The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 09, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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Work Among the
Foreign Element
Efforts of the Presbytery to Estab
lish Native .Missionaries.
Movements of tho Pastors After
Thoughts on the Catholic Mission.
Notes of the Week's Work-Coming
.Events la Religious Circles.
There an? within the counties of Lu
"rne and Lackawanna 4-"i.J'jO Slavs.
10,0"jO Polanders, 6.WH) Italians,- 5.WUO
Lithuanians, 3,000 Magyars (Hungari
ans;, and 1.000 Hohemlans. The pres
ence of 70,000 persons, almost all of
whom ary of foreign birth. In- such
a small portion of the country presents
a serious problem In many respects and
particularly viewed from a religious
standpoint. Inasmuch as It rests to a
great extent with the religious com
munity whether they shall eventually
become a blessing or a curse In the
land. The Presbytery for the two coun
ties mentioned has look at the matter
In this light, and under the direction
of Kev. 8. C. I.ogan, Ii. I., has suc
ceeded In establishing seven missions
among the Italian clement, and a large
number of Italian converts have Joined
the various churches.
An effort Is being made at present
among the people commonly called
"Hungarians," who. It Is claimed, are
wrongly termed by that term. They
belong to the race who long ngo owned
the country kmHvn ns) Hungary l'roper
and Btood on the Christian bulwark
against the Invasions of the Turks
when Constantinople fell. In IW19 there
were almost two millions of Calvlnlsts
among them followers of John Muss
and a mllUrm and a half of Lutherans.
These are the Slavonic remnants of a
race of Christian heroes. They present
a grand field for home missionary
work and should, If approached In their
own language, prove great accessions
to the churches In our midst. Night
schools have been established with a
view to Instruct them In the Kngllsh
language nnd there Is no doubt
this Is tho short path, to educate them
as citizens of this country.
Items of Personal Interest.
Itev. Peter Itoberts, of olyphant, the
well-known minister of the Olyphant
Congregational church, and a clever
writer, has received nn Invitation to
become the pastor of the Presbyterian
church of Olyphant. .
illev. V. It. llawxhtirst, L. P.; will
deliver another lecture on the. World's
Columbian exposition In the Park Place
Methodist Kplscopal ' church Tuesday
HeW George E. Clulld will preach nt
the' Olyphant Presbyterian church to
morrow afternoon.
Kev. W.' F. Davles addressed a large
audience on Olontluy evening at the
Welsh Baptist church, Providence, nn
mlsslbn work 'In-Central Africa, and
particularly In Uganda. The lecture
was highly entertaining and explained
how Henry M. Stanley discovered this
province In 1 875. The exploits of the
missionaries and their subsequent suc
cess were graphically pictured by 'the
reverend gentleman, who has succeed-,
rd In awakening great missionary en
thusiasm In the district.
itev, George I Muice, pastor of the
;re-n Ridge United Evangelical church,
is attending the annual conference ses
sions at York, Pa. During his absence
the services will he conducted by Super
intendent George Sanborn and Kev. J.
M. Huwells.
Kev. K. K. Jones, P.- D., will preach
at Parsons on .Monday night at the
evening session of the regular meeting
of the Congregational ministers of Wy
oming valley, which will be held on that
Kev. Daniel Savage has been Invited
to continue the pastorate of the (ireen
Ridge primitive Methodist church for
anotherar. A representative meet
ing of the members was held on Tues
day evening, when James Fldlam pre
sided and Aaron Powell acted as secre
tary. '.Mr. Savage's services were high
ly eulogized, but not more than they
deserved. When he entered upon the
pastorate the membership numbered
in::, of whom 27 belonged to the Throop
mission; the edifice was also in need of
repairs. Since then the church num
bers 14.1, exclusive of the Throop mis
sion, and the church building has been
renovated at great expense, nnd the
debt reduced to JT'in which It is antici
pated, will soon be discharged.
Kev. W. Parsons will occupy the pul
pit at the Washburn Street Presby
terian church tomorrow.
Itev'. Charles K. Kobinson, 1. !., has
been III during the week, but was re
ported to be progressing favorably yes
terday. Kev. Warren !. Partridge delivered a
very appropriate address at the recep
tion accorded to Miss IScrtha Mactirdy,
the retiring secretary of the Young Wo
men's Christian association, lie re
ferred In felieltlous terms to the great
work accomplished Uy the association
In dealing with the problem of concen
trated populations.' and paid a glowing
tribute to the faithfulness of the mem
bers. Kev. A. l' Ferris, one of the recent
additions to the pastors of the city, Is
doing commendable work at the purl
tan church, and has been speclully suc
cussful In his labors wllh the young
people's Societies.
Kev. I. C. Hughes returned home on
Tuesday after his visit to New York
and Philadelphia. No less than r.iMi
friends called upon the reverend gen
tlemen during a brief visit to lirooklyn
to renew their uciiialtituriccs with their
former pastor.
Considerable benefit has beam derived
from the eloquent sermons of the Jesuit
divines who have preached nt St.
I'eter's cathedral during the past tw i
weeks. One. feature which has been
Indorsed by representatives of all de
nominations has been the bold and fear
less manner In Which the common sins
of the day have been plainly and pub
licly denounced, regardless of the opin
ions or positions of anyone In or out of
the church. The large audiences testi
fy in a marked manner to the eloquence
of the three clergymen, who have suc
ceeded In the object of their mission In
awakening a new spiritual life among
the thousands attached to the cathedral
I. chocs from the Choirs.
C. V. Whlltemore will organize a
chorus choir at the Penn Avenue llap
tlst church as soon ns possible. He
will continue at the (been Judge Pres
byterian church until May 1, but in the
meantime his brother,, tleorge F,
Whlttemore, of Kim Park church, will
net as his substitute. .'
Miss Annette Reynolds has been 'en
gaged for another year at the Second
proKbyterlan church. ..'..
Professor Protheroe Is re-unltlng the
ciioli nt the Trinity Lutheran church.
Miss Delia Fldlani has rendered valu
Great Special Sale
400-402 Lackawanna Ave.
able services as organist at the (liven
Kldge Primitive .Methodist church and
Is organizing a strong chorus choir.
Professor Kockwell Is arranging a'
special programme of music to be pre
sented at the Second Presbyterian on
March 31.
On Tuesday next a musical festival
will be held at Zion German church,
Milltln avenue, when Professor Kock
well will preside at the organ.
Coming I vents.
An old-fashioned tea party in being
arranged by tho members of the Welsh
Haptist church, Providence.
The Sunday school convention of the
Wyoming conference of the Prlmltve
Methodist church will be held at Plains
on Tuesday.
Kevlval services will be held at the
Primitive Methodist church, (Ireen
Kldge, during the coming week, when
the meetings will be conducted by the
laymen, on Sunday Auroti Powell will
conduct the morning service, ami Will
lain lirown In the evening. The Young
People's socley will have charge of the
.Monday meeting, anil James Fldinn
will conduct the Tuesday evening, Will
iam Kussell on Wednesday, Alfred
llarthorn on Thursday, and on Friday
evening a general meeting will be held.
The executive committer of the
Young People's Baptist union are ar
ranging to hold a rally at the Penn
Avenue llupllst church In the week
prior to April 21 that being Founder's
I my.
At the regular meeting of the llnp
tlst Pastors' union on Monday morning.
P.ev. W. (1. Watklns will present reso
lutions on the dentil of Kev. A. J. (lor
don, I). H. At the conclusion of the
meeting the pastors present will be
Miscellaneous .Mention.
About four years ago the Welsh Hap
tist church, West Market street, was
repaired at a cost of ll.iiiil). I'nder
the leadership of Kev. W. F. Havles,
the pastor, the members have reduced
the Indebtedness to JtiiHl. which, II Is
Imped, will lie discharged during the
year. In I he month of February $tw)
were collected.
An excellent entertnliinictit vus given
by the society of the Providence Pres
byterian church Inst evening. A lunch
party was u pleasant feature of the,
evening. ,
Members of the , Trinity Lutheran
church are contributing handsomely In
their . Lenten "self-denial" , offerings,
which are to be devoted to the reduc
tion of the chinch debt.
tom ok row's si.kvk; i :s.
Washburn Street Preshyterliin Church
Preaching at usual hour, morning nnd
evening nt the usual liinir by Itev. Will
iam M. Hehull, of Princeton Theologlcul
Hampton Street Methodist P.plscopul
Church Itev. A. W. Cooper, puslor.
Sermon by the pastor ut a. m. At (I p.
in. Kpworth league devutlonul service.
7 o'clock sermon by Kev. Thomas Hell,
puslor of Plymouth Congregational
fit. Luke's Church Kev. lingers Israel,
rector. Hecund Sunday In Lent, Holy coin
niunlon, 8 a, m.; service and holy com
munion, io.liu a. in.; Sunday school, 2.30 p.
m.; evening prayer, 3.30 p .in.; mission ser
vice, l.'M p, III.
St. Luke's Mission, Dunmore Key. A.
L, Urban In charge. Holy Communion, 8
a. m.; Sunday school, 3 'Pc m.) evening
prayer and sermon, 4 p. m.
St. . David's Church Corner., of Jackson
street and liromley avenue. Kev. M. 11.
Mill, rector. Morning prayer and sermon
at 10.:); evening prayer and sermon nt
7.3D. Sunday school at 130. Krtdny even
lug service at 7.30. Lttuny, service dally
nt 4 p. m. during Lent, except Friday and
The Second Presbyteriun Church Kev.
Charles K. Kobinson, D.I., pastor. Ser
vile at lti.30 a. m. The pastor will preach
In the morning. No evening service.
Christian F.mluuvor meeting at li.30 p. m.
Ireen Kldge Presbyterian Church
Preaching ut 10.30 a. ni. and 7.30 p. in. by
a former pastor, Kev. W. H. Waller,
of New Kochi lle, N. Y. Hlble school ut .!
o'clock and F.ndeavor meeting at U.3U p. at.
Trinity Kngllsh Lutheran Church
Adams avenue, corner Mulberry street.
Kev. P.dwln Lunn MlJIcr, pastor. Ser
vices at 111.30 n. m. and 7.30 p. m. Pews al
ways free, and nil visiting worshipers wel
come. Omen Kldge United Kvangellrnl Church
Kev. tl. L. .lalce, pnstnr. Sunday school
nt K.30 a. ni. K. L, C. K. 0.30 p. m. Preach.
Ing at HU.'i by Mr. O. Sanborn, of the Res
cue mission, nnd at 7.30 p. in, by Kev. J.
M. Howell. Kverybody welcome.
Court Street .Methodist Kplscopal Chur 'h
The pastor. P. It. Hawxhiirst, will
preach In the morning on "Peculiar Traits
of y.nccheiis," and in the evening on
"The True Woman." Kpworth league Jo
votlonul service nt (i.3il. All welcome.
(Irncc Kngllsh Lutheran Church Hew
Foster U. (lift, pastor. Services on Sun
day ut the Young .Men's Christian asso
ciation nt m.:i0u. m. nnd 7.30 p. in. Sumluy
school ut 11,30 n. ill. Kev. F. J. Mutter, of
Sellns drove, Pu., will preach. Kverybody
Klin Pink Methodist Kplscnpnl Church
W. It. Pcnrce, pastor, will prench morning
ami evening. Sunday school nt 2 o'clock.
Kpworth league ut ti.3 p. III.
I'lrsl llaptlst Cliim li-l'nslur Collins
will prench Subbalh ut IU.3H a. in. end 7
p. in. .Morning Iheme, "Joy of Salvation."
Ciiiuiniinlon lollowlug sermon. Kvenlng
' l heme. "A Clnlstliin Prince." Seats free.
All welcome.
St. Paul's, Park Plnce-Kcv. Ceorge M.
Scheldy, pastor. Service at 10.30 a. uml
7.:i0 p. in. Sunday school every Lord's
day at 1!.3U p. m. IVws always free.
All Souls' Chapel (l'nlversnllMl)-Pliie
street, near Adams nveniie. Itev. II. P.
Cnrr will pleach morning nnd evening.
Services ut lii.SKn. in. and 7.30 p. in.
Penn Avenue llnptist Church Kev.
Wan-en (I. PiirirldKe, puslor. Services nt
lu.30 ii. in. ami 7.30 p. in. The pastor will
preach morning mid evening. Strungers
especially welcome.
Calvary Keformed Church-Corner Mon
roe nveniie mid (llhson street. Itev. W. II.
Hlnbblebliie, pn.slor. Kev. ltromer will
preach both morning nnd evening. All
Church of Christ, Scientist-Spencer
building, Dl Adams avenue. Hlble lesion
ut lu.30 ii. in. mid church service ut 7.30 p
m. I. N. McKee, Hpeuker. All welcome.
Seats free.
Howard Place African Methodist Kpls
copal Church Preaching . morning and
evening by the pastor, Kev. C. A. Mc(!c.
Jackson Street llupllst Church The
puslor will preach tomorrow, both morn
ing and iivcnbig: Services: 1'rvtichlng,
10.30 ii. in, uml II p. m.; Sunday schuol, 3 p.
in. Seals lire all free.
(Ireen Itldgo llupllst Church Itev. W.
J. Kurd, puslor. Services ut 10.30 a. in.
uml 7.30 p. in. Subject In the morning.
"( ibedleiice:" III the evening, "KellgloiiM
Spasms." Ilapllsui at I lie close of the
morning service.
ixm't Put It tirf.
The necessity of a spring medicine Is
universally udinltted. This Is the best
time of year In which to purify the blood,
to res-lorn the lout nppetlle, and lo build up
the entire systm, us the body Is now pu
cilllarly suseepthlo to beitcllt from medi
cine. The great pnpulurlly uttulned by
Hood's Sarsupurllhi, owing to Its real
merit and Its remarkable success,' has c.
tabtlshed It as the very best medicine to
take In the spring. It cures scrofula, suit
rheum, and all humors, biliousness, dys
pepsia, heuduche, kidney ami liver com
plaints, cntnrrh, and ull affections caused
or promoted . by low state of the system
or Impure blood. ' Don't put it off, but take
Hood's Bamapurlllu now. It will do you
good, I . '
, '
1 1 ,
Health Hints and
Rdles of Hygiene
Suggestions That May Save You Many
a Dot-tor's Bill.
These Hints Don't Cost Much, Are Not
Copyrighted, and If They Don't Do
You Any (iood. They'll Not
Do You Any Usrm.
Charcoal Is one of the most remark
able articles In common use, and pos
sesses many qualities not generally un
derstood by the laity. As an absorb
ent of bad odors It has no euuul. Placed
around articles of food It prevents de
cay and preserves them for a time In all
their freshness. In tine powder It Is
one of the most perfect dressings for
malignant wounds and those where
proud flesh is present. As a cure for
heuduche It is Invaluable, a teaspoon
ful in half a gluss of water often af
fording Immedlute relief.
The Pennsylvania state board of
health has established the following pe
riods of infection In the diseases named:
Stnnll-pox Six weeks from the com
mencement of the disease, If every scab
bus fallen on.
Chicken-pox Three weeks from the
commencement of the disease. If eve!'
scull bus fallen off.
Scarlet fever Six weeks from the com
mencement of the dlseuse, If the peeling
has ceased, und the iv Is no sore nose.
IMphthei In Six weeks from the com
mencement of the dlseu-w, If sore throat
und other signs of the disease lies disap
peared. Measles Three weeks from the com
mencement of the dlseuse, If all swelling
hen subsided.
Typhus Four weeks from the com
mencement of the disease, If strength Is
Typhoid til, weeks from the connv
nieiiceineiit of the disease, If strength Is
re -established.
Whooping cough-Six Weeks from the
commencement of the disease, If ull courfh
hns censed.
Teuchers, or children, who have been
exposed to Infection from any of the
following diseases may safely be read
mitted to the school. If they remain In
good health (and have taken proper
means for-disinfection), after the fol
lowing periods of quarantine: Diph
theria,, twelve dnys; scarlet fever, four
teen days; smallpox, eighteen days;
chicken-pox, eighteen days; mumps,
twenty-four days; whooping cough,
twenty-one days. Adults may be re
admitted Immediately, if they disinfect
their clothes and persons.
' Sick headache can often be alleviated
ami even cured by a cup of strong black
coffee, without sugar, to which the Jute
of half aluiiion hus been added.
Philadelphia Keeord Prescriptions: To
euro flatulence, avoid eating onions If they
give you discomfort, as well as ull othet
foods you And dyspepsia-producing. Tune
phosphate of sodium fur three months
taku half a teasiioonful in a bulf a teacup.
ful of hot svutsr after each meal.,.. Sul
phur, Soap Is the best to use when one 1
affected with any of the following skin
diseases: . -Aene, psoriasis, ecsema. Im
petigo, sycosis and comedo. ...The cheap
est remedy to allay Itching ef the skin Is
vinegar. Warm It and dab on the skin....
Apply a piece of sallcylated rubber plas
ter to th skin over the "hard spot" In
palm of the hand. It U a horny, condition
1 I
of the skin called callus, and is caused
generally by friction or pressure from
the use of tools Tar soup is often an ef
fectual remedy for dandruff, ltrush the
scalp and hair carefully every day. Make
a good suds with the tur soap and use It
on the scalp twice every week Milk is
the best food for the nervous; drink two
quarts every day. in addition to your regu
lar meals, which should consist of meat
preferably mutton, the white meat of
chicken or turkey nil sorts of vegetables,
especially the green, crisp things. Drink
do tea at all: coffee for breakfast only.
Take extract of mnlt with pepsin, two tea
spoonfuls, after each meal. Mix with
water or milk Too frequent flushing of
the face when one Is In apparent good
health Is due generally to nervousness,
and can be remedied by taking a two
grain asafoetldn pill three times n jlny,
after meals. ...The best way to "prevent"
blackheads appearing on the face Is jus
keep the skin from head to foot clean.
This can only be accomplished by a daily
bath of either cold or net water, which
mist be followed by a brisk rubbing until
the skin glows Freckles will return, no
matter how often they may have been re
moved by treatment. Avoid exposing the
face to the sun and wind, and wash the
face with a mixture of vkpegar nnd water,
equal parts of each, night und morning,
permitting It to dry without wiping.
Rub patent leather tips of shoes occa
sionally with sweet oil applied with n bit
of flannel ; It will keep them looking like
Ulnghams and colored goods will look
much clearer ami brighter If rinsed In
suited water, especially If the colors have
any tendency to "run."
When the bottoms of your cane-sented
chairs sag wash with hot soapsuds, and
luce them out of doors to dry, and they
will become n tight us ever.
A small h nip of sugar added to turulps
when cooking will correct the bitterness
whleh sometimes spoils this vegetable.
If to be served mashed It will greatly lin
provo them to put them through u col
ander. A polishing paste Is made ns follows.
Tuke three ounces of while wax. half sn
ounce of custlle. simp, one gill spliils of
turpentine. Shave the wax and soap very
fine und put the wax In the turpentine.
Lot the mixture stand twenty-four hoars.
T FEEL very much
rited through the
of the genuine
Johann Uoff's Malt
!rL-. if !c
table beverage and
especially when fun down-from hard work
Btwar it Imitations. ;' The
i . TokaiiH Hofl's Malt Extract has the
Sr, on neck label. Eisner St Mendeuon Co.,
Sole AffenU New York
n 1 - "
l ' I I l
i ' 1:
Then boil the soap In one gill of water
anil add the wax und turpentine. This
paste is highly recommended by prac
tical men.
A pood furniture polish is made with
half un ounce of beeswax and a c,u:irt.-r
ounce alkanel root, which are melted to
gether until the wax is well colored. Then
add half a gill of raw linseed oil and spir-'
To remove paper from a cake, when the
cake has partly cooled, turn it bottom up
ward and brush the paper with water un
til thoroughly dampened. It can then be
eiu-dly removed. To keep a cake from
sticking to the pan butter the pan slight
ly, dredge it with tlour. and shake tho
flour out before pouring the cake in.
To wax furniture, use a mixture of two
ounces white or yellow wax, according
to color of wood, and which has tirst been
nutted over a moderate lire, and four
ounces Inst spirits of turpentine. Slir
until cool, or, if for immediate use, ap
ply hot, and rub with a hard brush. Tha
polish may bo renewed at any subsequent
time by rubbing with a piece of tine cloth.
There are several mixtures excellent for
cleaning off furniture, now or old. Hero
is one: Pure, raw linseed oil. one quart:
spirits of wine and vinegar, of each a half
pint, butter (lerchloridet of antimony,
two ounces; spirits of turpentine, half
pint. Shake well before using. Use a
rubbing pud made by rolling up a two
Inch strip of woolen cloth. Several appli
cations n HI be needed for new furniture
or for such its has previously been French
polished or finished in beeswax.
To clean soft mahogany and other por
ous woods first scrape on and sandpaper
i the usvn: way, then wet the surface
with a sponge o water. This will raise
ttie grain ef the wood, which can be cut
away with pumice stone nine lump) rub
bing the wood In the direction of the grain
and keeping It moist with vter. Let ;s,t
work then dry. Then wet again and
rub. ttepcat the process until the surfa
become is-rfectly smooth and tho texture
of the wood much hardened. If the
should not prove satisfactory try ptim!ci
atone (lumpl and raw Unseed oil. This
will give a durable face to the work,
which then may tie polished or varnlshcj.
Complimentary to I s.
A French picture dealer says that all of
his unsold pictures are sent to the United
States, where they bring fancy prices.
bene -
rrrpr .
tonic, h
cenuine . .
signature UT
' 1