V 3 TIIE SCEANTON THIBUNE TnUUSDAT 3rOHNTO, FEBHTTAIIY 21, 1895. V GORMAN'S Rl DEPOT. SILKS. Jfo excuse for you now If you did not buy a uow Silk before, because of too high a price. You can iu dulgt: vursell uow uuil wtill be vviUriu the limit of an vuouoiulcal pur.se. licautiful Silks selected from the choicest manufactures in the world Odd leugtlie, Novelty patterns, elegant blacks, choice shades and variety l!righteii your homes, surprise your admirers, fill your wardrobe and save money by taking advuu tatre of our Kill; oti'er. Don't fail to examine the follow iug specials: BLACK SILKS Satin Diiclipsso, Clti'., S!Sc, $1.19 Satin Luxor, isc. 1.17 (iros Grains, !."('., S7c TaOVtas, )."'., Brocade Satin, - !sc.,$1.27 Figured and Striped Taffetas 73c., lSc LADIES' MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Representing the very best mate rial and ttie neatest workmanship. Never before have we made such large sales ou Musliu Underwear. CORSET COVERS 25c, 35c, 3flc, 45c, 49c, 5Sc 75c, $5c, 89c. GOWNS Wc, 75c, S5c, 8)c, 9Sc, $1.00, $1.19, $1.25, $1.50. SKIRTS 29c, 50c, 75c, 85c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.35, $1.50, $2.00. DRAWERS 25c, 35c, 39c, 45c, 50c, 75c, 89c, 8c, $1.00. CHEMISE 49c, 65c, 75c, S5c YOU KNOW When things are right. We insist that a careful comparison of prices and iiiialitiea will prove our leadership. GORMAN'S "GRAND DEPOT. DR, -:- REEVES, 41a Spruce Street, Scranton. Dr. Reeves has had low; nnd varied ex fierienco In ho.ipital nnd priviito practice and treats all acute and chronic diseases of men, women and children. CONSULTSTIOfl AMD EXAMINATION FREE. lie, with his assistants, treat all dis eases of he nervous system, diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throut, dyspepsia, rheumatism, Inst vitality, premature weakness or decay In both sexes, nervous debility, catarrh, tumors, cancers, erup tions, blood-iioisnninj,', lits. epilepsy. In discretion and errors of youlli, lost man hood, eczema, scrofula, St. Vtus' dunce, asthma, diseases of the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, bladder, stomach, etc. Voting .Men Positively Cured. Offer to the Public for Catarrh. Any ono sufferlnR with Catarrh who ishes to be permanently, quickly and cheaply cured may rcn-iv three months' treatment for only KIVK DOM.A KS The doctor has discovered a spcdilc for) this dreaded disease. You can treat nnd cure yourself and family with It at home. It never falls to cure. A trial treatment tree. OFFICIO HOTTRS-rmlly. 9 n. m. to 9 p. m.; Sundays, V) to 12 ami 2 to 4. SPECIAL We are showing for the Spring Trade the finest and best line of WILTON CARPETS Ever shown in the city. Pronounced so by compe tent judges, and prices are right. Call and see them whether you want to purchase or not. J. Scott Inglis 419 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. MOOSIC. Thft Epworth league from tho Metho dist Episcopal church, Hampton street, Hyde Park, will prlve an IntereBtlntr en tertainment in the Mnoslc Methodist Kplscopal church on Friday evenlnjr, Feb. 22. Admission, 10 and 15 cents. ProKrammo Is as follows: TJurkward drill by -twelve young ladles, singing by choir, recitations, banjo and mandolin club, dialogue. "After fluff errln from dyspepsia, for three years, I decided to try Ilurdock Wood Hitlers. Two bottles cured mo en tirely." Mrs. O. C. White, Taber, Oneida county, New York. ... NEWS OF THIS VICINITY taylou; Tonight will occur the grand ball for which the Taylor Athletic club has been making arrangements during the past few months. Kverythlng Is in readiness for a most pleasant social gathering, and a large crowd will be present. At Intermission a boxing contest will take place between Daniel Hayes, of the Taylor Athletic club, and Michael Kane, of the Minooka Athletic club. Both of these young men are clever boxers and pretty evenly matched, and a hot con test is looked for. Tho regular business meeting of the Price Library association will be held this, instead of tomorrow evening. William Mollis, of Grove street, had two of his lingers smashed at Cory's breaker on Tuesday. David J. Davis, id- the Aivhlmld, is confined to his home with Illness. (lendale breakers No. 1 and 1! will be paid on Saturday. A chicken supper will be held at the Methodist chinch tomorrow night. Professor D. 10. Jones, formerly of this place, has been elected councilman of I.allin borough. 1-M ward K. Davis Is visiting friends in Nanticuke. The election held in this borough on Tuesday was void of any Interest or ex citement, with tho exception of the couueihnanic llsht In the Filth ward. The Kepublicun candidates wire unop posed in the other wards. The follow ing Is a list of the olllcers: First ward School directors, Ulchard (Irilliths and James Powell; council, William Morris and John K. Davis. Second ward School director, John 13. Daniels: coun cil, (loiner K. Jones; constable, Kdmuiul Carter; assessor, drift Owens; judge of election, Joseph J. Jones; Inspector of election, Thomas Francis. Third ward School director, Anthony Edwards; council, John It. Price; constable, Kil wln Allen; judge of election. W. J. Hos kins; Inspector of election, John J. Mor gan: assessor, David T. Evans. Fourth ward School director, James Price. Filth ward -Council, John F. Tubbs, H7; Hubert I.inney, 72: John Yutes, 3.1; school director. J. II. Reese (three years), 7U; H. J. Davenport (two years), Cil; constable, T. P. llutton, 24; assessor. John Connolly, 44; O. P. Wicks, 21; judge of election, H. J. Reese, ill: George Wicks. Ill; inspector of election, John P. Ayres, 45; William Hesecker, 2.1. Taliesln T. Jones was elected borough auditor. William Francis, of Feltzvllle, Is im proving from a recent illness. FOREST CITY. George D. Nixon, of Hancock, N. Y., Is the guest of friends in this borough. The Hillside Coal and Iron company has Just received a new locomotive for use on its small coal railroad between No. 2 shaft and the Clifford breaker. The engine is a little larger than the ones now employed for like use, and is a beauty. Fifty mine cars have also been received, all of which nre equipped with Gallagher's patent self-oiling axle box. The wife of Joseph Rosehino was in town Monday and Tuesday collecting money to be used in carrying the Lack awanna county murder case to the su preme court. The correspondent of The Tribune was somewhat surprised that Brother Mooney devoted a half column of his very valuable paper to him and the Forest City school board Tuesday. Brother Mooney Is a good "bluffer" and he adopts his old-time tactics and says the "authorities at Harrisburg must be notified." Why doesn't he go ahead and notify them? We can prove to his entire satisfaction that the report of the Forest City school board was made in WO nnd 1S!U and publicly adver tised, and can show him copies of the advertisement. We can also prove to him that reports have been made by the board in some public manner every year since, and that the books of the board were placed in the hands of one of the auditors at the proper time in 1894, so that the auditors could make a report If they chose to. Kditor Mooney, the champion of almost everything, rhnuld go right on and do as he has threatened. Then people will believe there Is something to him besides a caustic pen and a pugnacious disposi tion. At the election held Tuesday the total Republican ticket was elected in the iKirough by majorities ranging from 8 to 22. The Second ward elected Repub lican olllcers also, but the First ward chose n Democratic assessor, Judge of election and majority inspector. The borough olllcers elected were as follows: Auditor, II. W. Ilrown; school directors, one year, M. D. Evans; two years, Dr. C. It. Knapp; three years, T. J. Pente cost nnd J. M. Ilrown: poormaster, W. If. Hates; high constable, W. L. Hates. The First ward elected F. J. Hood as sessor, James McAndrew judge of elec tion, George C. Westgate and J. f Waters inspectors. In the Second ward W. A. Watts and John R. liudd were elected eouncilinen ; A. L. Morgan, as sessor; W. E. lirundago, judge of elec tion; Samuel Jennings and Thomas C.ivanaugh, inspectors. One hundred and ninety-four votes were cast In the Second ward and 147 In the First, ward. For congress in the borough, Jorden, R., recleved, for short term. 1C7 vote:;; JUDGED BY HIS WORK. What People Say of Mini) on. 1ho Imminent Professor Kcct'lvct Con-ciatnlatlons-llunuino .Methods Pro duct) Marvelous Results. Frank. P. Ilnrtwell, of the firm of Hartwoll & Dalnbridge, No. 331 River street, Albany, N. Y., says: "I have used Munyoii's Rheumatic Cure with the best possible results. I Buffered from rheumatism for many years, and hav ing failed to obtain relief from the many remedies I tried I commenced to use Munyon's Cure. After taking the medicine for one week I am completely cured. My general health has Improved and I feel like a different man." Munyon's Rheumatism Cure acts al most instantaneously, curing ninny ob Htlnato cases In a few hours. It Is guar anteed to cure rheumatism In any part of the body. Acute or muscular rheu matism cured In from one to five days. It never falls to cure sharp, shooting pains In the arms, legs, side, bnek or breast, or soreness of any part of the body In from one to three hours. It promptly cures lameness, - stiff and swollen joints, and all pains In the hips nnd loins, chronic rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago or pain In the back are speed ily cured. It seldom falls to give relief afttor one or two doses, and almost in variably cures before one bottle has been used. ' Munyon's Homoeopathic Homo-Remedy Company, of Philadelphia, put up specifics for nearly every disease, which are sold by all druggists, mostly for 25 cents a bottle. Stocker, D., 151. Long term. Codding, R., ICS; Stocker, D., 150. The vote was a very small one. . , 01ATJ1AST, A house social and entertainment will be given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. CI. A. Watts, on Scott avenue, Olyphant, this evening, by the Young Men's Christian union. The ' pro gramme rendered ' will be short by choice, and the viands. Which will be spread upon the tables, presided over by Olyphnnt's young ladies, will be of the most inviting. Supper will be Served from G o'clock to 10.30 p. m., this giving the business, men an op portunity to eut their supper without Interfering with their business hours. The proceeds will be used to relieve the union of the debt which now threatens disunion. At the entertainment to be held Fri day night at the llaptlst church the gold watch will he disposed of and nil persons having tickets will make set tlement with Thomas W, Walklns or William II. Davis. .. Last evening at C o'clock nil exceed ingly pretty wedding took place In SI. Patrick's church, which was witness -d by many friends or the contracting parties. It wun the union of two popu lar young people .Miss Margaret I ' Mara ami William Fallon-both of this place. The ceremony was per formed by Rev. P. J. Murphy. The best man was James Vail, of Archbald, and Miss Alice Kelley acted as brides maid. Tile bride and- her maid were at tired In very becoming gowns. That of the bride was while silk en train and bridal vail, while the maid wore cream silk. Roth carried white roses. After I the ceremony the bridal parly w.'re driven to the residence of the bride's parents, where a reception was held. They left on the midnight train for an extended tour. The funeral of (he late John Fiune gun will occur this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. George Dubois, of Car bond. lie, were the guests of Miss May McN'icol on Tuesday. NMiss Annie Hughes, of Carbondale, is visiting relatives on Dunmore street. The election at this place Tuesday was the most exciting one that has occurred In years. The light for the olllce of burgess was holly contested. Hurgess, Howard, 1)., 207; Matthews. R., 2S.1; Schubmelil, I., l.M. Justice ol peace, Cunimings, D., 414; Pettlgrew, peace, Cunimings, I)., 4.14; Pettlgrew, It.. 249. Auditor. Edwards, it.. 2.19; Pritchard, R., 242: Furred. I)., 3611; Walll, D., 3G1. gher, IX, Ifiti; Drown, It., 132. Third ward, Cumin, D., 92; lngoldsby, It., .11. School director, First ward, Mc Nally, D., 11S; Farrell, R., 133. Second ward, Evans, R., 112: Hannlck, D., 120. Third ward, Flynn, D., 89; O'lloyle, R., 43. Assessor, First ward, Collier, D., 173; Symons, R 99. Second ward, Penman, It., 166; McCann. D 94. Third ward, Shanley, D., 70. Constable, First ward, Fadden, D., 190; Woolen. H 91. Second ward, Owens, It., 132; Murray, D., 132. Third ward, Durback, R., 3S; McIIale, 1)., ,17. Judge of election, First ward, Dalderson, R., 93; Casey, I)., 183. Second ward, Ferguson, D., 124; Tay lor, R., 147. Third ward, Robinson, D., S6; Horinan, R., 20. Inspector, First ward, McNulty, 17S; Davis, It., 9.1. Sec ond ward, Williams, It., 132; Prokopo vits, TX, 111. Third ward, Hell. D 70; Craven, R., 40. The vote for the in crease of the electric light plant was carried by about G.1 majority. "1 was troubled with qulney for five years, Thomas Eelectrlo oil cured me. My wife and child had diphtheria. Thomas' Kclectrlc oil cured them. I would not be without It In the house for any consideration." Rev. K. F. Crane, Dunkirk, N. Y . 1'ECKVILLE. The hose company did Its first ser vice last night. Since the new hose carriage was received a week ago the boys have been anxious to give it "a run." Tho opportunity came last night. A lire was discovered on Jail street, and an alarm sounded. The lire laddies re sponded and although the hose house Is fully a half mile from the scene of the fire, fourteen minutes after the alarm was sounded a stream was on the blaz ing pile. It afterwards transpired' that the fire was started in a pile of boxes by mischievous boys, but it served ns an opportunity to show what creditable work the boys can do. Mrs. Homer English and two children are sick of grip. Frank Henjamln, who has been very sick of pneumonia, is improving slowly. The employes of, the Consumers' Pow der company were paid yesterday. Miss Emma Milady Is very sick at the home of Mrs. M. A. Arnold, of a compli cation of diseasi'S. Miss Rena Uoueher, of Pnlondale, is the guest of her cousin, Willie Snook. The following named parties regis tered nt the hotel yesterday: W. S. Hoyd, L. A. Finch, II. (1. Dale, George G. Jacobus, of Scranton; G. T. Van Cott, Elizabeth, N. J.; T. A. Leghohlser, Honesdale; 15. A. .Schott, New York; A. E. Ronuey, Allentown. James Lyman, of Susquehanna, was the guest of Mr. anil Mrs. George Cool, the first of the week. Don't forget the old folks' concert at the Methodist Episcopal church this evening. Dr. J. V. Reck was called to Susque hanna yesterday on account of the seri ous lllne:--:! of his fa I her. Mrs. A. A. Avres has relumed after visiting her parents at Fnlondale. Mrs. Ilalscy Lathrup Is visiting her sister at Mooslc. Rev. Dr. Logan, or ranton; Jlev. Geolgj' K. Gill, of Proldence; Rev. J. H. Elliott, or Tlogu; Rev. Enos McLean, of Elnihurst; Rev. Charles Lee, of Car bondale; Thomas F. Wells, of Scran ton, and our resldctil-pustors will take part In tin' dedication services nt the Presbyterian church here Sunday, March 3. Mothers ! .Mothers ! ! .Mothers ! ! ! Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has ben used for over Ilfly years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, (softens the gums, allays all pain; euro wind colic, nnd is tho best remedy for dinrrhea. Hold by druggists In every part of the world. Do sure and nsk for ".Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup." and take no other kind. Twenty-live cents a bottle. HONESDALE. The election returns for the county are not yet complete, but It Is estimated that James Codding and Edwin Jor den, Republican candidates for con gress, will defeat Romanthus Htorkcr, the Democratic candidate, by about 200 majority. In Honesdale borough the result of the election was as follows: For congress, short term Edwin J, Jorden, 11., 177; R. M. Blocker, D 1K4. For congress, Fifty-fourth James N. Codding, It.. 172; R. M. Stocker, D., 174. For town council M. H. Allen, 314; . W. Lane. 311; Graham Watts, 240; Wlll Inm J. Relf, 194; V. A. Wood, 194; T. J. Flnnerty, 107; Charles J. Weaver, 105. The live receiving the largest number of votes were elected. Constable R. W. doesecr, 312. School director J. M. Bauman, 343; A. T. Searle, 324; both elected. Judge of election William H. Lee, 322. Inspector of election Robert A. Smith, Jr., 201; M. J. Hanlon, 157; both elected. Assessor Charles F. Rockwell, 255; elected; Ed. Brown, 127. Justice of peace R. A. Smith, sr., 230. Auditor William J. Ward, 245; (elect ed): F. J. Tolley, 115. Mr. and Mrs. John N. Lewis, sr., are guests of their son, Rev. John N. Lewis, at Grace rectory. TUNKllAXXOCK. Miss Grace Dunlap, who has been ail ing for some time, was sent to the Rob ert Becker hospital at Sayre yesterday morning for treatment. Captain W. G. Graham went to Phil adelphia yesterday to attend the fu neral of his Bister, Mrs. F. De La Cucsta. Mrs. A. McDonald, of Brooklyn, N. Y., is visiting her sister, .Mrs. F. 1'. Avery. In the borough, elections there was never u time when the olllcers were more Impartially divided betwen both parties than this year. Party linen were out of nlghl, and no candidate could ray whether his election or defeat w is due to his own party or not. The re sult, however, is generally satisfactory. Harry J. Burdwell, president of the Swnnson Rheumatic Cure company, of Chicago, returned to that place today, having been called here to attend the funeral of his father. .lorden's majority in the county Is highly complimentary, considering the light vide cast. The roads were bad, and. In consequence, many In the back districts did not get out to the polls. Notwithstanding tills the county gave him a majority of C52. Coddlng's ma jority is 500. Bradford gives Jorden -1.000 and Codding ,1,ooo. Wayne gives them 200 each, and Susquehanna is yet to hear from, but will probably udd an other thousand, or more, for each man. Congratulations are now In order. S. S. Brecse is still In a serious con dition. Ills disease lias developed Into bronchitis, with strong tendencies to pneumonia. The second of the series of Shakes pearian lectures by Iiomer B. Sprague was given at the court house last night. Eaton township boasts of u Demo cratic constable, the first ever elected in the townships. Judge Dunham will be here today to dispose of some matters left over from court, and to preside over the session of the election return Judges, Monroe township voted to divide the township. Tile new township will be created as soon as the court approves, the survey Is made, and the necessary legal processes have all been gone through with. The Lehigh Valley section men have been reduced to eight hours woric. WAVEiaY. I. Welton Warner, of New York city, spf'iit Sunday with ills parents, Mr. and Mrs. George F. Warner. Mrs. Charles E. Lee, of the Waverly House, is confined to her room by !n llammntory rheumatism and the grip. The first quarterly rally of the Simp son Epwortli leagues was held at 'lie Methodist Episcopal church last Fri day and Saturday. It was well attend ed. A great many from the surround ing country participated and helped to make it a complete success. An ele gant dinner was provided at the band room for the visitors. The funeral of the late John A. Fisk, who died last Monday, took place from his late homo at Lilly Lake on Wed nesday. The Rev. A. Bergen Browe, of the Waverly Baptist church, officiated. The deceased Is survived by his widow and three children, Howell, Thomas nnd Ida. Interment was made at the Shoemaker cemetery, at Dalton. The following were pall-bearers: Oliver W. Mason, Thomas Smith, Plersoa Hallstead, William R. Rice, anu Will lain Regie. Election for borough olllcers passed off very quietly, although a large vote was polled. The following were elect ed: For justice of the peace, N. D. Smith; school directors. Dr. N. C. Mackey und John Hall; council, A. B. Cowles and Charles Tlnkham; assessor, E. II. Bailey; Judge of election, Jnnns II. McAlplne; inspector, Joseph B. Mershon; auditor, George Steeg; poor director, George Perry. ILVmEV. At the election held here on Tuesday the following were elected: For town council, Peter C. Bishop, R., A. J. Rol lison. D.; school director, William A. Gregg, It., C. White, I)., Fred Schalm, It.; high constable, John M. Stone, R.; Judge of election, Charles Kelley, R.; asse ssor, T. J. Oldllold, l. ; overseer of poor. T. F. Wall, R.; Inspector, Albert Bishop. It.; for congress, Edwin J, Jor dan, R., und James H. Codding, R received a majority of thirty-two votes. The election passed off very quietly, and for the first time was held In E. V. Murray's Standard hall. CURES Biliousness. CURES Biliousness. CURES . Biliousness. Direct Proof. My wife h.iH bcn tronhli d with I ivi rCemi l.iHtrnd Pal piMtiMi of llu hHFTt forever n yfrr. Ilirin'.el'tDliiatlieskill of our licit pliviloniu. After imlii(T tuip boltl'H ot voar burdock l.'ldi.cl I ltteri slut li huot unUioly woll. Wn truly rscommtml your uinl elne. (Konnu W, KitAWM., aiiKitpullor, Wllllnuu Co.. O VhHIUIUW LIVER. BANKRUPTCY 10 STARVATION PRICES If we had not nought this stock, from the sherlir. selling at such prices as the following would be impossible. Taken nil rouad, they only tlgwre ) about hair the value of the goods: Till in liowwe tr.'nt the Clonk nto'k: Jin WM'inciit, go nt'U tll. $7 (pirnioiit fttS'l .VI, SU Kiiriiiunl ut ?:i, J ) ki mint at S.:U. etc. Muy Krmoiit up to iUW in stylo. GHU Childroii'i Orctcliou Uvorcjntii, otc, nt your own prlco. THIS 11. TICKLE YOUR FANCY I 100 White Mursi lllen (JuilK nnw pattern, Inrito "If. i His. weight, bli euutn; 6 U's wullil, Oil cuntBi 0 I In. woiKUt, Ml ctutn. They coat luoro to uiuuufauture. Tho Dot Blenclird Shooting on tlmmarkrt t njr pric lit ttiB "IIoIirwk." Kverybxly known thin; note tu new pric: tt-1 wide, llili ceuta; 1U-1 wide, 16 conU, UNDERWEAR At loss than tho crait of the varn In it We'v putnered teeothr Ml iloten'ii of nil iort, and Um Ironi (iikhIuihii'i Kieok. TUoy'riliU ,.nd eudsnf regular numlom, ami wn'ro not tuk lug halt what they cout tut your cliolou. BAKKltUPT SALE OF CIOODMAN'S 016 LACKAWANNA AVEM'E. llr. 1. Sterling UUscl Wluterslowti, Pa. Nerves and Blood Strengthened and Purified by Hood's SarsapariEla Scrofula Murrutr and Distrcso In tho Stomach Cured. The f.illow Inj5 testimonial comes from Mr. I). Sterliiii" Mlizel of Wliitursutwn, i'a v, ( (in ducts a iirlntin;! office ami colliM'tlng ugenry and Is tlio youngest Justlco of tlie peace ia tliu s'uit "C. I. lined & Co., Lowell, Mass.: i " Hood's Sarsaparllla la a wonderful hc:il!!i- restorer, nerve streiigtliener mid blood piu i.ier. For tlio lust four or live years I have been trouMi A Willi liuiiior ami m'rofula In tlio blood. breakiuK out all ever iriy Innly. which mused llchii:i! ;cil l.ept mo hum rest at inpUt, 1 v. as uisu, ui uiu uuniu iiiau, iroiuaua wna a Sour Stomach, Which was anything but pleasant, I eouM not even take a swallow of water but what I suf fered from distress and acldlly. I did not enloy a gend meal until uller 1 coiiuncnecd to use Jloodn bursal nil llu. I could see the good e.' HoodV Cures fects after tlio first few doses. I continued to use the medicine until now I have taken live bottles und feel entirely eurfd." i. Stkiii.i.nu M1T.1-.1,, diisuco 01 i-ciicu, v. inirsiow a, i u, Hood's Pills act easily, yet promptly and euciuutly, uu the liver and bowcL. so. 230 Lackawanna Ave,, Scranton, Pa. S So S Ho S 8j S 85 S 85 8 So s or, 8 So S 85 S S3 S S5 8 S5 3 S5 S S3 S 85 8 S3 8 S3 8 85 8 S3 8 So S S5 8 85 S S5 S S5 8 So S S5 8 85 We Are Sell in),' $15.C0 AND $18,03 Suits and Overcoats at S S3 I S So j 8 So j I 8 So 8 So 8 So 8 So 9 8) S 85 8 8o 8 S5 8 So 8 So 8 83 8 85 8 85 8 So 9 85 8 So .8 85 S 85 3 83 S S5 Single and Double Breasted All-Wool Series. Cheviots, CassijiK'res in Suits ; Single and Double Breasted Black and Blue Lohs Cat Kerscj" Meltons in Overcoats. 8 So 8 So ' 8 85 j 8 S5 jS So S S3 ! 8 S3 ! 8 85 I 8 S3 3 85 8 S5 8 S3 8 So S So Tl BELL 230 Lackawanna Ave. SIGN OF THE BELL WE CAN OIVI YOU SATISFACTION Come and sre us about the Job Work you will need soon. The Scranton Triininc Job Dent. HJSIERY Knit LlieV for ipImcs nr children, Has oitra heavy lk8, 10 renin, eto t-uniu vulues nil tint way through fur moll' omen's and children's aizoj. imPORTAnr pointers 10 yard., f at ruler Dress PrluU STm Men's ntroii Half lima M,n's Fanry Print Mhlrtn, with collar.. MlJ Men I nuudriod blnrin ( Auuhor Oottou; '" Men's Stroll (tot.tmi I'tuit lo YuuthV Loinr I'snts i:a littsty OvvralM and JaekiiU 4Ko Now Ontlnj I'lnnnels (hoavy) 6e Hoys' AlI-Wool hinu J1.SJ Heal Turkey KodTuUlo Dainaak, otu,.,. 10c EXTRA I EXTRA I On Monday, from 8 to o'clock a. in.. rt will Hfll a food hxavy Towdllng at IWb eentji a ynrd. and troai V tolUVelork Scout linudker uhlrfM at 'i cents. Tlitwo iiooils cannot bo had nt tbs rrlosi quotud ouu inluuteaftor th bourn uanied. STOCK, 5P- si Ci C3 cv ACS fSS fi3e cs S G- fS? G is a& fK F,? e- o $50,000 worth of Dry Goods, No tions, Ladies' and Gents Furnishing Goods.riillinery, Cloaks, Furs, Infants' Wear, &c, The steady increase of our business compels us to enlarge and remodel the en tire store for spring trade, and as the stock will be in the way ILL SELL AT M PIE. 400 and 402 e?3 mm Japanese Four-Panel Cloth Screens at $4.00 each, in Dark Green, Red, Black, Orange and Drab. OAK AND WHITE EASELS White and Gold Table, "White and Gold Book Shelf, - UMBRELLA STANDS Closing out a lot at - - SPECIAL Onyx Top Brass Table, NEW LOT 64, llle Table Covers EVERYTHING IN UPHOLSTERY GOODS CORD, GIMP, ETC. RE RR 9 406 and 408 Lsckawanna Ave. BRANCH AT CARBONDALE. ECONOMY" TALK Wc arc DiscarJinu Office Desks on account of our extending other departments. These aVe the few remaining ones : SI 7.01) Roll Top Desk $11.00 JS.00 Roll Top Desk 20.HO 15.75 Flat Top Desk 12.00 17.00 Roll Top Desk, sightly damaged. 12.00 fcaT'Tho above sold for cash only. m 1 u Have the call this week. Creat things in both these depart, incuts will be displayed for your edification. If you have no intention of purchasing, eoine anyway und request us to show you these stocks or anv other goods you desire to see in this store. Wo have told you repeatedly this store is yours, it in the people's. A (irand liaaar open to all. u mini mitu Is open to your investigation. DON'T confound us with the small instalment firms around town. Our plan is on a broader und more liberal basis. Your promise to pay satisfies us. Our new terms arc as follows : $20.00 Worth of (ioods 10.00 liO.OO 7S.00 ((.()( 120.00 Larger bills in proportion. Delivery. EGUN OitiY FURNITURE CO SCRANTON'S HOME PROVIDERS, 225 AND 227 WYOMING AVENUE. I i SI. 31 Lack Ave. Scranton, Pa. $i.y5 3-oo 90c. each $4.75 each 84 AND 104 HIM n for $2.00 Per Month :l.oo l.oo K.OO ti.OO 8.00 Remember our FREE Railroad i