THE RCBANTON TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORNING; MARCH 5, 1895. TALES OF TWO PITTSTONS News of Interest to Headers Up and Down the ValJey. STREET CARS RUNNING AGAIN Efforts of the City Council Are Com-mendcd-Soclul of tho' Woko Kobln Club-Decisions la License Court. Personal Notes. Special to tho Scranton Tribune Pittston, March 4. We again have street railway transportation. Visitors desiring to come within the bounds of our hospitality need not now hefltate for fear of being obliged to wend their way through our streets on foot. The cars are running regular this ufternoon. The people of Pittston should be very grateful to tho members of the present council for their efforts and success In forcing running of the Traction com pany's cars to the Lackawanna und Uloomsburg Junction. The llrst car was run to that point at about noon to Uay for the llrst In nearly a month. Llccnva Decisions. ; Among the license decisions handed down by the court on Suturday were the following of Interest in this vicin ity: Pittston borough, First ward John Eieli tiohwr, K.'J. GUroy, Jeremiah Mooney, Maria Flanagan, hotel; Uwu'Ke B. Roup. . UrauaKn. John Oimsby, Kotmer Zelmsky, restaurant. Second ward Thomas W. O'Hrlen, Mi chael Kune, hotel; John McAndrew, Lewis JVinavae, A. J. Cllltord. restaurant; Pat rick K. Joyce, wholesale. Third ward John Connell, Anthony t'dln. hotel; Patrick Barnes, Paul TryUzo, restuumnt. Fourth ward George Koons, hotel; Ml rhael Urabllc, Malhlas Klemls. Joneph Jlutasavage, Joseph Teplucxwlci, J: H. Tlgue, restaurant; Joseph J. Kern, bot tler. Fifth ward-Charles W. St. John, whole sale. Sixth ward John McMonagle, Amelia Webber, hotel; John Boo. Martin Keat ing, Frederick Kenfer, Jr., Albort Sutter, restaurant. Seventh ward William Curley, Joseph A. Curt, Howard Haub. Oehred Snyder, Kdmund UlTulussy, hotel: Anthony Cog gins, W. J. Munley, Oeorge Periukl, ISeorge Smith, Charles Wliule, restau rant; A. Freeman, Howell & King, whole sale. Ninth ward Oliver Burke, John Barrett, Thomas Corcoran, F. B. McCanna, An thony Fosulo, Patrick Mulcahey, hotel; W. J. Buckley, Kdward J. Burke. Wini fred Carabine, John P. Coggins, Dominie Corcoran, Martin Holleraii, Michael Mur ry, Thomas H. Negan, Michael P. Henry, T'avld Powers, Charles Keilly, restaurant; Paul Bohan, Hughes & Streng, Evans & lO'Malla, wholesale. Tenth ward Charles Arvldson, Peter McDonald, 3. A. Hunt, William F. Jen kins, Bernard McKeon, Peter Thompson, restaurant; William Nash, bottler. Eleventh ward John F. Began, hotel. Pittston township .Martin Bromak, John Fabian. hotel: Paul Bromak, Thomas Bothwlck. Patrick J. Barrett, Dennis Creadon, Patrick Granahan, Isaac J. Griffiths, James Keating, John J. Reap, John Lock, Anthony Wllklck, restaurant; iWllllam Keating, wholesale. Refused Pittston borough, Charles Cilles. Withdrawn Thomas McHale, hotel, Pittston. Council .Meeting. All members were present at the regu lar meeting df the councils held this evening. An Invitation to the-council to participate In the Ancient Order of Hibernians parade on St. Patrick's Day was read1 and accepted. A permit was granted S. T. Davis allowing the erection of a winged frame dwelling on Parsons street. The quar terly report of the burgess was read and approved.' Three borough tax ex onerations . were allowed as follows: Patrick Munley, Mrs. Gillespie ajid Peter Donnelly.. Articles of agreement between the borough and the Barber Asphalt company were considered, and It was agreed that the articles should be adopted, and the secretary was In Btructed to return the certified check of the Asphalt company. The treasurer's report was approved and filed. A reso lution was adopted calling for the re demption of $2,000 worth of the fcM.000 borough bond Issue of July 23. 1SS3. The report of the finance committee was of . fered, but It struck an ice gorge and a motion for its approval met with de feat. On motion of Mr. Kearney the fi nance committee was instructed to un tangla the skein of complications In con nection with tax exonerations and close accounts with Ex-Tax Collector Young. The council adjourned to meet on Mon day evening next. . Miscellaneous Items. The "Wake Kobln club of the West Bide did not hold their anniversary ban quet that usually occurs at this season of tha year, but Instead , were enter tained at the home of the president of the club, I. F. Harris, this evening. A very pleasing literary and musical pro gramme was rendered by members of ths club, after which a collation was erved. At the congregational meeting of the Presbyterian church this evening Rev. N. O. Park presided. The church will listen to candidates for the pulpit until April 1. The committee appointed to THE FIRST THING IN THE nORNINO take a little Carlsbad Sprndel Salt in glass full of water. That will set jou right and keep you right, if you're iuclioed to be bilious or dyspeptic or constipated. People wonder, sometimes, why It is that the Carlsbad treatment, the world's remedy for habitual constipa tion, should be recommended for (liar rh(ea, and such disorders, too. Sim ply, because it leads the stomach and bowels naturally Into a healthy condi tion, whatever their d erangcraents It doesn't accomplish Its results by harm ful irritation, as most pills and purga tives do. Beware of imitations sold as "Im proved" or ""artificial" Carlsbad ' SaJt. The only genuine Carlsbad Salt, with all the properties of the Sprudel Spring solidified, has the seal of the city of Carlsbad and the signature of "Eisner & Mendeison Co., Sole Agents, New York," on every bottle. All others are Worthless Imitations. I select a minister Is composed OX the following: C. C. Bowman, Andrew Brydeo, Alex. Bryden, John Anderson, Adam Hartley and Hugh McDonald. Members of the West Pittston Hose company are adding several new fea tures to their building on Spring street, among which ara a self-heating bath ing apparatus and lockers for the wear ing apparel of each member. The Ivy Leaf club has accepted the Invitation of the Washington club, of Dunmore, to attend their bail on April 18. The club will attend in a body. John Hart, a footman at the Twin shaft, had two fingers smashed Satur day morning. While attempting to block a car his hand was caught be tween the sprag and the wheel of the car. Adjutant George Buss, of the Frst Battalion, will assist Major George Wallace, Jr., in the inspection of Com pany K, National Guard of Pennsyl vania, at Parsons, this evening. All complaints of aion-dellvery of The Tribune should be reported nt our local otllce, No. 8 South Main street. Mrs. J. II. Morris and Miss Estella Knife, of North Main street, spent Sunday with the family of P. R. Ralfe, of Wllkes-ltarre. Thomas F. Glngell is conllned to Ills home by the grip. Rev. A. E. Shaffer and Mrs. Shaffer are the guests of the family of F. I. Richurds, on North Main street. Miss Maine Kennedy, who has been the guest of Miss Anna Clark, of Oak street, returned "to her home. In Scran ton, today. - Messrs. Thomas Doud and John K. Walsh, of Dunmore, have been the guests of A. T. Henuigan, of the Junc tion, for the past few days. Miss Anna Early and Nellie Cum mlngs were calling on Wilkes-Barre friends yesterday. Hon. W. H. Rutledge Is a visitor In th Electric City today. The many friends of Miss May George, of Oregon, are pleased to learn of her improvement after so seri ous an illness. Ex-General Secretary Edward J. Crowell, of the Young Men" Christian association, started on a westward trip last evening. His first stop will be at Bradford, Pa. The Enterprise Drum corps have In their possession a new drum of the kettle style. It is the only drum of the kind In town. Joseph Kasper, of Warren street, is very ill of pneumonia. Charlie Sharkey, formerly of the West Side, now of Ashley, is visiting in town today. Company C and Company H, Ninth regiment. National Guard of Pennsyl vania, of this city, will go to Wllkes Burre Wednesday evening, March 6, to attend the battalion drill at the armory. All regular subscriptions to the Scran ton Tribune will be received at our local office. S South Main street. J. S. J. Lallle, a former Pittston boy, Is on here from the west In the Interest of the Equitable Gold Mining company, of Leadville, Col., of which he is presi dent. Mr. Lallle left here twenty-two years ago, and after visiting all parts of the west and southwest. Including Mexico, finally settled permanently at Denver, in 1S79. He is president' of the Western Mathematical Instrument works, and is, besides, connected with several other flourishing industries. JER3IYX. John Phillips moved his family to their new home, In Greenfield, on Fri day. George Walters, who has beeta seri ously ill, Is able to be out again. The members of William Hunter post. Grand Army of the Republic, will meet with Oscar C. Smith camp, Sons of Veterans, on Wednesday evening, in the newly-furnished hall, over WlnSfcr tc Ca.'a store. A supper will be held on April 17 by the Bible class of the Primitive Meth odist church. The proceeds will be placed to the credit of the building fund. James Timlin will erect a business block on the site of the dwelling houses recently destroyed by tire. Frank Graves is visiting friends in Valley Falls, N. Y. Harry Bovard has accepted a posi tion as bookkeeper and proofreader on the Carbondale Herald. A number were admitted to member ship and others taken into the Method ist church on probation Sunday. Miss Minnie LaRues won the gold watch at the band contest of the Citi zens' band. Thomas Lister has rented the Dougher property, on the East Side, and with his family, who are on the steamer Aurarla, will take possession sometime this week. A remonstrance Is being circulated against the granting of license to new houses In this place. C. W. Stanton Is Improving his South Main street property by the addition of a porch. James Doud, of the East Side, who has been very sick for a number of weeks, Is able to bo out again. INDUSTRIAL TOPICS. The flhenango Valley Steel mill, at New Castle, Pa., will soon be considerably .en larged. The Now York Central raljroad will give out contracts soon for a large number of freight cars, probably 3,000. The Scottilale (Pa.) Iron and Steel com pany Is putting up another cold rolling mill, which Is expected to be In operation In about a monilh. The receivers of the Lake Erie railroad have been authorized to buy 1.0M) tons of sO-pound steel rails and 2,600 tons of 50 pound rails, for renewals. A new tin plate plant is promised at Klt tannlng, Pa., by Harvey Henderson, who says he represents parties who will ereot a steel and tin plate plant on the old Mon tlcello furnace property. About 312 acres of land have been bought. For tho lire time In four months all the departments of the Immense plant of h. umuiinl Htopl works, at Munha'l. Pu.. are In operation. This oecurrenr-e has happened oniy anoui nun uu times In the hist two years. , Ths Atlantlo Iron compnny's mill tit New Castle, Pa., nas oruers inui win keep It running until April. The Are. v..,un n.iu tvin nlun Iia knot In steudv onr- atlon through the winter. The wire nail works, steel plana ana rou mm are wen supplied with work. It Is said that the Delaware and Hud- nnm,,nv hoi nalrntlutlnna Well 1111- PUH UI..,".J ...... -- " - -- der way for a lease of No. 11 mine of the Lehigh and Wllkes-Barrs Coal company which Is situated Just outside the borough of Plymouth. This mine is in the vicinity or the extensive workings of the Delaware Hn.l X I 1 .. .... and ran 1,4 Wnrltml to good advantage by It, while the mlno Is somewnnt isotaieo. irom me oiner uper- -.Inn f tho I.nMirh anil WllttPtt-ltjirr Cowl company. It la understood that the lease will be lor ten years, witn ine pnv- 1 1 .. n f Hnaultiif tni lha MuniA 1 1 1.1 0 Tha change will probably be made April 1, If at all. The bituminous coal producers and car riers will meet In New York today to per- . J n tt m fni. ttia, ( ,t 1 .1 ru a I nf tha leci i- - - trade. A tnoetlng has already been held In Columbus, tma ma meeting in rxew lorn will be a continuation of that. The move- . .- . tinllnr hrirt f rir i.rntl unAra and carriers of bituminous coal Is said to have originated wun me aimers' naiiunai organization In a demand for an advance In the price for bituminous coal that the miners may receive an advance In pay and an end be put to the great distress which now prevails throughout the bituminous mining districts. They advocate the adop tion of a plan for one selling agency for all the producers; that this ogency shall have the power to make all contracts and to name tho price at which coal shall be sold; that it shall distribute the sales among the producers along the lines of the various railroads in proportion to their average tonnage as shown for the yours 18H2 and 1893. This would end the destructive 'competition which has existed In the trade for the last live years, it Is said, and which has been particularly .e vero during the lust eighteen months. It Is declared that under this plan an ad vance ran be secured of from 25 to GO cents a ton and that a sliding scale can be sr- ranged with the miners which will enable them to participate in the results of the advance, It is also declared that the pro ducers und railroads) will largely increase their net income. The Jersey Central road reports for the year lll: Uross earnings, lU.fiiASMl. a de crease of $2,308,016; net, 4,2.'l,ll3ti: decrease, $l.ti29,2C8; other income, $1,141,3U7; increase, $H7,StL'; total, 15,303.(133; decrease, $1,611,10!.; Interest and rentals, $l,4f.0,8-n;; decrease, $:!04,703; bulunuo, $!ffi,0S7; deureuse, $l,20ii, 703; dividends, l,67l,7!iO; increase, $018; de ficit, $iii2,703, against suplus Aunt year of J.'.tH.OIS, un Increase In deficit of $1,207,351. 1'reslduiit Maxwell guys tlmt of tho de crease in gross earnings in IK'.it $1,617,!K2 wus duo to smaller receipts from trans portation of anthracite coal, M3,UM) to sin ItiluiKO In passi-ngur receipts und the ri'liiulnder to reduced merchandise re ceipts. The reduction In operating ex penses were in great purt In the coul du imi tment .The expenses cover, as hereto fore, ull expenditures for repairs, and in clude $1".I7,622 charged for reduction In value of equipment and other property, together with $l'l!S.07!l expended for reiiewul of bridges, substitution of heavier rails und other extraordinary oulluys, the re quirements for which in the ensuing year will bo very smull. President Maxwell says: "Regarding the situation as u tem porary one und due largely to general trade conditions thi'otiKhout the country, the board felt Justified 111 continuing through the year the payment of the regu lar 7 per cent, dividend." In WM the com puny earned 4.DS per cent, on the stock uguinst it. 7.' per cent. In ISM. Here is another Philadelphia view of the case, aslo advanced by "a prominent operator:" "In my opinion there Is a soml-orgunlzed effort to crush the Read ing companies. The belief that a foreclos ure, of the property can be made without disintegrating tho system is by no means unanimous; on tho contrary, there are many who hold to the view that foreclos ure of Reading will separate the rail road company from the coal and Iron com pany. Well, I think that this Is exuetly what some people are aiming atto sep arate tho two companies. They know that the Reading cunnot continue going backwards In Its earnings at tho present rate forever; they know also that a reor ganization under existing conditions would simply mean a temporary delay In bringing ubont another und final crash. These Interests are, therefore, I believe, simply biding thelr'tlme, preventing re habilitation of the coal trade and pre venting ulso a reorganization of Read ing In the hope that foreclosure will result, and with It come the disintegration of the pow.-itul factor it is In the trade, as Its most valuable coul properties us well as some of its most Important branch roads would full into rival hands. New York has defeated both its reorganization plans; In New York also exists the dis turbing elements in the anthracite coal trade, and I would not be surprised to learn that these interests were one and the same." STOCKS AM) BONDS. New York, March 4. Prices at the Stock Exchange today were extremely Irregular In their course. The develop ments having a direct bearing on the market were more Important than of late and at the same time business showed an increase, the sales amount ing to 238,416 shares. The bulls were favored by the adjournment of con gress, which caused a demonstration of Joy rarely witnessed at the Stock Ex change, the Increase In the St. Paul earnings for the fourth week of Febru ary and late In the day by the official denial of the rumors current abroad about the flnnnclal condition of Louis ville and Nashville. On the other hand there was heavy selling by London, the filing of the bill of foreclosure of Read ing, the decision In the Rate Refrigera tor company and the strength of ster ling exchanges, which led to talk of a technical premium on gold. Of the un favorable factors enumerated, probably the continued strength of sterling ex change is the most Important. The market Is practically bare of bills and rertters are forced to depend on the bankers of the bond syndicate for bills. Stock market opened firm, but nt the advance selling orders from London were encountered and prices dropped ,i to 2 per cent. Speculation, after the decline noted, ruled rather quiet until the last hour, when thure was a sharp turn for the better. Net chnnges In stocks today show gains of to lVs per cent. TIip rnnee of todnv s prices for the ac tive stocks of the New York stork mar ket urn given below. The quotations nre furnished The Tribune by (I. du H. Dltm mlck. mutineer for William Linn, Allen Co., stock brokers, 412 Spruce street, Scrunton. U pn- iiiKii- i.ow-1 los ing, est. t. lug. Am. Tobacco Co 1 1" M'i W'4 Am. Cot. Oil 21-4 zi ' Z2'S Am. Sugar Ke'g Co. (H'f, 3 l'i 9:iH Atch.. To. A H. re... ;w4 ;i-i a- ai (mi. South 48 4H 4S 4H ch... Xr Ohio Wi Hi "A Pi'i KiVi Chlrugo (ln 71 72 70-' V Chic. N. VV Kf'fc NX'll KVj Chic, II. U ' To'n m I 70 c. c. c. st. l .w m an an Chic. Mil. St. P... M1 M'i, M MK Chic, It. I. li r itz la-ti 'iZ't Delaware Hud lzr., 12M K.iii !).. L. W ir.7'4 ir.7-'i h.7 ir7i tist. ft c. v i2'4 124 12' r: (ien. Klectric 27 27'i, 27 Lake Shore VWi IJi'i i:ir 13 Louis. & Nush 41 4N'i 47M, 4H iMiinhattitn Kle Wj Hrt'i li'4 107'(, Mich. Central fl Hl 91 Mi Mo. Pacific 1!M 1'4 lH"i I'.u, Nut. Cordage 6 6 5 5 Nat. Lead V IKWj 2RM, N. J. Central Kl Hr,(, H.1'4 KT.-H N. V. Central ti'4 1NIT, 90 N. Y. N. K 2!"i 30 29'i 30 N. Y.. L. R. & W m tH', 8 S'4 Nor. Marine a a .3 s Nor. Paclllc Pr 13'4 14 1:)'4 14 Phil, ft Head 9 Mi . V 8 Hoiithern It. R 10'4 ! 10 Cnlon Paclllc. H H", H Wnbash r.Vi r.'t D'4 Wulmsli. Pr 12 12 12 12 Wmt. I (Hon Br B'm Mi 87 CHICAGO IIUAltD OF TRADR PRIORS, O'pn- High- Low- Clos WHEAT. log. est. e-t. Itm. May w r,r. 64 64v. July 66?, 56 661 K OATS. May 29 29 29 29 July 27 27 27 Zl CORN. Mny 44 46 44 44 July 44 41 44 44 LARD. May 6 60 0.67 .M 6 37 July 8.07 6.70 6.07 6.79 PORK. May 10.37 10.65 ,10.36 10.62 Scranton Board of Trade Exeliango Quo. lotions. No. Par Shi. Val. STOCKS. Rid. Ask, 4 Crystal Lake Water Co 460 20 CO Dime Dep. ft DIs. Hunk 62 60 10 100 First Nat'l Hank liOO 6 100 First National Hank (Carbondale) I"0 20 100 Oreen R'ge Lum'r Co .... 110 100 KM! Lacko. Lumber Co.,, 110 ,, 6 100 Lacka. Trust & Safe Deposit Co 160 R 100 M. ft M. Savings Rank (Carbondale). 140 223 10 CO Providence ft Ablng- ton Turnpike Co.... 86 in ino Scra'n Sav iikr Rank. 200 ... 1 100 Scra'n Axle Works.. 06 . 80 10 loo Scra'n Lace Cur. Co 75 110 100 0 120 100 105 COO coo 106 U 110 York New Produco Market. New York. March 4. Flour Quiet, firm; winter wheat, low grodm, tl.90u2.30; do. fair to fancv. S2.36u2.76: do. patents. S2.60a 3; Minnesota clear, S2.25h2.00; do. straights, 3u3.2u; do. patents, $3.25a4.10; low extras, si.suaz.3ii; city nuns, ja.20ua.3b. wneai Dull, llriner; No. 2 red store und elevator, 69u6sic: afloat. GOViMo.: f. o. b.. Wi'.a til'ic; ungraded red, 67aK2c; No. 1 north ern, bc; options were active; way, 6'do.; June, ooc.; July, Hje.; August, tiofcc; Sep tvmbor, lilo. ; December, tWc. Corn Dull, strong; No. 2, 49a40u. elevator; 6oHa60c. afloat; ungraded mixed, 49"jc. ; steamer mlxod, 4SiUc; No. 2, 4kh49c; op tions, .Murch. 48y4c; May, 49c; July, 49o. Oats gulot, steady; options dull, firmer; Alarch, 33',.jr.; May, 33c; spot prices, No. 2. 330.: No. 2 white. 37u37U,c .: No. 2 ChlciiKO. S.Vs.c: No. 3. 83a: No. 3 while. 30!ic; mixed wastern, 33a3!r.; white statu and western, S5u41c. Hye Feed 8bc. Hay Choice steady. Heef yulet, family, S9.7r.al2; extra mess. S7.60iUI.25. Heef Hums Wanted, firmer; 17al7.50. Tlerred Heef Dull; city extra India mess, 312.5ual4.60. Cut Meals Firm, fulr demand; pickled lollies, n pounds, trttusiio. ; do. shoulders, 4a4c; do. hums, 7:t,ntlVe.; middles. steady; short clear, S5.K7!'... Lard (Julet, stronger; western steam. S6.75: city. (iVia lic. ; .March, 10.77, nominal; Muy, .9o, asked; refined, quiet, llrmcr; continent, $7.15; South America, S7.IW: comuound. GuGc Pork Active, firmer; nieBs, $11.23 ui2. liutter Lurgo receipts, weuk; state dairy, lOolUc; do,' creamery, old, 12al7o.; western dairy, 8al4& ; do. creamery, now, 14u20c; do. old, 10al7c; do. factory, 8ul3c; rolls. biilSi-. : Klgliis. 2oc; Imitation cream ery, 10ul6c. ChecHu Fulr demund, firm; slate lurge, null'tc.; uo. luncy colored, llc. ; do. white, lo"4ullc. ; do. smull, 'JU;1 12c; part skims, 3asc; full skims, lu2c Eggs Liberal supply, much lower; statu and Pennsylvania, 25h26c; duck, i'.c. ; western fresh, 26c.; southern, 23u24!aa Skill and blood diseases causing all sorts of dire disasters to human huppiness are easily und quickly cured by llurdock Itlood Hitters, from a common pimple to the worst scrofuloiiB sore. A Word. WANTS or ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH, WHEN PAID FOR, IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE, NO CHARGE WILL BE LESS THAN K CENTS. THIS BULK AP Dl lira vr duiii. tv a . t ina IT v CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH V ANTED WELL-KNOWN WAN IN ' every town to solicit stock subscrio- tions; a monopoly big money for agents: no cupital required. EDWAKD C. FIBli ft CO., Uurdeu Block, Cblosgo. 111. hJALEsMEN - KKSIDENT SALESMEN ' winded, aunusinted with the local and nearby drug and grocory trade, to handle our line of hitch Brads rlrrarn. Address, giving references, J. EDWAKD COWLEd ft CO., 113 Chambers street, N. Y. Helo Wanted Fcmalem. J ANTED A COMPETENT GIRL FOR T funeral housework. AddIt to MRS. S. O. KEUH, 0U5 clay aveuue. WANTED-A MIDDLE-AGED PROTEST ant woman for ironeral housework: a good home to the right party and good wages. r ddress, with rarticuUrs, P. O. Drawer 557, Bcrunion, t'. Wanted. CIOMMON PIOEON8 OR DOVES WANT J ed: uav hiuheHt market uriue. J. W. FCLFORU. Utii a, N. Y. Wanted To Rent. A RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS MAN wauts to rent a 9 or 10 room home with modern Improvements; Ureen Ridge pre ferred. Address, stating rent, to "WALTER B., Trlhu .e olIlc. For Rent lOR KENT THE STORE BL'ILDINO, JNO. 1 410 l.nckawauiia avenue, now occupied by Horau A Merrill; pniesion (riven April 1st. Apply t!) W. L. CON NULL, Mayor's office. ,'OU RENT THE PHoTOOR APH OAL l.rv furuiarlv u:eunied hv C. L. Orlffln. including rooms lor housekeeping, las Wyo ming ovunuov ( HAS. SCIILAUER. I'OR RENT BKICK HOU8R OF NINE rooms, from April 1st, 418 Vine streot. Atinlv In I. M. HORTON. a Commonwealtll Luildiuif. ".'OR RENT A LAROE, 4-STORY BUILD J hut at 1X1 Franklin avenue: suitable for wholenalo business. CAHUON ft DAVIES, Scranton. IOR RENT- BKICK WAREHOUSE WITH I elovator on l.. L. & W . switch und Wost Larkawaaiua avenun. fturanton Stove Works. 1.X)R RENT FURNISHED AND UNKTR nisbed rooms at 500 Lackawanna aveiiu. F"OR HUNT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST Lackawanna avenue. Acidrms 7IIOMA8 E. EVANS, acur H.H2 Luzurno, Hyde Park. T'OR RENT-NH'KLY FURNlSHF.r) HALL V nuitubte for IuJko rooms. JOHN JEU MYN. 110 Wyoinfnu nventia. For Sal. 1A8H MEAT BUH1NIHS FOR SALE-. V PrnfltM SXi to $40 we kly, at a bargain. Address "H.," Tribune olllce. 1,011 SALE AN OLD-FASHION KD J cluck, ovttr 30i) years old: in iioud order, keens siilundid time, iilves imrfHOt sit Isf ac tion For ndilross of owner, please call st 1 lie Tribune office. J 'OK HALE-OK EXt EEDINOLY MODER ate terms, luv house and two lots of laud, (Ittlxlrtoj, No. 1727 Washington svenun. J. 11. FiSIIEU, H2il Wasliluvton avetnui. Horses at Auction. rp M. COMB WILL HAVE AN AUCTION X. . side nt horses on Tursdny, Mutch 12, at 1 o cluck Kburp: has on nsnu 2 head for prl vato Hide; burses must be as represented; stables VII Raymond court. Clairvoyant. HIKS. FKNTON, t'L 1HVOYANT AND Itl Phrm 'legist, 412 North Mam avenue. For a short t inuonly. Lost IOST-iH SATURDAY LAST IN KOt:HE j ft I'.ddcn s hot d, LaekaKsnns avsiuie, or st Davis' theater, sinnll shirt stud. Flndur libera!! rewarded by lvsvlug same st Repub lican otllce. Situations Wanted. C1TUATION WANTED -BY AJfOUU O man ss sail-tent book kwper or clerk fur the retail grcs'fry tradr: willing to work for small xilary at first. Address "W. T," Trib une oflloe, "ilfl i V A flON W aN TElT-HY f OM I'BTEN'f O srocer clerk, 1st' of 1'iillidelplila: ean speak Englloli and OHimaii; lias some eiperi ncn in m-at i-iittlng: rof renct. Call or ad dress T. F. BUENNAN, 127 Madison svonuo, Dunmore. SITUATION WANTKD-BXPKRIICNCKD O doable entry lionk-tieener wishes to com monies with pbyaieisu, or any professional man who would require the serylues of sn ao eountant a few beurs ennh dar. First class penmsu; rsfsreuoes. . Address "A. hi.," Trib une otliae. A YOUNO MAN, 20 YEARS OF At IK, UK . sires position ss clerk, or suns suitable occupation; fair edncatton, AOaress " W.K., " 1124 Court street, city. SITUATION WANTED -A POSITION as stationary engineer, sltbsr st slop er haft: five years' experience: best of refer- nee f urnlsb- d, br a yonns married man. Ad- (liens "F. D. K" Sox 171, Dunmore. I'l C1TUATION WANTED A YOUNii MAN, student In business college, wants work wrltlug In office or book keeplngi experienced. Address ". J ," sorantoo Tribune. 100 Scrantoh Forging Co 100 Third Nat'l.Bank.... 100 Nat'l BorlngVft Drill ing Co., Pr 100 Thuron Coal Land Co luu Traders' Nat'l Uanki 100 Dickson Mfg Co 100 Scranton bedding Co HON US. COO Scranton Glass Co... 600 Eoon'y Steam Heat ft Power Co 100 Dickson Mfg Co 1000 Scranton Trac. Co.... 100 6 Carbondale City School Bonds ml Connolly 1 Ifl IB Oil PURE UNPRECEDENTED The Largest Purclmse or Towels Ever Brought to Scranton. By we arc enabled to quote prices Hint will insure their speedy sale: 200 doz. size 42x22, excellent quality and weight, fine, soft finish, hemmed borders, . . 16c. EACH Don't Miss CONNOLLY & Key THE SCRANTON BEDDING CO., PRICES Stockholders' Meeting. :i rOTlCE-THK ANNUAL MEETINU OF J-i tbe stockholders of Tbe Lackuwsnns Iron snd 8teel Company, for tbe ulectlon of direoors. snd trsnnsction of audi other busi ness ss may properly come before the meet ing, will be hrld at the otlice of the company, in tlie city of tjcrsut. n. Pennsylvania, on Wednesday, March Uth, 1WV at - o'clock p. m. The polls will reinnio open for one hour. The transfer books will bu closed nn Kcbruury S4th. IHV5, md re opened nn March 7tb. W:. (t-lfued; J. P. HIOOIN80N, ttecrelsry. Bcrantou, Pa.. Feb. Hist, lbtli. Sealed Proposals. SEALED PHOI'OSALH WILL BE RE ceived at the olllce of the City Clerk. Scranton, Pa., until 7.HU o'clock p. m.. Thurs day, March Ttb, to pave Krsuklin are nue with tho beat quality of vitrllied brick, between Hpruce street and Multinrry street, except that portion between the tracks of the street rsilway compsuies, Proposals will alio be received for the set ting of new curbytoDe snd th. resetting of old curbstone, where the uuine may be required on the said portion of Franklin avenue, be tween Hpruce and Mulberry streets. The said paving snd curbing is to be done in accordance with plan and specifications filed in the otllce of tno City Clerk snd under the direction of the City Engineer. Bidders shall inclose with their proposals certiltad check for three hunireu dollars to be forfeited to the city in cose of failure to ex ecute a contract in accordance therewith with, iu s period of twenty days thereafter. The city reserves ths right to reject any and all bids. By order of City Councils. M. T. I.AVKLLE, City Clork. Scranton, Pa.. Feb. 27. lhH.". SEALED PHOl'OSALS WILL BE KE celved at the office of the City Clerk, Scranton, Pa., until 7 3D o'clock p. m., Thurs day, March 7th, 18M, to construct a sewer, with the necessary basins, branches, lamp holes, manholes und fixtures in sccordance with plsas snd specltlcatious filed in theoillcs of City Clerk. Tho said sewer is to be constructed ss fol lows: Commencing nn North Main avenue at the Mount Pleassnt Kavlne, thence along said Alsin sveuuo to Howell street, thence along Howell street to Decker court, thence aiong Decker court to Lafayette street, thence along Lafayette street t Hyde Park avenue, aim branch thereof commencing at the lutnrsec tion of Lie ker court and Hwetland street, thence extending southeasterly on s.ld Swot land street about ono hundred and sixty feet. Bidders nhnll inclose with each proposal the sum of live porcon. of ttiesmouut of bid hs s Suaroutee to execute a contract within ten ays if swarded the samo. Protosls shall tie to construct bv the lineal foot complete. In cluding all basins. brnn hos. manholes, lamp holes a oil Hxtiirea, and also to furnish all man ner of labor and supplies. The work Is to bs tlnixli d within sixty dnys from the date of commencem nt. Proposals not accompanied by the required deposit snd not in arcordiincs with tho sdrerilHcint-nt and ordinance shall not lie considered. Tbe city reserves the right to reject any snd all bids. By order of t'itv Councils. . H T. I.AVKLLE, City Clerk. Scrntit n. Pa . Feb. ar, Ikv.i. AgenU Wanted. AUKNTS IIIN'DB'8 PATENT CN1VEK sal Hair Curler, and Waveis (nid with out heat), nn.l "Pyr Pclmed' Hair Pins. Lib oral comml.Kion. Free simple and full par ticulars. Addrass P. O. Box 450. Now York. OKNTS lN EVEKY STATE ON VaiTaHY suit coinmis.tim. Asunt making f-' to J50 weekly. KUHKKA CUES1ICAL & U F'U CO., La Crosse, V is. UAlilTi VaC'TIVKVi.KS.NIES" TO hsudln our line, no peddling. ISs'sre. t'!' per month and expenses paid to nil OooiU entirely row. Apply quickly. P. O. B jx, uJW Hi Hton, Mais Special Notice. WOULD I.IKE TO CORKFHPONH WITH n aomepni ty d-STing to sill milk route. Address JOHN FOSl'fclt, care station sgeut, Bkliiner's Eddy, Ps. T All NOW Pit EPA H ED TO Fl'KNISH KX 1 hihltlons and l'W o upon any subject it sired. These exhibitions will lm Illustrate I. having in my poSHesalnn the most powerful dissolving tereopticona made. l5. II. CALL, Tribune OHlce. rOU WANT THIS RELIC - REPRINT Frank Leslie's Illustrated Week y War Illustriitio a imi isivi. t wo Volnmi l otto, tlUbti: psyable monthly, I'.'.Ul Delivored hy xpress complete, Pri'paiJ. Addiess 1. o, iiOoDY, l" Ullawnetreet, Borsnton, Pa. BLANK I'OOKS, PAMPHLET. M AOA ines, eU'., bound or reliouud at Tils Tiiiiilnu ollice. (Juick work. Keusonable prli-es. J. L HANGI, ENGRAVER. Do you want a Ann IIslf Tnne Portrait of yourseir, or pour ouiiding. or your ngnre, lor auverusing purposes? Stewart s Ait Htoro Win, Linn Allen & Co. STOCK BROKERS, ' Buv and sell Minolta llnnrla enil nreln on New York Kxchsngo and Chicago Board or Trade, either for cash or ua margin. 412 Sprueo Struct. LOCAL STOCKS A (SPECIALTY. ' 6. doB. DIHHICK, Manager. TELEPHONE 6.001 & Wallace LINEN HUCK TOWELS. AND UNAPPROACHABLE, VALUES 150 doz., size heaver than same, . This Opportunity to Buy Towels at WALLACE, THE CELEBRATED stone Bed Spring IS NOW MADE EXCLUSIVELY BY GREATLY REDUCED. (ACTION TO our patrons: Washburn-Crosby Co. wish to ussurc their many pat rons that they will this veur hold to their usual custom of milling STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and owing to the excessively dry weather inanv millers are of the opinion that it is alrcadv cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washhurn-Crosby Co. will take no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully three months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every detail of milling has placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'s flour far above other brands. MEGARGEL Wholesale Agents. IRON AND STEEL Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Ends, Turnbuckles, Washers, Riv ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dyes, Tools and Sup plies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock. SOFT - STEEL - HORSE - SHOES, And a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Whee', Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc, TTEIBEMDER SCRANTON, PA. WHITE PINE OLD GROWTH DRY. Will it interest you to know that we have just placed in stock over a million feet of f andy Old Growth, Thoroughly Dry, White Pine? We can guarantee it First-Class Stock and can make Prices That Will Pleasantly Surprise You. THE C010niTH TELEPHONE 422. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURINGCO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA.. Manufacturer of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. General Office: SCRANTON, PA. EVERY WOMAN Botnttlass HMdt a rslltblt, stoathtr, rafaUUot msdlclas. Oalf hsrmlssi tH Iks aurssi drugs sksukd knjs4. U 70a waat lbs basmst Dr. PcaPo Pennyroyal Plllo Thsr art sromel, ssfa si4 esrtala In nsalt Tks rsials (Dr. Psal's) asrsraluaa Dstat, gtalaawSwt, il.UO, Addrssa tmtJ. Maaieua 0t ClsrsUad, O, For Saleby JOHN H. PHELPS, Sprue Street, Scranton, Pa. buying this enormous quantity 45x27, extra large, a little above Towel, finished the . -21c. EACH Half Price. 209 0sffi0iiourue; 602 and 604 Lackawanna Avenue. Cor. Adams Avenue, & CONNELL GO. 9 LUMBER CO., SCRANTON PA. Pharmacist, Cor. Wyoming Avanua ans