The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 09, 1895, Page 3, Image 3

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' Specimen Copies of the
Principal Monthly Magazines
Can be obtained any day
At Norton's Book Store.
The Publishers have sent lis
A lot of Sample Copies
For Free Distribution to All Callers.
Temporary Store, 115 Wyoming Avenue
A Foe to Dyspepsia
And Always Have
Good Bread.
The Weston Mill Co.
Punch Cigars
have the initials
G. B. & CO.
Garney, Brown & Co. Mf r's
Court House Square.
Will Be Given at tho Academy of .Music
on I ucsjay Evening.
The famous musical organization
-nnwn ai-!on" Concert . baud- will
Visit this city on Tuesday and will give
one of thefr famous conrerts at the
' Academy of M'usii The leader, John
11 n ?.i.nro 14 nurrtir wnnwri rnnn nnv
nmn.rap tn rnt niroii Mnraa ...
Je the fame of the Marine band of
for himself a national reputation.
the head of his present matchless
he has scored almost a phenomen-
lo has captivated the hearts of the
0 ui it 11 r . 1 1 r 1-
St. Louis Mirror. He is not only a
. ... 1.n.l.,., hill n. ... n . . I 1 LI,.
tcauci , uut a. girdi iiiuUJiail. ne
ma ma auu itruue annum. l?i IIIULII liy
sinK n? nervimni n ririen fu rtr-u aa r.v
is wonderful maenetism. which li
uinc maun iiiik ma nuuir vra ii iu iu
ave u; ills uaiiju,
I. avis' 1 heater.
"Little Trlxie." the musical rome.iy
which comes to Davis' theater noxt .Mon
day. Tuesday and Wednesday, answers
well as a vehicle for the antlc3 of some
very clever people. First amon these is
the dainty Irish soubrette. May Smith
Kobbins, one of the greatest little dancers
In America. She also has a pleasing voice
and acta her way Into the hearts of all.
Her supporting company Is composed of
peclalty people far above the average, In
troducing twenty-two specialties nnd
musical numbers during the course of the
performance. It Is predicted that this
company will puck the theater at every
In the death of Alexander M. Vangor
dor, who departed this life on Feb. 17,
Moscow lost one of Ms most respected
citizens. He was born In New Jersey on
. Murch 7, 18-13. and during the lute war
was one of the nation's brave defenders.
The funeral took place March 2 and ser
vices were conducted In the Dalevllle
church by Rev. Mr. Slmpklns and Kev.
Henry Wardell. Mr. Vungorden Is sur
vuved by a wife and one son, Charles.
The pall-bearers were the following mem
bers of tho post of the Oram! Army of
the Republic at Moscow: C. H. Clause, J.
C. llortree, ICdwurd Hodgon, C. W. Dale,
William Bayer, O. K Vaughun.
I Ifo Ebhing Out. -Forever
with the Lord; omen.' So let It be.
Life from the dead Is In that word, 'tis
Immortality., . ... ' , ,
Here In .the bodyi pVntj'abient from him
1 roam.
Yet nightly pitch my moving tent a day's
march nearer home.
Forever with the Lord! Father If 'tis thy
The promise of .that faithful word, s'en
h re to me fulfill.
. So whm my latest breath shall rend the
veil In twain,
By death 1 shall escape from death and
' life eternal gain. , I
Knowing as I am known. How shall I
... love that word.
And oft repent before the throne, for
ever with the Lord!
W. H. Courtrlght.
Tamest Week of the Winter Months
Ends Today.
The Gamut of the Week's Kvents Sounded
In Short Puragraphs-Uucsts and l a
tcrtaincrs Personal Montlon Ho.
duecd to a Compact Compass.
The tamest social week of tho win
ter will end with todiiy, and indica
tions are that the dearth will continue
until after Kaster. No announcements
of events to come have been made, nor
does It uppi'iir Unit society folk are even
plannluK. Ati exception may possibly
be made of the Yule Olce concert In the
KrothltiKhum April 17, and the Cornell
i'l'lnceton bass bull game ten days
K. X. Wlllard delightfully entertained
the Whist club lust Tuesday evening at
dinner. Covers were luld for sixteen.
The souvenirs were red sutln boxes,
huud-puinled, with a pack of cards en
closed. There were present Colonel I. a
Motte, of ISliiKhatuton: Henry Uelln, Jr.,
li. J. Anderson, II. C. Sliufer. C. H.
Welles. Hon. 11. A. Knapp. J. A. Davis.
C. K. Wude, C. U. Fuller. J. II. Torrey,
A. II. Christy. K. 1. Price. K. I. Kings
bury, W. H. Jessup, jr., Kvereit Wur
ren. Many of the single it ml municd folk
on the hill are muking a study of whist
and receiving lessons from Miss Rob
erts, of Philadelphia, who teaches the
American league system. There lire
three classes, married women Friday
afternoons, men Ftiduy evenings, and
young ladles Saturday mornings,
i. ' !
Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Carroll gave .1
card party at their home, on Adams
avenue, Tuesday evening. In honor of
Miss Urettu Kelly, of New York city,
who Is the guest of Mr. Carroll's sister.
Mrs. J. F. Connolly, or Madison avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Can- gave a card
patty for the Oreeti Ridge Owl dub on
Tuesday evening.
;l ' j!
A farewell reception was, on Thurs
day evening, tendered Miss Bertha
Mucurdy. secretary of the Young Wo
men's Christian association.
! 'i ii
J. S. Sanford. the genial manager of the
Frothlngliutu, returned from New York
yes-terday. Although everything is very
iiuiet in the theatrical sphere these days,
Mr. Sanford has secured a number of llrst
elass attractions for this and the coming
District Deputy J. S. Miller, accompa
nied by Attorney K. H. House. Attorney
C. C. Donovan, K. V. Hendricks and oth
ers, weit to Ulyphant last night to Install
the new orlleers of Olyphant conclave,
Improved Order of Hcptasophs.
Sergeant George K. Downey, of Com
pany U. of the Thirteenth regiment, of
.Montrose, has been transferred to Com
pany F. of the West Side. Mr. Downey
has accepted a position as clerk at Hotel
W. S. Millar, alderman-elect of the
Eighth ward, is fitting out his new and
splendid rooms In the Gas and Water com
pany bidding on Wyoming avenue, prepar
atory to taking ortice on the first of May
C. F. Whlttemore has been appointed
chorister of the Penn Avenue Baptist
church to succeed J. T. Watklr.s. Mr.
Whlttemore is at present the chorister of
the Green Kidge Presbyterian church.
James J. Cush, of this city, has been
elected president of the State Plumbers'
association. John D. Kearney, also of
this city, was selected as a member of
the executive board.
Attorney David J. Davis, one of the
bright young members of the bar of this
county, has been appointed assistant city
solictor by Mr. Torrey and accepted the
Announcement is made that William H.
Gittlngs. of. Bultimore, and Miss Letltl.i
H. Keed, of this city, were married Jan. 1
at tiloomsburg, by Hev. W. G. Furguson.
Mrs. Houghton and daughter, Miss
F.leanor Ulalr, who have been visiting
friends In the city for some time past,
have returned to their home In New York.
Mrs. Fred T. Kopff has been In New
York to attend the Carrl concert, at whl.'h
Miss Elsbeth Wlnton, of this clfy, played
the Mendelssohn concerto for violin.
Rev. CI. L. Make, of the Green Ridge
United Kvangelli al church, has been In
York attending the annual session of the
Central Pennsylvania conference.
Among hte Scrantonlans In New York
during the week were H. II. Hiidelman,
H. W. Rowley, V. 8. Page, Mrs. ii. T.
Jones, J. Wannli k, S. 8. Hlnes.
N. 8. Stealer, principal of the Tlttston
high school, and Mr. Phillips, of the
school board of that city, visited the
Scranton schools Wednesday.
Attorney Charles L. Hawley, who was
taken 111 the early part of the week,
was able to be about town again yester
day. Attorney George D. Taylor has moved
from the West Hide tn 721 Olive street,
having Just purchased the latter house.
A baby boy arrived yesterday to bright
en the home of Mr. and Mrs. James
Hkeoi h, of Clay avenue, Dunmore.
Mrs. W. W. Watson has returned from
Philadelphia, where she has been visiting
with her mother the past week.
Mrs. George Rigdon, of Syracuse, has
been in the city this week as guest of .Mrs.
Fred White at the Wyoming.
Miss Sophia Schluger, who has been
spending the winter out. of town wltti
friends, has returned home.
Mrs. Charles H. Ashton, who has been,
visiting friends here, has returned to her
home In Cambridge, Mass.
J. 8. Wentx, of Mauch Chunk, nnd Dr.
N. Y. Leet, of Scranton, are at the Hotel
Stratford, Philadelphia.
Mrs. Honr, of Scranton, has returned
from a visit to her daughter, .Mrs, Martin
Itogan, at Carbondule.
Miss Nellie Powell, of Wllkes-Biirre, Is
visiting her cousin, Miss Ilertha Powell,
of Linden street.
Rev. liromor, former pastor of Calvary
T...Yormed church, will preach both morn
ing and evening.
Letters have been received from C. D.
Simpson and party announcing their safe
arrival In Rome. ' '
Miss Grace NoNon Is spending a couple
of weeks with friends In New York city
and Hrooklyn.
Mrs. 8. Haslacher, of Rochester, N, Y.,
Is visiting Mrs. Sol Goldsmith, of Wash
ington avenue.
Mrs. ('.. V. Jones nnd daughter, May, nf
Mt, Vernon, N. Y., ure visiting at Mrs. I,
F. Megargel's.
Colonel and Mrs. Roles have reached
Genoa after a rather rough voyage across
the Atluntlc.
Dr. II. A. Rl( liter and family left town
yesterday and will locate permanently at
Klemtne, la.
Mrs. K. V. Mitchell and daughter. Re
gin a, of Penn avenue, are visiting Corbon
dale friends.
' Misses Anna and Jennie Btratton, of Ad
ams avenue, are visiting friends at Rlng
hamton.. ,' , , -. .
:' Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Bmlth are at Lnke
Worth, Fla .where they will spend a
month. ' . . ...
Mrs. 8. Tllson, of Rochester, N. Y Is
visiting her father, S. W. Kdgnr, In Green
M. H. Holgate. the riAil estate agent, Is
ill at his home on North Washington ave
nue. M:3sos Mur'y Bristol and Emma N.
Thomas, of Iluslucher's millinery store,
havu returned from a business trip to New
York city.
Mrs. Horace Glnton, of Scranton, vis
ited with reluiives ut Plymouth this week.
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Von Btort-h und Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Council are In Florida.
Miss Illnncho Moon, of Itock street, Is
the guest of frleds in Wllkes-llarro.
Mrs. J. II. Hopkins and daughter, Alfa,
ure visiting Tuukhuuuuck friends,
lKc Htlli'S, of Duryeu, who has beun
sick for some lime, Is recovering.
Miss Ilesslu Jones, of Quliicy avenue, Is
visiting friends In New York.
F.dmund Mart 1 und Frank Curlucci re
turned Wednesday from Cuba.
Detective Scanlon was In Albany Thurs
day on professional business.
Attorney L. P. Wedemun, of Forest City,
has located In Scranton.
Attorney Thomas F, Welles was In Phil
adelphia Thursday.
Dr. A. K. Hurroun, of Honesdale, wus In
he city yesteiduy.
L. K. Tothet, of Wllkes-Uarre, will bo
In the city toduy.
M. P. Judge Is In North Carolina.
(iieut Work Accomplished by I ustcrn
I'nion llulldlng und l oan Association.
To the Citizens of Lackawanna
In November of 1SD3 a brunch of the
Eastern I'nloti Huildiiig und Loan so
ciety, of Philadelphia, wus organized
In Scranton, and since that time an
other branch has been organized on thi
West Side, und still another in Dun
more; the undersigned being among
those who became members.
At the time of organization of these
brunches, the management of the so
ciety promised, aiming other things,
that loans would be made to mem
bers of these brunches tn amounts ut
least equal to the payments made t
the society on the stock subscribed by
all of the members of these branches;
provided proper security waB given. Wo
take pleasure In certifying to the ful
filment of these promises, und further
state that during the past year the so
ciety has loaned to the members of
these branches amounts which together
exceed three and nine-tenths times the
sum of all payments made to the so
ciety on stock subscribed by members
of these branches.
We take this means of publicly ex
pressing our satisfaction with the plans
und methods of the society, und Invite
Investigation by all who have .money
to invest, as well us those who dVslre to
pay off mortgages, .or secure homes on
the monthly Instalment plan. "The
Kustern Union" does not promise or es
timate as large gains as some others
which have sought to gain a foothold
In this city, but Invites confidence by
reasonable statements. Inquire of any
of the followlng-numed members for
further information:
Hon. Frank T. Okell, Scranton Pa.
A. V. Powell, Scranton, Pa.
E. J. Lynett, Scranton, Pa.
Hon. P. P. DeLacy, Scranton, Pa.
L. M. Gates, M. D., Scranton, Pa.
Curtis Huff, Scranton, Pu.
J. U. Wagner, Scranton, Pa.
C. W. Thompson, Jr., Scranton, Pa.
M. K. Kdger, Scranton, Pa.
W. Scholl, Scranton. Pa.
O. D. Shepherd, Scranton, Pa.
James Jordan, Scranton, Pa.
Williams Corless, Scranton, Pa.
J. N. Uuckley, Scranton, I'a.
O. M. Hubbs, Scranton, Pa.
T. D. Maschal, Scranton, Pa.
M. Ruddy, Scranton, Pa.
M. Devine. Scranton, Pu.
M. F. Clilioy, Scranton, Pa.
V. D. Manley, Dunmore, Pa.
W. J. Costello, Dunmore. Pa.
P. J. llorun, Dunmore, Pa.'
A. H. Allen, Dunmore, Pa.
Robert A. Scott, Dunmore, Pa.
J. B. Garvey, M. D., Dunmore, Pa.
Hon. T. J. Duggan, Dunmore, Pa.
W. J. Cummins, Dunmore, Pa.
G. H. Cummins, Dunmore, Pa.
William Nealous, Dunmore, Pa.
M. J. Flunnelly, Dunmore, Pa.
J. J. Flannelly, Dunmore, Pu.
W", G. Malley, Dunmore, Pa.
J. E. Schuller, Dunmore, Pa.
P. W. Manley, Dunmore, Pa.
George Seese, Dunmore, Pa,
A. Hart, Dunmore, Pu.
W. J. Hall, Dunmore. Pa.
Thomas McIIule, Dunmore, Pa.
M. M. O'Hora, Dunmore, I'a.
James Dyer, Dunmore, Pa.
. M. Gullanu. Dunmore, Pn.
T. Dougherty, Hmnmore, u,
Thomas Mcllule, Dunmore, Pa,
M. Hennlgun, Dunmore, Pu.
F. P. Connolly, Dunmore, Ta.
T. J. Doudlcan. Dunmore, pa. I
,T. J. Flynn, Dunmore, Pa.
W. C. Ilurke, Dunmore, I'a.
M. Duffy, Dunmore, Pu.
M. Dyer, Dunmore, Pn.
M. Faragher, Dunmore, Pa.
A. Maxwell, Dunmore, Pu.
K. Gallagher, Dunmore, Pa.
M. Harrington, Dunmore, I'a.
M. T. Walsh, Dunmore, pa.
A. Dunnlgan, Dunmore, Pa.
Henry Wulsh, Dunmore, Pu.
J. A. Walsh, Dunmore, Pa.
If. A. Ktnlth, Dunmore, Pa.
Charles Uolund, Dunmlre, Pa.
iM. J. llorun, Dunmore, Pa.
A. li. Eynon, Scranton, West Side.
V. D. Evans, Scranton, West Side.
I). J. Davis, Scranton, West Side.
W. It. Evans, Scranton, West Side.
R.J.Protherue, Scranton, West Side.
T. M. Watklns, Scrnnton.West Side.
(1. II. Reynolds, M. D., Scranton,
West Side.
II. F. Ferber. Scrnnton, West Hld.
J. W. Fletcher, Scranton, West Side.
Wm. Dovlne, Scranton, West Side.
M. rtngan, Scranton, West Side.
William It. Williams, Scranton,
West Side.
Roderick Jones. Scranton, West Side.
J. II. Wiilkcr, Scnnton, West Side.
J. L. Wllllums, Scranton. West Side,
li. 8. Reynolds, Scranton, West Side.
M. A. Caddcn. Scrnnton, Wist Side.
Tribune renders buy with spot ensh.
funeral Took I'luco Yostordny Morning
ut St. Peter's Ciilliodrul.
Yesterday morning the funeral of tho
late Martin Lnvelle, of Prospect ave
nue, was held and a solemn high muss
of retiuletn waH sung at St. Peter's
cathedral. Kev. James A. McII'igh wus
celebrant; Rev. J. A. O'Reilly, deacon;
and Rev. P. J. Hough, sub-deacon.
Interment was mude In Dunmore
Catholic cemetery. The pall-bearers
were Patrick Regan, John Gibson, Pat
rick Lavelle. Patrick Brown, John Bar
rett and John Hope. The funeral was
a very large onu. t
SCROFULA, salt rheum, and all disease
of the blood, dyspepsia, headuche, kidney
and liver complaints, and catarrh, are
cured by Hood's Sursaparllla, tho great
blood purifier.
HOOD'8 PILLS cure Jaundice, bilious
ness, sick hcaduche, constipation and all
liver Ills.
Telephone 2242, W. O. Doud ft Co., CO)
Lackawanna avenuo, .for all kinds of
plumbing. .
' -
Plllsbury's Flour Mills hava a capacity
of H,W barrels a day.
Cause of His Deuth Has Nut Yet Keen
Contents Will Re Analyzed by Chemist
kocrnpel-Tiio Testimony llcard-.Mrs.
lie lies Tells Whut Happened When
Her Husband Ilucsmo 111,
Upon the body of Silas Belles, of Onk
Hill, the cause of whose sudden death
remains still a mystery, an uutopsy
wus performed yesterduy morning by
Coroner John A. Kelly, assisted by Dr.
It. W. Stevens, of Mooslo, und Chemist
Charles Koenipel, of the flrni of Luienz
& Koempel, of! Washington, Juvenue,
this city.
John H. Jordun, Martin Bird, Thomas
Stanton, I). S. Ryan, Daniel J. Mort
ality, and John T. Brown were sworn
us a Jury of Inquest und the body wus
removed from the? undertaker's box
und subjected to u dissecting operation.
The front part of the thorax und the
upper portion of the ubdomlnal cavity
were exposed to view. Tho coroner
first removed the stiimneli and com
mitted It to the cure of Chemist Koem
pel, who enclosed It In a glass Jar and
then departed for his lahrutory to
make? an analysis of the contents of the
organ und uscertuln whether uny pois
onous sulmtiiiico should bo found,
which would solve the mystery of the
man's death.
An examination of the lungs fullud
to account for the cause of death; both
bronchial organs bore traces of pleur
isy troubles, but nothing to indicate
thut death wus the result of their col
lapse. The heart was In prime con
dition, lnsldu It were large clots of
blood, and these. Coroner Kelly suys,
must be the cause of death If no poison
cuu be found In the stuinuch. The kid
neys were cut open and found free
from any organic ailment. After the
coroner finished his post mortem ex
amination the boly was sewed up and
then the testimony of several witnesses
wus heard. County Detective Thomas
Leyshon wus present on the part of the
commonwealth und was of valuable
assistance to the coroner iu eliciting
Information from those who presumed
to know unythlug ubout the true state
of affairs.
Those Insurance Policies.
William Hadbey, superintendent In
Scranton of the Metropolitan Life In
heard. The deceased came to his of
s ura nee company was the first one
flee last Monday and wanted to know
if he could not get the books and poli
cies held by his wife. She hud left him
and he did not propose to allow life In
surance on him to be of any benefit to
her us she was gone from his home.
Mr. Hadbey told Belles he would in
struct the ugent who made the collec
tions to procure the policies ns soon us
Mrs. Belles appeared to muke the pay
ment on the premiums. One 'policy
was taken out In UsO for J10U; one In
1SK0 for (230; and the last was tukvn
out In for $210, making a total of
Mrs. Belles, wife of the deceased, was
sworn. She was trembling and walling
all through her testimony and told a
rambling story. Dr. Pier, of Avoca,
wus their family physician and treated
her husband for lung trouble. He pre
scribed a liquid which contained a good
portion of creosote, a deadly poison.
Her husband took foiir drops of this
medicine at a time. She did not know
whether he took any of It the day be
fore he died. He always prepared it
himself and she never remembered hav
ing given him a dose of It. The reason
she left home was because he choked
her and Inflicted other Indignities. Her
son followed his father's example often
and assisted In making her life miser
able. She denied that the life Insur
ance was taken out ugalnst her hus
bund's will; he knew all about It, she
She left home a week last Wednesday
nnd went to her mother's home In
Mooslc. Because of a motherly feeling
for her boy she returned home after an
absence of one week all but a day.
Hupper was prepared ut the usual hour
Wednesday evening. The bill of fare
was pork und beans, bread und butter,
and a cup of tea. Her husband eat
heartily and went to Mooslc to try and
persuade their son to return home.
1 se J to Take Morphine.
He came back without Eddie and
reached home ubout D o'clock. He used
morphine powders and usually took one
before going to bed each night nnd lie
took one that night. No sooner had lie
swallowed It than he complained of Ill
ness. He prayed for a long time and was
not able to arise from his knees. She
thought he had an epileptic tit and sent
for some of the neighbors. She was
positive she did not give him any medi
cine that night at all. Until he died the
next morning she remained at his side.
Moses and Simon P. Belles, brothers
of the deceased, gave testimony. In
the main It was not Important, except
thut part of the story of the hitter
which referred to threats that were
made by the wife of the deceased. The
dead man often told his brother he was
afraid that he would be poisoned and
expressed a strong desire to have his
stomach nnnlyzed when he died.
Mrs. 8. P. Belles did not hear any of
these remarks made by the deceased to
her husband. Mrs. Hugh Sheridan,
thp mother of Mrs. Belles, came when
word was sent to her that her daugh
ter's husband was dying. She remained
at Ills bedside until the final dlssolu
tlon. l'ntrlck J. Foley, of Greenwood,
lloautlful Hunt
ing Case, Klgln,
Jnwe.ed Move
ment, $6
To set yon to
coins NOW
21.1 Lack. At.
Made at short notice. High
Class la every respect
Inside Decorating In all Its
PRATT'S Lackawanna Avenue.
and P. F. O'Hara, Justice of the peace
of Lackawanna township, swore that
the dead man conlided to them that he
was afraid his wife would poison him.
He told them thut she was unfaithful
to him. '
Dr. Stevens' Testimony.
Dr. Stevens, of Mooslc, who was
called to attend the case after the man
lapsed Into insensibility, was sworn.
Tho doctor said lie found the patient
suffering from suspension of respira
tion, and the only condition of anima
tion was tho pulse; it throbbed regular
ly, seventy times a minute. To all oth
er nppcurances the man was substan
tially dead. Tho doctor prescribed
atropine In one-sixteenth of a grain
doses. Tho first impression was that
the symptoms were very extraordinary.
Atropine Is an antidote to opium poi
soning. The doctor prescribed It both
as an antidote and a respiratory stimu
lunt. He was of the opinion thut the
man's condition wus due to poisoning
from medicine tuken in ubnormul doses
Intentionally or otherwise.
The inquest adjourned until Monday
evening at 7.30 ut the otllce of Coroner
Kelley, on Lackawanna avenue.
The Al. O. Field minstrels, which ap
pears at the Frothinghum this evening,
carry a full carload of special scenery
this season In order to properly present
the beautiful spectacular pantomime of
"Aladdin; or the Wonderful Lump,"
which is given In addition to the min
strel programme. There is an unctuous
humor ubout the black-face comedian
that finds no parallel In other fields
of comic art, and, though his Jests be
stale, still his method of telling them Is
so peculiarly his own thut the laugh
at u minstrel show Is broader, louder
und longer than that brought forth by
the best comedy art of the legitimate
stage. All minstrel shows, It may be
Bald, are good, but some, us Billy Man
ning used to Bay, ure very much better
than others, and in this last-mentioned
class Al. G. Field's performance cer
tainly belongs,
"The Pay Train," a sensational com
edy drama, with Florence Bindley as
the star, will be at the Academy of
Music tonight An exchange says that
Miss Blndley's songs and playing on
glasses were among the must attractive
features of tho play. She made good
hits In the sentimental songs, "Kiss
and Make Up Again," and the ballad
"If the Waters Could Speak as They
Flow." The scenic effects are above
the average, and the scene In which a
train of ears, drawn by a locomotive,
crosses the stuge at full speed presents
a startling mechanical effect. A very
acceptable actor Is Fin Reynolds. His
singing with 'Miss Bindley Is exception
ally pleasing. Miss Maggie Fielding as
Bridget McGonnigle possesses all the
churucteristcs of a comic Irish lady.
Relief In Six Hours.
Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis
eases relieved In six hours by the "New
Great South American Kidney Cure."
This new remedy Is a great surprise on
account of its exceeding promptness In
relieving pain In the bladder, kidneys,
back and every part of the urinary pus
sages, In mule or female. It relieves re
tention of water and pain In passing It
almost Immediately. If you want quick
relief and cure this Is your remedy. Sold
by C. M. Harris, Druggist, 12j Penn ave
nue, Scranton, Pa.
Ara you paying too much for plumbing?
Our telephone Is 2242. Try us. W, G.
Doud & Co., C09 Lacka. ave.
Huy tho Weber
and get the best. At Guernsey Bros
If you ai-e wise you will
be there. The entire
stock for less than cost.
This is no sham. See
the prices. You know
what kind of goods we
After April i will oc
cupy 134 Wyoming Ave.
China Hall
Wc have placed iu our
show window ' 2 lots of
Men's Shoes which we
are selling at $3.00 a
pair; shall have no more
at this price. A shoe
well worth $4.00, but we
want mcmey.
In Ladies' Fine Dongola
Shoe3, patented leather
tips and backs, latest
styles, all sizes, button
and lace, at $2.49 a pair,
fomerly $3.50.
M 1 1
For this nominal amount you can buy
a heavy, extra long, comfortable and
durable Ulster.
Come in and See Them
121 PENN
We are going to move from izi
nue and Spruce Street We oiler all
quality goods. Tue following is only
Bindiog Tape, .
Tin Pepper Box,
Children's Handkerchiefs,
Shoe Polish, , .
Dippers, . . ,
Pillow Case Lace, . ,
Ladies' Handkerchiefs,
Kubber Combs, .
Crotchet Cotton, . .
12 Dozen Agate Buttons,
Jelly Dishes, Glass. .
Olive Dish, Glass,
Tumblers, . ,
Goblets. . .
Wash Basin, . ,
Shoe Dressing, ,
2c. a Roll
. 3c
. 3c
3c. a Roll
. 4c
4c. and 9c
4c. a Ball
. 4c
. 4c
. 4c
Specially Adapted (or Beading and Sewing.
Consumes three (81 feet of gas per
hour and gives au efficiency of sixty
(00) candles.
Savlug at least 33 per cent, over the
ordluury Tip Burners.
Call and Sec It.
flanufacturers' A cents.
Coal of the best quality for domestic
se, and of all !, delivered la aa
part of tbe city at loweat price.
Orders left et my Offlre
RMr room, flint floor. Third National
Bank, or sent by mall or talenheae to lot
nine, will receive prompt attention.
Special contracts will e mads for the
lata and delivery of Buckwheat Coal,
The Acknowledged Expert io
lloracHhoeiiiK and Dentistry,
Is Now Permanently Located
on West Lackawanna Ave.,
Near the Bridge.
Cures Colds, Lays Out LaGrippc,
Cures Incipient Consumption.
Manufactured by (i. F.LMKN.
DOKF, l.lniira. N. Y und for sule
by the trade uenerully.
Wholesale Agents, Scranton, Fa.
Do yon want a tine Half-Tone Portrait of
yourself, of pour building, of your figure, for
advertising purposes? Stewart's Art Store.
m id
LIGHT T 10111
Penn avenue to the corner of Penn Ave
our goods at reduced prices. All first
a few of tbe vast lot of goods we carry :
Ivory Buttons, all colors, 4(. a DOZ
Sharp's .Needles, . 4f. a Paper
3 Spools Basting Thread, . 5t
3 Papers of Pins, . . 5c
Feather Dusters, 4c, 5l'. anil 10C
Dust Pan, . 5c and 10c
1 Dozen Dress Stays, . 5C
Stole and Shoe Brush . lUC. Each
Good Broom, . 1(R'. and 23C
Dinner Pails, 20f. and IpWarUS
Tin Wash Boiler, . . 470
Bird Cages, 70c. and 1'pwards
Cedar Wash Tubs . SSC
Good Silk Umbrellas. . $1.35
Mocking Bird Cages,$l.i5 and upwards
mi! All 81
Also a large stock of first-class
Pops It not Ptrlk( you that It would bf a
good Idea to have your Bicycle overhauled
ami cleaned or repaired ut about this
time? Don't until the season opens
and the repair nhop Is full. We are not
very busy Just now. and we will do you a
(rood job at the right price.
Knows a Good Tiling When Ho
Sees It. So Do Scranton Poo.
pic. That Is Why So
Many liny of