The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 04, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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The store at present occupied by J. Lawrence Stelle, Music Dealer, and propose to enter our new premises with a brand new stock in every
detail. In order to effect this desired end, we begin today a
our entire stock. No need to say anything about quality. The goods we offer were not bought for cheap sale purposes, and therefore
i i1 ?i J.1 1. 1 1 J 1 j1. . 1 J J. 1 ' T1 1 1
carry our guarantee jusc trie same as 11 uiey nau ueen uougm: in me regular way anu ai regular prices. inirty aays is a very snort
time in which to close out such a large. stock as we carry; but We'll Set the Pace for Rapid Selling by quoting, prices that in many cases
would surprise the manufacturers who sold them to us. But figures outweigh talk in such an important occasion, and we ask
your attention to the following, as an example of what we are .doing throughout the entire stock :
- i
! 1
China and Porcelain.
Prettily Decorated Tea Sets, 56 pieces, good Qrt QQ
1 ware OZljO
WJ V . , V 6, 1 v. 1 .. mm 1 sy
China Dinner Set, 102 pieces, fine ware, riclilj'- 1Q Cfl
decorated, up to date in style luiUU
6-piece Decorated Toilet Set, good ware, full A 7fl
10-ptece Toilet Set, handsomely decorated, and 0 0 J
of good quality Utul
The bargain story would just be as interesting suppos
ing we went through every item in these great departments.
Lamps, Cutlery, Etc.
Banquet Lamps, very handsome, central draft 0 fl
burners,, rich silk and lace shades, etc $ Zll J
Decorated Vase Lamps, shade to match, and a 1 1 m
good burner f y
Rogers' Triple Plated Knives or Forks, positively 0 QQ
the very best goods; latest designs, per dozen, ZiOO
Our Lamp stock embraces every desirable make and
size known to the trade, and there is not an item in it that
has not shared equally in the general mark down.
Glassware, Etc.
Light Blown Tumblers, engraved 8 lines; IAa ntr Afj
not seconds, but perfect goods TUlll Uul uUl
Glass Tea Sets, four pieces, comprising
Sugar Bowl, Spoon Holder, Butter 4 Qp
Dish and Cream Jug Qu
Glass Tea Sets, four pieces as above; per
fect imitation of cut glass, and very OQfl
handsome Zull
Glass Fruit Nappies .... rtft- n0- rn7
They cost more at the Glass Works. ZUui Jul UUfc
Fancy Glass Peppers 'and Salts, Nickel 0
Screw Tops, plenty to pick from, at OU
Our stock of Fine Glassware is unrivaled in Northeast
ern Pennsylvania for variety and extent. Touch it at any
point you will and 3'ou'll find the reductions in keeping with
the prices just quoted.
4 2
(These short serial stories are copy
righted by Bacheller. Johnson & Bachel
or, and are printed In The Tribune by
peclal arranfienient, simultaneous with
their appearance In the leading dally
Journals of the targe cities).
"Tou said yourself once you
would tackle any subject if you were
allowed half an hour to read It up."
"Certainly, but this Is the one sub
ject that you ran't read ui. You can't
Kct It out of a book, because any book
upon the subject would be out of data
lie.'ore It POUld be published."
"Can't you Kct It out of other pa
pers ?"
"Kven then you ran't bo certain of
betnfr up to date. I tell you and you
can believe It or not, as you like that
the shapo of a sleeve has been known
to change completely In a single night.
Of course, the other papers would Rive
me the rlftht vocabulary words like
'selvedge,' and 'rurhini;,' und tilings of
that kind."
"M'yes. They wouldn't tell you what
they meant."
"So. There you are again; the
thlnir's too dllllrult."
"Look here," I said, "you must
know some Rood-natured wotnun of the
world one of the kind that likes youmr
men one of the kind that belleveH that
journalism is connected with author
ship, and authorship Is connected wjth
romance. You had better ro to her,
tell her frankly what your position Is,
and ask her"
Cod-liver Oil is useful
beyond any praise it has
ever won, and yet few are
willing or can take it in
its natural state. Scott's
Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil
is not offensive; it is al
most palatable.
Children like it. It is
Cod-liver Oil made more
effectual, and combined
with the Hypophosphites
its strengthening and
,, flesh-forming powers are
largely increased. -
' Don't U ptrtwdci to acctpt a lubttltvtt I .
Scott 4 BowiN) N, Y, Ml Druggiiu, 60c and $1.
He Interrupted me. "You are being
perfectly useless to me," he said, with
clenched teeth and studied calm. "Il
you know me at all, you must know
that I would sooner be boiled alive in
non-coirosive Ink and have my blue
black'carcass eaten by half-caste Kaf
firs, than let any woman of my ac
quaintance know that I had been even
a:'ked to do anything so presumptuous
and immodest. If I attempt this article
at all, it will be to prove to the editor
that I really am an all-around Journal
ist, and you must understand that I
don't want it talked about."
'Certainly. I!ut If you're going to
write the article, how do you propose
to Ri't your Information?"
"I can't say exactly. I shall look In
the windows of the big shops, and take
Into the windows of a big shop In Re
gent street where they sold bonnets.
As for his appearance, I can only say
that he looked like a desperate man.
"I am glad to see you." he said, Klooml
ly. "If you'd come a minute later, It
would have been all over. I should
have broken that window, thrown the
bonnets and things Into the street and
trampled on them. I have been think
ing about doing It for the last live min
utes." "Look here, Salemaker," I said,
"you've been overworking yourself.
You wouldn't get yourself Into this
condition If you didn't take things so
"I'll give you a sovereign," he replied,
"to stick your foot through that win
dow. C!o on, do It. Nobody's looking.
I'll Givo Yon a Sovereign," lie Kcplk-d.
notes of the people In the I'urk. Then
the managers of the shops would tell
me something In return for a gratuitous
advertisement. I thought, perhaps,
you might have some other notion."
"No," I said, "I'm afraid I am not of
much use. However. I ran say that I
am sincerely sorry for you."
He Bhook my hand warmly on leav
ing, anil (thanked me. "If anything
should happen," hp said, hopelessly,
"it will, at any rate, be a consolation
to me that 1 have had your sympathy,
flood night." He had no sooner shut
the door behind him than he opened It
again and put his head in. "You don't
happen to know what a basque Is, do
you?" he asked In a melancholy voice,
"No? Well, It doesn't matter. Ifs
otdy one thing out of many, flood
night again." He looked very depressed,
as If he had some presentment that he
had undertaken a task beyond his pow
ers, and evil would come of It.
Three times on the following dBy I
saw SalemaRer. The first time was In
the morning,, outside the law courts.
He was walking very fast In the direc
tion of the west, and seemed more en
ergetic than on the previous day. He
came uy to me, and said at once In
rather a peremptory way: "What's ac
cordion plaiting?"
I confessed tha't I didn't know.
"That's Just like you," he said. Impa
tiently. "You never do know any
thing. I can't stop."
He hurlred on. I noticed that he was
carrying under his arm two or three of
the feminine Journals.
Later In the day I found him staring
I can't do It myself, because It would
Injure the paper If I got Into the po
lice courts. You've got no position to
speak of, and it wouldn't matter If
you did It. If you don't want the sov
erelgu, do It out of friendship. There's
a hat nt Hie back trimmed with two
shoe buckles and a split hummingbird
If I could tear that In half and throw
It under an omnibus 1 should feel bet
te." "Control yourself," I said, firmly
"I'm going to take you to the club, and
give you tea, and, so fur as It Is human
ly possible, slop you from behaving llkt:
u lunatic. What have you been 'doing
all day?"
"I have been collecting material for
an article entitled: The Height of
Fashion.' That's what hag brought me
to this. You won't do this little thing
to oblige me? Just what I thought
You call yourself a Hohemlan, and ns
a matter of fact you're eaten up with
respectability." .
With some difficulty I persuaded him
to come' with mo to the club.- There I
gave him tea and consolatory cigarettes.
When he was a little calmer, I pressed
him to tell me his experiences. He did
so, with some reluctance.
"I began," ho said, "by going to
Kond street. I found a window there
with Just the right kind of clothes In
It. They were so ugly as to bu almost
Indecent. That was why 1 knew they
were all right; they couldn't have been
exhibited at all if they hadn't had
style, . They muBt have been simply
saturated with style. Besides, lioml
street's always all right, anyhow. Bo I
pulled out my note-book, and It was
just then I saw her with her green
eyes fixed on me."
"What her?"
"Miss Catling, nidn't I mention It? I
believe she must has'e been lying In am
biiHh there. She saw, of course, what I
was doing, saw It ot a glance. I w,as do
ing her work. She Just bowed, and came
at me like an angry cow. I took off my
hut and walked quickly away. She
pursued. 1 quickened my pace, and got
on to an omnibus. She got on to an
other omnibus Immediately behind It.
I waited a few seconds, and then
stepped off my 'bus. So I got clear
"Hut how? When she saw you get off
the one 'bus, why didn't she Ret off the
other, if she wanted to catch you?"
"Ilecause she had paid her penny and
couldn't bring herself to take less than
the full pennyworth. Women mostly
like value for their money. 1 had
counted on that. As I say, I had got
clear off, but 1 believe the Incident
spoilt my nerve. After that I had no
Intention of going anywhere In par
ticular, but I found myself In front of
another big shop window In Oxford
street. I pulled myself together. I
decided to go In, say that I wanted the
latest news about the fashions and offer
In return for the Information a gratui
tous advertisement of the firm. Well, 1
went In. Inside there was a tall stately
man. He smiled at me Just as If h"
wanted to be a friend to me, and yet all
the time his statclincss seemed to be a
kind of bar between us."
Here Salemaker paused and burled
his head In his hands,
(To He Continued.)
Hai ttood the Tut cl Tim
IUts tot BoroThroat, Pimple. Copper-Colored
flpoU, Aohrt, (lid Hon, t'lonn In Mouth. Half
l4lllni Write ofc Urmr4y Cv-.BO'T Mm
wleTraiplF'klcaM.III.4irpnwnio(ourae. aaotxlrwoiinindifHl. I OQ-wgr houk fW.
And all who suffer from Nervo Strain,
Nervous Urhlllty, lOrrors of Youth, etc.,
reud the symptoms culling for treatment
by a speelulisi.
DJaonlera of Bleep, Nerve Strain, Morbid
lUtiltH. Nerve KxhaiiDtlon, PreKsuie and
I'aln In the Heud, Sensitiveness of the
Sculp, Inoupaclty for .Methodical Mental
Work, Weakness of Vision and u KveltPK
of Pressure 111 the Kyen, Uepression of the.
Mliiu, a f ee I III k or Anxiety, pensniion or
lustiness, lloneral Hodlly weakness. Poor
Appetite, Constipation, Poor ClroulAlloii,
Nervous I'ulpllailon, nn l'iiavounlalil
llroml or Kear. Pnln In the Hack and
Limbs, Kxeltuble, t'onstunt State of ra
rest, etc., etc. If you huVe theso symp
tom or a majority of them, seo a Spe
cialist nt once.
For threatened Uraln Softening, due to
excasses of any kind, cull on a Specialist.
In all eases of i'htonlc Nerve Strain ot
Exhaustion, consult a Specialist.
All Neuralgic conditions nre simpiy ex
tiivsslotm of Kxhuusted Norvo Power.
Bee a Speclullst.
Sexual Kxcesses nffect the nerve cen
ters. The biHln Is the ureal nerve center.
Talk with a Specialist.
Kidney, Kindlier, lilood and Skin Disease.
Is thoonly Specialist In Nervous Dlseasci
between Itnffalo and New York.
Olliee, 3S7 Spruce street, opp. New Ilotal
Jerniyn. Hours, ( a. in. to I p. ni.
"it dollar tact it a tloftar tanua- .
Tato1dlM' Solid rrench Doacwia Hid (
tea, Soot dUwd It soyaer In Um U.8.,oa
MMlnlfllcwa. SMWUTOT,
or ral Not far tl.0.
Vanmlt mif tf UM be
old la all retail atciraa for
(l.M. V thta boot
ourMhwa, Iterator w faf
mntf trio 01. HrU a4 war,
and It any on U sol Mrtsnwl
will rsinna ui ww
mih anolhtrpalr. Opera
To or Common Smmt,
ithl V, P. B, KB,
m 1 to I and aalt
Iim. SmilyovrH;
mill lit ftm.
kiu rnsc
Bptetal ttrml to JJtaln:
Dexter Shoe Go
I s
A l'.lll. W rtll.
Central Railroad of New Jersey
(Lehigh and r-naqnebanna Dlviaioni
Anthracite coal used exclusively. Injur
ing cleanliness and comfort.
Trains leave Scranton for Pltiaton,
Wllkes-Barre, etc., at 8.20, .15, 11.30 a.m..
12.45, 2.00, 3.03. 6.00, 7.25, 11, (X. p.m. Sundays,
.00 a.m., 1.O0, 2.15, 7.10 p.m.
For Atlantic City, 8.20 a.m.
For New York, Newark and Elizabeth.
1.20 (express) a.m., 12.45 (express with Buf
fet p&rtur car), 3.05 (express) p.m. Sun
day. 2.15 p.m.
For Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethl.
hem, Kuston and PhilHilclphla, 8 20 a.m.,
12.45, 3.05, COO (except Philadelphia) p.m.
Sunday, 2.16 p.m.
For Long; flrunch, Ocean Grove, etc., at
l.2ti a.m., 12.45 p.m. -
For Heading, Lebanon and Harriaburr.
via Allentown. 8.20 a.m., 12.45, 6.00 p.m.
Sunday, 2.15 p.m.
For Pottsville, 8.20 n.m., 12.45 p.m.
Returning, leave New Tork, foot ef Lib
erty street. North river, at 10 (express)
a.m.. 1.10. 1.30, 4.S0 (express with Buffet
parlor car) p.m. Sunday. 4 30 a.m.
Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal,
9.00 a. m., 2.00 and 4.30 p.m. Sunday 6.27
"Through tickets to all points at lowest
rates may be hnd on application In ad
vance to the ticket agent at the station.
Gen. Pais. Acent.
J. H. OLHAVSEN", Gen. Supt.
i.Mtrfa Cur fit
till i MtoticlUiv allttipnn
boib uf youmr and rukMla
airel urn anif women. The
awful, itaouof YoiiTHFUI.
Hnnlta or trnataiont. KUHOHH, iiroaudnir wraa-
ttaa, Mrrrnua Ivwaijr.Nlirhtl.r FmtwIoi.a.Con'mtiipiiKn,
ituuitty, ruiliaimtlna draliuiand liiof power of tlif llfn
rati raOnraiitfunilltlnff one forstuilr, burlmwa arid map.
rliur Bj nail, St.eo par bi or S for with writ.
H vanrawta l awra mr pvIhsA tke mower, Dook
Iik Beulak awt tiraiai'.luoxaoviJiws a
For sale by JOHN H. PI 1 ELF'S, Drug
flat, Wyoming ave. and Sprue street.
Del., Luck, and Western.
Trains leave Scranton as follows: Bx-
rress for New York and all points Fast,
40, 2.50, 6.15, 8.00 and S 55 a.m.; 12.55 and 3.50
'''Express for Enston, Trenton, Philadel
phia, and the south, 6.15, 8.00 and 9.55 a.m.,
12.55 and 3.50 p.m.
Washington and way stations. 3.55 p.m.
Tobvhnnna accomnioilailon, 6.10 P.m.
Express for Hlnphniiiton, Oswego, hl
mlrn. Corning. Rath, Pansvlllii, Mount
Morris and Hufhilo, 12.10. 9.35 a.m. and 1.24
p.m., making close connccllons at Ruf
falo to nil points la tho West , Northwest
and Southwest.
Hath accommodation, 9 a.m.
Kliinhiimton and way stations, 12.37 p.m.
Nicholson accommodation, at 6.15 p.m.
Rlnghnmton and Elinlra Express, 6.06
' . . m n .. , a . r ...
r.xpress inr oriiwii'i. njiwuj-i', vnnrnu
It (lea and Rlchlleld Sprlniis, 2.35 a.m. and
1.24 p.m.
Ithaca, z.aa ana Lain v n.m. aim i..
For Northumberland.,' Plttston. Wilkes-
Rnrre, Plymouth. Uloomsburg and ln
vllle, making close connections at North
umberland for W llllainsport, iiurrisuuig,
llaltimore, Washington slid the South.
Northiiniberland and Intermediate sta
tions. 0.0(1. 9.55 a. in. and 1.30 and 6.07 p.m.
Nanllcoke and Intermedlnte stations,
8.08 and 11.90 a.m. Plymouth and Inter
mediate stations, 3.50 nnd 8.53 p.m.
Pullmnn pHrlor and sleeping coaches on
all express train ....
For detailed Information, pocket time
tables, etc., apply to M. I.. Smith, city
ticket ofllce, 328 Lackawanna avenue, or
depot ticket oltlce.
M If
W Jrj M m . rv.1,XM Dill
SfaYf9efa day. July 30. all trains
MM M ml wlllarnv iinew u w
W M M a wanna avenue station
Jtr ' a follows:
T TmliiB will leave Scran-
ton atatlon for Oarbundale and ln-
10.10 a.m.. 18.00, 8.90, 9.55. 9.14, 8.15. J.Ji. 9.19
nrU'FarPv!e,w. Waymart and Honesdals
t ?fVa .d 10?10 a.m..U.W. 2.30 and 5.U)
P For Albany. BaratoifS. the Adirondack,
and Montreal at 6.48 a.m. and 8.20 W.
For Wllkes-Barre and lntrmedlat
luts at 7.45, 8.46, 9.38 and 10.45 a m., 12.06j
1.S0 9.38. 4.00, 6.10. 8.06. 9.16 and 11.38 p.m.
Trains will arrive at Scranton station
from Carbondale, and .Intermediate points
at 7 40. 8.40. 8.94 and 10.40 a.m., 13.00. l.VtXUi
140, 4.K 6.66. 7.46. 9.11 and 11.93 p.m.
From HonesdoJe, Waymurt and Far
view at 9.94 a.m.. lt.90. 1.17, S.40, 6.66 an.
7.49 p.m.
From Montreal, Saratoga, Albany, eta
at 4.64 and 11.33 p.m.
r rom vuaep-irrw aim iHwrinwiwu.
rjlnta at 3.16, 8.04, JO.fJB and 11.66 a.m., 1.11
14, 9.39, 9.10, 9.08. 7.30. 9.01 and 11.19 p.m. ,
Nov. 18. 1S94.
Train leave Scranton for Philadelphia
and New York via D. H. R. R. at 7 41
a.m., 12.05, 2.3b and 11.39 p.m., via D . L.
W. R. R., 6.00. 8.08. 11.20 am., and 1.30 p.m.
Leave Scranton for Plttston and Wllkes
Rarre, via D., L. & W. R. R 6.O0, 8.0", 11.29
a.m., 3.60. 6.07, 8.50 p.m.
I-eave Scranton for White Haven. Ha
zleton. Pottsville and all points on the
Heaver Meadow and Pottivllle branches,
via E. W. V. R. R.. 6.4u a.m., via D. & H.
It. R. at 7.45 a.m., 12.05, 2.36. 4.00 p.m., via
P., L. & W. R. H., 6.00. 9.08, 11.20 a.m., 1.30.
3.50 p.m.
Leave Scranton for Bethlehem. Easton,
Reading, Harrtaburf and all intermedials
points via D. & H. R. R., '.45 a.m.. 12.05,
2.38. 4.00. 11.38 p.m.. via D., L. & W. R. R.,
6.00, 8.06, 11.24 a.m.. 1.30 p.m.
Leave Scranton for Tunkhannock. To
wauda. Elmlra, Ithaca. Geneva and all
Intermediate points via D. H. R. R . 9 49
a.m., 12 oo and 11.35 p.m., via D., L. t W.
R. R., 8.08. 8 .56 a.m., 1.30 p.m.
Leave Scranton for Rochester, Buffalo,
Niagara Falls. Detroit. Chicago and Hll
point west via D. H. R. R.. 8 45 a.m.,
12.05. 9.15. 11.38 p.m., via D.. L. & W. R. R.'
and Plttston Junction, 8.08. 9 55 a.m., 1.00,
8.50 p.m., via E. A W. V. R. R.. 3 41 p.m.
For Elmlra and the west via Selamsn.-a,
via D. H. R. R., 8.45 a.m.. 12.05. 6.05 p.m.,
via P., L. & W. R. R., 8.08, 8.55 a.m., 1.30.
and 6.07 p.m. ... -
Pullman parlor and sleeping or L. V
chair car on all train between L & R.
Junction or Wllkes-Barre and New York,
Philadelphia, Buffalo, and Suspension
ROLI.IN H. WILBUR, Gen. 6upt.
rilAS.S. LEE, Gen. Pass. Ast., Phila.. Pa.
A. W. NOSNEM AOHKR, Asst. Uea.
Pass. Agt., South Bethlehem. Pa.
Erie and Wyoming Valley.
Trains leave Scranton for New Tork
and Intermediate points on the Erie rail
road at 6.35 a.m. and 324 p.m. Also for
Honesdale, llawley and local points at
6.35. 9.45 a.m., and 8.24 p.m.
All the above are lluouth trains to and
from Honesdale.
Trains leave for Wllkes-Barr at 640 a.
tu. and 3.41 p.m.
1st KBect Sept. 16th, 1894.
Norlb Bound.
South Bound.
i05 J03 .01 40i .04 "0f
l! le-ll eMlU ?ilx3 li
8 2 k 5 (Train Dally, f tt 5
J jr. w K.xcept Sunday J I f a " .
r m Arrive lavp a aj
.... 79... NYlYanklluSt .... 7 40 ....
.... 7b.... West 4i!iid 81 .... TM ....
.... 700 ... Wesbawken .... 810 ....
r h r a Arrive !' hm
8'J0 1 15 .... LUawioocT" Junc7" 8 0S....
9 10 100..., Uncock 60S 811
TM 19 50 ... fcirllirlit 818 it: ....
TM 14 40 .... ItsVtonVark 8 S5 9 81 ....
T4A 1940 .... 11.11110 830 941 ....
T as nm .... tVriitella 9 40 n ....
7 8-1 HI 18 .... Ili-linoiit 945 85S ....
TiN 1903 .... rieasaut Mt. 8M 900 ....
T 10 f 1150 ... Ciiiondale 10 68 800 ....
TOO II 40 k M Foinet City 710 8I9P II
9 51 1IS4 915 Carbondale 7 94 8 34 8 St
4H f 1130 9H! Whit Brldg 77f3 3s 67
8 43 19 00 .Vavfteld f7 8i f3 43 (.1 44
9 41 1193 9UI jermyn 784 645 8 14
9 95 1118 8 57 An-hiluld 7 40 J.M 5.M
934 flll5 8.M Winton 743 3 54 5 54
0 49 II 11 8 Ml PeckTtll 7 4K 850 5 59
94A 1107 641 Olyphunt 764 404 604
941 1105 941 Dickson TM 407 9 07
819 1103 930 Tliroop 758 4 10 Oil)
0 14 11 00 8 34 Providence 8 00 4 14 9 14
t18 ri07 8 US Park Plan 804 f4 17 618
810 1056 B30 Scranton 8 05 4 90 6 90
r ha-ha M Leave Arrlte A r se
All train run dally except Sunday,
f. igui.les that train stop on sigual for pas
senger. Secure rate via Ontario at Westers before
purchasing Ik'lreta and ear money. Day snf
N Urkt bprsa to th Wert,
J. 0. Anderaon, Gen. Pas. Afl
T. niteroft, pit. !. Agt., Scrastwa, Pa, .