The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 05, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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oily In
fei lie
Most carefully and piously traced with
uote-bsolt audcaiucru, from
Bethlehem to Calvary
And the Mount of Olives,
Being a (tPOKraphlcnl nnd historical account
iu narrative anil pictures of the places
where Christ mill the Apostles Uvea, tolled
and triumphed. showtiiK where Jiwtw was
born, reared, baptized, tempted, truiisliit
urod and crucified, revlewiiitt iu curuuo
logical order the scenes of his prayers,
tears, Bormous, miracles and reunions
achievements, which brought to humanity
the dawii of a new day.
A Superb Religto-Educational,
Which is the joint production of Kev. John
11. Vincent. D.D., LUU , Bishop of the M.
K. Church: Kcv. Jamea W. Lee, U. 1., aud
K. E. M. Haiti, the Celebrated Laudscaps
aud Scenic Photographer. This wholly
unique and thoroughly "I'p-to-Uuto" uuli
licatiou compr scs the results of mouths of
travel and observation, Involving- Three
Separate Tours of tho Holy 1 uud.
Two bv Bishop Vincent, aud one lately
couclude'd by DU. l.tK. upon which he was
accompanied at every stime of the journey
by 11 K. BAIN, with the tiuest photograph
ic euttlt procurable iu America, these gaa
tlemen being under iKcial comtuissiou to
L resent pictorially and des -riptively the
AND OF THE SAYlUti. His very foot
sleps bavo therefore been followed with
notebook and Camera, aud the journey
luus of His Apostles have also been traced,
assliowu on the KltiHT C'LOKKD MAP
iu all Portfolios, This work is the dual ex
pression of a beautiful enterprise., aud is
an incomparable Historical aud Ktiligioua
Pine Art Offering. An opportunity Is thus
given to make a delightful tour throutih
Palestiue without leaving home. This mag
nificent collection of ovor three hundred
uud eighty-four photographs the finest
that ever come from the I ust, (.ail se
cured this year aud puoltshsd at an ex
pense of tifty thousaud dollars.) should bo
iu every home.
The tirni whose name is appended will
make it possible for every family to ob
tain these Portfolio on easy terms.
For every purchaser and 10 cents addition
al you will be given one of these beautiful
Art Portfolios, and thus continue until you
have secured the entire series of -I numbers
There are M beautiful views iu each Part
or . umber.
We guarantee to furnish ov.r customers
with the entire series as wanted.
We wish it distinctly understood that in
connection ith this enterprise we tniar
tiOOLS in every department at lowest
living prices. Come aud ba convinced.
We feel assured that yoa will be more
than pleased with the Pori folios, and will
le as anxious to make the collection of the
"4 Farts as we are to euabl j you to do so.
Very truly yours.
Dry Go:ds, Millinery, Cloais, Etc.,
41a Spruce Street, Scranton.
Dr. Reeves has had long and varied ex
perience in hojpital and private practice
and treats all acute and chronic diseases
of men, women and children.
Ho, with his assistants, treat all dis
eases of he nervous system, diseases of
the eye, ear, nose and throat, dyspepsia,
rheumatism, lost vitality, premature
weakness or decay In both sexes, nervous
Debility, catarrh, tumors, cancers, erup
tions, blood-poisoning, fits, epilepsy, In
discretion and errors of youth, lost man
hood, eczema, scrofula, St. Vtus' dance,
asthma, diseases of the heart, lungs,
liver, kidneys, bladder, stomach, etc.
Young Men Positively Cured.
Offer to the Public for Catarrh.
Any one suffering; with Catarrh who
Wishes to be permanently, quickly and
cheaply cured may receive three months'
treatment for only FIVE DOLLARS. The
doctor has discovered a speollic for this
dreaded disease. You can treat and cure
yourself and family with it at home. It
never ,alls to cure. A trial treatment
OFFICE HOt-'RS-Dally, 9 a. m. to 9 p.
m.; Sundays. 10 to 12 and 2 to 4.
We are showing for the
Spring Trade the finest
and best line of
Ever shown in the city.
Pronounced so by compe
tent judges, and prices
are 'right. Call and see
them whether you want
to purchase or not.
J. Scott Inglis
Dr. John At. Mulholland, of nttston,
was in town yettterduy.
Kev. W. L. Race prenched a very in
structive sermon to hla cunitregation at
the Methodist Episcopal church on Sun
day evening.
Prayer meeting at 7.30 this evening at
, tin MethodlHt Episcopal church.
There are a number of cases of grip In
town; many of our townspeople being
laid up with It.
' Are you a sufferer from that terrible
plague, Itching Piles? Doan's Ointment
will bring you Instant relief und perma
nent cure. Get It from your dealer,
PeekvUle has now a mnciiiflcent ho
tel, which has recently been opened by
M. D. Betts, and known as the Hotel
"Wilson. It stands in a prominent posi
tion on Main street and has an utihiue
style of architecture, which Is peculiar
ly ma-sslve and withal of a neat de
scription. The colonnade In front.
which Is quite spacious, leads to the
otllce on the rlfiht side and to the Inrtte
hnllway In the center of the building.
The ground floor has commodious din
ing rooms, sitting rooms, reception
rooms, all of which are heated by a
largo furnace erected In the cellar. The
laundry appliances and cullnury ar
rangements are of tho most modern
ami approved plans. There are four
teen bed rooms, without counting the
extra rooms which may be fitted up for
guests at short notice. Although Mr.
Hctts has opened his house but a few
days ago, between fifteen and twenty
vlsttursure registered each evening, und
on some days his register showed over
thirty guests, comprising commercial
gentlemen from all parts of the state.
Altvady several parties have glwn
Mr. IH-tts orders for private) dinners,
afte enjoying a slelghrlde from Kcrun-
ton, Carbundale, etc. The burn, in the
rear, will accommodate thirty horses
and carriages. The people of PeekvUle
admire the hustling propensities of Mr.
I'.etts In expending such a large sum of
money in supplying them with a first-
class hotel and wish him every success
The Ladles' Aid society of the first
Methodist Episcopal church of Peek
vUle have passed various resolutions
of condolence with the family of the
late Mrs. Jacob Deiww, in which they
extend their sincere sympathy in the
hour of their great atllletion. The
many virtues of the departed lady, who
was beloved by an extensive circle of
friends for her sympathetic mid endear
ing nature, ate also recorded In the
resolutions, which are signed by Mrs.
J. J. Bell, president, and Mrs. V. P.
Doty, secretary.
Considerable gratiilcatlon was ex
pressed in PeekvUle yesterday at the
wonderful results of the opening meet
ings of the First Presbyterian church.
On Sunday morning the church was in
debt to the amount of $1,000. but at the
conclusion of the evening meeting sufli
cient promises had been made by which
the Indebtedness had been taken from
the trustees and the church wus practi
cally free of all debt. PeekvUle has
won for Itself a reputation for large
collections for religious purposes. At
the opening of the First Methodist
Episcopal church, a few months ago,
$.".0U0 were raised on one Sunday and
the church declared free. Lust Sun
day's meftlng is another Indication of
the phenomenal growth of religious
work in this vicinity and much of this Is
due to the cordial relations between the
various denominations. The only lead
ing denomination unrepresented In the
neighborhood Is the Episcopal church.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Cearns, of Win
ton, spent Sunday with friends in town.
Mrs. Fred Schrader Is very sick.
Lr. and Mrs. William Vandorn, of
Arehbald, was among the many visitors
in town last Sunday.
Miss Edith Dotty Is suffering from
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Sampson, of
Priceburg. spent Sunday here with
their parents. '
Mrs. Brundage, Mrs. Millard, and
Mrs. Carpenter, of Green Hidge: Mr.
and Mrs. Ensign, of Blakely, and the
Misses Jennie and Emily Davis, of
Olyphant, visited Mr. and Mrs. John K.
Doyle, last Sunday.
The last of the course of lectures by
the Row J. R. Ellis will be given in
the Baptist church this evening; sub
ject, "Signs of the Times."
The 2-year-old child of Mr. and
George Davis, of Scott Road, was
buried at Prospect cemetery last Sun
day afternoon.
Be sure and attend the concert this
evening for the benefit of the hose boys
at Lcdyard hall.
Mr. and Mrs. John Xeally, and Mr.
and Mrs. Atherton, of Taylor, and Mrs.
Clifford, of Green Ridge, were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Brun
dage, last Sunday.
Blakely council. Junior Order United
American Mechanics, will hold a ban
quet In the Ledj . ,'d hall, next "Wed
nesday evening.
Mrs. Jules Really, of Hancock, N. Y.,
and Miss McCabe, of Pleasant Mount,
Pa., are the guests, of friends In this
Berry Robinson and George Carpen
ter are two colored gentlemen who were
employed on the construction of the
RockclifTe Water company's dam here
last summer. They came here from
Fairfax county, Virginia. After the
completion of the dam they remained
In Forest City and did what work they
could pick up. They have been here
seven months. Five weeks ago Car
penter was taken with grip and his
heart, which was naturally weak, was
also affected. Robinson has been tak
ing oare of him since and has spent nil
the money he had saved for food and
medical attendance. Last week his re
sources gave out and he went to the
poor directors and stated that he would
like to get temporary relief for the sick
man, as he would have to go to work
und could not tnke care of him any
longer. The directors referred Robinson
to tho justices of the peace for an order
of relief. The justices of the peace
gave an order of relief, but the poor
masters thought that a load of coal
was the extent of relief needed and
made no provisions whatever for food
or medicine. The man Is said to be In
precarious condition. If relief was giv
en him It would only bo temporary. He
Is a young man and would not become
a permanent charge. Common human
ity would seem to demand that he be
given some aid. There Is such a thing
as making economy look like brutality.
Frank Rusky and William Michael,
of South Gibson, are visiting relatives
and friends In town.
The Epworth league Inects In the
Methodist Eplscopnl church tonight.
The Ladles' Aid society of tho Metho
dist church will meet tomorrow after
noon at the home of Mrs. If. F. Aldrlch.
Henry Evans, of Olyphant, Is visiting
B. W. Richards, of the Davles House.
A. M. O'Donnell, of Forest City, and
Lawyer Joseph O'Brien, of Scranton,
have been retained as attorneys by
Michael Kratsky, who Is being held to
nwalt tho action of the grand Jury for
the shooting of Peter Kounluk on Sun
day morning, Feb. 24, at Rlchmondnle,
J. A. Westgate, of Susquehanna street,
was a visitor In Carbondale yesterday.
Charles Ilurdlck, of Honesdalc, spent
Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
C. Burdlck.
Mame Westgate has returned .home
from a three weeks' visit with her sis
ter. Mrs. J. S. Kelsey, of Livingston
Manor, N. Y.
Mrs. Frank Colborn, of Maple street,
Is seriously ill.
James Burrows, of Deposit, N. Y., Is
visiting Forest City friends. He was a
former resident of this pluce.
M. V. Taft, of Dun mure, who form
erly lived In Forest City, visited ac
quaintances in the borough yesterday.
The new borough council met and or
ganized lust night. The members are:
II. L. Aldrlch, Patrick Cleary, J. Fred
Wellbrock. John McDonald. W. A.
Watts und John It. Hucld.
The Enterprise Hose company ex
pected its elegant new hose wagon
Saturduy, but it had probably been de
layed somewhere on the road, for it
did not arrive. The firemen had made
arrangements for a Jollification over the
arrival of the new wagon, and not
withstanding their disappointment they
met at the lUvles House hall Saturday
evening and enjoyed a few hours In a
social manner. Music lent Its charms
for the occasion and everybody was
happy. Among those who deserve to be
mentioned ns specially deserving praise
nre: D. J. Jones, pianist; Harry Evans,
cornellst, and John W. Jones and W.
H. Wlldenberger, both of whom ren
dered solos In a manner above ud verse
The county convention4 of the Patri
otic, Order Sons of America was held
with Washington Camp, of Forest City,
yesterday. An open session was held
In HiggimV hall last evening.
G. W. Matteson, of Farno, Wayne
county, has moved to Forest City.
Thomas Martin is In this city. He Is
the special organizer for Wood's Busi
ness college, of Scranton, Pa., a branch
of which Institution will soon by
opened in this city.
Alias Matlle Hards, of Lincoln ave
nue, spent Sunday with friends In
On Saturday evening of this week a
social will be held In the chapel of the
lierean Baptist church for the Junior
society of Christian Endeavor.
Dr. P. Hampton spent yesterday in
Carbondale looking after his business.
Special services ure still being con
tinued at the Baptist church. Services
will be held each evening during this
week except Saturday evening.
Mr. und Mrs. J. J. Dclovun. of Oly
hant, spent Sunday In Carbondale.
Mrs. George Lewsley returned home
yesterduy afternoon froma two months'
visit with her daughter, Mrs. Phil
Berrymun, of Oneonta, N. Y.
W. W. Lathrope, of Scranton, made
a business visit to this city yesterday
Miss Eula Carey has accepted a
sltuutlon In Crane's dry goods estab
lishment. Miss Emma tdy commenced yester
day to attend Wood's Business college
In Scranton.
About 11 o'clock yesterday the gonij
at No. 2S sounded the signal for help.
It wus caused by the breaking of a
sling on the back plane, which let a
trip of cars back down the plane and
they collided with a trip at the foot,
which resulted In the demollshment of
several cars and the spilling of several
tons of coal. No one was injured.
Messrs. William and Arthur Latnont,
of Scranton, were the gmsts of Frank
Couch, of Washington street, over Sun
day. Yesterday completed the seventieth
day of continuous sleighing In Carbon
dale. At the annual meeting of the Carbon
dale Gas company yesterday the fol
lowing gentlemen were named as direc
tors: George L. Dixon, C. It. Munvllle,
S. A. McMullen, J. B. Van Morgan and
F. E. Burr. The board organized with
the following olllcers: President, C. R.
Manvllle; vice-president. J. B. Van Ber
gan; secretary and treasurer, John F.
The locomotive shop employes In this
city yesterday received orders to work
ten hours a day until further notice.
For many months heretofore the shop
has been working only nine hours a
The eisteddfod to be held on March
18 under the auspices of the True Ivor
ltes In the Susquehanna Street Baptist
church promises to be one of unusual
Interest. Many choirs from different
sections of the county will compete for
the prizes.
The funeral of the late James Finnl
gan, who died on Friday last, took
place Sunduy afternoon at 3.30 o'clock.
Tho remains were conveyed to St. Pat
rick's church, where a large number of
friends and relatives had gathered to
pay their last respects to the deceased.
The pall-hearers were P. J. Hoban,
Michael Howard, Thomas Hoban,
Bernard Morris and Frunk and Bryon
Dolan, of Scranton.
Mrs. Anthony Corey, for many years
a resident of Olyphant, died at her
home on Ferris street Sunday after
noon, aged 70 years. Funeral services
tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. In
terment will be made In tho Catholic
Patrick Klelty, of Arehbald, was a
caller at this place yesterday.
John McDonald, of Ulnghamton, Is
visiting relatives on Dunmore street.
Miss Maggie Spelcher, of Jermyn, Is
spending the week with relatives here.
E. J. Burke, of Scranton, visited
friends In town Sunday.
Mrs. John Livingston died at her
home on Dunmore street en Sunday
after a serious Illness. She Is survived
by a husband and live children, the
youngest being but two weeks old. The
funeral will occur tomorrow afternoon
In the Primitive Methodist church.
Rev. George Ball will ofllclate.
Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Fadden, Mrs.
William Gibbons, Mrs. M. McLaugh
lin, Mrs. T. Loftus, Miss B. Moran and
Kutle Howard attended the funeral of
Mrs. Phllbln, of the South Side, yester
day. At a meeting of the borough council
held last evening the following were
elected to. the different olllces: Presi
dent, William H. Davis; supervisor, Ed
ward Flynn; secretary, M, W. Cum
mlngs, Jr.; treasurer, Andrew Putton.
P. F. Connor, John Nealon, Tim Lyn
ady, Joseph McDonald, Hugh Shnnnon
and Thomas Horn, of Carbondale,
called on lady friends at this place Sun
day evening.
Mothers ! Mothers ! ! Mothers ! ! !
Mrs. Wlnslow's Hoothlng Syrup hns bom
used for over ilfty years by millions of
mothers for their children whllo teething,
with perfect success. It soothes the child,
softens the gums, ulhiys all pain: cures
wind colic, and Is the best remedy for
diarrhea. Hold by druggists In every part
of the world. Do suro and ask for "Mrs.
Wlnslow's Soothing Hyrup," and tnke no
other kind. Twenty-live cents a bottle.
The social Thursday evening netted
the Young People's Society of Chris
tian Endeavor ot the Presbyterian
church about )4.
Last Thursday evening while the 6-year-old
daughter of John O'Nell, of
Main street, was playing with tho fire,
her clothes became Ignited and before
they were extinguished she was burned
quite badly. At last report she is doing
well. ' . ,
Barney Phillips Is 111.
Mr. and Mrs. William Trowbrldee aro
visiting friends and relatives In Dan
ville and Scranton.
J. U. McCreary has rented rooms In
the Vanness block.
A. B. Longshore, dentist, will locate
In (this place about March 10.
Eugene Blowers is visiting his cousin,
Miss Lizzie Fraudd, In this city.
If. H. Millard, who bos been visiting
his daughter. at Norwich, has returned
home, . ..
Three persons united with the Pres
byterlun church on Sunday, March 3.
Samuel Paul, connected with tho po
lice force of Eastern, was in town on
Saturday last, visiting friends and rela
tives. William H. Thomson, of the Stand
ard Manufacturing company, Is In New
York city and Hie east on business per
taining to the above company, of which
he Is superintendent.
L. J. Dewsnup, tho secretary of the
Young Men's Christian association, if
this borough, who left so mysteriously week, returned on Saturday even
ing and explained that his departure
was caused by a power over which he
had no control. He Is at the house of a
friend very sick, and as soon us he
recovers his debts will be liquidated.
A large steam whistle, which can be
heard fur miles around, has been placed
on the shops of the Wilkes-Barre and
Ewttern railroad.
The property of the late James B.
Morgan was sold kist week to Mrs. U.
W. Reynolds for ."i.tiuo.
It Is rumored that operations will ba
resumed this week at the plant of the
EaHt Stroudsburg Glass company that
shut down several weeks ago on ac
count of lack of orders.
It Is rumored that tho Delaware Val
ley Electric road will commence oper
ations again in a very short time. The
company that was pushing the project
has failed and the road has passed Into
tho hands of receivers and only a few
days are left for them to reclaim It.
Several wcullhy men are Interested and
have money Invested In It, and It Is
claimed they will orgunlze a new com
pany and push the work to completion.
Mr. Ottenheimer, of Forest Purk fame,
while conversing with several gentle
men In this borough said that the road
would be completed by the time the
summer boarders begin to arrive.
Mrs. Joseph Kerr Is visiting friends
in Brooklyn.
Mayor II. W. Klstler spent Monday In
Tobyhanna on business.
A team belonging to William Vun
Allen ran away on Monday afternoon,
nnd In their flight one horse ran Into a
tree, sustaining severe Injuries and It
Is thought will cause its death. The
other horse was uninjured. The sleigh
to which they were uttached was re
duced to splinters.
Miss Carrie Mlntyer, of Philadelphia,
Is vlsitng Mrs. William Van Vliet for a
few days.
A meeting of the directors of the
Young Men's Christian association of
this place will be held this (Tuesday)
evening at 7.30.
A concert will be given on March S
by the Normal Choral society assisted
by the Normal orchestra. The pro
gramme Is an excellent one and will no
doubt be appreciated by the music lov
ing people of the two Stroudsburgs.
Miss Maud Powers, who has been
visiting her parents In Scranton. has
resumed her studies at the Normal.
Theodore Fagley. a popular student
at the Normal, has been compelled to
leave school on account of ill health.
It is with regret that the students are
compelled to notice his vacant chair at
An application was made Saturday
by the new Silver Plate Stock company
for a charter. On Friday the stock
holders met and elected T. B. Clark,
W. A. Wood, W. H. Holmes, L. J. Dor
flinger, and G. W. Lane, directors. The
stock of the company Is In $100 shares,
of which the capital stork, $25,000, has
all been subscribed. The factory will
be erected as soon as possible and oper
ations in It will commence as soon as
constructed. r" '
Ed. Schuerholz. son of II. Schuerholz,
Direct Proof.
My wife hsben troubled
with; lxtntnd Pal
pitation of the hurt forever a
yer. L'iriawtafusdthetklll
of our best pbj.lo ns. After
us'ng three bettlrs of your
burdock Blood Elttepalitis
liuott entirely well. We truly
rocenuntuu jonr raeaioine.
OmoroI W. Bhawi.l,
Momtpelier, WlUlmu Co., O
Tlili Fnmnns netneriv cures anlrklv and tv: r
mtiiiviilly all nervous illfcr.M, mich as Wenk
M.'iuory, 1,'us of l!r:iln I'urr, lleuiliirlie, Wake
ftilue. I.eut Vitality, nu.litlv emlMUin. evil
drt'iun. Iiiiihten'jr nml wintiii'MlivoiiwiciuiMMl by
youthful errors or ext-m..'. Cenhitrm no
utilitli1. I a lirrvn touloiiuri libmil bnlMer,
Mult.! tho prtlo nml puny Mrunii unit Httnip. Kuflly
ciirrlt'il In vun: inH'ki't. stl l lorv'ft. Jiy
tnnll rreixilil wlili n written minrantre to cure rr
moiify lotuiintHi. wrno in lor iree medlral
honk. Mnt nenled In ninth wrnnitor. whlrh run-
tnhm rentlmonliilft nml lliuincltil rnrnrMnvn. Kit
ennrse fr einnuHtli.. fti-nmr. n' imil.i.
finTiT. Snlit hv mir !nlvi'iiliil sivtiln, er nildrern
ntllVEKKI lM II., MMOIIIO lOIUPie.l'HIeuiiu
To throw away kooiIh at such llRtires as those quoted below, but what nre
we 10 uov it won't pay in more inein, nnu wo' vo Kt to Kot ritl or tliein
lieforo April 1st. No mutter what we realize on them. Wo bought the
clock ut lierlH'ruli -Tor better or for worse;" wo took chances on It nnd
tlionirlit we were wile when we
lur. Where do you conic in at,
STOCK to you on the same terms
twice aim let your urain uuu goou
Next Week We Offer th
200 I.mllcs' coats, assorted ; no poor
ones amoiiK them -.W
C00 pairs corsets, all sorts and sites,
some A 1 iiiialltlrs anionic them.. .Si
lOdos. l.mlk'H' rusuliiutors-6 dlflerent
styles. I'll-k at 20
VJ) pairs all wool blankets, 11-4 sis
Value til Mill IT. Choice now.... 2.f9
This pries from opening hour till noon
200 Uob. ull wool half hose. Were 25o
and DTic. Choice (Monday snle).. .15
2M do. odds und ends undorwear
natural grey, Camels hulr and
scarlet, every wurmetit strictly
wool. Choice till noon only ,S0
,1's :.
and an employe of the Honesdale
Shoe company, had his hand Injured
In the machinery while at work Mon
day morning.
George James, of Carbondale, passed
Supday at his home here.,
The new bnnklng house of the Honer,-
dale National bank, to be erected this
spring, will be two Htorles In height,
but there, will only be one floor.
J. G. Rose returned' to Kondout Mon
day morning, after a short visit with
relatives here.
The newly elected townBhlp officers
took the oath of office last evening at
Mullln's hotel In Greenwood.
It Is rumored about town that tho va
cant lot in tha rear of Gllmore avenue
Is to be converted Into a race track.
Patrick O'Nell, who was Injured In the
Greenwood mines Frlduy, Is Blowly lm
To Y
The M03t Important
Mutter ilciimndiiitf attention at this
sciuou is the condition of your blood.
Your health depends upon it, for as
tho quality uud quantity of tho blood
vary, you aro better or worse.
The blood conveys all the elements
which go to make up tho organs, nerves
and tissues of tho body, und curries
away ull dissolved, useless uiuteriul.
livery bono, muscle, nerve und tissue,
lives upon what tho blood feeds to it.
Tho whole world knows that Hood's
Siii'Nuparilla is tho standard remedy
for making puro Mood.
It possesses merit peculiar to itself
and by which it effects inarvelouH
cures even whon other preparations
fail. When you buy your spring medi
cine get tho best, Riid that is
N. B. Take Hood's and only Hood's.
Hrtnrl'a Dillc Myt buy. easy to take,
230 Lackawanna Ave., Scranton,
Our Great Stock of
Huts, Furnirihings,
Lutcst Style,
RiBht l'
No liack Numbers.
The People Delighted and Astonished
at Such Values.
Suits worth $8.00 at
Suits worth $10.00 at
Suits worth $12.00 at
Suits worth $15.00 at
Suits worth $20.00 at
Boys' Double-Breasted
Suits at - '
230 Lackawanna Ave.
cot It at n limn less than lOe on 1 ho dot
ns we secured It at? Ask this (iuestiou
juugmcut answer U.
c Following Specials :
12 dot. knit shirts. Borne all wool, oth
ers halt wool, etc V
Chenille table rovers, latest designs, heovy
quality, 4-4 Bile ii c, tl-4 slzo Iwc. 8-4 sizs
100 pieces crash toweling, till I a, m. each
morning 1 l-ilo a yard.
100 pieces light print cullcoce, 10 yds for
du iu a, in. eacn morning.
(00 dos. handkerchiefs. All kinds 2ia each,
mi noon.
EXTRA Sl'KCIAI-. 100 dot. line laundrled
shirts whites and prints, very extra
quality we
mi ni l.
$50,000 worth of Dry Goods, No-
tions. Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing g
Goods.nillinery, Cloaks, Furs, Infants'
Wear, &c, Zm
The steady increase of our business g
compels us to enlarge and remodel the en- g
tire store for spring trade, and as the stock
will be in the way
m Bin ib rein, j
400 and 402 Lack Aye.,
Scranton, Pa.
Wiltons, Axminsters, Moquettes, Velvets, Body Brussels, Ta
pestry Brussels
Suited to All Kinds
11 II
In All the Different Grades and High Class Novelties.
Wonld be greatly improved by the presence of one of our el
gnatly designed
W'c show some Gfty odd designs, Ihaging and Standing. Prices
range from fifty cents to forty-tivc dollars. Your ideas will
surely be met within this great range. Don't you think so?
' Wc were surprised at the Dumber of visitors in our Baby
Carriage department within the last few days, but we were not
surprised at the admiration bestowed on the vehicles. This
season our display consists of the peerless
"Downing Sleeping Coach,"
For which we are sole agents. Mothers, wc can interest von.
Our ever handy and ' N.
Will aid you to give the darling baby all comforts.
Wc have. 500 yards of Heavy Ingrain at 32 CeiltS a yard,
worth double. '
To out-of-town buyers Goods packed and delivered to
destination Free of charge. :
m inn
era i ot
and Ingrain Carpets.
of Styles and Furnishing.
Headaches pratanted and cured by feaTinf
your eyss scientifically sxamlaad and
fitted accurately by
KVES EXAMINED FREE. 8atl(factls4
guaranteed in every case.
305 Spruce Street
W 7Tf A I a TC