THE FCBANTON TKIBUNE-FIJIDAY MORNING. FEISKUAIlT !S2t 1895. TALES OF TWO PITTSTONS News of Interest to Readers Up and Down the Valley. INSPECTION OP THE HOSPITAL House Committee Visits tho Worthy In-tsiitutlon-Dr. Barrett lojurcd-MIke Uowcn Discharged An Alderman of Experience and Ability. Special to the Scrunton Tribune. Plttston. I'n.. Feb. 21. While return liiK from the Forest Custle lust evening'. After intending a putlent, Dr. J. C. l"ur ivtt was painfully injured: While crossing the Harvey Lake brunch of the Lehigh Valley railroad his buggy wan struck by u coal truln which, in the darkness, he did not see coming toward lihn, or was misguided by the lights of the engine that was pushing the train. The doctor was sitting on the side of the carriage nearest the train, but fortu nately was thrown to one Hide and was but slightly injured, receiving a contru elon of the hip. The driver was also thrown out, but was not hurt. The tuggy wus totally destroyed. We are pleased to note the enterprise of one of our leading citizens In put ting Into effect the suggestion of Su perintendent (libson, of the Pitl.ton hospital: This nntrn!tiR ono of the finest ambulances In this section of the state was brought from the shop by I.lverymun James Krltzputilck. It Is very commodious compared to the ve hicles used In this vicinity and lias room for two patients at once. It Is nlso fitted out with a case of Instruments and articles to be used In cases of emergency for dressing wounds. The woodwork was done by Wheelwright John Thomas. T. l Kearney did the iron work, and George llentley did the paintiug and decorating In his usual urtistUi manner. Its cost complete was $!00. The ambu lance will be kept at the livery of Mr. Frltzpa-trlck. on South Main direct, ami ready for instant use day or night'. A charge will be made for its use the same as any other vehicle, but this does not detract from the enterprise shown by Mr. Fritzuatrlck in placing before the public a much needed ambulance. A sub-committee of the house com mittee on appropriation were visitors at the hospital today. They are delegated to visit public Institutions In this sec tion which ask for aid from the state. The committee Is composed of Hon. John Fow. of Philadelphia; Hon. B. W. IXimby, of Montgomery county. The F. Mansfield, of Heaver county. The request of the hospital directors will no doubt be considered with favor In the legislature. Mike Bow en Discharged. The six Italians who have been con fined in the county jail since Jan. 27 last were given a hearing before Jus tice John Jordan, this afternoon, for the stubbing of Michael and Peter Judge on the night of the date above mentioned. Frank Smith, George Smith, George Ridett, Anthony Ben sett and Mike Scorpian were commit ted to the county Jail to await the con vention of the grand Jury in AprilWxt. Mike Bowen was discharged. Frank Smith will be released If he can produce bail to the amount of 1400 for his ap pearance. . Workmen are arranging the new desks In the Oregon school house today. The horse owned by Charges Jujue became unmanageable on South Main street last evening and ran from the Vest F'nd to Water street, where It was stopped by a bystander. Mr. Jaque Is foreman of carpenter work at No. 4 shaft, of the Pennsylvania Coal company. The buggy was destroyed. The regular league game of basket ball will be played at Armory hall on the evening o March 1, at. 8 o'clock, betweenhe teams of Wilkes-Barre and Plttston. The Plttston association will also give a gymnasium exhibition. The Rice company played to a very appreciative audience at Music Hall this evening in their melodrama entitled "Back Among the Old Folks." Tomor row (Friday) the company will play the pleasing and Instructive melodrama ' entitled "Twixt Love and Duty." Mat inee this afternoon. Popular prices. Miss Lizzie Lunny celebrated the venteenth anniversary of her birth this evening at her home, on North Main street. Many friends from Avoca, Wilkes-Barre, and West Plttston were present. A very dainty supper was served to the many guests. Justice of the Peace of the Sesond "Ward John Jordan, who has Just been fleeted to the office of alderman of that ward. Is a man In whom the peo ple can place their legal business with all confidence, and feel assured that Justice will -be lited where justice be longs. Years of experience, with his natural ability, has placed the 'squire in a position second to none In the city In Judiciary matters, llr. Jordan is prepared to look after all matters of collection, arbitrating disputes, and all rases partalning to the office of alder man. All regular subscriptions to the Scranton Tribune will be received fit riur local office, No. X South Main street. Controller-elect George W. Hagadorn was a visitor In Heranton today, Thomas Cody was In Scranton today on business. Chief Loftus, J. J. Feeney, of the Sln rlalr House, and School Controller John Mc.N'amara will start for New York fclty this morning. Miss Jessie Loftus, of Scranton, was the guest of Miss Maggie Tlghe, of Cliff street. Contributions of news will be thank fully received at our local office, No. 8 Bouth Main street. E. J. Ollroy Is confined to his home with the grip. Thomas Monaghan was In Scranton today. Michael McAndrew, of Hawley, Pa., Is a visitor in town for a few days. J. J. McAndrew's new building on North Main street. Is constructed to tho top of the third story windows. The first story is or stone, the two above are of brick. The building Is a great Improvement to the street. PLXMORK DOINGS. Thomas Hawley, engineer on the Erie and Wyoming Valley railroad, Is mov Ing his family Into his residence on Kim street, that has recently been remod eled. . The members of the Young Men's In stitute will hold an entertainment In Manley's hall this evening, The fol lowing programme will be rendered Solo, Thomas Thomas; recitation, Miss Annie Oliver; instrumental solo, Miss Alice Brldgett; solo, Miss Alice Murphy recitation. Miss J. Jones; solo, Miss Mary McHale; solo, William Kelley lecture by Rev. F. H. Hennlgan, of New York city; Violin solo, Miss Augusta Pinckney; recitation, Miss Kittle Cum mlngs; Excelsior quartette; solo. Miss Sadie Dougherty; recitation, Edward Hheehan; solo, Miss Maggie Jones; In strumental duet by the Misses Grace Chamberlain and Minnie Dexter, ' Oliver Howard, df Drinker street, was arrested by Police Officer Bulger lust .evening for being drunk and. disorder ly. Bulger" left urm was broken in two places, between the wrist and el bow, In the struggle that followed the officer's attempt to arrest Howard. Help was called. and Howard was taken to the lockup. He was given a hearing yesterday morning before Justice Coo ney, and gave ball for appearance at court. A large party of young people en joyed a ride to Plttston last evening. II. A. Mace is ill ut his home, on Dudley titreet. William Johnson Is ill at his homo, on Drinker street. Miss Linda McDonnell, who has been spending a week with Dunmore friends, left yesterday for her home, In New York. John W. Kelley Is visiting friends ut Leltoy. N. Y. The Loyal Legion huvv complctt d an excellent programme, which Willi be given at their social next Wednesday evening. The committee are working hard to make this entertainment u success. Admission only 10 cents. Do not forget the social this evening at the Baptist church. A line pro gramme has been urranged. The funerul of .Miss Carpenter, of Drove street, will be held at the resi dence this morning at It o'clock. Inter ment In Scott. ' A number of young people gave Miss Phoebe Knglert a birthday imrty at her home, on Butler street, last even ing. Miss Helen Wllsca. of Hone'sdale, Is visiting at the resilience of L. It. Fow ler, on Cherry street. Jones' milk depot and W. B. Allen's store, was broken into by burglars Tuesday night. Nothing of any conse quence was tuken In either place. 1NDISTKLU TOPICS. , The Tresckow Last Chance washery hus rthumed, after a brief suspension. During the lust six years the known losses through labor strikes in this country aggregate $fS,5.'G.Sr!i. President K. P. Wilbur, of the Lehigh Vulley Kailroad coiupau, has reached home from Savannah, Ua., where he has been spending several weeks. At Hazle Brook the old No. 1 slope Is to be re-opened, and at Mlnersvllle the strlpplngs that have been idle all winter will be started up again as soon as the warm weather arrives. The strip lings at Luttlmer, which have been id k since December, will also resume and at least 500 men will be given work. new factory to manufacture a newly-patented typewriter will soon be built at Washington, Pa., The pat ent upon which it will work will pro duce a machine that can, It Is claimed, be made at one-third the cost of those now in use. and" will do better work. The proposed factory will employ about thirty hands at first. For the balance of the month the col lieries of the Heading Coal and Iron company will be operated six days a week on three-quarter time Instead of three days. The storms of the early part of the month have made this extra time necessary In order to mine the full percentage allotted the company. The officials say the change has no other significance. The Pennsylvania railroad reports that the quantity of coal and coke originating on and carried over Us lines east of Pittsburg and Erie for the year thus far has been 2.:HO,.'!03 tons, com pared with l,7T2,5i)u tons in the corre sponding period of 1S94. an increase of :i",708 tons, of which 1,669.448 tons were coal, an increase of i4J,5Jl tons, ami 640,833 tons Coke, an increase of 1193, 1ST tons. Hazleton Standard: An official of the Conlack Coal company arrived here from Wilkes-Barre on Saturday and made a special examination of the Tresckow washery owned by that firm, and which has been Idle nearly nil win ter. It is the purpose of the company he said, to make a radical change in the machinery of that washery. The rollers at present In use will be replaced with another set that 'will grind the coal much finer. The largest size that will be made will be pea coal. The change, he said, would enable the plant to operate steadily, as there Is always a great demand for the smaller sizes of coal. The company calculates to make the improvement at once, and the plant will resume operations not later than March 4, If expectations materialize. According to the Hazleton Standard Charles McShea, of Audenrled. is an inventor of promising ability. It says he has no less than half a dozen patents almost perfected, which are the finest that ever came under Its notice. The most valuable of the collection Is an ap pliance which prevents all possibilities of en accident In a slope, such ns allow Ing the car to descend chalnless or by the rope breaking, after the car renoh.'S the apex. His method Is operated sole ly by the rope and from once the car Is lanoYd until another Is snfely on the chain nothing can go over the apex. An otfif r patent of his Is a door lock made of steel, which doesn't weigh more thnn a few ounces anil can bo attached on the door from the Inside so that It Is utterly Impossible to enter without breaking the door. Still another Inven tion of Mr. McShea's is n inn-opener, t.u k puller, glass cutter and table knife combined. Ills "patent slope protector" Is a marvelous affair, and If once adopted and put in use by coal enmpu nles would save thousands of dollars annually, as well as the precious lives of many workmen. Philadelphia Inquirer: The stnto tnent of. the Lehigh Coal and Naviga tion comieny for 1X94 Is In line with that of the other anthracite compa nies that have so far reported. .M though the company reduced Its divi dend last fall and so paid but 4'i per cent, for the year. It appears that this reduced dividend whs not earned by 1(9,692, notwithstanding the company made no deduction from Income for the depreciation of coal lands or for the coal land sinking fund, as hus been its custom for years. This latter charge of was made against the profit and loss account. The reason for the company's Indifferent showing Is the falling off In the rental from tho Lehigh and Susquehanna railroad, which brought In only $1,414,400 (the minimum amount guaranteed under the lease) as against $1,74.1,268 In 1X93. The cause of this decreased revenue is the reduction In the rates on coal. In 1893 the rail road carried 6,607,000 tons of eoul, and the gross receipts of the railroad from coul were $3,830,887. Yast year tho road carried 6,164,000 tons of coal and earned for so doing $2,931,0118. That is, tho receipts were 63.1 cents per ton In 1893 and 50.7 cents last year. It must be remembered that this Is' the aver age rate on the whole quantity of coal carried. It was only upon coal car rlcd tnrougn to tidewater mat a reduction was made; ilpon coal destined for local points no change was made, Philadelphia Tallow Markot. Philadelphia, Feb. 31. Tallow In sternly nut oemunu is ok Mi. vve quote: liv, prime, In hhds, 4u4Vkc.; country, prime, in bbls, 44,c, ; do. dark, In bbls, Uo.; cakes, 4'o.; grease, Oil Markot. Pittsburg, Feb. 21. Oil opened and high est, iwii; lowest arm cioseu, ivt?t. STOCKS AND B0M)S. New York, Feb. 21 A cheerful feel ing characterized the dealings at the Stock exchange, but, as on previous duys of the week, the volume of busi ness was small. Today the trading ag gregated 125,215 shares, the Industrials monopolizing the bulk of the business. Some wide changes were noted, es pecially In Tobacco, Lead und , Bay State Gas. The llrst named advanced to 88, dropped to K4, and later ral lied to 87 und 87. The decline wus attributed to liquidations by local In siders, Lead rose 1 to 29 and dropped to 27V4 on the announcement thut ac tion on the dividend on the common had been deferred until the dividend on preferred Is earned in 1896. Distillers, on the other hand, moved up from 10 to U on the favorable report of the ex torts Hied with Judge tlrosseup. Chi cago Gas and Sugar were quiet and tlrni throughout. The railway list was neglected at the opening, but subse quently gained strength and advanced Vi to 1 per cent.' In the last hour of business there wus Home evening up of ontracts on uccount of tomorrow's hol iday und a recession of U to 1 per cent. nsued. New Jersey Central, however. roll l to K2. Tin? market closed rather weak In tone. Net changes show gains of Vj, and Hi per cent. Northwest and Tobacco lost 'i per cent., Jersey Central losing B'lie rnnini of luduv's iiilces for the ac tive slocks of the New Yolk utock mar ket are given lie low. Tho quotations are funilNluul The Tribune by II. ilu II. IMm mlck, iiiuimger fur Wllllum Linn, Allen At Co.. sunk brokers, 4U Spruce street, Scianton. Op n-Mlgli- 1.UW-1 ion " ing. est. est. lug. Atch.. To. & S. l'V... 4i 4'i 4 4 Am. Sugar lte'g Co. HL", VI' a An, I'.. I Oil IS' IK7 1H', 1K' l-hl.v Mil .ft SI I'... to'. fiti'i. Wl Xt Chi.- u. I. Xr ! :., Gi'Si t' Chic., H. K J 7ul8 iJi I'lllc. & N. V 91 4I-'K '"" c. c. c. & si. l w l i Che. & ohm Wi. biJ l,l:i "''Si I ist. C. I'. Co lini II '"' i I,. & V IMS 1 ''' V- ,WI Delaware ft llud....l27i l-'7" lien. Electric I!!i"h ' -''12 Jersey Central :,T 8l'i s? I, on Ix. ,v .Mi sii ic" -' "- a Maulmtlun 101c WVt luxS 1u7) ls Mo. raclllc -i' zi'-t -"'a Nut. Lead 24 2!t'4 27 27H Nut. Cord I;l4 4'i 4' 4 New England X't " N. Y. Central ii2 W3 tw'i W'i Out. ft West US' I'I'h 10i bi'i S. It Hi Ill's I" 10 sus. & West., i'r as : w w-t Tex. I'ueltle 9 9 9 9 W. ft St. I. I'r l.'I'j l'd West. I'nlon KS'i Ksa, (W SX', C. U. It 7:ti 7:1", 7.'l -k 7:)i4 A. M. T 8S HS'-i. M 87:! CH1VAUO HOAKD OK TRADE 1'ltICES. Op'n-HIgh- Low- Clos WHEAT. Ing. est. est. Ing. February M7 : ""'h May W'm KW M'h W July M" DP- Kl; H'i OATS February .May 2Si( 29 281, 29 1 a 2K'4 29 281, -"I 28 4 44r'i July I'Olt.N. February 4:1 4I'h , 6.45 10.12 4:! 4.-.'i 4"i 4:1 41' 44', .May July LAUD. May C.47 C.4'i G.!5 10.20 10.12 10.15 l'ORK. Scrunton lloarj of Trade Exchunge Quo tations. No. Shs. Par Yul. STOCKS. Bid. Crystal Luku Water Co 4M Plme Dep. it Uls.t Hunk 62 CO First Nat'l Hank 600 First National Hunk (Curboinlule) Ask. 4 20 10 (i 20 lii DO 100 1U0 100 lll luo 100 M 1110 lmi I11O ino lmi lmi Inn 1IKJ 1110 Hi lmi f,o P10 noo M 100 2H0 110 Creen It'ge Lum'r Co I.acka. Lumber Co... Lueka. Trust & Safe lleposlt Co M. fi M. Savings Hank (Curboielalio . l'roviileiice ft Ablng- ton Turniilke 'o.... Scrunton (iluss Co.... Scra'n Savings Hank 110 1M 110 00- 80 200 Sera n Jar and Stop per Co , Scra'n Axle Works., Scru'n Luce Cur. Co. , S'-ranton Forging Co Third Nat'l Hunk.... Nat'l Hoiing & Drill ing Co., I'r Thuron Coal Land Co Traders' Nat'l Uunk.. lilekuou Mfg Co Scrunton True. Co.... Scranton Redding Co.. HON I IS. Si rimton Oliiss Co... Eeon'y Steam Heat ft Power I'o Dickson Mfg Co 40 7."i 00 110 3M J 00 90 120 4.-. M 4H 3.'i0 a lmi 9 103', 500 '500 105 York New Produce .Market. New York. Feb. 21 -Flour-Quiet. steady Wheat Spot market quiet and firm: No. red store anil elevator, itric .; ntloat !W,c.; f. o. b., u7V.ii:"i9i . ; iingnuled red. Ma i'.ii'.: .no. 1 nortiiern, i.,ain' .c options closed steady at iincbangeil prices; No. 2 reil b elirunry, w,'ic; iVIarcn, Mc; amy M'aR.: June, Ksi.c; July. fiHc.; August .W.c; Seiitcinber. Mi'.e. Corn-Spots dull tlrmer; .No. 2, W. elevator; fHic. uiiout; iinuniileil mixed, 49e.; steiimer mixed, 4s'a 49'.2e . ; oiitiuns firmer; February, 4K:'o May. 49c: July. 49' ie. Outs-Uiilet. firmer: options 'lull, firmer; 1'elirnury ami March, lev1.; May, .(!v. ; No. i while February :t7'c. : March. 8iiie. : snot prices. No. 2 ;i;ia:M',(,e.; No. 2 while, aTuWc. ; No. 2 Chi onto. ti'i,e. ,no. a. lie. ino. .: wnne, 31'. e. mixed western, 8la:We.: while stale and and western, ;t4H:nie. Heef Inactive, 1111 chiinKeil. I.nnl-1 mil, lower; western steam, IH.7U; i lly, li'inil'v'. ; Febrnniy, IH.70 110111 1111 : May. J". 1.1. noniiiuii: reiineii. nun colilluent, $7.10; Suulli Amerlen, 17. fill; cone IK111111I. f',u:Vv'. i'liik-Uulet, llrm; mess, lll.2'iiil2. Holler--Light receipts, fnney linn; suite ilulry, lOiile.: 00. ereiiinery, 12a I'.; western ilulry, Si'iiil'.; Ho. ereiiinery, iii2'.: no. iiieioiy. Mine.: runs. trMUic. Eights, Sic.; Imltallon ereiiinery, Umlie. ; held creamery, HUilfle. Cheese Fancy firm: fairly iietlve, unehiingeil. Lkks Firm, lulr ileinuml: suite and I'eiinsyl vanla, 2Sn'J8';.e.; refrigerator, limbic; west em fresh, 27'"C; do. tier ruse, Uu.'i; south cm, 20ii27o.; limed, 2ua22'i'. Huff 11 lo Slock Market. Jluffnlo, Feb. 2I.-Caltle Reeelpls, 1,200 bead; on siile, 211 lieail; marKet Ktrong K'Hid steers, $4.1111 l.i;."i; fat cows and heifers S:lmi:!,kf,; fat IiiiIIh, SIIiiII.NI: cbolee. IXW, veals, (lull: common, light to good, til. 25a 3.50; choice, 5.75hii. Hiikh Iteeelpts, 7.im0 head: on sale, .-iikiii head: imirhet dull closed sternly; Yorkers, Jl.l.'.al.'Jli; pigs, tl.lun4.t5; nioKtly, 11.15; good meilliims, f I a I. .HI; good to choice Heavy, II :Hi4 V. roughs. Ill .ia:i.Hii; sImkn, ttoCi.Xi. Sheen am Liimbs Ueeelpls, 0,5011 bend; on sale, 8,5(10 heiiil: market quiet; choice lambs. tA.'fui 5.1.11; goml, tl.75u5.l5; coiniiion lo fair, :l.5nu 4.511; guild mixed sheep, :i.75a4; culls lo fair. Il.75a3.50: export slieon. very slow at llatfiO for fair to lies!; bile niles, extra liiinbs, i.fS0a5.Wi; choice export wether, II.WIIH.V:.. Charter Application. ATOTICK IH HKHKHV (liVEN THAT AM iS Biillnntlmi will be made to (h iiiivvriiiir of Peiiiisylvanltt, on the fourth liny of March. IH95, i miller th Act nf Aweinbly untitled "All net tu proviun tor m iiicorpiirHtliin nuii rpLitilntliin of nnrtnln enriMirstiium. iietirovnil April 'M. Ii4, siiil the uiiluiii)iitR tlmrutii.fur tlio ehnrtor of an luteiiileil ciirpui minn to lis culled "i no i,ni'K.vwsiini( mutm Coin pnnr," tho elmriieter nud object of wnliii .. ! ,iHlvll1l, ull.,.,, Htl.l llAual,... ...... !.. pmpsrliig, willing snd shipping the unie to market, slid fur them purpoauH to have, iiomiiiw, mid onjoy all tlia rights, UmeflU anil privilege! of aald Act of Asteiuliiy aim tu siinpiemunts thereto. LEMUKI, AHKKMAN, " Bullcitor lor t'oinpany VfOTICE IS HEREBY OtVEN T11AT AN i application will l ruailo to tho Court of Onmniuii l'leaa of Lackawanna countv. nr one of the jiidirea thereof, on Monday, the 4th dny of March, A I). IS95, at 10 o'elnck a. m under n Act or Aaaomuiy ot tho coniinonwualtli of Pennavlvanla. ontftlttd "An sot lo nrnvifli fnr tho Incorporation and regulation 0f pertain oor noratldin. ' approvaa April 2Vtn, A 1J. 1874, ana lis auupiemiinia, nr a Quarter nr an Intendfd ox a uoratlun to be called the "Weat Klila iioapital AiwoclHtlnii of Heranton," the eharaotor and object of which la the catah- liahlnir, tnaintalnliut snd mannslng a hospital for the rare and treatment of the alek aod In jured poranna who may apply to it fur relief within the bounila of Lackawanna county, Pennsylvania, and for thoao purpoaoa to have, poaaeaa and enjoy all the rlgnta, beouflta and prlvlteiriB of aald Act of A(mlly and its supiileiiienta. The proioaed charter la" now on Ale In the Prothonotarv'a office uf Lack, wiuua county to No. 296, March term. 1806, , W. UAYLOKD TUOJUA8, goUvltor. ONE CENT A Word. wraumsi a t t. rtuna rTlKT TWA" MUCH, WHEN PAID FOR. IN AIV. 19 MADE, NO CHABQIi WILL BB LESS THAN 28 CENTS. THIS RULE AP- n.lKH TO bMAliU W AIM -fB, isk- CEPT BITOATION8 WANTED, WHICH ARB INSERTED FREli Help Wanted Male. V every town to Milicit stock Hiiliaeriii- llonv, n niiiiiniiuiy: mil nxiney or iivuiiih; iiu capital required. KUW AHU C. KIHII CO., Iluriluii ltluek, C'lilouxo. 111. tJAI.iiKMICN - KKH1HKNT KALKHMEN II wiuiti'il. neiillllllltllil with tho loi'ul nud iiBtitnF .l..i, .....1 ..Kiwoicir truili. In IihiiiIIa rinr line nl lilifh yrl eigurs. AdilriinH, iiivlnu i 'srumiieviL .1. k u w Alii j uuwi.i.a a ia. US ClumtlierH Htreet, N. Y. Helo Wanted Females. Ti luhxwcuiyilwii'm v k. For Sale. 1.HIU SAI.H-llKHlUAHLK I'HOPKItTY, 200 J1 North Ninth street: 50 ft. front. 2n0 rt.deu. 100 ft. Ill rear; fronting !., L, A W. awttch; anoil loeiitiiiu fur biiHiiidHM purpnaea. 11. S. TlltoWN, 922 North ttuiuuur uvuuuu, or 2011 North Ninth utruet. For Rent. 1OK IsKNT HTOKK AND TWO BASIJ iniinlH. No. 27 Lackawanna avenue: also second and third Hours arruncuil fur two fane lllea oroutiro buildiiiK for wholesale purposes; elevator; D. & II. awiteli to ImilUiiig. Itoll KKTMUJM & lllil'llUUl.'K, JNo. l.uCKtt waunu avenue, Hcriintnu, Pa. l'ACTOHY FOU KENT Al'lltl. 1st OH FOIt I1 aule: 25x150 feot: No. 70S Weat I.acka- wanna aveuue. Annly tu JONKS HHOb.. 1U08 or 1010 ltfuyetteatreut. ;oll KENT -SIX ItOOMS, WITH ALL I1 iiiudiirn I'unveuteiK'ea, 1140 Wonliilmton avenue. Inijoiro ot S. W. KllllKlt'i b, L'oiu- llllanlouora omce, conn nuuae. 1OK KKNT 1IKICK HOUSE OK NINE roou'a, from April 1st, 4IS Viae el rent. A imlv to L. M. 11OHT0N. U L'uiniuouwealtb building. j;OKKENT-A LA HOE, 4-HTOHY BUILD J1 no., at. Fruukliu avenue: auitabln for whuli'sulo business. CAUSON & DAVIES, Siraiitiui. I.H1U ltKNT-ltltil'K WAREHOUSE WITH J1 ulnvatm- mi I).. I. W awlteh and West Lackawanna avenue, Scranton Stove Workf. Cl'l'KKIOK MODEKN HOUSE; AVENUE. JONES, all Sprui'u. 1 no It RENT FURNISHED AND UN PUR- 11 1 tUl f I .. liiuueu rouuisab w i.'nw"" c . v.. i;oB KENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST X Lackawanna avenue. Address THOMAS E. EVANS, aear 112 Luzerne, Hydo Park. l.OR KENT NICELY FURNISHED HALL I suitublu for ludno rooms. JUliN JEH- MYN, 119 Wyoming nveniis. Boarding. ONE SPLENDID HOOM WITH BOARD fur liuin nnil wife or two men. Central location, 202 Wvnming avenuo. corner Spruce, (opposite Dime, uuuk. ) r iral Class tauie uoaru $4 por week. Board Wanted. "HOARD AND ROOM WANTED BY GEN J) tlouian. near central part of city. Ad dress "B. H ," Tribune offlce. Furnished Rooms to Let. or without board, at 324 Adams avenuo. DELIGHTFUL ROOMS, LIGHT, WARM, well funillil; with or without board; 014 Washington avenue. Physicians Notice. KIN NEED OF SQUABS FOR PATIENTS wearo large oreeiiersor mom. HAbLAM'S, 118 Cliff street. Special Notices. WOULD LIKE TO CORRESPOND WITH V eonie party d'sirlng to sell milk route. Address JOHN f'OSt'ER, care station agent, Skinner's Eddy, I'a. 7 AM NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH EX I liibltlnus and leetuie upon any subjis't de sireil. These exhibitions will be tllustratod, having in my possession the moat powerful uUaolviug atereopticona made. . E. II. CALL, Tribune Office. roU WANT THIS RELIC - REPRINT Frank Leslie's Illustrated Weokiy War Illustrations iNil lSOi'i. Two Volume Folio, jliL iO; payable monthly, f2.O0. Delivered by express complete, Prepaid. Add) ess P, O, MOODY, til" tllbsun atreet, Scranton, Pa. 1 LANK IIOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAOA JJ zines, etc., bound or rebound at Tiik Tkiiiu.nh olllce. Quick work. Reasonable priei-s. Agents Wanted. AGENTS-1IINDEB PATENT UNIVEH aal Hair Curlers and Wavers (used with out heat), and "Pyr Polutod' Hiilr Pins. Lib eral eoiiimisiilona. Freo aaniili and full par ticulars. Address P. O. Box 456. New York. A GENTS IN EVERY STATU ON SALARY und commission, akiui" making r-' to .'ill weekly. CO., La Cri El-UKKA CilEJllUALi de Mi O osse, Wis. lANTrl-" ACTIVE SALESMEN TO V handle our line, no Mddlliig. Salurr, 75 per month and expenses paid to all. Goods entirely new. Apply quickly. P. O. Box, &90H, Boston, Mnsa. Clairvoyant. KS FENTON, CLAIRVOYANT AND ill Phrenologist, 42S Lacknwauna avenue. For a vhort time only. Money to Loan. MONEY TO LOAN-ON CITY FIRST ' liiortiputca: 1 1,000 or S 1.500 at II per cent.; $10,000 and upwards at H 4 10 per cent. BROWN, Attorney, 50H Spruce street. Stockholders' Meeting. VroTTEHtTANlNUT 11 the etoeklmlders ot The Lackawanna Iron and Sttsil Company, for the ulectlou of directors, and transaction of such other busi ness as may properly enmo before the meet, bitf, will beheld at the olllce or the company. In the oily nf Scranton. Penniylvania, on Wedneadav, March llth, ISM, at If o'clock p. in. Tho polls will remain upon for one hour. The transfer books will bo closed on February 24th. I"V5, and le opened en March 7th, 195, iKIunedi J. P. II1UUINKON, Socretary. Scranton, Pa., Fob. 21at, 1H95. Situations WanUd. tilTlTATION WANTKD I1V A YOUNU n man as porter or bell boy. Address ilutf Chestnut atrfet, Hydo Park. I) UlTtldlST, RKUIHTEKKD, WANTS PO altlun: cltv or vicinity: III vears' einorl- t'lien; aneaka KiikIIbIi and Uerinan. Address "l,KPSIN,"'l'rlbiiiiB olllce. rpilK KI.M PAR K.Z K N IT ll M I SSI UNARY 1 Society desires to obtain a situation for a hoy, r yeara old. Please address i!4u Adama aviumo. CiTljATION WANTEU-HY AHESPKcfT 11 hie woman to do waahlnir, cruhhlna; or clonnlng olhce. Address "A. C," 'Ml South Main avenue. tilTUATlON "WANTKnBY A006 i ulrk one who thorouifhlv Uliderstanda freneral housework; would like a place in a small faniilv, or In a family of grown up peo ple; cau vlvn reference if required. Please auureaa , u., ricraniou pusunee, rm S" ITUATION " WANTED - A8BK(JoND trior In a small family! good teference. "4. H.,"lt8Sprnceatreet. s SITUATION WANTED BY A WOMAN to do washing. Add rasa IUA Kresslor court. , .trntl .mirtv, 111 lUlf PTI UV A Till I Tfl.l IUT D 10 rears' experience. Addroaa HENKY C. BISHOP, llll Linden street, Scranton, Pa. JOHN L. HANGI, . ENGRAVER. Photo, Wood and Halt-Tone 'Plates For Newapaper and Ciroulnra. OFFICE with K, Q. Stewart, Dealer in Art Materials, 1, at. v. a. uuiiuuig, ucraaum, ra. Connolly & Wallace IOO DOZEN OF OUR , Sizes, 7,7, e.eKi PRICE, 18c. There is no other Stocking mude that is WE OFFER AS LONG AS THEY LAST CLARENDON WHITE QUILTS AT 98 CENTS EACH Tliis Is the best Crotchet Spread made and is universally sold at $1.25. Wc are daily receiving new lines of SF.l'ARATK SKIRTS, made under our own contract and super vision, in all grades of Cloth and Silk, lined with Hair Cloth and Fibre Chamois, und finished in the best possible niunncr. The perfect littintf qualities of these Karments are what we strictly insist upon from our cutters. It will interest you to see tliein, and you will suve money if you buy them. CONNOLLY & TH Keystone IS NOW THE SCRANTON BEDDING CO., PRICES THE HUNT & GONNELL CO., BtAkTTAQTtmiRS' AOE51 TQM TRENTON IRON CO.'S WIRE ROPE. VAN ALEN & C0.'S STEEL NAILS. OXFORD IRON C0.S KERCHMT BAR IRON. REVERE RUBBER CO.'S BELTING, PACKING AND HOSE. FAYERWEATHER & LADEWS "HOTTS" LEATHER BELTING. A. B. BONNEVILLE'S "STAR" PORTLAND CERENT. AMERICAN BOILER C0.S "ECONOMY" HOT AIR FURNACES. GRIFFING IRON CO.'S BUNDV RADIATORS. 434 LACKAWANNA AVE. Moosic Powder Co, Rooms 1 and 2 Commowealth Bld'g, SCRANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER MADE AT MOOSIC AND RU8H- UALq works. Lafflln & Rand Powder Co.'t Orange Gun Powder Electric Hatterioa, Fuses for explod ing blasts. Safety Fuse and (tepauno Chemical Co.'s HighExplosifU STILL IN EXISTENCE. Tho World Renowned and Old Reliable Dr. Campbell's Great Magic Worm Sugar and Tea. Every boi gurrantaad to givo aatlafaction or money rwfiuided. Full ilntad dlrectiona from a obild to a grown iaiaoii. Itiapurrlv VPRetabltand cauucit uualtivaly harm tha mnnl tomlrr infant. Insist on bavlna I'r. Camp bell'; accept no other. At all Drug (lata, 'lie, WONDERFUL. 8otlTH SrHANTON, Pa, Nnv. 10,1894. Mr. U W. r.imil.ell-Dcar Sir: I hava Eiven my bov, Freiiillo, T yeara old, aomu of T. CampiKlI'a Mokic worm Stiitar and Tea, .nil tat mv .nrnpl.. Ilila nflnrliiMiM ah,,llt. 2 o'clork be laanod a tapeworm tnuaaurinifn annul fet in ii'QKtii, nenti anu an. 1 uava It in a bnttl and any poraon .ablii to soe It raa do ho by oalliua; at my store. 1 had tried numerntia othpr rcniedlea rprommended for taking tapeworm", but all failed. In my estimation Dr. Campbell's Is the greatest worm remedy in exlatenra Yours T.rv reannctfullv, KllED HRFFNrlK, T32 Boech 8t Koto Tha above is what everybody sava after onoo nilng. lMaiinfaotnrod by C VV. ('ampbi'll, Lancaster, l'a. Successor to Dr. John Campbell A Son. PmTRR (HOB CO., Iiio'p, failUl, t ,00,0Wfc BUST St.AO sHOK IN THE WOIU.D. "A iltillar inert! it a dollar eoraarf." t TMeI.a.llea' Halld Frenob Ilongnla Kid HU to Boot dellvarod free anywhere In tha U.S., oa reoeipi Ol lan, aioney ..rnier, or i'uetal Note for M. Urinals arv tha hoots sold In all retell Mores for 1.6l. We make this hoot ourselves, therelor w guar ina ii biij one is din smiaiiau w will refund the money or send anoirver pair, opera oe or common oenae, widths V, I), E.kEK. siisa imam aaii Smdyomiim; mm ju yew. Illualraled k'sne FREC Dexhr Shoe BUSLfr Sfttial lerwu t total: Wm. Linn Allen & Co. STOCK BROKERS, Buy and eell Stocks, Bonds and Grain on New York Exchange and Chicago Board of Trade, either for cash or oa margin, ,412 Spruce Street. LOCAL STOCKS A SPECIALTY. . G. duB. DIMMICK, Manager. TELEPHONE 1 FAMOUS OMHtWl DflOS WALLACE, CELEBRATED MADE EXCLUSIVELY BY GREATLY REDUCED. ) (AUTION to our Washburn-Croshy Co. wish to assure their many pati ron.s thut tlicv will' this year hold to their usual custom of millinK Sl'RICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and owing to the excessively dry weather many millers are of the opinion thut it is already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will take no risks, und will allow the new wheat fully three months to mature before grinding. This careful uttention to every detail of milling ha placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'s flour far above other brauds. MEGARGEL Wholesale Agents. BLACKSMITHS' AND taM WAGON MAKERS' WITH SUPPLIES. I I Hold Fast I V 1 HORSE f'l V SHOE A J - CALKS W We have the following supplies of lumber secured, at prices that warrant us in expecting a large share of the trade : Paclflo Coaat Red Cednr Shingles. "Victor" and othrr MIchlKan Brands of White IMno and White Cedar ShliiRb's, Mlchignn White and Norway Pine Lum ber und Hill Timber. North Carolina Short and Long Leaf Tellow Pine. Miscellaneous stocks of Mine Rails, Mine Ties, Mine Props and Mine Supplies in general. THE RICHARDS LUMBER COMPANY COMMONWEALTH BUILDING, SCRANTON, PA. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURINGCO SCRANTON AND Wl LKES-BAR R E. PA., Manufacturer, of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. General Office: SCRANTON, PA. . EVERY WOMAN omattaaa naads a rsllsbls, saaataty, rafalatlaf madleia.. Oalf bamkaa IM thapoiwidruiaaMalbaasad, U jou want lh. basmst Dr. Poaro Pennyroyal Pillo For Salaby JOHN H. PHELPS, 6pruco Stroat, Soranton, Pa, 15, qk, o. 20c. cqtiul to this for genuine service, 209 Washington Avenue.' Opp. Court House. pring 602 and 604 Lackawanna Avenue, Cor. Adams Avenue, patrons: SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS. Also a Full Line of Scranton, Pa. Jtmlnta County, Pennsylvania, WTiltsl Oak. Sullivan County Hemlock Lumber and Lath. Tloira County Dry HemlocK Stodd HourdM. Elk County Dry Hemlock Jol.U an Studding. Phantiaclat, Cor, Wyoming Avonuo ni . GONNELL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers