The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 21, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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I JwishTtoJsayT that I use" and
recommend; one and only one bak
mgTpowdejCandthat is Cleveland's."
Norman & Moore
120 Wyoming Ave.
Am and Iiu-an
de-mit LitiUU In
nearly nil i)rt
of ilia city.
Our Incandescent Systom is absolutely tmfo
Improvements used iu doing
The Wide Renowned
Laundry work of
WftunAva, A. 8 WARMAN,
So many complaints of irregular
delivery vive reached us, which
ve have uaced to stolen papers,
that we now offer $5 reward for
information that will lead to the
conviction of any person caught
stealing The Tribune from the
doorsteps of regular subscribers.
Select council will meet tonight.
Third chamber concert tonight at S
o'clock. A tine programme.
The ProhlbHIonists of the city will hold
forth this evening at Conservatory hail.
Miss Barnes, of Adams avenue, Is en
tertaining Miss Katherlne P.clchard, of
The Scranton Bicycle club Is making an
especial effort to provide a surpassing en
tertainment for Its "'smoker" tomorrow
Mazeie Smith, of Center street, was
sentenced to fifteen days' Imprisonment
yesterday for drunkenness and disordeiy
A special matinee will be given ot ths
Academy of Music at special prices by tho
"Derby Winner" company on Friday af
ternoon at 2.30 o'clock.
Extensive arrangements are being made
by the Scranton Liederkranz for their
twenty-sixth annual masquerade bail,
which will be held at Music hall on Mon
day evening next.
The will of John M. Wetherly, lale of
Scott township, was udmltted to probate
yesterday and letlers testamentary grant
ed to Huldo Wetherly, Kttle M. I.yn.h
and It. P. Parker. ,
The Clerks' association will hold a mentis-
at their hall on Spruce street this
venlng at 8 o'clock. All memlters tire re
quested to be present, as business of the
utmost Importance will be transacted.
A silver tea will be held at the Oreen
P.lclge library on the afternoon and even
ing of Washington's birthday, from 4
o'clock until lu. A silver offering Is ex
pected for books. Music during the time.
Rev. T. DeW'Itt Talmage will ilellvr
his famous lecture, "My Journey Around
tho World," at the Krothlngham tonight.
There Is an Immensely Inrge advnnce snln
of seats and the theater will undoubtedly
be crowded.
Washington's birthday will be celebrated
at the llescue mission by special services,
when musical selection will be given by
the quartette and chorus choir. Kev,
Charles K, Robinson, U.U., and others
Will deliver brief addresses.
The ladles of the Oreen Hldge I'nlted
Evangelical church will hold a social In
Oak hall, Copouse avenue nnd Marlon
Wreet, on Thursday evening of this week.
The proceeds are for the benefit of the pan
tor. A cordial Invitation Is extended to
rinns for the proposed silk mill to be
erected on the South Side are now pre
pared and will lie delivered at the bourd
of trade ofllce today. The plans show
buildings of massive appearance which
will form a, handsome addition to the
edifices on the South Side,
The regular meeting of the Homeo
path lo Medical society of northeastern
Pennsylvania will be held this evening
at the oftlce of Dr. If. li. Ware. Kssuys
will be read by Dr. Brewster and Rob
erts, and the discussion with regard to
them will be led by Drs. Ilellner, Young
. and I-eehmon.
A well attended entertainment was held
t the Excelsior hall, on Wyoming ave
nue, last night, when a considerable
amount was netted for .the benefit of the
ladles' General Relief society. Tableaux,
rouHlo and dancing were Interspersed In
the amusements of the evening. The ar
rangements were In charge of Mrs. J. It,
Cohen, president of the society; Mrs. II.
Jangfeldt and Mrs. L. Marks.
Owing to circumstances which were un
avoidable, the proposed performance of
. the drama, "Down by the Sea," on Frl
, day at the Providence arnnVy by the
members of the auxiliary societies of the
Providence Presbyterian church, Is post,
poned Indefinitely. In place of the dra
matic performance a supper will be served
by the Indies' Aid society In the church
parlors on the same evening,
The members of the sub-appropriation
Committee of the state legislature will be
Hi -N
(S: rimn
at WllkeH-Uane this moruinK. PlttHton at
noon, uiul will arrive at Si-runton thin uf
ternoon, and vltrtt tho Lurkuwunna Iioh
pital. Home for the KrlMulless, 8t. l'nt
rlck's oiiihiuiufre unil the- site for the tiro
Jectert West Blile liospltul. The UK-inborn
of the noor board will urraiiKe for a visit
to the Hillside home uml Invite the mem
bers to Inspect the premises and arruntiu
nieutM. Yesterday In mxunient court In the ousw
of Newell Closhln ft Co.. uKiiliiot l H.
ilalyn & Son, an order was handed down
Insii'ucilMK' Sheriff demons to release the
levy made. In the ease of liiKersoll and
SerKeunt UrilllnK company vs. Uri'lKsvlllu
Salt .MIiiIiik company u. rule was Kiunted
to allow the declaration to be amended.
1'atrli'k Healey was granted leave to be
gin suit within six months against James
Kills. Jiidne Savldi;e, of Northumber
land, will bo here for the remainder of the
A free class for learning how to read
music will be formed at the Hcruntmi
School of .Music tomorrow eviiiliiB. Tills
chorus Is for everybody who likes to Sinn
and who ituslivs to know how to read nt
slwlit. The class will be taught by Tallin
.Murirun, who will tomorrow evening ex
plain his method of teachlut;, and a Rood
part of the time will be snent In sliiKlmt
by those present. I'uiiservatoi y hall,
where the class will be held, seats nearly
4ii0 people. It Is located at W- I.acka
wannu avenue.
Marriage licenses were granted yester
day by the cleil; of the courts to I'eler
Walsh and Muiivaivt Kane, lninnioiv:
John Smith and .Muuitlc Ann Wtllliim-t,
Scrantoii: John H. t'oiKim and .MukkIu
liuikus. I,u7.ti'iic boi'otiKh; Morris JuiIko
and Jane ltoKan. t'arbondale: Jumes H.
Toman und Orru Snyder, Jerniyn; l-'rel-eiiil;
1. Itober, Dunmore, and Lottie S.
t'oiineil. Scianton; Merman Sltnier. Scran
ton, and Frances Williams, New tun; I'ut
llck .Maluidy and litiduet l.oftus, t)y
phunt: Will I.. Ueed and Minnie 1-1. lloss,
kinucss Will Inrich the l.ucktiuuiinu
Hospital $.Ml. 17.
The report of the finance committee
of the lute Klrmess shows that $S,S4'
was realized for the l.ackuwannu hos
pital. The report In detail is:
From sale of tickets $.'1,792 12
l-'rum boxes and lo'es j, UiJlM
Advertisements In pro
gramme (1ST 00
Sale of programmes HI W
Mrs. Kreemun on account
of desk 4 25
Mrs. spencer and Miss
Urudley on account of
flowers, etc IK r.
Cafe receipts...., 2oj "S
Fortune teller's booth !
Mrs. C. S. Weston 2." U0
X. O. tioodinan .1 ')
K. P. Puller 1 00
Sundry contributions thro'
J. Ueorge Kisole 57 "
Popular dance contest Pi T.'i
Rent of costumes 3ln TO
R. Schoenfeld u 10
Coursen, demons & Co.... 7 ii'
J. A. Scranton & Son lim 00
h'oot & Shear Co 10 no
Kzra I'inn & Sons 1 fs)
12. Cf. Courfen (commis
sion I 7 a
Sir'ton Illuminating, Heat
& Power Co 7? 21
111.421 CS
New York Calcium Light
Co. J Do f
Mary Ann Watts li
Mrs. Williams S "
H. Jules Mailloux 171 7.1
I.lla A. Stewart CM r.."
Meirargee Brothers .1 lo
ii. E. Jones 2o ikj
Knehler & Co y, 1.1
John Holt, assignee 2 ti
J. J. Ncalis U 7'.
Owen Cuslck estate li ml
Orlando Kozelle 1 00
W. S. Blnnchard 2 10
K. W. Knight ! i)
E. J. (Sondwln 1 Oil
Scranton Bed ling Co 4 So
E. I.. PulU r (for cash paid) in :r.
Foot & Shear Co 12 .V.
Reese Watkins 2 00
Lillian C. A. Hammett 2 00
C. E. liattin 2 on
H. I'. Hopewell 9 00 .
C. E. Alherton lj 00
Scranton Tribune liS Ji)
eo. W. Si-hlager 2 7"i
I,. T. Payne f, u)
The Sunday News 2 00
Rehrig Rack 4 00
Scranton Republican lilii 'o
Scranton Truth :i no
Reese & Long 22 7.'
A. P. McDonongh 14 r,n
A. K. Hunt 6"0 00
E. E. ('hmc (for rash paid) 7 00
J. P. Dickson (for cash
paid) 1 oo
F. K. Whlie r, 7;,
Anthracite Publishing Co. 3 00
Madam A. Scliwencke 202 7.1
Coursen, Clcinons & Co.... 7 fin
UnisTt J. Bauer 2111 oo
CU-lland. Simpson Tay
lor 3 oo
Foot & Shear Co bio)
Contud ' hroedcr !m on
E. (1. Coursen o 13
Ezra Finn Sons 3 7.1
R. Si'hocnril.l r 10
Postage 3 pi
Jos. Huntington IK HI
James I.unny fi ou
$2,82 SI
i necK to John P. Snyder, treas
urer Iickawanna hospital 8,W 17
$11,431 08
In Addition to the recents os above
there will probably lie received $2o0, as the
result of the disposition of the punch
bowl, the Ice cream set and the bimn.
This will come In later and will go directly
to me treasurer or the hospital.
Very respectful!
E. I,. ITI.Min,
Finance Commute,
(liven Yesterday In Honor of Mrs. II, M.
Mrs. R. N. Wlllnrd yesterday enter
tnlner at luncheon ft number of ladles
In honor of Mrs. II. M. Hides, who. with
her husband, sulls HnturduyQr a trip
or several months in nnrtnern Africa
and Europe.
Among- Mrs. Wlllnrrl'i guests were
Mrs. K. H. Sturires, Mrs. A, R Hunt,
Mrs. A. M. Decker, Mrs. H. M. Hliilr,
Mrs. W. T. Watkins, Miss Emma Vnll,
Mrs. Henry Helln, Mrs. C. II. Welles,
Mrs. Charles Klrkputrlck, Mrs. It. W
Archbald, Mrs. Jumes Archbald, Mrs.
II. W. Klngsbwry. Mrs. R. 1. KIiirh
bury, Mrs. W. W. Scranton, Mrs. Ever
ett Warren.
Christian Indcsvor Koclul.
The Young People's Boclety of Christian
Endeavor of the Penn Avenue Baptist
church give a social nnd entertitlnniont
tonight. Admission free. Following Is
the programme: Horn, Miss Black; reel
tatlon, Miss Malbry; violin and cornet
duet, Miss Long and Mr. Stanton; read
Ing, Mies Estelle; recitation, Master Da
vid Atkinson; selection, male quartette,
Shoppers Today Shbnld Not Miss
the gratuitous luncheon at Armour A Co.'i
Food Exhibition. The Armour folks never
do things by halves. They will show, you
ways to provide new dainties for your
table every day this week at uoldsmlth
Bazaar. .
Illness Which Attacked Him Sunday
Mornint Proved Fatal.
llo Was Ono of tho Best Known Y oung
Priosts of This Diocese-President of
St. Thomas' Collcge-l'uncrol
Tomorrow Morning.
Rev. John J. Matiun, president of
St. Thomas' college, after an Illness of
but a few days, tiled yesterday miirn
ln at the residence of Right Reverend
Bishop O'lluru, on Wyomlntr avenue.
An uecoiint of the midden attack of
Illness that ulTected Father Mungmt,
while cclelirutliin the lute muss hint
Suiuluy wis given In 'Monday's Trib
une. Deuth occurred ut lO.'.'O o'clock
yesterday morning.
After the attack on Sunday Father
Muhk.ui was taken to IiIm room and
Dr. P. II. Kearney waited upon him.
The patient wus not then In n dunK"i'
ou.h condition, und it was believed that
his recovery would be u mutter of only
a few days. At midnlitht Tuesday
nlKlit ti relapse occurred and from t
time on Futhcr Muni;un wan very fee
ble. Heart luiltire and IioiiioitIiukvx
from the lungs were the ciniHe of death.
Dr. Kearney culled In Drs. (ilblmns
tiiul Thompson, uml the three phyBl-
IntiH were in almost constant attend
ance. All or the prlents or the cathe
dral residence wore ut Father Mun
KUIi's bedside when lie died.
Ilis I mly I. ire.
.The community was pitlneil beyond
meustuv nt the ud news, fur Father
Munnan wus u tlciuly-beloved priest.
He was horn In Culm, N. Y on Nov. HO,
1SCX und was ordained to the priest
hood iit St. IVter's cathedral by
Bishop O'lluru on July 2u. 1KS9. He
was uppo luted iif.Htstti nl ut the cathe
dral, and when St. Thomas' college
opened he assumed charne of it. He
was of a high degree of intelligence,
and possessed u wonderful rump' 'f
knowledge. His early education was
acquired nt the village school nt his
home, und his classical and theological
courses were spent ut St. Boiiuventtii e's
ollcge and seminary ut Allegany, X.
Y. In all his classes he was noted for
Ilis standard of proficiency and was
fumed for his deep knowledge of phil
osophy and the sciences. In him were
combined all of the characteristics of
a good niuii and good priest. The loss
will full heuvlly on the students nt the
college, who will miss his wise couns'-l.
About three years ago lie became sub
ject to attacks of pulmonary trouble
nnd heart failure, but he never reluxed
in his zealous care for the welfare of
his responsible trust.
Possessed a kindly Nature.
Few men possessed the nature promi
nently noticed iu Father Mangan. In
his dealings with the material world he
had the reputation of being solicitous
and watchful, nnd it is said of him that
he never offended a single person.
The funeral will take place tomor
row morning with a solemn high mnss
of requiem at St. Peter's cathedral.
Rev. P. C. Winters, of Plymouth, will
be celebrant; Rev. James F. Jordan, of
Wilkes-Barre, deacon; Rev. Hugh Cer-
rlty. of Blossburg, suhdencon, nnd Rev.
John Stc-lnkirchner, of Wllkes-Barre,
master of ceremonies. Rev. W. P.
O'Donnell, of Providence, will preach
the funeral sermon. All of these priests
were In a class of ten young men who
were ordained together six years uro.
The remains are now reposing In the
Episcopal residence nnd will be re
moved to the cathedral this afternoon,
where the public may view them. After
the services tomorrow the body will
b? pent to Cuba, X. Y., for Interment.
At that place Father Mnngan's father
ami three sisters survive him. Ills
mother died a few years ngo. Ills de.
mlse is deeply regretted throughout the
city, and last nlr?ht at a convention of
the county board of Ancient Order of
Hibernians, Hoard of America, held at
MasonU; hall, on the West Side, Hie fol
lowing resolutions were adopted:
Whercns, We have heard with sorrow
of the death of Rev. J. J. Mangan, ussln-
ant priest lit St. Peter's cathedral in
Scranton; and
Whereas, In tha denth of Rev. Father
Mnngnn our holy mother, the church, has
Inst an uble, zealous und devoted priest
Be it
Resolved, ijy the Ancient Order of III
bernians of America, of I.ackuwuuna
county. In convention assembled this 2oih
dav of February. A. D. one thousand
eight hundred and nluety-flve, that we re
gret the great loss our church has sus
tained In the denin or Kev. lather
Mangan. and
Resolved, That we deeply sympathize
wllh bl:l relatives In their sad bereave,
Relatives Will He Here.
Father Miingun'H relatives at Culm
N. Y., were notllled yesterday of his
death und uiiswered (hut they would be
here today.
It Is requested that no flowers be sent
Meeting of Societies.
Members of nil the Catholic societies of
(be city are requested to meet In Ihelr re
spective halls tonight to make arrange
mc n Is to attend the funeral of Rev. J. J
Mungan. By order of
Rev. J. A. O'Rielly.
Asset of the Olyphant Trust Company
Set l orth.
Kx-Tlstrlrt Attorney John I. Kelly,
asslKiiee of the Olyphant Trust com
pany, filed yesterday with 1'tidhoiio
lury I'ryor nn Inventory of the effects
and assets of the defunct bank mud"
by the appraisers, Joseph II. (Junster
and A. II. Christy.
The number of depositors wns 124 and
there Is due them $47,307.81). The value
of the furniture and fixtures Is $203,
There were fourteen overdrawn nr
counts, the sum total being tl.Cud.7H. In
securities the bunk held a valuation
of $19,1.48.83. There was due from the
Traders' National linnk, of Scranton
the Madison Hqiiure bank, and the
Hunnver Nutlotuil bunk, both of New
York city, a total of $S(!4.M. The cash on
hand when the hunk was closed was
$3,!lin.01. The recapitulation shows the
total ussets ns follows:
Discounted bills $17,302 80
Furniture and fixtures 2oJ 00
Overdrafts 1.0ml 78
Securities 111.148 n
Due from banks Hill f9
Cash and cash items I.Ulu t'l
Total assets $78,041 01
The face value of tho stock held by
Cashier Myron J. Stone Is set down at
$12,500. The appraisement Is but $4,000,
The difference Is the amount ot watered
stock on the cashier's part.
Mr. Kelly'" bond for the faithful per
formance of his duty, In the sum of
$146,082.02, or double the amount of the
assets, Is signed by Mr. Kelly, William
Kelly, James Nolan, Joseph O'Urlen
and John J. Fahey.
Are you paying too much for plumbln?
Our telephone is 2242. Try us, W, Q.
Doud Co., 60) Lacks, ave.
Poor Hoard Thinks Legislature Should
Assist It.
A special meeting of the poor board
was held lUHt evening when Director
Gibbons Introduced the quest loft of mak
ing an application to the legislature
for an appropriation for assistance in
the maintenance of the Insane patients
at tho Hillside Home. He explained
that the state contributed the sum of
$2.25 per week per patient at tho state
institutions, and $1.75 per week wus
contributed by the poor district from
which the patient was sent, making $4
per week tho sum ulloved for the main
tenance of each patient.
The .Scranton poor district had 150
Insane patients nt the Hillside Home
and the state made no contribution
toward their maintenance, Inasmuch uh
It was not u stute Institution. Mr. (lib-
Iioiih hud interviewed tho local mem
bers of the legislature, who were
strongly Impressed with the claim pre
sented on bchiilf of the district, anil
suggested tliut u committee of the
board should be appointed to meet the
Rub-comniitttee on appropriations,
which would visit Scranton on Friday,
After some discussion u committee of
the whole board was appointed to meet
the sub-committee to press the claim.
Peculiar Physical! Its Which May Bring
Vlsvlskle, tho You ng Polish Murderer,
to Justice-W hat ( iiinoof u Photograph.
Unless Vlsnlskle, the young Polish
murderer, hus flown the country or
keeps In hiding in some fur uwuy city
the probabilities ure that he will be
captured. A consideration of his prob
able aprehetis'lon offers considerable In
terest for several reusons.
Vl.snl.skle Is young, handsome and In
telligent looking, dlll'ering In this re
spect In a marked degree from most of
his country men. He has certain pecu
liar physical murks which cannot possl-
Young Polish Murderer Whom the Police
Have Hopes of Finding.
bly be effueed or altered by chemicals,
disguise or other means. These pecu
liar telltale murks consist of two fin
gers which are "webbed" or grown to
gether on his right hand, and a mob
on his face near the nose.
Picture Is llclng Circulated.
The young Polander little thought at
the time tliut the picture he had taken
in a group with about twenty young
Polish girls and men might be the
means of placing him behind prison
bars on the churge of murder. Such a
picture was taken several months ago
and In it appears Vlsnlskle with a
flower and piece of ribbon In his coat
lapel and a half burned cigar held caye
lessly in his left hand. The photo,
graphic art has made It possible to re.
produce this single face from the group
and several hundred of them have been
prepared and are now being attached
to typewritten descriptions of the mur
derer and scattered broadcast among
police ofllcluls In several states and all
the large cities
A portion of the typewritten circular
reads as follows: "Arrest, charged
with murder, Joseph Yisnlskie. He is
21 years of age, 5 feet 9 or 10 Inches tall,
weighs l(ir or 170 pounds, well built
blue eyes, light hulr, light com
plexion, has n mole on tho
cheek nfnr the nose. Two fingers on
the right hand are webbed together.
He wore light clothes and u soft hut.
He lust worked ill the steel mills of
this city us a laborer. If found, arrest
and wire me Immediately at my ex
pense, and I will send nn olflcer for him
without delay. William T. Simpson
chief of police."
Wanted for Murder.
On Saturday night, Feb. 9, tho young
Polander shot und almost Instantly
killed Felix llnrknvltz, alias Duvldzlak.
The lust seen of the murderer was two
hours after the killing, when he bade
good-bye to his sister, who had given
him $10 with which to make his escape
This sister, Mrs. Alice Yotingkowskl
Is now in Jull us hii accessory to the
murder und no amount of bull ran se
cure her release. Three Polundcrs are,
In default of bull, locked up ns wit
nesses mid two others ure at liberty on
their own recognizance to appear when
Olden Tvme Concert.
Don't miss the olde tyme concert at Elm
Park church Friday evening. Fell. 22.
Large churns In uncleut costume, assisted
by Oeorge B. Carter. Miss Lillian (Jnlhrle,
Miss Elh-n Muriu Drucgrr, Mrs. D. ,M
Brundage, Arthur Wooler, Richard
Thomas and W. K. MeCormnek, xln
phone polnlst, and (.'nele Sam. Admission
25 cents. Tickets on sale ut Powell's
music hlore, M. Norton's and Third Na
tional bunk.
Turkish nnd Russian Ilntlis for l.udlcs
At the request of physicians and Indies.
arrangements have been in ado to give
bnths to ladles on Tuesdays rrom K u. in.
Iu (1 p. m. Private enlraiice through
Owens cloak parlor on Spruce Btrret. Al
J. Pureed, proprietor.
Hand-made Chocolates,
Bou-Bons, etc. The low
est prices ever named on
As a matter of fact
CANDY is Rood whole-
some food. Can you buy
anything much cheaper
in the line of hOOD i
E. G. Coursen
y 1
iut He Dictated How the Money
Should lie Used.
Netted Ten Cents and Pupa Mado l'p the
Italance-Finishing and Furnish
ing Fund Is a Lusty
Someone who forgot to sign his or her
name sent a two-cent postage stamp
fur the Finishing und Furnishing fund
to The Tribune. Previously the small
est uinount contributed had been live
These small sums are not considered
from solely a value standpoint. If uuy
persons sends only two cents und that
Is all tliut he can afford, the sum Is us
much entitled to recognition us a check
for $2.1 from u business mun. The lea
son Tile Tribune places no limit on the
nmalliiess of contributions Is because it
Is believed by this means the fund will
grow larger than In case of restriction.
During Tuesday and yesterday $H.2D
wus received, which makes the fund
$'.!!r..81, tin Hemlxed statement of which
Sundry contributions $lu7 17
Total $207 T,7
Cash $2 IX)
E. L. Martin 2 ui)
A Friend 1 00
Charles Elwood M
(Iraen Elwood r.D
S. It. J 2.1
'.Indue Hundley' 21
William Evans 2.1
John Douclos 21
Sympathy 2.1
T. B. F 21
T. M. 1 21
A Member 10
Willie Lutz IU
L. Keefe 10
M. M f.
Yours .1
f S 27
Grand total $211 SI
Pupa Mado a Proviso.
How Churl-s und (iruce Klwood se
cured 60 centa each for the fund Is best
told In their letter, which Is us follows:
Mr. Tribune:
Papa suld we must rite the U-ter we had
a tdiow we charged 1 cent und leu came
that makes lo centes pupa gave !J cuiiles
that niake.i a dollar pupa said to send it
you for the yea Its Inclde.
Charles Elwood,
Urace Elwood.
The Tribune Is very much obliged to
Charles and Grace. Their very concise
and Interesting letter will be delivered
to the Young Men's Christian associa
tion flnunce committee along with the
dollar for the Finishing and Furnishing
If you desire, cut this out and send
with your contribution to
Tho Tribune.
Finishing and Furnishing Fond.
4 Amount
It is not necessary to use tie's coupon,
which is printed only fur your conve
nience. Any amount from 1-rent upward will
be received by The Tribune and ac
knowledged through its columns.
Address: The Tribune Y. M. C, A.
Finishing and 1 m ulshing l und.
It any business mnn is too hurried to
write a letter, the above coupon If cut
out while he Is sipping his coffee, for
Instance, will save him time and trou
ble Inter at the ofllce. You are not
obliged to use it.
Hut. cut it out.
Within the pnst three days several
letters have been received telling of
various plans in operation for securing
money for the fund. Three are from
children und will be published as soon
ns space Is available. Reference will be
made to the others after Tribune re
porters have Investigated the schemes
It must be borne In mind Hint tomor
row is too late to do a Rood deed.
If you Intend sending money, send It
Send It now.
My Journey Around the World at the
"My Journey Around the World," the
lecture that Rev. T. lVW'Itt Tiilninp-
was to have delivered last week, but
which was postponed, will be given at
the Krothlnghum this evening. The un
usually large sale of seats gives prom
ise of a crowded house. The tickets
purchased for lust week will, of course,
be Rood for lonlu'lit.
Rev. Churlcs E. Robinson, of the
Second Presbyterian church, will Intro
duce Dr. Talinage, and there will bo
representative Sernnton clergymen
upon the titugo with Die famous Brook
lyn divine. Tickets for the lecture on n
Your watch run for
ever without having it
cleaned and repaired.
Take it to ,
Who has repaired"
watches and clocks
for over 25 years.
417 Lackawanna Ave.,
Including tho tinlulem extra ag of
itraf" ii
w prof .
Htio ujr an enciraiy new prof i
,d. s.,
be secured at the Frothingham box of
fice toduy.
First 1'rcsbytcrlan Church Ladles to Serve
Two Holiday Meals.
In accordunce with their exceedingly
popular custom, the ladles of the First
Presbyterian church will serve their
annual dinner and supper in the lecture
room of the church on Washington's
Birthday, Friday of this week; dinner
from 12 until 2 o'clock; supper from 6
until 8 o'clock. The following excel
lent menu has been provided:
Mock Turtle Soup.
Roast Turkey. Koast Beef.
Mushed Potatoes. Escaloped Tomatoes.
Cranberry Sauce. Celery,
Dressed Cabbage. Pickles.
Mmce. Apple. Sijuash.
Plum Pudding.
Ieo Cream. Cake.
Coffee. Tea.
Cold Turkey. - Cold Hum.
Chicken Salad.
Saratoga Chips. Baked Beans.
Dressed Cubbuge.
Olives. Pickles.
Raised Biscuits. Bread,
fanned Peaches. Cako.
Coffee. Tea.
Will Wiilt u l ew Kiijs Longer.
A Utter hus been received from L.
K. Tor bet consenting to wlthilruw for
a few days the letter read at the .meet
ing of the board of trade on Momluy. Mr.
Torbct Pas been In communication wl'.li
the board of I rude for some time with re
gard lo furmlng a tin plate Industry, nnd
mi'de a proposklon, which was thought
to be an admirable one, but owing to the
leiiKlli of time which has since elapsed, he
wiliciiew Ids proposition and subscription
of 2d.iiij) on Monduy, and Intended to
make Investigations with a view or or
ganizing a company iu Indiana. The
committee or the board will make un
oi in r effort to raise tho necessary sub
scriptions. -
Kccjiicst for un Injunction HefiiscJ.
Judge Archbald In an opinion handt-3
down yesterduy refused lo grant the pre
liminary injunction usked for by .Mrs.
Ilciirktlu Alney to rtslruln Eliza. Brown
from levying ou her property on an cxe-
i cullon obtained against Mrs. Alney's hus-
bund. As the writ was issued out of the
r courts of Susquehanna county, Jud,;e
Archbald says "It Is doabtrul ir this court
has Jurisdiction." He thought It udvlsuble
! to refuse the request for the injunction.
Suivutori Ueleused on Bull.
Rocco Salvatori, one of the important
witnesses for the commonwealth in the
cusu or Joseph Boschlno, was taken be
fore the court yesterduy und the uinount
of his bull reduced from J2.0W to $5oo.
Vedo (ieiarill became his bondsman m
the latter amount.
Just received a lsi ge assortment of Combs,
including Dress u Combs, Back Comh,
Kino Tooth (Joinbt, Birber Cora In, Side
Combs in Rubber, CVlluloid and Horn goods
AT 3c, 5c. AN D 10s. EACH.
This is the largeat and best assortment
of Couibs we Imve ever hud, and are extra
good value for the money.
Green and Gold Store Front
tra at Prtient tlif atmt Pfipnltr anl rreOrnd tJ
Luadmg Anwa
Wirf rooms: Opposite Columbus Bonumsnt,
"in Washington Av. Scranton, Pa.
f Jill llllli Biti
! mm mm &n
Febrdary Sbo? Sale
We place ou
today Ladies'
Gaiters at
A 0
Music Dealer,
134 Wyoming Avenue, Scranton,
In Large New York Fur House.
I have bought the entire
stock and will offer it to
the public at 35c. on tho
dollar. Now is your
time to buy a Fur Cape.
200 French Cooney fJT IQ
Capes, 30-in. long, Jj,t!J
200 French Jeanette CP QQ
Capes, 30-in. long, $0.95
150 Electric Seal toii JQ
Capes,3oiu. long, J 1 1 ,13
120 fclectnc beat
Capes, with Mar-1
ten collar and edge (
Come early and make your
jr. BOLZ
138 Wyoming Ave.
Have your Furs repaired by the only
Practical furrier in the city.
. lM .1IV.III II. ...V . VWI.f
When the advertising atmosphere is g
heavily charged with exaggeration, It
is well to remember who the honest
advertisers are. Windy assertions about
GREAT reductions---advertising goeds
at impossible prices, find no lodging
place in the minds of intelligent people.
Dull trade throughout the legitimate
business season may make necessary,
wild statements from some clothiers t
attract trade, but the schemers will
have to scheme harder and find new
disguises fur their lame excuses before
they can stop the people from coming
to this store for honest values. The
triumph of this store is the triumph of
intelligence, and you have made it so.
Trade has been up to the mark here,
yet there's a touch of attractiveness in
the stvles and assortments. We've add
ed another and more taking attraction
KEDLCEl) PRICES, natural order of
things here at this season; LOWER
PrMCUS than vou find ELSEW HERE.
Clofa, Hera&IumishEra
Miss Alcutt
Will Explain the Advantages and
Mt tne
Week. Commencing Monday.
February 11. at
. . . . - . u
wur mu MLip-t. 4