TIIE SCIt ANTON TRIBUNE SATURDAY MORNING. MATTCII 2, 1895. TALES OF TWO PITTSTONS News of Interest to Readers Up and Down the Valley. Fair of the eagles closes Succssful Beyond the Expectations of All Mr. Kelly Win Take tlio City Bonds. The Casta of tlio locution llonrd. Special to the Seranton Tribune. Flttston. March 1. The old-time fair of the Eagle Hose company cloned last evening with their usual old-time success. Nearly all contests were closed. The cyclone mine drill contest will not close until next month. The receipts of the fair were beyond ex pectations of the members of the com pany, and amounted to nearly $1,800. Thewlnnefof the bicycle contest, which closed last nltrht, was Frank Kuschel, Who had collected J73.S0. George Em ory had $31,50. Miss Muttie Kogers held the ticket that drew the sewing machine. HuKkct Hall Game. An Interesting game of basket ball Was played at Armory hall this even ing between the PlttHton and Wilkes UJarre teams. During the first half of the game no goals were made. At the beginning of the. second half a busket was thrown by Bryden. of 1'lttston. The Wtlkes-Barre players carried out the usual programme by raising a dis pute over the play that had sounded their doom. When unable to bluff the umpire Into deciding according to their ideas the baby players from Wllkes Barre withdrew from the game, which was decided In favor of Flttston by a score of 1 to 0. Umpire, Kenstermoch er; referee, Phillips; linesman, Kugene Smith. The league standing Is now as fol lows: Won. Lost. Pittston 3 2 Wilken-Barre- 3 2 Srranton 3 3 Kingston 1 3 The entertainment was further en livened by an athletic exhibition that would have done credit to Barnum's circus. The high jumping contest was von by Will Koons. who walked on the air a distance of seven feet and live inches. Mr. Koons received a prize in shape of a handsome pair of ebonized Indian clubs. .Meeting of School Board. A regular meeting of the school board Was held In the high school building tonight. In the absence of President Hlnes Director Bryden sustained the dignity of the chair. The meeting was uraeventful save for a dispute that arose over a request made by Musical Director Johns, through Mr. McCor mlck, for an increase of salary. Mr. Johns directs the vocal education of the pupils In the public schools for the paltry sum of $23. Considering the pos sible results of his tuition the teacher held that the amount was entirely too small for the service rendered. There was no music In the souls of the ma jority of the board, however, and they promptly rebuked the presumption of the musician In requesting an Increased compensation for work that should have been performed for love alone A number of bills were ordered paid, and the tax of Mrs. W. Gillespie was exonerated. Election Board Case. The case of Wilbur E. Howell vs. John Clifford and the election board of the Second election district of Avoca, was given a hearing before Justice Khret this afternoon, who made It re turnable to the term of court which convenes in April next. Ball to' the amount of $.T0O each was required of the board, which consisted of Michael Torney, Judge of election; James Ryan, and James Greegall, inspectors; (Michael Tornpy becoming bondsman for them. Clifford was held under $200, Which was secured by Philip Clifford. A Sorrowful Talc. For a fews days past, a little child has been begging on our streets. When questioned she told the most pitiful tale. Her mother, she claims, Is dead, and her father, a miner, turns her out and looks the door when he goes to work In the morning. She wanders about the street and requests pennies of the passerby. Our authorities will no doubt investigate the matter and see that the child Is property cared for. .Miscellaneous Items. All regular subscriptions to the Bcranton Tribune will be received at our local office. No. 8 South Main street. The Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Carpenter, 338 Delaware avenue, died last night of membraneous croup. The funeral will take place Sunday from the family residence. Interment at West Plttston cemetery. The boys on the I.ehlgh Valley claim that business Is Improving. A telegram was received from Philip IP. Kelley by Borough Treasurer L,an gan yesterday. In which Mr. Kelley ex pressed his willingness to pay the ac crued interest on the bonds purchased by him a month ago. The bonds have been shipped to him by express today. The bonds were deposited with the Winers' bank after being received and Igned, and payment on them will be made through the same Institution. The barbers of the East Side have agreed to close their shops at 8 p. m., commencing Monday, March 4, Wed- "AJ1 In a Bow." It is a unique sight to view at Carlsbad the motley row of drinkers of all nations, languages, Jmanners and costumes hurrying down in single file to the boiling Spradel Spring with an earthenware mug in their hands, or slang by a strap aronnd their neck or over the shoulder, and patiently waiting their turn to sip of the precious fluid. For three centuries or moro, all sorts and conditions of men, from the king to the tramp, have pilgrim ized hither in search of new life or relief from pain. Bat we cannot in these competitive days afford the time and money to travel so far afield, so it is brought to your doors bottled in its natural and original form at the Spring, or in powder evaporated on the spot, and so well known as the Carls bad Sprudel Water, and Carlsbad Sprndel Salt. The ; signature, ' "Eisner & Mendelson Co., Sole Agents, New York," is on every bottle. Beware of imitations. nesdays and Saturdays excepted. It Is expected that the barbers of the West Side will Join in this movement.. George P. Strome, of the firm of Hart, Lea & Strome, Wllkes-Barre, was ,a visitor in town today. All breakers of the Pennsylvania Coal company In this section, with the ex ception of Ewen and Barnum breakers, are expected to work next week. Mr. Fox, proprietor of the Anthracite Hotel, Carbondale, was calling on friends In this city today. Miss Carrie Miller was a visitor In Scranton today. INDUSTRIAL TOPICS. The coal tonnage of the Heading rallroud for the week Jiml ended was L"J7,W0 tons, un Increuae over the preceding week of about 5S.000 tons and an Increuse over the corre sponding week Inst year of 49,212 tons; for the fiscal year to date the tonnujre Is 2.754,337 tons, an increase over the same period lust year of 12ti,077 tons. The Engineering and Mining Journal sharply draws the line between stock coal ami that known us tlrst-class coal. The former, It Hays, may have been sold from $L'.7.ri to $3 per ton, but it Is curtain thut the selling price of the latter is between $3.3U and $3.40. It says that forebeuninee, con cessions and far-sightedness are indis pensable) to save the trudo from further losses. The collieries In and near Harleton are muklng heavy shipments these days. The rallroud companies are furnishing all the empty cars possible but their utmost endeavors cannot comply with the ile niand. The breukera, too, are In better condition to prepare a greater amount of coul than they were lust summer. Dur ing the slack times of the past several months the officials paid marked atten tion to the improvement of the muchlnery. These improvements will continue to be useful for a. year or more and the coming summer will note the largest production of coal from all tho collieries In this dis trict in their history. The coal shipments on the Mahunoy division are the heaviest on record and even the great reserve of coal crews are unable to move all the h.iw.1. The Heading coul brunches urn also rushed since the blizzard and the dully shipments down the main line is from l,4tx to l.COO loaded cars. A vu.st amount of coal Is being moved from the storuge yards at many points. On .Satur day and Sunday 2,900 cars were shipped to tidewater. All the repair shops have been ordered to work ten hours per day. The Jersey Central are also doing un Im mense coal business at the present time. Crews are working overtime and the de mand for motive power is becoming more pressing. Thousands of tons are dully sent to western cities. The soothing, healing effects of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup Is felt almost Instantly. There Is no other cough medi cine that combines so many virtues. STOCKS AND BONDS. Xew York, March 1. Fears of gold exports, which, were so pronounced earlier In the week and which led to considerable selling of stock for both accounts, disappeared in a great meas ure today. The market closed Arm. Total sales were 145,500 shares. The range of today's prices for the ac tive stocks of the New York stock mar ket are given below. The quotations are furnished The Tribune by O. du B. Dim mlck, manager for William Linn, Allen & Co., stock brokers, 412 Spruce street, Scranton. Op'n-High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. lng. Am. Tobacco Co mfti sl'.i '.i ' Am. Cot. Oil 20'(, iW, ani 4 Am. Sugar Re's Co. 14 92i J2N Atch., To. & S. Fe... iP 3"t 37 ""k Can. South 4'i 48i 4S4 Ches. & Ohio Hi's K't Hi's Hi'i Chicago Gas 7t' 71 U 7fl? 71 ' Chic. & N. W !8 84 W 8s Chic, 13. & Q Wi, W 09'i 70' C. C. C. & St. L 30 31 Vi ?.f,u. Chic, Mil. & St. P... 54- KS 64i 6T. Chic. R. I. & P I!2 2i ! C2 Delaware & Hud 12tP3 12Htj ISS'i D. , L. & W 158 158, 158 1SS Dist. & c. f im n? im 11 (Jen. Kleotric 284 29 27 2S III. Central 84', 84 84' M',i Ijike Shore i:W : 138 i:w Louis. & NHh 4Si 411 4H'i 4iK', Manhattan Ele 107'i lu77i Yflvt lttVi Mo. Pacific 194 J'2 IS)1 !'. Nut. Cordage 5' fi'4 iV Nat. Lead 27 27'j 27 27U N. J. Central K4'i Kr N. Y. Central W W'j 9:i-i Wi N. Y. & N. K 30 3u'ti 30 N. Y , L. K. & W "3 H'a fi 8 N. Y.. S. & W.. Pr... S7'a 37 37'i 37 Nor. PaiMtle, Pr ISMt Vi V.i 13'.'. Ont. West la", liV ir7 Ifiv, Phil. & Read 9'n 'i C1 ii'i Southern It. R ! 10 !V 10 Tex. Pacific Wi, H h' k Wabash, Pr 12 12 12 12 West. Union 87 87' 87 87-1. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADF. PRICF.S. Op'n- High- Low- Clos- WHEAT. lng. est. est. ine. May r.t', 54 -.4', 51 July 55 53 IV, 55 OATS. May 2ft 29 29 29 July 27:a 27"g 27 27, CORN. May 45 45'i 4". 45", July 44 45 41 45 LAUD. May fi.."0 6.52 C.50 fi.5? July 6. fU G.! fi.iij 0.02 PORK. .May 10.30 10.37 10.30 10.37 Seranton Hoard of Trudo Exchango lotions. Ouo- No. Par 8hs. Val. HTOrKS. Hid. Ask. 4 Crystal Lake Water Co 450 20 50 Dime Dep. & DIs. Hank 02 50 10 100 First Nat'l Hank COO 6 100 First National Hank (Carbonduli) ;50 50 100 Green If go l.um'r Co .... 210 100 100 Laoka. Lumber Co... 110 5 100 Lncka. Trust fk Hufo Deposit Co 150 S 100 M. & M. Savings Hank (Carhomlale) . 140 225 10 00 Providence & Ablng- ton Turnpike Co S.". 10 100 Rcru'n Havings Hank 200 1 100 Hcra'n Axle Works.. 00 75 10 100 Hcra'n Lace Cur. Co 75 S 100 Scranton Forcing Co 100 110 25 100 Third Nat'l Hank.... 350 G 100 Nat'l Horlng & Drill ing Co., Pr 100 45 100 Thuron Coal Land Co .... Ml 50 100 Traders' Nat'l Hunk 120 40 100 Dickson Mfg Co loo 300 frO Scranton Trac Co 8 on 3 100 Scranton Herliling Co 105 HONDH. ( COO Scranton Glass Co COO 2 CuO Econ'y Steam Heat ft Power Co Con S 100 Dickson Mfg Co 105 30 1000 Scranton True. Co V50 York New Produce Market. Now York, March 1. Flour Firm, quiet, unchanged. Wheat Dull, firmer; No. 2 red storo nnd elevator, 5c.i afloat, Mi'hc; t. o. b., fufi0. ; ungraded ren OHmOIc; No. 1 northern, VK'c; options firmer, high er; March, 5H.; May, 59'4jC.; June, Ce. ; July nml August, 60c; September, OOlijc.; December, 63kc Corn Dull, firmer; No. 2. 49c. elevator; fpOly:. afloat; steamer mixed, 49afiOc.; options (ulet nnd firm, higher; March, 49c; May, 49'4c ; July, 4lic. Oats Quiet, firm; options dull, firmer; March and May, 33c; No. 3 while March, 3c; spot prices, No. 2, 33n.; No. 2 white, 37c; No. 2 Chicago, 35c; No. 3, 31c; No. 3 white, .TH-ic : mixed western, 34a.15',i,c; white do., M,37n41c.; white state, 37!ia4IV4c Provisions Qulot, un changed. Lard Stronger; western steam, tn.75; city, U4uOMic.; March, U5; Muv, 10.82; refined, more active; continent, $7.10; South America, (7,50; compound, 5u5c. Butter Weak; state dairy, 10nK-.; do. creamery, old, 12al8c; western dairy, 9u 15c; do. creamery, new, 14a22c.j do. old, 10al8c; do. factory, 8a14c; rolls, H'tollc; Klgins. 2H4o22c.; Imitation creamery, 10a Hie. Cheese Firm, unchnngpcl. Kggs Weak, freely offered; state and Pennsvl vanlu, 30c; duck, 35c; western fresh, 29&C.; southern, 28a2ftc Philadelphia Tallow Market. Philadelphia, March. 1. Tallow Is quiet but a shade firmer, with light offerings. We quote: City, prime, In hhds, 4"a4(t. ; country, prime, In bbls, 4'dc; do. dark, In bbls, 3"a4c. ; cakes, 4a4M,c; grease, 3!ia 8c Oil Market. Pittsburg, "Mnrch 1. Oil opened, 107; highest, 1V7Vi lowest and closed, 106H. CAY SOJOURN BY THE SEA l'lcasurc-Scelicrs and Heulth-Hunters at Atlantic City. SOME VERY PAST RAILROADING Jersey's Great Seaside Cosmopolls Be gins Its Season by Guyety Kuthcr Lurly but Ilcglns It la Genu ine 1 urnobt. Special Correspondence of The Tribune. Atlantic City, Murch 1. The gloom ful and depressive pessimist who per sistently croaks of "hard times" and dolefully usseverates that the nation's prosperity bus gone to the deiimitlott everlustlng bow-wows, is shamed out of his dlsmul bewaillngs us suun as ho finds himself In the briny and brilliant atmosphere of this great seaside cos moplls. The very ulr seems with ca ressing fingers to "knit up the ravelled slcttve of care;" the swishing surf sings Wooingly u restful song to the tired senses; the genial warmth of the eurth nenring sun stirs the sluggish blood to quicker pulsings; and the Inspiriting ac tivities thut pervade the place beget fresh Impulses and enkindle new umbl tlons In the moHt mind-weary of mor tals. A stroll on the thronged boardwalk just now Is an inspiration and u de light. This magnificent esplanade skirting the white-headed edge of the horizon-reaching sea for four unbroken miles, is the dally rendezvous of beauty nnd fashion, as well as the daily resort of the Invalid nnd valetudlnnriun. Here meet and mingle the cosmopolite and the countryman, Heau Hrummcl and Farmer Hayseed, the belle from vocif erous Uroadwuy and the bright-eyed maiden from the quiet Pennsylvania hills. With each recurring year the wholesome custom grows of resorting here for a winter residence or an early spring-time vacation, and the propi tious opening of tho Lenten season now beginning augurs favorably. Some Cliinutlo Advantugcs. The magnificent climatic advantages of Atlantic City render it easily the foremost of American health resorts. The balmy and Invigorating air, laden with briny ozone and impregnated with the bnlsamlo odors of the encir cling pine forests, Is distinctively cura tive in pulmonary, malarial and nerv ous disorders, being especially effec tive In the amelioration of la grippe. The diversity of recreations nnd amusement attract to it every shade of temperament and taste, from the grav est to the gayest. More than a hundred hotels and boarding cottages have opened their doors to the entertain ment of visitors at rates ranging from $1 a day up to llgurcs that would make a frugal millionaire dizzy. The facilities for getting to and from this enchanting bit of Lotus Land are superb In their completeness nnd in every detail for have we not the "Royal Route to the Sea," that magni ficent branch of the Reading Railroad system, the famu of which extends from the eastern coast to the placid waters of the Sun-down seas? Every body who travels and everybody trav els nowadays Is familiar with the unique renown of the "flyers" that run on this celebrated line, and I cannot forbear quoting from the Atlantic City correspondent of the Philadelphia Evening Star this account of a remark ably quick run: Very 1 ust Kuilrouding. "The people reaching here on Sat urday last on the 2 o'clock p. m. Read ing train have It to say that they trav eled the entire distance at a rate of a mile In less than a minute. Hy rea son of the Ice blockade in the Delaware the train left twenty-two minutes late, and yet, Including stops at Hammon ton. Egg Harbor and Pleasantvllle, It pulled up to the depot here only one and one-half minutes behind time. In other words, twenty and one-hulf min utes had been made up In the fifty-five and one-half miles, which distance, In clusive of the three stops, was cov ered in fifty-seven and one-half min utes. Certainly five minutes at least were consumed In the slowing up, stop ping and getting off again at three sta tions, so that the actual running time wus more than a mile a minute. This Is a remarkable record for the distance, nnd Is probably tho fastest rate of trav eling ever accomplished across Jersey." ' P. ut the Star man Ts in error In set ting this down as a "record breaker," the same fifty-five and one-half miles having been covered lit least once In fifty-two minutes. On the Reading's straight smooth track a speed of a mile a minute Is not deemed notably rapid, and a mile In less than fifty seconds Is no uncommon achievement. The ele gant train equipment of the "Rnyal Reading route," not less thnn the phe nomenally quick time, attracts to It a very large preponderance of the travel, nnd I am Informed that through tickets to Atlantic City ure now sold al most everywhere nlong the lines of the Rending, and also on tlmse of Its con nections, such as the Jialtlmore and Ohio, Lehigh Valley, Now Jersey Cen tral, Iteech Creek, Full llrook and other road. J. M.J I. Hurdock tilood P.ltters never falls lo cure all Impurities Of tho blood, from a common pimple to the worst scrofula sore. Charter Application. OTlCI-flS ilKKKDY (IIVKN THAT AN application will bo made to llin Huvrruor of Pennsylvania, un March 23, A D , 1895, by T. R, Putins, II, II Reynolds. K. L. Murrl mun, John W. Warner, .1. 11. Hewsrd, A. L. Francois, C. Cummtys, Th mts Moore, U U. Holntid, W. I. Holmi'l. Dr. H. P. I.omt Ktroet, Kdwarrt Franklin and John II. Kolly under tho Act of Amembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania "entitled ''An set to provide for tlio incorporation And regulation of certain corporations," approved prll 20. IH74, nnd the supplements theroto.for tlio charter of an Intended corporation to becallod "Tho Hulinrhan Hulldlng und Loan Association, No. 2," the character and object of wnlch la to Kccuiiiula e fund by the peri odical contributions of Its inetnhnra, which hal bo loaned to the hlKbest bidder among Its member, to enable tlium tt tmrchaai honieatends, or other real estato, or for their use mid inveatineut In any lawful luminous, and for these purposes to have,' poMMH, nnd enjoy all the rights, benefits and prlvlliwa of aald Act of Aeterably and its snpnUmimts. 1 COMKOYH & REYNOLDS, NOTICR IS HEREBY (IIVKN THAT AN application will bniniida to the (ovarnnr of Pennsylvania on March U, IHH.i. by Walter W, Wood, .la. H. Mi'Anulfy. Homy Helin, Jr., Win, Council and Alfred Hand, under the act of aiweinlily, entitled "All art to provide for the incorporation and regulation of certain corporation." approved April 20. A. 1). 114741, and it supplements, for the charter of an Intended corporation to lm called "The National Elevator and Machine company," the clmraotor and objnet of which la uianu fcctuilng elovator aud machinery from wood, Iron, steel, brass and other metals, anil for thesii purpoaos to have, possess and enjoy all the riant, benefits and privllngra of aid act of assembly and supplement thereto, CH AS. H. WKLLKH. Kolleltor. fdminiatrator'a Notice. I'iaTTToinCDEL j the city of Hcranton, deceased. Letters of administration, U. T. A., upon the above nnmed entato haying been granted to tlie undersigned, all persons having claims or AnminiU atfuinat the anid estate will itraetmfc thein for payment and those indebted thereto Win please mnae luimcuinie payment io JAMES UUKIFP1N, Administrator, C.T.A. UEALE, Attorney for Kstate. . T A Word. WANTS OF ALL KIND! C08T THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID FOH, IN AD VANCE. WHEN A HOOK ACCOUNT 19 MADE, NO CHARGE WILL BE) LKB8 THAN IS CENTS. THIS RULE AP. PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS, BX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH ARB INSERTED FREE. Help Wanted Male. i!Or nfl TO JaUU) PKK WEEK US1NU CPfJ.lU and selling Old licliuhle Plater. Evory family Iiuh rusty, worn knives, f.n ki. p,Hma, utu. (juiukly platud by dipping in tnnlted metal. No ttxperionce or hard work; a gjoduituutlou. Address W. P. IlAliKlttON & CO., Clerk Nu. 14, Columbus, Ohio. RANTED-WELL-KNOWN MAN IN uvery town to solicit stock Hultfcrtp- tious; a monopoly; money lor agents; no capital required. EDWARD O. FIBll CO., Burden Block, Chioago, HI. qaleSmen - hkhTdknt SALESMEN f wunted, acquainted with tlio local and ueurby druu aud grouory trade, to handle our line of hiuli uradti ciirara, Addrca, ttlvliig references, .1. EOWAKD COWLES a Co., 14J Cluiiahers Htruet, N. Y. Wanted To Rent. WANTED-A LAHUE SINOLE HOlIsE, v with modern luiprovemeulg. Address It. E. LEONARD, 514 Lsckawanna avenue. A ltEl'ON8IllLE HUBINESS" MAN wants to runt a U or In room homo witli modern improvements; Ureuu Ridge pre furred AddreHi, stating rent, to "WALTER H ," Tribune office. For Rent. 1XU RENT THE M AN NES 4 RESIDENCE J on JclYerson avenue, between Hpruce St. and Lackawanna avenue, with ham in rear, and npacioUH lawn, will bo for rentaftor P pril 1, ISUd. Inquire of H. A. KN API', Uupublicuu Bulldtuf. 1Olt KENT-FINE HOME, CENTRALLY J' located; $:iB.O0 iwr mouth. THOS V. WELLS, attorney, Commonwealth building. lOOMS FOR RENT-ALSO BARN. IN i t quire Hi.' Mouroe avenue. lOB KENTAN "oI.D-ESTAbLISHED I hoot and ahna store in tlio borough of Htrou'lshurpr, corner Malu und Centur streets; rent iMU pur year. Addresi J. B. MILLER, Stroudxburg, Pa. 1.011 RENT-TWO LARGE FUHNI8HED J rooms for gentlemen lodors, together or singly; four blocks from court house. Inquire of F. C. H 4ND, m Wyoming avenue. l"OR RENT THE PHOTOO 1 lery fortnerlv oircunled bv (IHKAPli OAL- V. L. Orlflln, including rouuis for houhekeeinng. VM Wyo ming avenue. (HAS. KCHLAUER. IWR RENTBKICK HOUSE OF NINE I rooms, from April Int. 41 Vine street Apply to L. M. HO it TON, 3 Commonwealth Building, 1,'Olt RENT A LARGE, 4-STORY BUILD J iugutUCI Franklin avenue; suitable for wholesale business. CAttSON & DAVIES, Scranton. lOR RENT BRit'K WAREHo'U8EWITH X elevator ou D L. & W . switch and West Lackawanna avouue. Scranton Stove Works. 170R RENT FURNISHED AND UN FUR JT nished rooms at ) Lackawanna avenue. 170R RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST Lackawanna aveiiuo. Address THOMAS E. EVANS, Bear Luzerne, Hyde Park. fOB RENT-NICELY FntXlSHElfllALL, r suitable for ludgo rooms. JOHN JEK MYN, 111 Wyoming ovenue. For Sale. IOR SALE MAO NIFK'ENT NEW RESL X douce, with full lot, 7.'iti Joffcrson avouue, at cost; flfteen rooms; nil Improvements; rare bargain. Apily on premisos. pASH MEAT BUSINESS FOR SALE ' profits '!& to S U weekly, at a bargain. Address "H ," Tribune nltlco. Special Notices. OULD LIKE TO CORRESPOND WITH aome nartv duirinif to sell milk nuit. Address JOHN FOSTER, care station agent. Skinner's Eddy, Pa. I AM NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH EX 1 hikitions and lectuie ujkui any suhjoct dx sired. Theso exhibitions will be illustrated, having in my possession tlio most powerful dissolving stereoot icons made. E. H. CALL. Tribune Office. VOU WANT THIS RELIC - REPRINT 1 Frank Leslie's Illustrated Weck.y War Illustrations PKil-ltMVi. Two Volume Folio, f lti.60; puyalile monthly, $-'.UC Delivered by express complete. Prepaid. Addiesa P, O. MOODY. HIHOilwon treet, Scranton, P.i. Aeenl Wanted. GENTS MAKE til) DAILY SELLING AL i V iiminum noTeltius; new process silver ware; bar goods; hig line, tho new, wonder ful metal; delivered free: samplo in velvet lined esse. 10'.; catnloguo free. ALUMINUM NOVELTY CO., Mi Broadway, New York. TliAVB Tins ; "best 1 aiTent 8 1 aktTcle X on earth. Send postal for particulars; notlnmr like It; credit to all worthy; wanted hy evorvl oly; no fraud; permauent growing buslncHt for honest people. THEO. NOEL, llc uloclit, ChicaKo, III. 1 ENERAL AGENTS W ANTED-SELIj-1 1 iug new ai tides to dealers; exclusive ter ritory, no competition, nu capital required; VOU to iiisi per cent, jirollt. Columbia Cbcinical Co., till Dcartiorn St., Chicago, 111. 4 GENTS HINDE'S PATENT UN1VEH 1 sal Hair Curlers and Wavera (un.'d with out host), and "Pyr Puiuted' Hair Pius. Lib eral conimitidons, Fnw sample and full par ticulars. Addiess P. O. Box 4M. New York. A (IKNTS IN EVERY STATE ON SALARY ami i'ulumlilon Agents makiiiK Sit to JVI weekly. EI.'KEKA I'll KMICAL & M'F'O CO., La Crosse, Wis. VrANTi'7) ACTIVE SALESMEN TO V handle our line, no peddling. Satnrr, 75 per mouth anil expenses paid to all. Goods entirely new. Apply quickly. P. O. Box, WW, Boston, M?is. Clairvoyant. MRS. KENTON, CLAIRVOYANT AND I'hrunnloglst, 4t ltckawniina avenue. For a short time only. Physician Notice. I F IN NEED OF SQCABS FOR PATIENTS 1 wcaro large hreeilersof thnin. II AHLA M'S, IIS Cliff afreeu legal. 1ANE RIK.FSNYDKR BY HER NEXT fl friend, .lame Heady, vs. Thomas Klet inydor. In tho Court of Common Plots of Lackawanna count) , Nu. lsb November term, ISWi. The Subpoeua and alia subpoena In divorce In the atsive cuse having lwu returned "noli est inveutui," you, Tlmmus Kiutsnydur, aro hereby itotlflsd to be and appear at the next trm of Court ef Coininun Pleaa of aald county to be held in the eity of Scranton, on the Mill dar of March. IHli.'i, to answor to the plaintiff 's complaint in tlio almve case. F. II. (.'LEMONS. Rherlff . W1LLARD, WARKEN A KNAPP, Attor nsv for llliollant. Situation Wanted. SITUATION WANTED EXPERIENCED double entry hook-koever wishes to coin niunlcnie with physician, or any professional man who would reuiitru the service of an an- couiitnnt tew hours each day. First class penman; roteroiicea. Address A. .., Irlu una olllce. " y ou n d MANTaT yea rs oFah k7 d k- i V sires iwsltlou as clerk, or aome suitable occupation; fslreduejitioii, . Address "W.K.," 114 Court street, city. SITUATION WANTED -A POSITION as stationary onlneer, either at siupe or shaft; five yssrs' exirlence; best of refer rnce riirnlsucd, by a young married man. Ad dles "K. 1). R.," box 171, Dunmuro, Pa. SITUATION WANTRD-A YOUNO MAN. O student In business college, wants work writing in omce or Does seeping: experienced Addross "E. J.," Sorantou Tribune. SITUATION WANTED A YOUNQ LADY would like a iswltlon aa eeuersl honaa- keeper (or small family. Address 73) Capouse avenue, cur. POSITION WANTED AS ORGANIST ON nlDo or reed orcan in a Protestant church. LAV1NIA B. UOMUNSON, 117 South Hyde I nri ktuiiuv, i . 0 c CITUATIUN WANTED-NURSK, FIRST p class nhrse, tlioroushly understandt her bnslurss: best personal reference, Aifciree "M. W.,'1 Tribune ottlc. .. Connolly & Wallace 1 n i Ott PURE UNPRECEDENTED The Largest Piinliasc or Towels Krer Brought to Seranton. we are enabled to quote prices that will insure their xpeedy sale : 200 doz. size 42x22, excellent quality and weight, fine, soft finish, hemmed borders, . 16c. EACH Don't .Miss CONNOLLY & THE CELEBRATED Keystone Bed Spring IS NOW MADE EXCLUSIVELY BY THE SCRANTON BEDDING CO., PRICES Educational. MANKFIEU) STATK NORMAL SCHOOL, Miinstleld. Tiuga County, l'a. An effect ive trainluir svbool fur tuaeiier. Very liberal provisions for pest vraduuts and rolfeife pre Daratorv work. Htudunls admitted to the lieit colletres on certificate. Gymnastics made con ducive to mental and nuvaical icrowtli and do- Teiojimeui. nuprrior uuvautaites tor instruc tion in inusir and arl. A strouv athletic asso ciation and line grounds for sport. Four larie DiiuuiiiKs. ail iitait-u Dy ateam. An elevator ruiininn In Ladles' building. Rooms finely furnished. Expenses for junior yenr (4 weeks). S168. Kenlor veur 1I0. For further information address P. H. ALBRO, Pli D Principal. Dissolution of kartnership. Scranton, Pa., Fob. 'Jl, s5. V-OTK'EIS IlKKjiliY OIVKN THAT THE is partnersliip lmretoforn existiuy between (I001 k K. West, Charles H. West and A. P. afaiouey, trading os Seranton Preserving Com pauy, lias this day been dissolved by mutual onseut, tlio said A, P. Msloney withdruwinx from all couneetlou with ssid firm. Tne busi ness will be routinuod by Ueorne K, West and Charles II. West, tradiinras Scranton Preserv ing Company at the old stand, No. TO" Wert Lackawanna avenue, Serantou, Pa. , to whom ull claims sliull bo presented for a.-ttlement, and to whom all accounts are to be paid. HCRANTON l'KtSF.UVINU COX1PANY. Stockholders' Meeting- VtyiTCE-HTANM? i tb st(M'kholders of The Lackawanna Iron and Stwl Comtany, for the election of directors, ami triitntaction of such otiiur busi ness as may properly cram lieforo the meet ing, will be held at the office of the company, in the city of her an ton. Pennsylvania, on Wednesday. Hrch tit li. lfi5. at i o'clni k p. in. The polls will renisin oien for one hour. The transfer books will be c1osm1 on February mil. IW5. and ro openod on Murch Tth, IBU.", iKignedi J. P. HIlHilNBON, Secretary. Scranton, Pa.. Feb. ilst. Isto. Scaled Proposals. JKALKU PROPOSALS WILL BE RE 1 ceivad at tlie olllce of the City Clerk. Hcranton, Pa., until I 'M o'clock p. m . Thurs day, Unroll Tth, ls'.'', to pave Franklin ave nue with tho boat quality of vitriiied brick, between Spruce street and Mulberry street, except that portion between the tracks of the street railway companies. Proposals will alio be received for thp set ting of now curlMtono and til resetting of old turlistone, where the same may be required on tlio said portion of Franklin avouue, be tween Spruce and Mulberry streot Tlie said paving and curbing is to be done in arc irduncs with plsn and specifications tiled in theolhVe of tne City Clerk and uuder the direction of the t'lly Engineer. Bidders shall inclose with tbnir proposals a rertltled check fur throe hundred dollars to lie forfeited to tlie city in case t failure to ex ecute a contract in accordance therewith with In a period of twenty tlaya thereafter. Tho city reserves the right to rcjoL't uuy and all bills. By order of Clly Councils. M. T. LAVKI.LE, City Clerk. Scranton, Pa.. Feb. -27, m. SEALEIt PROPOSALS WILL BE Re ceived at Die olllce of the City Clerk, Scranton, Pa., until M o'clock p. in , Thurs day, Murch Tth, ItSI'.'i, lo construct a sewer, with the neccsHsrv basins, lu-nucliea. lamp holes, ninnholes and tlxturea in accordance with plans aiidspeciuVuliuna filed in thoohVo of City Clerk. The said sowor Is to be constructed as fol lows: Commencing on North Msm avenue at the Mount Plesnant Ravine, thence along sulil Main avenue to Howell street, thence along liowoll street to llecker conrt, thenco aloug L'eekor court to Lafuyettestrcct, thence along Lsfaynttu striMit t llyde Park avenue, also branch thereof commencing at tho interim lion of He'ker court ami Swot Und street, thence exteudine soul hc asterly on hI 1 Swet land streut about mm hundred and sixty foot. Ilidilers hh-ill inclose with eai'li proposal the sum of five iHircent. of tliuainouut of bid as a guarantee to executo u contract witidn ten days if awarded tlio same Proposals shsll be to construct by the lineal foot complole, in cluding all basins, hrnm'hca, manholes, luinp holes slid llxtures, and also to furnish all man ner of lalsir and supplies. Tim work is to be finished within sixty days from the date of commenceni-nt. Proposals not accompanl.-d by tlie required deposit and not In accordance with the advertisement and ordinance shall not 1m considered. The city reserves tho right to reject any and all bids. By order of City Councils. M T. I.AVKLLE, City (lerk. Bcranfoii. Ps.. Feb. 1!T, lKr.. HKITRB MOB CO., ln,p.CeIU!,$I.OW.W(fc It KalT l.ftO HHOR IN TMK WOlU.I. "A dollar lurfd U a dollar ori-if ." TklelAdlea' Halld r ranch loeiola Kid BvU ton Itoot dellverad free snywtwiw In the U.S., oa reeeipiotL.'ean, uoney omir, or Postal Note fer !.. Kquals every way Ike boot sold la all null stores for J.W. We make this boot ourselves, therefore we fuar- i sl. mji,hvi4 ana wrar. nd if any one Is Dot aatlaflMl we will refuad the mooty r send aaoinrr pair, opera L ee or imeamon peese, widths C, fl. K, k EK. .suae l to ana nan SndfnirtUt; Mil yea. lliuslralsd Uata. totiie rncc 1 Eexter Shoe Gon FEDERAL ST., BOSTON- MAM. Bptctai tm ( fe lualtn. Wm, Linn Allen & Co. STOCK BROKERS, Buy and "ell Blocks, Bond and Grain on New York Kxohange and Chicago Hoard of Trade, either for cash or oa in. m I I III i i -mi jsp- margin, 412 Spruce Street. LOCAL STOCKS A BPECIALTT. G. dQB. DIKMICK. Manager. TELEPHONE 6.002. LINEN HUCK TOWELS. AND UNAPPROACHABLE VALUES ISO doz., size heaver than same, . This Opportunity to Buy Towels at WALLACE, GREATLY REDUCED. (AUTION to our Washburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their many pat rons thut tliev will tliis veur hold to their usual custom of milling STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and owing to the excessively dry weather many millers aro of the opinion that it is already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will take no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully three months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every detail of milling haa placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'s flour far above other brands. MEGARGEL Wholesale Agents. IRON AND STEEL Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Ends, Turubuckles, Washers, Riv cts, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dyes, Tools and Sup plies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock. SOFT - STEEL - HORSE - SHOES, Aud a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheels, Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc, TTE1IE1B & GO. SCRANTON, PA. WHITE PINE OLD GROWTH DRY. Will it interest you to know that we have just placed in stock over a million feet of , 4, and Old Growth, Thoroughly Dry, White Pine ? We cau guarantee it First-Class Stock aud can make Prices That VVilj Pleasantly Surprise You. TEE COMMONWEALTH TELEPHONE 422. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA,, Manufacturers of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. General Office: SCRANTON, PA. . i n tad i a rallablt, IM piraiuilUHig N un. u waai u Mai, gat Dr. Pcal'o Pennyroyal Pills Thar an prompt, ml a4 strtala la nralt. Tba malna(DT. PaaVt) amr Umpi aUW Stat aar hum, It.M. AUn f SAi. MaMOUia Vt Utlad, V, For SalabyJOHN H. PHELPS, Gpruoa Straat, Soranton, Pa. Pi ii Hi lift By buying this enormous quantity 45x27, extra large, a little above Towel, finished the . . 21c. EACH Half Price. 209 AZ 602 and 604 Lackawanna Avenue, Cor. Adams Avenue, patrons: 9 LUMBER CO SCRANTON PA. M WELL EVERY WOMAN aMithlr, mrnlatiaf m attaint. Oaly fcamlMiia Pharmaolat, Cor. Wyoming Avanua antf i
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