THE SCEANTON TRIBTOE WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 6, 1895. iai..mill8nm.,S..HiS.I.M THE BUSY WHIRR AND HUM OF BUSINESS Day in and day out, tells with a more emphatic voice than any words conld, that the intelligent buyers of Scranton And why shouldn't they? Go to any importer, go to any factory or pottery in the country, and they won't attempt to match our present selling prices, no matter in what quantities you buy, therefore prudent economy dictates buying now. With such figures as these before you, who is strong enough to resist the temptation to participate in the present bargain plunder ? nniiimimimtiMimiiiiifiiim CHINA AND PORCELAIN. We have opened a few crates more of the .2.!8 tea sets, 5.5)0 din ner sets, and Jsl.70 and S'2.2 toilet sets, which were oversold early in the week, and which were fully described in the Monthly's issue of The Tribune. They cannot remain long in stock, and those desiring them hud better get a move on. NEW ITEMS. Tine English Porcelain Decorated Dinner Set, under glazed and illuminated with gold. A verv handsome 112 piece set at $12.75. These arc Alfred Meakin's celebrated goods,. Wc need say no more. A few line China Dinner Sets (not many) arc still on hand. At $10.50 the value is simply superb. As dainty u China Tea Set as any person could desire, with quaint and delicate decorations in blue, $1 1.50. Actually worth ubout :10. After Cinner Codecs. All sorts of pretty and unique styles l?te. up. Real China Cuspidores, richly decorated und new shupes, 3t)c, Toilet Sets at less than they cost to make. Mo cud to the assortment. GLASSWARE, ETC. Hundreds of our lDo. aud 29c. Tea Sets (creams, sugar, butter and spoon holders) have been sold. Stock is getting light, Come early. Fine light blown barrel shape, engraved ti-line Tumblers, 48c. per dozen. ere 75c. Handsome half gallon imitation Cut Glass Pitchers, 19c. GLASSWARE, ETC. Pret- Water Sets, hand engraved, ti tumblers, 1 pitcher and tray. ty imported goods at i)!)c. Hand painted and gold illuminated raiscil decoration Water Sets, 12 glasses, pitcher and tray, and lovely as a poem, $1.48, Austrian Chromatic Class Wuter Sets, 3 colors and gold, hand painted, $2.11. Imitation cut glass Kerry Sets, 9-inch dish with G individuals, 43c. Rich imitation cut glass Kerry Sets,9-inch dish with 12 individuals 97 We've only touched on our glassware. Hundreds of other things await your inspection and prices are just us low all around. LAMPS. Handsome Vase Table Lumps, with decorated shades to match, and Al burners, 74c, 90c. and $1.45. Central Draft Lumps, the best burn er made, handsome vase base, with decorated 10-inch shades, $2.15. BANQUET LAMPS Elegant designs, central draft burn ers, silk and lace shades, $2.75. liesides this line we have a magnificent range of Banquet Lamps in high art designs in brass, bronze, gold gilt, onyx, etc. No end to the assortment, and prices lower than you dream of. WMIIIIM.WliWfKlll.WI!WIILiWW HANGING LAMPS-ln chandeliers, shade lamps, hall lamps, etc., at figures which are sure to make you smile. We don't want to carry one of them with us to our new quarters, no, not one. SILVERWARE. Rogers' highest grade triple plate Knives and Forks, $2.98 per dozen. Handsome 5-pie'ce quadruple plate and gold-lined Tea Sets, large size, best goods made. $18.75. Four-piece quadruple plate Tea Sets, a wonderful value, $9.74. Children's Silver Plate Mugs, our regular fine goods, 89c. Triple Plate Pickle Castors, 99c. Triple Plate Butter Dishes, 74c. Touch us at any point throughout our Silverware Stock, and you'll find our prices just as interesting. BRIC-A-BRAC, ETC. Japanese sugars and creams, 15c. per set. China decorated vases, per pair, 2c. China Chocoluie Pots, very handsome, 98c. Our Haviland China, real cut glass, and general Bric-a-Brac goes ut a big sacrifice, and tlie assortment is excellent. No need to quote figures on such goods. . Connoisseurs are invited to call. ma.iiuuiH.iiii.iiimn.iimiHHiimiii.Hm IU1 ifii WYOMING HOUSE BLOCK, SA WYOMING AVENUE, SCRANTON, PA. S KiiramiiiiiEtMiiMiHitiiiiiii'mimimiimiiiHiiiimiimiiiiiiiamiH - ""Gas OF TrfFfe& VDETECTlveESTcRY, (These abort serial stories are copyrighted by Bacheller, Johnson Sc. Bach eller.and are printed InTheTrlbune by special arrangement, simultaneous with their appearance in the leading dally journals of the large cities). CHAPTER I. I On the 17th of March. 1878, Mr. Gus- I lave Prlneveau was shot and killed In his private conveyance while returning from a drive with his wife. It was about five o'clock In the afternoon, nnd the carriage at the time was between (ilxty-slxth and Sixty-seventh streets on Fourth avenue, In New York. Mr. Prineveau was seated on the left of his wife In the carriage, which was a two-seated phaeton, and was driven by their man, John Teedson, who sat on the seat In front of them. Mr, Prlneveau, who was sixty-three, died almost instantly, and the post mortem, ' held the next mornlntr at ten o'clock, showed that he had been killed by a pistol bullet that had entered his heart at the fifth intercostal space, glanced upward and severed the aosta. A small hole was found In his vest on the left side corresponding to the bullet The post-mortem examination was a long one. As It was Impossible for either of the other occupants of the carriage to have got round to the left side of Mr, Prlneveau so as to have inflicted the wound without accum 'pllHhlng an unprecedented feat, that would have been seen, and as there was no assignable motive for such an act, the whole purpose of the exqml- THE REASONS WHY Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil and Ilypophosphites is so useful in all wasting diseases, such as Consumption, Anaemia, Scrofula, Rheumatism,- Bron chitis, and Marasmus and Rick ets in children, is because it furnishes to the depicted blood the fattening and enriching properties of the oil, and to the bones and nervous system the phosphorescent and vitaliz ing properties of the Ilypophos phites, which together nourish the body arrest the progress of the disease, and commence a process of repair that finally meafls restored health and vigor. Don't Uptr madid to aectpta tubMtvttt 8uu&Bwm,N.Y. All Druggists. 50c. sad $1. nation was directed to finding out what incentive Eom other person might have had to commit the deed. The following facts were then elic ited: Mr. Prlneveau had been married a little less than five years to a woman Ho Wore a Hough nnd Sullcd Overcoat who, previous to that marriage, had been known as the widow of a Houth American merchant who bad died while on a visit to Hut-no Ayres. At the time of Mr. Prlneveau's marriage he was reported to be very wealthy, hiiV' Ing amassed a fortune In coal specula tlons In Pennsylvania and New York. He, too, had been previously married, by which marrluge there had been two sons, one of whom had died three years before the father, In California, and the other of whom was still living Bomewhore In Ohio, The only other ro' latum that could be traced was n nephew, Jared Clarkson, about 2S years old; who was a scapegrace, and ha6 lived for several years upon the bounty of Mr. Prlneveau, but whoso whereabouts at the time of Mr. Prlne veau's death could not be ascertained It was shown thut the deceased had been a man of singularly weak churac ter In the management of his estutc; that ho gave away vast sums of money, was easily frightened or cajoled, and that from all accounts his wife's ad vice and influence alone saved him from many foolish speculations and mis fortunes in his old age. Among his papers were found receipts for over one hundred thousand dollars signed by un known persons and covering the four years Immediately preceding his death. I His relations with his wife had always been of the most amiable nnd trustful kind. None of the servants knew of his ever having quarreled with her. Mrs. Prineveau looked after all his per sonal comforts, was continually solici tous about his health, accompanied him everywhere, and bore the reputa tion of being a discreet domestic woman with an obvious affection for a man who was twenty years her senior. There was In his house on Fifth ave nue a servant who had been with them for five years her name was Koe Kenny, nnd she testified thnt about a week before the murder Mr. Prlneveau had been visited at night by the nephew Clarkson. whom she had let In, nod who was seen by Mr. Prlne veau In the library, a small room in the wing at the rear of the house. From appearance she thought the man had been drinking. Ho wore n rough and soiled overcoat and an Imitation nstraknn cop pulled over his face. He stayed over half nn hour In the library, and she heard him from the front parlor speaking In loud and angry tones. She nlmlttfd thnt she had listened, and swore that she heard him say: "Then look out for yourself, for you will not live to accomplish It." To which the old man In a soft voice made some kind of uppenllng reply. This wus about ten o'clock nt night, and Mrs. Prineveau, who had gone to a concert nt Stelnwny hall with a party of friends, hnd not returned. .She came back nt ten minutes of eleven, and, upon making inquiries of the maid, Kosy, learned these fads nnd showed a good deul of Indlgmition be cause Mr. Prlneveau had been subj-cted to the annoyance of a worthless and reckless scapegrace, Mrs. Prlneveau herself corroborated this statement explicitly, but could give very little Information about the hubits or nnteceiidents of Clarkson, ex cept that she hiul lenrned Incidentally from her hunliand (hat he was a drunk ard with a wife ami two children, and, owing to his dissolute habits, hud never been able to take care of himself or Mis family. It was nlSo learned that on the nfler noon of the 14th of March ClnrkMon had been seen by the coachman banging about the house, and the hall boy, who had been sent on nn errand, encoun tered him on the coiner and was there held In conversation by him, Clnrkson nuking him, among other thing, If Mr. Prlneveau did not tulle a drive usually In the afternoons. These bits of testimony,, led to the police efforts to find Clarkson. Mr. Prlneveau was burled In the Trinity cemetry on the l'.ith. His funeral was n( tended by many old New Yorkers, nnd public atteudtlon was turned to the efforts made by Mrs. Prlneveau to tllti cover the perpetrator of the clime, (in the Clarkson's wife nnd dill dren were found In it miserable lodging place In Vitrlck street. Hut Clurkson had disappeared. Ills wife promptly acknowledged that he had come home late on the afternoon of the 17th, hnd hurriedly chnnged his clothes nnd gone out. Hlie hnd not Horn him or heard of him since. Hut she strenuously denied thut he had committed a crime, and refused to bo Influenced by any of the damaging circumstances. " ' Here the affair threatened to end, as so many others of Its kind havo ended In Idle curiosity, police Inefficiency und ultimate forgelflness. Hut on the Z3U iiarKHoii wits uiscuvereu 111 Hid ing In Troy. He was brought here and lodged In the city prison, and then It became known to the public that the police had found In the rooms of Mrs. Clurkson In Vnrick street a Bmall French revolver with five chambers, one of which was empty, and the bul- Clarkson Was Seen Hanging Around tlio House. lets of this pistol corresponded In Blze with the one tuken from the body of Mr. Prlneveau. fTo be Continued. 1 JJ 7 )UlinIS.iliU)MiliNt':t MII'."Tt'IM.MH'tri Mild Jtt inc H rOIIH i; t. . ABSOLUTELY PURE TKE OLD RELIABLE SWEET CAPQRAL CIGARETTE Ha$ stood ths Test ol Ilmo MORE SOLO THAN ALL OTHER BRANDS COMBINED REMOVED. DR. JOHN 'HAMLIN, The Acknowledged Expert In HorNcshoeliiK and Dentistry, Is Now Permanently Located on West Luckawunuu Ave., Ncur the BrUIo. Of all kind, manufactured at short notice, at TlnVTrlbune Ofllcc. 19 OVERTAXED II WORKERS And all who sulTer from Nerve Strain, Nervous Debility, terrors of Youth, etc., read t he symptoms culling for treat moot by a specialist. Disorders of Sleep, Nerve Strain, Morbid Huhlls. Nerve Kxhuustlon, Pressure and I'aln In the lit-ud, Senstlivcness of the Sculp, Incapacity for Methodical Mental Work, Weakness of Vision and a Hwlu.K of Pressure in the Eyes, Deprrssion of the Mind, a Feeling of Anxiety, Sensation of 1). illness, Cienernl liodlly Weakness, Poor Appetite. Const Iput lull. Poor Circulation, Nervous Palpitation, nil I'luiccotintuMe Dread or Pear, Puln In the linek and Limbs, Excitable, Constant State of Vn rst, etc., etc. If you have these symp toms or a majority of lliein, see a Spe cialist nt once. For threatened Rrnln Softening, due to excesses of any kind, call on a Specialist. In all ruses of Chronic Nerve Struin ot Exhaustion, consult a Specialist. All NeiirnlKlc conditions are simply ex pressions of Exhausted Nerve Power, B" a Specialist. Sexual Hxcesses affect the nerve cen ters. The brain Is the Krcat nerve center. Talk with n Specialist. Kidney, Bladder, Ulooil nnd Skin Dlfcase. DR. W.H. HACKER Is tho only Specialist In Nervous Disease! between ItiilTalo and New York. CUtlce, 37 Spruce street, opp. New Hotel Jenny u. Hours, H a. m. to 1 1. m. RAILROAD TIME-TABLES iw-xk wilt REVIVC RESTORES VITALITY Made a Ut Day. M MJ JriWel ' W ' lSthDay. J of Me. THB GREAT soth fy. Fmaao-oxx it iu lungers: produces tlis shave reiullt In SO days. It .0 iiwrlallTtii(lqalrkl)r. I'm-m whan til uthor (ill louugnioa will regain tlitir lout manhood, and ol msu will Kc-ovrr their yuutldul Mor by ualuif KKVIVO. It quleklr tad auraly rontons NMvout tioM. IHl Vitality, Iiniwtruoy. Nlglitly Ennuilont l.nat Powar, Kallln all raory, Waatina- lnea. and til nVctt at Ml( abUM or irmaaiiil indlacmtlon which unOU on fnntiidy.bmuiaaaor tuarrlaga. II no! only eurrt by atartlm at tha ssat ot iliiwt, bul litfroal nertx tnnlci and blood builder, brtai Irf back tha pink Rlon toiinle eharttttndre lortm tha Ore of youth. It wards o(T lanaalt and Coatuibutlun. Initxt on hating KKVIVO, otber. It can bm carrlad la THt pockrt. lly met 01.00 par pacM, or tlx lor MS. 00, with poa '' written guarantee to core or re for. be money. , Ciraularfra. Addrtat "AL MEDICINE CO.. H3 Rlvtr St.. CHICAGO. II for Ml by Mttlhawt Troi., DrtMrlt' flftcrutilou ro lls a on Rnm Throat. Ilmrjloa. Copper-Colored Htxiu. Achsa, Ud Horn, tllwra In Moulh, lUlr Kalllnii Write 'nk RrnrdyCttieTMa- MnloxrnDl4'biraca.iii.JortrMiiaoitniroa. fopltol SAUOAOO. I'atlentncurod nlnrr twcll. tOO-pnnrbno rc Central Railroad of New Jersey. (Lehigh and Misuuebtrma Division) Anthracite coal used exclusively, Lusur Ing cleunllness and comtort. li.MK TABUhl IN EfFKCT NOV. It, Trains leave Scranton for Plttston, W IlkcH-Barre, etc., at S.10, S.15, 11.30 a.m., 1.1,1, tf.VJ, D.VO, f.w), dl.VD p.IU. DUUIWfl, S.00 a.m., l.uo, 2.15, 7.10 p.m. For Atlanltc City, 8.20 a.m. For New York, Newark and Elizabeth, 8.20 (express) a.m., 12.4.. (express with BuN fct parlor car), 3.05 (express) p.m. Sun day. 2.15 p.m. For Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethle hem, Kaston and Philadelphia, 8.20 am., l'J.45, 3.05, 6.00 (except Philadelphia) p.m. Sunday, 2.15 p.m. i-or lonc uruncn, ocean urove. etc., at , 12.4j p.m. 1.20 a. in For Keadinic, via Allentown. Sunday. 2.1o u.m. For rottsvllle, 8.K1 a.m Lebanon and Ilarrlsburf, S.20 a.m., 12.40, b.w p.m. New York, foot Of Lib- Heturnlue, leave New York, root or rlv street. North river, at 9.10 (express) a.m., 1.10, I SO. 4.30 (express with Buffet parlor car) p.m. Sunday, 4.S0 a.m. Leave Philadelphia, Heading Terminal, (.00 a,m., 2.00 und 4.30 p.m. Sunday 6.27 a.m. Throuph tickets to all points at lowest rates may be had on application In ad vance to the ticket agent nt the station, H. P. BALDWIN, Gen. Pass. Agent. J. H. OLHAUSEX. Gen. Supt. Del., Luck, and Western. Trains leave Scranton as follows: Ex press for New York and all points East, 1.40, 2.50, 5.15, 8.00 and a.m.; 12.65 and 3.50 P Kxpress for Kaston, Trenton, Philadel phia nnd the south, 6.15, 8.00 and 9.55 a.m., i2.5ft nnd S.W) p.m. Washington nnd way stntlont. a w p.m. Ti)l lianna accommodation, 6.10 p.m. F.xpress for lllnithamton. Oswego, l.l mlra, Corning, Hath. Dansvllle, Mount Morris nnd HulTalo, 12.10. 2.1". a.m. and 1.24 p.m., making close eonnectlons at Buf falo to alt points to the West , Northwest and Southwest. Bntli accommodation, 9 a.m. Klnchiimton nnd way stations, 12.S7 p.m. llttiKlininton and F.lmira' Kxpress, 6.06 p.m. Kxpress for Cortlnnd, Syracuse, Osweeo llileu. nnd lilelilleld StirtiiKs. 2.35 a.m. and 1.24 p.m. ... . . Itlinca, 2.3n and untn a n.m. ami 1.24 p.m. For Northumberland," Plttston, Wllkes Unrre, Plymouth, Hloomshnrg nnil Dan ville, nmkliiR close connections nt North umberland for Wllllanisport, llarrlsburg, Daltlmore, Washington nnd the South. Northumberland and Intermediate sta tlonn, .w.. 9.55 n.m. and 1.30 and 6.07 p.m. Nuntleoke and Intermediate stations, 8.08 nnd 11.20 a.m. Plymouth and Inter mediate stations, 3.50 and 8.52 p.m. Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches on all express trains For detailed Information, pocket ttme tables, etc., apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket otllcK, WM Lackawanna avenue, or depot ticket olllce. ton station DKLAWARB AND HUDSON HAIL HOAD. Cnmmonclnir Monday. day, July 30, all trains will arrive at new Lack awanna avenue station a follows: Trains ylll leave Scran- for caruonoaie ana in' nn nl. at 2 "U. .1 i'.i. Y.UI. B.ZO ana 10.10 a.m., 12.00, 8.20, 8.55, t.15, (.16, 1.25. and 11.20 p.m. . , . , Wiimart and HonesdalO at 7.00, 8.26 and 10.10 a.m.,12 00, 120 and 6.U P'or Albany, Saratoga, the Adirondack ud Mnntrea.1 at 5.45 a.m. and 2.20 p.m. For Wllkes-llnrre and Intermedials) lots at 7.45, 8.45, 9.3S and )0.4i a.m., 12.05, 1.20, 2 88, 4.00, 6.10, 6.05, 8.16 and 11.3S Pl. Trains will arrive at Bcrantou slatlori frutn Carbondiile Hnd Intermediate points at 7.40, 8.40, 9.84 and 10.40 a.m., 13.00, 1. 17,2.34 8.40, 4.54, 8.55. 7.45. 8.11 and 11.33 p.m. From Honesdule. Way mart and Far view at 9 84 a.m., li.OO, 1.17, 3.40, 6.55 am) T.46 p.m. From Montreal, Saratoga, Albany, eto. at 4.54 and 11.33 p.m. From Wllkes-Uarre mnd Intermediate points at 1.15, 8.04, 10.05 and 11.56 a.m., l.llij 111 1.39, 6,10, 108, 7.20, ,U and 11.16 p.m. 4 Nov. 18, 18M. Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia and New York via D. & H. R. K. at 7.46 a.m., 12.05, 2.38 and 11.38 p.m., via D., L. W. R. R . 6.00. 8.08, 11.20 am., and 1.80 p.m. Leave Scranton for Plttston and Wllkes Barre, via D., L. & W. R. R 6.00, 8.08, U.2 a.m., 3.50, 6.07, 8.50 p.m. Leave Scranton for White Haven, Ha zleton. Pottsvllle and all points on the Beaver Meadow and Pottsvllle branches, via K. W. V. R. R., 6.40 a.m., via D. & H. It. R. at 7.45 a.m., 12.05, 2 38, 4 00 p.m., via V.. L. & W. R. R 6.W, 8.08, 11.20 a.m., 1.30, 3.50 p.m. Leave Scranton for Bethlehem, Easton, Reading. Harrlsburg and all Intermediate points via D. & H. R. R 7.45 a.m., 12.05, 2.3S. 4.00. 11.38 ip.m., via D., L. A W. R. R., 6.00. 8.08, 11.20 a.m.. 1.30 p.m. Leave Scranton for Tunkhannock, To wanda. Elmira, Ithaca. Geneva and alt Intermediate points via D. H. R. R., 8 46i a.m., 12.05 and 11.35 p.m., via D., L. A W R. R., 8.08. 9.55 a.m.. 1.30 p.m. Icave Scranton for Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls. Detroit, Chicago and Hill points west via D. H. R. R., 8.45 a.m.,. 12.05, 9.15. 11. $8 p.m.. via D., L. & W. R. R.I and Plttston Junction, 8.W, 9.55 a.m., l.jO, 8.50 p.m., via E. & W. V. R. R., 3.41 p.m. For Elmira and the west via Salamanca, via D. H. R. R-. 8.45 a.m.. 12.05, 6.05 p.m., via D.. L. A W. R. R., 8.08, 8.56 a.m., 1.80, and 6.07 p.m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or L. V. chair cars on all trains between L. A B. Junction or Wllkes-Barre and New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo, and Suspension Brldse. ROLL1N H. WILBUR. Oen. Supt. CHAS. S.LEE. Oen. Pass. Agt., Phlla., Pa. A. W. NONNEMACHF.R. Asst. Gea. Pass. Agt., South Bethlehem. Pa. Erie and Wyoming Valley. Trains leave 8cranton for New Tork and Intermediate points on the Erie rnll road at 6.85 a.m. and 824 p.m. Also for Honesdale, Hnwlcy and local points at 6.85. 9,45 a.m., and 3.34 p.m. All the above are through trains to and from Honesdale. Trains leave for Wllkes-Barrs at 6.40 a. m. and 8.41 p.m. rRAKTON DIVISION. In EOeet Sept. 10th, lgot." North Binnd, Houth Bound, aoj ad3 ioi to ao ao IS Ifi ll (Train, Pally, ll I y. J Except Sunday) J So J. r M Arrfte Leave "J .... ?2. .. . N YPrankliuHl .... 0 .... .... 710.... West 4iad St .... TM .... .... 700.... Weehawken .... 810 .... r H t u Arrive laye amp a ... 8W lis.... ilaacock June. 00 8 05 .... I0 IN .... Hancock 609 811 758 18 56... Starlight 18 !.. T5I 14 .... PrestonPark 0 831 ,.M T45 10 40 .... Coino 6 3J 841 .... tHS IS .... Pornwlle 40 8 60 .. T3.I IV IH .... llalment 45 8M .... JW W(V) .... Pleasant Mt 0 55 8 04 .... 7 1W fll.Y ... Pniona'ale f6&8 8 09 .... 70b 11411 A M Forset City 710 8 19 r U 6M 1181 (15 Carbondsle 7 84 8 34 SSI 6 4K fllSO 9 IS White Bridge 7 ST f3 3s 5 87 ft) 4.1 19 Ot) Marlteld P SI fS 41 f5 t 641 1183 90 Jernivn 7 SI 8 45 6 46 85 11 lr) 8 57 Archibald 7 40 8.M 6 51 6 3J flllA H.M Wltiton 74:1 854 651 Willi 850 reck villa 7 48 8 50 8 50 lift 11 07 8 44 Olyphant 7 IW 4 04 (04 tt lion 841 Dicksoa 754 407 (07 10 1103 SKI Throop 7 5(1 4 10 10 8 14 11 00 8 311 Pravideacs 8 00 4 14 (14 f61S fl037 8 8.H Park Place 8 0-M417! 810 10 55 8 30 Scranton S 05 4 80 80 r ma mU uliNkm Arrive A ur r " All trains run anuy except Blinuay. f. slKnilles that trains stop on signal for pas senders. Secure rates via Ontario A Western before purchastnK tickets ami save money. Day an Vlgbt bpresa to the West. J. (J Anderson, Den. Pass. Agt, T. mteroft, 1) lr. Pass. Agt., Scranton, Pa.
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