2 THE 8CUANTON TIBUNE-SATUEDAT MORNTKO.. MARCH 9V 1895. TALES OF TOMTOMS Kews of Interest to Readers Up and Down the Vulfey. v COMING BASKET BALL GAME Mr. and Mrs. Voight Eatertaln-An Im portant Real Estate Transfer-New Business Enterprises MIsecllune. ous Motes, Personals, Etc. Plttston, March 8. The game of bas ket ball between Company C, National tluard of Pennsylvania, of this city, and Company C, National Guard of Pennsylvania, of Scranton, will take place at Armory hall tomorrow (Satur day) night. The contest Is for the state championship, and the winner will be awarded a handsome medal. Mew Bakery Firm. The store belonging to the Reap es tate, and occupied by Theodore li. Urltlgan. was today re-arranKed by baying the old front replaced by a new one of modern style. Mr. Urltlgan has entered Into partnership with John Wasel, and will embark into the bakery and eating room business. Mr. Masel has been for some years engaged in the bakery business, being formerly employed by Hess, the Scranton baker, and of late has been engaged by D. M. Evans, of the West Side. 1 An Enjoyuble Evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Volgt entertained a dumber of friends at their home" on Broad street last evening. A very pleasant evening was enjoyed and dainty refreshments were served. The following were present: Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. William Jones, Mr. and Mrs. William Bossurd, Wr. and Airs. Evl Kyte, Mr. and Mrs. George Voigt, Mr. and Mrs. J. X. Ter iwtlliger, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hawk. Property CbanKes llunds. The property of the Adams estate, ituated -on Parsonage street, was on Wednesday last transferred to Mrs. Zimmerman, mother of Mrs. Corry "vVllsun. The property has been in a dilapidated condition for some time and has been an eye sore to the people living In that vicinity. The present owner In tends to repair the house and Improve Ihe property generally. Miscellaneous Items. George G. Brooks, the shining legal light of the Electric City, was in town today. E. B. Patterson, who has been con fined to his home by rheumatism for the past few days, was able to be out again this afternoon. Rev. D. M. George, of the Congrega tional church, will address the nwn's meeting at the Young Men's Christian association Sunday afternoon. Subject: Whole Heart for Christ." Bible training class tomorrow (Sat urday) evening at 7.30 at the Young tMen's Christian association. Topic: 'Results of Baptism of the Holy Spirit." W. L. Hess, of Wilkes-Barre, was in town today. George B. Reap, who Is an aspirant for the chairmanship of the select coun cil, is a man whose ability befits him to hold such an honored position. C. H. Loveland. of the Electric City, was a visitor in town today. All regular subscriptions to the Scran ton Tribune will be received at our local offlee. Xo. 8 South Main street. Miss Agnes Reilly, of Ashley. Is visit ing Miss Margaret Price at her home on Mill street. J. W. Pellis, of Scranton, was jn this City today. ' Mrs. J. Morrison gave a dinner party to her lady friends yesterday at her home on Cornelia street. Ewen, Xo. 10. Barnura and Central breakers, of the Pennsylvania Coal company, will work next week. All others In this vicinity will be idle. W. S. Umpleby, of Sayre, formerly of this place, Is very 111. All complaints of non-delivery of The Tribune should be roported at our local office. Xo. 8 South Main street. Erie and Wyoming Valley Railroad company pay tomorrow (Saturday.) Superintendent O. L. Houser, of the Lehigh Valley Railroad system, was a Visitor In town today. Care should be taken In selecting a competent person to fill the office of city clerk. Joseph O' Boyle is a young man with no political aspirations and has all the requisites necessary to attend to the duties of that important office. Mrs. Joseph Van Looden, of Ann street. West Side, is ill. Al. Field's minstrels attracted a fair audience to the opera house this even Ing. Although there were some extenu atlng features about the show the exhl bltton was marked by much of an un erdone character that gave one a tired feeling. ., MCrSTllOSE. . . . . . A-'W. Baker will remove to Blngham ton on- April 1, where he will open a Jewelry store at 8 Main street. ' A. B. Smith, Jr., was confirmed chief engineer of the Montrose fire depart ment at the last meeting of the coun cU. Cards are out announcing the coming marriage of Soarle MoCollum, -son of Justice J. 'B. MoCollum. of the state QOUT, RHEUMATISM, rbeamatlc gout, or any gouty or rheu matic affection whatever, has its surest remedy in the Carlsbad Sprudel Salt. There's nothing so successful- in clear ing out the excess of uric acid In the blood. That has been proved in hun dreds of years and in thousands of cases at Carlsbad. , So with any of the aliments brought on by sedentary habitsdyspepsia, in digestion, perverted nutrition, consti pation, Carlsbad cures them, and cures them permanently.' But the best way is to prevent them. A little Carlsbad Sprudel Salt taken "when you suspect any trouble, will keep your stomach and liver and bow els and kidneys in perfect order." ! Take only the genuine imported . Carlsbad Salt, solidified and bottled at the Sprudel Spring, with signature of "Eisucr & Meadelson Co., Sole Agents, Jitw York,'' on every bottle. supreme court, to Miss Pauline Lusk, of thlB place. The happy vant will occur, next Tuesday, March 12. The members of Company O, Na tional Guard of Pennsylvania, regret the resignation of Colonel Ripple,, of the Thirteenth regiment. Charles Alney, of New Mllford, Is moving his household goods to this place, where he will reside the com ing year. He wll study law with his brother. District Attorney Ainey. The roads In the country will be im passable If the thaw continues. Snow drifts are from Fix to ten feet deep. Miss Winnie Frazier, who was one of the typhoid fever sufferers of last full, has Just got strong enough to at tend to her duties in her millinery store. A special meeting of Montrose Hose company. No. 2, was held lust night to take action on the resignation of their foreman, G. W. linker, and to prepare for their coming reception. A member of the town council in formed The Tribune reporter that the town would be lighted by electric lights the coming summer. IlOiMKDALE. Hon. George II. Rowland died at his home ut Itowlunds Thursday morning at the nge of 61 years, funeral will be held from his late home today. Mr. Rowland Is the futlier of O. L. Rowland, cuptutn of Company K of this place. II. A. Benson. Abe J. Stone, Mrs. Frank Mauley, Mrs. M. K. Kelhim, Scranton, und William Grills, Carbon dale, were at the Allen House yester day. Mis. W. M. Gardner was in Scranton yesterday. Whitney Bros, brought their omni bus or us It Is better known "Bus for the Erie" Into use again yesteruy. Evi dently it has not been allowed to run during the winter as it appeared in bright and handsome new coat of paint, as did also their baggage wagon. A. O. Tolley and William Elk have purchase the stock of shoes, etc.. In Watt's Shot store, Curbomlalg. Mr. Erk will soon move from his home near Honesdale and conduct the business of the firm in Carboiulale. The high drifts of snow In the or chards surrounding Honesdale ore Just commencing 'to damage the trees. As the snow melts and settles it weighs down the branches and even breaks off heavy boughs. Journalism In Honesdale does not lag. The Saturday Issue of the Wayne In dependent made its appearance at noon yesterday. The Odd Fellows' rooms In the In dependent building are Hearing com pletion and soon will be a handsome and well finished lodge. INDUSTRIAL TOPICS. Wilkes-Barre Record: Wyoming coal can go to Philadelphia over the Belvldore und Delaware from Phllllpsburg. If JuiUe Packer had only leased the North Pe:m before the Reading did, what an advan tage it would have proven to the Valley? The statement of the Jersey Central rull- road for January oompared with the same month last year shows: (Jross earnings $552,432 Dec. $4l,C.D Expenses 005, ,9i Dec. 2M'-9 Net earnings $24G,35 Dec. $15,3M New York. March -8. The sub-commit tee appointed by the anthracite companies to report statistics as to the capacity of the different companies were not ready to report today to the general committee meeting and accordingly the meeting was postponed until net Tuesday. In the meantime the sub-committee Is complet ing Its labors. Its report will present statistics of the different companies for the past two years' and from them It is upposed the general committee will ar range a basis of percentage of operations for the different companies. The work of the general committee Is to be subse quently reviewed by the presidents before final aotlon is taken. First Vice President Hartshorn, of the Lehigh Valley, who returned on Wednes day from a visit to St. Louts, when ques tioned as to the probable action of his company, said that having been absent for several days he was not perfectly familiar with the situation, but, so far as his com pany was concerned, he did not believe that It would accede to Reading s demand for un Increased pro rata, if It was U) ents a ton or only 10 cents a ton. The Le high Valley, he said, could send all of the coal originating on its lines to New Yerk, and thus gain the K-nellt of the longer haul. If the dealers on the line of the Reading wanted Lehigh coal they would have to pay the difference of the in creased pro rata. Apropos of the Reading's recent noti fication the Interesting fact Is recalled that a number of years ago, prior to tho Interstate commerce law, the Reading Railroad company suddenly advanced the freight rates on Lehigh Valley coal 20 cents a ton. At that time the officials of the Lehigh Valley railroad took no ac tlon, but Instead of sending its coul over the Reading's tracks It sent nearly all the output destined to Philadelphia over the Pennsylvania railroad. The falling off was so great that the Reading company soon rescinded Its order and established the old rate. The Lehigh Valley company will. It is thought, see that Its customers get all the Lehigh coal that In required In that city, and when it Is absolutely neces sary it will pay the advance In tolls. President Wilbur's comment on the Reading railroad's threat . follows: "It looks as If the Reading Railroad company does not care' to supply dealers on thler lines with Lehigh coal, and that they arc Indifferent to the kiss of thn large ton nage we have heretofore given them at East Peng Junction and Kethlehetn. Our propoVtldn of the rates upon these short hauls Is so small that this action on tho part of the Reading, so far ns it diverts tonnage from the.lr roud, will lie to our advantage by reason of tho longer haul and better rates In carrying It to other markets." President V llliur further said the Lehigh Valley had not taken nny ao tlon In the matter yet, and he did not know what would be done, as ienenil Traffic Manuger John Taylor is out of town. The Philadelphia Record Is loyal to the Reading In Its new attitude. It says "The ability of the Rending both for enormous production and for easy trans portation cannot be excelled The grade of the Heading road Is so favorable that a locomotive can bring down as many load ed cars as It can carry back empty; there fore, the greater quantity tuken to mar ket, the greater must b the prollt over that of y competing road. The bud faith shown by other producers has caused the Reading to take the decided step that It has to compel the award to It of a larger percentage of the total out put, as well as to bring ubout some rella- blo agreement concerning the preserve tlon of a proper schedule of prices. The end of Ihe whole business must be very materially to the Interest of ths Reading ecurity-noidcrs." Philadelphia Inquirer: The first result of the Heading's new attitude In regard to local coal shipments Is a drop In tldo- water prices. The Jersey Ceneral and Lehigh Valley sell between 600,000 and 750. 000 tons of coal In the Reading's territory. and as they do not Intend to lose this ton nage they mtint sell It In competitive mar kets. Wlthift the last day or two prices have weakened badly. The circular price for stove coal In New York is 13.60, but sales have been made right along us low as t3.49 by the companies, and some con cerns have gono even lowr. These fig. ure were for freshly-mined first-class standard cool. Rut, how the Lehigh Vul- ley issiUd to te selling as low as 13. IE. and some other companies are reported to be making transactions at 13.20 and S3.2G. These are war prices. At )3.16 tho Lehigh Valley gets $1.26 for transportation, which is but little more -than cost, while the coal operator gets I1.S9 for his coal, which Is less than cost. If these prices tire to con tinue not one anthracite company in the country ran earn a dividends and only two or three can earn their nxed charges. The situation Is thut of war, anil It is easy to see that It will grow worse before It grows better. STOCKS AND BONDS. New York, March 8. The features of tho share speculation today were the great strength and activity of Ameri can Sugar and the heaviness of tho railway list. American Sugur figurid for 96,000 Hhares In a total of 224,000 for tho entire list and the stock advanced almost steadily from 6l to 9H The railway list was heavy and depressed. The general market displayed a little more tlrtnuess in the closing dealings on uceount of the strength of Sugar. The runKe of today's prices for tho ac tive stocks of tho New York Block mar ket are given below. The quotations are ftirnlshod The Tribune by U. ilu It. Dim nlck, tnanuger for William l.lnn, Allen & Co., stock brokers, 412 Spruce street, Scruntoii. O'pn- High- Uow- Clos ing, est. Ht. lug. Am. Tobacco Co tti VS Vi Am. Cot. Oil SI MS 1:3 ZJ Am. Sugur lti-'s Co. u 'Mi WVi Wis A loll.. To. & S. 3 S fc Can. South -18 4H'.ji 4S 4S'a ('lies. & Ohio Ill HI . 10 HI Chicago (Sun 71'i "I!1-; 7l'i Tl:Vi Chle. N. w US, B(' Chic, U. & u W W7" C. I'. C. & St. 1 85',a af.'.j 3r,'a Sfi'ii I'blc, .Mil. St. P... !i5 Cw't, Mt M Chic., H. 1. & P lii K!' Ul'-j IUV, lelawuie Hud l'Jti VM 133'-i 121 1., 1,. & W IDX'i lf,!H 1554 H.H'11 1 lHt. & C. K K V- 12 l-'i Uen. Kluetrlc LVu I44 2Ul, 2i Lake Shore 13G7 1ST.', 134' l4Mt Louis. & Nash 4S 4M'a 47',;, 47', Muuhuttan Kle His 1us 107Mi 1U'" .Mo. 1'uclllc I'll ai I'J'a W Nat. Cordage 6i fiT fr'i Nat. l.emi m am,, N. J. Central M'j Sii1-. 81 N4 IS'. Y. Centrul !I5 tti W'-i tll N. Y L. K. & W K' Hi 7H i"i N. Y., 8. & W Vi'.j 12'.. 12'j, 12', N. Y., S. , 1'r... :t7'.i H7'-l 37 37 Out. & Weal Iti'g HHii li.'i 15", I'htl. ft Iteuil V, V. 7 "ih Southern It. it H7 S"t, 97i Tex. 1'aclllc H M, Mi Wubush n'.j C'i, f.'j fi',j Wabash. Pr 13 13 124 K WvM. I'nlon .Sti'i K7 M, 7;, CHICAGO BOARD OK TRADK PRICKS. O pn- High- Low- CIoh WHJ2AT. lug. eHt. est. Ing. .May r,l' d;v M f.l' July 03 C'j-' 0." O'jU OATS. May 20 29'i 29 29l July -7h 27- 27 27, t'OK.. May 4'. 4.",i 4,". 45'i July 44T 45 44'i 43 L.AKU. May (i.ti2 COS G.V0 6.(u FORK. May 10.S.1 ll.(K) 10.W 11.00 July 11.0a 11.17 ll.w) ll.UD Scranton UourJ of Trade Exchange Quo- No. Pur Shs. Val. STOCKS. Bid. Ask. 1 Crystul Lake Water Co 450 20 (0 Dime Dep. & Dls. Hank 02 50 10 100 First Nat'l Rank OuO G loo Flint National Hank (Carbondule) 250 20 100 Green R'ge Lum'r Co 110 100 100 Lacka. Lumber Co... 110 5 100 Lacku. Trust & Safe Deposit Co 150 D 100 M. & M. Savings Punk (Curbondale). 140 225 10 50 Providence & Abing- ton Turnpike Co.... 85 10 I'M) Scra'n Savings Rank. 200 10 100 Scru'n Luce Cur. Co 75 5 100 Scruntoii Forging Co 100 110 S.1 lmi Third Nat'l Hunk.... 3,! 6 loo Nat'l Boring & Drill- ing Co., Pr 100 4.i 100 Thuron Coul Land Co .... W 50 I'D Truders' Nat'l Bank 120 40 100 Dickson Mfg Co ltM 3 loo Scranton Bedding Co .... 104'i 11 loo Scranton Axle Works .... 100 BONDS. 5 f"0 Scranton Glass Co 500 ' 500 Econ'y Steam Heat St Power Co 500 3 loo Dickson .Mfg Co lo5 30 loeo Scranton Trac. Co 950 1 100 i Carbondule City School Bonds 110 York New Produce Market. New Y'ork. March 8. Flour Very- steady. Wheat Dull, firmer; No. 2 red store and elevator, SH-c; afloat, 004a tio'.jc. ; f. o. b., utfi.iutivV-.; ungraded red, 57 attfc; No. l northern, uivuw2c. ; options closed firm; Murch, 58V.; May, 5V.; July. 59'ac. : August, 59c: September, ijo'sc; December, 02ic Corn Quiet, stronger; .no. z, baiMi'jC. elevator; w.ju 51Vic alloat; ungraded mixed, 49,ia51c. ; steamer mixed, 4aM..u50Hc. ; No. 3, 49u50c.; options were strong; .May, 49Vc.; Jul, 4'J'ic. Oats Dull, firmer; options firmer, quiet: Murch and April, 33'ic; May, 33'ic; No. z wnile .Murcn, ilii-V'.; April, i'jc. ; spot prices, No. 2, lii'-tc; No. 2 white, 31c; No. i l Men go, W.4C. ; ,no. a, j."ac. ; ino. 3 white, 3"ic. ; mixed western, 34u34',e. ; white state and western, 37aiic. provisions Quiet, unchanged. Lard Qulot, un changed. Butter Quiet, easy; state dulry, Hal&fi.; do. creumery, old, lOaltic; western uuny, sauc. ; uo. creamery, new, 13a2oc. ; do. old, Duljc; do. factory, 7alzc; rolls. 7al3c: Elglns, 10..a2oc.; Imitation creamery, Hal Ic. Cheese Firm, unchanged. F.ggs Lower; stale, Pennsylvania ami western, 17ic; duck, 35c; southern, itia H'.aC Philadelphia Tallow .Market. Philadephlu. March 8. Tallow Is quiet and steady. We quote: City, prime, in hhds, 4',a4'ic. ; country, prime, in udis, 4' v.; do. dark, in bids, 37u4c; cukes, iJ,a 4'ac ; grease, 3'a3-V Oil Market. Plttsburr. March 8. OU opened and low est, loti; highest unit cioseu, los'i,. RE POUT OF THE CONDITION OF TIIK 1 at Scranton, In the State of Pennsylvania, at the close of business, Aiarcn bin, ltwi: RESOURCES. Loan nnd discounts . $1,436,774 61 rivnnlrafts secured und unse cured 2S9 74 IT. S. Bonds to secure circula tion ... 80,000 ro Pramlumi on !'. 8. Bunds !M3. Htucks, securities, etc 290,555 M itinikiiiu- house, furniture and llxtnres 28,074 40 Iiiia from National Banks (not Reserve Agents) 12,GM( 50 Due from State Banks und Hankers 10,079 77 lion from unproved reserve agents 240.541 51 Checks and other ensh items.,, fi.iiKK 81 F.xchaliKHB for clearing house.., 8.7:19 34 Notes of other National Banks, 2,100 00 Fractional niiDnr currency. nickels and cents 953 84 Lawful Money Hussive In Bank, viz: Hueclo JKm.Mli 37 . Legal tender notes... 40.500 00 147,415 37 Redemption mud Wltn IT. M. Treasurer (5 of circulation).. S.C00 CO Dim from L. 8. Treasurer, other than 5 redumption fund 4,000 00 Total $2,207,900 !0 LIABILITIES., Capital stock paid In $200,000 00 Surplus fund 200,000 00 Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid 72,350 P0 National Bank Holes outstand ing 71,800 TO Due to other National Bunks... 25,743 SO Due to Statu Bunks and Bunk ers v 21W sr. Dividends unpaid 520 50 Individual deposits subject to check 1,829,2113 M Demand certificates of deposit.. 6,370 Ml Certified checks 2,5n jsj Cashier s checks outstanding, ., 75 til Notes and bills redlscounted.... None Bills payable Nono Liabilities other than those above stated... None Total $2,207,000 10 State or Pennsylvania, County of Luck nwunna. ss: I, WM. II. PRCK, Cashier of the above named naiiK, ao solemnly swear that the above statement is true o the beat of my Knowledge aim ueiiei, WM. II. PRCK. Cashier... Subscribed and sworn to before; me this 7th duy or Marun, nrao. . 1 , SAM'L W. EDUAIt, Notasy Public. Correct Attest : WM. CONNELL. HENRY UEL1N, JR., UEO. H. CATL1N, ' Directors, OPE CENT A Word. wants or all kinds cost that MUCH. WHEN PAID FOR, IN AD VANCE!. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE, NO CHARGE! WILL BE LESS THAN St CENTS. THIS RULH AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADJ. EX. CEPT SITUATIONS WANTBOTWHICH AIU INSERTED FREE. Help Wanted Mai. SALfcBMAN WANTEU TO SELL THIS Hauld Dish wnshsr to the wholecHls and retail trade. Wtabai and dries the dishes In wo minutes without wett uir the ntutsrs: Siu H week snd all expenses. Easy putition; no nsru worn: oun inuxe saw a wnu, Aoaresa W. P, HAHItlsoN UO., Clerk Mo. 14, ( o luuibas, Ohio. WANTED STKONU-, W1LLINO HOY, TO lesrn nluiubinfl trsds: ubout 10 vumrs of una. Call at 4 o'clock today. 113 N. Main svuuuu. w ANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN IN tions; 11 monopoly; big money for sautus; uo oupltal required. KDWAKDC. F1HI1 CO., tJorucn lllouK, cuiosgo. 111. UALEHMEN - HKHIDENT SALESMEN ..... ill. Ik. 1 1 1 f-' wuuvru, Huuunuuuu wiw iub lucni aim ntarby Urufj untl grocery traJo, to tmndla our reforuncm, J. EDWAKD t'UWLES Co., 143 uuiiiuerHsii'Hut, N. 1 . Helo Wanted Females. VI r ANTED FOR tiihke Days-youno juuv lul niieoiul omee worn; must us good writer. Addruss Hox lav, PustoUlce, Scranton. Wanted. 10MHON PIOEON8 OK DOVES WANT- V li: liuv hlvliHst mnrkut iirli'.ii. J. W. KULl'OHD, CU, a, N. Y- Agents Wanted. "Wl HOOD AUF.NT3 WANTED TO SELL liquid t'loclricity, the great germ and microho duHtruyer; good for man or beast. Sample sunt to any address, 25c. Agsnts' terms on application. Address M. wEL- i-iutoBi ilMiiulucturor, Plttston, 1'a. WANTED - AN ACTIVE, v worthy reuresentatlvai $10 TUUST weekly iruarantued: stste uice slid ifarticulars. Ad dress J. B. MliEPP, i020 Chestnut St., Phila delphia, Pa. AUENTH-OITR MEN ARE MA KINO $25 to S120 uer week. Send for truofs Fuat- est sullnr in existeuco. LYON HY.ti.it II. R. CO., Uoiheu, lud. JENEKAL AOENTS WANTED-BELL-VI Iiik new aiticles to dealers: excluaivo ter ritory, no competition, uo cupitul required; 2U0 to IWOpcr cent, profit Columbia Chemical Co., 00 Dearborn st., Chicago, 111, AOENTS MAKE 110 DAILY SELLING AL umitium novelties; uew process silver ware; bar goods; big line, the now, Wonder ful metal; delivered free: sample in velvet lined case. I0c; catuloiciie free. ALUMINUM NOVELTY CO., aii Hroadway, New York. AOENTS-lTlN DETSP ATENTTjN I VEiT sal Hair Curlers aud Wavera fusfd with out heat), and "Pyr Poiuted"Hair Pins. Lib eral commissions. Free sample and full par- ueuiara. jiuurrm jr. v. out 190. new lorn. 7 ANTV D ACTIVE SALESMEN TO ' handle our line, no neddlimr. 8alarr. $75 per mouth and expenses paid to all. Uonds entirely new. Apply quickly. P. O. Box, 0308, Boston, Mass. Wanted To Rent I 'ANTED TWO ROOM 8 SUITABLE FOR f music studio and s esuinc room, with good faintly; central location; references ex changed. Address MIHS L. LOUISE HAB- DEnBEROH. 437 Wyoming avenue. For Rent X)U RENT A LARUE, FURNltiHED 10- room nouao 111 the country : thirty miu- utes drive from Glen burn; a barn and plenty of fruit on the crouuds. M. S. KNIOllT, 209 CUerry street, uuuinore. OFFICES FOR RENT-MODERN, CEN tral: uood torms toa lavrver with lams library. D. B. REPLOOLE, m Spruce. HALL FOR RENT-MONDAY AND SAT urdav eveulnas vacant: terms. 11.00 uer night for lubor orgaulzatlous. D. H. REPLO OLE, 40S Spruce. F'OR RENT THE PHOTOURAPU OAL lery formerly occupied br C. L. (trlfUn. including rooms for housekeeping i:w Wyo- uiiog avenue. iiiab. bttibAUCK. IOR RENT-BRICK HOUSE OF NI.NE 1 rooirs, from April 1st, 418 Vine street Amilv tn I. M. HOKTON. 3 ('omiiiniiwltli Building. I 'OR RENT A LARUE, 4-STORY BUILD i luo-atlUI Fraukliii avenue: suitable for wholesale business. CAKSON & DAVIES, Srautou. "l.OR RE.NT-llRicK WAREHOUSE WITH V elevator on I).. L. & w . switch and West Lackawanna avouua. Scranton Stove Work'. 'OR RENT FURNISHED AND UNFUB nished rooms at 506 Lackawanna avenue. ..I, 1 1 1 V " n. titv f . . . . . . it..,1..,. nmnm jn nc.i 1 01 a nui'a not nr. v .1 w r. n 1 La-kiiwaniia avenue. Address THOMAS E. EVANS, aear 1132 Luterne, Uydo Park. 'OR RENT-NICELY FURNISllEn HALL sultnblo for lodiro rooma, JOHN JF.lt- MYN. 110 Wyominu ovennn. For Sale. 'OH HALE FARM OF ONE HUNDRED and fifty acres, situate two miles north of Waverly: has on it larse residence and tene ment house, and three burns; bus to be (old to ttl estate. M.S. KNIOllT, administrator, 20V Cherry street, Dun more. JROPEKTY FOR SALE ON WASHBURN street, corner of Bromley avenue. Price. (2.200. MATTHEW PHILLIPS, 1741 Summit avenue. 4 A SHARES TRADERS BANK STOCK -H for aula Money tu loan oil mrtrtirajrit. A. D, Dean, attorney, 3-0 Washington eve. 1A9H MEAT MUKINI-SS FOR 8AI.K 1 Profits fllfi to 140 we klr. ate barxaln. Address "H.," Tribune ofllre. "l'OR SALE ON K.XC'EEDINOLY HODKrT J ate terms, mv house and two lota of laud, (I.'IOxISih, No. 1727'Washinnton avenu. J. H. F!S)IEIi, 32 Waahlnston avenue. Horse at Auction. p M. COBB WILL HAVE AN AUCTION I aalu of 40 head of horses on Tuesday, Mareu 12, at I o'cluek sharp; has on baud 14 head for nrlvato sale; horses inu.t be as rniiresenteil : stahles SM Raymond court. Notice to Contractor. FonrsT Cixr, Pa.. Marrh 7, IfHJ. BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED roit '1 HE rreetlou of a rlnireh liiilldina for the Lithuanian Catholic. In Forest lily, from now until April do, iHtXV. The ehuroh uffli-iale rasorre the right to rejset any or all bids. Tho plans and sueeilloations may be seen by apply. Ins to Anthony Peterson,' Foreit City House, Forest City. Pn. loet IWVWI OST-A LIUI1T COI.OItCI) YOBKHH1RK i dot: answers to eaine of "Dude." Any Information as In hie whereabout will be le w.rdedatSU Mifflin eve. ENOCH PAUF. Election froclametlon. 1 MAYOR'S OrYif e. flualiviH U. klMM..H ft tunl XTOTICE IS HEREBY OIVKN haT AT IN Is otirsuatirs of a ruifiiutluu of Heleet Coun. etl. appr vsd Mareta 7, IMi). a special election will be held at the usual pleees-for ygtln to the Sixteenth ward, lieou Tuesday. Ihe iiOtli day uf ilareh, lMWi, for the purpose of eleutln one Bel.ct Councilman to serve for the unex pired term eudlnf the first Monday in April, Ikon. (SlgntKU ,W. UOONNKlL Mayor. Money to loan. $800' TO LOAN ON LACKAWANNA county real eatat. I). B. RKPI.o. OLE, attorney, 4118 Spruce .treat. . Buln Opportunity. WE WANT AN ENBHUETIO BUSINESS inau to buy In bulk a pew article of household and ireneral use and put it up, In packaeee, for the trade and for canvassers; very large proms; universal demand; very little capital necessary; chance to do lares business. Address P, U Boa W bU Paul Mltm. A N TcNEnuETio YOUNO MAM TO IN- Test tJM) cash lium'diatelv. thus aecur. ing position at lit weekly, security and In terest ou the amount, which will be refunded end uf contract. Those ineaniug builueaa only addr.se P. O. Drawer tar. e onnolly & Wallace UDE8 v With Organ Pipe Backs. XSKsrWe claim our goods to be superior in style, finish and workmanship to any other line shown in Scranton. The variety of weaves in both Cloth and Silk is so great that we can supply the most exact demand. Interlined with hair cloth or fibre chamois, PRICES FROM $5.00 TO $35.00. SILK WAIST PATTERNS Immense line to select from. Special prices rule for a few days. ' 31c. TO $1.25 PER YARD. CONNOLLY & giiiiiiiiiHiiiin iiiiiiuis S S oC. 1 wm SlllllllllllllllllllHIUIlB w E WILL clean Ingrain and Brussels for 3 Cents scoured by the Latest Improved Process. can't please you. Charter Application, TOTlCE IS HEREBY GIVEN THATAN Is application will be made to Ihe governor of Pennsylvania, on March 23. A D., 1895, by T. R. Huguus, H, li Reynolds. E. L. Marrl mau, John W. Wuruer. J. H. He ward. A. L, Francois, C. CouisKys, Th in is Moore, V. O. Roland. W. P. Bolanl. Dr. 8. P. Loiik street, Edward Franklin aud John R Kelly undur the Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania entitled "An act to provide for the I:. corporation and regulation of certain corporations," approved April m. 1874, aud thu supplements thereto.for the charter of an intudtd corporation to be called "The Suburban Building and Loan A.sociatlou, No. K," the character and object of wnu h I. to accumuls e a fund by the peri odical contributions of its members, which sha 1 be loaned to thn highest bidder anions its members, to enable them to purchase homesteads, or other real estate, or for their use aud investment in any lawful business, and for these purposes to have, possess, and eujoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of said Act of Astcmbly and its supplements. COMEUYs & REYNOLDS. f administrator's Notice. INSTATE OF AMELIA. DOUOE. LATfc OF J the city of (Scranton, deceased. Letters of administration, C. T. A., upon the above named estate haying been granted to the undersigDed, all persons having claims or demands against the said estate will prevent them for payment end these indebted thereto will please make Inimediute payment to JAMES C. UHIFFIN. Administrator, C.T.A. BE ALE, Attorney for Estute. legal. 1 ANE R1EFSNYDER BY HER N:XT f I friend, James Ready, vs. Thomas Rief snyder. In the Court of Common Pless of Lackawanna county. No. It November term, IPv6. The Subpoena end alias subpoena In divorce in the above esse having been returned "uon est inventus," you. Thomas Riefsnydur, are hereby notified to be and appear at the next term of Court of Common Plets of said county to be held in the eity of Scranton. on the -iln day of March. lC9j. to answer to the plaintiff s complaint in the above ca. F. 11. CLEMONS. Sheriff. WILLARD, WARKF.N & KNAPP, Aitor neys for lilwllant. Proposals. S'HeATElT'ntoPoTsAT culved at the office of the City Clerk, Scranton, Pa . until 7.A o'clock p. m , Thurs day, March, 14, lMki, to rnnstmct sewer sys tem Section U, in the Thirtei-ntli Sewer dis trict, together with ths necessary branches, lusiiholes, basins, lamplioles, receivers, fix tures and appliances pertaining thereto. The said sewer system is to be constructed on portions of Went Lackawanna avenue, Fairmont avenue. Chestnut street, Lafayette street, Brown's Placo, and tho court runninK southwesterly from Urown's Place, in accord ance with ths plans a'ld specifications tlloj in ths office of the city clcrv. Esch proKsal shull be accompanied by ca'h or certilled check In the sum of one hundred dollars, which sum is to bo forfeited to the city in case of failure to exacuto a contract If awarded the same Til" eity reserves the right to reject any and ell bids. By order of City Councils. M. T. LAVK.LLE, City Clerk. Scranton, Pa.. Mnn-b 4. IV Clairvoyant. MRS. FENTON, CLAIRVOYANT AND Phrenologist, 412 North Malu avenue For a short time only. Special Notices. 70UL1) LIKE TO CORRESPOND WITH v some party d'airlng to esll milk route. Addross JOHN FOS l'ER, care statiou agsut. Skinner'. Eddy, Pa. 1 AM NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH EX 1 hibitiona and lertuie upon any subject d. sired. These exhibitions will bo Illustrate I. hiiving tu my possession the most powerful uissoiving etureopiK-ons uiauo. E. 11. CALL, Tribune Office. VrOU WANT THIS RELIO - REPRINT I Frank Leslie's Illustrated Week.y War illustrations isoi-istio. two volume rnnn, I6 (p0; payable monthly. fS.in. Delivered by express complete, rrupaiu. Auuiess r. u, MOODY, tils Utbson street, Scranton, Pa. dlank pooks. pamphlets, maoa- I) sines, etc., bound ur rebound at Till TnistiNI orlice. Wulck work. Reasonable prices. Notlc to Taxpayers. 'PHE BOARD OK APPEALS ELECTED BY i City Councils to hear ai peals from city assssiiiunts for thu year 1816, will hear ap peal, at tlieoll'.ci of Ine City Clerk, Municipal Huiining, rrom tno nixcii, rourtevntu, i.isii tee nth and Nineteenth wards, on Thursday. Marcu urn, uv; uours, v to 13 a, m. and n to m. y ordor of Board nf Appeals. al i. imvlllu, Lierx. Scranton, Pa., March 7, lHi. Situations Wanted. SITUATION WANTED A YOUNO LADY i 7 would like a situation t sew at dresKinsk Ing In a shop: has had experience. Address "11. B.," 1411 Price street, city. riOLORED WOMAN WANTS WASHING y and ironing to take home. Address 4x7 uasrora court. CITUATION WANTED BY YOU.NO MAN O as grocery clerk or any honorable em ployment; good referenda. Box( 1U2, Old rorgv, iHiaawaiiua. VtrOMAN WANTS WORK TO DO WABlT ' tug or cleaning offices or scrubbing, AddressT'J. C," 1 S. Main avenue, city. A MERICAN LADY. EXPERIENCED. AM iv bilious and trustworthy, wants position In store, office or receptions!. "B. U. C," j rinune. V71DOW. LIMITED INCOMK, REFINED, ' good uispoaitiou, wanii uoine ae notue keener or waitress where one servant la kept mow u" i riuune. hJITUATION WANTED FOR WAftHINO, ' Ironing or cleaning by the day; washing taken home also. Call or address 'L U.," DUi Nortu Humner avenue, Hyde Park, era r m i ni ft mm WALLACE, CARPET (AOTION TO our W ashburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their many pate rons that they will this vt-ar hold ta their uklusJ etutoxa of milling STRICTLY OLD Wll EAT uutil the new crop is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, und owing to the excessively dry weather many millers are of the opinion that it is already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will take no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully three months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every detail of milling has placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'s flour far above other brands. e 9 to MEGARGEL Wholesale Agents. IRON AND Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Ends, Turnbuekles, Washers, Riv ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools and Sup plies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock. SOFT - STEEL - HORSE - SHOES, Aud a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheel, . Hubs, Riuis, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc, TTE18E1IEIS SCRANTON, PA. WHITE PINE-OLD GROWTH DRY. Will it interest you to know that we have just placed in stock over a milliou feet of , and 5 4 Old Orowth, Thoroughly Dry, White Pine ? We can guarantee it First-Class Stock aud can make Prices That Will Pleasantly Surprise You. THE COMMONWEALTH TELEPHONE 42S. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA., Manufaoturars of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. -' QencreJ Offke: SCRANTON, PA. EVERY WOMAN SemeWM seeds t tellable, ssoathlr, retnlatlne medlelnt. Oalf titrates gat UepeCMtdiugsaheuldeeBsee. . ltraawsnttkebssKtel Dr. Foal's Pennyroyal Plllo Tber are ereaipt, sale a4 eertaln la leselk The seaelne (Or. Feel's) eerer etasa nelat, Beataaasre,ll.lM, Addiesi fBafc UMUOUB Oe., CleTelsed, 0. . For Salaby JOHN H. PHELPS, Sprue Street, Scranton, Pa. i u lis vsuuuu u vy; "$8Kir per yard. Rugs and Carpets Give us a trial and see if we 602 and 604 Lack. aTt,, Corner Adams. patrons: STEEL GO, 3 LUMBER CO., SCRANTON PA. Pharmacist, Cor. Wyoming Avanua and) u, . -. ; CONNELL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers