THE fiCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATT7R DAT MORNUTGr. FEBRUARY 10, 1895. TALES OF JWflPITTSTONS News of Interest to Readers Up and Down the Valley DR. J. J. WALSH TASSES AWAY Large Attendance at the Mid-Year Con vention of tho Woman's Temperance . . Colon Brown's Bee Hive Soaked. Soeial Events of Interest. Bpeclal to the Scranton Tribune. Plttston, Feb. 15. Almost whllo the Words penned yesterday concerning the illness of Dr. J. J. Walsh were being printed, death claimed him for its own, thus adding another to the many sad instances of quiet martyrdom, achieved not on fields of glorified warfare nor in the walks of conspicuous official eminence, but In the unobtrusive duties of honorable private lire. For Dr. Walsh waa a martyr, and nothing less. The life that he has lost went from him because its vital forces were sacrificed for others: because as a physician he gave to his profession a measure of modest yet heroic devotion seldom paralleled upon this earth. As a practitioner of medicine he may have had equals in this part of the state, but it Is doubtful if he had a superior. As a man he was singularly warm in his friendships, frank In his dislikes, generous in his Impulses and unaffected by any form or phase of hypocrisy or deceit. The writer of this Jlnds It difficult even yet to comprehend that a friend so dear, a man so true, lias been so suddenly, and as it st-ems, so cruelly called from earth. Only the knowledge of his rarely equaled worth and of the good which will ever asso ciate Itself with his memory reconciles us to the loss of one of nature's genuine noblemen, whom to know was to love. Dr. Walsh died this morning at 4 O'clock. He had been unconscious for several hours. Two weeks ago he con tracted pneumonia, which later as sumed a malignant form. Dr. Walsh was born In this place In 1854. He was the son of ex-lturgess James Walsh. His brother, ltev. Itlchurd Walsh, of Moscow, and his sister. Miss Mary Walsh, survive. The following sketch Js from this evening's Truth: Dr. Walsh attended St. John's academy at this place and the public schools in his early years, and when old enough en tered the Georgetown university at Washington, D. C, from which he was graduated and took a collegiute course. Later he entered the medical depart ment of the University of Pennsylva nia and was awarded his diploma as a physician and surgeon eighteen years ago. Since that time he has been in the continuous practice of his profession at Plttston, where he did a most extensive business. Dr. Walsh was marrleu in 1SSI to Miss Anne Kelly, daughter of Hon. John Kelly, of Carbondale, and the union was blessed with seven chil dren, six of whom with his estimable and sorrowing wife, survive him. The oldest child is ten years and the young est nine months old. Dr. Walsh was tin active member of Eranch 4S, Catho lic Mutual Benefit association of this place, and president of the Pittston Medical society. His funeral will take place on Mon day morning, at 9.30 o'clock. The re mains will be taken to St. John's Catholic church, where a solemn high mass of requiem will be offered up for the repose of his soul. The Interment will be in Market Street cemetery. Mid-Year Convention. The mid-year convention of the Woman's Christian Temperance union held at West Plttston for two days past has been the most Interesting one in the history of the union. The at tendance was large at each session, showing the appreciation of the public in the good work of the members, of the union. Speakers from all parts of the country were present and addressed the convention on subjects assigned them.. Friends of Dr. and Mrs. Dlvely ten dered them a pleasant surprise visit last evening at their home on William street. Among the guests were the fol lowing: Rev. and Mrs. J. B. Sumner, Mr. and Mrs. J. 13. McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Oliver, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. William Sharps, Mr. and Mrs. Price, Mrs. Henry Weaver, Mrs. John Davis, Mrs. Morris, Messrs. Clarence Rosenkrance, Edward Rodrlck, C. H, Smith, Miss Laura, Morris and Miss Peterson, of Plttston; Messrs. A. L. Truax and Thomas French, of Scran ton. Very dainty refreshments were erved. Kmployea of A. B. Brown's Bee Hive overe greatly surprised today on enter ing the wholesale department In" the nnnex on William street to find It flooded. Through the negligence of tome unknown person the water faucet on the second floor had been left open all night. The stock In these rooms consists of comfortables, quilts, blankets, dress goods, ginghams, mus lins, feathers and fancy goods, and were valued at from $4,000 to $5,000. The entire Btock was much damaged and will be sold at a sacrifice. Mr. Brown Is not able as yet to decide as to the extent; of his loss. The goods were In sured against fire but not against flood The school board met this evening at building No. 2. All members were present except Kagan. The teachers were paid for last month's labor. O K. Wilson reported that he would have No. 4 building completed tomorrow, and the board will meet at and Inspect the building In the afternoon. Mr. Me Mamara reported that the recent dis turbance caused by boys at Oregon school had been entirely abated. All regular subscriptions of the iScrantorv Tribune will be received at our local office, No. 8 South Main street. T. J. McTlgue, the congenial clgur gent of Carbondale, was In town to day. Complaints of non-delivery of The Tribune should be reported at our local office. No. 8 Htuth Main street. Edward llffaluasy waa a visitor at Scranton today. Mrs. Bartlett, who "has been visiting her Bister, Mrs. Dlvely, returns to her home, In New York state, tomorrow. Miss Anna Sumner was visiting Kingston friends today, Anthony Mackowltch, a Polish lad aged 16 years, of Duryea, waa caught between the cars at Babylon mine this morning and received serious injuries. He was employed as driver boy. He was 'admitted at the hospital. One medical case was also admitted at the hospital, making a total of thirty pa tients. Members of the Niagara Hose com pany met last evening and nominated officers, for the ensuing year. SHOT HIS SON-IN-LAW. Said Ilia Danghter Died from Her II us ' band's III Treatment. By the United Press. . . , ... ( . - Cynthia, Ky., Feb. 1B.-T. C. Black burn, a prominent farmer, shot and dangerously wounded Daniel Caro his on-ln-4aw, as he waa boarding the train for Cincinnati. Two years ago Carr married Blackburn's daughter. She, died in a year from- injuries. Blackburn says, received from her hus band. Yesterday was the first time Blackburn had seen Carr since her death, and he says he could not help shooting him. ' NO SOUVENIR SPOON. Statement That Ex-Queen Li! Received a Present from Mr. Clovcland Is Denied. By the United Press. Washington, Feb. l,r. The truth of an extract from the diary of ex-Queen Lillouknlanl read at her trial and con tained In Honolulu advices by the Mar- choaa stating that she had received a present from President Cleveland was authoritatively denied at the White House today. It Is stated there 'that the president sent no present of any description to her, and that she was Imposed upon if any gift was given her with 'the state ment that U came from Mr. Cleveland. More Snow in Florida. Jacksonville, Flu., Feb. IB. Snow w;is general throughout western and northern Florida last night. In Washington coun ty the ground is corered to a depth of nix Inches, u situation unprecedented in Flor ida's weather records. INDUSTRIAL TOPICS. D. Mellndwr Jones has resigned his position as assistunt Inside foreman at No. 1 colliery of the Kingston Coal company. The Iron Age says that the num ber of pig Iron furnaces in blast Feb. 1 was 181, a decrease of one from Jan. 1. The weekly capacity decreased from 1BS.414 to 167,291 tons. Stocks increased from 56L',4U9 to U45,45li tons. James W. Grimes, who hus been em ployed as an engineer at the Washing ton colliery of the U-hlgh and Wilkes Barre, at Plymouth, has resigned and accepted a position on the Delaware and Hudson machine gang. Moulding at the Delaware, Lacka wanna and Western Bhops at Kingston has been discontinued by an order front the head Olflclals of the company. The order throws twenty men out of em ployment. The moulding hereafter will probably be done In Scranton. The Lehigh and Wllkes-Barre Coal company Is making some important changes in the management of its col lieries. Hereafter George R. Connor, who has been for years the efficient outside foreman at the Nottingham, will be superintendent of the Notting ham and Washington collieries. The White Star Steamship company recently contracted for a yearly supply of Welsh steam coal from Crawshny Bros.' Cyfarthla collieries, Merthyr, Wales, at the extraordinary low figure of 9 shillings and 9 pence a ton $2M per ton), the lowest price ever received in Wales for that quality of coal. The percentage of the total produc tion of anthracite cnal shipped by each large carrier of coal up to 1S93 was as follows. The figures for 1894 are not yet accurately made up: 1XS8. 1889. 18!W. ISM. P. & R. It. R... 1S.81 2D.13 21.63 2U.65 21.00 Lehigh Valley. 17.28 1S.37 1S.97 17.78 15.11 Jersey Central. 15.115 17.01 15.M 17..'W 15.1,0 V.. L. & W 1S..H 15.51 15.54 ll.!)8 15.01 Del. & Hud.... 11.70 10.77 10.05 11. 2S 11.02 Penna. R. K... 11.94 10.97 10.45 11.22 14.00 Penna. t'oal... 4.20 3.77 4.S4 4.55 4.40 Erin 2.50 3.41 1.94 2.27 2.30 Totals 100 1U0 I'M) 100 100 Reading, Pa., Feb. 15. An execution for $3,500 was issued today at the in stance of J. L. Stadelman vs. Chad bourne, Ilazleton &. Co., of Philadelphia and the Neversink Mountain Railroad company, garnishee. The plaintiffs pre sented a petition to Judge Krmentrout, praying for an order to allow an alias execution. The judge granted the re quest and directed that the company be notified and proper advertisement of the proposed levy be made. The claim is for electrical equipment which the company did not pay for because the work was delayed and that it was not done satisfactorily. ST0CKSJXDJBOXDS. New York, Feb. 15. Some disappoint ment was felt in stock circles this morning at the defeat of the Wilson gold bond resolution in the house, but the pressure to sell was not pronounced. In the first hour the decline was less than a point. Later on there was con siderable selling of Jersey Central, Northwest and Lead. Other weak Bpots were Erie, Lackawanna, Delaware and Hudson, Louisville and Nashville, Mis souri Pacific and Western Union. Jer sey Central was sold down from 86V& to 83 on bad statements for the year. Northwest fell from 90 to 894, and the other grangers to per cent. In the afternoon American Sugar bounded up 2 to 92. Near the close Chicago Gas developed weakness and dropped l'i. The general market In the final dealings was slightly better and left off steady. Net changes Hhow losses of 14 to 1 per cent, outside of Sugar, which gained 1. Total transactions were 105,000 shares. The rango of today's prices for tho ac tive stocks of the New York stock mp ket are given below. The quotations are furnished The Tribune by O. du B. Dlm mlck, manager for William Linn, Allen & Co., stock brokers, 412 Spruce street, Scranton, Op'n- High- Low- Clos ing. est. est. lng. Atch., To. & 8. Fe... 414 4'i 4' 1 f. Am. Sugar Re'g Co. Kt 92K. 8'i 91','j Ohio., Mil. & St. P... 54' M M'i M; Chic, R. I. & P 1'4 OH, G1'4 Cl'4 Chic, B. & Q 70 7"14 "ti 7(',h Chic & N. W i 89H S!r)i C. C. C. & St. L 30V 30 35'4 31! Ches. & Ohio 10V, K 3111; r,'i Dlst. C. F. Co X 9 H t D.. L. & W 15914 159'4 If1 158V4 Delaware & Hud. ...128 128 127'4 127'4 Gen. Electric 2874 28-4 28'4 2814 Jersey Central W4 83 m 84Vi Louis. & Nash 52 Gifts 02 52?, Lake Shore 137 137 1364 137 Manhattan Kle Hi7 10714 HKW4 i(7 Mo. Pacific, 21',4 21'i W't 21 Nat. Lead 29 2 28 28'i Nat. Cordage 4'4 44 4", 41 New England. ..;.. 29 80V4 2'ti 2974 N. Y. Central 99 99 S-li S. R Wi 9 u; Ont. & West 1574 10 1574 10 Phil. & Read 9 Mi 94 14 Tex. Pacific 8i 8 84 8'i W. & St. L., Pr 12 12 12 12 West. Union 87 87 87 87 c. O. R 73 73 71 72 A. M. T 89 91 89 90 CHICAGO BOARD OF TKADB FRICF.3, Op'n- High- Low- Clos- W II EAT. lng. est. est. lng. Altty I' lUVl July 64 54 51 'i 5U4 OATS. February 27 27 27 27 May 29 29 29 29 CORN. February 42 42 42 42 May 45 45 44 4474 July . 4474 4474 44 44 LARD, May (.57 6.C0 6.G7 C.G0 PORK. May .-10.05 10.25 10.05 10.22 Scranton Board of Trade Exchange tatloni. No. Par Bin. Val. . STOCKS. . . Bid.! 78 100 Allegheny Lum'r Co 4 Crystal Lake Water Co 450 60 100 Cent. Penn. Tel. & Supply Co SO CO ?rlme Dep. ft Dli. Bank 02 SO Quo Ask, 100 100 10 100 First Nnt'l Bank COO 8 1U0 First National Bank (Carbondale) 20 100 Oreen R'ge Lum'r Co .... 100 100 Lacka. Lumber Co... 110 5 100 Larka. Trust & Safe Deppslt Co 6 100 M. & M. Savings Bank (Carbondale). 140 10 50 Provldenco & Ablng- ton Turnpike Co.... 85 6 100 Scranton Glass Co 10 10O Scran Savings Bank 200 2 100 Scra'n Jar and Stop per Co 1 100 Scra'n Axle Works.. 50 10 100 Scra'n Lace Cur. Co 6 100 Scranton Forging Co 100 60 100 Spring Brook Water Co 25 100 Third Nat'l Hank.... S50 6 100 Nat'l Boring & Drill ing Co., Pr 45 100 Thuron Coal Land Co .... 60 HH) Traders' Nat'l Bunk 40 100 Dlt-kson Mfg Co 850 60 Scranton Trac. Co BONDS. 6 600 Scranton Glass Co 2 6U0 Kcon'y Steam Heat & Power Co 3 100 Dickson Mfg Co 50 110 160 225 "so 40 75 75 110 100 100 90 120 l'jfl 600 600 105 New York I'rodiico Market. New York, Feb. 15. Flour Dull, steady. Wheat Dull, steady; No. 2 red Btore and elevator, CiK'iii'.; alioat, 58c: f. o. b., 6714a 69c; ungraded red, 6tiu00c; No. 1 northern, itiiuG7c. ; 'options closed weuk; February, 5Gc; March, 67c; May, 58',ic; June, 58c; July, tHc; August, 59c; Septem ber, 69' jc; December, 62c. Corn Dull, easier; No. 2, 48a49c. elevator; 60o60c. ailout; steamer mixed, 48a49c; op tions closed Bteady; February, 48c; May, 4S7iit-.; July, 49c. Oats Active, firmer; options dull, firmer; February, 33c; March, 33c; May, 33'4c; No. 2 white March, 30,c; spot prices. No. 2, 34c; No. 2 while, 30 'yi 37 Vic; No. 2 Chicago, 34c; No. 3, 33c; No. 3 white, 30'4c; mixed west ern, 24u3tio. ; whllo state and western, 3Sa 41c; Provisions Dull and unchunged. Lard Quiet, easier; western steam, $6.90: city, lic: February, $(i.R5; Mny, $0.95; re fined, quiet; continent, $7.30; South Amer ica, $7.05; compound, 5!sn5c Butter- Dull, weaker; state dairy, 10al8c; do. creamery, 13al9c; western dairy, 10ulc; to. creamery, ltiu24c; do. factory, 8'ia He.; rolls, 9u15c; Klgins, 24c; Imitation creamery, lualSc Cheese Fair demand, firm, unchunged. lOggs Quiet, lowor; slate and Pennsylvania, 2i!c; refrigerator, 18a21c. ; western fresh, 2n25c; do. per case, $3.50u4.50; southern, ZS'aaL'lu. Iliiffalo Stock Market. Buffalo, Feb. 15. Cattle Kecelpts, 1,180 head; on sale, 80 head; market steady; early sales, good light butchers' steers, $3.0"4: fut cows, $2.ti."a3. lo; late sales, good heavy shipping steers, $5: extra fat cows, $ta4.iiu. Hogs Receipts, 11,250 eiead ; on sale, 6,550 head; market dull for all kinds and lower for light grades; early sales, Yorkers, $4.15a4.20, mostly, $l.2o; pigs, $4.20; good mixed packers, $l.25u4.3); mediums, $4.30; choice selected heavy, $1.35 al.40; roughs, $3.50a3.75; stags, $3a3.25; late Bales, light Yorkers, $tl5a4.17. Sheep ami Lam lis Receipts, 8,200 head; on sale, l.i,200 head; market steady; early sales, good to choice, 85 to 90-pound lumbs, $ 5.75; fair to good, 65 to 75 pounds, $4.00h5.S5; culls and common, $3a4.40; good fat mixed, $3.75a4.25; common to fair, $2.75a3.50; culls, $2a2.50; export grades, $4.25a5; late sales, extra 95 to 98-pound lambs, $5.90; ono load fancy export wethers, $5.30; Canada lumbs, common to good, $5.25u5.75. Chicago Stock Market. Vnlnn Slnck Viinln. Ill . l'Vh 1.r, fVtlln Receipts, lH.Wil head; market weak; com mon to extra steers, $3.40a5.5U; strjck'rs and feeders, $2.4na4; cows and bulls, $1.5'H 4; calves, $2.6005.75. Hogs Receipts, 37, OoO head; market weak; heavy, $3.90a4.20; common to choice mixed, $3.7(la415; choice assorted, $3.95a4; light, $3.70a3.95; pigs, $2.50 a3.90. Sheep Receipts, lO.imO head; mar ket steady; inferior to choice, ?2.iiOa4.2j; lambs, $;U5a5.40. Philadelphia Tallow Murkct. Philadelphia, Feb. la.-Tollow Is dull at former rates. We quote: City, prime, In hhds, 4n4c. ; country, prime, In bbls, 4u c; do. dui-k, In bbls, 3c; cakes, 4(ic; greuse, 3'C Oil Market. Pittsburg, Feb. 15. Oil opened and low est. lii.V, : highest and closed. 100. Charter Application. OTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN 1 1 uutillcation will be mndti to the ffovftrnor of Pennsylvania on March 0, lK9.i. by Waiter w. Wood, Jus. . jicAiiuity. Homy iienn, jr., Wui. Connell and Alfred Hand, under the act of assembly, entitled "An act to provide for too inciirporntuiii una regulation 01 curtain corporations," approved April go. A. 1). Inn, Mid its supplements, fur the charter of mi intended irporatiou to tin called "The National, Elovutur and Machino company," the character and object of which i uianu- rectmlng olevatoro una luaouiuery riom wood, iron, steel, brass and otliur niotals, and fur theati tmrnosus to have, nosscss and enjoy all tho rivliU, benefits and privileges of uid act of assiMiilily mid supplements thereto. (HAS, 11. holiiltor. legal. I ANE RIKFKNYDEK BY HER NEXT tl friend. James Ready, vs. 'i nonius Itmf- anydor. la the Court of Common fats of l.ackawauna county, no. tw novemner term, lww. TI10 Subpoeua and alias aubpoena in divorce in the above ruse having been returned "11011 eat inventnn," yon, Thomas Rlefsuydor, are hereby notified to be and appear at the next term of Court of Common I'luut of said county to be held in the city of Scranton. on tho 25th day of March, 1805, to answer to the pluiutiff s complamt 111 the a novo cae. F. H. CLEMONS. Sheriff. WILLARD, WAKKEN & KNAPP. Attor neys hir uiieiinnt. Agents Wanted. AGENTS -SEND US 15 OB 211 CENTS FOR a.".iiiiile and nartlculurs of sulucted ouiek sulliiiK housnhnltt hardware, locks, curtain fixtures, inKonious anu oenutirul table tort. Amlck, 68 I.aSullu. Chicago. OENTS WANTED IM EVERY CITY it and town lu I nited States to soil the H, B. LocKcd Lamp chimneys; won't fall off and can't be knoekud off tho lump; sella at ovory house; ion per cent, profit; outfit by mail 40 cents., 1110 iiruoKiyn lkkk utinp Lunnney uo., 10 uuarnon street, dohiou. aiaas. A OENTS WE HAVE 'lH.0 BEST 8ELL- J. iug article on the c ntinent; from $3.60 to jS porday cin bo nindo supplying regular custou:er. wits our flavoring puwd'ia, 111 r fmncs and aoapi. Address Consolidated Per fume Co., t h o.iro. T HAVE THE BEST AUENTS' ARTICLE X on earth. Sund postal for particulars. Nothing like it. Credit to all worthy. Wanted by everybody. IN o fraud, i'ernianont grow ing biiftlnen for boni st people TI100. No 1, geologist, Chicago, HI. CALESMEN-TO SELL OUR OOODS RY O BRini.lH to the wholeaalo and retail trada: nil on BiKlit to every businiss man or firm; lihoral salary ana expenses paia; position Der niHiiimt, Fcirtermsnddress with stamp. Cen tennial Al I g. i;o., muwauaeo, vv is. WANTED AOENTB IN EVERY TOWN in tho United Stato fur sale of Hobin ton's World'a Fair Steam Cooker, no kitchen com pint u without one. Address, The Cincin natl Stampiuv Co., Cincinnati, O. t"7r HO A WEEK PAID TO LADIRS J. V" nnd gents to sell tho Rapid Dish wanner, vvasnus auu ones mem in two min utes without wetting the hands. No export' eune neceasarv: anils at sivht: normanont no. sitlon. Address W. P. liarrlaou Co., Clork No. if, uuiumuus, umo. riENERAL AUENTS WANTED-SKLL ritory, no competition, no capital requlrod; 200 to 800 per cent, profit. Columbia Chemical uo., 0 uearuorn sc., uaicago, ill. A GENTS IN EVERY STATE ON SALARY V and commllnn. Agunt making $25 to lm weekly. EUREKA C11EMICAL & M'F'O CO., La Crosse, v is, WANTr D - ACTIVE SALESMEN TO handle our linn, no poildling. Salarr, $75 per month and expenses paid to all. Ooods entirely new. Apply quicaiy, r.u box, 6308, uoston, uiis. CHARLES B. KEEN & CO., STOCK BROKERS. 36 S. Third St, PHILADELPHIA. Established In 1H6& Stocks and bonds bought soul ana carried on margin Refer by permission to 1. H. Michoner, Pres. Bauk of North America. ('. II. Banes, Pres. Uarkot Ht. National Bank, a.M. uecneri, rres. Lommonwoaitu'iruat co. ALL EYES ON MUNYON Facts from His Trhate Re cords. The Lmlncnt Professor Receives Con- grutiilations-Humane Meth ods Produco Marvel. ' ous Results. Mrs. Masters. No. 130 West Washington place, New York, city, says: "I had In flammatory rheumatism so badly I could scarcely move; my Joints were frightfully swollen and stiff and so tender I could not beur to bo touched. Munyon's Rheuma tism Cure acted like magic, relieving the pain and soreness at once and effecting a completo euro In u remarkably short time. I am a thorough believer In Munyon Remedies and always keep them on hand. They aro always reliable and have saved many a doctor's fee." Munyon's Kreumatlsm Cure Is guaran teed to cure rheumatism In any part of the body. Acute or muscular rheumatism cured In from 1 to 6 days. It never fails to cure sharp, shooting pains In the arms, legs, sides, back or breast, or soreness In any part of the body In from one to three hours. It Is guaranteed to promptly cure lameness, stiff and swollen joints, stiff back, and all pains In the hips and loins. Chronic rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago or pain in the back speedily cured. Munyon s Homoeopathic Home Remedy Company, of Philadelphia, put up speclllca for nearly every disease, which are sold by all druggists, mostly for 25 cents a bot tle. CENT A Word. WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID FOR. IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE, NO CHARGE WILL BE LESS THAN 25 CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS, EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH Help Wanted Male. rANTTumdVKNo T everv town to solicit stock subacrlu- Hons; a monopoly: big money for Bftouts; no capital required. EDWARD U. FISH A CO., Bunion uiock, (,'uicago. 111. UALEHMEN lil'SIDENT SALESMEN O wanted. Acuuuhitud with the local and nearby drug and grocery trade, to handle our line or IUkii grnde cigars. Address, giving references, J. EDWARD COWLEd Co.. U3 Chambers street, N. Y. Special Notices. ll'OULD LIKE TO CORRESPOND WITH v V sonic nartv d-slrinc to sll milk route. Address JOHN FOSTER, rare station auent. Skinner's Eddy, l'a. 1 AM NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH EX 1 hlbitions and lcctme unon any subject de sired. 'These exhibitions will bo illustrated. bavins in mv iinssessiun the most powerful dissolving stureopticons made. is. n. CALL, Tribune omoe. VOU WANT TI1IS RELIC - REPRINT 1 Frank Lesllo's Illustrated Week y War Illustrations 1M1-1R05. Two Volumi Polio. $10.60; payable monthly, $2.00. Delivered by express complete, Prupaid. Addiess P. U. MOODY, OIHUibson streot, Scranton, Pa. BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAOA zines. etc.. bound or rt-bound at Tin Tkibune ollice. Quick work. Reasonable prices. For Sate. 1 'OK SALE-ALL KINDS OF HOUSEHOLD I furniture at a bai csln. Call nioriiluns at 03s and A40 Washington avenue. Wanted To Rent. W AN TED SELF-CONTAINED HOJSE; 11 niodrn iumrovoiui'iiti: rent. 820 : with in a milo of Coal Exchange. W. TATE, office Collinry Engineer. For Rent. T.'Olt RENT BRICK BARN. ALL MOD 1 em conveniences; Kiiod location. lu quire 137 and l:tu 1 enn avenue. ,, I ?OR RENT A LARUE, 4 STORY BUILD- mtr at IJ3 franklin avenue: suitable fur wholesale business. CAKSON & DAVIES, Scranton. 7 or re n tIbr R'iTw a reTiousfTw IT H I1 elevator on l L. ft W . twitch and West Lackawanna aveuue. Scrauton Stove Works. S" UPERIOR MODERN HOLtSE;AVNu JONES, 311 Spruce. 1X)R RENT FURNISHED AND UN FUR nished rooms at 500 Lackawanna avenue. T.-OR RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST 1 Lackawanna avenue. Address THOMAS E. EVANS, aear 1132 Luzerne, Hydo Park. i70R KENTiCELYRNi8HEiTHALL J' suitable for lodge rooms. JOHN JEH MYN, 111! Wyomloii ovenun. Boarding. ONE SPLENDID ROOM WITH BOARD for man and wlfo or two mon. Ceutral location, 202 Wyoming avenue, corner Spruce, (opposite Dime bank .1 First claaa table board $1 per week. Physicians Notice. FIN NEED OF SQUABS FOR PATIENTS 1 we aro large nree. terser tiiein, HASLAU'S, 118 Cliff street. Situations Wanted. SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNtt IJ married butcher, nine vean exuerlonce. able to take charge of a set of Imoka, iu give uest 01 reiereiicH in anv part or the bualnoM. Addross J. W. N., Box S3, Mooalc, Pa. rANTED-A POSITION BY A YOUNU ladv as nurs girl or 1 gbt housekeeping. Addres E. S., Tribiuieofflcf. "SITUATION WANTKECaS ASSISTANT C? liook-keaper or clork in grocery store: reference given. Address "F. M , " care Trlb SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNrt mini to work In a wholesale grocery house; has had two years' experience; can give best references; la a bookkeeper; has had a fair knowledge of short hand and typewriting. Address "C. H.," care Tribune office. WANTED A SITUATION AS BOOK keeper or assist or clork In store; accu rate In flirures and the best of references to be had; willing to work at a low figure. D. M. RICHARDS, Chinchilla, Pa. SPECIAL EXCURSION RATES TO Wilkes-Barre for the Kirmess TO BE HELD February 14 lo 23, 1S93. Spnolal exourston tlckota from Scranton will be sold good to go and for admission to Ktrmesi only on date of sale. Fare fur the Hound Trip, Including Admi9 slon to Kirmess $1,20 A SPECIAL EXCURSION WASHINGTON, O. C. VIA Central Railroad of New Jersey WILL BE RUN ON THURSDAY, FEB 21,1899. ' Rporial excursion ticket from Scranton will lie sold. good to go only on train leaving- Scran ton at 8 80 a. ni. Feb. 21st and for re turn on any train until Uarch li, luoluaire. a Firejor the Round Trip, $7J!1. thKjiES during Tile say srason of the year. Through Buffet Parlor Car will be attached to this train, in wnloa teata may bt bad at a charge of II.W. OE Connolly & Wallace . WE FEEL that we are justified in claiming your attention on Dresa Good and Silk, because our new and carefully selected Hpring Stock la worthy of it We want our goods and our prices to be our magnetio card and we buy and eell with that end in view. We believe that it is better to do thnn tn snv ami wn nu- vnn tn o-Iva n n nnnnn. tuuity by inspecting our stock BLACK GOODS. Very popular this season for Skirts. Cheviots, Crystalcttc, PnT0TJT?n rTCl?s nnOl VU1jv1UjU If JlLikJO UUUUJ our line when you see It. Don't fall to A WORD ABOUT SILKS. (SATIN LUXOR ) Look at our Black Satin Luxor at $1.00 and compare it with Rl hPY 1 PFAM HP OIP V CtlR Qk'IRTQ what you would get elsewhere at $1.60. Beautiful display of BLALN i ralN Ut iUlb HJK dMK Id Fancy Silks, suitable for waists, in all the new and popular ( SATIN DUCHESS ) weaves, from 45c. to $1.25 per yard. , VELVETS. VELVETS. VELVETS. $1.00 and $1.23 per yurd. All shudes. The best in the United States for the money. CONNOLLY & WALLACE, 2ffln Keystone Bed Spring IS NOW MADE EXCLUSIVELY BY THE SCRANTON BEDDING CO. PRICES Moosic Powder Co, Rooms 1 and 2 Comniowealth Bld'g, SCRANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER MADE AT MOOSIC AND RUSB DALE WORKS. Lafflln & Rand Powder Co.' Orange Gun Powder Electric Batteries, Fusftti for explod ing blasts, Safety Fuse and Repanno Chemical Co.'s High Explosives Standard Instruments In every sense of the term as applied to Pianos. Exceptional In holding their original ful- neaa rt (nnn . NEW YORK WAREHOUSE, NO. 80 Fifth avenue. SOLD BY E.C.RICKER&CO 115 Adams Ave., New Telephone Bldg. AYLESWORTH'S MEAT MARKET The Finest In the City. The latest improved furnish' lags and apparatus for keeping meat, butter and eggs. 223 Wyoming Ave. CALL UP 3682. CO. OILS, VINEGAR AND CIDER. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, Ml TO 151 MERIDIAN STREET M. W. COLUlrtS, M'B'r. HORSE - SHOEING REMOVED. DR. JOHN HAMLIN, The Acknowledged Expert in Horseshoeing and Dentistry, in Now Permanently Located on West Lackawanna Ave.. Near the Bridge. BOOT l.BO HO IN THE WOULD. "J dollar nttd U Mlar rmA. v iu.iij m . w a tT lA A. tea Boo delhrarad frae .nywam In the U.S.. 00 or Poeul Not fer tl.M. l'Ml.1. MMV WBV tke Boots ail rwn wi'Twm ,ur Wa Irak. tli. boot oupmItm. tb.rafor w fMf and If any one fa sot auWlM we win raionq ih wuvmrj rMndanetnn'peir. upna Im or Ooommii 6mm, wldtne V, u, . . :m I t ant s.u 3. firanyowMM,' IUuitntod Cats. kni fx. rues rSSTSf-C nrTl3 FEDERAL JT l SOM I HIM. 6ftt Urn U Ptmh Many new effects in the following weaves: Zackel Cloth, Crepons, Endora Cloth, Serges, Henriettas, Figured Cheviots, and a full and complete line of PRIESTLY'S BLACK GOODS ur llne,H t0 ,af?e and VftriBd t0 attempt to describe It. We have picked out everv cood thinif and left the rest for nuns mm Mm You will admira look over our line of Small Checks. THE CELEBRATED GREATLY REDUCED. (Action TO our patrons: Washburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their many pat rons that they will this year hold to their usual custom of milling STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new trep is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and owing to the excessively dry weather many millers are of the opinion that it is already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will take no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully three months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every detail of milling has E laced Washburn-Crosby Co.'s 'flour fur above other rands. MEGARGEL Wholesale Agents. f s x ni nniniiiTiin . WAGON MAKERS' I W1TH SUPPLIES. I I Hold Fast II l s J mum 1 ft J HOsSSol W - CALKS We have the following supplies of lumber secured, at prices that warrant us in expecting a large share of the trade : Paolflo Coaat Red Cedar Shingles. "Victor" and other Michigan Brands of White Pine and White Cedar Shingles, Michigan White and Norway Pine Lum ber and BUI Timber. North Carolina Short and Long: Leaf Tellow Pine. Miscellaneous stocks of Mine Rails, Mine Ties, Mine Props and Mine Supplies in general. THE RICHARDS.LUMBER COMPANY COMMONWEALTH BUILDING. SCRANTON, PA. s ipi siASMASks A SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA., Manufacturers or Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. General Off Ice: SCRANTON, PA. 75 ,m ... fj dl,c?tti. J an A KAN, ig t Car lnrolunUtT BalilloM rXAL MSBIUISB BU rsrsaiv wf jvon . . Sprue Strett, scranton, Ka. 602 and 604 Lackawanna Avenue. Cor. Adams Avenue, m$$&A" I CONNELL SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS. Also a Full Line of 9 Scranton, Pa. Juniata County, Pennsylvania, Whlt Oak. Sullivan County Hemlock Lumber anS Lath. Tioga County Dry Hemlock StocH Boards. Elk County Dry Hemlock JoUU a&4 Studding. ill twm m wmmt ml ski LOST VIGOR Will rM .slwlU W1ITTM rPbimj, i.motmiosi rw in lihti hi, tram y win. If na.le4, mh UcnblM M t , - tllu,ulo. .... , m
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers