The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 21, 1895, Page 6, Image 6
THE SCKANTON TRIBUNE THURSDAY MORNIXG, FEBRUARY 21, 1895. 400402, Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton. 400402 Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton. IU FA! I ((u SPECIAL 0 BARGAINS THIS WEEK V' I I x 250 Pieces, 1S-im.l1 wide Toweling, lineu finished - Our Price, 1? 250 Pieces Heavy Cream Shaker Klan uel, - - Our Price, 2? C 250 Pieces Aprou Gingham, best quality, Our Price, 2 3 C 25o Pieces Unbleached Sheeting, 1 yard wide, - Our Price, 2 3 C 250 Pieces American Light Shirting Prints, - Our Price, 23 4C 250 Pieces Atlantic A Sheeting Our Price, 4J eC 25o Pieces Hill Muslin, bleached, Our Price, 4.1 ec Sheetings Extra Good, 5-4 Unbleached, 8ic.. Bleached, 10 8-4 " 12 c, , 94 44 13tfc, M 15 10-4 " 15 c, " 16 1 Case Cashmere, all colors, 36-in. wide, worth 25c. yard, Our Price, 15c 1 Case Cashmeres, 36-in. wide, worth 350. yard, - Our Price, 22c 40 Pieces Velveteen, all shades, worth 50c. yard, - Our Price, 35c 32 Pieces All-Silk Velvet, worth $1.00 and $1.25, - Our Price, 82c 100 White Bed Spreads, extra size, worth $1.00, - - Our Price, 59c 100 Chenille Table Covers, worth 9SC., Our Price, 5Qc 100 doz. Bleached, ii yds long, Turkish Towels, worth 29c., - Only 15c Table Linen. 25c. and 29c. Quality, 39C. " 5oc. " 69c. " Only 18c " 28c " 38c " 48c SPECIAL SALE ALL NEW GOODS. 25c. and 29c. Quality - at 19c 50c. " at 35c 69c. " at 50c 75C " at 58c 74c. 44 at 75C $150 " at $1.00 And all others in proportion. WINTER GOODS Shawls, Blankets, Comfortables, Millinery, Underwear, Furs, Etc., At about One-Half Price. 50 doz. Gent's Unlauudried Shirts, worth 50c, - - at 35c These are linen bosom and cuffs, double back and front. Gents' Linen Collars Gents' Linen Cuffs 8c 10c TO CLOSE OUT. 24 Ladies' and Misses' Jackets, worth $10.00 and $12.50, Only $5.00 19 Ladies' aiid Misses' Jackets, worth $15.00 and $18.00, Only $7.50 13 Ladies' and Misses' Jackets, worth $20.00 and $25.00, Only $9.00 27 doz. Ladies' Wrappers, indigo blue, worth $1.25, - - Only 85c 500 doz.Misses' Ribbed Fast Black Hose, sizes 5 to 9, seamless, worth 19c pair, Special 1Qc 500 doz. Ladies' Handkerchiefs, worth 5c each, - Our Price, 2 l-2c THOUSANDS OF YARDS OF RIBBONS. 5c. Quality at IOC. 44 19c. 44 25c. 44 2JC 5 C 11c 13c 400-402 LACKAWANNA AVENUE SCRANTON, PA. FA R 400-402 LACKAWANNA AVENUE SCRANTON, PA. The 1 iollou) . Rtiby . By JULIAN HAWTHORNE. (These short serial stories are copyrighted by BachMIer. Johnnon & Bach-elk-r.and are printed InTheTribune by special arrangement, simultaneous with their appearance in the leading dally journals of the large ciUea). CHAPTER lir. Meryon did not nt mice reply. Tie took his cigarette fane frnm his pocket, Pfleoted a cigarette and said to the Nubian of the nargili-h: "I'.oy, a lif-'ht." After obtaining it he in a whiff or two with a thoughtful air and then turned pravely to his host. "Prince," he said, in a tone of Icy clls tinc tiifss, "it Is fortunate for you that I did nnt take your bravado in earnent. If I thouxht," he continued, with a stern and kn look, "that you nitual ly meditated violence to me and there by to the nil-powerful nation which I represent if I believed that, within three months your kingdom would have been wiped from the map, arid you and your subjects would be on your way to New York to become waiters in the public restaurants!" There was a silence. T'.oth smoked. Meryon with lent?, serene inhalations, his highness with short, sharp puffs. At last he said: "Your statement, Mery on I'neha, seems Improbable. I have Indeed heard that your nation Is great, and I know that the ways of Allah are "And It's Your Tnult. unfathomable. Injustice dwells not In my heart. You will admit that you have been hospitably entertained" Jleryon BtlfHy Inclined his head, at the same time slightly lifting one eyebrow and shrugging the opposite shoulder "but It hus eome to my ears that you have ventured to look upon and even to address communications to thu princess, my daughter, apparently pre suming her capable of deigning" Once more Meryon Interrupted. "Prince, you employ words which I won't take from you. 'Deigning!' Does the tom-tlt condescend to the eagle? It was my whim to lay aside the cares of sovereignty (which I must resume on my return home) and masquerude In this out-of-the-way little corner, for a while, as a mere traveling artist. Hut In birth, station and power you're sim ply not In sight, beside me, not to men tion your Interesting fumlly." ' The prince, by a nervous Jerk of the .elbow, upset the. narglleh, which the Nubian deftly caught nnd replaced. "I've been studying your little princi pality," resumed the other, "with a friendly disposition to do something to Improve It. I heard you had a daugh ter, and It struck me Bhe might be the means of my helping you. I'm unmar ried, and though I could get a wife worth a dozen of her in New York or Chicago, to say nothing of Boston, yet I believe in occasionally crossing the I higher strains with humbler blood, and I 1 have had thoughts of honoring you and exalting her by a union with my self." A dozen things rushing at the same Instant to get uttered at his highness' single mouth, naturally got wedged, like people trying to escape from a burning theater, and the prince became crimson, but said nothing at all. Jlcr yon went on: "lint a serious objection has arisen, for which you are primarily to blame, and which you must remove If I am to go on with the scheme. Tcrah though I'm confident she is a good little girl and personally incapable of evil is, nevertheless, conventionally speaking, damaged goods. And It's your fault." The novelty of his sensations was hypnotizing the prince. Ills eyes rolled outward, and his breathing was sten toi lous. lint he no longer attempted to address the meeting. 'Qui facit per alliim, faclt per se," the American continued; "you are to blame for the crimes of your head eunuch, for you ought to have known better than to Instruct such a clumsy beast with such delicate responsibili ties. Kit her from brute carelessness or worse, IIiIh fellow, llatlpha, the other day, suddenly sprung Ternh on me with her countenance in a condition which I shudder to describe. It she I In short, her veil was down!" Here Mer yon bowed his head upon his knees, and tremors shook his frame. Inarticulate gurglings came from the prince's lips. Drops of sweat formed beneath the rim of his turban nnd ran down Into his beard. This was u great day for him, never to be forgotten! "Anyone, less magnanimous and ehnr llable than I would have turned his back upon her and you forever," the artist went on presently. "Such an outrage, upon an unsuspecting guest can hardly be too severely resented. Hut compassion for Terah who wus really as much shocked as I was and friendship for you, led me to forbear. I caused word to be sent to her that, on certain conditions, I would try to over look the matter. And I nm now here, prince, to tell you what the conditions are." His highness, with eyes goggling on vacancy, stretched out his arms in front of him and rapidly closed and ex tended his fingers. It Is uncertain whether this Indicated that ho wished to catch hold of an elusive word, or of something more substantial. Klther way It was expressive. "What I require," said Meryon, with stern impresslveness, "Is your straight out apology; and to prove it's sincerity. It must 'take tho form of delivering up llntlpha Into my hands, to he annihi lated as I see fit.: Having thus deliv ered himself, Meryon took another ci garette from his case, signed to the Nu bian for a light, and added composed ly: "I have Bpoken!" The spell upon his hlgness was broken. A confused roar proceeded from him, which perhaps set out to be a sort of laugh, but went on like tho cry of the tiger thirsting for meat. lie clapped his hands against his thighs, kicked off both his slippers (which the Nubian of the fan impassively restored to him, receiving In acknowledgment a violent kick in the stomach!, and be trayed other symptoms of strong feel ing. Gradually the waves of emotion became less agitated, und allowed him to employ human methods of speech. "Meryon Pacha," he wild, "I have been indignant. I heard reports of you which made me wisli to kill you. You have spoken, and made things look dlf- v. "Oh, Well. I Hou't Cure if I l." ferent. I nm more Indignant than be fore, and somebody must be killed, but I am willing it should not be you. You have spoken or llatipha; It shall be! I will discipline him. I will draw oft his hide In strips an Inch wide. I will born out bis eyes with hot needles. I will tear out hlH tongue, nnd cut oft his hands and feet. I will nil) his carcass with red pepper and sirup, Impale him upon a stake ten feet long, and Set hint In the public siuare for the llles to cat. Yea, by the beard of the prophet, ho shall be taught etiquette!" Meryon mused nnd shook his head. "The punishment Is loo light," he final ly said. "Ordinarily, I might be satis lied wllh it, for I nm more forgiving anil tender-hearted than a woman. ,l:ut this dog's offense demands some renlly adequate penalty. I think I must have him boxed up and sent to New York to be naturalized and run for mnyor on his record. It Is necessary, too, thnt my honor Is vindicated. I will think It liver. In the meantime let him be shadowed." "Is the penalty you made a Very ter rible one?'' nsked the prince. Meryon smiled wearily, "Merely to read the account of It In the newspa pers Is punishment enough for most crimes," he replied. "I hate to Inflict It; but mercv Is one tlilnir. wen It 1ml Llo sin, such as your proposition would amount 10, is anoiner. Atltl rroin tho reputation of the woman I marry every shadow of a stain must be removed." "As to thut," said the prince, whose natural suavity was returning, "though I suppose what you say of yourself and your nation Is true, still I could easily very easily have your head cut off, and Bay to your people (when they came to ask) that you had been killed by somebody else. Hilt I, too, am tender-hearted, and what you say about the princess Is certainly true, for llatipha himself told me so ami other things! Ho I should like to havo you for a son-in-law, especially If It would benefit my kingdom, But how would It benefit It ?" Well, looking at It strictly as a financial meusure, I should say It would benefit you about a lao of rupees' worth a year, very likely more what with the Summer visitors, the boom In trade nnd the new openings for un married ladles." After a pause he added: "Uut, mind you, I haven't yet promised I'll take her. My system got a bail shock that day, and I may never get over it." The prince was silent for a long time, doing more thinking than was per haps good either for him or Meryon. At last he said: "Allah Is great. Man. knows little, and sometimes lies. Your words, Mer yon Pacha, may be truth or not. You wish to live; you also wish, I think, to marry my daughter; but whether you desire the good of my kingdom Is us yet hidden from me. Hut there is a way. if you choose, to prove it." "Yes."' returned Meryon, 'In an In different tone. "Yes. This morning I have news that the prince, my nearest neighbor, is going to make war on me. 1 am un prepared nnd need help. Beyond the country of my enemy lies another king dom, whose king Is my ally. If a mes senger from me could reach him in three days from now I should be safe. Hut If I send one of my own subjects he would be stopped and slain, for his speech and features would betray him. But you, Meryon Pucha. could go In safety, for there is no war with your country, nnd since you are a sovereign, as you say, and able to destroy all who Injure you, you have nothing to four. I will give you a message to my ally which will tell him that you nro my friend and are to be my son-ln-luw. and that my kingdom Is in danger. Now, Meryon Pacha, will you do this thing to win the princess and save the king dom'."' The American reflect oil a moment. The prince was Ingeniously beating 111 m with his own stick, so to Bay. The threat of war was probably a fact; but the secret embassy was devised as a means of getting rid of him without seeming to do so. On the other hand ho could not, nfter his late magnilo quence, decline to do his future father-in-law so ostensibly facile a service. There wan but one weak point In his highness' argument. He put his linger on that. "The letter which I nm to take to your ally will make mo known nlso to your enemy, If he searches me. He would trout mo as a spy and 1 should have no ground of complaint." The prince smiled an oriental smile. "You are prudent nnd far-seeing, Mer yon Piichii," said he. "Hut It I protect you from this peril, will you accept the adventure V" "Oh, well, I don't rare If I do," re- Vlled the other, twisting his rod mus- taehlos. He already had a glimpse of an expedient for making the affair serve his own purposes. "It Is well," said his highness, "no turn to me at sunset today and I will give you the final directions." "All light," returned Meryon, brief ly, and the Interview ended. To Be Continued. pin t.ii I nr MANHOOD nitftlfatuuiii"!? ailuioni f until or yuunit inn nuuuu). nnful ItWtacf YOl'TllKDU Hivi'lta if tnuit incut. KKKOIIK, proiluem wink run, Ntt'Him IkIiIIiij. Mfthtlr Knililoi:,liiwimillnii, IiiHJimtv, Ktlmui'tlnir ilraluiiaud lumnt iiowerol tho lii'il erallroOrunniiuiilUtiniruiiuforlltiilT uusliicwanit mar rlitirolaquli'ltlymilTilty pp. Nvrvo (JrulNft. Tllcy nut only run liy alAi-tlntf lit Ihn Mwt of itl riuo. hilt nr. grout MOM VIC 1UN1U mat HI.UIIU III ll.lirit, hrlinrinir hark tlio vlnlt slow pal rht-rka ami mihirliie tho Flit I! OF YOI 111 to til imliwt. llj lnll.l.lMl'rb.ij or for wllh writ, frn auarnnlrt to 4ur op refund ttip mnnajr. Book (WVpwUah . crc liraln Co., Uoi tUI, W awT For Halo by JOHN H. PHELPS, Drug gist, Wyoming ave. and Spruce street. Gilmore's Aromatic Wine A touic for ladies. If you are suffering from weakness, and feel exhausted and ner vous; are getting thin and all run down; Gilmore's Aro matic Wine will bring roses to your cheeks and restore you to flesh and plumpness. Mothers, use it for your daughters. It is the best regulator and corrector for ailments peculiar to woman hood. It promotes digestion, enriches the blood and gives lasting strength. Sold by Matthews Bros., Scranton. Ermmib t twi HioHraY Mesieat Aunome onmi uuL.nnnmi STHEADMHEffia iNltAlTtl will cure ynu. A wundorlul bMin to fnnVrn fromt'oItU, MorcThroiit. or It A KFVfcll. Afontt immediate reltf f. An iMTtelrnl l-tmioii. iMnrnnlont tit irrv In pnfknt. TWlty to w n fliwt Iniliontitm of ml if. pntlNfftcUuninirinintPodnr money rcfumtt'd. Irlon, AO ta Trlul frn nt DnicitlHt. KcuWfrrMl mm). bU ciuLs. H. D. CUtf !UN. Kir., Urtt Wi, Kiel.., UAt OtTSITMAN'B irilTUni nurMt ni1 fnfYtt wneily fnf niLUIl nub nilfkii.tiiivRut. Kfuma,.t'ii.Hlt HhcurrunM Hnrrp, Burnt, Tula. Woadrrftil nm rfly for PII.KH. Prlro, JtA eta. nt rmr- rj A I f gliU or ty mat! prepaid Al1rom wwwIh.tu. " " t- For sale by Matthews Bros, and John H. Photos. Complexion Pressrvoti DR. HEBRA'S VIOLA CREAM BomoTOf FreekUi, Pimplaa. Litrer Molaa Claonhaada, ..nh..M Ami1 Tnn. Mini r. J torea the iMn to Hat origi nal freabncia, producing a at.,1 tir.allliW m.m pleilon. Superior to nil luce (iiugglata, or moiled lor 50rt& tia.rm.PM. At All bend lor Circular, VIOLA 8KIM ftOAP lplr InootnparaMo u HtU 1'tirlMM Hotvp, aaeqiiafed Iht taa nlW, ind wllhoul rival ft taa gantry. twolut jwita au4 uUoatal wOl Mai. Atniltt, f r(pa 25 Cant. G. C. BITTNER & CO., Toledo, O. ..For tale by Matthews Bros, and Johq H. Phelps. Thla Famous llemrdv cure quickly iuit por irutMMitly ul( ht'rvuua Olmn.M'. audi na Weak Mcm.irj, !.oMof Hniln Ponor, I louiJarlio, Wnkn fulnunn, I, oat Vltnlliy nh-htly omtnulitna, otI ilrniinin, lttintfnry unit wnatiutf illHtmm'n etiiiKOd It youthful error a nt rxrrnwi. Cntitnln no ntlittin. la rt urrvo tonlrunil hlnoil butlilrr. Muknii tho p'llo ti m I putiv ntmttu nrnl iltiinp. Ktiillf currloit In mat rtH'lift. tH IimtVA. Ity ninll iiropnlct wltU a written ifunruntoo to euro or tnnnvf rirund't. Wrlm a l'ir ive mrdlrnl biMikt "(ni willed In plain wnipnor. which con tain tPBtlmntihila nnd rltiiinpliil rpfrvm-tR. So chnrf lir onnaiiltutliiiia, fteimr of imita- n,,it. Hold hT iMir mlvi'rtlniMl nupttra, or nd(lrtma POM) IN SOU ANTON, PA., H. C. HANDEKHON WAblilNOTON.COK. bVHVCE, UUUUUlSTd, 1 10 OVER-IflXEQ-BRR1H WORKERS And nil who suffer from Nerve Strain, Xervonx l'i'tiility. Kiikis of Youth, rd'.. r-'inl the syiupluliiH i-allini; for treatment by a viKM'liiilsi. niKonli'i'K of .Sleep. Nerve Strain. Morbi.l 11 ii 111 t m, Ni'i've KNhiiustlnn. I'ressuie mnl 1'niii in Hie lleitil, Sennit iveiies of the Seiilo, Ineiipni'iiy for Mi tlul)rul Mental W'orl;. W eiiKlless of ViNinn ulitl a l'eellliK ol" Tressure in the Kyert, lepression of the Slinil, a l'Vilini; of Anxiety. Sensation of lilzziness, lietieral Hoiiily Weakness. Poor Appetite, rnntipatton, l'oor I'ifeulatlen. NeivoiiH I'alptlation, an nallountltl, lOeail or, Tain in tlie Hael; ami l.liulw, l'.xeltelile, I'onstant State of Pu rest, ete., ete. II' you have these symp toms or a majority of them, see a Spe eiallst at onee. For Ihreiiteni-il ftrnln Softenlnp. ilue to exeesses of any kiml. eall on u .'Jpeelalisl. Ill nil eases of I'hionie Nerve Strain or Kxhaiistlon, eonsutl a Speelnllst. All Neuialnio eomlHIons me simply ex luesslons of Kxhaustuil Nerve l'ower. See a Speelallst. Si'xual i:xesses affeet tho nerve ren ters. The hniln is tlie ifi'enl nerve center. Talk with a Speelallst. Kiiinev. llliidiler, IMooil nnd 8kin llsease. DR. W. H. HACKER Is the only Speelallst In Nervous Diseases between liollalo und New York. lllllee, 3:'7 Spruee rtreet. opp. New Hotel Jeiniyn. Hours, 8 u. m. to M i. m. raxl.rmrluil frua Ulfc REVIVC RESTORES VITALITY Made a vWell Mar of Me. lit Day. 'i'J 15th THEREAT noth Day. prailneea tho ahove rosulla In 30 It "ti 1'owprtullj and muchly. Cun'i n hen all otlioni till Young luou will renalii thonr leat uiaulinoil.aiidold mou will roeover their joiithtul vieor by ualni KKVIVO. It qulplTndVirely ronton Nfinroui Draa, I.ort VltallU, liupotpucy, NlKUIlr Kiuiraluni. Lot l'owur, Kallliin Mruiury, Waatiuv Pluouao. ouct II elTirta of milt-ubuaa or anfix aud liidlm-ri'tlon nhtob tinitaone toralulr.biilRcanarniarrlan. It not only ruraa by atartiiK at tho at ot dla.'inr. but laasrrt nme tnnlr and blond builder, brim ti n bark tun pink clow to imle rberkstiidn tiirlnn tha tire of youth. It warria nB InKastty and C'QDnuroiitlen. Iiuift on having ntlir. It can ba earrlod In imt poekrt. Br mell l.00 per iiackaKC or all lor .0.00, with pol Mto irrlitcn Kuaruntoe to ruro or refunO he money. Ciri'ularfroo, Addrsaa OVAL MCDICINE CO., S3 River St., CHICAGO, IU ro nil by Matthewi Broi., Irfga bcruntoa . I'm. BdnSrldiMihl Hare won Pot Throat, Ilmp1eR, Coppor-Colorod I flmiu. Aches. Old Horca. lllcora In Month. Ilalr-I t'ftUtim? Write rmik Krmrdy Co.. HOT Ma-1 ontTmple.rh.viMru,lll.,for proofs of cures. I Capltnl &M,000. 1'rttlt'ritsourednlneycural ACADEMY OF MUSIC Special Matinee 1 ridny. AYoshington's llirthdnv, at J.iiO p. ro. FRIDAY and SATURDAY, Feb. 22-23 Al ll. SPIES' Comedy Hiainu. Stable of I hoiouch biodx.wiih IrcclnnJ Greatest Horse in the l and. THE DERBY Clever Company V iih ARTHUR DUNN The Little ! t'oineJy ' tiiant,.j. Strnns Scenic Settings. MATISF.E PRICE" Ailnlts. Me.: Cliildrt-n, -.ic. Sale ,if seats opens Wedueily. Feb. L' DAVIS' THEATER Thursday, Friday and Saturday. ED. F. RUSH'S Big Sp:c:acukr Ex'.raviganzi Co. A CARLOAD OF SPECIAL SCENERY. A C0R1PANY OF PiCKED ARTISTS. A HOST OF NOVELTIES. A BIG SHOW. ADMISSION, 10, 20 OR 30 CENTS TwoDorformaneoa d.iily t 2.3) audS.ljp ui. Kext Attraetion-"A Cracker Jack." OUR HI HERBS The Great Blood Purifier and Liver Regulator. 200 DAYS' TREATMENT, $1.00 COMPOSED OF And will Poaltlrd v enra all dianam nrlalnf from IMPURE BLOOD, St'CH As Rheumatism, Kidney Disorder, Liver Complaint, Sick and Nerv. Otis Ilcaduchc, Neuropil. Dy. pepNiu, Fever and Ague, Serof u. la. Female Complaints, Erysipe las, Nervous Affections, Catarrh, and nil Syphilitic Diseases. E. M. HETZEL, AO EXT, 330 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Call and Get Circulars. ROOF TWINING AND SOLDERING All done away with by the une ot HART MAN'S PATENT PAINT, which conslBte of inirredlentH well-known to all. It can ba applied to tin, RHlvanlzed tin, "heet Iron roofs, also to brick ilwelinKs, which will firevent alwolutoly uny cruniblinK, crack nm or breaking of the brlek. It will out loxt tlnniiiK of nny kind by many years, ami Ifa cost does not exceed one-llfth that of tho cost of tinning. Is sold by the Job or pound. Contract taken by ANTONIO UAUTMAiiN, 6 Birch St,1 i I