12 Vi'IK .POTtANTOX -TRTBUXF S TT':'PAY -lOTtVTNGv "MATCH 9. 1893. i ; " HOLY LAND ART PORTFOLIOS. in OP THE Hee Most carefully anil piously traced with note-bunk and camera, from Bethlehem to Calvary And the Mount of Olives, Helng a iteoKrajililcal and histories! aorount In narrative and uli-tuns at the iilacra where Vkrist and tli Apontkw lived, tolled and triumphed. Iiov.1ur- wliore Jsu ws buru, reared, baptized, tempted, traustlu ured and erucitled. reviewing m chrouo-lotfii-al order the eeiu of Ills prayero, teara. stannous, uiirai-U'S anil' religious aibieveiueiita, which brought to humanity the duwu of a now day. Superb Religio- Educational, -HSK ART VI BLICATION Wbioli is the Joint production of Rev. John 11. Vincent, V L)., IX.U . Binhup of the M. k rh..Mli Mav .la,,,..,. W I.ah. il. !.. and k. E. M. Bain, the Celebrated Landncapo and Scenic rhotottrapu.r. TH' wnony uutiiueand thoroughly "I'p-to-Date" luu licattou compr sea the results of uiontha of travel and observation. iuolviug Three Separate Tours of tho Holy Land. Two bv Bishop Vincent, and one lately concluded by L)K. LKt", upon which ha was u..,,ntatiip(i t evHrv utatie of the iournev by UK. BAIN, with the tiuest photograph io out rit procurable in America, theae gen tlemen being under special commission to present pictorially and descriptively the I.AXD oV THE SAVKK. ttia very foot step have therefore baeo followed with note book and t'aiuera. and the journey inns of His Apoatlea have a bo been traced, a shown on the K.1UHT OoLOKKD MAP iu all Portfolio. This work ia the final ex pression of a beautiful enterprise., and ia an incomparable Historical and Keligioua Fine Art Offering An opportunity ia thus Kiveu to make a delightful tour through raleenne witnout leaving oome. iuis uiaK nitlcent collection of over three hundred and eighty-four photographs-the finest thut ever came from tho East, call se cured this year and puolished at an ex pense of fifty thousand dollars -should be in every home. The Ann whose name is appended will mike it possible for every family to ob tain these Portfolios on easy terms. HOW TO SECURE THESE SPLENDID PORTFOLIOS For every purchaser and 10 cents addition al vdu will be given one of these beautiful Art Portfolio, and thus continue uutil you have secured the eutire series of "4 numbers There are 16 beautiful views in eaoh Part or dumber. We guarantee to furnish our customers with the entire series as wanted. W wish it distinctly understood that In connection ith this enterprise we uuar antee the VEKY BEST VITALITY" OF CiOULS in every department at lowest living pricei. (.'oine aud b convinced. We feel assur-d that yon will be more than pleased with the Portfolios, and will be as anxious to make the collection of the 'A Parts as we are to enabls you-todo su. Very truly yours. GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT, Dry Co:ds, Millinery, Cloais, Etc.," 124 UNO 126 WYOMING AVE. DR, -:-REEVES, 41a Spruce Street, Scranton. Dr. Reeves has had long and varied ex perience In ho.ipital and private practice and treats all acute and chronic disease of men, women and children. CONSUtTITION 110 EXMIIUTION FREE. Ho, with his assistants, treat all dls-e-a(-s of he nrvous system, diseases nf the eye. ear, nose and throat, dyspepsia, rheumatism, lost vitality, premature weakness or decay In both sexes, nervous debility, catarrh, tumors, canrr.rs, erup tions, blood-poisoning, fits, epilepsy. In discretion and errors of youth, lost man hood, ecsema, scrofula, St. Vtus' dance, asthma, diseases of the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, bladder, stomach, etc. Young Men Positively Cured. Offer to tho Public fur C atarrh. Any one suffering with Catarrh who sjslshes to be permanently, quickly and cheaply cured may receive three months' treatment for only FIVE IiOI.I.AHH. The doctor has discovered a specific for this dreaded disease. You can treat and cure yourself and family with It at horn- It never fails to cure. A trial treatment free. OFFICE HOtms-rmlly, s a. m. to t p. in.; Bundays. 10 to 12 and 2 to 4. CARPETS Examine our new line of Spring Goods. All of the latest designs and colorings, and our prices lower than any other house in the trade, for goods of the same quality. CURTAINS AND SHADES of every description and quality. WALL PAPERS Wc are overstocked and will sell at prices about one-half the reg ular price, as we need the room. J. Scott Inglis 429 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. 1 Looked Too Pleasant. Trom Tld-MtH. A drill serireant of a volunteer reulmcnt In drilling a squad whom hn was Instruct Iiir In the funcrul exercise suld: Now, luds, I want to see how well you can do It. I'm Kolnir to walk throiiKh the ranks, nnd I wish you to suppose I'm the corpse," He ordered the squad to rest on their arms reversed und aund at ease. Then he walked throuiih the runks and ad dressed them as follows: "Your arms are all riant and your feet are all right, but there s one thing wanting, my luds; you timln't that look of regret on your face thut you ought to huve when a corpse Walk past. NEWS OF THIS VICINITY TUNKIIANKOUK. Abrain Haas, of Iowa, Is vlaltlnu old acquaintances here. Humor liu It thut MIhs Mae t'ryden wlse, duiiKhter of Itev. H. M. Cryilen wlBe, presiding older of ChcuitiiRii dlM trlft, and Wulter WaKner. Hon of Hev. J. R. Wagner, are to be married In May, A telegram to W. E. Little from La porte. yesterday, announced that the Judicial content has been adjourned to May 20. Miss Kate Ollinnrtln, who Is teaching si-liool In Katon township, has been BlcK for several days with dlphtherlu, and Thursday night It was announced that she hud taken an overdose of medicine and her life was dlHptilred of. Yes terday she was reported better. Henry I-elphum. or KllMSell Hill, who has been 111 for a long time, died Thurs day evening. The funeral will be held ut the tiaptlst church at that place 011 Sunday at 11 a. 111. He was CO years of age, and owned a farm near Itussell 11111 comers, on which he had lived for many years, rearing a family. Last fall he abandoned the farm and went to the hamlet to live. .Mr. and Mrs. It. II. Atkinson, who went to North Carolina to spend the cold weather, will return next week. Carl Khliiehart Is said to be consid erably Improved In health. People who purchased oranges at knock-down prices of a couple of chapM who have been voyaging around this section with a horse and wagon this week would like no better fun than to make the said chaps eat their own cargo. The fruit hud been frozen and was miserable, worthless stuff. A tramp who gave his name as Joseph Cool and his home Deposit, N. Y., but later claimed to hall from some where In the south, applied for and re ceived some work about the Wall House barn Thursday. He was allowed to sleep In the barn at night, and taking a lot of horse blankets, crawled up In the loft. Sometime during the night he arose, and In walking about he pitched headlong down through an opening, alighting on his head and shoulders on the floor twelve feet below. He was found by the hostler in the morning and Dr. J. W. Denison called, who found his right collar bone broken, blood Issuing from the ear, and proba bly severe Internal injuries. An order of relief from the poor authorities was obtained and he was taken to Mrs. Ann Gillespie's where he will be cared for. His recovery Is a matter of doubt. D. C. DeWltt, who lectures on "finance" at the court house next Wednesday evening, extends a special invitation to the ladles to come, as he has something of Interest to them to say. ( The relatives of ex-Shorlff George W. Stark, of Lake Carey, were summoned to his bedside yesterday morning. He died later In the day. Mrs. Avery, widow of the late Frank C. K. Avery, is here to spend some time with her husband's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Avery. Her home U at Charleston. S. C. but she has been spending the winter in New York city. Charlie McKown has a new Envoy bicycle. The commission of R. J. Bardwell as notary public arrived yesterday. John B. Jennings, of Mehoopany. Is dynamiting the Ice along the river bank in order to clear away a channel so that the ferry boat can be started. The ice is piled thirty feet high In some places. The Presbyterian people will hold a meeting next Wednesday evening to elect additional deacons for their church. Drs. F. J. Bardwell, of this place; E. H. Wells, of Meshoppen, and C. W. Prevost. of Wllkes-Barre, went to Rus sell Hill yesterday to hold an autopsy on the body oPHenry Leipham. C. J. Reed writes from Florida that he has purchased fur his son. Spencer D.. a thousand acres of pine timber. The latter will start south next week. Wo understand the board of health Is preparing fur a vigorous campaign this season. There Is need enough for offi cial supervision ;n that line. A cordial Invitation Is extended to the people df Tunkhannork to attend the services at the Methodist Episcopal church next Sabbath, and each evening during the week, except Saturday. Mrs. Grace Welser Davis, of Jersey City, will preach and sing on each occa sion. All regular services, such cs class meetings, Sunday school, Ep- worth league, men's prayer meeting will be held at usual time and place. FACTORY VI LLK There will be a reception and supper held In the lectureiroom of the First Raptist church at this place on March 13 In the evening, for the pastor of the church, Rev. M. J. Watklns. Rev. M. J. Watklns presented his daughter. Sarah, with a fine new piano this week. Miss Mabel Reynolds returned Mon day aftenroon from a two weeks' visit with friends all Montrose, Rrooklyn and I.athrop. Miss Freelore Reynolds.who has been a sufferer for several weeks from pneu monia, died on Sunday evening and was burled on Tuesday afternoon from the fumily residence on High street. Very Impressive services were held by Rev. M. J., Watklns, of the First liap ttst church. The loved little form was encased In a white casket surrounded' by beautiful flowers. She was aged 11 yean. Forrest Reynolds, of Wilkes I'.nr re. Is spending a couple of weeks with his parents on Church atreet. Mrs. Llewlyn Capwell and little son have returned home from a visit to Mrs. Capwell' parents In Dakota. The Ladle Circle of Grand Army of the Republic Will hold a meeting at the G. A. R. hall March i. Every mem ber Is requested to b present. Mrs. Newton, ' of Nicholson, spent Hunduy In town. The Mule daughter of George Ellen berger, who hus been very III of pneu monia, Is reported better. Misses Lena Clark nnd Nellie De Graw. of Scranton, visited friends for a few days In town this week. Are you a sufferer frotn that terrible plague, Itching 1'llesT Donn's Oltitinunt will bring you Instant relief and perma nent cure. Get It from your dealer. 11ALLSTEA1). Mrs. M. J. Colllgan, of Scranton, Is visiting friends and relatives In this place. The Odd Fellows had a banquet In Rossa's hall In Great llend on Tuesday evening. A large delegation were pres ent from Ulnghamton. John Mallane, sr., Is visiting his daughter In New York city. Edward O'Brien Is making Improve ments on his house, on William street, occupied by John Condon. . Arthur banker Is IIL Dr. Johnson, of Hopbottom,' called on Dr. Lamb yesterday afternoon. ' A class In algebra has been formed at the high school, and it Is composed of the eighth and ni.itli grudes. Uwln to the large number of clashes the class recites uf ter school. Mrs. Timothy Connors Is 111 at her1 home on Main street. , Mrs.' II. Dcdrlck, of llackettstiVwn.' N. . J., who has bcM.11 visiting ,her parents. J Mr. and Mrs. M. .P. Cuiiietv In-.tMuj place, has returned home,' I The Junior Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor of the Presbyterian church will be led by Mlus Eva Oswald on Saturday afternoon. The society now numbers cluhty-two members. Mrs. E. Sands Is 111. - The next entertainment on tho Rail road Young Men's Christian associa tion's entertainment course will be given on Thursday evening, Mnih 14. Mrs. Shaw, who has been vliiltlng her sou, Edward, In Durfaln, has returned home. Mrs. Dell Herkimer was called to Cleveland the Hist of the week by the serious Illness of u brother. W. R. Tinker wilt- open a rentaurunt In the Major block In the near future. Dr. A. H. Longshore, f dentist who 1 Is to locate hole about March 10, gradu- ! utcd at the Philadelphia College of I Dentistry and ."iurdery on Wednesday. ! ri:oK villi:. Leyshon Davis died at the home of Thomas W. Morgans last Wednesday evening of la-art failure, aged 47 years. He leaves live children, four daughters und one son: Mrs. Thomus Powell, of Peckvllle; Mrs. W. It. Williams, of Min ers Mills; Mrs. Jcnkyn Pugh, of Par Bons; Arthur W.. Duvis, of Mldvalle. The f uncial will be under the super vision of Wuhnetah tribe, 207, Improved Order of Red Men, of which the de ceased was a member. A ehort service will be held at the house this morning at 11.30 by Rev. W. J. Guest, after which the remains will leave on the 1 p. m, train on the Delaware and Hud son for Wilkes-Harre for Interment. Mrs. Sarah Bertram, of South Canaan, Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Thomas Spangenbuig. William Opdyke has been Indisposed for the past week. Rev. M. D. Fuller, of Providence, and Rev. F. P. Doty will exchange pulpits next Sunduy morning and evening. The Indies' Aid society of the Meth odist Episcopal church wish to take this means of thanking E. II. Hitter, who so kindly assisted them in getting up the memorial card on the death of one of their members, Mrs. Jacob De pew. Frank W. Day, of Wllkes-Barre, was a caller In town yeBteiduy. Mrs. George F. Cool and daughter, Myrtle, are visiting her mother, at Carbondale. Albert Chapman Is suffering from bronchitis. Evangelist Scovllle will occupy the pulpit of the Uuptlst church next Sun flay evening. Joseph Croup made a business trip to Scranton yesterday. Mrs. Fred Schrader, who has been very sick, Is Improving. Found, last Wednesday evening, be tween the Delaware und Hudson depot and the Ontario depot, a large pocket book containing valuable papers. The owner can have the same by proving property and puylng for this advertisement, by calling on William Page, Main street. An excellent banquet was served at Led yard hall on Wednesday evening when the members of the United Amer ican Mechanics lodge celebrated tlwlr anniversary. The tables were spread at 8.30 p. m., with all the delicacies of the season, and a.'ter ample Justice had been done to the dainties provided a social evening was spent, the prin cipal feature being a powerful address by Rev. J. R. Sweet, of Ashley, upon the principles of the order. The address was replete with vital points to the members, who deeply appreciated the commendable remarks of the reverend gentleman. During the evening Mrs. White and Miss Savage gave a piano forte duet which wub well received and vocal solos were rendered by the fol- L.tLliiir Mluu Kttell Miss Sil kier Mrs. Jennie r rear unu v . vv. vtuiKina, un of which were loudly applauded. Reci tations were given by Miss Maud Doud. Miss Agnes Hull, and Mr. Benjamin and Mrs. William also contributed ma terially to the success of the evening. Over 200 guests were presents during the evening and all joined In praising the complete manner In which the ban quet had been arranged, and In ad miring the well-llnlshed decorations. The committee of arrangements were: M. li. Wl'inan, F. R. Grelner, H. A. Frear, II. W. Peck, and R. H. Uarnes. The duties of the reception committee were courtlously undertaken by Frank Iietijamln, George A. Hell and Fred erick Benjamin. OLY I'll ANT. Tho many friends of the late Profes sor Moran, of Dunmore street, who died on Tuesday last, attended the funeral services which were held at 2.30 o'clock yesterday afternoon In St. Patrick's church. The veterans, Guth's band, of Scranton, and the: Serenade band at tended the funeral In a budy. Inter- TORTUREDTHIRTY YEARS, Tba Agonies of the I q-il.lllon Endured by Ru.unutlc Sulfcrjrs. An Uutogcnuilnn Tells a Wonderful Story of Ills Kcmni koblc Cure John L. Gill, residing at 34 North Grant avenue, Columbus, ()., tigett 88 years, suys: "t suffered from rheuma tism for over thirty years. The pains were very severe nnd often 1 was un able to move nrountl. t hnvo doctored with ninny physicians and taken all kinds of iatent medicine, but never re ceived any relief until 1 begun using Munyou's Rheumatism Cure. Within twelve hours after taking the first dose I was free from pain ami am now com pletely cured." Munyon's Rheumntlsm Cum Is guar anteed to cure rheumatism In any part of the body. Acute or muscular rheuma tism cured In from one to five days. It never falls to cure sharp, shooting pains In the arms, legs, sides, buck or breast, or soreness In any part of the' body In from one to three hours. It Is guar anteed to promptly euro lameness, stiff nnd swollen Joints, stiff back, and nil pains in the bios and loins, Chronic rheumatism, scliitlcn, lumbago or pain In the back are speedily cured. Munyon's Humoepathlc Homo Rem edy company, of Philadelphia, put up specifics for nearly every disease, which are Sold by all druggists, mostly for 26 cents u bottle, . Those who ore In doubt as to the nature of their dlseosn should address Professor Munyon, Ui08 Arch street, Philadelphia, giving full symptoms of their disease. Professor Munyon will carefully diagnose the rasa and give you the benefit of his advice absolutely free of all charge. The Remedies will be sent to any address on receipt of re tall price. Next Time Ycu do To Market, Remember there is none "just as good as" Quaker Oats. Good for little folks big folks, too. Sold only in 2 lb. Packages. merit was mude;ln the Catholic ceme tery. Regular services In the Young, Men's ClniiUhin union rooms tomorrow after noon at 4 o'clock. The meeting will be led by Florence Mitchell. May Smith Bobbins will appear In the musical comedy, "Llttlo Trlxle," at the new opera house Thursduy uvuuing, March U. ' Tho Christian Endeavorers of the Pn nbyterlan church will hold a meet ing at 7.30 o'clock tomorrow evening. Mrs. Matthew Gray will lead. Subject: "Everything for God." Mrs. D. Berry, Mrs. Alfred Haines and Mrs. John Barrett attended the Academy at Scranton last evening. The music pupils of the parochial school gave a very Interesting recital on Thursday afternoon. IJUCKNEiXjNOTKS. Dr. Perrlne delivered a very able lec ture on "Sociology" In Bucknell hall on Tuesday at 3 o'clock p. m. An athletic exhibition In the Tustin gymnasium will be given on March 111. The proceeds will go toward defraying the debt of the Athletic association. Dr. Harris will deliver an address, "The Fall of Richmond," to the Grand Army of the Republic post upon April 15, the anniversary of the surrender uf Appomattox Court House. The preliminary contest of the class of 'ax was held last week and the fol lowing members chosen for the prize contest to be held on March 10: Miss Rodgers, Miss Chambers, Messrs. Hill, Davis, Geary, Hazen, Llndermann, Stober and Thomas. The Young Men's Christian associa tion have elected new oltlcers, who will enter upon - their duties the opening of the spring term. The delegates to the district convention, held In Dan ville last week, report a very success ful session and hope that the conven tion, to be- held at Bucknell, will be equally as successful. . waTekly. Mrs. M. W. Bliss, Jr., and family are visiting relatives at Camptown, Brad ford county. George White, of Tunkhannuck, was a caller here last Wednesday. Mrs. Charles E. Lee, of the Waverly house, who has been seriously 111, Is convalescing. ' Henry White, of Penn avenue, Scran ton, called on his brother, G. H. White, last Thursday. Professor F. C. Hanyon, of the Madi son academy, has registered as stu dent at law with the law firm of Huls lander & Vusburg, of Scranton. There will be no services at the Meth odist Episcopal church next Sunday. Rev. F. H. Parson will hold communion services at Clark's Green at 10.30 a. m. Rev. A. Bergen Browe will till the pul pit at the Baptist church at 10.30 a. m. and 7 p. m. next Sunday. Will Aylesworth, who had been get ting better from an attack of typhoid fever, has had a relapse. PltlCKHUHU. The Young Men's Social club will hold the grandest entertainment and social of the season In Fadden's hall Monday evening, March IS. . The best outside and home talent has been se cured. , . , Dickson City lire alarm signals by districts are as follows: First district From Jermyn No. 4 mine north to the Olyphant line; one long blow to give alarm aud two short ones for district. Second district From Jermyn No. 4 mine to Catholic church; one long blow and three short ones. Third district From Catholic church to Scranton city line; one long blow and four short ones. One long blow and five short ones, general alarm to call outside help. Eagle Hose company, No. 1. ' President, Richard Barron; secre tary, John O. Miller. f , 3HN00KA. Charley dual, the defeated candidate for supervisor, Is circulating' a petition around town. Gaul Intends to contest the right of Michael Gibbons. He will contest the South district and Mooslo. MARCH, APRIL. MAY- March, April and May are the arches of a bridge which bind the season of Ice to Unit of roses. Therefore, the spring Is a trying time for the average perilon. The system at this season needs cleunsltitr; remove the Impurities from the blood, and you will be able to battle with tho comlli .iiMiin In tierfect health. l)r. DaVlil Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, more than ' nny other medicine, will do this for yot r. It will purify the blood, dispel that worn out feeling, miike you sleep and eat well It Is prescribed by physicians for Just this purpose. Druggists sell It for SI a bottle. IT SEEMS LIKE CRUELTY To llimw awny gnotls nt stiih 11 euros ns those quoted below, but what arc we to tlo? It won't pay to store them, and we've got to iret rbl of thorn before April 1st. No in titer wht we realize ou them. Wo bought the Moi-k at Hhcrlli'Snlt. ''lor better or for worse;" wo took ehaueesou it and lliouirlit wo were pare when we lttr. Where do you come in at, if wo sell GOODMAN'S BANKRIT1 STOCK to you on the sumo terms ns wo eeuured It at? Ask this question twice umt let your unu 11 nuu goou NOW COME DOWN TO Next Week Wc Offer 2110 Ladles' costs, assortud; no poor ones among them.,.. !.M Ctnjialrs corsets, all sorts ami subs, sonic A 1 qualities smong thorn. . 10 doxAl.udlus' rasulnators-6 different .38 m vies. Pick ut St) 1M pulrs all wool blankets, 11-4 slse Value to and 17. Choice now.... S.IK This- price from opening hour, till noon nnlv. too Una. all wool half hose. Were 2Co mid 3m' . Choice (Monday sale).. SuO dos. odds and ends underwear- naturAl grey. Camels hair and scarlet, every aannent strictly , j wool. Choice till noon only .16 coon 'S BANKRUPT .'. STOCK.'. f . CI6 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. 230 Lackawanna Ave,, Scranton, Our Greut Stock of Huts, Furiiishingss, I suits! ) 4 AND I OVER COATS! Latest Style, Right Up.to-Uate. No Buck Numbers. The People Delighted and Astonished at Such Values. Overcoats. Overcoats.. Overcoats. Overcoats. Overcoats. Overcoats. Overcoats. Overcoats. $8. 85 WORTH DOUBLE. Suits worth $8.00 at Suits worth $10.00 at Suits worth $12.00 at Suits worth $15.00 at Suits worth $20.00 at Boys' Double-Breasted Suits at $4.75 5.90 7.50 9.90 11.37 1.29 THE BELL CLOTHING HOUSE, 230 Lackawanna Ave. SIGN OF THE BELL Atlantic Refining Go Mauutacturore and Dealers la - Unseed OH, Napthas and Oaso lines of all grades. Axle Urease, Pinion urease und Colliery Com pound; also a large line of Par afflne Wax Candle. We also handle the Famous CROWN ACME Oil, the only family safety burning oil In tho market. ' Wm. Mason, Manager. Office : Coal F.xi huuoc. Wyoming Ave. Works at Pine llrook. irot it at a llttlo less than 40o on Hie dol juugnieut answer u. DOLLARS AND CENTS the Following Specials i 12 dos. knit shirts. Borne all wool, oth ers half wool, etc . .13 Chenille table covers, latest designs, heavy quality, i-i also 42 c, ti-4 sise Uou, -4 slse 100 pieces crash toweling, till 9 a. in. each morning i i-sc a yaru. 100 pieces light print calicoes, 10 yds for ' ou tin iv a. in. eacn morning, (00 dos. handkerchiefs. All kinds 2Vio each , till noon. EXTRA SPECIAL. 100 dos. fine Inundrled , shirts whites and prints, very extra quality 41M.V SALE i r: 1 I 1 $50,000 worth of Dry Goods, No tions, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods.Hiilinery, Cloaks, Furs, Infants' Wear, &c, C" ft. as The steady increase of our business compels us to enlarge and remodel the en- tire store for spring trade, and as the stock will be in the way cs L SELL S2 400 and 402 e ihe a arpetings Wiltons, Axminsters, Moqnettes, Velvets, Body Brussels, Ta pestry Brussels AN UNRIVALLED Suited to All Kinds lllilllMllfil Mattings In All the Different Grades 406 AND 408 LACKAWANNA AVE. I iSm 3d iy .Corrioflcs u Heading "New Perfection"' Tias New Automatic Cold Air Damper. It Saves Ice. CHINA, JAPAN, COTTON WARP, INSERTED PLAIN OR FANCY, ABOVE ARE OIK SPRING AND SUMMER SPECIALTIES . Interesting tales to be told about these goods. Come bear them. "Ecouoiuv's Easy Way to Pay" assists piuched finances. "ARE YOU PINCHED?" IKS) Of w. 3 AT ANY PRICE. 3 rair, 1 Lacka. Aie., Scranton, Pa. and Ingrain Carpets. ASSORTMENT OF a 8 of Styles and Famishing. J upun and High Class Novelties. EYESIGHT PRESERVED. Beadaiiiu prav.nt.il acd cured by htTlaJ four .vim sol.otiflcallj namtLsd aad filled accurst!; ty DR. SHIMBERG. EYES EXAMINED FREE. Satisfaction guaraataed la evsry cas. 305 Spruce Street ICE CHESTS. EBE1BB Ml.