THE SCKAXTON TRIHUNE TTTU'RSDAY MORNING, FEBRTTATtY 18, 1895. 8 HOLY LAND ART PORTFOLIOS. nil; In OF THE 111 Meet carefully and piously traced with note-benlc ami camera, from Bethlehem to Calvary And the Mount of Olives, Poin- a geottriiplilcal and historlonl account In narrntivo aiul lilotures of tlie plaova whnro I'hriat ami tim Apostkw livoil, toiled and triumiihrd. Kliuwiiiit whwro Joans was born, reared, batizd. tempted, truimtlK ured and i-rui-illed. reviewing lu chrouo logical ordor tlio wms of his prayorm tours, K-rmons, niiraides aud religious Hi'biovoinents, wliirh brought to Immunity the d:iwn of a now dav. Superb Religio-Educational, IfcllHHi MM AKT l'l M.ICATION Wliii h is tho joint production of Rev. John H..Vini-ent. l D., LUU, Bishop of the Si. t. Church: Rev. James W. Lee, D. l and K. E. M. Bain, the t'elolirated Landncapo and Scenic Photographer. This wholly unique and thoroughly "Up-to-Date pub 1 lea t ion coiupr sos tho results of uiont as of travel and observation, tnolviiiK Three Sea parte Toms of tho Holy Land. Two hv Klsliop Vincent, and one lately concluded bv I'll. LEli, upou which he was accompanied ut every staije of the journey by MH. UAIS, with the tinet photonraph ic imtlit tirix'urabl,' ill America. thesoKen- tlenicn beiuu under special coiuniission to present picturially and des riptively tho l,A: U or 1 hi. a n.'iv. iii ti'i j stem have therefore b.-on followed Willi lmui ueoK tinl i itinera, ami mc jvutm', inns of His Apostles have also hoou traced, as shown on tho KIGUT COLORED MAP in all Portfolios, This work is tho final ex pres'ion of a beautiful enterprise., and In an incomparable Historical and RoliKioua Kin.- Ai t Olt'orin.'. Au opportunity Is thus isiven to make a deliifhtful tour through Pales iue without leaving home. This mag nificent collection of over throe hundred and oijility-four photographs-the finest thnt ever enine from the Fast, (all se-"- cured tins you- and published at an ex pense of lltty th iusaud dollain i -should be in every home. The firm whoso name is appended will make it possible for every family to ob tain these Portfolios on easy terms. HOW TO SECURE THESE SPLENDID PORTFOLIOS For every purchaser and Wcents addition al you will be given one of these beautiful Art Portfolios, and thus continue until you have secured the eutire series of 'i numbers There are 10 beautiful views iu each Part or Number. We guarantee to furnish our customers with the entire series as wanted. We wish it distinctly understood that in connection ith this enterprise we guar antee the VEKY BEST QUALITY OK (iODLS in every department at lowest liviug pritei. L'omo and b convinced. We feel assured that you will be more than pleased with tho Portfolios, and will 1 e rts anxious to make the collection of the -4 Parts as we are to euablj you to do so. Very truly yours. GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT, Dry Co:ds, Millinery, Cloaks, Etc., 124 AND 126 WYOMING AVE. DR, -:-REEVES, 41a Spruce Street, Scranton. Dr. Reeves has bad Ions and varied ex perience In hojpltal and private practice tnd treats all acute and chronic disease! t men, women and children. CONSULTATION AMD EXAMINATION FREE. Ho, with his assistants, treat all dis eases of he nervous system, diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat, dyspepsia, rheumatism, lost vitality, premature Weakness or dec ay In both sexes, nervous debility, catarrh, tumors, cancers, erup tions, blood-poisoning;, fits, epilepsy, in discretion and errors of youth, lost man hood, eczema, scrofula, 8t. Vtus' dance, asthma, discuses of tho heart, lung liver, kidneys, bladder, stomach, etc. Young iMcn Positively Cured. Offer to the Public for Caturrh. Any one aufferinn with Catarrh who lshes to be permanently, quickly and cheaply cured may receive three months' treatment for only FIVK Iiol.I.AKS. The doctor has discovered a Hpeclllc for this dreaded disease. You can treat and cure yourself and family with it at home. It Jiever fails to cure. A trial treatment free. OFFICK HOt.'RS-Dally. 9 a. m. to p. T11.; Sundays. 10 to 12 and 2 to 4. SPECIAL We are showing for the Spring Trade the finest and best line of WILTON CARPETS Ever shown in the city. Pronounced so by compe tent judges, and prices are right. Call and see them whether you want ' to purchase or not. J. Scott Inglis 419 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. DALTON. Mrs. J. R. Parkton 1h spending; a few weeks with her son, George, at Stroud Jjurs, Pa. The Christian Kndoavor society of the Methodist KplHcopal church held" a social at the church basement last Tiiesdny evening. The feature of the social was a spelling match, the lesson belli tnken from tho twenty-sixth chanter of Numbers. Miss Carrie D. Btoll Is visiting at tUloomsburg. , Mr. Trudusdale Is very 111. SB jpgjjf NEWS OF THIS VICINITY t . : . TUiS'KHANNOCK. 1 t Rev. W. M. Hilter has Bone to Car bondulc to attend the funeral of a fami ly friend, Mrs. Andrews. The following concerning one of our town boys Is clipped from the llrain trlm Messenger: "We are sorry to learn that J. W. DeWItt has accepted the off era of the Van IStten band and will locate In that pluce. Mr. DeWItt is an excellent band Instructor and will be sadly missed by our band. The best wishes of a large circle of friends go with him." The friends of Rev. and Mrs. G. O. Beers will be pained to learn of the death of their daughter, Mary, who died at their home, at Candor, N. Y., Feb. 111. O. I.. Kresky is advertising his house anil lot, on Court House square, for sale. It Is dcslruble property. Mrs. E. M. Phillips Is recovering from a severe bilious attack. D. C. De-Witt, of Towanda, will speak on llnance at the court house on Wed nesday evening, March 13. As he Is well informed on the subject und his talk will be entirely non-partisan, he will doubtless draw a good house. Pomona Orange will be in session on Unit duy. .Monroe township people are busy In venting names for the new township they have voted to create. The commissioners will hold a court of appeals for unseated lands Friday and Saturday, Mtrch 23 and 23, ut the court house. The farmers' institute closed with yesterday afternoon's session. The house was packed all day, and the peo ple listened with a good deal of Inter est to the papers and discussions. A. C. Slsson talked on fruit and potato cul ture: Professor 11. J. Waters, of the slate board of agriculture, on building up a dairy herd; W. 1. Avery on farm gardening- fr profit, etc. Tuberculosis and its remedies were discussed, pro and con. K. S. Searle thinks that there is a good deal of absurdity In being frightened over the tuberculosis scare and slaughtering herds of cattle upon the slightest symptoms, as many cattle. If left alone, would live for years, en dangering no one who uses the milk. The recitations by Miss Bertha DeWItt and the singing led by J. R. Hunger- ford, were also enlivening features of the meeting. Mrs. Grace Welser Davis, the evan gelist, writes that she will be here .March 8, Instead of March 10, as pre viously arranged. CARBOXDALE. Harry Skels and Howard Foster spent yesterday afternoon with friends In Forest City. The fourth lecture In the American Railway series on the "Passenger Ser vice," will be delivered on Friday even ing in the Father Mathew hall. .Mrs. S. N. Uailey. of Canaan street, was a visitor at Wilkes-tiarre yester day afternoon. V. D. Frank made a business trip to Scranton yesterday. Miss Mary Moran and Patrick Oer rity, of Gordon avenue, were united in marriage on Tuesday afternoon in St. Rose church by Rev. J. J. Curran. Funeral services over the remains of Lloyd Rowley were held at his late residence, yesterday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. Adelbert Rowley and Miss Cora Rowley, of Scranton, attended the funeral. Misses Janette and Diana Van C.ordor have returned to their home in Cort land, X. Y.. from an extended visit 1.1 this city as guests at the home of J. D. Van Gorder, on Terrace street. Announcement is made of the mar riage of Thomas H. Rowley, a former Carhondale boy, to Miss Minnie Brandt, of Blnghamton, N'. Y. The event will occur in the Parlor City on Tuesday, March 12. Miss Louise Durkln has resigned her position In the glove store. Miss Belle Bowers gave a progressive euchre party at her home on Canaan street on Tuesday evening. Those who were present are Mr. and Mrs. John Simpson, Mr. and .Mrs. Frank Hub bard, Dr. and Mrs. P. K. Jenkins, Misses Anna Barley, Belle Vanillin and Messrs. Charles Orchard, O. P. Rogers and H. Torrencp, jr. Rev. Mrs. K. J. Bnlsley entertained her Sunday school class at the Trinity rectory on Tuesday evening. Much Interest Is being manifested at the special meetings which are now being held in the Korean Baptist church. Rev. T. J. Collins, of Scran ton, preached an able sermon on Tues day evening to a large audience. His subject was, "For the Battle Is the Lord's." Itev. Collins preached again last evening. Miss Mamie Hennlgan, of Honesdale, Is visiting friends In this city. Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!! Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup hns ben used for over llfty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child! softens the gums, allays all pain; cures wind colic, and Is the brst remedy for diarrheal Sold hy druggists In every part of the world. He sure and nsk for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottlo. PKCKV1LLK. Mrs. Wllllnm Page Is lying very III, Hugh Craig, of the West Side, has moved Into the house of Jacob Reese. Mrs. Isaac Cheny left last Tuesday to visit with her daughter at Wyoming. Mrs. M. S. Shaffer, of Wllkes-Burre, called on her many friends here the fore part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Thomns Coafes will celebrate their fifth wedding anniver sary next Friday evening. Don't forget to purchnse your tickets for the hose boys concert next Tues day evening. George Travlss wishes to thank all those who so kindly assisted him dur ing the sickness and deuth of his wife. The Young People's society of the Methodist church will give a dime social at the residence of George Bell Fri day evening, March 1. If you want to have a good time attend and take with you a picture of yourself taken when you were young, the younger the better. There will be a contest during the evening open to all, nnd the one who recognizes the most faces correctly by the pictures will receive a prize. "avocL Yesterday was Ash Wednesday, nnd Lent Is now here with all Its rest ful ness, physical, social, moral and gas tronomic. Appropriate services will be held In St. Mary's church every Tues day and Friday evenings until Kaster, April 14, commencing at 7.30 p.m. No. 13 and Law's shaft will bo Idle the remainder of this week. The Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harding, who died on Monday with pneumonia, was burled yesterday afternoon In St. Mary's cemetery. Miss Bridget Slattery, who was at the Flttston hospital on account of being hurt some time ago In that place by boys who were coasting down Wlll ium street, has returned to her. home lit West Avoca. - . There will be a Bible, meeting tonight at the home of Miss Mary Hustle, of North Main street, .commencing at 7.30 p. m. ' The Richmond Dancing class gave a pleasant ' social on Monday night at O'Malley's hull. William Lnmpman and Miss Eliza beth Loumey were married on Tues duy at St. Mury'H church by the Rev. J. J. McCabe. Professor Amos was a visitor ut Wllkes-Barre yesterday. Miss Annie Goodwin returned to West Plttston yesterday ufter spending a week with her 'parents, or Packer street. West Avoca. rp A VI. t It One of the most pleasant social events ever hold In this pluce occurred lust Tuesday evening at the Taylor hall. The affair wus given In honor of a number of Avoca people, us a return Boclal for the one given at Avoca ifbout two weeks ugo. Pleasunt Intercourse und fun maklng and dancing reigned supreme until the early morning hours. F.very conceivable Idea was made by the Tay lor people to make their guests enjoy the evening, and they succeeded admlr ubly. About 12.30 o'clock all present repaired to A. Boyd's bakery store, where refreshments were served. The following were present: The Misses Maine Cranston, Elizabeth Gruhum, Mary Brown, Rose Warner, Messrs. Homer Wurner, Jumes Graham, W. S. McMillan, L. A. Quliin, W. G. Alex ander, A. L. MacDonuld. of Avoca; Misses Jennie Morgan and Scott, of Scranton; Dr. and Mrs. E. E. Weston, Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Van Horn, Mr. and Mrs. Gomel' Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Stone, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. C,ooper, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Atherton, Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Ward, Mr. and Mrs. A. Boyd, Misses Edith and Mary Van Buskirk, Kate Ludgate, Bertha Rees, Muggie, Jennie and Mury Whlteford, Polly, Re becca and Jennie Davis, Janet Inglls, Bertha Snow, Anna Watklns, Susie Morris. Mattle Courtrlght, Esther Price, Susie Harris, Anna Tidd; Messrs. Will-V lam Davis, Wlllard Atherton, Oliver and David Williams, James Timlin, Patrick Ludgate, John Jones, David Williams, John Doran, Charles Wat kins, Robert Inglis, M. C. Judge, John Richards, Thomas Daves, William Tldd and C. F. Stevenson, of Danville. Professor Thomus R. Davis furnished music for the occasion. Miss Edith Van Buskirk attended a birthday party of Miss Maine McCrln dle at Avoca last evening. M. C. Judge and John Taylor were in Mjlosic lust evening. Only J10 to the old country hy all lines. Call on J. P. Law, Delaware, Lackawunna and Western depot, Tay lor. MOSCOW. On Saturday the friends of Mrs. Emily Travis made her n visit. Among those from Scranton were: Mrs. I. S. Tice, Mrs. D. K. Collyer, Mrs. H. V. Smith, Mrs. F. Sadam, Mrs. H. May, Mrs. M. Macnans, Mrs. B. Wllllard, Mrs. T. Gllhool, Mrs. D. Carter, Misses S. Snell, S. Joseph, L. Young, E. Collyer, M. Collyer. M. Carter; Fred Van Stork and W. Collyer. From Moscow Mrs. C. H. Travis, Mrs. V. L. Smith, Mrs. S. W. Travis, the Misses Grace Travis, Myr tle Eshleman, L. Joseph, Fred. Eshle man, Lou and Clara Travis, Messrs. C. F. Smith, S. W. Truvl3. Professor Houk, of Tobyhanna, spent Sunday with friends In town. Mrs. Frank Pelton spent Sunday In Binghamton. I. S. Case, Jr., of Tobyhanna, was In town a few lays last week. The funeral of Marshal Vlegh, the young man killed near Syracuse, X. Y., was held In the Methodist Episcopal church un Sunday and was very largely attended. Rev. Slmpklns olllciated, as sisted by Revs. Stanly, of Turnersvillle, and Vandyke, of Madlsonvllle. H. L. Galge has gone to San Antonla, Tex. On Sunday afternoon Mrs. Catherine Kaughtou, aged 81, deld at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Cunningham. Her remains were taken on the 8.23 train, Tuesday morning, to Kingston, N'. Y., for burial. Messrs. Charles Cannon and Walter Runyon, of the Brooklyn School of Pharmacy, ' spent Sunday with B. J. Cannon. Miss Stevenson, of New York, was the guest of Miss Florence Cunnon, on Sunday. Mr. Hunter, of Rnlelgh. N. C, Is vis iting his cousin, Mrs. J. E. Lovelund. hom:sdali:. The proceeds of "!r- Goli Onl le". re cently given at the opera house was: Total receipts, tlXO.W); expenses, $78.90, making a net gain of $102. The thermometer rose to 4C degrees yesterday, causing the first genuine thaw since last November. Frost has penetrated the ground to, the depth of five or six feet. F. C. Wettllng, of Scranton, was ut the Allen House yesterday. Lenten services commenced at Grace church yesterday with the cell bratlon of the holy communion ut 10.30 a. m. Miss Clara Pellett, of Huwley, was In town yesterday The freight at the Gravity depot Is now handed out at the south side ot the building. Tho road beds of the railroads aro frozen so solid that much damage Is done to locomotives, necessitating con Btnnt repairs. Rev. John R. Atkinson, II. D., of New York, will preach In Grace church Fri day evening. M00SIC. A very enjoynblo party was hold at the home of Henry Kirk, Spike Island. The following were present: Misses Blanche and Etta Tregnllns, Lottie Ed wards, Bessie, Mamlennd Mattle Hinds Bertha Russel, Mary Gnmmel, and Messrs. Homer nnd Charles Warner, Bart Lnbnr, John Diamond, Alex, Young, Walter Hinds, Samuel Mourn, Peter Weir and Bert Lewis. Refresh ments were served during the evening Rev. Dr. Hard delivered a very In teresting lecture on John Wesley and his times at the Methodist Episcopal church on Tuesduy evening. A n'ltner ous audience listened to his remarks, A new store Is about to be established In this place by E. C. Ilerlew, onn of our popular townsmen, nnd Stanley Dla mond, of Scranton. I I Are you suffering from rheilmntlsm? Thomas' Ecleetrlo Oil has cured thou sands of I he worst cases of this tnrrlble disease. It only costs 2& cents to rty It, NICHOLSON. ' 1 Hervlces are belnir held each even lug In the Presbyterian church, Rev. Mr, vameron, 01 iurociiu 01 wiion daga. county, Is conducting the ser vices. Miss Fannie Stevens, one of ou teachers In the graded school, .Is con fined at her home by grip. Miss Nellie Stevens Is taking cure of the little ones. Miss Anna Wllvox Is visiting her brother, W; A. Wilcox, of Serunton.- , Mrs. V. B. Williams has returned from New York, after a four weeks' sojourn. C, P. TIITuny, one of our prominent young men, and who Is now uttendlng Theological seminary, at Madison, N. J., Is soon to be married. Margerle, one of the Interesting little twins of Mrs. Lyman Pratt, Is lying very low. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Newton, who have long resided In this place, will soon take tip their residence at Hawley, Wayne county, where the former will engage In business. Mrs. P. G. Harris soon expects to Join her daughter, Mrs. N. N. Wasllker, at Chlcugo. EAST STUOUPSBUKG. Arthur Wilcox, the barber of Strouds- burg, left 011 Wednesday for a trip to Scranton to visit friends. The addition to the fuctory of the Standard Manufacturing company is about completed and the new elevator will be placed lu position the latter part of the week. The plunt will be fur nished with st cit 111 heat throughout, und will be a great Improvement and give work to a large number of additional men. J. S. Goodwin, of Allentown, was In town on Wednesduy visiting Daniel T. Citllahun. Miss Amy Engler, a charming young lady of Mt. Pocono, Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown tit their residence on WnshlngBton street. J. Ottenheliner, proprietor of the large hotel at Forest Park, waB In town on Monday. Professor E. L. Kemp, of the Normal, gave a very Interesting address on Tuesday evening In the Lutheran church. The subject was "Liberty or What?" Humorist Robert J. Burdette will folow with a lecture In a few weks. The council at their meeting on Tues duy evening decided to build the hose tower that has caused so many discus sions. The contract was given to Ed gar Rinker, his bid being $-171.60, the lowest bidder. The tower Is to be com pleted by May 15, and when finished the residents of this borough will huve a house and equipments of which they cun be proud. L. W. Williamson, of Tobyhanna, was In town on Tuesday on business. Mrs. L. D. Schwartz, of Dover, N. J., Is visiting her son, E. J. Schwartz, the well known liquor merchant. K. J. S. Kennedy, the painter of this borough, is In Moscow for a few days on business. Miss Laura Teeter Is on the road to recovery from a severe attack of grip Bert Davis, who has been attending the Poughkeepsie Business college, has returned to his home In this borough on account of 111 health. Charles Hoffman Is sick of the grip John F. Jones, of Bangor, was In town on Monday visiting J. L. Thomas. Thomas Kresge, of Scranton, a stu dent at the Stute Normal school, visited relatives at Broadheadsvllle on Sunday. Lnyton Schoch, stenographer for the Standard Manufacturing company, will deliver a lecture on Saturday evening before the Young Men's Christian asso ciation of Stroudsburg. Subject, Wash ington Irving. punmom:. The following programme will be rendered Friday evening ut the poverty social, to be held at the home of Arthur Johnson, on West Drinker street: Piano duet, by Misses Minnie De.t-r and Grace Chamberlain; vocal solo, Miss F. llayeook; select reading. Miss L. Miller; piano duet, Misses Jennie Gulnney and Grace F.ngle; Vocal selec tion, by Ladles' quartette; recitation by Annie Oliver; piano and violin duet by Misses Grace and Elsie Powell; vocal solo, by Edith Wert; recitation, Jennlt Etten; vocul, Tlllle Cullen. Admission only 10 cents. Proceeds for the Epworth league, which will go toward repairing the church. The Loyal Legion gave a very Inter esting entertainment at their hall lust evening. Patrick Carey, hostler at the Duu more hotel, bus 1 11 very ill of grip for the past two weeks. N. J. Peru! Is 111 ut his home, 011 Fifth street. No. ti. HALLSTKAD. Dr. Blalceslee, of Forest City, was In town today. Dr. F. D. Lamb, who has been serious ly III, Is better. Two of the boys who ran away from the Soldiers' Orphan school, at llurford this week, were In town Monday morn ing. Rev. L. W. Church attended a ban quet at Ft lea. N. Y., last evening. Mrs. John Tyler Is 111. J. H. Ward, assistant secretary of the Railroad Young Men's Christian asso TV CURES 'A " a. 1 ! vuiisupuuun. CURES Constipation. CURES Constipation. 1 write that you may know tits aoud 1 have rcivod from Acts On the Bowels. II. ft. 11. 1 wai all out of henlth and Buffering with con- atlnatlon and biliousness. I tried other medietas, but thoy failed to do any Rood. At last I bonvht a bottl. of B, B. B.. and bcior I had utM It nil i want to work aa well aa ov.r. Ous Htuwu. Box W.Irvintou, Warren Co.Pa FK iJ IT SEEMS LIKE CRUELTY To throw owny gooriH at uuch figures ah those quoted below, but whnt nre we to uov . ii won't pay to store litem, nnu we've j?ot to get rid or them before April 1st. No matter what we reull.e ou them. We bought the stock nt Hherill'Snle, ''for hotter or for worse;" we took ehnneegon it find thought we were snfo when we lar, w Here no you come in at, ir we sell (i(l(ll).M AN'H KAISKKlTi STOCK to you on the snme terms as we secured it at? Ask this question twice and let your brulu and good Judgment answer it. NOW COME DOWN TO Next Week Wc Offer 2(10 I.uilles coals, assorted; no poor ones anioiiK them $3.00 GOO pairs corsets, nil sorts and sixes, some A I qunlllles nmonii them.. .33 10 doz. Ijiidles' fascinators-!) different styles. Pick al 20 luO pairs all wool lilaiikets, 11-4 slie - Value $H and $7. Cholea now.... 2.!i This price from openlna; hour till noon only. 20U dm. all wool half hose. Were !Ko and 3Tc. Choice. (Monday sale)., , ,15 2o0 dos. odds and ends underwear natural grey. Camels hair and scarlet, every garment strictly wool. Choice till noon only J GOODMAN 'S BANKRUPT ,'. STOCK , 510 LACKA WANNA AVEM E. elation In this place, has resigned that position. His resignation is to take ef fect March 1. Attorney E. R. W. Searle, of Susque hanna, was In town today. ' "N." O. Mujor Is In New York this Week. . 'Miss Anna Major, of Blnghumton, Who has been visiting friends In this pluce, has returned home. Subscribe for the Scranton Tribune. Only 45 cents per month. Professor nnd Mrs, C. E. Moxley vis ited New MilTord friends last week. Tho Skaters. As swiftly o'er the Ice they flew As snowllakeB whirl. With no one nigh what could he do? He hugged the girl. Inconstant man! A crash, a crack, A distant roar. Proclaimed a thaw, and then, aluck, Be hugged the shore. Washington Star. Dartmouth Professors Called It Innurahla. MI bad painful ulcer on my ankle, Which physi cians called an old man's Bore, duotothe poor state ot my blood. Tbe ore spread to tbe size of aucer, and I naa to give up business. The surgeons at Dartmouth College would not perform an operation, my aavancea age, vo yean, in linen was a barrier, and that only temporary relief could be given, I was pining over my misfortune when a friend urged motto try Hood's Saraaparilla. I bad taken but part of a bottle when the eruption looked more healthy and after taking 6 bottles the sore Hood's Sap Cures completely healed, leaving only a scar. Hood's Barsaparilla also helped my whole system as I have not felt so well for years." jotta a, viiKKiBK, west Lenanon, IS. It. Hood's Pnis.yin&'4i'ir THE BELL 230 Lackawanna Ave,, Scranton. T THERE is such u thinu as reduc ing prices ti a point that is positively painful and we've reached that point. Tomorrow we make the EAST ( I T in the prices of the Hyde I'ark Clothing Store Hank runt Stock of Men's and Hoys' Clothing It isn't a cut into the profits it's a cut into the cost of the cloth, before it ever saw the shears. Meii'H Working PanN, worth J1.D0, now bje. Men's Dress I'mits, worth $:UW, now $1.75. Men's Kxtra I-'Ine 1'iinls, worth $u.0A, now $'.'.4S. Men's: UiiHlness Suits, worth $S.(K, now $4.-r.. Men's Melton nnd Kersey Overcoats, worth U-M, now $7.U.", Men's Uresa Suits, worth J12.W, now ti."i. Men's Cluy Worsted Suits, worth $m.0O, redileeil for this week only to $7.7.r,. Men's Btorm Ulsters, worth $12."0, now $0.76. (lenulne KnKllsh Kersey Overeonts, .18 Inches Ioiik, ilmible warp Italian llninar, silk stitched, 4-Inch velvet collar, Wjor'.h $UU0, our pi lee for this week, $1'J.48. Children's Suits, worth $l.iV),now n.",e, 'hlldren's Dress Knits, worth $.1,511, now Children's Knee Pants, I pairs for 2.V. Children's Wool Knee Punts, worth 7oi, reduced to 4&o. THE BELL CLOTHING HOUSE, 230 Lackawanna Ave. SIGN OF THE BELL got it at a little less thnti 40o on the dol DOLLARS AJJD CENTS the Following Specials : 12 do. knit shirts. Soma all wool, otli era half wool, etc 1 Chenille table rovers, latest designs, heavy finality, 4-4 sle 42 e, tl-4 Ble (16c, 8-4 slxe $I.4U. 100 piece crash toweling;, till $ a. m. each morning 1 l-2e a yard. 100 pieces llRht print calicoes, 10 yds for Co till 10 a. in. each morning. 500 dos. handkerchiefs. All kinds 2!te each, till noon. KXTP.A SPECIAL. 100 dos. fine laundrlod shirts whites , und prints, very extra quality 43c. CLOTHING ASKING mmwfflifflfflfflffimm f3 tions, Ladies' and IfiiUillll:! s1 -l vjoous,! iiiunery, wioaKS, rurs, iniauia w Wear, &c, S TO BL GLOSED 00T RE6HRDLL0S OF G08T. & g tt The steady increase of our business 3 compels us to enlarge and remodel the en jjg tire store for spring trade, and as the stock will be in the way - g WILL SELL AT If PRICE. 5 e& a I the ? 400 and 402 nt - iiumiiiiiiiuiiiiiimwiiK taseis and Japanese Four-Panel Dark Green, Red, Black, Orange and Drab. OAK AND WHITE EASELS White and Gold Table, White and Gold Book Shelf, - UMBRELLA STANDS Closing out a lot at - SPECIAI : Onyx Top Brass Table, NEW LOT 64, 84 AND 104 Chenille Table Covers EVERYTHING IN UPHOLSTERY GOODS CORD, GIMP. ETC. 406 and 408 Branch at carbon "ECONOMY" TALK. THE ENTRANCE TO THAT HOME OF YOURS Would lie greatly improved by tbe presence of one of our ele KdiKly designed HALL RACKS We show some fifty odd designs, Hanging and Standing. Price range from fifty cents to forty-five dollars. Your ideas will surely lie met wlthiu this great range. Don't you think so ? Wc were surprised at the number of visitors in our Huby Carriage department within the last few days, but we were not surprised at the admiration bestowed on the vehicles. This season our display consists of the peerless "HEYWOOD" AXl) THE UVER rOPUAR "Downing Sleeping Coach," For which we arc sole ageuts. Mothers, wc cau interest you.. Our ever handy and LIBERAL CHEMT SYSTEM Will old you to give the darling baby all comforts. IN CARPETS We have 500 yards of Heavy Ingrain at 32 CClltS a yard, worth double. To out-of-town buyers Goods packed and delivered to destliatlon Free of charge. , ECONOMY FURNITURE CO SCRAlMTON'S HOME PROVIDERS. 225 AND 227 WYOMING AVENUE. Gents' Furnishing I - Fair, 3 ,M Lack Ave, Scranton, Pa. Screens Cloth Screens at $4.00 each; ia $1.75 3-oo 90c. each $4.75 eacli Lackawanna Ave. dale. EBtB & GO.