compound is found to
best supply the great need of studloui,
sedentary people. Its extensive use by
brain workers, both men and women,
suffering from sleeplessness. Indiges
tion, or other effects of a deficient nerve
force, shows its ability to feed tired,
emaciated, nervous tissues. Nothing
else has ever possessed anything like
the power of Paine's celery compound
to restore a healthy nervous tone to
the entire body and to thoroughly
cleanse the blood. School teachers,
professional men. newspaper men, min
isters, public officials, men whose daily
outlay of vitality, because of hard, try
ing, anxious work, is excessive, find re
newed strength, not only of the nerves,
but, through their healthy actlun, of
the entire body, in Talne's celery com
pound. Its use shortly dispels head
aches, rheumatic pain, dyspepsia, heart
trouble, general debility and languor,
and all other outward signs of the
grave mischief that comes from disor
dered nerves and Impure blood.
John Pbllip Sousi, Conductor.
Miss Marie Barnard. Soprano
MissCiirrie Duke, iolini.t.
Lower Floor. $1.00; Balcony, Tic,
and &V. ; Uallery. l'o.
Correct Editiouof Souea'a Marches on Sale
at the Conoert.
Sale of aeata open. Saturday. March 9.
Moosic Powder Co,
Rooms 1 and 2 Commoieillh Bld't,
Lamin ft Rand Powder Co.e
Orange Gun Powder
Electric Batteries, Fines for etplod
Iuk blast., Bafety Fuse and
ReptDDO Chemical Co.'s HigDExplosiie.
Made a
wjHhirr-. ue...... ..
ieii.trcjf M7ftvveii mar?
lothDarJTOe 0f Me.
produce, the above reanlU In'SO daje. It MM
Bownrtullir aad quickly, euro. kaa all ethar. till
Voiut mea will rfaia Ihalr lert maehoed, aaeV.eil
tarn will rwxnar tkalr reutkfal rt.or r nelae
RKVIVO. II qiil.klraBd.utetrrMtorMllerTeu
Dam, Low Vitality, Impelener. Nlfktlr Kataeloat,
Loot Power, Fellini kttuiorjr. Wutlu DImmm. aad
all eAteU of Mll-aatiM or .iMMaaa Indlwrellea,
wtth uaflU ... lor eniay. beitnm or menrlaeo. II
aot ol cur, by .tartlnf at tk. ml ef dlweet. but
L..rM nerve tonic Mid bla4 bntld.r, briaa
Ina back Ik. pink glow to pa eheelM end re
tterlat ne Ire of yoath. ft wai4a of I.Malty
and Oen.uaiflea. lulit .a hlTt&f RXTIVO...
etber. It can be eerrtea 1 v peci.1. By null,
1.00 par Backaa-, or all lor, with peel
tlvo written guarantee to rara or .eland
inentoney. iirvuiar me. aaaree.
rr Ml y Matthew Bran,. Dtttfla.
wanton , !
H ' I'.