The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 08, 1895, Page 2, Image 2
THE SCBANTON TRIBUNE FRIDAY MORNINGK MARCH 8, 1895. OUTRAGE BTWHIIE CAPS The family of George Wagner Shame fully Abused by Masked Men. BURNED NR. WAGXER'S FEET Six Cowardly Robbcra Armed with Re volver Terrorize a Family While in Search of Plunder-Other News from Pittston. Epaelal to the Snranton Tribune. PIttston, March, 7. One of the most dastardly outrages upon record wus perpetrated lust evenlntr on the family of George Wagner, of Hxeter borough. Mr. Wagner Is a respected farmer, Somewhat advanced In years. His fam ily consists of himself, wife, a grand daughter about 1,6 years of age, und a a hired man whose name could not be learned. All four were at home last evening, after supper. Mr. Wagner was reading, while the others were whlllng itlie evening away with a game of domi noes. Suddenly, at about 7.40 o'clock, they (were startled by the noise of a number of men outside of the house. Hefore they had time to Investigate, the door was opened without ceremony, and live nen entered all with revolvers In their hands and -all having white clothes cov ering their faces. A sixth man, sim ilarly armed and disguised, remained outside the door, guarding the same, after having closed the window blinds from the outside on the front of the house. Inside, without much ado, the des peradoes took possession of the house. .The hired man was tied, being the one jnost likely to cause them trouble, while the others were guarded. Without doubt, the object of the band was rob l.ery. At any rate they ransacked every room in the house. Not a drawer or a box was left untouched, and the ar ticles were scattered about in wild confusion. All that rewarded the rob bers were a few dollars In change. Finally, the robbers, discovering no money, turned upon the aged husband and wife and threatened them with ven geance If they refused to reveal where their money was hid. They protested that there was no money In the house, but this did not satisfy the gang. In a final desperate effort to extract some thing from Mr. Wagner, they removed his boots, and, with a shovel heated at the stove, scorched his feet pain fully. Even this torture failed to re sult in anything satisfactory, and finally, when they had threatened Mrs. Wagner with the same treatment, and received from her further protestations that there was no money In the house, the gang gave up the Job, and made fod their escape. Before doing so, however, they com manded the now thoroughly terrorized Inmates of the house not to follow them, or even go outside of the house, on pain of being shot. The people were so badly frightened that they obeyed the injunc tion to the letter, and It was not until 7 o'clock this morning, when they saw a neighbor passing, that they ventured cut to tell the thrilling story. The older members of tht family were not seriously affected by their exciting experience. The young girl of the house hold was the most seriously affected. She was terribly frightened by the operations of the desperadoes and her nervous system sustained a severe shock. For a time her condition was serious. X)r. Johnson was called this morning to attend her. Mr. McCabe, who lives but a short 'distance away from the Wagners, heard the men both going to the place and coming away, but no suspicions were aroused in his mind, sines men pass along the road to and from work at all hours of the night. He visited the Wagner house this morning and says he never saw a house so badly ran sacked. He found footprints in the snow around the house and followed them down the road quite a distance. The authorities have been notified, and although there Is scarcely any cluo on which to work, efforts will be made to ferret out the desperate gang. This morning Mrs. Wagner picked up on the floor of the house a 22-callber cartridge, which evidently had been dropped by one of the robbers. Lively Cocking Main. Our local sports had quite deserteil our city last night at 9 o'clock. Murmers of a rooster fight could be heard oc casionally in the afternoon, but few out Fide the ring were a-warp as to the whereabouts of the fight. At midnight last night a lot of sports from Wllkes Uarre, Ashley, Kingston, this city and all the towns Intervening, gathered at Cray's hotel at the mountainside back of Maltby. The battles were very ex citing and the East Side birds won an easy victory. The birds werp owned by 3umes Reed, of Kingston, and Mr. Ol 111 pan, of Afhley, and the battle was fur tGOO a side, with a number of heavy bets on the side.. The IMttston boys knew where to place their dough nnd are wearing an expression of satisfac tion today as a result of the exchange of money last night. In the first battle Kingston pitted a black red, weighing six pounds, against a bird of the same specious, In which Iteed's bird won. In the second battle two' black-reds were pitted, weighing five pounds, and twelve ounces. In which Jteed's bird ' was again victorious. In' the third battle Ollllgan pitied a white bird, which was easy done by Reed's gray at five pounds each. The Kingston bird, a Domintck, won the fourth fight. Kach bird weighed five pounds. Heed's blue bird won the fifth and lust battle against Ullllgan's 2N viS -vnw - Beware of imitation!. The gin- xSi r " must have tho iignaturo:t?ifitfM!Srlli Beware of imitation!. The gtn uint must have the signature :ta on neck label of every bottle. Eisner & Mtodelsom Co., aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa black-red at a weight of five pounds and five ounces. The Heed men were over Joyed at their success and wended their way home at an early hour this morn ing. John McDcrmott Injured. ' A lad named John McDermott, living on the West Side, had Ills left arm badly cut shortly after noon today while at work In the Clear Spring colliery. Ho Is employed as a driver boy, and whllo In the act of making a hole In a heavy strap the knife he was using flipped and severed the arteries near the wrist. Ho was tuketi to the olllce of Dr. lteven, who dressed his wounds and rendered his condition as comfortable as possi ble. Miscellaneous Items. All regular subscription to the Scran ton Tribune will be received at our lo cal otllce, No. 8 South Main street. Zaeharluh Hughes, of Dunmore, was a visitor in town today, William Mutchletz, who was suspend ed from the Coxton olllce of the l.ehlgh Vulley railroad, was reinstated this morning. Thomas tortus, of the CI ascot to staff, was a visitor in the Electric t'lty today. Attorney W. H. Ullllsple has been ap pointed by tho Hughestown borough council as borough solicitor for the en suing year. Mr. Ollllsple is u young man of a marked ability and Is making rapid progress In Ills profession. Mrs. Crowley and Miss Collins, of Dunmore, were the guests of Mrs. T. Cody yesterday, at her home on North Main street. A. T. Irfnnlgnn has resigned his posi tion as agent for the Atlas Insurance company to accept a position with the Newton Coal company, at the Phenlx colliery. Frank Sheridan, of Chapel street, has been ill of pneumonia since Saturday last. Miss Mary Loughney, of Trovidence, Is the guest of Miss Welsh, of Market street. Mrs. O'Malley, widow of the lato Michael O'Malley, has removed to her new house on Market street. Mrs. Pat rick Early, of North Main street, will occupy the house vacated by Mrs. O'Malley on Market Btreet. The people of 1'lttston are the best Informed. They read The Tribune. Miss Anna Kennedy, of Scranton, who has been the guest of Miss Anna Clark for the past few days, returned home today. Miss Lizzie Burke, Miss Alice O'Brien and Miss Mary O'Brien, were In at tendance at the lecture given under the auspices of the St. Aloysius society at Wilkes-Barre last evening. All complaints of non-delivery of The Tribune should be reported at our local otllce, 8 South Main street. Al. G. Field's minstrels will appear at Music hall this evening. Lovers of good music should not fall to witness the grand and Inspiring noonday parade and hear the military band. INDUSTRIAL TOPICS. Further evidence that the Reading railroad Is in the market after all the coal business It can secure is found In the weekly statement of Its tonnage, showing shipments last week of 3411,541 tons, an increase over the same week last year of no less fhan 140,799 tons. Compared with the week ended Feb. Hi. this is an Increase of 4.1.4SI tons, and an Increase over the week before of 10:!.521 tons. Concerning the Reading company's notification to the Jersey Central and Lehigh Valley railways that after March 11 the through rate tariff on coal betweenllertilehem, Allentown and -Philadelphia will be discontinued, aiid In stead the Reading company will make an arbitrary rate on all coal shipped over Its lines by foreign companies. President Harris has made the follow ing official statement: "The receivers of the Reading companies, In pursuance of their endeavor to decrease tho ex penses and Increase the earnings of the properties In their charge, have, after careful consideration, decided that the proportion of the rate on anthracite coal coming Into Reading territory from the Wyoming and Lehigh regions by way of Allentown and Bethlehem Is less than they are entltlod to cl.flni for the work of hauling and distributing the coal. They have, therefore, given notice to the Lehigh Valley und Jersey Central Railroad companies after March 11 they will take us their share a larger proportion of the freight rate from the mines to various points within their territory. This action makes no change In tho through freight rate from the mines to the consumer, but changes the division of the rate ns be- twten the different railroads which carry the coal. The Reading company has for many years admitted freely Into Its local territory tho coal com ing from these 'railroads, while the Reading's coal Is excluded from their territory, and the receivers have ilt elded that they will no longer con tli. ue to promote this discrimination against their own coal by taking an In adequate compensation for the service n 'idered by them." Philadelphia Inquirer: Fifteen years ago the Reading produced nnd hauled over 60 per cent, of the anthracite coul consumed In .this city; now Its propor tion Is less than t per cent. It has admitted other producers upon even terms ns to freight rates and these com petitors ' have taken away Its trade either by furnishing a more popular article or by cutting prices. That tha Rending controls the market cannot be doubted, and It has always remalne'd a disputed question whether the company made anything by allowing the out side roads to secure nrcess to all the dealers In the city for practically no consideration. It has now served no tice that It wants Its business back or It wants mora pay for allowing John Drew SAYS: FIND the genuine mm 00 m a jonann nou s man Extract very beneficial for brain workers. It exalts Si Si Si .tfj the energies and stimulates jj the nutritive powers, with out exciting the system. ci Sole Agents, Nnw Youk. pJ the other companies to do business here. Mr. Harris Is very slow to make up his mind, but when once his con clusion has "been reached he sticks to it. A year ago he set out to get a fair share of the coal business, and he has held to his original purpose with great tenacity. Now he wai-aV more money out of tho local coal busi ness and he will get It, cither through the other companies acceding to his demands or through enlarged sales by his own company. The next thing In order will be a radical reduction in coul prices to a level that will make produc ers sick. STOCKS AM) BONDS. New York. March 7. American sugar monopolized the dealings at tho Stock exchange, figuring for 153,000 shares In n totul of M2.000 shares for tho entire list. Tim nnco of lr(l:iv's iirlops for the ae- iIvh MiiirkH of the New York stock mar ket lire Klven below. The quotations nre furnished The Tribune by 11. (Ill H. Dlin nilek, miuiugcr tor William Unit, Allen & Co., stock brokers, 412 Ppruee street, Smuiloii. U pn- iiign- low- i ior Inir. est, et. ing. Am. Tobacco Co m vs 1'4 w Am. Cot. nil Si'i -Wi - -i Am. Sugar Ho'g Co. WH t'i W'4 Wi Aleh., To. 8. t'e... 3's ''( un. South 'i lies. & Ohio Wi W W 14 'hlcugo Gs ?' 7,U hie. N. VV ( we ws'h (iv, hie., it. & li 70', 7"s 7u'i 70 . t. C. & Hi. 1 35' aiv 8W, Sift hie.. Mil. & St. V... M f'i f.4''i IT. Chic.. It. I. & I' Ill', "ii I1'1 '-" l,. a w i;.7t, ir1 iw k' Dint. '& C. F H!" 12 12'4 Jen. Electric IV',, 'm Ar'v ill1' Luke Shore IMS', Ml1 1M li Louis. & Nush 4S'i 4!M 8i 4S'i Munhnttnn Ele 107 liw'i 107 ln7l Mo. l'licllle l!i 20 IWi, 2" Nut. Cordugo r.' in, fi'ii h Nut. Lend. 2tii' 30' -j SO',4 N. J. Cent ml fc.V'4 Wl'-a K U N. Y. Central Vi HO lU'-i Hii N. Y. A N. K 30 80 ts Y.. I.. E. V ti'i S-'i K'i N. Y.. S. S'.. Pr... OT' 37' 37'6 S7'i. Nor. Ptu-llle, Pr VJ ll'4 13 13-i int. & West 10 ' JO Phil. & Head , 8 7"i Jtj Southern K. it StrSi 10 -" 10 1'ex. Puclllc 8-'i 87i 8i xai Wiibush, Pr VJi VI 13 West. Colon 87', 87',i SO? 80'i CHICAGO HOAKD OF TRADR PRICKS. O pn- HlKh- Low- Clos WHEAT. Ing. est. est. iri. Muy , KV f.4 63'!, t,V, July 54"4 Oi'-i 041. Zit OATS. May SST-i 29 N 29 July i.7!a 27:! 27; CORN. May 44r)J 44-4 44r 44 July i 444 44'n 44, LAUD. May 6.57 .C2 .", 0.02 July 0.70 U.7J 0.70 0.72 PORK. Muy 10.07 10.90 10.07 10.S5 Scranton Hoard of Trado Eichungo Quo Ask. luuons. No. Par Shs. Val. STOCKS. Bid. 4 Crvstui l.uko water Co 4M 20 CO Dime Dep. & DlH. Punk 62 HO 10 100 First Nut'l Bank COO 0 100 First National Hunk (Curbonclulc) 20 100 Oreen R'ge Lum'r Co .... luO luo Lueku. Lumber Co... 110 u 100 Lm-ku. Trust & Safe Deposit Co E 100 M. & M. Savings Punk (Curbonilule). 140 10 B0 Providence & Ablng- lon Turnpike Co.... 85 10 100 Seru'n Savings Hunk. 200 10 luO Seru'n Luce Cur. Co - PH) Srrunton Forging Co 100 25 luo Third Nut'l Punk.... 350 G luo Nnt'l Poring & Drill ing Co.. Pr 45 100 Thuron Coal Land Co .... M li) Trailers' Nat'l Hank 40 lm Dlrk:on Mfg Co 3 liK) Bc-runton Bedding Co .... HON OS. 5 fffl Scranton OIuhs Co 2 COO Kc.on'y Stenm Heat & Power Co 3 1"0 Dickson Mfg Co 30 liiuo Scranton True. Co 1 100 0 Curbonilule City School Bonds 250 110 150 223 75 110 100 90 120 100 104! a 000 500 10 K) 110 York New Produce .MnrKct. ;ew l orK, -i:iren t. r niur uiei, steady. Wheut Dull; No. 2 red store ond elevator, CH'uriSiio.; iillout, line.: f. o. b., KtVuUii' ic. ; ungraded red. 57uH2c; No. 1 northern. IWc. ; options closed we-ik, lower; t..-..t. EU1 .. . M..., r.U.. Inn.. ttlK T i U, .IIU1I II ." -H- '""J, "-.. Ultll, , .... ..- , UMIJ and August, 6ti4-.; Si-plemlx-r, Ufiyr.', O---ceniber, (KV. Corn Firmer; No. i, 49'i-e. elevator: file, afloat: steumer mixed. 4!la Sin- notions dull, firm: Mureh. 49'ie. .May ami July, 40c. ( mts yulet, eosli options dull, firm; Jlurch, ;K've.; April 3:t,c: Sluy. S.t'-. : spot prices. No. 2 33c.: No. 2 white, ::7e.; No. 2 Chicago, 34c. V.i. 3. :ii!t .c No. 3 white. 30c: mixed wpst- , i.."Tl .. . ...1.1,.. .1.. 17., ii.. . ,..l,li.. state. 37;i4lc. Provision (jniet, iinchiingeil Luril unlet. blither: western e ten to li: 77 1 - i-iiv. SH 37'..: .March. lO.Sii: Muv. relim-il, tlt'iner; ijiilliieiit, Si.20; Soutri . i.... ..i r.t ..r-i.'.. 1,.. iIIIlIHA, 91. "-I, ruiiiyiiiiu, u-4iui . A,.-. , ni ter Unlet, fancy sternly; slute dulry, a ISe.; do. creuinery, old, HalOc; western do. oid, loul'iu.; do. factory, Sul2c; rolls .iiixc., r,iK"in, -"' - . iiiiii.tii.,,, i iruiiici j !ul4e. Cheese Active, llrm. Fggs Iow it; state and Pennsylvunlii, 20c.-, duck 35c.; western fresh, 20c; southern, lltauejL- I'hitndciplila In I low Aturkct. Phlliulelphla, March 7. Tallow Is steady I, ut ileniunH is nr. in. ne quote: i lly, prime. 111 hluls, 4,aull4c.; country, prime, In bids. 4'hc; do. dark. In bids, 3-,u4-:. cukes, 4"ju4'C.; glonse, 3'Iu3',e. , Oil Market. Pittsburg. Starch 7. Oil opened and low- cut, 105; liijihcst, luO'; closeil, 100!4, bid. RKPORT OF TIIK CONDITION Ol-' THIS THIRD NATIONAL BANK n.t itcr.-inton, In the State of Pennsylvania, ut tho close or MiHlnesH, .March nth, IV.'.i: Ri:soi'nci-:s. I-onn, nnd discounts $t.4."4C.774 91 Overdrafts secured nnd unse cured 280 V. H. Bonds to secure circula tion 80,000 00 Premium on V. S. Bonds 913.75 Stocks, securities, etc 290,555 20 Biinkliiir house, furiilturo and fixtures 28,074 40 Duo from National Bunks (not Reserve Alo-nls) 12,503 U) Iiki from Stulo Banks and Hunkers ' 10.67D 77 Due from approved reseiva agents 240.541 Hi Checks nnd other ensh Items.,, fi,u::s 81 KxeliangeH for clearing house... 3.739 34 Notes of other National Hunks. 2,ltKJ 00 l-'i actional paper currency, nickels nnd cents 953 34 Lawful Money Reserve In Hunk, vis: Hneclo 1100.945 37 Legal tender notes.,. 4i;,rou 00 147,4(5 37 Itedeinptlon fund with II, S. Trensiirer (5 oP circulation). . S.COO CO Duo from V. 8. Treasurer, other than b redemption fund 4,000 00 Total S2,2l!7,9O0 v LIABILITIES, Cnnltnl stock mild In 120O.flilO 00 Hoi-plus fund 200,000 00 L inllvlileil prollls, less expenses und tuxes paid 72,356 00 jNiitioniii iiniiK notes outstand ing 71.800 ( 0 Due to other Nallonal Bunks... 25,743 Mt uiie to niuie iiuiiks una iiuiik- ers 200 8! Dividends unpaid 020 50 Individual deposits subject to heck 1.029.203 fO lieiiiiiuil IHI-Illicuie, OI (lepoHIl, 6,371) Ml Cei'tllled checks 2,5o im v nHiner n i-iipckh uillsill.noinK,.. 7.1 i:i Noti-s and bills redlscounted.,.. Nono Hills payable Nono i.iuumiuch omer than those above stated None Total 12,207.1X111 10 BiniB or i-ennsyivanla, County of Luck iiwittimi, ss: I, WM. H. PKCK. Cashier of th above named bunk, do solemn y swear (hat I he Hoove stiilemetit Is true 4o the best of my KllowiciiKB auu oeuei. WM. H. PRCIf. Cnnhler. Bubsrrlbed and sworn to before- me this 7in uuy or Aiiircn, iWi. HAM'L W. KDUAR, Notary Publlo. Corruct Attest: WM. CONNF.LL, lllCNHY BKI.IN, JR., i . I I , OKO. II. CATLIN, II.. Director. IS IT THE END? A Time of Great Mortality. bpeclally Noticeable la Children. Will Mn Csbm to KzUtTCan the - Omega " be Averted f Why is it. with our Improved sanitary appliances, our care to obtain fresh air, , pure food, and plenty of exercise, the ob-' eervance, in fact, of every hygienic law, that lu Bplte of every care each succeed ing geucratlon seems to become weaker and shorter lived? Is It that we are now suffering for indiscretions of our ances tors, or is that terrible, unknown end of man at linnd t liatcver the cause, the exlstinc con dition of things Is too apparent. F.spccl- nlly is this not lees ble with the bubles. Instead of the mother's Hfe-glvlng milk, they are compelled to begin u struggle for existence with the bottle. Tho result in inuny cases Is disastrous. The little one. falling to obtain necessary nourishment. grows weaker dully, until death ends the struggle. The end In these cases is Simply Starvation. With this termination so often the case, iue ucsi puysiciuus oi ino uuy nave re sorted to the uso of llovlnlue, that great and original raw food product, as a means to save l ho bubles. In this connection Dr. A. B. Itoblnson. 61 Dudley (St., Boston, after commending lSovlnlne most highly for various compli cations where the waste of disease must be checked, und new blood, flesh, and strength created to effect a cure, says concerning this life-creating preparation, ' With feeble, bottle-fed babies, a small amount added to the milk has in my practice saved many children." Hovinluo is not a medicine, but a life-maintainlug, flesh, bone, and blood making preparation that contains the greatest amount of nourishment in the least possible bulk. 4 ' Oivo it to the little otitis while there is still hope. Your physician, If you ask liim, will recommend it, and you will bless tho results obtained forever. T A Word. WANT! OF ALL, KINDS COST THAT MUCH, WHEN PAID FOR, IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE, NO CHAROK WILL BE LESS THAN K CENT8. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO BM ALL WANT ADS, EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH ABB INSERTED KKEEV Help Wanted Male. WANTED-STKONU. W1LL1NU BOY. TO V lmiru plumbing trudo: about 10 yatra ut see. Lull ut 1 o cluik today. 113 N. Main itvunue. YV ANTED - WELL KNOWN MAN IN T cvrrv town to solicit stock HiilMcriD tlons; a munuuuly : bis inuney for OBontu: no CHpllul reitiirod. ED WAHD 0. FIBII A CO., uuruun HlucK, cmougo. 111. OALE8MEN - HKSIDENT SALESMEN O wanted, acuualuted with tho local and nenrby driiK ami grocery trado, to handle our Hue uf hl;U grade clparn. Audres, Hiving roferenci-H, J. KDWAKD COWLES CO., lW i.namiierH atreet, . Helo Wanted Females. HMN'IEDEOR THREE DAYS YOUNO I V 1 .. . I .. 1 1. . ....... l. . i.ii, ,ut RV-itHii viiiib nui.. uiun, ira gcHxi writer. Aildress liox IS), Postomcu, Hcrantiui. Wanted. 10JIMON PIOEONS OR DOVES WANT vy el: oav hlgbsst market Dries. J. W. FULPORD. Utien. N. Y. Agent Wanted. AGENTS WANTED S'JO TO : PER DAY easily lunik- in any locality. We furnlnli a lina of aainulea free and a low 50 ocrceiit. cniiiinissiiiii fur sellini. Particulars free, ur w will mail a aamplu of our noudi in t lling sliTr upon receiiit or ten cents in stamps. STANDARD SILVERWARE CO., lluatou, Mnas. A" GENTS ill NDE'B PATENT "UNIVEH" sul Hair Curlers nnd Wavers (used with out liuat), and "I'yr I'ulntud"Halr Pin Lib eral coniuilssiuns. Free aamplo and full par- tli-ulnrs. Aildresa P. O. Box iW. New Yurk. W'aNTi-D - ACTIVE SALESMEN TO T liaiulle our lino, no peddling, t-nlarr. per uiuiitb and expenses paid to all. Goods entirely new. Apply quieiiy. r. o. box, win, BuHtun, uas. Wanted To Rent. UTANTED TWO ROOMS SUITABLE FOR music studio and aleeuiug ruum. with gooil laiuily; eentral lucatiun; rtTBrencas ox cliangoil. Aildra-s Miss L. LOUISE HAR DENliERUli, 4.17 Wyumlng avsnue. For Rent. 1'or hent-desiraule rooms, hath, hot and cold water. 4-8 Wubater avenue. OR ricnt-the PHOTOGRAPH GAL 1-tv formerly mruunied bv V. L. (Jrlffiii. innlailiiiK riKimi fur liuum-knepiiig. Ills Wyu- lllinK avi-nuu. I 11 AH. SI Ill.AUKH. IOR RENT UHK.'K HOlSR OF NINE ionics, from April lit. 4 IS Vine street. A mil v to L. M. llOHTON. 3 Commonwealth liuiliuug. 1 'Oil KENT-A LA RGB, 4-STORY IlI'lLI). J ins at l;cl Franklin avenue: suitable for wholesale business. CAUSU.N & DAVIES, nii'iintoii. J.'ui, urn, i-nnu i . viivr,ii,i 3C. n 1111 elevator on 1)., LAW. switeh and Wuit I i.u urvin t, it 1 1 1 L.' ur.tjL'llnttui, mimit l.arkawanua avciiuii. Kerantuii Stuve Work', ?OR KENT FURNISHED AND UNKUU liisliml rooms at .VW Laekawanna aveuue, 1,'OR KENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST 1 Laekawiiiinn aveuue. Aililres THOMAS li. EVANS, Rear IIW Luierne, llyilo Park. l.HJK RENT NIUI-'LY FURNISHED HALL I suitable for luilgo lmima. JOHN JElt- ii'J v voinlng ovenue. For Sale. PROPERTY FOR SALE ON WASHBURN I struct rnr of llromley aveiiue. Price, USUI). MATTHEW PHILLIPS, 1728 Summit avunuo, 4 A SHARES TRADERS BANK STOCK '1U for sale Money to loan un mortgago. A. if. uean, aiwney, a.v nasiiinglou ave. 1ASH MEAT BUSINhSS FOR SALE V Prollts J to 140 we-kly, at a bkrualn. Aunreas n., iriuiuie ouice. ,'OR HALSOK EXCEEDINGLY MODER" 4 ato terms, my house and two lots of land (i.mxiHii), no. 17J7 WashhiKton avenue. r, mil wasiilugton aviMiiis. Horaca at Auction. M. COBB WILL HAVE AN AUCTION 1 . sale of 40 head of liorani on Tnradnv. March 12, at. 1 o'clock sharp; has on hand '2i uea-i rur privaie aiuo; must bit represented; ataulp H.I4 Raymond court. Notice to Contractors. Fokkht ClTV. PA.. Marrh T. lam. 1JID8 WILL BE RECEIVED FOR IHlt J) erection of a vhurek biiililing for the Lithuanian Catholics, lu Forest CI I v. from tiuw until Alirll M. IHUo. The cliun-h ofth-lals renorve the right to rejnet any or all bids. Tho, piaus una .uei-iureuous may oe aeeu Dy apply, ing to Anthony Peterson, Forest City House, r wrunt vibjr, rib lost T OST-A LIGHT-COLOR CI) YORKSHIRE j dog; answers to name of "Dude." An Information as to ble wherealiouts will lie re- wnruiMi at x.a Mimin ave. cmh.h I' AUK. Bualneaa Opportunity. AN ENKHGETIO YOUNG MAN TO IN vest IWOraili Immrdlatelv, thus sej-ur Ing a position at II& weekly, security and to turret on the amount, which will he refunded end of contract. Those msaulug buslueta only ..l.ltaM u i It.... r.-.T mmu. wmm . . w. v. .nil wi 0 CM ConsioIIy LAD With Organ Pipe Backs. f!rWe claim our Roods to be superior in style, finish and workmanship to any other line shown in Scranton. The variety of weaves most exact demand. Interlined PRICES SILK WAIST Immense line to select CONNOLLY & giiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiBiis 3c. I SiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIb W E WILL clean Ingrain and Brussels for 3 Cents scoured by the Latest Improved Process. can't please you. ettlTllBIKW Charter Applicatlona. TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN auulicutlon will ba ma-lu to the Court of Common 1'lensof Laekawnnua county, or one of the law judges tin-roof, un Monday, the 1st day of April, A D. 1S9S, ut U o'clock a m., under tne provisions uf tho Act of Assembly of tho Commonwealth of Peniixvlvaniu. eutitlert "An act to proviiio for tha Incorpurallon and reg ulation 01 certain corporations, npproveu April i9th, A D. 1874, and Ps supplemnita, for the charter of an intendi-d corporation to be called "Liberty Lodgo, No. 18K, Knights of Pythias, of Jurinyu. Pa ," the character nnd object uf which In fur tho pui poe of further ing the mutuul Impruvemeut of its members and providing, truin funds collected theroin, uieuns for the rcllof of its members lu case of sickness or disability and providing for the burial of their families lu case of death, and for those purposes to have, pos ies and enjoy nil the rights, beaelits and privileges of said Act of Ai-simbly and Its supplement. Tho proposed charter 1m now on file in the Prothonotary's olfice uf Lacka- wauna county, to No. Hill. Mureh turm. JttVu. ,ll)ll.N K. JU.NES. bulu-itur. VOT1CE IS HEREBY or'EN THAT AN 1 apullcatiou will bo made to the Court of Common Pleus of Lackawanna county, or one of the j ud. en t hoi oof. uu Monday, April 1st, 1MI,',, at, U o'clock a. m., miller the lirovislous of the Act of As4Piubly of tnu Cum monwealth of reiiusylvmila, entitled, "An act to provide for the incorporation and regulation of certuin coruorutloua," approved April 'JO. 1ST4. and its supplements, for the charter of au luteuded corporation to be culled, "Italiiu American Citizens' Club," of Dunmoro. Pa.," the character and object of which is the social enjoyment, edu cational aavain-ement auu uieiury impruve ment of Its members.and for thesj purposus to have, possess, and enjoy nil the rights, benellt. and privileges of tho said Act of Assembly and Its suntileiiienta. The promised charter la now ou tile in the Prothuuotarv a otllce uf Lacka wanna coniitv. t i No Ws. March 1.. lws. McASKlK S KKAUIH 111. Solicitors. Proposals. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE Re ceived at tl" otllce of the City Clerk, Scranton. Pa . liuul T im o'clock n. ill.. Thurs day, March, H. 1M, to construct sewer sys tem Reciioil rt, in uitj iniriuJiiiu mwur tils- trlct, together with the noceie-ary branches, manholes, basins, laiupholi-s, ruceivels, fix tures and appliances pertaining thereto. The snlil sewer svatem is to be constructed on portions of West Lackawanna avetiuu. rairmont avenue, i.iiusinm street, i.aiayette street. Brown a Place, and the court running southwesterly Irom Brown s rlaco, lu accord snco with the plans and spociticutious filed lu the office of the city clerk. Each proposal shall be accompnnloil by cah orcortltled check in the sum ofono hundred dollars, w hich sum is to bo forfoitod to the city in rase of fnlluro toexocutu a contract if swarded tho same Tim cltv reserves tho right to reject any and all bids. By order of City Councils. M. T. LAVKI.LE, City Clerk. Forantou, Pa.. March 4, lstij. Clairvoyant. MRS. KENTON, CLAIRVOYANT AND Phrenologist, 412 North Main aveuue. For a stiort time only. Special Notlcea. WOULD LIKE TO CORRESPOND WITH M some tial-tv d-sirlnir to Hell milk route. Address JOHN FOSTER, care station a Kent, Skinner's Eddy, Pa. 1 AM NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH EX 1 lubitions and lectuie upon any subject de sired. These exhibitions will ho illustrute l. having ill mv posaession tho must powerful dissolving itereuptti-uns made. i ii , -.1 I n-.ii ... sim.. rOU WANT THIS RELIC - REPRINT Frank Leslio's Illustrated Weok.y War Illustration Itcul-ltitn. Two Volume Folio,; payahle monthly, J.'.OO. Delivered by express complete, Prepaid. Addiess P. O. MOODY, Ills Gibson street, Scranton. Pa. IJI.ANIC BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAG A I) tines, etc., bound or rebound at Tna THinc.Na olHco. Voick wurk. Ruoaonable prices. Notice to Taxpayara. 1 City Councils to hear ai peals from city asarssmenta for the year IMC will bear af peals at the ollio of 1119 City Clerk, Municipal building, from tho Sixth, Fourteenth, Eigh teenth and Nineteenth wards, on Thursday. March lth, ltVi; hours, II to 13 a. in. and i! to ft p. ni. liy orilor of Board of Appeals. M. T. LAVELLE, Clerk. Rcraiiton. Pa., March 7, leUi. Situations Wanted. 70MAN WANTS WORK TO DO WASH ' Ing ur rivalling ollloes or scrubbing, Address f'J. C," ilili S. Mum avouue, city. A MERICAN LADY. EXPERIENCED. AM JY bilious and trustworthy, wants position In sturo, otllco or receptlouul, "B. U, C," i riuiiiit. W'lDOW, LIMITED INCOME, REFINED, v giHsi uisposltion, want nome as tiousti keener or waitress whore one servant is kept. "Widow C," Tribune. LUTUATION" WAN TED FOR WASH I N(K O ironing ur cleaning by the day; washing taken home also. Call or address "L. B.,"tU isortu Sumner avenue, llvil ) I'arK. (SITUATION WANTED BY AN EX nerlencod bartender, cltv or county. test of reference. Address J. C, this otiico. C ITUATION " W ANTEd"bY "a" YOU N O man as assistant book-keeper or clerk for the retail grocery trade; willing to work far email salary at nrat. Aauross -w. i. iriu- une ouice. CITUAtToN WANTED BY COM P KTBNT O grocer clerk, Ista of Phlladelpbia; can speak Engltsh and German: has eunie experi ence lu meat rutting; ref-rouet. Call or ad dress T. F. BRENNAN, B!7 Uadlsou avenuo, uunmora. SITUATION WANTED EXPERIENCED doable entry book. keeper wishes to com munions with physician, or asy professional man who would require the services of au ac countant a fow hours eaoh day. First-class penman; rsiorenoes, Addrsss "A. U.,"Trlb una ollic. W es3 mmkii sm in both Cloth and Silk is so with hair cloth or fibre chamois, FROM $5.00 TO PATTERNS from. Special prices rule for 31c. TO WALLACE, TO our CARPETS (ACTION Washburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their many pat rons that they M ill this vcar hold to their usual custom o! milling STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and owing to the excessively dry weather many millers are of the opinion that it is already cured, arid in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will take no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully three months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every detail of milling has placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'s 'flour far above other brands. 4 MEGARGEL Wholesale Agents. IRON AND Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Ends, Turnbuckles, Washers, Riv ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dyes, Tools and Sup plies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock. SOFT - STEEL - HORSE - SHOES, And a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheels, Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc, TIE 11 ENOlDs SCRANTON, PA. WHITE PINE-OLD GROWTH DRY, Will it interest you to know that we have just placed in stock over a million feet of, 5 4. fand? Old Orowth, Thoroughly Dry, White Pine ? We can guarantee it First-Class Stock and can make Prices That Will Pleasantly Surprise You. THE COMMONWEALTH TELEPHONE 422. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA., Manufacturers of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. General Office: SCRANTON, PA. K illarimrt. 1'SiL MLIUUMIB reraala By JOHN H. PHELPS, Sprue Street, Scranton, Pa. a!lac6 great that we can supply the $35.00. a few days. $1.25 PER YARD. ffl' per yard. Rugs and Carpets Give us a trial and see if we 602 and 604 Lack, ave,, Coiner Adams. patrons: STEEL II, 9 LIBER CO., SCRANTON PA. RESTORE LOST VIGOR Will bra H IIDlB a k Hold with WBITTSR CONNELL (ltURANiKRtoCur HrToutDbilitj, l.oMofutt Fowtr la ilbi;ti, liinliiili,t KmliilAMftmiuinnM. If nlcl(l. fttiflh treublM lM I' rotitiimptlon or tawnlt;, II.Mi ptt bin bj ntll.e bnjMfo. ts. With l"l'H ordtr w ft wrllua (umbo! to ours ff (tluftii ih adrl CO ClftVaUftd, Oiilo. Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Aveflut ana) A i 1