a THE FCTCAKTON TKIBTTlfE "WEDNESDAY MOIlNTTTGr. MA"RCII , 1895. TALES OF TWO P1TTST0NS News of Interest to Readers Up and Down the Valley. ARB CHARGED WITH BURGLARY Norman Jenkins and Ed. Hoikina 1 the County Jail Economy Wave on the Lehigh Valley Personal and Other News Not. fepeolal to the Scran ton Tribune. Plttston, March 6. Detective George W. Drown, of the Lehigh Valley rail road, yesterday captured the supposed robbers of the Colonel .Mason estate on the night of Feb. 10 last. They are Norman Jenkins and Ed. Hoskinfl, of "West Plttston. They were given a hearing before Justice Ehurt, of the IW'est Side, this afternoon, who re manded them to Luzerne county jail. The principal witness is Mrs. Fitz gerald, whom the boys employed to se crete the stolen property. Wandered Away. Mrs. William Anderson, of Broad street, who Is afflicted with periodical spells of Insanity, on Friday last atrayed away from home, and no trace of her whereabouts was discovered un til yesterday, when Thomas Kunne, of Broad street, a brakeman on the Valley road, while going down the east side of the Wllkes-Barre mountain on a freight train, Sunday, saw her In the woods, east of Glen Summit. A "White Haven crew coming along shortly afterward, picked the unfortunate woman up and brought her to Bear Creek Junction. (Yesterday, as Kuane's crew were re turning, they again saw the woman on . the mountain, east of Bear Creek, going toward White Haven. This Is the sec ond time Mrs. Anderson has strayed away. She was discovered In the woods near Olen Summit in a famished condition several months ago. Teacher' Legislative Committee. Xext Saturday. March 9, there will, tie a meeting of the legislative commit tee of the Luzerne County Teachers' Institute, which was appointed in pur suance of a resolution passed by that body last October. The members of the committee are Professors David B. Gil dea, (Luzerne: Irving A. Helges, Plym outh; Albert Breithaupt, White Haven; L. P. Blerly, Hazleton; and the under signed. All members are requested to be present, as Important questions per taining to pending and prospective legislation on educational matters in the present session are to be discussed. The meeting will be held in County Superintendent Harrison's otllce, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon. Robert Shlel, chairman. Reducing Expenses. The Lehigh Valley Railroad company have been reducing their office help at each office along its line, and last night the official axe was wielded at the Cox ton yard with thefollowiug suspensions: Frank Pierce, of AVilkes-Barre, clerk for night yardmaster at O. X. otflce; William Mutchletz, Plttston, day clerk at O. X. office; Edward Houser and Al bert Houser, number clerks. The sus pensions have been made on account of the great business depression and casts no reflections on the character of any of these young men. For V'nclo Sara. The United States detective of Scran ton was In town today, serving sub poenas on the witnesses in the case of a Hungarian named Jacob Sittues, who obtained a letter, containing a money order, under false pretences at Duryea postofflce some months ago. The letter was the property ot a Hungarian wo man living at the last named place. Sittues Is in the Lackawanna county jail, at Scranton, awaiting the next term of United States court, which con venes this month. Miscellaneous Items. Thomas, Bon of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Glynn, died this afternoon at the fam ily home, in Port Griffith, aged 6 months. Funeral from family resi dence tomorrow (Wednesday). Miss' Katie and Miss Maggie Rooney, of Scranton, are the guests of Miss aiame MacDonald at her home on North Main street. Father J. F. Greve assisted In the funeral services of Mrs. Mary Shields at Hyde Park, Scranton, today. You don't get all the news if you 'don't read The Tribune. Miss Carrie Miller, of North Main Street, Is confined to her home with ill ness. Miss Clare Loughney, of Wllkes Barre, returned to tier home yesterday after a two weeks visit with Plttston friends. . All regular subscriptions to the Scran ton Tribune will be received at our local offloe. 8 South Main street. Charles L. Welkheizer, chief clerk at the Coxton office, was a Visitor at South Ssthletiem yesterday. Gallagher, "the frankforter man," who has been shelved by the grip since Wednesday last, is out again. All complaints of non-delivery of The Tribune ehoulfl be reported iait our local office, I South Main street. J. F. Hopkins, of Scranton, was a frisltor in town today. John Roberts made a flying trip to iWllkes-Barre this morning. There is yet very little Improvement in the condition of Dr. DeVoe, who has been sick for some weeks past. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Marsh, of Sayre, are visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. B. F. Emlgh, on Delaware avenue, West Side. Miss Minnie Ash is very sick at her home on Elm street. West Plttston. Landlord Snyder, of the Eagle hotel, left his room yesterday for the llrst time in nearly three weeks. Jeweler W. F. Staley suspended a new sign In front of his store on Water street this afternoon. Attorney Hugh Smyths was visiting the Electric City today. Miss Jennie Drake, of Lackawanna, Is visiting friends in town today. Miss Lizzie Kane, of South Main street, entertained a number of friends at her home this evening on the event of her birthday. It will be a very quiet affair. Light refreshment will be served. All commissioned officers of the Ninth regiment will meet tonight at the armory, Wllkes-Barre. The West Side Social club will hold a social at Eagle hall Friday evening, March 8. The diagram for Al O. Field's min strels opens at Ruggles & Manning's book store this morning. CAHBONDALE. Mr. and (Mrs. George Kellow will at tend the funeral of the former's uncle, Captain Kellow, tn Scranton, today. Ex-Carbondale Postmaster E. ' Y. Davis, now a resident ot Bayonne, N. J., Is visiting relatives tn this city. Mrs. George D. White and two chil dren left yeBterday for Patterson, N. J., where her husband has secured em ployment in a large silk mill. On March 12 will occur the second anniversary of the organisation of Lu- cretia lodge, No. 109, Daughters of Re becca, In this city. The members are making extensive preparations to cele brate the event in a fitting manner. A delegate will be elected to attend the state assembly, which will be held at Philadelphia on May 21. Mrs. S. J. Roadknlght, of Honesdale, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. E. W. Reynolds, of Lincoln avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Siedler and son, of South Church street, left last even ing for a two months' visit with the latter's sister, Mrs. Walter Tannett, of Cleveland, O. Miss Mae Hallock, of Gilbert street, spent yesterday in Scranton. The regular monthly meeting of the Epworth league will be held this even ing In the Methodist church. After tli3 liUMlness of the society is disposed of an entertaining programme will be rendered. All are welcome. TAYLOll. Mrs. David T. Davis, of Main street, Is ill of the grip. Mr. and Olra. William Wilson, of Union street, removed Into the new houat of William: Nyhart, on Main street, yesterday. A very valuable dog of John Daniels was killed in the Gleudale mines on Monday. David Williams, of Washington, Is confined to his home with a sore knee. Mrs. ThomusT. Davis is visiting rela tives in Parsons. Rev. Mr. Roberts will be Installed as pastor of the First Presbyterlun church tomorrow evening. An interesting pro gramme has been prepared for the oc casion. A large number of visiting preachers of the Presbyterian clergy will be present ito hike part In the exer cises. The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Noel kle, who died last week, took pla-'f from her late home, on Main street, Monday morning at 8 o'clock and was attended by a large concourse of friends and relatives. A high mass of requiem was celebrated at tha Hyde Park Catholic church, after which In terment was made in the Hyde Park Catholic cemetery. William MoCrindle, of Avoca, was a caller In town last evening. The borough school board met last evening In No. 2 school. A party composed of members of the Sons of Temperance will hold a social at Miss Lizzie Williams' in the Arch bald tonight. The borough council met on Monday evening to re-organize, and all the members were present. President Wes ton called ithe meeting to order and after some important .business was transacted the council adjourned for the purpose of swearing In the new members, Gomer Jones, of the Sec ond ward; W. O. Morris and John E. Davis, of the First, and John Tubbs, of the Fifth. The members re-elected were: John Price, of the Third, and Fred Llnney, of the Fifth, who were also sworn in. Afte the oath of office was administered the following officers were elected: Dr. E. E. Weston, presi dent; George J. Powell, borough clerk; John P. Griffiths, road commissioner; Dr. J. W. Houser, treasurer, and John Mr. Harris, borough solicitor. The fight for treasurer was very hot. and ten ballots were required to decide the re sult. HONESDALE. Rev. John N. Lewis, of Grace church, will officiate in Trinity church. West Plttston, this (Wednesday) evening. William Varcoe returned home last evening after a week's sojourn In New York city. "The Dazzler," one of the very few really good plays that has appeared In the past at Honesdale, was greeted by a large audience at the Central theater Monday evening. A disappointed audi ence left the, hall, as the play Is below its past excellent standard, and can only boast ot a few dazzling specialties. The play, as It appeared, was a poor warrant for the advance In the usual prices. The Allen House register yesterday recorded the following boarders: W. 8. Blanchard, G. R. Barber, Charles M. French, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lovelass, John J. O'Boyle, . F. Whlttemoro, J. S. Klrkpatrlck, Scranton; John J. Nea lon, O. Orchard, Carbondale; and W. F. Dessel, Wllkes-Barre. John R. Brown has removed into his store In the Keystone block. Mrs. A. C. Tolley Is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sumner, at Plttston. While walking down Second street Monday afternoon Mrs. William Ful ler slipped and fell, injuring her leg. At first it was thought to be broken, but from Imperfect examinations yet made by physicians it cannot be de termined whether or not It is broken. PJtlCEBUUO. The MIrbps Annie Klllen and Mary Meehan, of Carbondale, visited ThomaH Meehan Sunday. Mrs. John Kane la confined to her home by Illness. The council organised Monday even ing. John Jones, of Carbondale, called on friends here yesterday. Mrs. Edward Wilson is confined to her home by Illness. There are numerous applicants for the office of chief of police of this place. Prlceburg citizens can feel proud to think they have the best electric lights In the county. Michael Muhan is confined to his home by an attack of the grip. CLAKK'S GREEK. There will be given a donation on Thursday evening for Rev. E. A. Douglass at the house of A. A. Nichols, Clark Summit. All are cordially In vited to attend. INDUSTRIAL TOPICS. A rumor has been going the rounds re cently that the Delaware ami lluilson and Delaware, Lackawanna and Western rail roads will soon follow the example of tha Ontario and Western by calling In thulr mileage books. The report has not been conllrmed. The street rail rolling mills of thn country are likely to have plenty of work this year. In Chicago alone 300 to 4ii0 miles of eloctrlc it rack will be laid. As the street rails now In ue weigh from 90 to 103 pounds to tho yard this means a consump tion of from 60,000 to 00,0(10 tons In this Ingle western city. Oeorge Barley, an Englishman, now resident In Springfield, O., claims to have discovered a method of making Iron by doing away with the costly malleable process and thereby bringing down the cost of the product. In other words, he claims he can make malleable Iron direct from the mold like ordinary cast Iron is now mad. He has formed a company with a oapVtaJ of $1,000,000, which has been Incorporated under the laws of West Vir ginia, An execution has been lasiiod against the'NeversInk Mountain Hal I road com pany for 13.699.31 at the instance of Chad borne, H aileron Co., of Philadelphia, who equipped : the road. The execution was previously, Issued to take possession of the personal property, but as tho sheriff could rind none, an alius was Isued uml under this the franchise of the com pany hnvn been levied on and will be sold unless the amount Is paid. The company has not been making uny money for sev eral years and It Is probable that the sale will bo allowed to go on and that the road will be bought in and reorganised. Beech Crock shippers who took tho Grand Trunk soft coal contract at such a low price are suld to have captured tha New York and New England railroad con tract at ruinous figures. It Is said tho price was $2.40 alongside at Boston. Al lowing 76 cents for vessel frelitht from Philadelphia to Boston and $1.40 for tho railroad freight, but 26 cants would be left for the coul at tho mine. Of course this I absurd. Tho claim Is that the Beech Crook liiut cut the freight rate ut least 30 cents a. ton und probably 35. Tho Grand Trunk contract figures out that Mr. Yates, the contractor, sells his coal for 41 cents ot tho mlnoH, providing ho pays tho Beech Crock tho $1.40 freight rate. No one, however, believes ho pays that sum. Additional statistics from the forth coming report of tho secretary of Internal urTuIrs on the railroad for 1SH4 show among other things thut the tendency of both freight and pussenger rates hits been downward. 'J'lio into per ton on tho lVnnsjivanla system has fallen from Ml to .007, and other roads in proportion. Tho secretary says the rules of tho rail ways In l'ennsylvuiilu, as well as thoxe throughout tho United Stutes, ore much more favorable to 'the shipper than the ruites of the railways of uny other nation. Tho total passenger earnings for the year wro $t7.815,9t:n, und total freight earnings JlfiO,71l,KI; other earnings, P.f.lO.UUK; milk ing a. gradn total of $2:18,037,5;.'!); us ugHlnut $77,937.3)14 for tho year previous. There has been a falling off of millions in tho turnings of the various lines. During the yeur there were l!7 passengers killed, ns against 70 tho year before, and 703 wore In jured. Clf the employes there wore XH9 kllod and 0,519 injured, ns against CDO killed und 8,818 injured In UV3. llazlctou Standard: Tho oponlng of an other, tunnel, second only to that of tho famous Jeddo tunnel, Is now being dis cussed. The project, If it materializes, is for the purpose of draining all the collier ies of tho South Side from Sliver Hrook to Heaver Meadow. Tho scheme was talked of three years ago, and tho routo sur veyed, but this Is all the farther It ever got. The serious losses sustained by tho coal companies during the past two years have nurtured a deep feeling of interest among operators for tho welfare of their mines agulnst invasions of water and after years of dickering and figuring It is suld that the only possible hope to 'protect thulr works from heavy floods Is the driv ing of a tunnel from tho level at the bot tom of the Switch Hack mountain to tho center of the mining Industry on the South Side, a distance of throe or four miles. Maps are being prepared from the outllno of the surveys by one of the leading sur veyor of Schuylkill county, and It remains for him and his assistants to recommend the project to the operators. Upon his decision depends largely tho execution of such a scheme. If ho reports It favorably a convention of mine owners and practical mine foremen Willi bo called and the plans that are now being formed will bo sub mitted for their Inspection and appjroval. STOCKS AXD BONDS. New York, March 5. London buying orders stiffened the local stock market at the opening and prices moved up Vi to 1. The good feeling, however, was soon destroyed by a break in Chicago Gas of 1 to 70 on the announcement from Chicago that Mayor Hopkins had signed the Ogden gas ordinance after all. This action led to a complete change of front and not only was the stock accumulated thrown overboard, but n new short interest was made. There was quite a struggle In Sugar, and at the end bears hud a little the best of It. In the afternoon the market drifted Into dullness, but near 'the close trading became more brisk owing to efforts to cover short contracts. In this move ment the high priced anthracite coalers were most prominent. Jersey Central rising 2, Lackawanna "; the last named subsequently receded . The grangers and Vanderbllts ruled stronger on cov ering of shorts. Speculation closed firm, with prices nnywhere from to 114 above yesterday's finals. General Electric lost Sugar and Gas 1 per cent. Tha total sales were 108,000 shares. The range of today's prices for the ac tive stocks of the New York stock mar ket are kIvii ldow. The quotations arc furnished The Tribune by (5. dit 11. Dim mlck, manager for William Linn, Allen & Co., stock brokers, 411! Spruce Btreet, Scranton. O'pn- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. Inff. Am. Tobacco Co !H",i M4 i Am. Cot. till M SM'li Kl SI'. Am. Sugar Ite'lf Co. K4 WH 2 K hes. Ohio W't l'I'i 1'l'i W Chloairo (Ins 7'H'u '"" 70 W, Chic, ft N. W M M M S, Chic, R & Q ' 7'i'i 7u'i C. C. & St. L 1'i ''k 3)i'i 31' i Chic. Mil. St. P... Ki-tfc MM, 65", Chic. H. I. & V '-'m i'-"'i r'2l, Delaware & Hud l-'i'.'i 12H'i VJU'i 1!'.', I 1)., L. W M lf.S lRt'4' J)lst. f- C. V l-'Ti 13 1'i 13 (Sen. Electric 117 27 20 111. Central K5 S5 85 t'5 Ijikn Shore ISO' I 13tl'.i 13".'; 13!i; Louis. Nash Or 4:i'i 4S'i 104 Manhattan Kle 17 VH 107'fc 07'l Mo. Paflllc 1 II 1 it i!0 111 20 Nat. Corduge 6:li, n'a 6', f.'; N. J. Central !'.; R7-H 8M. 87 'i ". Y. Central H7 97 W'i IK-; N. Y. N. K 30 30 1W, 30 .V. Y., I,. E. V N'4 8 8', 8 N. Y., B. A V 12 1'i 12 12' j N. Y., S. & VV., Ir... 37 37 37 37 Nor. l'arillc 2 2 i Nor. raclnV, l'r 14' H'i 13', U'4 tint. A West I'j, Hi', Pi l(i I'hll. & Iten.l 8', 8ii 7"i 8'4 Southern it. It '4j 97i ", Tex. 1'arlllr 8'(, 8"i 8" Union 1'urlflc 9'i 9'i 9'(, Wabash. Pr K'i, 12 127 12'i West. Union 87 H7:Hi 811 87-iJ cmcAao hoard np TrtAnrc rmcK3. O'pn- High- Low- Clos- WHEAT. Ing. est. est. Inn. May 61'ii 64-S 64', r,l July &i":t G54 OATS. Msy 29'i !!" 29 29 July 27'.j 27,ji 27!4 27'i COIIN. May 41i 45 41'-!, 44 July 44'', 4-n; 44 41 LAUD. , May X. 0.5.' (167 0.65 B.r,- July 0.07 0.07 0.G7 C.'.; I'OKK. May 10.50 10.50 1fl.4r 10. 4"; July 10. 70 10.70 10.02 10.02 Scranton Board of Trndo Exohanga lotions. No. Inr Uhs. Yalk STOCKS. Bid. 4 Crystal Luke Water Co 450 20 60 Plmo Dep. ft I)ls. Hank 02 50 10 110 First Nat'l llnnk Coo 6 100 First National llnnk (Curlmnduli'l Quo Auk. 2.50 110 20 100 100 100 & 300 G 100 10 60 Oroen H'go Lum'r Co Luck a. Lumber Co.,, l.neku. Trust ft Bnfe Deposit Co M. & M. Bnvlngs llnnk (furbunilule). rrovlilenco Ablng tou Turnpike Co.,.. Heni'n Having Hunk. Hi'ra'n Axlo Works.. Bcra'n Lace Cur. Co. Hcranton Forging Co Third Nat l Bank.... Nat'l Holing & Brill lug Co., l'r Thtiron Coal Band Co Traders' Nat'l liank. Dickson Mfg Co Bcrantnn Deciding Co DONDH. Scranton (Ha Co... Eoon'y Hteam Heat ft Fowor Co Dickson Mfg Co 110 150 Si 140 85 2110 66 'ioo 800 10 1 10 6 25 fi 46 60 40 8 6 100 100 100 100 101) loo loo loo 101) 100 600 600 80 75 110 100 90 120 100 104i (00 6no 106 ' too 110 100 30 1IKK) Scranton Trac. Co.... 1 100 6 Carbondale City School Hoods York New Produce Market. New York, ' March 6. Flour Quiet, steady. Wheat Btoadyj No. i red store and elevator, 68u6Dc.; afloat, 60Sa60tyc.; f. o. b., 6i00c.; ungraded red, 67atUc.i No. 1 northern, WliaWljo.j options easier) R. MURRAY, M. D., ty MB Surgeon General (Rotlrod), U.S. A. tS P& gJSJS, Q r n fl ' I 22 1 wOOSlOiiy WMTIS ACOUT Sfervous . M& 8E "As a dietetic preparation I believe Bovinine of great value. I have used it for more than a year in a very aggra vated case of nervous dyspep sia, and found it very much superior to any other meat extract food. " I also find it keeps in the warmest weather. It is easily prepared for administration, and has been successful in every casewhere Ihavetriedit." Sold by all druggist. THB BOVININE CO., NEW YORK. March, fiSc; May, EV-Ho.; June, 69Hc.; July, 6940.: August, 59vic.; Heptntnlwr, OOVijc; December, little. Corn Quiet, firm er; No. 2, 49c. elevator; 4ulc. afloat; un graded mixed, 49"2c; steamer mixed, 487a 4HV.; options dull; March. 48?;c. ; May, i'Je.; July, 49Vic. Oats Quiet, easier: op tions dull, lower: March und May, 33'.4c; spot prices, No. 2, 3314a33V4c.; No. 2 white, SC'ic; No. 2 Chicago, 34'4c; No. 3, SS'.jc; No. 3 white, 3tiVc; mixed western, 34a 3l'jC. ; white state and western, 37a41c. l'ruvlslons Dull, unchanged. Lard Quiet, easier. Butler Steady: state dairy, 10a l'.h; do. creamery, old, 12al7c; western dairy, 8Val3tc. ; do. creamery, new, 14a 20c; do. old, 10al7c; do. factory, 8a12c; rolls, 8a13c; Elgin, 20c; imitation cream ery, KiaH'aC Cheese Fair demand, firm, unchanged. Eggs Weaker; state and Pennsylvania, 23ii23VjC.; duck. 36c; west ern fresh, 23c; southern, 22a22'iC. Duffolo Stock Market. Buffalo, March 6. Cattle Receipts, 600 heud; on sale 40 head; market steady. Hogs Receipts, 0.7UO head; on sale, g.ttuo head: market opened with demand fair for all grades, prices 6c lower for Yorkors and light grades, steady to firm for oth ers, closed steady; Yorkors, 34.25a4.30; mixed packers, $4.30; good mediums, I4.3i.'a 4.35; choice heavy, 34.4oa4.45; roughs, $3al; stags, J3a3.50. Sheep and Lambs ltecelpts, 2. CDO head; on sale, 4,800 head: at open ing, fat stock steady, common to fair grades dull uml slow, market closed Arm; extra to fancy lamb, t5.90at.1O; fair to choice, 34.50a5.7u: mixed sheep, J3.60a4; fat welhera, H16a4.60; exports, $4.u0a4.86. Chicago Stock Market. Chicago, March 5. Cattle Receipts, 4,000 head; market steady; common to extra steers, I3.85aii.10; Blockers and feeders, l.2.00u4.60; cows and bulls, Jl.50u4.50; calves, J2.5ou5.50. Hogs Receipts. 31.000 heud; market stronger: heavy, jla4.35; common to choice mixed, J3.K5a4.30; choice assorted, J4.10u4.20; light, J3.75s4.10; pigs, J2.75a3.0O. Sheep ltecelpts. 14,000 head; market firm; inferior to choice, J2.50u4.0j; lambs, J3.20a 5.5,0. Philadelphia Tallow Market. Philadelphia, March 6. Tallow Is In moderate request ami steady. We quote: City, prime, In hhds, 4H,u4c; country, prime, In bbls, 4'ic ; do. dark. In bbls, 3a 4c; cukes, 4:'5a4!fcc; grease, 3su3c. Oil Market. Oil city. rn.. March 5. Oil opened, 103; highest, lo51u; lowest, 100; closed, 105'4, Skin and blood diseases causing all sorts of dire disasters to human happiness lire enslly and quickly cured by lturdork Wood Hitters, from a common pimple to the worst scrofulous sore. Horses at Auction. I? M. COBB WILL HAVE AN At'CTION I salo of 40 head of horses on TutBilnr. March 12, at 1 o'clock sharp: ha on hand 25 head for private xnlo: Imrsos must be as ronreantil; stable 8.14 Raymond court. Agents Wanted. AGENTS TOSELL1IAIR RESTORATIVE; guaranteed to grow hair on any biild lieud, 1S weekly: we advr!lw good in your town paper. Addross DAVID REMEDIES CO., 702 Congress street, t hicuxo. ljKNf8-WA NTTnJ$2U TO f :rPEiTl)A Y cmily ni'ulo In any locality. We furnish a lin of ninph-s fren uud nllow 60 percent, commissi n for nailing l'urtlciilnrs frpo, or we will mail a sample of our goods in t rling silver upon receipt of tn.i cents iu stamp. HTANDARU SILVERWARE CO., Uoalon, M-s. 'VuEVrs-lflNljk'rt i'ATENT UXIVEK i V ul Hair Curlers ami Waveis (usod with out littnt i. mi 1 "I'yr l'eiiilud"Iialr Pins. Lib' Dial commli'riinn. Free nitnipta and full par ticulars. Address P. (. Box 464. New York. A N T7i- ACTI V THALkH.M RS TO ImndlA our lino, no poddlinn. Ha'arr, $75 per month uud expeiiiars paid to nil. Oood entirely new. Apply quickly. I'. O. Box, 6301, llostnll, Wn. Proposals. OK A LED PltOl'OSALS Wli.L BK 11 E O ceived t tho nluVs of tho City ( leik, rVrumoii. Pa until 7 ttl o'clock i in , Thuri liny, March, 14, 1M05, t ciuistriiK sewer nyi. tern Hoi'tton Vi, In the '! hlrtu ntn Son-vr dis trict, MKethor with th rocessary branrlies, mmiliolc, basilic, lauiphol-s, rHcnlvers, fix ture and npp'ianr pi tainlng thereto. Thn aniil sower syatein is to lie l ountrudoil on portion ot West l.arkawnmiu uveuua, Fxiriuo'it avnui. Chestnut Hi root. Lafayettu Ktreot, Drown' Place, and thx court running southwesterly from Urnwn'a Place, In accord nine with thn plnm a d apacitl'.'Utiou Illo.i In the otliee of the city cl n. Eiich proposal shall lie accompanied by ca h or certllled cheek In the lain uf una hundred dollars which sum ia to bo forfaited to the city in eaaii of failiiru tofXJcuto a contract if awarded Iheaauio. Th eity ruavrvrs th right to roloct any and all bids . fly oidr of City Council. M. T.LAVfXE, CUyL'brk. Krrnntnn, Pa.. March 4. 18U.V Situations Wanted. LMTUATION WANTED BY AN EX fi purltncnd bartender, city or eou'ity, l'it of nloreuoe. Adilrra J. C, tbl of ice. ClTUATIOJf WANT El) BY A YOU Ml O man r aasl-tnnt book-kmpur or clerk for Iho retail grocory tradi-: willing to work fur mull salary at llrat. Addraw "W. T," Trib une otliee. C'lTUAftbrf" kJ arorer olsrk, lata of PhlHdelplila: can peak Engliah and Usrinan; haa eonis txpori mice in in-at rutting; rat -ruiint. Call or ail rtvo T. F, BltliNNAN. 127 Madliou av.uuo, Dunmore. SITUATION WANTKD EXPERIENCED doabla entry book-keDr wlahsa to coin municaio with pliyalulan, or any profraslunal nan who would roqulre the mrrlues of an ac countant s taw hour eaah day. First rl panman; rfcroooa. Addras "A, Si.," Trib une otliee. A Vniruo uiuon VBiitiu oh tiiv tu air position ' clerk, or a.ima aultahla occupation; f air education. Addraaa "W.K.." 1124 Court atraat, olty. QITUATION WANTED -A POHITION O , ttlonary engluear. either at lop or haft: fir mm' xpananca; bnt ot refer mc fnralahi d, by synung marrid man. Ad- urwa Ti u. a.," box wi, uuamore, P. SITUATION VTANTKD-A YOUNU MAN, ntodont In buainca college, want work writing In offlcs or book ke.plng ; xperUBced. Addreai "8. J.," Uoraatoa Trlbuu. tJCSr-We claim our goods to be superior in style, finish and workmanship to any other line shown in bcrautou. ' The variety of weaves in both Cloth and Silk is so great that we can supply the most exact demand. Interlined with hair cloth or fibre chamois, PRICES FROM $5.00 TO $35.00. SILK WAIST PATTERNS Immense line to select from. Special prices rule for a few days. 31c. TO $1.25 PER YARD. CONNOLLY & IS NOW Kevst THE SCRANTON BEDDING CO., PRICES A Word. wants of all kinds cost that Much, when paid for, in ad vance. when a book account is made, no charge will be less than cents. this bulb ap plies to bmall want adb, ex cept situations wanted, which are inserted preel Help Wanted-Male. WANTED A MARK1ED MAN TO LIVE In, and tak careof club boas of Uraea Ride wherlmeu. For information call on C. W. Carr, UKU Dickson avonue. WANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN IN every town to solicit stock subscrip tion; a monopoly: big inony fur amtnta; no capital required. EDWAKD C. FIBH CO., Borden Block, Chicago. 11L SALESMEN - HRSIDENT SALESMEN yj wauteii, acquainted with tha local and naarby drua anl grocery trade to b.indl our linn of tilth erada rtk'ara. Addraaa, siring references, J. EDWAKD COWLES Co., 113 Chambers atreet, N. Y. Helo Wanted Females. lUANIED-A MIDDLE-AUED PROTEST t ant woman for cuneral housework; good homo to the riylit party and cood waires. ddreas, with particulars, P. O. Drawer 657, Scranton, l'a. Wanted. pOMMON PIGEONS OR DOVES WANT yj ed; nay highest market prloe. J. W. FULFORD, Utico, N. Y. Wanted To Rent. A RESPONSIBLE BU8INEHS MAN wants to rent n V or 10 room homo with modern improvements; Ureon Ridge pre f.'rreil Address stating rout, to "WALTER 11." TrlliU' otllce. For Rent. 1 OR RKN l-TUE STORE BU1LD1SO. 0. J ilt Lackawanna avenue, uuw occupied by Horan St Merrill; poe-slon siven April 1st. Apply t3 IaCONNKLU Mayor's olljce l.'OU RENT THE PHOTOHRAI'U OaC I 1-ry formerly occupied bv C. L. tlrltfin, includlnir rooms lor houkopln. l; Wyo iniuK avenue. I. II AH. 8C1ILAUER. 1WR KENTUltfck-ilOUSB OF NINE rooms, from Aiiril 1st. 4IH Vine street. Apply to L. M. HOItrON. 3 Communweulth IluildilK'. lOli RENT A LARUE, 4-KTORY lU'II.D- InuatliiU Franklin avenue: auitulile for whnlpuHlo business. CARSON ic DAVIKsi, Hiranton. "l X)U It K ti TmTcKW A UE 111 TSKV "lfH J elevator on 1).. L. & V . awitch and West Lackawanna aveuun. Scranton Muvo Work. I.'OR RENT FURNISHED AND UNfUR uislied rooms nt " HI Lackawanna avenue. i:Oll RENT SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST 1 La"kawnnna avonu". Addrrat 1 1IOMAS E. EVANS, aear I In'.' Luierue, Hyd Park. fORRENT-Nll'KLY FL IINISHKP HALL I suitable for IoJko rm.mj. JOHN JEK MYN, 1 Hi Wyondnir ovoinn. For Sale l HHARKS TRADERS 11ANK STOCK 'lJ fornale Wonoy to loan on mortungo. A. D. l.'enn. nttm ncy, II I) Valiinktiu avo. "1ASH MEAT lU'SINISS I'Olt H Al K -V Prnllta to fill we kly, at a bargain. Address "II ," Ti ll.una office. VHiR HALE-ON EXl EEDINUI.Y MOKER J ate tei ins. mv housn and two lots of laud, (I.Wxl.H"), No. K'.'T WaS'iitiKton aveuui. J. 1L l'iHHER. :r2i W'anhinuton avnniin. Clairvoyant. MRS. FENTON, CLMHVOYANT AND l'linii d.igist. 4 1 J North Maui avouuo. l'uraahort t uoonly. Lost IOST-lX SATURDAY LAS T IN HOI HE J ft I'd don a iuit-l. Lackawanna av.mio. or at Davis' theater, (mall Miirt atud. Kinder liboralli rewurdod by leavlug s.uuo ut Kupuh. lienn otliee. Special Notice. WOULD LIKE TO CORRESPOND WITH some pat tyd"s:rin to sjll milk route. Addrosa JOHN I OSi'iilt, care station a.ei Skinner a Eddy, l'a. iTaM NOW PRKPAREDTO FURNISH T. I liibltlnn and levtn.v uon any Kiibjeut lie sired. Tlieso exhibitions will be Illustrate 1. having In my possession tha most powerful Utnsolviiig steroopt icons msde. E. II. CALL, Tribune Offloe. VOU WANT THIS RELIC REPRINT I Frank Leslie's Illustrated Week y War Illustration IMI1SAV Two Volume Fnlln, fliVuO; jiayable monthly, l'.OO. Delivered by txpress complete, Prnpald. Addtess P. O. MOODY, (IIS Uibaon street, Scranton, Po. iiLANK books,7 Pamphlets, Mao A- II slnos, etc., bound or rulwund at Till Thiiiuni olUc. gulck work. Reasonable prieea. Stockholders' Meeting. NOTICalfE'SANT tha tock holder of The Lackawanna Iron and Steel Coninanv. for tha eleotinn of dlrolor,nd transactloa of such other busl- turrm ma wmj pniptrir ooine uoiore ine meei int. will be h.lrt at the offloe of the company. In th olty of Scranton, Pennsylvania, on Wednesday. March Utb, leiU. at s o'clock p. in. The polle will remain open for one hour. The transfer book will be closed on February Utb. im and re opened on March 7tli, 1Mb. (Signed) J. P. HIOOINBON, Bcrtr. Boranton, Pa., Feb. Hist, im. OE i a n l"v n I' " I k pap atc With Organ Pipe Backs. WALLACE, THE CELEBRATED one oeo MADE EXCLUSIVELY BY GREATLY REDUCED. pif) (A0TION TO our patrons: Washburn-Croshy Co. wish to assure their many pafi rons that they will this year hold to their usual custom of milling STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and owing to the excessively dry weather many millers are of the opinion that it is already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will tako no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully three) months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to everv detail of milling has placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'s flour far above other brands. 4 MM 4 MEGARGEL Wholesale Agents. IRGiM AND STEEL Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Ends, Turnbuckles, Washers, Riv ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dyes, Tools and Sup plies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock. SOFT - STEEL - HORSE - SHOES, Aud a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheelf, Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc, TTEHBEND SCRANTON, PA. WHITE PINE OLD GROWTH DRY. Will it interest you to know that we have just placed in stock over million feet of and Old Growth, Thoroughly Dry, White Pine ? We can guarantee it First-Class Stock and can make Prices That Will Pleasantly Surprise You. COMMONWEALTH TELEPHONE 42S. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA., Manufacturers of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. - General Office: SCRANTON, PA. ! -Will ?1DAtAMilIKurr ornrt tin a nrllua fill. MEDlCiai CO.. ror Spruce ale By JOHN H. PH Street, Scranton, Pa. PHELPS. a Wall ace f I , mm 309Xruel pnno HUB 602 and 604 Lackawanna Avenue( 1 Cor. Adams Avenue, CONNELL 00, CO., SCRANTON PA. RESTORE . LOST VIGOR kr io nnia a WMk laid artlk WBrfTSB DnmiOaliililj, l.oa of iaiaal ttmtt la altkatMB. laioliiaUrt ImlatlaM iromaaj am, niiia,ngi vanaia imtm n ' cs.nntii or IniaaUf . 11.00 Mr koi bf mall, boiM far at, Wlta rf iiwuih to caiaac iraa4 Ik Af.M dlaialaaa.Oai. Pharmaclat, car. Wyoming Avenue ana 1 I
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