HIE SCRAN TON TltlH PNIS SATURDAY MOKNING. MARCII o 1895. NORTON'S BULLETIN. March Ladies' flume Journal ioc. March Uoiley's Magazine iuc. March McClurcV Magazine 15c March Scribnci's Monthly :5c. March Harper's Monthly 35c, The Delineator for spring 15c Art De la Mode for Spring 35c. Bon Ton Fashion for Spring 35c. 25c. Taper Cover Novels for 5c. 35c. Clot h Cover Hooks for 15c. 35c. Cloth Cover Classics for 17c. 50c Cloth Cover Classics for 55c. 1 Large Assortment Standard Authors. liox Giwil Taper and Lnvelopes 15c '50c. l'astehoard liox Letter File j-jc. All the Good, Desirable New Hooks. Temporary Store, 115 Wyoming Avenue A FoetoOyspepsja GOOD BREAD USE THE FLOUR And Always Have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALE TO THE TRADE BY ThsWeslon Mill THE GENUINE POPULAR Punch Cigars HAVE THE INITIALS G. B. & CO. ' IWPRIN7E3 OK EACH CIGAH. Carney, Brown & Co. Mfr's Court House Square. THE CLESSLD SAl'BAMEST. That Was the Topic on Which Rev. rather He Ilaa Spike at St. P.-te.-'s Ca-.it.l rat l.nst Nislir. The largest rn.wd that attended vet was present at the mission at the cathe dral last niaht. Father DeHaza preached the sermon on the lilesaed Sacrament. Jle took his text from the Gowpel of St. J., nil. 'our churrln-H," the speaker said, "would indeed be cold and empty halls If we did not believe that Christ Is pres ent In the lilessed Sacrament. The rraatcst and highest love that could be nhow-n 10 m.in nan shown by Ood vh"n he Instituted this Haerament, when he performed this mystery. The Catholic t fturVh is inspired by the Holy (J host. Her tearhinpa are from the tit-sinning, from the earliest apes. "Why does the church tenrh that tho body and blood of the Divine Son are present In the Sacrament of the altar? IJecause Jesus Christ said so. When Christ fed the Jews with bread and fishes, lie told them Jle would (five them His blood to drink and His flesh to eat. The Jews nmrmered. but Chri.'t did' not attempt to force them to be lieve Him. He did not say that Jle only meant that He would Rive them Jlis body and blood as a representation." The speaker quoted several pujihhkcs of Scripture to prove that find Rave His body and blood In reality as a Sacra ment. Christ asked Ills disciples If they would believe and St. I'eter nn swered, "Lord, Thou hast the word of eternal life, to whom shall we go If not to Thee?" The speaker went on to tell of the mercy of God anil concluded Ills really eloquent Sermon with a prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus for the church and the people. Father O'Kellly celebrated solemn hlph vespers, assisted by Father Quln nan as deacon, and Father (JouRh as sub-deacon. Father Jiucholtz will preach the sermon tnnlpht, which will be the last nlpht of the married men's mission. IT UKOl'GII! $2n,(KM. Kpriiks and Slcrcckcr Property on I'cnn Avenue Sold John P. Jones has purchased the Sprrfks and Slebecker four-story brick and stone structure on IVnn avenue next to The Tribune building. The price paid was l-'ViuO. The Fale was made thrnupli M. II. Holjjate'H agency. Telephone KI2. W. CI. Iioud & Co., Ml I.aekawunna uvenuo, for all kinds of plumbing. - - . We will remove our place of bunlnesn April 1 to 21.1 Hpruce street. This store Is smaller than the one we now occupy, nnl we will be obliged to dispose of our entire afoek of vases, bronzes ami other brlc-.i-lirae, and also reduce ntork in other lines, and as the time Is short before removal, we offer Immense Inducement In every line. J'lease call ut once and make selec tions from the luiwst stock In 1 ho city. C. W. F It KK .MAN, J'enti anil Hpruce. i Heller III Six Hours. Dlstresslntt Kidney and Madder dls nines relieved III nix hourH by the "New Great South Amerlcun Kidney Cure," Thin new remedy Is a Kreat surprise on account of Its exceeding promptness In relieving pain In the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of tho urinary pus suk'S, In mule or femalo. It relieves re tention of water and puln In passim,' It almost Immeillutely. If you want ipil"k relief anil cure this Is your remedy. Hold by C. M. Harris, UriiKplxl, Ji'i l'enn ave nue, Scranton, J'o. SCHOFl'LA, salt rheum, nnd all dlsense r i.in...t .i , l . . ... wl mo miuuu, iiyspeimiu, neauueuu. Kidney and liver complaints, and catarrh, are cured by Hood's Hursuurllla, tho groat blood purlller, , . . HOOD'S PILLS euro Jaundice, blllous ness, sick headucho, coustlputlun and nil liver ills. SnoBwHto Functions That Marked the l'cw Days Preceding Lent. PARTIES, WEDDINGS AX1) TEAS The (iaiuut of the Week's Dvents Souti Jo J in Short I'niayriiplis-tJiiLMts mid I n tel tuiucis Personal Mention de duced to a Compact Compass. With the cumins of Lent huvo roup the many social pleasantries of the winter sciuson, and very little will be dolnp until the final asseinldy at the liicycle Club housu on Kstster Mondiiy. lMtriiiir that week the collcitlans will cuine home' and on the nlirht of April 17 the Viil.' libs- club'M concert will be nlveti ut the- Fi'uthlii:;ham. I Sy this lime the collec,v vacations will have ended, but ninny will be enabled to hear the concert ami attend a recep tion of thi Vale men, for which the anaii,'einetits have iut yet been com pleted. Cl.iis ' . S of the Venn Avenue Sun day school were entertained by their teacher, .Mrs. K. A. llardner, Thursday nii;ht. Those present were: Miss Ger tie Alworth, Miss Lena Vaddock, Miss Lulu, Miss Fanny Smith, Miss Carrie Shier, .Miss Minnie l.uihner, Miss Kilitil Walker. Miss Cora llald 'tnan. Miss 1.1. :de l''alirnaiii. Miss Kdith Murphy, Miss Aiiucs Nleliolsm, Hurry Finn, Fred. Stut'Kes. James Cooper, Charles St. John. Frank Hepburn, Fred. StroiiK. Willie Fiance, Henry Avers. Harry McCracken, Frank Leuthner, Albert Leiithncr, Louis lirady, Alice Steckcr, Leo Gardner. AVord has been received here of the Faf. arrival at Xaplcs on Wednesday of Mr. and Mrs. C. 1). Simpson, of this city, and Mr. and Mrs. W. G. 1'nyue, and Miss l'ayne, of Kingston. They ex pect to be joined during next week by Colonel and Mis. Jl. M. Holes, who sailed a week later, and then the en tiiv party will pn to Cairo, F.uypt. Their tour will end in London In about two mouths. Jiulpe l-Mwards last night In New York responded to the toast, "The Land of Our Fathers." at the banquet of the St. Vavld's society. The list of speakers Included Chauncey M. Uepcw, Iean Howell, ltecordcr G.dT, Ashley Cole and 11. A. Vowel!. Jude I'M wards was accompanied by Mrs. Kd wards. Francis J. Uuyl, proprietor of The Fair, of this city, and Miss Mary C. Lewis, were married In Brooklyn, N. V.. on Monday nlpht. The ceremony was performed by Itev. Pr. Good enoush, of the Xostrand Avenue Meth odist Kplscopal church, at the home of the bride's parents, Ml. Hancock street. An afternoon thimble tea was phvn Tuesday by Mis. C. W. Klrkpatrlck for h"r daughter, Mrs. It. Clssel, of Kliza iriK. About forty guests were present and spent the evening pleasantly danc ing to music furnished by Professor Frankel. Mrs. Joseph Alexander gave a tea at her home on Clay avenue Tuesday. She was assisted in receiving by her sister. Miss Grubb, of AUentown. The tenth anniversary of the mar riage of Mr. and .Mrs. J. S. Klrkpatrlck, of 704 Madison avenue, was celebrated Monday night by a tin wedding. Miss Frances Falkenhury. of Adams avenue, entertained a number of her friend.i at an Informal party last even ing. The last dance of the Scranton J'.i eycle club will be held next Friday night. The Cornell and Princeton Base Hall teams will play in this city April 27. Pnr.SOXAI.. MENTION: Lev. Tilchard Aust, M. A. McOlnley, K. ,J. Welsh, P. J. Ollgollon, J. Klllot P.oss and Ir. John O'Malley were on Monday In Minersvllle, Schuylkill coun ty, whither they went to attend the fu nera of Dr. O'Malley's mother. Superintendent Phillips, of the city schools, and Controller Wormser. of tho Kighth ward, have been In J'oughkeepsie Investigating the capability of n teacher In that city who may bo engaged for the Scranton training school. Itev. J,. C. Floyd, of the Simpson Meth odist Kplscopal church, officiated Tues day nt the wedding In Vllkes-i:arre of II. P. Hiding, of New York, nnd Miss Leona li. Hassler. of Wllkes-liarre. James C. Davis, of the WeHt Side, last Reason's manager of the "A Crazy Lot" pantomime, has gone to Richmond to be come the manager of the "A Jay Circus" company. F. J. Amsden. Smith II. Mott, Moses Morey, K. L. Walters, John H. Short and D. ,l. Jones attended the state Grand Army of the Republic convention at Will lumsport. Miss Sue .Termyn, who has been making an extended visit with Miss Hell, In Mis sissippi, and attended tho Mardl Gras carnival In New Orleans, Is expected homo today. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Woolwnrlh li ft for a southern trip Thursday morning. They expect to Include Charleston, Huvannaii and points In Florida In their Itinerary. Mrs. II. F. Klllam, of CapniiHO avenue, has been suddenly called to Pike county by the serious Illness of her sister-in-law, Miss I'.sther I!. Klll.'im. Itev. D. M. Klnter, pastor of the Provi dence Christian church, has been called to Columbia county to olllclate at the fu neral of Hon. Irani Derr tomorrow. There will be services in the church at the usu il hours, however, In charge of the elders. Kx-County Treasurer 1). W. Powell went to I larrlsburg Thursday and reported yes terday for duty In the statistics depart ment. F. K. Hill, for the past two years book keeper for Glhnore . Duffy, leaves to day for a visit with his parents In Allen town. In tho Mardl (Iras celebration nt George town rollego on Feb. V, T. J. Duffy, of this city, wns one of tho leading actors. Judge It. W. Archbald Will leave Mond'iy for Luporte, Sullivan county, to take part In tho Slttser-Dunhiim Judicial contest. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Sanderson, of Clay avenue, are homo from a visit with rela tives In several Pennsylvania towns, Miss Sarah O'llura, of Green ftldgw, hns returned from a visit with friends ut Syracuse and Geneva, N. Y. Itev. Dr. and Mrs. N. G. Parke, of West Plttslon, have been the guests of th'icr sons In this city. F.illtor Herbert Wagner, of tho Hancock Herald, was In tho city yesterday cull ing on fiiunds.. Ilroker John Quae kenbush has re turned from a business visit to Washing ton. 1.1, (.'. David Williams, of the North Knd, Is recovering from a severe attack of rheu matism. Attorney W. S. Hulslonder, after an Ill ness of ucvcral days, Is utile to resume bus iness. Miss Arehbuld returned Thursday even ing from a visit with PottHvllle relatives. Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Taylor, of Milton, worn ut the Wyoming yesterday. A. N. Kerr, of Kerr, Bleberker & Co., who hus hud charge of the Carhondnlu store, Is now located with the main stores In this city. P. J. Nolan, of Corning, N. Y., Is visit ing relatives In this city. Mr. and Mrs. 10. N. AVIIIard visited New York early In the week. Attorney Powell, ol Wilkcs-Uarre, was In this city Thursday. Dr. A. C. Dusenberc, of Honcsdale, was hero yesterday. Dr. A. J. Council and O. S. Johnson are In Florida. Captain William Kullow Is 111 with tho grip. IN LOCAL THEATEKS. Hoyt's "A Hunch of Keys" will be seen at the Academy of Music this evening. The Daily Globe, St. I'uul, says: "Manager Kingsbury had a "Hunch of Keys" that not only opened the Grand last night, but the pockets and risibilities of a hou:'c that was parked from Hour. to dome. 'A Hunch of Keys,' as everyone knows, lias no plot, nnd does not profess to have uny. It Is simply a host of clever people banded together to see how much fun they can get out of numerous absurd tiltuutlons, nnd that they succeeded the vast audience uttestcd by their fre quent encores." II II II The popular actor, Hubert Muntcll, will appear at the Academy of Music Wednesday evening In bis niagnlllccnt spectacular revival of Alexander Du mas' powerful heroic drama, "The Corslcan I iitithcra." As Louis and Fa bien del Franchl. Mr. Mantcll Is report ed to have achieved a brilliant personal success, nnd the warm commendation his impersonation bus elicited assures u performance of more than ordinary merit. The success attending Mr. Mini toll's revival of "The Coislcan Hi-others" has been almost phenomenal and far exceeds that attained In "Monbars." II 1' II "A Craitker Jack." which was received with much favor by the patrons of Pavls' theater the (list three days of this week, will play a return engage ment on Monday, Tuesday and Wednes day next. It Is a good comedy drama. On Friday next will take place the benefit for the poor of the city, the amount realized to go into the treasury of tin? Hoard of Associated Charities. There should be a liberal disposition shown by the people of the city to pur chase tickets for that worthy benellt performance. The All Star Specialty company will be the attraction. (;i:ok(;i: suu'maciikk dicad. Prominent Young .Man ef the South Side Succumbs After u Two Hays' Illness. At the home of his father, 413 1 leech street, on the South Side, after tin ill ness of but two days, George Schu macher died yesterday morning at l.o.LTi. He became III on Wednesday al'ti.'f nuii and u few hours after retiring to bed was attacked with a very hlL'h fever, liralti fever set ill anil he sank rapidly until death set In. The deceased was 22 years old, and occupied the position of bookkeeper for Conrad Pell, the Piltston avenue wagon maker. He belonged to the Scranton Athletic club and was a member of Company 11, Thirteenth regiment. He was a staunch Democrat and last sum mer was a candidate for the nomina tion for jury commissioner in the Dem ocratic county convention. He was known all over the county, having traveled In his own interest before the last convention. He was a member of St. Mary's Ger man Catholic church, from which the funeral will take place at II o'clock Mon day morning with a high mass of re quiem. Interment will.be made 'in the German Catholic cemetery. ax a i i lk;ti:d family. Three Members of It Have Hied Within a Week. James Finnlgan, of Olyphant, died yesterday at the residence of I'eter Hoache, 92S Wyoming avenue, this wlty. About a week ago Mr. Flnnlgan's son, a most estimable young man, died at Olyphant. At the time the young man was taken ill the father was In Chicago, and hurriedly returned to the bedside of his stricken son. The boy was burled on Feb. 22 and the same day Mr. Flnnlgan's daughter died. Worn out with grief and watching the father then became HI and was taken to the home of his relative in this city, where he expired yesterday morning. Mr. linnigan's son-in-law, Mr. Mc Cormack, of Olyphant, is now very ill ut that place. . . The l.cnten Organ Kccitul. From St. Luke's Churchman. On Saturday afternoons in J,eiit, nt 4 o'clock, there will be nn organ recital lu the church. This recital Is not for the purpose of displaying tho agility of the organist nor the capnclly of the organ. The music Is especially selected for Its quieting and elevating Influence upon mind nnd soul. The object Is to prepare the congregation for the worship of God In the evening prayer, which Immeillute ly follows. Only those who are willing and able to remain to evening prayer are expected to be present. We are led to this apparently unkind statement by the remarks and actions of many last year, not of our own parish, however, we are glad to say, who questioned the rector's right to follow the recital with worship and who deliberately left the church ra evening prfiyer was begun. We have never made our church exclusive nor do we wish to do so now. Its open doors and freo scuts lire a silent but strong protest against any such conclusion. It Is slmpl" courtesy when un Invitation Is neecp'ed that we accept with it the methods and manners of our hosts. We extend a sin cere and heurty Invitation to nil who en Joy elevating and ennobling music to at tend these reclluls and to remain with lis to worship when mind and heart have been lllled und prepiired with divine har mony. A good calf, double soled, hnnd sewed H.iW shoe, selling nt t:i.OU for the balance of this week ut Hchnnk's, 4)0 Spruce street. If you desiro, cut this out nnd send with your contribution to 'Hid Tribune. FOR THE Y. M. C. A. " Finishing and Furnishing Fund. Amount. It Is not necennary to hhb th!i coupon, which is printed only for your conve uiiitice. Any nmonnt. from 1-ennt iipwnrd will bn reoi'lved by The Trihtmo und no kiimvli'dged through Us eobiinni. A1i1i'hh: Tho Tribune Y. M. A. l'lnislilu ond Furnishing I'uud. WTien Daby was sick, we gave her Castor!, When alio was a Child, ho cried fur Cmtorkv Vfhen pJio became Bliss, she clung to Castorio. Vhcn sho had Children, she gavo tliera Castor! IS THE ML1 Inquest Into the Latest Dun more Italian Killing. LEOXAKDO KOSA'S PAIXT HOPE llo Carried a Itcvolver and Was tho Last Persou Seen with l.uulsso, with Whom lie Ouurrcllcd-rlvo Italians Now I'ndcr Arrest. The death of Veto Laulsso, the Ital ian, whose dead body, pierced by three bullets, was found Wednesday morning on a Dunmore street, was In VoHtlgatiil by a coroner's Inquest In the arbitration room at the court limine last night. The live fellow-countrymen, one of two of whom are supposed to be either directly or Indirectly con cerned In the killing, were brought to the Inquest from the county Jail. The outlook Is extremely dark for one of them. Leonardo Losa, and It Is not Improbable that the coroner's Jury, when It meets at 10 o'clock this morn ing, will hold 111 in Immediately rcsonsl ble for Luulsso's death. Aside from Leonardo ltosa there are held under arrest his brother, Joseph liosa, as an accessory, and Salvntore Cerinlnore, Joseph Fablano and Pas quale llevllaiique us witnesses In de fault of $.'ii) ball each. Kxceptlng Jo seph ltosa, held as un accessory, all these boarded at the house of JoHcph Coiiio. I.aulsso, the murdered man, boarded with Leopold Xicotcra. Story of Mrs. Nieolo 'a. The most plausible story of the fatal night was told by Jlrs. Nlcotera, whose testimony is iinwt damaging to Leon ardo ltosa. She said that on Tuesday Is unknown. She said that on Tuesday night the parly id' Italians, excepting Joseph ltosa, came to her home, where Laulsso was umuHod from bed und un hour or so was spent In song and dance. It was one of the Italian carnival nights and three of the visitors were dressed In fancy costumes. Leonardo had a revolver. He and Laulsso had some words over an old debt. The whole party left about 10 o'clock. liefore midnight she heard revolver shots. About 1 o'clock she heard Leon ardo's and Laulsso's voices. They were In the back yard. Laulsso was being choked. Another person was with them. W hen she opened the door they hud gone nnd In passing along the side of the house there was a sound like some thing being dragged along. About 2 o'clock several shots were litvd. Jo seph ltosa had told her that Laulsso was a d fool and would some day puy In blood for the trouble he had caused. From other witnesses It wns learned that the last seen or Laulsso alive was in the basement of Joseph Corbo's boarding house In company with Leon ardo ltosa. After the finding of Lau lsso's body, Leonardo Hoaa said to sev eral persons that he had taken Laulsso home the previous night, llosu's com panions were not positive whether he occupied his bed that night. Trouble Getting Testimony. The testimony was tedious and was elicited only by the aid of Interpreter Cassese. It was 10.30 o'clock before the Inquest ended. Attorney Flcitz questioned several of the witnesses in the Interest of his client, Joseph Hosa, for whom an appli cation was made Thursday to Judge Archbald for a writ of habeas corpus. The case will be heard at 9 o'clock this morning. The remains of the murdered Italian wire buried yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock in Mount Carmel cemetery. The burial was at the expense of the poor board. None of the murdered man's friends were present. Seats Will lie Provided for ladft's at Hull & Co.'s auction furni ture sale today und every attention given to their comfort. Today's sale will In clude many of the most desirable goods 111 our stock, Including Pcdroum Sets, Parlor Furniture und many other articles or value. Hl'I.L&eo., 203 und 207 Wyoming venue. Turkish nnd Russian Ruths for I ndies. At tho request of physicians and ladies, arrangements have been made to glva baths to ludles on Tuesdays from X a. in. to (i p. m. Prlvato entrance through Owens cloak parlors on Spruce strret. M. J. l'urcull, proprietor. rillshtiry's Flour Mills have a capacity Of 17.6U0 barrels a dny. GOOD TIME As nnv to not .1 Wnteli. Wo want to talk Unlay about a flood, rulm Me time ii'C thut w w wo litHiiy of. uf coup o. wo havo 1 hem nt nil rif-os, luli nnd low, lint tor tuii'J taw Watcheu Lieut this ouo. Solid Nickel Cuse. Americnn 7 Jownli'd Movement, Stem Wind, htnni bet uud Wnrrantoil Every Way. CO., . 21:) I.ackawaiiiui Ave. Picture Frames Made at short notice High Class In every respect. Inside Dccuiatiug in all ltft branches. 312 i Lackawanna Avenue. REXFORD JEWELRY PRATT'S A SUKGEOFS KNIFE. Recommended by a Philadelphia Specialist. A Simple Kcinedy Averted an Operation. I Philadelphia, Penn., Item. A healthier, heartier, happier man than John J. Nelll, of 21IJ7 North Flghth street, l'hlladolpliki, could not be found In a day's search. Among those who knew him formerly, the fact that he Is still alive Is a constant wonder. In the fall of 1S89 he began to suffer from stone In the bladder, and his mis eries were Indescribable. Consulting ufl eminent physician In Philadelphia, he was told thut he would have to submit to a surgical operation. Ho much did he dread the result, for If unsuccess ful It meant death, that he put off the evil day as lohg un possible. While In this frame of mind, he chanced to see a notice of Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy. Although disheart ened with his many futile attempts with medicine, he was Induced to make one more trial. On July I, 1S!, he bought the first bottle of Dr. David Kennedy's Favor ite Kcmcily, and within a month had experienced benellclal results, und be fore he had finished the third bottle the gravel was completely dissolved and his sufferings at an end. Mr. Nelll feels that he owes a last ing debt of gratitude to Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Itemcdy. lie never falls to recommend It for disorders of the blad der and urinary organs, and says "It Will effect a cure If one be possible!" The great value of Dr. David Ken nedy's Favorite Iteniedy lies In the fact that It dissolves the excess of uric acid In the blood. Many of the ailments peo ple suffer from for instance, rheuma tism, nervousness, dyspepsia, kidney, liver and urinary troubles, and the sickness peculiar to women, all come from this one cause. Favorite llemedy dissolves this acid and expels It from the system, thus curing the disease. In cases of scrofula, diabetes, lliight's disease, and stone in the-bladder. It never falls. Heineber our telephone number Is 2212 If you want plumbing work. W. G. Doud & Co., Wi l.acka. ave. lluy tho Weber and get the best. At Guernsey Bros THE. If you are wise you will be there. The entire stock for less than cost. This is .no sham. See the prices. You know what kind of goods we keep. SALE FOR 30 DAYS ONLY After April i will oc cuPy J34 Wyomiug Ave. China Hall WEICHEL & MILLAR, 116 WYOMING AVENUE. TODAY ONLY We have placed in our show window 2 lots of Men's Shoes which we ' are selling at $3.00 a pair; shall have no more at this price. A shoe well worth $4.00, but wc want money. HERE IS In Ladies' Fine Dongola Shoes, patented leather tips and backs, latest styles, all sizes, button aud lace, at $2. 49 a pair, fonicrly $3.50. SCriAM'S 410 SPRUCE STREET. J. L HANGI, ENGRAVER. Do you want n flue Hnlf Tone Tortrnlt of yourself, of pour building, of vnur flgurp. for ailvortlliij luirposKiir Stewart's Art store. TAR CU Cures Colds, Lays Out LtiGrippc, (aires Incipient Consumption. Manufactured by (i. FLMEN lXIKI , r.lmii a, N. V., nnd for sale by the trade generally. MEG ARGEL & G0NNELL, .Wholesale Agents, Scranton, Pa. SALE ON ANQTUER Kl f 1 h 1 if Hi .SIX DOLLA For this nominal amount you can buy a heavy, extra long, comfortable and durable Ulster. Come in and See Them at IMTI HAIR CHAINS FROM YOUR OWN HAIR Something nice for u gift. ChaiiiK uear menu s nair. Leave E. M. HETZEL, fl OF SCRANTON. WILLIAM CONNM.L, President. OLO. 11. LA I LIN, lcc l'reildent. WILLIAM II. l'LCk. Cukblcr. DIKLCTOKS: William Conncll, Jnmcs Archbald, Al fred Hand, Ueorno II. ( utlia, Henry belin, Jr., William 1 . Smith, Luther Keller. The management of this bank points ith pride to its record during the panic of 1893, and previous panics, when spec ial facilities were extended to its business accounts. THE TRADERS Rational Bank of Scranton. OROAMZED 1890. CAPITAL 250,000 SURPLUS, $35,000 BAMUEL JUNES, President. V. V. WATSON', Vice-President. A. B. WILLIAMS, Cashier. DIRECTORS. Samuel Ulnes, Jam M. Everhart, Irv ine; A. Finch. Pierce 13. Flnley, Joseph J. Jermyn, M. S. Ki-merer, Charles P. Mat thews, John T. Porter, V. W. Watson. and LIBERAL. This bank Invites the patronage of bus (Dees men and lirms generaJy. nT. pLeasant COAL AT RETAIL Coal of the best quality for domestic Can, and of all bIzok, delivered tn any part of tho clly at lowest price. OrriVrn left lit mv OtJIce NO. 118 WYOMING AVENUE, Rear room, first floor. Third National Hunk, or sent by mnll or telcphono to tho tiiue, will recnivo prompt attention. Hpeclal contracts will be mude for th tale aud delivery of Buckwheat Coal. WlVl. T. SMITH. Standard Instruments In every aensa of the term as applied to rianos. Exceptional In holding their original ful ness of tone. , NEW YORK WAREHOUSE, NO. 81 Fifth avenue. SOLD BY E.C.RICKER&CO 115 Adams Ave., New Telephone Bldg. STILL IN EXISTENCE. The World Renowned and Old Reliable Dr. Campbell's Great Magic Worm Sugar and Tea. Every boa Rtirrante'd to (Its satisfaction or money refunded. Pull pi-lntod riireotluut from n child to a R-rown person. It Is purely vi'KHtableand cannot positively harm the most temler infant. Insist on havlnir lr, Camp, bell's; accept no other. At all Druggist, Ua. WONDERFUL . BottTtl HcHAKTOM, Pa, Nov. 10. 1S1H.' Mr.M!. W. Usiuiibell-Uear Sir: I have Biven my boy, Kreddie, T years old, some of r. Caiuplwll's Manic Worm Biiifar and Tea, and tn my surprise this afternooa about 4 o'clock he passed a tapeworm measuring bout 8i fe't in length, head aud all. 1 bar It iu a bottle and sny person wishing to see It can do so by calling at my store. I bad tried numerous other remedies recommended for taking tapeworms, but all failed. In my estimation Dr. Campbell's is the greatest worm remedy In existence. Yours rary resnectfully, FKKD HEKFNKB, 732 Beech St Note The above Is what evorybody savi aftor once nlug. Maunfaotured by O, w. Campbell, Lancaster, Pa. Hucceasor to Dr. John Campbell boa. !Jtvv-fL in made out of your own or som; orders as early as possible. 230 Lacka. Ave. IU. WERT'S fll II 1)1 WYOMING AVE, SCRANTON. STEINWAY fi SON DECKER BROTHERS KRANICH & BACK STULTZ 2 BAUER and Others PIANOS Also a large stock of first-class ORGANS MUSICAL nERCHANDISE MUSIC, ETC. A STRIKING SUGGESTION. Pops It not strike you that it would be a pood idea, to have your Bicycle overhauled and cleaned or repaired at r.bout th:s time? Mon t v alt until the senon opens and the repnlr shop is full. We are not very busy Just now. nrM we will do you a. pood Job at the rlpht price. Y. n. C. A. Building. 1 AY teKv'M THE CANNIBAL Knows a CooJ Thinn Vhcn lie Sees It. So Do Scranton Peo ple. That Is Why So Many Buy of 305 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. OUR The Great Blood Purifier and Liver Regulator. 200 DAYS' TREATMENT, $1.00 COMPOSED OF And will Pntitlrelr cure all diseases arising trout IMPURE BLOOD, SUCH AS Rheumatism, Kidney Disorder, Liver Complaint, Sick and Nerv. tins Headache, Neiirulgla, Dys ficpsitt, Fever and Ague, Scrotu a, Female Complaints, F.ryxipe. las, Nervous AHections, Catarrh, aud all Syphilitic Diseases. E. M. HETZEL, AGENT, 330 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Call and Get Circular. K.1leVCV NATIVE IBS