The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 23, 1895, Page 2, Image 2
7. s TIIE SCBANTOIT TRIBUXE-SATUKDAT MORKIN"0. TEBRUATIY L'3, 1895. TALES OF TWO P1TTST0HS News of Interest to Readers Up and Down the Valley GEORGE'S BIRTHDAY OBSERVED pittston' citizens Are Pntrlotlo-Resord of Pleasant Social Events Well Known Couplo Married at Biug hamton Personal News. Special to the Scranton Trluuns. PlltHton, Feb. 22. The celebration of "Washington's Birthday in Pittston was of a very quiet order, owing to the sud den chan&e in the temperature, and not to uny lack or pntiiotlc ardor, of which we have an unlimited amount In our bustling little town among the hills. The Eagle Hose company were in the line of parade, headed by the Liberty Cornet band, and made an excellent showing in their dress uniforms. The business places of the town were all closed this afternoon in honor of the occasion. Many places were decorated with flags and bunting. Our authorities should make an effort to remove the obstructions in the gut ters on Broad and William streets. The Scrantnn und Avoca Traction com pany, which have the right of way to lay their tracks on the streets above mentioned, have very neglectfully left ties and rails strewn along in the gut ters. As the water from the melting pnow flows down the hill, these obstruc tions turn the water onto the sidewalk, where it freezes and makes it almost Impossible for pedestrians to mount the Mil. An Enjoyable Party. A most enjoyable party was given lo the many friends of Miss Sudie Jop llng and Miss Nettle Pullman, of Alex andria, Va., her guest, at her home In Inkerman, last evening. After the friends had arrived an elaborate colla tion was served which was followed by danoing and games. Among those who were present were the following: Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Jopllng; Mrs. Blanchard, of Wilkes-Barre; the Misses tWanchard. of Parsons; Miss llattie Owens, Miss Nellie Owens, of Pittston; 3Ulss Maggie Robertson, Miss Nel lie Balrd, Miss Aggie Robertson, Jliss Jessia Latla, Miss Eliza Hut ledgs, Miss Jennie Kearney, Miss Cora Robertson, Miss Bertha Balrd, Miss Nellie Harkens, Messrs. A. W. iBalrd, Will Blakley. of Mauch Chunk; A. Guy Balrd, of Dunmore; M. A. Wynne, Will Kearney, Boyd Harkens, John Roberts, Robert Bowkloy, Alex ander Balrd, Kugene Smith, M. M. Biackwell, Will Phillips, Thomas Rob ertson, James Hutmauker, Frank, John and Samuel Hufsmith. The two sleighloads of young people who came down from Dunmore last evening to attend the ball of the Crys tal Social club of this city met with a serious mishap on, their return. As they reared the upper end the Bleigh very suddenly collapsed, leaving them with out a conveyance. One party took passage by the Delaware, Luckawanna and Western railway to Scranton, while the other went by the Jersey Central. Miscellaneous Items. All collieries of the Pennsylvania Doal company will work at three lourths time, providing they can be lurnlshed with empty cars. Messrs. Joe Fitzpatrlck, Ed. Hltchner, K. T. Hanaghan. Bert Browning, W. H. HeCawley, Joseph Reap, Will Hosey, fohn Donovan; Misses Belle and Jose phine Conners, May George, Mame Pagan, Kate Tighe, Katie Gill, Mame 2ody, Clare Ormsby, Maggie O'Brien, Pittston; Mame Collins and Elizabeth D'Malley, Scranton; Mr. and Mrs. Fil ey, were among the guests of Miss Lizzie Lunny at her birthday party last rvening. The funeral of Mrs. Patrick Cawley look place from, the family residence n Broad street this morning at 9 ('clock. The remains .were removed to St. John's church, where a mass of requiem was sung by Rev. Father Sreve. The remains were taken to the Warket Street cemetery for interment. The pall-bearers were Edward Rewaun, Tohn Costello, John Cawley, John 5'Hara, Thomas Rewaun and John Jawley. F. W. Pedrlck, of South Main street, will next week retire from the retail lonfectionery business. He will remove ls family to Mrs. Griffiths' house on Harket street, where he will enter Into Hie manufacturing and wholesale candy kuslness. Miss Mamie Cohen, of Railroad street, fave a birthday party to her many friends this evening. Many friends from Scranton, Wilkes-Barre, Avoca Wd West Pittston were present. Charles Morrow, of Mill street, nnd Hiss Florence Menhenwet, of West Pittston, were united In the holy bonds f matrimony. They left on the early rain on the Delaware, Lackawanna ind Western railroad for Binghamton, shere the marriage took place. Mr. tnd Mrs. Morrow returned last evening, ind for the present will make their lome with Mr. Morrow's parents. All regular subscriptions to the Scran Ion Tribune will be received at our ocal office, 8 South Main street. William McDonald, of South Main rtreet, who has been very sick for a ureek or more. Is now Improving. Thomas F. Cody, who was candidate doethe's Yislt to Carlsbad. There is no doubt that the life of the treat poet was greatly prolonged by Irinking the waters of the Sprudel Spring. In our day we have the Spru lel Spring brought to us 'in the form if Salt, which is obtained by evapora lon from the waters of Carlsbad. The Carlsbad Sprudel Bait powder brm-'ls in no sense a mere purgative, tut Is an alterative and diminutive 'emcdy which dissolves tenacious bile, illays irritation and removes obstruc lons by aiding nature. It acts sooth ngly and without pain. Beware of initatlons The genuine article has lie signature of "Eisner & Meiidclson Jo., Sole Agents, New York," on every io me. on 'the Citizens' ticket for the office of city assessor, though ha was not suc cessful In the tight, seems well pleased with the number of votes which were cast In his favor. Squire Jordan is In Pottsvllle on busi ness today. Dr. W, J. DeVoe Is still very sick at his home in West Pittston. Hugh Smythe will visit Scranton to morrow. W. S. Tompkins left or the noon train today for Binghamton. Will Phillips attended the matinee at the Grand Opera house at Wilkes Barre this afternoon. All complaints of non-delivery of The Tribune should be reported at our local ofllce. 8 South Main street. Malkey Mangon was injured by a horse jumping on him in front of Ma loney & Oo.'s store on North Main street, on Tuesday last, but Is now able to be out again. Miss Clara Lougherty, of Wilkes Barre, is a guest of Miss Mary Burke, of Chapel street. The Rice Comedy company will give a matinee this afternoon. Admission, 10 cents. Contributions of news will be thank fully received at out local ofllce, No. 8 South Main street. Mrs. Ross, wife of Dr. M. W. Ross, and family, of Purk Place, Scranton, were the guests of the family of J. W. Ross, of Muple street, ,West Pittston, tuday. Mrs. J. H. Morris and Miss Maggie Shallenburger, of North Main street, were in Ransom yesterday, attending the funeral of a relative. R. R. Van Horn, of Plymouth, is in town this evening attending the Eagle Hose fair. C. H. Cool, of the West Side, will give a bible reading at the Young Men's Christian association rooms on Sun duy next. The second basket ball team of the Yoiing Men's Christian association will pliiy the junior team of the same asso ciation tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon ut 3.15 o'clock. I- runk Smith, the Italian, was taken before 'Squire Gibbons today, where he entered bull for $100 for his appear ance before the grand jury on April 22 next. The Rice compuny have been playing to good-sized houses all this week. To night they appear In the thrilling melo drama, entitled "Daniel Boone." The West End Hose company gave a ball to their many friends at Keystone hall last evening. A very pleasant time was enjoyed by all who participated. TAYLOU. Miss Jessie Morgans, of Hyde Park, Is visiting Miss Susie Morris, on Grove street. Mrs. Charles P. Sampson, of South Wilkes-Barre, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David J. Edwards, on Main street. The stores and schools in this place were closed yesterday in observance of Washington's birthday. The chicken supper in the parlors of the Methodist Episcopal church last evening was well attended. Jermyn No. 1 and 2 collieries will be paid toduy. The first ball of the Taylor Athletic club, held in Weber's rink on Thurs day evening, was a most pleasant social gathering of young people. The rink was well filled and judging from the expressions of satisfaction heard from all sides, all enjoyed themselves. The boxing matches advertised to come off undoubtedly attracted a large crowd, and added largely to the success of the ball. The first to don the gloves were James Judge, of South Scranton, cham pion light weight of the state of Penn sylvania, and his sparring partner, Richard Evers, also of South Scranton. They gave a very clever exhibition of boxing which was highly appreciated by the crowd. Judge clearly demon strated his ability to defend his title against all comers. Next came the long-looked-for contest between Daniel Hayes, of the Taylor Athletic club, and Michael Kane, of the MInooka Athletic club. Both men were In good condition, and each was accompanied by a large following of admirers to cheer them. They were evenly matched In weight and height. Three rounds were fought, but the first two were rather tame, each sparring cautiously to size up his op ponent. Some good blows were ex changed, however, and great Interest was manifested by all. In the third round the excitement began, as both were determined to show their superior ity in the manly art, and the blows rained in upon one unother fast and furious. The excitement was so Intense that the referee was compelled to separ ate the men before the round was fin ished. The fight was declared a draw. The honors were about evenly divided. William Davenport, jr., gave a party to a number of friends at his home on South Main Rtreet last evening. Miss Jet tie Wlnslow has returned to her home on Washington street after spending a month with friends In To wanda. OLD TOHGE. Mrs. Eugene Repp was a visitor to Scranton on Thursday. C. W. Brodhead, of Montrose, re turned home on Wednesday after spending a few days with his purents. Mrs. E. Drake is spending a few days in Foster, having been called to the bed-side of her mother. Mr. Skinner,, of Wyoming seminary, will preach In the Brick church on Sun day morning. The result of the election of Old Forge township was as follows: School direc tors, William Repp, John Carroll; su pervisors, David Price, John Conway; treasurer, Cotton Taylor; assessor, John Sibley; town clerk, John Salmon; auditor, James Calvert. George K. Drake is confined to his home by sickness. UONKSDALK. Mrs. L. F. BlRhop and two children returned yesterday from a short visit at Scranton. Miss Rena Spencer, of Yonkera, N. Y.i Is visiting her parents here. A Martha Washington supper was given at the Presbyterian ohurch last evening. There wag a large attend ance. The Honesdale Opera house was crowded wltff merry people last even ing, the occasion being the annual ball of the Ancient Order of Hibernians. MINOOKA. Mrs. Festus Mulherln, of Main street, is seriously 1)1. Walter Shorten Is around again after a slight Injury received Tuesday. The Welcome Social club will hold a grand entertainment this evening at Galley's hall. The Hoodlum club held a dime ball Wednesday evening at Fasshold's hall. John Bt. John Is Jubilant over his election as constable. The article which appeared In these columns stating that William Buckley had his leg broken Is erroneous. INDUSTRIAL TOPICS. The Chicago and Grand Trunk railroad has let Its coal contract for 1895. Two hundred thousand tons are to be shipped over the Erie railway, 100,000 tons over the Lake Shore and about 200,000 tons were purchased In Nova Scotia. Total production of Bessemer steel in 1894 was 3,&7t,101 gross tons, against 3,215, GStl gross tons In 1893; Bessemer steel rails, I, 014,034 gross tons, against 1,129,400 gross tons. Production of rails for street and electric railways in 181 equaled 1D0,1W tons, against 133,423 tons in 1813. Philadelphia Press: The anthracite coal trade is suffering the penalty of misman agement for a great many years. The greed of overproduction has brought on a crisis which will not only be seen in tho trailo, but there are reasons for believing that some of the carrying corporations will be badly hurt. The anthracite trade can be controlled, but the people who conduct It have refused to take the moit ordinary precautions. A few facts will sulllce to make plain Just what the situa tion Is. In January with the trude In deep trouble the tonnage allotment was over slilpped nearly 33 per cent. This indi cated clearly enough that the backbono of tlio trade wus broken, and some of the companies began selling coal. The Dela wuie und Hudson, the Lackawanna and the smaller New York companies always talk well of themselves. The Ruuding Is a little slow perhaps, but she has been lume so long that Blie don't require an early start. All the companies have been marketing coal us fust us they I could. When the January detioument became public and tho situation became serious the Lehigh Valley also Jumped into tho market. The orders seem to be to sell ut almost uny figures, for that company hus sold coal ut $3 for stove In New York and probably ut $2.75. This waked up Stlek ney & C'unnlnghum, who sell tho Pennsyl vania's coal, and the ileet of schooners, barges, tugs and tubs that they sent to Perth Amboy to load with coal was the wonder of the trade last week. Much of tho coal being offered hus been stored for a long time. A portion of that of tho Le high Valley Is a relic of the McLeod times, und has been transferred to und from the lteudlng and Lehigh Valley computiies. The leuding men In the trade look for real war, and some experienced producers are of the opinion that it will end beneficially for tho trade. The Reading company be gin working full time this week as agulnst three days a week. Philadelphia Record: The wrecking if the old Edge Hill blast furnace, ut Edge 11111, Montgomery county, removes a la nilllur landmark on tho line of the North Penn railroad, und adds another name to the list of abandoned Iron-making enter prises with which the Schuylkill valley Is strewn. Agulnst the great advantages of cheaper ore und fuel in tho west and south the manufacture of Dig iron in this vicinity has hud a continuously hard struggle during tho lust ten to flftteen years. Twenty years ago ithe Lehigh val ley was the largest pig iron producing re gion In this country. New York state stood second, and the Schuylkill valley was third. The Lehigh and Schuylkill valleys together produced more pig iron thun uny entire stuto outside of Pennsyl vania, und their Joint output wus more than one-fourth of the whole product of tho country. Last year the Schuylkill vulley stood twelfth in tho list of pig iron producing regions, and the LehUh valley was In the fourteenth place. The production of Schuylkill valley for ten years past will indicate the course of the Industry in this vicinity: Gross Tons. 1883 12,Mi4 lMtfi 331.373 1S87 4CI,i;-.0 ltfeS 427,914 ISM) 412.127 1X90 541, ;0 1891 519.190 1892 448,201 1893 413.M2 1891 273.C01 Anthracite pig Iron, the chief product of the Schuylkill valley furnaces, has de clined one-half in price in this market in twenty years, but unthruclte coal, which Is the chief dependence of the pig Iron In dustry of eastern Pennsylvania, has not cheapened perceptibly since tho beginning of .that period. In the intervening years It has been both higher and lower than ut present. There has been some advantage In tho decrease in cost of Luko Superior iron ores. Hut the high cost of fuel still remains the greatest obstacle to proiltuble pig iron manufacture in this vicinity, for the cost of anthracite remains practically the name year after year, und if coke is used the furnuce operators must pay tho railroads for hauling It from C'onnclls vllle nearly two anil one-half times as much us tho coke Itself costs ut tho ovens where It Is made. With these facts to consider. It Is not surprising that only ono blast furnuce hus been built In the Schuyl kill valley In the pust fifteen years, while not less than thirty-three stacks have been abandoned in that time. Scranton Hoard of Trade Exchange Quo tations. No. Par Shs. Vol. STOCKS. Hid. Ask. 4 Crystal Luko Water Co 4M 20 50 Dime Dep. & Lis. Hank 02 50 10 100 First Nat'l ltank 600 ti luo First National Hunk (Curliondale) 250 20 MO Oreen it'ge Lum'r Co .... 110 1U0 1m) 1urku. Lumber Co... 110 C 100 Lacku. Trust & Sufe IJeposlt Co 150 C 100 M. M. Savings Hank (Carhondale) . 140 225 10 50 Providence Ahlng- ton Turnpike Co.... 85 5 100 Scranton Glass Co 80 10 lim Hcra'n Savings Hank 200 2 luo Hcra'n Jar und Stop per Co 40 1 100 Sern'n Axlo Works.. 50 75 10 luo Scru'n Lace Cur. Co 75 5 in) Seranton Forging Co- luo Ho 25 luo Third Nat'l Hank.... 350 5 1U0 Nat'l Boring & Drill ing Co., Pr 100 45 100 Thiiion Coal Lund Co .... 90 50 KM Traders' Nat'l Hank : 40 luo Dickson Mfg Co 20 50 Seranton Trap. Co 8 50 3 100 Bcrunton Bedding Co 1K,K BONDS. 6 500 Scranton Glass Co 500 2 5u0 Keon'y Steam Heat Power Co 500 3 100 Dickson Mfg Co 105 Iliiffulo Stock Market. Buffalo. Feb. 22. Cattle -Rerplpts, 2.200 had; on sale. (M head; market llrm; Unlit to good medium steers, $3.9"a4.40; fulr to good oxen, H.25n4; cows, fulr to good butchers, $2.(lua3.l5; bulls, K2.UTih3.TC: veuls. t3.5Uuii.25: extra, t.S0. Hogs Heeelpts, 14, 100 head; on sale, 5,250 head; market steady: Yorkers, good to choice, t4.lfm4.20; good mixed, t4.25u4.30; choice mediums, 14.35: choice, extra to heavy, t4.35u4.40; roughs, t3.50a3.80; stags, tn3.5U; ono lond light mixed sold late at'v. Sheep nnd Ijimlis Receipts, NMiijj head; on sale, II. ouo head; market dull; good lain Lis, t5.25a 5.M); extra fancy, t5.75ufi.8T; fair to good, t4.4un5.10; nulls and common, t3n4.10; good fat mixed sheep, t3.50a3.85; extra wethers, $::.1ir4; lights to fulr. t2.Kuu3.25: culls, t!.50a 2; export grades, t4u4.50; fulr to heavv wethers, t4.7Ua4.90. , Chicago Stock Markot. T'nlon Stock Yards. 111., eb. 22,-Cattle Receipts, ".000 head; market strong. Hogs Receipts, 30.0UO head; market active nnd lirm; prices 5ul0c. hlxher; light, $3.70 4.05; rough lacking, tl.8Ua3.95; mixed, t3.1Ua 4.10; henvy packing nnd shipping lots, tla 4.30; pigs, t2.90a8.85. Sheep Receipts, 7.0U0 head; market steady. Philadelphia Tallow Markot. Philadelphia, Fob. 22.-Tallow Is steady, but dull. We quote: City, prime In hhds, 4a4'ic.; country, prime, in bbls, 4a4'ic.; do. dark, In bbls, 8e.; cakes, 4',;c.j grease, 3'.e. NOTICE 1H HEUEBY OIVKN THAT AN application will be mndn to the guvorno r of Ppiinsylvnuln on March V, 1HW, by Walter W, Wood, Jm H. McAnulty, Homy Aelin, jr., Ww. Connall end Alfred Hand, under the act of assembly, entitled "An set to provide tor the incorporation) and regulation of certain corporation." approved April 21), A. 1), 1874, and Its supplements, for the charter of an Intended corporation to be called "Tha National Elevator and Machine company," the character and object of which is inanu feetmlng elevators and machinery flora wood, iron, steel, brass and other metals, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the right, beneflta and privilege of aid act of assembly and auupioinonta thereto. CUAfct H. WELLES, Solicitor. T A Word. WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH, WHEN PAID FOR, IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE, NO CHARGE WILL BE LE8S THAN 28 CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS, EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH ARE INSERTED FREE. Help Wanted Male. x5Tf6HKuTBAi(Tw ll the grocery trade. Meady employment, experlenoj unnecessary: $75 monthly saUrf nnd expenses or com. If offer satisfactory ud drexH at onco with particulars concerning yourself, U. K Chnuicul Works, Chlcuico. WANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN US ' every tiwn to solicit stock subscrip tions; a monopoly; big money for agents; no capitul required. EUWAUD U. FiSU A CO., Bordeu Hlock, Cbloago. HL SALESMEN KKSIDENT SALESMEN t3 wanted, acquainted with the loeai and nearby drag aud grocery trade, to bundle our line of high tirade cigars. Address, ulving 'references, J. EUWAKD COWLES CO., Il3 CliamliersHtroet, N. Y. For Rent EN T MUCK HOUSK OP I rooms, from April 1st. 418 Vino street. Apply to L. M. HOUTON, 3 Coin uiou wealth fiuildinir. l.OU RENT A LA HUE, 4-8TOKY BUILD i ingutl33 i'luuklin avenue; suitable for wholesale business. CAKSON & DAV1ES, KeiautoiL PU R U ENTB R 1C'KWAR E HOUSE"w ITH I elevator on 1),. L. & W . switch und West Lackawunim avenue, tv-runton istove Work'. SUPERIOR MODERN HOUSE; AVENUlS. JONES, 311 Spruce. IOR RENT FURNISHED AND UnTuiT nished rooms at 600 Laekawunna avenue. I.TOR RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST 1 Lackawanna uveimu. Address '1 HOMAtt E. EVANS, aeur 1132 Luncrue, Hyde Park. lToU R EN T NI UEL Y FU KN IS IHCi Th ALL I suitable for lodge rooms, JOHN JER MYN, 119 Wyomtnir avenu?. Boarding. ONE SPLENDID ROO.M WITH BOARD for man nnd wife or two men. Contrul location. 3i2 Wyoming avenue, corner Spruco, (opposite Hinio bank.; First class table board t per wo k. Board Wanted. lOARD AND ROOM WANTED BY GEN li tlpiuan, uear central part of city. Ad dross "R ft ," Tribune office. Physicians Notice. F IN NEED OF SUUABS FOR PATIENTS L we are largo breedcrsof them. H At LAM'S, 118 Cliff street. Special Notices. lrOULD LIKE TO CORRESPOND WITH aoine party desiring to sell milk route. Address JOHN FOSTER, caro atatioa agent, Skiunor's Eddy, Pa. 1 AM NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH EX 1 hibitions and lectuie uou any subject ds sired. These exhibitions wdl be illustrate , having in my possession tha iuot powerful dissolving atereoptkous made. E. H. CALL, Tribune Office. rOU WANT THIS RELIC - REPRINT Frank Leslie's Illustrated Week.y War Illustrations JW.I-KW). Two Voluni Folio, (10.60: payable monthly, 82.00. Delivered by express complete, Prepaid. Add l ens P. (J. MOODY, 018 Gibson street, Scranton, Pa. LANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAGA ziues, etc., bound or rebouud at The Thhiinh office. Quick work. Reasonable prices. Agents Wanted. CO A DAY 'lO AGENTS SELLING rl. the White Metal Plater or taking or ders for plating. Trade secrets, formulas, re ceipts, etc., furnished free. A good agent can make from two to three thousand dollars per year with the Royal Pinter. For terms, etc., address Uruy & Co., Plutiug Works, Colum bus. Ohio. GENERAL AGENTS WANTED-HELL-V I lug new ai tides to dealers; exclusive ter ritory, no capital required; 20U to ;.W per cent, profit. Columbia Chemicul Co., 69 Ueurliorii St., Chicago, 111. "IAN YOU SELL BOOKS? IK YOU CAN Vv und want steady, remunerative work, ua fine sundnrd publications, address W. E. BENJAMIN, 22 E. 10th Bt., New Yrk. B OTTLEK8 OF SODA AMD MINERAL water wanted to secure subscriptions to Bottlers Oaztte, 21 Park How, N. Y. Sub scribers wanting situations can advertiso in fame without cist. Hce page 74, February issue. Sample free. $2 a year. GENTS HINDE'S PATENT UNIVER JY sal Hair Curlers and Wavers (used with out heat), and 'Tyr Potnted"Hulr Pins. Lib eral commissions. Free sample nnd full par ticulars. Address P. O. Box 450. New York. GENTS IN EVERY STATE ON SALARY snd commission. Agent' making tin to VI weekly. EUREKA CHEMICAL & M F G CO., La Crosse, S is. W--A NtTd "ACTIVE 8 A LESM EN TO handle our line, no peddling. Snlarr. $75 tier month and expenses paid to all. Goods entirely new. Apply quickly. P. O. Box, IMi, BcHton, Mnsa Clairvoyant. MRS. FENTON, CLAIRVOYANT AND Phrenologist, 428 Laekawunna avenue. For a short tlnm only. Stockholders' Meeting. VO?iT?EBAfi 1 the stockholders of The Luckawanna lion and Steel Company, for the election of directors. and transaction of such othor busi ness as may properly corns before the meet ing, will lis held at the office of the company, in the) oity of Scranton. Pennsylvania, en Wednesday, March titb. IH'V at 2 o'clock p. m. The polls will remnin open for one hour. The transfer hooks will be closed on February 24th. IHU5, snd re opened on March 7th, INllj. (Signed) J. P. H1GGINSON, Secretary. Kcrantou, Pa., Fob. 21 Bt, IMl.i. Horses at Auction. 1 . Court, Scranton. Frld ly, March 1st, at 1 o'clock, well broke, sound horses W. H. MOOR R. legal. IANE HIF.FSN YDER BY fl friend, James Ready, vs. HER NEXT Thomas liief- nyder. In the Court of Common Plexs of Lackawanna county, No. 188 November term, IM'5. The Subpoena and alias subpoena In divorce In tho ubovo esse having beeu returned "noti est inventus," yon, Tin nine Riefsnydnr, are hereby notified to be and appear at the next term of Court t f Common Ploss of said county to bo held in the city of Seranton, on the 2iith day of March. 1805, to answer to the plaiutitf's complaint iu the above ca o. F. H. CLEVONB. Sheriff. WILLARD, WAKUEN & KNAPP, Attor neys for libellunt. Situations Wanted. 'cmLAriONANTElj 15 C1 yours of age: is nrat, bright and fairly educated: knows the city welL Address "A. F. tJ.," Tribune oBloe. . , SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG O man as porter or bell boy. Address 3U6 Chestnut street, Hyde Parfc RUGGIST.'rEGISTERED, WANTS Po" sitlon: citv or vioinlty; HI years' experi ence: sneaks English and Germau. Address "PEPSIN," Tribune offlco. ri'HE RLM PARK ZENITH MISSIONARY X socioty desires to obtain a situation for hoy, 15 years old. aveuue. Pleas address 240 Adams SITUATION WANTED BY A RESPECT A ble woman to do washing, (cruhbin or cleaning ofllce. AddroH "A. C," 207 South Main avenue. CJITUATION WANTED BY A GOOD iJ girl; one who thoroughly understands general housework: would like place in small family, or in a family of grown up peo ple; ran live reference if required. Please address "M. B" Scranton postofflce, Pa. SITUATION WANTED - AS SECOND girl or in a small family; good teference. it.," aw npruoe street. SITUATION WANTED BY A WOMAN O to do washing. Address 035 Krossler court. UITUAT1UN WAflTlU Ut A DRUGGIST; t3 10 years experience Address HENKY 0. BISHOP, 2U Liudan street, ttcrauton, Pa, 0 E CO Connolly & Wallace IOO FAI0U8 MSI Sizes, 7, 7K, 3, BK, PRICE, 18c. There is no other Stocking made that Wi CLARENDON WHITE QUILTS AT 98 GENTS EACH This is the best Crotchet Spread made and is universally sold ut $1.25. We are daily receiving new lines of SEPARATE SKIRTS, made under our own contract and super, vision, in all grades of Cloth and Silk, lined with Hair Cloth and Fibre Chamois, and finished in the best possihle manner. The perfect fitting qualities of these garments are what we strictly insist upon from our cutters. It will interest you to see them, and you will save money if you buy them. CONNOLLY & WALLACE, 20scS0Hnue'' as yuar IS NOW THE SCRANTON BEDDING GO,, PRICES THE HUNT I COU CO., MAMtrrACTnnrns' Aokrtb roa TRENTON IRON CO.'S WIRE ROPE. VANALEN&COS STEEL NAILS. OXFORD IRON C0.S HERCHANT BAR IRON. REVERE RUBBER CO.'S BELTING, PACKING AND HOSE. FAYERWEATHER&LADEWS "HOVT'S" LEATHER BELTING. A. B. BONNEVILLE'S "STAR" PORTLAND CEMENT. AMERICAN BOILER C0.S "ECONOMY" HOT AIR FURNACES. GRIFFING IRON CO.'S BUNDY RADIATORS. 434 LACKAWANNA AVE. Moosic Powder Co Rooms 1 and 2 Commowealth Bld'g, SCRANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER MADE AT MOOSIC AND RUSU DALE WORKS. Lain In & Rand Powder Co.'t Orange Gun Powder Electric Batteries, Fuses for explod ing blasts, Safety Fuse and Repauno Chemical Co.'s High Explosives STILL IN EXISTENCE. The World Renowned and Old Reliable Dr. Campbell's Great Magic Worm Sugar and Tea. Erery boi Rurrantead to sire satisfaction or money refundud. Hill printed iliractiunt from a child to a grown parson. It la pur jl y vegetable and cannot positively harm the moxt tender infant. Insist 0.1 having Dr. Camp, bell's; accept no other. At all Drug giata, 2jc WONDERFUL. Bopth St-RASTos, Pa, Nov. 10. 1H. Mr. C. W. Cmnrilitll-Uear Sir: I have riven my boy, Freddie. 7 years old, some of Dr. I'auiplxirs Magic Worm Sugar and Tea, and to my surprise this afternoon about i o'clock lie pasxod a tapeworm measuring about A." feet in length, head and all. 1 have It in a buttle and any person wlxhing to aee it can do an by calling at my store. I had tried numerous other remedies recommended for taking tapeworms, but all failed. In my estimation lir. Campbell's is the greatest worm remedy in existence. Yours resnertfully, FRED HKFFNRH, T32 Bosch 8t Note The abovo is what evurybodv says aftor once using. Manufactured by C W. Campbell, Lancaster, Pa. Successor to Dr. John Campboll A Hon. PKITKB RHOK CO., Inc'p. Capital, l .000.0(51. BKST S1.50 8IIOU IN THE WORLD, "A dollar laetd It a dollar tanui." TWsI.aHles' Holl.i French ltongola. Kid Rt ton Boot deli va red free any here in the U.K., on receipt 01 uan, aionoy irarr, or I'oetai noie lor sji.ov. Uqiuls every way tfce boots sold In all retail stores for f i.fc). We make this boot ourulves, therefore we mar- ... L - Ml ...... on r. .... j.., ..... - 11 sny one is not eeusnea i will refund the money or send another pair. Opera Toe or common benee, a-ldtns C, II, a, at BK, .sites 1 to s and half ise. Send pour tut; if you. Illustrated Gala. logos FREE Dexter Shoe SSSiiS: Eptcial lem$ to Dtaiut. Wm, Linn Allen & Co. STOCK BROKERS, Buy and sell Blocks, Bonds and Grain on New York Exchange and Chicago Board ot Trade, eltner for cosh or on margin. 412 Spruce Street. LOCAL STOCKS A SPECIALTY. 6. duB. DIMMICK, Manager. TELEPHONE 6.00J. wm DOZEN OF OUR OFFER AS LONG AS THEY LA ST THE CELEBRATED nr8 one oeca MADE EXCLUSIVELY BY GREATLY REDUCED. (ftUTION TO our patrons: Woshburn-Crosby Co, wish to assure their many pats ron.s that they will this year hold to their usual austom of milling STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop is fully cured. New wheat Is now upon the market, and owing to the excessively dry weather many millers are of the opinion that it is already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will take no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully three months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every detail of milling hus placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'s flour far above other brands. SB inn e MEGARGEL Wholesale Agents. is ni nniniRiTiin M I Ul III B I IVIII Ul II ! IS J mum hiiu ? e WAGON MAKERS' II . II ! 1 I no sasf' Dill 0 m. U WHITE PINE OLD GROWTH DRY. Will it interest you to know that we have just placed in stock over a million feet of 4-4, 5-4, 6-4 and 8-4 White Pine, Old Growth, Thoroughly Dry ? We can guarantee it First-Class Stock and can make Prices That Will Pleasantly Surprise You. THE C0I11 ONWEALTH TELEPHONE 422. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURINGCO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA., Manufacturers of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. Oeneral Office: SCRANTON, PA. ft) fAJfA - - k M inveiantirT smitfliokf MmM lm Uhu. Ma.uniMloa u laM.HT. ors.r sit. a wrIUoa rtii. ltimciDB co.. roraal By JOHN H. PHILfS, pruca ttroat, Scranton, Pa. 4R0H.H081EBY Q, 9K, IP. 20c is equal to this for genuine service, Vf lu spring 602 and 604 Lackawanna Avenue. Cor. Adams Avenue, m$zm CONNELL SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS. Also a Full Line of 9 lit Scranton. Pa, SCRANTON PA. RESTORE LOST f IGOR 1 Kew dlseowf. Will brief ?on vplB ft tHk. oliwllk WMTTM 'dDAEAMiKE ucin Hr?outDfVliij, l,0faii Iwr ia HijMMfi ito mny nun. ti avgieciM, mmu kjuojw Mr bos nul. m f.t wa V:1 v- iiuuu, lo cm. at tsniaa la aswj. aaarau ti.T.u.d.ohi. Pharmacia!, cor. Wyoming AvaautMtf