TJTE SCBANTON' THIIHTNE FRIDAY MORNING,' FEBItTJAItY 22, 1895. gress, James H. Codding, 2,160; R. M. Stocker. 1,707. Short or unexpired term, Fifty-third congress, Kdwln J. Jorden, 2,108; R. M. Stocker, 1,848. Alex. Dunn, Jr., of Scranton, was a caller In Honesdale yesterday. William Burrows, of East Strouds burg. formerly a resident of Honesdale, was In town Wednesday. Almost Blind GORMAN'S Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Batdri Inflamed Eyes and Run ning Sores . The Success of Hood's Causes Great Rejoicing-A Perfect Cure. GMI DEPOT V No excuse for you now if you did not buv ojww Silk before, because oftooLigh b price. You can iu dulgc yourself now nnd still be within the limit of an economical purse. IVntitiful Silks selected from the choicest iniuiufactures in the world Odd leugths, Novelty patterns, elegant blacks, choice shades and ariety Urifjliten your homes, surprise your admirers, 1111 your wardrobe iiud save money by taking advan tage of our Silk offer. Don't fall to examine the follow ing specials: BLACK SiLKS . Satin Ducliesse, (59c, 89C, $1.19 9Sc. 1.17 ftitiu Inzer, tiros Grains, Erorade Satin, Vignri'd and Striped Taffetas 9,"i'., 97f Olio., 83c We., 9SC LADIES' MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Representing the very best mate rial and the neatest workmanship. Never before have we inate such lui,'t sales on Muslin Underwear. CORSET COVERS 25c. rtSc, 3ic, 15c, 49c, 5Se 75c, 85c, S9c GOWNS 4fe 4 nc, 85c 89c, 9Sc, , $1.50. Sl.OO, SI. 19, $1. SKIRTS 2!c. 50c, 75c, S5c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.35, $1.50, $2.00. DRAWERS 25c, 35c, 39c, 45c S9c, 9Sc, $1.00. , 50cw 75c, CHEMISE 49c, 05c, 85c YOU KNOW When thiuijs are right. We Insist that a careful comparison of priced and qualities will prove our leadership. GORMAN'S "GRAND DEPOT. DR, -:-REEVES, 412 Spruce Street, Scranton. Dr. Reeves has had lone and varied ex perience in ho.ipilal anil private practice and treats all acute and chronic disease of men, women and children. CONSULTATION AND EUlfliiiiTION FREE. Ho, with his assistants, treat all dls of he nervous system, diseases of tne eye, car, nose ana tnroac, dyspepsia, rheumatism, lost vitality, premature weakness or decay in both sexes, nervous debility, cjitnrrh, tumors, cancers, erup tions, bloo'l-polsnnlnjr, fits, epilepsy, In discretion and errors of youth, lost man hood, eczema., scrofula, St. Vtus flan asthma, oisenses of the henrt, lung. tiver, kidneys, blander, stomaon. etc. Young iMcn Positively Cured. Offer to the Public for Catarrh. Any one suffering with Catarrh who wishes to be permanently, quickly an cheauly cured may receive three months' treatment for only FIVIC DOLLARS. The doctor lias discovered a rpedilc for this dreader! disease. You can treat and cure yourself and fumlly with It at home. It never fails to cure. A trial treatmen free. OFFICE HOrnS-Dnlly, 9 a. m. to 9 p, m.; Munnnys, lu to i ami 2 10 4. SPECIAL We are showing for the Spring Trade the finest and best line of WILTON CARPETS Ever shown in the city, Pronounced so by compe tent judges, and prices are right. Call and see them whether you want to purchase or not. J. Scott Inglis 419 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. M1N00KA. Much trouble Is experienced with water In this place nt present. The natrons of the water company claim that the water Is unlit for use nnd ar determined not to pay for It. .Mothers! Mothers!! Mojhors! ! ! Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has be used for over llfty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething with perfect success. It soothes the chili (softens the Rums, allays all pain; cures wind colic, and Is the best remedy for diarrhea. Sold hy druggists In every par of the world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs, Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup," and tuke n other kind. Twenty-live cents a bottle. Li NX C ABSOLUTELY PURE SEWS OF THIS VICINITY KEYSTONE ACADEMY. rrlnelpal Loomls has been unable to ttend to his school duties during the week on account of a very sore ear. Vr. K. H. rainier, of Philadelphia, will Ive a lecture before the school on the fternoon of February -5. Our nymaslum has been Improved by the addition of a new pair of boxing loves. The middle class In Latin commenced o read the orations of Cicero Wednes day. It Is now "Mayor Loomls." Our gen ial principal has been elected burgess of La Plume borough. The Current Topic league Monday discussed the "Armenian Atrocities." he members of the league seemed to gree with many that these Horrors demand more prompt and decided ac tion on the part of our government. KUis Pond was elected secretary of the Simpson Epworth League union at Waverly Saturday. The monthly missionary meetings of the Young Men's Christian association were held Monday afternoon. The members of "Phi Mu" society are making preparations for a mock trial, which they will give within a few weeks. At the petition of many of the stud- nts. a full holiday will be granted on Washington's birthday. The ladies of Bryant Literary society ,111 give an entertainment la main Impel on the evening of March -. I'he programme will consist of a drama, ntitled "Chronothanotuletron," a farce by Powells, tableaux, etc. An ad mission fee of fifteen cents will be barged. The proceeds of this enter alnmeiit will be used toward furnlsh- ng the new society room ol ihe young dies. Uur janitor. Samuel Lily, on Tuesday evening made a misstep, and fell a listanee of about tour feet from the ridge leading to the dining room from main building anil broke his collarbone Twenty-nine of the young men met n tne cottage a weeK ago unursuay evening, and enjoyed a sumptuous ast. Toastmaster Kemmeror made a w introductory remarks which he included by uniting feast and feasters in marriage and then declared the two me. The boys then proceeded to make his declaration a reality, and in less ha- two hours accomplished their task liui ing the feast the following toasts were given which added greatly to the merriment: "Pockets." J. B. Tiffany; 'Our Turkey," Ralph Archibald; "Phi Mu Society." Howard Swallow; "Key stone," K. P. Henwood; "Our Banquet,' W. K. Thompson. The Banquet was brought to a close about 11::10 p. m. All present unite in saying that this was one of the most enjoyable evenings ever spent at Keystone. EAST STKOUDSBUKG. II. C. Linde. of New York city, was In town on Wednesday on business. David Lantz has returned from : visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will lam Lantz, at Lafayette, X. J. A. R. Dunn, of Easton, president of the Standard Manufacturing company, was in town on Tuesday on business, William Jones, formerly of this bor ough, now of Portland, was In town on Tuesday visiting his numerous friends. Miss Mame Smith, a student at Blair Kail, Blairstown, N. J., visited her sis ter, Miss Olive Smitlr, at the Normal the first of the week. H.F. Crumb, of Scranton, spent Sun day In town. H. F. Cowell, manager of the Singer Rewlnar Machine company, has moved his office from Stroudsburg to this bor ough, occupying the building adjacent to Dr. Lesh, on Crystal street. Miss Amy F.ngler, a charming young lady of Mt. Pocono, Is visiting Mrs, C. If. Alien. A sleighing party from Mt. Pocono In vaded this borough on Monday and pro ceeded to the residence of Miss Cora Deitrick, on Brown's Hill, where sumptuous dinner was served. In the evening they repaired to the residence of Constable M. L. Smith, where SUP' per was partaken of. The party re turned In the early evening, having had a delightful time. The following composed the party: Mr. and Mrs, George M. Shoemaker, Mr. nnd Mrs. E, K. Deitrick, Mr. nnd Mrs. M. L. Smith Mrs. Belle Smith, Ellas Deitrick. Miss Jennette Deitrick, Miss Laura Nealori Miss Jennie Jones and Miss Nellie Nealon, of Scranton, and Messrs. Ed ward Hooker Smith and Wilson Heck man. Mr. Brown, of Trlnceton, N. J., spent Sunday In town, the guest of Professor Charles Telter at the Normal. Miss Lizzie Metzgar, of the Normal has returned to her home at White Haven on account of sickness produced by overatudy. Charles Ueed, of Easton, visited friends In this place on Wednesday. Arthur Atherhold, of Philadelphia visited friends In town the first of the week. Miss Emma Dowling, of Mt. Pocono, has left for Mooslc, where she will mak permanent abode. Arthur Howe has returned from Visit to Sterling. Miss Bessie Sampson has returned from a two weeks' visit to her brothe at Bangor. Miss Edith Sampson will resign her position as clerk nt Keller's book store, Stroudsburg, on Thursday. "I was troubled with quinsy for flvo years. Thomas' Eclectrlc Oil cured me, My wife and child had diphtheria Thomas' Eclectrlc. Oil cured them. would not bo without It In the house for nny consideration." Rev. E. F. Crnne, Dunkirk, N. Y . NICHOLSON. The 14-months-old child of Rev. Mrs. Van Wert died Tuesday. and Miss O. II. Williams Is at Ithaca, hav ing her eyes treated. . Miss Clara Tiffany and Miss May Wll kins will attend the Manslleld State Normal school the coming term. Hon. II. D. Tiffany returns to Harris burg Monday, next Newjnll Snyder has the wall stone on the ground for the foundation to his milk depot. . The Methodist Episcopal society hav purennsea tne uorwin property on Btate street and will erect a church and parsonage In the nenr future. ' Our general station agent, E. D. Bell, as broken ground ror a new house, nd it will be an ornament to our town. Miss Anna Stevens Is convalescing. Miss Kiiima Harding gave a tea at her home Wednesday last for the bene fit of the Presbyterian church. MOSCOW. Miss Ituth Gardiner spent Sunday with friends In Tobyhanna. Mrs. J. D. Simpson Is visiting her daughter, Mrs .lloyd, of JVIlkes-Harre. All will be sarry to learn that the Medium is discontinued publication for time. Warren Harbor attended the funeral of Clarence Simpson, In Wllkes-Uarre, n Friday. P. W. Posten spent- Sunday In Stroudsburg. Mrs. I M. .Silsbee, of Scranton, called on friends in town on Monday. Jerry Wilcox and family have moved to Hear Lake. A sleighing party went to the home ! Halsey Swartis, near Maple Lake, on Monday night. Among those who went were: Mr. and Mrs. Bourn, Mr. nd Mrs. S. S. Yeager, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. llornbaker, Mrs. Brown and son, Kmmet, Jessie, F.llen and Gracia Bourn, Charles Brown, S. M. Watts, Depew, Mollle Noack, Lulu Swnrtsi, and Mr. Zabrlskl. Mr. Smith, of Nicholson, Is visiting his son. V. D. Smith. MIhs ltuth Gardiner called on friends In Turnerville and Dalevllle on Wed nesday. Kxercises will be held In the Moscow raded school appropriate to the na tion's day, Friday atternoon. There will be a donation for the Rev Slinoklns In the Odd Fellows' hall on Friday. Feb. 22. The donation at Dalevllle has been postponed until Saturday night. Miss Grace Covey, of Maple Lake, called on friends on Tuesday. 1IALLSTEAD. Mrs. F. D. Lnmb was among the vlsl- ors to the Parlor City yesterday. The Republicans elected all Its candi dates nt the election in this place Tues day. The following town officers were lected: Assessor, J. W. Crook; auth or, 15. L. Maynard; school directors, J. t. Millard and J. L. Ross; Judge of elec tions, W. 11. McCreary; Inspector of election, W. P. Simrell; treasurer, Ira Preston; poor master, Charles Knowler; high constable, E. M. Gage; town coun- clhueii, (William Clifford and Mi. S. Lowe. Mrs. George Van Fleet visited Bing- hamton friends yesterday. Married Wednesday morning, at St. Lawrence church. In Great Bend, by Rev. M. J. Dunn, Arthur Coddlngton and Miss Mame Barber, both popular young people of this place. The happy couple left on No. 2 for an extended wedding trip. Mrs. J. B. Brown was among the visitors to the Parlor City today. The Ladles' Aid society of the Pres byterian church cleared $1.25 at their recent fair. Miss Nellie Nlckols 1s seriously ill at her home on Main street. Miss Ida Carr, of Afton, N. Y., is vis iting her Bister, Mrs. John Davis, on Church street. The entertainment given last evening In the Young Men's Christian Associa tion hall by the Druckenmiller family was one of the finest. They will ap pear at Klstler's hall in Great Bend on Saturday evening. The teachers' meeting this evening will be held at the home of S. B. Chase, on Front street. Mrs. Charles Lawrence was In Bing- hamton yesterday. phonograph concert will bo given In the Young Men's Christian Associa tion hall next Tuesday evening for the benefit of the Baptist church of this city. Miss Lizzie Badger, of Conklin, N. Y., Is visiting friends In town. NEW iMILFOHD. The residence occupied by Charles Ely, of Tingley, two miles from this place, was destroyed by fire at 10.30 last evening. Part of the household goods were saved, which were Insured. There was no Insurance on the house, which was owned by Horace Summers. Mrs. S. J. Harnson Is seriously 111. Charles Culver has moved Into the residence formerly occupied by J. J. Coleman. A dramatic company Is soon to pro duce a iilny in this borough for the benefit of the fire department. Many of the country roads still re main Impassable. The election In the borough Tnesday resulted as follows: Congress, short term, Kdwln J. Jorden, It., C5; R. M. Stocker, D., 34. Congress, long term, James H. Codding, R., 62; R. M. Stocker, D., S3. Assessor, H. C. Moxley, R., 60; William M. Van Cott, I., 37. Justice of the peace. C. C. Pratt, R., 68; H. D. Brooks, .1)., .".2. Auditor. R. G. Frlnk, It., C2; J. J. Hnnd, D 37. School til rep tors, O. H. Edwards, R. (3 years). 62; I). It. Taft, R. (3 years), 02; II. J. Brown, V., 3S; N. F. Klmber, I., 36. "After suffurlng from dyspepsia for threo years, I decided to try Burdock Blood Bitters. Two bottles cured me en tirely." Mrs. O. C. White, Taberg, Oneida county, New York. HONESDALE. J. V. Burdlck, general passenger agent and superintendent of the tele graph department of the Delaware und Hudson Canal Company railroad, of Albany, N. Y., was lu Honendule Tues day afternoon In the Interest of the company. The department of tele graph, of which Charles Petersen was formerly superintendent, will be plneed under Mr. Burdlck's department. The telegraph office will remain In the Petersen building, where It Is now lo cated, under the charge of L. F. Bishop, operator. The olllce of superintend ent at Ilnncsdalc Is abolished. Hon. John Kuhbach has been ap pointed return Judge for this county, and left for Tunkhnfinoek yesterday after noon with the official vote of the coun ty. Congressman-elect Jorden will probably be In a position to start for Washington this morning as a member of the Fifty-third congress. Mrs. Clara Steinbeck nnd daughter, Miss Steinbeck, are guests of Benjamin Gardner. Miss Fanny Forbes, of Scranton, Is visiting friends In town. The official vote of Wayne county gives: Long term, PUty-fourth con- TUNKHANNOCK. Hon. H. D. Tiffany was shaking hands with friends here yesterday. Hie supper and entertainment to night will attract a good crowd, no doubt. If the weather la favorable. The finest kind of a spread Is being pre pared, and the recitations by Miss Gule and singing by Miss Sturdcvamt prom Ise a treat in that line. Oscar Conrad, of Lynn, Is visiting his Bister, Mrs. A. W. Henshaw. Elmer Brown Is slowly falling. The Shakesperlan lorture Wednesday evening was more largely attended than the first. Those who did not care to purchase full course tickets are drop ping In for a single night. Joseph Krantz, who was serving time in Jail for larceny of stone cutting tools, wns released yesterday, his time hav lng expired. Mrs. C. A. Little has gone to Ply mouth to visit her brother. Robert J. Burdette will lecture at the court house on the evening of March 11, under the auspices of ithe Baptist Young People's union. The society met last evening to arrange the details, which will be given later. Baggagemuster Heckman Is on duty again after a short illness. Jorduu's majority In the district figures down to 6,4(12 uccordlng to the unotllclal returns. Harry B. Hiller has gone to New Yurk state for a visit. Court Notes. In re estate of Peter S. Stroh, do ceased. Recognizance of John W, Stroh In partition In estate of said de cedent In the sum of $'J,U00. with K. C Ney as surety. O. O. Dershelmer, guardian of Leon ard dinger. Second partial account filed and confirmed nl si. In re guardianship of John C. Bedell Byron Carpenter and bondsman dla charged from trust. In re guardianship of Charles John son. Joseph Flynn appointed guurdlan and files bonds in the sum of JJ5U0. Report of uudltor lu the estate of Peter S. Stroh, deceased, filed and con firmed. Commonwealth vs. Russell and Rus sell. Opinion of court filed refusing to Impose sentence for costs. Commonwealth vs. Elmer H. Ney, Defendant discharged from Jail. In re exceptions to report of viewers on road in Tunkliannock township Continued to April term. MAYFIKLD. P. F. Kilker Is confined to his room with grip. C. S. Hoyt, II. J. DeGraw and John Callahan attended the social at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Allen In Jermyn Wednesday night. The Pastime Dancing class will glv a pre-lenten social at Enterprise hall tonight. At the election of last Tuesday the Citizens' ticket seemed to be the favor ite and came In a good first, with the Independent Democrats a fair second. Time, slow. School closed yesterday afternoon to give the scholars an opportunity to at tend the funeral of the late Thomas J 1111. who, at the time of his death, was janitor of the Maylleld schools. A young child of Mr. and Mrs. Pat rick Walker was) burled from Its parents' home, on Lackawanna avenue, Wednes day afternoon. C. L. Bell, of Jermyn, has the con tract to build the new store and dwell ing for J. J. Place, corner Lackawanna avenue and Poplar street. Miss Mame McNeil, of Carbondale, called on friends at this place yester day. LTlUKST. Election day passed off quietly In this place. The majority of the Democratic ticket was elected. William Snover. who some time ago met with a serious accident by fractur ing some of his ribs, Is Improving. Miss Nellie Huber is visiting In Scran ton for a few days. W. J. Snyder spent Sunday in Blooms burg visiting his sister, who Is attend ing school there. Washington enmp. No. 2S0, Patriotic Order Sons of America, will attend di vine services In a body at the Methodist Episcopal church on Sunday next. A masquerade box social is being talked of by the ladles for the benefit of Washington camp, No. 280. W. H. Evans and family spent Sun day with relatives at Mill City. Blanche, the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carr, has scarlet fever. E. W. Davis, Delaware, Lackawanna and Western agent at this place, spent Wednesday afternoon In Scranton. WEAK HEN YOUR ATTENTION IS CALLED TO TBI jUK mil TM0..AWI Droit English Remedy. ffl fb Gray'8 sPecllc Uedlclne iG IF YDl IF YDU SUFFER 'rem MMTMUA MTU 1HM MMMUMUMi VOU1 blllty, WoaknuM of Body tnd MlmU ttpermt torruHb, and lmpottucy, and all dlsesses that rim fiotu over-indulgence and self nbuso. as Loss of Memory and Power, Uiuueas of Vis ion, Prematura Old Age and many other dla' eases that lead to lu.anity or Consumption and an early aravo. write for a camrhlot. Address OB AY MKDK'INK UO., Buffalo, V. Y. Tbs Kpsdtlo Hcdklna la sold by all drugilstaat 11 pur package,, or six package IUI V', Rill T 1, ' Mil Kill r.l!ri(,li III llllllllfl. E2 - I.6?iV WE CUfcRMTK a cure or money refund!. .iMaMiaiUH prOn account of counterfeits we havo adopted tha Yellow Wrapper, the only gtno In. Bold la Suranton by Matthaws Brut, IT SEEMS LIKE CRUELTY 10 tlirnw awny RootlH at biicIi llirures as those quoted below, but wlint are we to do? It won't pay to Btore them, mid we've Ktt to net rid of them before April M. No matter what wo realize on them. We bouirht the ..f ....1. LJ II C3.. I.. .11.. j - ... n . . . niuuit. m nui'iiu muc, mi ueuur or lor worse;" we 10()K ClllUKt'8 011 It mill thought we were wife when we trot It at a little K-sm tlum 4iin m tlm lur. Where do you conic in at, if STOCK to you on the name terms ...t.. 1 I., a. 1 iwiw nun tub uur uruiu uuu guuu SOW UOillK DOWN TO Next Week We Offer 200 1 ,ii ill on coatM, nnsorti'il; no poor oiu'H uinonu llii'in 1.00 COO lmli-H coiHi'lH, all hoiIh ami Blr.eo, auini' A 1 (iiulltli'H milium them.. .35 10 ilux. I -Milieu' ljlHi'limtoln-5 illnelflit Htylt-u. t'lck at 20 150 pali'H all wuul lilunkctx, 11-4 Blze Value $0 ami JJ7. t 'noire now.. .. 2.119 Tills ih'U'd from opening hour till noun only. 200 Unz. nil wool lialf hone. Were 25o and :i'n t'lio'ci' (Moniliiy hiiIhi.. ,15 250 flois. oiIMm anil eruln underwear naturul K'ey, CuiihOh lialr uml Hrarlet, every nul'lni'llt Htrlelly wool. Choice till noon only 21 GOODMAN BANKRUPT 5IG LACKAWANNA AVENI E. illaa Cora B. Rbert Barnesvllle, Fa. " 0. 1. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. t " I feel It a duty to state whut Hood's Sarn.v parllla lias done for me. I was almost blind, being compelled to stay la a darkened room on account of Inflammation of the eyes. I also suffered with running sores on my body. I was In terrible condition. My mother tried every thing site knew about and 1 was attended by two doctors but without helping me. Finally Hood's HarSRpurilht was recommended mid I Imd not taken two bottles before 1 liccuu to I'i't better. The Inflammation left my eyes sad the sores healed, and the result wus that 1 I Became Stronger, and was restored to perfect health. At that time I was only twelve years old; now I urn nineteen and I have not since been troubled Hood'sCures with my eyes or noticed any sign of a return of the sores 011 my body. I can recommend Hood's Barsaparilla as an excellent blood purifying medicine." Miss Cora Ki'.ekt, Barnesvllle, Pa. Hood's Pills act easily, yet promptly sad flklenlly, ou the liver and bowels. Sim. I 230 Lackawanna Ave., Scranton, Pa. 8 85; j 8 85 8 S5 We Are Sl'IlillL' 8 85 8 85 8 85 '8 S5 8 80 8 80 j $15.00 AND $18.00 8 85 I SllUS i 8 85 i and 8 8-5 8 85 8 8 ". 8 85 j 8 85 j 8 85' Overcoats at ,8 85 8 85 8 So 8 85 ' 8 85 8 35 i 8 85 8 85 8 85 8 85 8 85 8 85 Single and Double Breasted AlMVool Serges. Cheviots, (assimeres in Suits ; Single and Double Breasted Black and Blue Long (ut Kersey Meltons in Overcoats. 8 s-: 8 85 1 3 85 18 S5 18 S5 3 85 8 85 8 85 8 85 8 S5 ,8 85 ,8 85 S So 8 85 3 85 8 Sit S So 3 85 8 85 8 85 8 85 8 85 S sr. 8 85 8 85 8 85 I S 85 8 S5 8 85 8 S5 8 85 8 85 8 85 8 85 THE BELL CLOTHING HOUSE, 230 Lackawanna Ave. SIGN OF THE BELL. WC CAN OIVK YOO SATISFACTION ill. 'Uid 10 Come and see us about the Job worn you will need soon. The Scranton Trihune Job Dept. we sell GOODMAN'S HANKRl'l'I" ng we secured It nt? Ask this iiuestlon i.. i . juilguiuuv UliSWer it DOLLARS AND CENTS the Following Specials 12doi. knit shlrtH. Some oil wool. oth ers halt wool, etc , 13 Chenille table rovers, latest deslinn, henvv qimmy, 4-1 Hlzu 42 e, 0-4 Bin. ti.'.c, 8-4 hIko 100 piece rrunh towclltur. till 9 a. m. mornliiK 1 l-2c a yurd. luo pieces IlKht print calicoes, 10 yds for uit tin iv u. 111. earn murniUK. 500 do. handkerchiefs. All kinds 2'4n earn, 1111 IIUUI1. KXTiiA BPKriAT.. loo don. flim laundrled mill-is wmics und prints, very extra (juuiny ijc. ..stock;. E ITI E SjD.85 $50,000 worth of Dry Goods, No tions. Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods,nillinery, Cloaks, Furs, Infants' -m Wear, &c, 10 BE CLOSED OUT REGARDLESS 0. COST. as CJ5 BP fK The steady increase of our business compels tis to enlarge and remodel the en tire store for spring trade, and as the stock will be in the way WILL SELL AT tB IE I ilC 1 400 and 402 Lack Ku., Scranton, Pa. itrc frflS J5a (g Easels and Screens Japanese Four-Panel Cloth Screens at $4.00 each, ia Dark Green, Red, Black, Orange and Drab. OAK AND WHITE EASELS White and Gold Table, White and Gold Book UMBRELLA STANDS Closing out a lot at SPECIAI - Onyx Top Brass Table, NEW LOT 64, Chenille Table Covers EVERYTHING IN UPHOLSTERY GOODS CORD, GIMP, ETC. 3 406 and 408 Lackawanna Ave. BRANCH AT CARBONDALE. We are Discarding Office Desks on account of our extending othr departments. These are the few remaining ones : $17.00 Holl Top Desk , $14.00 28.00 Koll Top Desk 20.00 1S.7S ITat Top Desk 12.00 17.00 Roll Top Desk, slightly damaged. 12.00 8&Thc ubovc sold for cash only. Ml 1 1 Have the call this week. (;reat things in both these depart ments will be displayed for vour edification. It you have no intention of purchasing, come anyway and request us to show you these stocks or anv other goods you desire to sec in this store. We have told von repeatedly this store is yours, it U the people's. A (Jrand Bazaar open to nil. I OMIT Is open to vour investigation. DON'T confound us with tho small instalment linns uround town. Our plan is on a broader and more liberal basis. Your promise to pay satislies us. Our new terms are us follows : $20.00 Worth of Goods lt).(K " " H0.00 " " 75.00 " 110.OO 120.00 " " Larger bills in proportion. Delivery. EGOMY FURNITURE CO SC RAN TON'S HOME PROVIDERS, 225 AND 227 WYOMING AVENUE. TViWlBli iaffi ANY PRICE. air, 1 Shelf, - $I.7S 3 00 - - 90c. each $4.75 each 84 AND .104 HY" TALK. 1 for $2.00 Per Month a.oo 4.0O R.tM ti.00 " 8.00 " Keinentber our FREE Railroad SYSTEM r 1 X