TIIE SCI? ANTOX TTITBUE SATURDAY MOTIXTXG, MATiCII 9, 189$. 11 Applicants for Lice nee. LICENSES NOTICE IS HEREBY Giv en that the following numed persons have filed their application for licenses with their places of business and residence for the Bale of vinous, spirituous, malt or brewed liquors at retail, also wholesale dealers, brewers, bottlers, distillers, recti fiers, compounders, store keepers and agents dealing in Intoxicating; liquors, either spirituous, vinous or malt, In .he office of the Clerk of the Courts of Quarter Sessions of the County of Lacka wanna, and that the said applications win be heard by the Court aforesaid on Mon day, March 11th, A. D. J89ut RETAILERS. ARCHBALD BOROUGH. FIR8T WARD HOTEL8. Jas. H. Feeley, River st. M. F. Caffery, River st. Wm. H. Ball. Main st. Kate LlnJe. River st. ... Joseph Mlglln. RldKe road; res. Eighth av. John J. Gllifallon, Main st. Abraham Howells, Ridge ave. Edward Steckecwlk, Ridge road. Patrick H. Swift. Carb. Prov. T'plke. John J. Scanlon. Main st. Annie Yutsko, Ridge ave. John D. Edwards. Ridge road. Andrew Degutls, Ridge ave. Michael Finn. Ridge c. Main st, Jacob Wagner, Main st. RESTAURANTS. David Howell. Brown Hollow T'plke. Mateus Buuhko, Miller St. Sol. Middleman, Ridge ave. SECOND WARD RESTAURANTS Geo. Perry, Church St. T. F. O'Horo. Pine, c. Salem St. THIRD WARD HOTEL. Michael Remenyskl, Edgerton st. RESTAURANT. John M. Burke. Church st. BLAKELY BOROUGH. FIRST WARD-HOTELS. A. M. Robinson, c. Main and River st. M. D. Betts, Main at. C. S. Doud, Carb. and Prov. Turnpike. SECOND WARD HOTEL. Charles Allen. Ninth St. THIRD WARD HOTEL. A. M. Clark, Main o. Academy st. BENTON TOWNSHIP. HOTEL. M. D. Potter. Fleetvllle. CARBONDALE TOWNSHIP. HOTELS. Michael Kelly, Powderly road. Luke White, Main road. Patrick J. Toolan. Prov. Carb. T'plke. Horton A. Lee. Prov. Carb. T'plke. J. J3. Lowery. Hubbard T'plke. Jonn Polko, Canaan st. RESTAURANT. John J. Higglns, Powderly road. CARBON DALE. FIRST WARD HOTELS. Michael Llnnen. 78 Dundaff st. Wm. McLaughlin. 77 Dundaff St. John G. Lynady. 76 Dundaff St. Joseph Alello. 90 Dundaff st. Samuel H. Williams. N. Main st. Dennis Plnnegan. 3 Fall Brook st. REST At' RANTS. Santo Pug-llano. 98 Dundaff st. Jas. F. Maxwell, 53 Salem St. Wm. J. Byrne. 5t N. Main; res. Wash. St. SECOND WARD HOTELS. Patrick F. Mofflt, Main st. c. Seventh ave, Patrick H. Murray. 41 S. Main st. Mloh'l Mullaney. 14 S.Malir.rws.Bipoklynst John J. .Monohos, Main c. rum riaee. Benj. F. Williams. 2i Salem st. Frank P. Brown. 'X Main st. Frank M. Fox. Main c. Sixth aye. James Brennan. Salem ave. Louis Kehkop, 33 S. Main St. RESTAURANTS. 7.. C. Bell. 18 S. Main st. Thus. J. Brennan. 37 N. Main st. Michael Devine, 43 S. Main st. R. T. Maxwell, 38 S. Main St. Wm. B. Lindsay. 12 Wall st. Peter W. Anderson. 44 S. Main st. THIRD WARD HOTELS. M. Jos. Judge. 71 S. Main st. Jas. B. McTtghe. S3 S. Main st. SIXTH WARD HOTEL. Frank A. Burrows, 47 Belmont st. CLIFTON TOWNSHIP. HOTEL. Emma Gersbacher, Oouldsboro road. DALTON. HOTEL. Ceo. E. Falrchlld, Main road. DICKSON CITY BOROUGH. HOTELS. Richard M. Owens. Carb. and Prov. T'plke. f rank K.oiaski Main at. George Ferjo. 183 Harriet St. Andrew Zalewski, 117 Lincoln St. William Smith. Main St. Geo. Sosnuskl. Main St. JoseDh Kolebok. Prov. Carb. T"olke. Thus. Rogers, boulevard; res. Taylor. James Twiss, Main St. Ludwlg Balskl, Main st. M. F. Fadden, Main St. Wm. F. Erbe. Main St. John Rembeckl, Main St. Jacob Welsberger. Prov. Carb. T'plke. Stan. K. Koehler. Prov. Carb. T'plke. P. J. O'Connor, Lincoln st. Bryan Fallon, Prov. Carb. Turnpike. John Pressman. Prov. Carb. T'plke. Thomas Logan, Main c. Scott road. Andrew Harvann. Main st. P. H. Gallagher, Main st. John Blllen, Pancoost st. Geo. W. Lloyd. Main road. Henry Whltall. Prov. Carb. T'plke. Mathlas Ambrazias, Lincoln st. RESTAURANTS. ' Jos. Sanklewlci. Lincoln st; res. Scranton. John Roth, Lincoln st. DUN MORE BOROUGH. FIRST WARD HOTELS. James F. Dyer, 103 Blakely st; res. 133 Green St. Thos. O'Donnell, Drinker st. John Powell, 512 Throop st. Thomas Douirherty, Drinker st. Sarah P. Howley, 111 Blakely st. Jas. H. Kelly. Drinker st. John E. Gibbons. Drinker st. SECOND WARD HOTELS. Gulseppe Rosa, 214 Willow st. ' Thos. Hope. Apple st; res. 718 Plttston ave, Scranton. P. . Murphy. Chestnut st. Ltberato Liberators. Main st; res. Lacka wanna ave., Scranton. Patrick Kane, Main c. Drinker st. William McHale. 732 Drinker T'plke. Domlnlco Vaccaro, 411 Smith St. Thomas Flynn, Walnut st. John J. Scott, Chestnut at. Vlto Oerardl, Willow st. Thos. Golden, Chestnut at. Angelo Mecca, 427 Smith at. John J. McDonnell, 210 Drinker st. P. J. Teevan. 1130 Irlnker st. M. F. and James Harrington, Chestnut St. RESTAURANT. Klnaldo Lalll. 234 Willow st. THIRD WARD-HOTELS. R. P. Krelnburg, William st. F.dward O'Horo, 312 Chestnut st; res. 425 Walnut st. Peter Knapp, Main road. Ie C. Smith, all Prescott ave. Peter Cerlni, Butler and Third st August Wahlers, flrove st. Thos. McDonald, 144 Potter St. John Brogan, Chestnut jtt. Ha rah Jordan, Chestnut st. T. J. McGowan. 344 Chestnut St. John Me Andrew. Mill c. Elm st. John Mi Hugh, Dunmore road. RESTAURANTS. Anna Burschell, Blakely st. Henry Klaasner, Williams st. FOURTH WARD HOTELS. James C. Dunbar. Main road. John Flynn. Drinker st. FIFTH WARD HOTELS. P. J. Doudlcan, Donegal st. SIXTH WARD HOTELS. Ellen O. Colle, 712 Blakely st. Patrick Melody, Grove c. Monroe St.; res. Scranton. P. 3. O'Donnell, c. Blakely Drinker st. Cath. Ruane, Qulncy ave. P. J. Lynott. Adams ave. c. Larch t.; res. W. Market st. . ELMHUR8T BOROUGH. L vHOTELS. Jacob W. Bchiebel, Nay-Aug B'vard". Chas. H. Bird, Main st. Joseph Ruff, Main at. FELL TOWNSHIP. HOTELS. ' io. H. Lowrle, Belmont St. riuel Updyke, Forest City road h MoCfoskey, Main St. )nael Mahoskle, Belmont st V wy Farrell, Main road. nlllp Qogots, Mllford T'plke. Voaeph White, Main road. Michael Gorman. Main st, ' Geo. A. Ross, Tannery road. I.,. W. Llnaberry. Belmont road. James J. Hnee, Belmont St. liorton J. Gardner, Kail Brook road, Anthony Galavlts, Belmont st. James S. Lavln, Forest City road, Thos. Howeran, Belmont at. -Wm. J. Dunn, Rlnhmondale. Joseph Bcheck, Dundaff road. J. H. Curran, Wood c. Elk st. Stephen Beresch, Main ave, Joseph Oluck, Belmont st. John J. Coughlln, Belmont St. RESTAURANT. fi. T. O'Nell, Rtchmondale. QLENBT.TRN BOROUGH. HOTEL. 'Alrnlra Thurber, Main rood. GREENFIELD TOWNSHIP. ; ' HOTEL. ' ' Cleston L. Smith, Main road. V JERMYN BOROUGH. FIRST WARD HOTFJ.fl. , Alfred Butterworth, Main st list I-. u . re . ' . . wa-i. iu . .' .' ' Geo. Cole, Main st. Snyder ft Edmunds, Main c. Scott road. RESTAURANTS. Mark S. Collins. Main .-.. Mary Pritchurd, Scott road. SECOND WARD-HOTEtA. G. L. Avery, Main st. c. It St. . ' A. J. Gavin, Main st, H. A. Beebe, Main Bt. . A Lewis Plscr, Main st.- ' THIRD WARD-HOTELS. Michael Gooch. A t. . .' Peter Lukachko. B st. Arthur Mlssett, Main at. Rudolph Nlranberg. A st: M. F. McDermotr. Depot st. ' JEFFERflON TOWNSHIP. HOTEL. A. L. Compton, Public road. . ' LACKAWANNA TOWNSHIP. HOTELS. Patrick F. Leonard, Main road. ' M. W. Loftus. Wyoming av. James Cuflfney. Ford st. . , Michael Gibbons. Main St. Thos. J. Mullen, Main road. ' Ambrose Altemus, Main st, Patrick Dlskln. Main at. Chas. H. Gaul, Klezer ave. E. J. Mclntyre, Main st. Michael J. Plitlbln. Main St. Patrick J. Conway, Main e. Sax st. Martin McDonouich. Main roud. John J. Coyne, Main st. in. Loftus. Main rond. Thos. Walsh. Alain c. Spring st. Louisa Fussold, Muln ave. RESTAURANTS. . Georco Janes. William st. Chris. H. llarber. Muln st. Adum Fussold. Plttston ave. Win. Junes. Jones st. Jutnes F. Everett. Wulnut c Vino st.; res. 227 N. Bromley ave.. Scranton. MADISON TOWNSHIP. HOTELS. P. O. Dixon. Mill st. Vlolettle Allen. Mill st. MAYFIELD BOROUGH. . HOTELS. Geo. Chlchurn. Hill Bt. E. F. Edmunds, Irfickuwanna c. River St. J. K. Uiiinn. Muln st. Simon Fedoruwskl, Hill St. Mary Edmunds. Prov. Carb. T'plke. RESTAURANTS. Jeremiah Sullivan, Lackawanna ave. HukIi Marley, l'lunk road. James Mack. Main st. Mary A. Mcl.ouKhlln. Main st. ' OLD FORCE TOWNSHIP. HOTELS. K. A. Thomas. Burbertown roud. Stefan Sefchlk, Austin Heights; res. Pltts ton Twp. John Henehun, Muln road. Emllo Surdunello. Main st. Rlchurd J. Joyce, Main St. Patrick Fullou. Main c. Grace st. Frank C. Wood, Babylon. John Parko, Albion st. Joseph Soininers, Hickory st. Geo. Hous, Main c. Spring st. AnKelo Cllenta, Muln road c. Maple st. Ruben Cohen, c. Uuk and Wlllluin St.; res. Curbondale, Pa. Thos. J. Clark, Main road. John SumiUers, Main road, Simon Cohen, Main st. lsuac Melma, Hickory st. Mathlus Puhala. Hickory St. Ed. J. Fallon, Pine st. Patrick F. Durkln, Main road. James Moru. Albion st. Yiialiano Clmlno, Main st. John K. Kehr. Ruck road. Domlnlck Armburst. Public road. Luigl Sirluno. Muln roud. I). A. Dougherty, McClure ave and Main St. Michael Culck, Main roud. Thomas X. Davis, Buck roud. Wesley Johnson, Rack road. James Sheridan. Main road. Wallace ormston, Muln road. Peter Schmidt, Main roud. Henry Johnson, Grove c. George st. Agnes Peterson. Bennett st. .Mux Rosenbluth. Maple st. Cuthurlne Burke, Hack road. Peter Abplanalp, Main roud.. John Holland. Main road. John Rickaby, Muin road. John Surber. Main road. Mlchae-I Sharak. Main road. John F. Doutfher. Main road. Joseph Tedesco. Muln roud. RESTAURANTS. John Llsclnski. Hickory st. Frank Conosky. Main roa.l. Wm. Sarpolis. Main c. Thomas St. Wm. Herbert. Snilthvllle. Thos. P. Davis. Oak St. Mary Hart, William st. John Szarck. Bennett St. Francesco Greco, Mudtown road. Ann Edwards. Sussex St. Thos. Voyle, William st. Margaret J. Lewis. Gray st. OLYPHANT BOROUGH. FIRST WARD HOTELS. patrtfirTBrmon. -Pnnmore-st. - - .- - - - Win. Rogan. Duninore st. M. W. Cumminus. Dunmore st. Thos. F. Gannon, iHuimoiest. Joseph Kelly. Dunmore st. RESTAURANT. David R. Davis, Hell c. Railroad st. SECOND WARD HOTELS. Mllljan Baslyga, Race st. Antol Gallnskl. Jones st. Joseph Kropolyak. Ruce c. River st. John Swallow. River st. Geo. Adams, Race st. John Duffy. Lackawanna St. Jos. A. Dolphin, 211 Lackuwunna st. James W. O'Brien, Lacka. c. River st. John J. Fadden. Lackawanna St. Geo. W. Williams. Lack. c. Susq. St. Wm. Alahon, Lackawanna st. John Wltko, c. Race and River st. Paul Peter, Lackawanna Bt. John MoGlnty, Deleware st. Thos. P. Jones, Lackawannu st. Geo. Chyluk, Jones c. River st. - , . Michael Rcjsak, Jones t. Thomas Patten, Susq. c. Jones Bt. Thos. R. Williams, Hudson st. George Senova, River Bt. Geo. A. Price, Susquehanna st. Andrew Homolko, River st. RESTAURANTS. David W. Pettinrew. Deleware St. Wm. J. Evans, Lacka. c. Deluware st. Thos. and Wm. Murphy, kawunnu it. THIRD WARU HOTELS. M. J. O'ilalleran, Delaware at. Jumes T. Martin, Ferris st. Anthony F. Gillespie, Delaware st. James Farrell, Mooslc c. Grassy st. Thos. Donnelly, Mooslc St. Mike Tllufskl. Deluware st. RESTAURANT. John O'Connor, Dunmore road. RANSOM TONWSHIP. HOTEL. Freeman B. Sharps. Main road. ROARING BROOK TOWNSHIP. HOTEL. Peter Welchel, Slmonson road. SCOTT TOWNSHIP. HOTEL. W. L. Smith, Montdule. SCRANTON. FIRST WARD-HOTELS. John Ijiybourn. Amelia sve. Thos. Hurrlngton, 2S2fi Marvin st. Geo. W. Mabey, n. Main and Market at. David W. Thomas, 2727 N. Main st. Clark & White, lift W. Market St.; res. 442 W. Market at. and 118 W. Market st.resp John Walkenshaw, N. Main ave. John J. Morris, 225 W. Market. John Koi h, Driving Park. Alice O'Malley, 310 W. Market st. Henry Chappell, UG W; Market st. Thos. E. Jones, 302 Wllllum st. John K. Jons, 1WI-IS2 W. Parker st. iienj. J. Davis, 27 Hi N. Main ave. RESTAURANTS. ' " Michael and ft Jos. Oilboy, 312 W.Marketst P. H. Golden, MS W. Market st. Edward Loftus, Sri W. Market St. Thos. Harris. 218 W. Market st. SECOND WARD-HOTELS. Chns. C. Martin, 1X19 N. .Main ave. , A. P. O'Donnell, W Brick ave. M. J. Leonard. 113 W. Market st. John F. Timlin, 17n7 Brick ave. John Kelly, 223 W. Market st. James Golden. 1818 Brick ave. M. J. Horan, 1777 Brick ave. Regan A Flynn, 348 W. Market st. Herman Hunan, 1112 Albright ave.; res. 827 Capouse ave. Morris V. Morris, 1X27 N. Main ave. H. H. Richardson, 1M5 N. Main ave. Wm. Jervls, 1H37 N. Main ave. Edward J. Burke, c. Sanderson and E, Market st. THIRD WARD-HOTEL. William Cuslck, 707 W. Market st. FOURTH WARD HOTELS. Simon Thomas, 409 N. Main St. I. J. Fahey, 303 N. Main ave. Lawrence Mc Williams, 501 Bromley ave. Margaret Gullugher, 1NI8 Jui kson st: Anthony McAndrew, GI3 N. Muln ave. Frederick Warnko, 115 N. Main ave. E. J. Smith, 123 N. Main ave. '. Alex. Phillips, 371 N. Bromley ave, r - RESTAURANTS, Wlgent Blern, 1307 Price st. Chas. Klmmlck, 1121 Hwetlani st. ... Alex. Stevenson, 1424 Lafayette st. FIFTH WARD HOTELS. Jas. T. Kearney, ItKS Jackson st, Patrick P. Cannon. 1727 Jackson st, John H. Jones, 1111 Jackson st. " Joseph 7.lmmerle, 110 S. Main ave. , . Wm. Deckelirick, 344 S. Main ave. ..i ; B. Vh Smith, 1035 Jackson; res. Dalton. Po. Robert Alexander, 1144 Luserne St. Patrick 'rayior, Jiu jacason at, Bernard McDerniott. 1939 Jackson st Joseph E. Hughes, 129 B. Main ave. Thos. Carroll, lli24 Luserne St. Patrick Lynn, 2124 Luserne st.' , Annie McDonotigh, 903 Scranton st P. J. McLoughlln, 804 Scranton st; . -Almlra Evans, 1610 Washburn st. RESTAURANTB. John Berfer, 17U2 Waibburn st, ,, I Amis- ScHAenr IW Jnck'on bK " -' Mary Jones, 1(A)2 Wushburn st. SIXTH WARD HOTELS. Win. J. Green, 800 S. Aluln ave.; res. North Ablnglon Twp. " Patrick Golden, Luserne c. Railroad St. John H. Davis, tkl tlellevue st. John P. Cour & Jas. Cloherty, 121 Broad way; res. do. and 311 Luserne at., reap. Patrick J. Calp In. Fourth c. Bcllevue lane; I res. 553 Fourth st. t SEVENTH WARD. HOTELS. John Ferguson, 901 Capouse ave. Jim. J. Padden, Wash. ave. c. Phelps st. James Hurtnott, 804 Capouse ave. John It. Kelly, 902 Cnpouso ave, Belinda Culkln, SMi Capouse avo. Win. 11. SmulliidKC, 840 Capouse ave. RESTAURANT. Dennla J. Roche, KOI Capouse ave. EIGHTH WARD. HOTELS. Fred. 8. Godfrey, 201 Lackawanna ave. John Mnjernylk, Hickory c. Wyoming ave. Frederick It. White, Wyo. c. Lacka. ave. Ifelt.ntL miih.u'lfk 4iu H Wvoniliiir ave. Roche i Fadden, 9 Lacka. ave.; res. do. nnd 925 Scranton St., resp. l'utrlck Jordan, 252 Wyoming ave. Win. A. RutledKe, 1127 Lacka. ave. Chus. Tropp, 219 I.ucka. ave.; res. 415 N. WushliiKtun uve. . Thos. J. Lune, 220 Spruce St. Fivderlck R. Miller, 143 Penn ave. Philip Welchel, 23t Penn uve. Mary Cuslck, 42ti Lackawanna ave. Kdwln J. Horn, 122 and 124 Fruuklln ave. Jumes & Michael McGovern, 218 Lucka. uve.; res. 240 Penn uve. Thos. McCourt, 4iq S. Washington ave. Arlgonl Ferdlnundo, 129 Penn uve. Jumes Hughes, 245 Penn uve. Wm. II .bwyer. 340-342 8. Washington ave. 'Philip II. Coyne, 301 Iicku, uve.; res. 502 Aduins ave. Loivni Zeliller, 112 Franklin avo. Fred erick Durr, 313 Luckuwanuu live. Jos. . Cussese, 103 Luckuwuiinu uve. Patrick II. illKKlns, 430 Lackuwuiiuu ave.; res. HK.ll Mulberry St. Murtlu P. Judge, 232 LHckawuiinu ave. Thos. Connery. 422 S. Wuslilugton uve. Victor Koch, $16 Luckuwanuu live. Andrew Campbell, 424 Lackawanna uve. John J. Gibbons, 220 Wyoming ave.; res. I'enn uve Frank Thompson. 18 Lacka. ave.; res. 30C Wyoming uve. P. J. Conwuy, 132-134 Penn ave. John M. Cusey, 8 Lucka. ave.; res. 422 Fourth si. Jumes Ferguson, .130 Franklin ave. Lemuel Muckey, 115 Penn uve. M. F. Rlelly, 220 Lackuwuiiuu ave. Wm. T. Jenkins, 105 Luckuwuiinu ave. Kiuina A. Carpenter, 2i- 207 Spruce St. Hannah J. Callahan. 302 Lackuwunna ave, John lrury. 214 Lackawanna uve. l.eivU w iteviin. :rja i Voter st. Thos. H. Walsh. 431 S: Wash, uve.; res. 2 Hi Railroad ave. P. J. o' Boyle, 3ii Luckawnnnu uve. M. J. & M. H KnoKh, 128 and 130 I'enn ave. Hlgglns & Wull. I"9 Penn ave. 'I'hos. C. Melvln, 122 Penn ave. Ketrlck & Kllmartln, 310 Linden St. M. S. White. Ill Wyoming uve. Israel Duslunder, 502 S. Washington ave. .1 IV Vance. !il7-2iil Wvntnllltr uve. Chas. 11. Miller. 217 "Penn ave.; res. Kll Adams uve. Wm. Thomas, 31 Ijickawanna ave. Albert Zenke. 213-215 I'enn ave. Louis Lohiniuin, 323-325 Spruce St. Frederick Murtln. 235 Penn uve; RESTAURANTS. Napoleon Nothncker. 105 Wyoming ave. rex 417 Wvoniliiir ave. Geo. F. Jacobus. 414 Spruce St.; res. 407 Wvoniliiir uve. Peter Rosar. 310 Spruce ; res. 001H Sixth uv. Caroline Sontag, 418 s. wasnington ave Peter Zetgler. 125-127 Franklin uve.; res. Adams ave. Geo. E. Buckus, 223 N. Wash, ave.; res. 430 Clay ave. W. J. Robb, 211 Lackawanna ave. NINTH WARD. RESTAURANTS. John Blatter. 507 Lccka. ave.; res. 238 Maple st. A. I4. Wartln. 702 Washington ave. Christ Gamerlnger, 517 Luckawanna ave. TENTH WARD. HOTELS. Joseph Hans. Ash c. Cross Bt. Frank Me.-Mer, I'll 9 Ash St. ' John Long. KI2U Prescott ave. Bernard Tlriucr, 2002 Ash St. RESTAURANTS. Jos. T, Hell. 1517 Olive st. .Mrs. Jacob liumbach, I1102 Ash st. ELEVENTH WARD. -HOTELS. Mlchuel Natter, 423 Abler St. Chas. S. Gulbert, 1210 S. Wash. ave. Frank lionin, 312 Klin Bt. James F. Beat. 308 Cedar ave. Chas. Klist, 1101 Cedar ave. Peter Kuhtier. 410 Plttston uve. M. 11. Gullugher, 1102 S. Washington ave. Geo. Rosen, 009 Cedar ave. August Schlnipff. 502 Cedur ave. Frederick Welchel. 401 Cedur ave. Kostuuty Stawl'skl, 1U29 S. Wush.; re 932 S. Wyoming uve. Mury Graft', l28 S. Washington ave. RESTAURANTS. Chus. Huester, 815 Cedur ave. Annie Glblln, 1228 S. Washington ave. Frederick Baldner. 440 Willow Bt. George Fuchs, 412 Cedar ave.; res. 310 Neptune ct. Chas. Kaestner, 5U-51S Cedar ave. John F. Schmidt, 710 Plttston uve. THIRTEENTH WARD HOTELS. Frank Smith, 015 Green Ridge Bt. Murtln Bird. 1372 N. WashlnKton ave. Jas. J. Kelly, 1507 Von Slorch uve.;- res, 1332 Washington uve. John Horn, 1536 Dickson ave. RESTAURANT. O. J. Nichols, 1330 Albright ave. FOURTEENTH WARD HOTELS. Philip Schnell, 620 W. Lnekawnnntt uve, Daniel A. O'Connor, 147 Robinson st. Henry Hupp, 710 W. Lackawannu uve. John Wuench, 414 N. Main ave. Peter Ross, 9(0 W. Lackawanna ave. James Oettlngs, 1018 W. Lackawannu ave, Patrick j. .Mangan, 112 N. Main ave, Thos. MoCormlck, 401 Chestnut St. Geo. Wuench, 1032 W. Lflckawanna ave. Thos. Cosgrove, 150 N. Main st. Stephen Mnbey, N. Main ave. Lewis K. Jones, 134 N. Main eve.' Duvld M. Richards. 210 N. Main ave. Geo. Glnniler, 130 N. Main ave. M. A.'Mcllugh, 108 N. Main ave. Wm. Yiiskl, 1024 W. Lackawanna ave. Frank Stetter, 118 N. Main ave. Conrad Wenzcl, 712 W. Lackawanna ave. RESTAURANT. Patrick Murphy, 924 Robinson St.; res. 932 Robinson st. FIFTEENTH WARD HOTEL8. Stephen Flannugan, 1717-1719 Luzerne st. Thos. D. Edwards. 607 S. Hampton st. Ilopkln L. Williams, 510 H. Main ave. Ann Stevens, 5O2-504 S. Main ave. Jus. F. Ciimmtngs, 703 S. Main ave. Thos. S. Williams. 601 S. Main ave. RESTAURANT. M. J. Gllbrlde, 601 Eynon st. SIXTEENTH WARD HOTELS. Flora Johnson, 328 Penn ave. .Martin Anglemler & Nicholas Retinoid , penn ave.; res. :iih Kallroad ave. T. W. Knowles, 447 Penn ave. T. Hunt Brock. Penn c. Linden st. Dlller ft Htelnmeti. 309 Penn ave. James J. Callahan, 433-435 Penn ave. Samuel Rlnksdorf. 403 Penn uve. . John J. Shea, 441 I'enn ave.; res 616 orchard st. " Joseph Oriidnlnsky, 216 Penn ave. John Hennemuth. 311 Penn ave. RESTAURANTS. Stephen McKenna A John E. Leyh, 315 Penn ave. Wm. II. Brennan, 323 Penn ave. SEVENTEENTH WARD-HOTELS. Michael O'llara, 531 Lni kawanna ave. John J. llerTrun, 520 Lackawanna ave, RESTAURANT. Wm. A. Hader, 622 Uickawantm ave. EIGHTEENTH WARD HOTELS. Rrhafd R. Walsh, 619 Scranton st. Jas. M.' Sheffield, 711 Scranton St. Patrick Hush, 113 8. Seventh St.; res. 258 Railroad St. John Flannery, 701 Scranton St., res. 152 8. Seventh st. Thos. W. Cawley, 157 8. Seventh st. E. Well", 666 Einmptt st.; res. 137 Seventh St. Sarah Jttcohy, 401 Emmett St. Frank J. Mangan, 220 Broadway. P. J. Olbney, 306 Fifth uve. NINETEENTH WARD HOTELS. Patrick Donnelly, 620 Beech Bt. RESTAURANT. Adam Mlchaelowskl, 1101 Plttston ave.; res.' 404 8. Washington ave. . TWENTIETH WARD-HOTELS. Thos. F. McDonough. 1429 Plttston ave.; res. Lackawanna Twp. Patrick Corcoran, 1710 Cedar ave. Alonio Hubbard, 1328 8. Washington ave. TWENTY-FIRST WARD HOTELS. Michael J. Burke, 1000-1002 Prov. road. SOUTH AB1NOTON TOWNSHIP. HOTELS. Bernard McGreevy, 8. Ablngton T'plke. . Fred. Welcdiel,- Jr., Clarks Summit. John T. Boyce, Prov. Ablngton T'plk. , ' THROOP BOROUGH. . HOTEL. . Thomas Monahan, Dunmore road, Patrick Callahan, Boulevard road. . ' John Flesher, Dunmore road. John McDonnell, Dunmore road. Iwbt Jlfklns, Boulevard; res. Horanton. Wm. Burke, Boulevard road. Michael Walsh,' Dunmore road. James Eagen, Psncoust st, "7r Domlnlck Corcoran, Olyphant road.' F C. Pllgcr, Dunmore road. '; ii ; 'at rick Hammond, Dunmore TOO&i " .; . ohn.O'Hara. bunmare road. ; oseph Lehocke. BouleVartlottdv. . V George Ttpr. Throop t.' li, . . '; TAYLOK' BOROUOH. . FIRST .WARD-HOTELS. , Michael Hahnlck. "Main" St.,- Nelson Lowry, Main road. . ' . . ohn Klebak. c. Ouk and First st. Saruh McDonnell, c. Oak and Main st. ohn E. Davis, Muln St. RESTAURANTS, John Glynn, Muln c. Fourth st. v 111. Morris, I'ourin si. ohn T. Gibbons. Oak c. First st. Daniel Sullivan. Main St.: res. Union St. Jumos Powell, Ouk c. Muln st. SECOND WARD-HOTELS. Jenkln Harris, Main st. Evan L. Davis, Main st c. union St. Frank Mllnarlch. Main Bt. John Kohler, Union st. 'athurlno Youngbloot, Main St. Ollendnrf & Stark, Main Ht. Wm. G. Howells, Main St. RESTAURANTS. Jacob Jaksonluk. Union Bt. Samuel Evans, Main st, Lewis M. Reese, Union st. THIRD WARD HOTELS. llnnrv Nueeell. Union Ht. John Von Welsentioh, Main St. John Weber, Muin st. Wm. K. Jones, union st. RESTAURANTB. Shem Parker, Union St. Wm. IX Phllllus. Union st. James Muplesou, Main st. , FOURTH WARD RESTAURANTS. John W. Jones, Grove c. Rhine St. John Von Welsenltuh, Jr.. Union st. r'l r TM W AKU JtrJol A IMB lD, John J. Price, MuJn roud. Henry Doylu, SlmpHoii c. Ceutre St. WAVERLY BOROUGH HOTEL. Charles E. Lee, Muln St. WI.NTON BOROUGH. HOTELS. Joseph Konlcsny, Clurkson ave. i-eier AiHsiyur, iiciuwure uve. Mlchuel Keresh. Ilund St. John Merinak, Hill st. John McClosky, Hill St.; res, Prlceburg. John Ouufry, Second uve. Michael (lallaglier, Back ruuu .Michael Hlailluy, Dolph St. Edward Coslello. Church St. Juliu F. Ctirruii. Church Ht. John Hutshko, Powell uve. John Muck, Hill c. Carbon St. Patrick S. Walsh, c'huVch st.; res. Front st. P. B. (Illmurtln, Brldue Ht. - John Krysta, Powell c. Mylert ave. Henry Spritzer. Dulnh Bt. John Ruane, Main Bt. Peter J. Burke. Front St. Thos. E. Reddlngton, Church St. Jacob Kellerman, Delaware st. p. F. Gordfrey, Depot Bt.; res. uoipn si. Annie Bucko, Dolph st, Stlf Mllo, River St. RESTAURANTS. George llozur, Dolph st. John E. Kolly, Church st. c First ave. John T. Bell, Railroad st. Jacob Hunlcuk, Muln St. BOTTLERS ARCHBALD. FIRST WARD. Geo. Sensing, Muln st. THIRD WARD. George Remenltiika, Muln st. Joseph Gray, Muln st. CARBONDALE. THIRD WARD. Geo. Schnfer, Jr.. 85 Muln st. Win. J. Smith, Wuyne Bt; res. Church Bt. FOURTH WARD. T. A. Walsh, 176 Pike St.; res. 107 Pike st. SIXTH WARD. Chus. F. Avery, 67 Belmont st. DICKSON CITY BOROUGH. Christian Hoellllng, Muln roud; res. 1121 .Meade ave., Scranton. DUNMORE BOROUGH. SECOND WARD. Jus. II. Davltt, Spencer St. FELL TOWNSHIP. Peter J. Heulev. 200 Dundaff road. John Bunko, Waymurt roud. JERMYN BOROUGH. THIRD WARD. W. J. McDennott. A c. Depot sta. MAYFIELD BOROUGH. Michael Kulfo, Hill St. OLYPHANT BOROUOH. SECOND WARD. Geo. Prokopovlts, Jones st. SCRANTON. SECOND WARD. Geo. S. Brock, 1320 N. Main uve.; res. 2079 N. Muln uve. Adum Spitzer, 1119 Meade ave. FOURTH WARD. J. E. Edwards, 1717 Lafayette st. FIFTH WARD. Henry Walther, 1915 Jackson st. SEVENTH WARD. John C. Roach, 311 Gibson st. EIGHTH WARD. Zung"& Kapmeyer, r 121 and 123 Penn ave. NINTH WARD. A. W. Schrader, 720 Adams ave. THIRTEENTH WARD. Michael McAndrew, 434 Von Storch ave.; res. 130 Green Ridge St. SIXTEENTH WARD. Michael J. O'llaru. 441 New st. NINETEENTH WARD. Joseph Spitzer, 815 Meadow uve. TWENTIETH WARD. Mathlus Bugno, 1320 Prospect uve. WINTON BOROUGH. Andrew Paluka, Mylert ave. WHOLESALE. ARHBALD BOROUGH. FIRST WARD. J. J. & Thos. Healey, Main Bt. THIRD WARD. Max Klopfer, Bridge St. CARBONDALE TOWNSHIP. Bernard J. Murphy, Muln road. CARBONDALE. SECOND WARD. . J. H. Byrne, 33 S. Main st. THIRD WARD. John F. McDonuld, 54 S. Main St.; res. Eighth ave. DICKSON CITY BOROUGH. Harry J. Heermans, Muln road; res. Scran ton. Abraham Shapiro, Prov. an J Curb. T'plke; res. Archbuld. John J. Belhelmer, Prov. and Carb. T'plke. FELL TOWNSHIP. John D. Kennedy, Vandllng. John D. Kennedy, Vundllng. MAYFIELD BOROUGH. David MendulBon, Public road. OLD FORGE TOWNSHIP. P. J. Conway, Muln at, OLYPHANT BOROUGH. SECOND WARD. Goodman & Weiss, c. Jones and Delaware st: res. Dickson City. Patrick Langnn, 302 Lackawanna St. SCRANTON. EIGHTH WARD. Morris Behwartzknpf, 243 Penn ave. B. Glliinllon, 312-314 Spruce St.; res. 63S Aduins ave. W. Kelly, 16 Lacka ave.; res. 043 Adam av A, J. & P. J. Casey, 216 ,ucka ave.; res. 337 Jefferson ave. E. J. Walsh, 32 Lackawanna ave. Holthain & Welchel. 234 Penn ave. ELEVENTH WARD. Oustav A. Miller, 434 Cedar ave. THIRTEENTH WARD. Francis G. Harrlck, Sanderson ave. FOURTEENTH WARD. Jos. F. ' & Peter J. dimming, 608 W. Lackawanna ave. EIGHTEENTH WARD. Win. Welsberger, 151 Seventh st, TAYLOR BOROUGH. SECOND WARD. Jos. Hannick John B. Moore, Main St.; res. Scranion anu tayior, resp, BREWERS. CARBONDALE. THIRD WARD. Peter Krants, Church st. DICKSON CITY BOROUGH. J. G. Gutknecht & Auguste ilufnagel Prov. Carb. T'plke. DUNMORE BOROUGH. SIXTH WARD. The Keystone Brewing Co., Blakely st. BCR ANTON. ELEVENTH WARD. Minn Robinson, Aiders!.; res. 6!0 Cedar av. Mlchuel Hand, uiv-uis v.euar ave.; re, vjva Cedar ave. The Casey A Kelly Brewing Co., Locust st. FOURTEENTH WARD. E. Robinson's Hons, N. Seventh st. JOHN H. THOMAS, Clerk of O. S. Wm. Linn Allen & Co. STOCK BROKERS, )' Buy and sell Stocks, Bonds and Grain on New York Exchange and Chicago Board of Trade, either for cash or on margin. t . ,412 Sprue Street. -Local stocks a specialtt.' G.dnB.DlMMICI, Manner. TELEPHONE MW. .1 S1 SHERIFF'S SALE OF Valuable Real Estate -ON- SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 1895. By virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Fa clas, Levari Facias and Venditioni Expon as, Issued out of the court of common pleas of Lackawanna county, to me directed, I will expose to public sale by vendue or outcry, to the highest and best bidders, for cash, at tho court house. In the city of Scranton, Lackawanna county, on SAT URDAY, the TWENTY-THIRD DAY OF MARCH. A. D. 1895, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said day, all the right, title and Interest of the defendants 111 und to the following described lots, pieces or par cels ot land, viz: ALSO, No. 1. All the right, title and Interest of the defendant, Chaa. M. Guylord, 111 and to all the following described lot of land, situate ut Elmhiirst, In the County of Luckuwanna, and Slute of Pennsylvania, being block number llfty-elght (58) In U. G. Schooninuker's plot of lots, at Elm hurst, recorded In the Recorder's ofllce In und for suld county in Deed Book No. 09, puge 51, etc., us by reference thereto will more fully appear. Said block being one hundred feet in front and four hundred, thlrty-tlve und six-tenths feet In depth, morn or less, and coutulnlng lots num bered two hundred twenty-seven (227) nnd two hundred twenty-nine (229) fronting on Ridge uvenue, and lots two hundred Iwenty-elKht (228) and two hundred thirty (230) fronting on Park avenue, us shown on said recorded plot. Being same land conveyed to said C. ,M. Guylord Aug. 10, 1893, by U. G. Sclioomiiuker und wife by deed recorded In Luckawanna county, 111 Deed Book No. 101, at page 397, etc., Im proved with one two-story frame dwell ing house ond outbuildings. Seized and taken In execution at the suit of James E. Cleveland vs. Charles M. Guylord. Debt, $500. Judgment No. C7, Sept. T 1893, II fu. to Murch T 1S95. BROWN, Atty. ALSO, No. 2. All the right, title and Interest of the defendant. Ira Nufus. Ill und to all that certain lot und parcel of land situate, lying una Doing 111 tno township or lieiiion County of Luckawanna, State of Penn sylvania, bounded and described as fol lows, to wit: Beginning at a corner In center of road leudlng from William Bay lor'sMo Merrltt Niifus, In line of lands of Jumes W. Green, deceased; thence along said Green s laud north 771L. degrees: west. 10 perches to a pout und Stone's corner; thence north 21 degrees west along other lunds or Merrltt Nufus, 32 perches to a post und Stone's corner; thence south 71 degrees east 32 2-10 perches to center of suld roud; thence along the center of said road south 51V. degrees, west 35 8-10 perches to place of beginning: containing three acres and eighty-two perches of land, be the same more or less. It being the same land us described in deed from Merrltt Nufus und wife to said defendant by deed dateil 5th of April, 1878, which deed Is recorded In the orlli e for the re cording of deeds In Lackawanna County Deed Book No. lb, page 4w. Improved with one two-story frame dwelling house und one and one-hull story frame dwell lug house and one frame burn and out buildings thereon. Sullied ami taken In execution at the suit of Lettle E. Flsk vs. Ira Nafus Debt. 303.98. Judgment No. 383, Sept. term 1894. II fu. to March T., 1895. Also at the suit of l-ettle E. Flsk vs. Ira Nufus, Debt. S2u2.7ti. Judgment No. 7il. Sept, term, 1893, fl fa. to March T 1895. PARTRIDGE Atty. ALSO, No. 3. All the right, title and Interest of the defendants. Oscar D. Ehruood and All A. Ehrgood, In and to all thut certuin lot or lund situate In the borough or Htininore County of lackawannu, Pennsylvania, be ing lot No. 34 on Butler street, us per map in the Pennsylvania. Coal company's of fice, said lot No. 34 being 5G feet 111 front oil Butler street and extending at right angles to said street 144 feet to an alley, coutulnlng eight thousand und sixty- four squuie feet of laud. Coal and min erals reserved. ALSO, one other piece of land described as follows, to wit: Being part of lot No. 30, situate on Butler street, 111 the borouuh of Dunmore, Lackuwunna County, Penn sylvania, and join lot No. 34, 50 feet easterly from the alley; thence west erly to suld ulley 50 feet: thence along said alley southerly 25 feet thence easterly In a line und pnrulle with the suld southern line of lot No. 34 a dlstunce of 50 feet; thence ut right angles to the pluce of beginning. Said lot gelng rectHiigulur In uhupe, 25 feet on said ulley and 5o feet deep, said lot being de scribed on map In the Pennsylvania Coal company's ofllce in said borough. Coal and minerals reserved. Impruved with one two-story frame dwelling house and one two-story double frame dwelling house, outbuildings fruit trees, etc. ALSO, the following described blece or purcel of land In Dunmore, luckawanna County, Pennsylvania, bounded and de scribed as follows, to wit: Being part of lot No. 33, as surveyed by the Pennsyl vania Coal company, as per map on file In said Pennsylvania Coal company s of fice In Dunmore, Pa., beginning at the corner of Fifth street and an alley; thence In a southerly direction along said Firth street, a distance of 94 feet to lands lately deeded by party of the first part hereof to Georae ft. Hwanx: thence at right unities with said Fifth street parallel with Mill street in a southerly direction t: feet: thenco at right angles with Inst men Honed line and parallel to suld Fifth street III a northerly direction along lands ot suld Swartt 20 feet; thence ut right angles with lust mentioned line parallel to Mill street In a southerly direction 4 feet to lot No. 35, now owned by John Curtis: thence in a northerly direction along lands of said Curtis and parallel to suld Fifth street 74 feet to said alley; thence north erly along said alley nnd parallel to said .Mill street Mi reel to me place or begin ling. AL8O. one other piece or lot of Innd situate In the part nt the city of Scranton known as A. B. Sllkman addition, and In the Tenth ward, as per Scranton city nt las. It being lots Nos. 0 and 7 In block No, 4, and bounded as follows: Commencing at a comer of land of Jacob X.ehner on the northeast side or Second (2d) street; (bene northeasterly along said Zehner's Ian about 100 feet, more or less, to the Penn sylvania company's railroad; thence southeasterly along said railroad about 150 feel, more or less, to the land of Luck nwiinna Iron and Coal company about 250 feet, more or less, to Hccoinl street: thence northeasterly along said street about 120 feet, more or less, to tho place of begin nlng. Coul and minerals reserved. Seized and taken In execution ut the sill of B. H. Throop vs. Oscar D, Ehrgood und Alice A. Klirgoou. neiii. i,i,i,iti; judg. menf No. H'3. January T., lf.i. lev. fa. to March T.. 18. DAWSON. Atty ALSO, No. 4. All tho right, title and Interest of the defendant, William I.iiughlin, In and 10 the following (Irscriiiea lot of lam wl'th tenements thereon, situate In the city of Carbondnle, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania, being lot No, WW on man of out lots of the 1VW ware and Hudson Canal company on two tracts of land In 1110 warrantee name 01 Georse I.ee and Jacob Porter, said lo containing 14.500 square feel or thereabout bounded as follows: Beginning In the northeasterly line of the Wllkes-Bnrre road at the ensterly corner of out lot No, 501 on said (.leorue 1 .09 tract, heretofore conveyed to Elltabnth McNulty; thence by anld out lot No. isd north 20- degrees, west 2:10 reel to a corner; thence by olhei land of said Delaware and Hudson Cuiih company north 804 degrees, east 73 feet to a corner; tnence uy out lot No. 360 on Jacob Porter tract south !4 degrees, east 218 feet to a comer in me line or suld road nd thence by line or said road mvt de rees. west 59 feet to the Dlsce of betrln nlng. Being same land conveyed by the Iielaware and Hudson Canal company to William iJiuKnun oy ucetstiaieu April 14, 1890, recorueu in i.ucKawanna county All Improved with a two-story frame dwelling house anu outbuiiuings. Belled and taken In execution at the suit of the Land Title and Trust company, trustee-of the loan fund of the Mutual Guarantee Building and Loan Association vs. William Laugnitn. ueoi, som.oo. Judg tnelit No. 440, Bepi. T., 1894, lev. fa, I March T 1895. J. F. REYNOLDS, Atty. to ALSO. No. S. All the right, title and Interest of the defendant, A, w. Brown, In and for all that certain lot or lanu witn ine improve, me 11 1 thereon, situate In the Eighth ward rltv of Scranton, Lackawannu County Pennsylvania, being part of lots 11 and 22 in block w, on ine corner or penn avenue nd Sprue street, being 36 feet In width on said avenue and 104 feet In depth on said Spruce street, bounded northwesterly by an aiiey, soumeanieriy oy renn avenue, northeasterly oy Hpruce-atreet, ana south Westerly by land of Merchant' and Me chunks' bank. All Improved with a two story brick building used us a hotel and dwelling house and outbuildings thereon. neized und taken In execution at thasult of C. L. Whltmore vs. A. W. Brown. ebt. 1:17.35. Judgment No. 870. Anrll T.. 1893, vend ex. to Murch T., 1895. ' CHASE, Atty. ALSO, No. t. All the rla-ht. title and Interest of the defendants in and to all that certain lot of land, situate In the village of Mooslc ownsnip or Lackawanna, County of Lackawanna. State nf Pennsylvania. bounded and described as follows: onslstlng of four lots. to wit. Nos. 94 and 95. both fronting on Snruce street, each with a depth of 250 feet or hereabouts, adiolnlnit each other, the westerly Hue of lot No. 5 and the easterly line of lot No. 94 In. In it the rilvlillnir Una of said lots, both being bounded south erly by Spruce street, lot 95 easterly by lanu now or lato of Patrick Connors and others, and lot No. 94 westerly by Wulnut street, both bounded In the rear by the rear line of lots Nos. 90 and 97, ot 97 fronting on Elm street about 238 feet In depth, more or less, bounded east erly by lands now or late of Eliza M. Muher ot al.. southerly bv the rear line of lot No. 95, westerly by line of lot No. 90, lot No. 90 being of Irregular shape. fronting partly on Elm street aforesaid. and partly on Muln street or road leudlng over the Spring Brook bridge, bounded eusteny by line or lo No. 97, and westerly by Walnut street, und southerly by rear line of lot No. 94, the whole comprising what is known as the Hill Top on the old Stark farm, as appears fully from the Slurk map or plot of village lots In suld village. Intended to be duly recorded, to which) reference Is hereto made. Seized and taken In execution at the suit of assigned to Jumes Bulfer vs. Samuel Hpencer el al. went, 1810.49. Judgment No. 151, Oct. T., 1882, vend ex. to March T., 1895. HOWE, Atty. ALSO, No. 7. All the right, title and Interest of he defendant. Henry Lyman, in und fo all he following described lot of land In Alfred Hand's addition to the boruugh of Hyde Park (now city of Scranton) Luzerne ountyl now Lackawannu), Pennsylvania, known us Park Hill, being lot No. 133 und situate upon street culled and named South Eynou street (now Eynon), upon the town plot or suld audition to tne said borough of Hyde Park, Intended to be duly recorded, as by reference to which plot thus recorded will fully appear, said lot being nrty-tlve (uu) feel In front and one hundred and thirty-three (133) feet In depth. Coal und minerals reserved. Im proved with one two-story single rrume dwelling house, cow shed and outbuildings thereon. Seized and tuken In execution at the suit of Christopher Strothoff vs. Henry Ly- inan. Iiebt, S750. Judgment No. 199, May Term, 1891. I-'i fa. to March Term. 1896. FELLOWS, Atty. ALSO. No. 8. All the right, title and interest of Thomas Pope In the following lot or piece or lanu. situate in the city or carbon dale, County of Luckawanna. and State of Pennsylvania, being In the southeasterly line of an Irregular lune ut the northerly corner of out lot No. 4u3, on a truct In the warrantee name of Mary Boyer; thence by suld line of lune north twenty-five and one-half (25Vv) degrees, eust llftv (50) feet 10 a corner: thence by lanu or tne Delu ware and Hudson Canal company, south sixty-four (Oil degrees, eust one hundred sixty-eight und six-tenths (108 6-10) feet ! to a corner; thence by out lot No. 229 on said truct, south seven and one-quarter (7',l degrees, west llfiy-two and eight tenths (52 8-10) feet to a corner; thence by out lot No. 403 aforesaid, north sixty-four (041 degrees, west one hundred, elghty-llve and one-tenth (185 1-10) feet to place of beginning. Being lot No. 402. on map of out lots In the warrantee name of Mary Boyer, con taining eight thousand, eight hundred (8,800) square feet of land, or thereabout. Being also the same lund sold bv contract made the 13th day of April, A. D. 1891, by the Deluware and Hudson Canal company to Thomas Pope. Seized and taken In execution at the suit of Peter Krantz vs. Thomas Pope. Debt, J200. Judgment No. 814, April Term, 1S93. Alias tl fu. to March T., 1895. BAUMAN. Atty. ALSO. No. 9. All the right, title and Interest of defendant, Melvln E. Alney, In and to the following described lot and piece or purcel of land, viz.: All the right, title and in terest of the defendant, Melvln E. Alney, 111 und to all that certain piece or parcel of land situate In the Fourth ward, city of Scranton, County of Lackawanna, and State of Pennsylvania, beginning at a point 011 the southeasterly side of North Uurileld uvenue, on the division line be tween lots No. 25 and 20 In block No. 17, on the plot of William Swetlund's es tate In Hyde Park; thence along said di vision line south rM- degrees, east 1424 1 eei 10 an uuey; ineuce along saia alley, north 39'i denrees. east 50 feet to the cor ner of lot No. 24 In said block; thence west 112 feet to Garfield avenue; theme along suld lot No. 24 north 5u4 degrees, along suld uvenue souli. 39 degrees, west 50 reet to the fHkce or begin ning, containing 7.125 square feet of surfuce. Being lot No. 25 In block No. 17 on the plot of William Swet lund's estute, recorded In Deed Book No. 25, puge 558, and being the same prem ises conveyed by deed of Caroline M. Pet teboneet al. to Henrietta Alney. dated the 22d day of April. 1889, and recorded In the office for recording of deeds In Lacka wanna County, In Deed Book No. 65, page 49, etc. Coal and minerals beneath the Burface of said lot reserved and excepted, as reserved and excepted In said deed. All Improved with a double two-story frame dwelling house, nearly new. and other outbuildings situate thereon. Seized an tuken In execution at the suit of Eliza Brown vs. M. E. Alney. Debt, 1418.43. Judgment No. 311. Nov. Term, 1891. In Court of Common Pleas of Susque hanna County, alias fl. fa. to April T., 1895, und said writ being entered in the Prothonotary's otllce In Lacka wanna County as No. 305, Sept. Term, 1892. A. W. BERTHlll.F, W. W. WATSON. Attys. for Plaintiff. ALSO, No. 10. All the right, title and Interest of II. A. Wellmun, administrator of Jos. Lepp, deceased. In and to all that certain piece of land situate In the borough of Jermvn, Countyof Lackawanna, and State of Penn sylvania, described as follows: Contain ing a front of fifty (50) feet southeastward on Third uvenue, bounded aouthwestwurd at right angles to said avenue one hun dred and seventy (170) feet, northwest ward parallel with said avenue fifty (50) feet by an alley and northwestward at right angles to suld alley one hundred and seventy 11701 feet, being lot thirteen 113) In section thirty-nine (39) fronting on Third avenue, as said lot Is represented on the map of building lots of the North ern Coul and Iron company. In said bor oiiKh of Jermyn. Coal reserved In the sume manner as In deed to Joseph Lcpp, now deceased, from the said Northern Coal nnd Iron company, the same bearing date March 11th, 1874, and recorded In Lu zerne County. In Deed Book 18:', pane 11, etc. All Improved with a two-story frame duelling house with one-story addition. Seized and taken In execution at the suit of C. D. Winter A Co. vs. II. A. Well man, administrator of Joseph Lepp, de ceased. Debr, 22tS. Judgment No. 495, March T., 1895. Fl. fa. to March T., 1895. WOODRUFF, Atty. ALSO, No, 11. All the right, title and Interest of the defendant, Bruno Maglloclo, alias Frank Bruno ,ln and to the following described lot of land In the village of Throop, Lack awanna County, Pennsylvania, being lot numbered three (3) In square or block "F" nnd situate upon street called and named Dunmoro road, upon the plot of said town. Intended to be duly recorded, on map entitled Sheppard'H map of Throop, said lot being fifty (Ml) feet In front and one hundred and fifty (150) feet In depth, the measurement of the depth to commence fifteen feet Inalde of the street, with the right to enclose, occupy and use ten feet In front of said lot for eellnrway, porch, portico, bay window, shade trees or shrubbery, but not the right to erect any building thereon; excepting and reserv ing all right of support to the surface of suld land and the coal and minerals be neath the surfuce. Improved with two story frame dwelling house and outbuild ing. Seized and taken In execution at the) suit nf Green Ridge Lumber company vs. Bruno Maglloclo, alias Frank Bruno. Debt. $240.40. Judgment No. 682, January T., 1895. Lev. fa- to March Term, 1895. CARPENTER, Attv. ALSO, No. 12. All the right, title and Interest of the defendant. Paul H. Weltsel, In and to all that certain lot or piece of ground with the messuage or tenement thereon erected, situate In the Nineteenth ward of the city of Scranton aforesaid, known and designated on the Lackawanna. Iron and Coul company's map of lota as lot number fourteen in square or block number nine-ty-slx, and futher described as follows: Beginning at a point on the bulldlne line on the southwesterly side of River street ac a owianoo or two hundred and seventy-six feet northwesterly from the building Hue on the northwesterly side of Irving avenue. Contnlnlng in front or breadth on the aid River street forty feet and extending of that breadth In length or depth south westerly one hundred and forty-seven feet to n alley. Tos-ether with the iirlv. liege ot using ten feet In front of the front line of said lot on said River street for yard, vault, porch, piazza, cellarway and bay window, but fur no other purpose, the top of the outside of said vault In no case to be higher than the sidewalk In front -of the same. Being the same premises which Adam Killlan and wife by an indenture dated the twenty-fifth day of June, A. D. 1S90, and recorded In Deed Book No. 73, page 43, etc., granted and conveyed unto the said Paul R. Weltsel In fee. Excepting and reserving all coal and minerals beneath the surfuce of said lot as therein recited. All Improved with a two-Btory frame dwelling house and outbuildings thereon. Seized and taken In execution at the suit of United Security Life Insurance and Trust company of Pennsylvania vs. Paul H. Weltsel. Debt. 11,192.03. Judgment No. 100, Sept. T., 1894. Lev. fa, to March T 18B0 H. B. REYNOLDS, Atty. All of which will ba sold for cash only. FRANK H. CLEMONS, Sheriff, Sheriff's office, Scranton, Pa., March 1, 1895. RAILROAD TIME-TABLES Central Railroad ot New Jersey. , iLuign ana nusquenanna invlaloaj Anthracite coal used exclusively, usu Ing cleanliness and comfort. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT NOV. It, 1894. Trains leave Scranton for Plttston. yimes-carre, eic, at s.zc, y.i&, 11. so a.m., w.w B.lfl., l.w, z.ui, I.HD.m, For Atlantic City. 1.20 a.m. - vmiur can. A.uu lexoressi n.m. bu day. 2.15 p.m. Pop Manch fhitnlr lll.nln.n t,Y. nem, Huston and Philadelphia, 1.30 a. 13.46, 3 06, 6.00 (except Philadelphia.) p Sunday. 2.16 D.m. " " . For tang Brunch, Ocean Grove, etc., 1.20 a.m.. 12.46 D.m. .x- or neauins;, iiVunnvD ana nmrrugur via Aiientowu. .20 a. in., U.ti, t. p. Buiiuft, p.m. hn.i.,Ill.. a qfi . M 1, ir irtv iiraei. norm rivar. ui h w MDmi oarlor car) b.m. Hunduv. 4 .30 A m Uuv Phllftilelrihlf. PuoHlnv TMilnal a.m. vance to the ticket agent at the station, H. P. BALDWIN. Oen. Pass, Agent. J. H. OLHAUSEN. Gen. Supt. Del., Lack, and Western. Trains leave Scranton as follows: Lirvna iur new iora ana ail poinis b.bi.i 1.40, 2.60, 6.16, 1.00 and 1.65 a.m.; 12.06 and 3.50J b.m. express Tor Easton, Trenton, Philadel phia and the south, 6.16, t .00 and 9.56 a.m., 12.55 and J. 50 p.m. Washington and way stations, 3.55 p.tru Tobyhanna accommodation, .10 p.m. Express for Blnghamton, Oswego. El mlro, Corning, Bath. Danivllle, Mount Morris and Buffalo, 12.10. 2.35 a.m. and 1.241 p.m., making close connections at Buf falo to all points in the West , Northwest and Southwest. Bath accommodation, t a.m. Blnghamton and way stations, 12.37 p.m. Nicholson accommodation, at 5.15 p.m. Blnghamton and Elinlra Expres. 6.08 p.m. Express for Cortland, Syracuse. Oswego Utlca and Richfield Springs, 2.35 a.m. and L24 p.m. Ithaca, 2 35 and Bath a m. and 1-24 p.m. For Northumberland, Plttston. Wllkes Barre, Plymouth, Bloomsburg and Dan ville, making close connections at North umberland for Wllllamsport, Harrleburg, Baltimore, Washington and the South. Northumberland and Intermediate sta tions, 6.00, 9.50 a.m. and 1.30 and 6.07 p.m. Nantlcoke and Intermediate stations. 8.08 and 11.20 a.m. Plymouth and Inter mediate stations. 3.50 and 6 52 p.m. Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches dr ill express trains For detailed information, pocket timet tables, etc., apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket office, 328 Lackawanna avenue, on depot ticket ofllce. DELAWARE AND HUDSON RAIL ROAD. Commencing Monday. ..a day, July au, an iraine will arrive at new Lack awanna avenue station as follows: Trains will leave Scran ton station for Carbondale and In termediate points at 120, 6 45, 7.00, 8 25 and 10.10 a.m.. lioo, 130, 3.55, 6.15. 6.15. 7.2S. 9.10 and 11.20 p.m. For Farview, Waymart and Honesdale at 7.W, 6.26 and 10.10 a.m.,12.00, 2.20 and 6.1 p.m. For Albany, Saratoga, the Adirondack) and Montreal at 6.46 a.m. and 2.20 p.m. For Wllkes-Barre and Intermediate . ..tuts at 7.46, 8 46, 1.38 and 10.46 a m., 12.06 1.20. 2.3S, 4.00. 6.1. 4.05. 9.16 and 11.33 p.m. Trains will arrive at Scranton station! from Carbondale and Intermediate point at T.4S. 140, 34 and 10.40 am.. 12 00, 1.17,2,344 140, 4.64, 6.66, 7.46, 1.11 and U-33 p.m. From Honesdale, War marl and Far view at S.M a.m., 110, Lli, 3.40, 6.B and 1.46 p.m. From Montreal, Saratoga, Albany, eta. at 4.64 and 11 SJ p.m. , From Wllkes-Barre and Intermediate r lints at 116. 104, 1006 and 1L66 a m., Lli 14. 139, 110. t.0. 7.30. 9 0 and 11.16 p.m. , Nov. 18, 18M. Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia and New York via D. & H. R. R. at 7.4 a.m, 12.06. 2 38 and 11.38 p.m., via D , L. W. R. R , 6 00, 8 08. 11.20 am., and 1.30 p.m. Leave Scranton for Plttston and Wllkes Barre. via D . L W. R. R, 6.00, 8. OS, 11.24 am., 160, 6.07, 160 p.m. lrf-ave Scranton for White Haven, Ha ileton, Pottsvllle and all points on the. Beaver Meadow and Pottsvllle branches via E. A W. V. R. R., 6 40 a,m., via l. A H. !'.. R. at 7 46 a m., 12 06, 13k, 4.00 p.m., via D-i L. ft W. R. a, 6.00, 108, 11.20 a.m., 1.30, 160 p.m. Leave Scranton for Bethlehem. Easton, Reading, Harrliburr and all Intermediate, points via D. A H. R. R 7.46 a m., 12.06. 2 38, 4.00. n.38 p.m., via D.. L. & W. R R.. 6.00. 8.08, 11.20 a.m.. I SO p.m. lave Scranton for Tunkhannock. To wanda, Elmlra, Ithaca. Geneva and all Intermediate points via D. ft H. R. R . 8 46i a.m.. 18 06 and 11.36 p.m., via D., L. ft W., R. R . 8. US, 0.66 a.m., 1.30 p.m. Iabv Scranton for Rochester, Buffalo.. Niagara Falls, Detroit. Chloag and all points west via D. A H. R. R . 146 a.m.. 1206. 16. 11 38 p.m., via D.. L. A W. R. R.i and Plttston Junction. 8.08, 56 a.m., 1.30, 160 p.m., via E. ft W. V. R, R., 141 p.m. For Elmlra and the west via Salamanca,, via D. ft 11. R. R., 8.46 a.m., 12.05, 6.05 p.m.. via D.. L. ft W. R. K 13, 9.66 a.m., 1.30, and 6 07 p.m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or L. V.i chair cars on all trains between L. ft B.: Junction or Wllkes-Barre and New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo, and Suspension Bridge. ROLLIN H. WILBUR, Gen. Supt. CHAS. 8. LEE. Gen Pass. Agt Phlla., Pa. A. W, NONNEMACHER, Asst. Gen. Puss. Aft.. South Bethlehem. Pa. Erie and Wyoming Valley. Trains leave Scranton for New York nd Intermediate points an the Erie rail road at 6.36 a.m. and 324 p.m. Also for Honesdale, Hawlry and local points at 6.35. 9,46 a.m., und 3.24 p.m. All the above are through trains to and from lioneidale. Trains leave for Wllkes-Barre at 6.40 a. m. and 141 p.m. CAUL UP 3682 MWY nOAHUFlGIHRING CO. OILS, m VINEGAR AND CIDER. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, Ml TO 151 MERIDIAN STREET M. W. COLLINS, M's'r. Hav von BorsThnat. PlmnlM. ronneitfYilnntd I ma. ' - .U4 Q J. ... n. www., mm.-, v -v, mti, ,) ii-i ia nunin, MS1C- Kmlllnt? Write reok Utmrtj C.,Boi Ma. I BleTesiBileklrajBe,lll.,torsiuofsofeiirM.I Capital MOO o4M. Pallcnucmred alae 9 J nmmwm nim u-urea aiae rears 2fJJe2222ii tonaoeasnaeni