: I - " 7 .TIIE SCBANTCXN" TRIBUNE WEDNESDAY MOHNTNO,' FEBRUARY 13, 1895. k GORMAN'S ID DEPOT. LACE m fl li ' Black Dress Goods always seem a difficult thins to advertise.--not many shades to refer to, but we can say this, that our, lilack Goods are just as relia ble and just as black as heretofore, al ways fashionable, always serviceable. , The manufacturers have lately turned their attention to popularizing novel ties in the Black Goods line, and we are prepared to show you besides the staple lines of Henriettas, Cashmeres, Serges, etc., Crepons, Brocades, Figures and many designs not heretofore shown in Black Goods. We have qualities and varieties and the prices to suit all. 46-INCH WOOL STORM SERGEar The regular prices of these guods heretofore have been 7i cents. The above Special Price for a few days only. GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT, DR, -:-REEVES, 413 Spruce Street, Scranton. Dr. Reevm ha had long nnd vurlnd ex perience In hojpltnl and private practice and treatH nil acute anil chruniu diseases or men, women and children. COllSULTflTIOJI AND EXAMINATION FREE, lie. with hlK assistants, treat all dis eases of he nervous system, dlseaxes of me eye, ear, nose and throut, dyspepsia, rheumatism, lost vitality, premature vtenKness or decay in noui sexes, nervous debility, catarrh, tumors, cancers, nrim- tions, blood-poisoning, (Its, epilepsy, iu- uicreuuii arm errors 01 youtn, ifisi man hood, ri-zcmh. seiofula, St. V'ttis' ilam-e, Bsthinn, diseases of the heart, lungs. liver, Kiuncy:, Diauuer. stomacn. etc. Young .Men Positively Cured. Offer to tlio I'uMiu for nturrh. Any one sunVrlnir with Catarrh whn -lshes to be permanently, qulrklv anil cheaply cured may receive three months." treatment for onlv KIVK UOI.I.AItS. Tlie donor has discovered a speclilc for this dreaded disease. You ran treat and cure yourseir and family wlih It at home. It never fulls to cure. A trial treatment 1 ree. OFFICIO HOt'TlS-Dully, 9 n. in. to 9 p. m.; Sundays. 10 to 12 and i to 4. At This Season We Invite jour special attcotloa to our magnificent display of AND WALL PAPER We will give you full bcneDt of the recent decline in the price of Carpets. Price is always a great object, and in this matter we arc not only determined to hold our own but to outdo all coov 1'ctitors. Come and sec us. , Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report B&kiini ABSOLUTELY PURE J. Scott Inglis . 419 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. OLD EOUUE. ' The Ladlon' Aid Hocioty of the Hilek church'wlll meet nt the homo of Mrs. Kdwnrd ItarnpR this nftei-nun. Archie TlnklepntiKh hn begun the tsiuiwnt the Kcninton I'.UHlness coIIoro. ,' The Urui'kenmlller fumlly Kiive their concort In tht" Hrlck rhurrh on Monday pvm'iIiik. ami It wan highly enjoyed liy nil. They will be at the'Stewart Mem orial church this evtmlnjr. The Old Korse school bourd held their regular meeting on Monday evenliiR. TIip teachenand Junltor received their .for Uie month of Junuut y NEWS OF THIS FOREST CITY. The correspondent of the Wayne In dependent says "the people (of Forest City presumably) ure In favor of a new county being formed. Sure, Brother Budd, sure. They would be also In fa vor of making Forest City the county seat anil of having several other things happen that would be benetlclul to us In this immediate vicinity, but thut might seriously conflict with the Inter ests of a great number of other people. Look ut the practicability of the thing! If the stute of 1'ennHylvmila ullowed every section that was a little incon venienced, a little more disgruntled and above all hud an ambition to strike out for itself, to be formed Into a new coun ty, the state would soon be chopped up into counties us small as townships, und every roadside hamlet would like to be a county seat and have a court house. Of course we would like to have a new county, with dear ancient old Coaltown as the county seat (if we couldn't get that plum ourselves), but It is not to be. Wayne and Susquehanna and Lackawanna will have something to say in the matter and Anthracite county will be burled and Brother Mooney will be the only mourner at the ybsequles, because nououy else ever loon me mai ler seriously. false alarm of fire was given Fri day night while the blizzard was at IH worst. The water had frozen in the valve cup of the Clifford whistle und was being thawed out. All at once the whistle began to blow, and before the steam could he shut off a first class Are alarm had been unintentionally sounded. The flremun ut the Forest City breaker heard It and Joined In with a shrill note of danger. The lOnterprlse Hose company, despite the fierce storm, were at the hose house In a body In an almost Incredible space of time and had the hose cart dragged over snow banks four und live feet high and were half way up to the Clifford breaker before they found out they had been fooled. It was an unpleasant experience for them, but It showed Forest City people that there was us good a volunteer com pany here us can be found in the state. Mrs. F.mma Tyler, of Cocliecton, X. V., is tin; guest of her brother, C. J. Young. Division Xo. Ill, Ancient Order of Hl- berniuns, of Vandling, will hold Its first annual ball in the Davies opera house, at Forest City, on Monday evening, AprM 15. The Hillside employes received their monthly pay yesterday. The pay was a small one, as the Clifford colliery worked but eleven and one-fourth days. and the Forest City colliery ten and one-fourth, both considerably less than half time. The people here have known for a long time that The Tribune was the best paper for general news and editorial comment in this "neck of woods." and they have also observed that Forest City is getting its share of local notice. If you want the best in every depart ment, read The Tribune. "A Iiarrel of Money" is the name of a play that Manager Collins expected to have produced at Davis' opera house tonight. On account of the storm and a consequent inability of the company to till all Its eiuigements the manager received notice Tuescluy that the dale would have to be cancelled. It Is said that Charles Staley will build and run a steamboat on Crystal hike next summer. He has hud experi ence In this line before nnd no doubt could make It a paying venture. A correspondent of a Wayne county paper tukes our councilinen by the metaphorical ear, shakes their anatomy up considerably and bluntly tells them that they gave a traction franchise to a company on paper so thnt they would he uble to withhold It from the Lacka wanna Itapid Transit company. That company now runs from Carbondale to Vandling and Intermediate points, and the correspondent estimates that dur ing the holiday time alone Forest City lost I.10U In trade because Vandling and Uichmondale were connected with Car bondale by trolley, while If the people of those places got to Forest City they had to walk. Xow all this may or may not be so, hut we cnll the attention of our esteemed fellow townsman to the fact that he Is hardly consistent, for further on in his article he spoils what he has said at first by saying that "the road Is a public nuisance" and by dubbing It a "public man killer." lothcr! .Mothers!! Mothers!!! Mrs. Wlnslow's .Soothing Syrup has be"n used for over fifty ye,-s by millions or mothers for Uielr children while teething, with perfect Success. It soothes the nhlld, softens the gums, allays all pain: cures wind colic, and Is the best remedy for dlurrheu. Hold by druggists In every part of the world. He sure ami ask for ".Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Hyrup," and take i,o other kind, twenty-live cents a bottle, t A coal train off the track of the Krle railroad a short distance below Hones dale ldoeked the pnssenger train lenv. ing nere at 4.4r Monday afternoon. The passengers and baggage were finally transferred to the other side where a train wes In waiting. It was 1 u. m. when the return trip was made. Kev. lieorgo C. Hall returned to his home In Wilmington Monday. (Irani W. Lane left for Albany Mon day evening. Farmers living within a few miles of Honesdale are Just beginning to come to town, having had to shovel their way nearly the entire distunces from .their nomes. Tiiey report mammoth snow drifts. It will be many days before those living farther buck in the country can make their way through. Blnghamton, formerly of Great Bend, was held in the St. Lawrence church In Oreat Bend on Sunduy, and was largely attended. TAYLOR. The funeral of John Morris occurred from his home In Harbertown yester day afternoon. A large, number of friends attended to show their respects to the deceased. Funeral services were held In the Stewart Memorial Metho dist church In Rend mm. and Interment wnB made In the Forest Home cemt tery. Mrs. llowells died at tier home on Sunday afternoon at the advanced age of H(l yearB, She was one of the oldest residents of thlB place and '-cr death Is regretted by the community at large. She was a true Christian lady and in her death the church loses one of Its most substantial workers. Her funeral will occur today. Services will be held In the Welsh Baptist church. Rev. Mr. Jones, of Kingston, a former pastor of the church, will officiate. Interment In the Forest Home cemetery. Preparations on an extensive scale are being made for the first annual gi and bull of the Taylor Hose company, No. 1, to be held In Weber's rink on Friday evening. '' William McMillan, of Avoca, was a visitor here last evening. Luckawannu Valley Council, Xo. SL Junior Older Fulled American Me chanics, and Liberty council, Daugh ters of America, will enjoy a slelghrlde to Wllkes-Burre tomorrow evening. TUNKHANSOCK. M. V. Wnndall, the man who expects to build the abutments to the, new bridge, is endeavoring to purchase the stone piers of the old canal ncqueduct, which now belong to the Lehigh Vulley Kallroud compuny. The stones are nicely dressed und would make excel lent material for the purpose designed. The company removed a lot of them to Coxton a few years ago and used them in the construction of their new roundhouse at that point. The Packer House Is advertised for rent, which carries with it the assump tion that Landlord Hewitt will retire. It Is a first-class hostelry and nicely furnished. S. S. Hreesp is laid up with a severe cold. Reynolds & Ackerson are doing a good trade In musical merchandise, and are putting out some line Instruments. C. II. Young was elected lire warden about a year ago, but his office wus never confirmed by the borough coun cil until Monday evening of this week. He has now entered .upon the uctive duties of his office. 'Squire N. P. Wilcox was down from Nicholson yesterday. Frank S. Harding, of Faston, is act ing as commissioners' clerk, pending the Illness of Klmer Brown. Mr. and Mrs. X. W. Reynolds) ure visiting Nicholson friends. The Wyoming district, AVomen's Home Missimiury society, will hold Its annual convention here early in March. Mrs. Pen fee, wife of the pastor of Kim Park church, Scranton, Is president, ami Mrs. T. II. Dale, also of the same city, corresponding secretary. The Scranton ladies will prepure the pro gramme. A gungof workmen are excavating the Montrose railroad tracks. They ex pected to roach Springvllle last night. Mrs. Susanna Russell, mother of Truman Russell, of Washington town ship, died about !) a. m., yesterday. The funeral will occur at the home stead on Thursday nt 10 a. in., with in terment on Carney Flat. She wus SO years of age, and bore the respect- of the entire community. The local dealers report a slim trade In valentines this season. The meat- axe artist's products are apparently us horrible as ever, but there's a deficit in the treasury. X. II. Mack's people lire likely to be obliged to abandon moving this k on account of the sickness of their little boy. William Sweet, while assisting to re move the machinery at the stone mill, fell from the upper portion of the build ing, Inside, crippling his buck und otherwise injuring him. It is rumored that a man named Jack linker was found frozen to death on I'.riar Ridge, in Auburn township, during the bllzWird. The supposition Is that he was intoxicated and became bewildered In the storm. The (Jriivel Hill independent school district mode the following nomina tions at a Citizens' caucus, held yester day: School directors, Ralph Avery, Pierre Ashcld: auditor. K. S. London. Communication with the distant points about the county Is gradually be ing re-established, and the various stories of the blizzard that came flouting In sound like the breezy west. At Russell Hill Dr. K. H. Wells, of Meshoppen, was hemmed in from Thursday until Saturday at the house of a patient. At Vose several drum mers were Imprisoned five days. One farmer was oldlged to carry water for twenty-seven head of cuttle, and an other farmer's 40-foot well was drifted completely full of snow. The mails, when carried at all, were overland on foot. SEW MILF0R1). The first train over the Montrose railroad since the blizzard arrived In that out-of-the-way place Monday evening, the citizens turned out en musse to witness the event arid lingered around the postofllee till past midnight to iiwnlt the distribution of the long delayed mall that they might learn what wis transpiring In the clvlllsted districts. Isaac (iilhsple Is seriously 111. A few cases of scarlet fever are re ported in the township. Amos Wilcox, who hns been 111 for several months, died at his lAune In this place Saturday morning, and the funeral was hejd from the Methodist Kplscopal church Monday. Delaware, Lnckawnnnu and Western trains ure running on fline ugaln. Every farmer who appears In town these days carries a shovel and tells of snow banks from ten to twenty feet high. Many of the country ronds will not be open for travel for a week or more. Kngeno Casey, of Oxford, N. Y.( Is homo on a visit. Frank Moxlcy. of Blnghamton, was in town Tuesday. It Is reported that Professor Hnnrn han's dancing class will close with a masquerade hop. HALLSTKAD. , Mrs. (teorge Stone, of Blnghamton, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. MoCreary, In this place. The Ladles' Aid noddy of the Presby terian church Will hold a fair In the Flreman'8 hall in this pluee on Feb. 1!' and 20. t , T. McManus, of Salem, Mass., Is vis iting at the residence .of his brother. Mlohacl McManus.. on Dayton avenue. Miss Linda McDonald, of Dallas, Tex., Is visiting her sister, Mrs. C. McCor mlck, on Front street... .. .', ' Mrs. George Ward was In tho Parlor City yesteniay. i I lie Tiini.rni (.U A11ES MliVY 11!1, Ul , MAYF1ELR. P. F. Kllker Is manipulating the key at Jermyn during the illness of Agent W. R. Dodson, who is laid up with grip. C. S. Hoyt was In the Pioneer City last night. F. S. Blxlcr, of Bixler & Connell, Hasten, Pa., wus In Mayfleld yesterday. The Traction company succeeded in opening their line for travel Monday after having been snowed under since Thursday night. M. Sharak, of Hill Btreet, was in the Electric City yesterday. The Hillside Coal and Iron company's employes at this place will receive their monthly stipend today. STROUDSRUHa. The members of Professor Herman Weber's dancing cluss are Issuing In vitations for a large ball, to lit given by them on the evening before Wash ington's birthday. The mail for Stormsville was sent out on horseback on Saturday morning, be ing the first mall sent out since the bliz zard. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Myers, of East Stroudsburg, left on Wednesday for a slelghrlde to Huston and it was feared they had become snow-bound, but reports from them stute they are safe in Easton, but will not be able to get home until the latter part of the week, owing to the excessively large drifts In the road. Rev. Dr. Hurdle, of East Strouds burg, occupied the pulpit of the Re formed church, Sunday, owing to the absence of Rev. Dr. Hlbshman. the reg ular pastor. Professor E. L. Kemp, of the Normal, preached in the evening to an exceedingly large audience. Rev Dr. Hibshman preached in Hamilton church In the morning and at Keller's church in the evening, on Sun day last. Morton Decker, secretary and treas urer of the Standard Manufacturing company of East Stroudsburg, Is slow ly recovering from a severe attack of grip. The Standard Manufacturing compa ny, of East Stroudsburg, have a large force of men on the new addition to their factory. The offices of the com puny will also be built alongside the factory. Miss Roberts, of the Normal, spent Sunduy with her parents at Delaware Water flap. Large arc lights have been put in pluee of the Incandescents at the depot. County Detective Shafer is slowly convalescing. ' Robert Keller, the well-known funi tu re dealer. Ih out again, ufter a pro tracted illness. , Mrs. Daniel Thomas, of Scranton spent Saturday last in town visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kel ler, sr., of Main street. Professor ormond left on Monday for Princeton college, after a visit of a few days with his family, on Center stre-t. Miss Miranda. Dnubert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Doubert. of East Stroudsburg. died on Sunday afternoon after nn illness of a few days. The immediate cause of her dentil was the grip. Miss Dauhert was aged lit years and 7 months and was one of the bright scholars in the public schools. The funeral will be announced Inter. The members of the Stroudsburg Cun club will meet nt tho store of Hlrlani Klstler, on Thursday int, for the purpose of elect Ing officers for the ensuing year. Arrangements are being made for a grand shoot at live birds, to be held In the near future. A meeting of the Strondsburs Prohi bition flub will be held on TiU'Sdny evening In J. Y. Sigaf'us' oflic:. All are Invited. , Robert Crawford, of New York c!ty, pi nt .Sunday in town visiting friends. John Donnelly has left East Strouds- l.uig for his home at South Kas.in, where lie will spend the winter. V.rH. I1. M. Mutchier, rt rlust Strouds burg, has returned from a vlfit to friends at Newark, N. J. Hvh, Lottie 6'ok Tyrouo City, l'euii. After the Grip Back Health Hood's Cave and Strongth That Dreadful Prostration Cured. "C. 1. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.! '(ientlemen A little over a year ns'i. 1 was attacked by tho grip und, after the crisis had paiscd, I was left so wcuk and with that dread ful prostration, thut I was unable to dress my elf for almost nine months. Some friends who Hood's5 Cures knew its merits, persuaded me to take Hood's Sarsapurllla and I am now taking my fourth bottle. I am so thankful to he aide to say th.it 1 can do uiy housework, und urn gaining fust. I Sleep Well, do not have sourness of the stomach, and c:in eat with good appetite. I think Hood's Sarsa parilla deserves all the praise it gets and more." Jilts. I.KTTiu Cosh. Tyrone City, Teim. Hood's Pills cure liver Ills, constipation, biliousness, Jaundice, sick headache, indigestion. If Ft I 230 Lackawanna Ave,, Scranton, Pa. H 85 We . Are Scum? 8 85 $15.00 AND $18.00 S S3 S So S 8-j MOOSIC. Youth Is the time for the formation of good habits. Kemember that good lit erature Is us necessary for the boy as good company. Throw away your trashy novels and subscribe for The Tribune. Orders taken by John 11. Pearl, agent nt Moosie. All Moosie Is) singing "We never miss the water till the hydrant runs 'friz.' " An abscess in the head Is the final wlndup of a case of the grip with one of our townsmen. Andrew Storms. Mrs. Vnngorder, of Meshoppen, was calling on friends In town lately. Mrs. Hemic! t, of l.aceyvllle, Is visit ing her sisler, Mrs. John King. The Dailies' Aid of the Methodist Kplscopal church will celebrate their third nnnlv.M-sary by holding n 10 cent supper in the church parlors this even ing, Pel). U WEAK HEN YOUR ATTENTION Is CAI.l.tO TO TBS Ureot Eugliah Remedy, Gray's Specific Medicine IF YOU SUFFER 'rom Nor- StiU'U'M UTU I1W MrtMAMfeMMMMM VOUfl lllty, Weakling of Uodyand Mind, Hpermt torf hi-. nnd Iinnotency. and all disease that risa f.oni ovr indulgence and self ftblme. as Loss of Memory and Power, Liininras of Via Iod, Premature Hid Age and many other din' eaaos timt lead to Insanity or t'onanraption and an rarly grave, writn for a pamrhlet. Addreno GRAY MKbll'INK l)i.. Buffalo. K. Y. The t-jie:iflo Medkin ia aold )y all 8 So s s.- 8 83 8 So 8 Sj 8 85 8 So 8 8") 8 Hb 8 85 .8 S3 ,8 8,5 8 85 8 85 8 S3 8 85 8 S3 Suits ami Overcoats at Sg.85 S 85 8 85 8 85 i 8 85 I 8 S3 Single and Double Breasted All-Wool Serges, diet lots, t'assinieres in Suits ; Single and Double Breasted Black and Blue Long Cut Kersey Meltons in Overcoats. 8 S5 S So 8 S5 8 S5 I S S3 ! 8 S3 ! 8 S3 ' S3 i 8 S3 I ! S S3 I S S3 8 S3 i S S3 S S3 I 1 8 85 8 S3 !S 85 S S 3 l" 18 S5 i S 85 I ,8 S5 S S5 I ,S So j 8 85 I 8 S3 8 85 8 85 8 S5 S S3 8 85 8 85 THE BELL CLOTHING HOUSE, 230 Lackawanna Ave. SIGN OF THE BELL WC CAN QIVC VOU SATISFACTION drugirlsta at J pur package,, or liz l ai-aniiea for g-r, or ftflit bT mail en receipt nf uioner. and with evory 15.00 erder 11 C RMAR1NTFI- cure or money refunded. T Vr'l'llhi Ir-un account oi oountorreita we hive. adopted tho Yuliow Wrapper, the only oku- lue. Bold la Bcranton by Matthew Broa Come and see us about the Job Vvorkyou will need soon, The Scranton Trihnne Job Dept. BANKRUPTCY iD HAT! PRICES If we bad not bongbt this stock from the shcriiT, selling nt such prices as the following would be impossible. Taken all round (key only figure up about half the value of (he goods: This is how trout the Clonk stock: $10 garment go at 3.MI, $7 garnn'iit at :t.,"A (ft) garment at $'i garment ut SitH etc. fcvory garment up to duto in Htylo. filio children 'a Uretchon Overcoat, etc., at your own jji li-o. THIS U TICKLE YOUR FANCY! N Y 100 Vh:t Wnrsilllrs Quilt, new patterns,' lnrt'imlr.,-. 411m. wi-IkIiC. Mirunia; MIm. weight. I.U cimte; (I I Ik. wmuht, KU ci'iila. They i-oot moio to man iifuotui'c. Til Di-at Bloarlu il FliiTtlnu nn tln market nt any lirtwj is tho "Alohuwii." Everybody know till; twta the new prica: B-4 wUW, li)4 I'viita; 1H-4 nh lb cuutti. UNDERWEAR 'r At lesa tlmn tin eonf of the yarn In ft Wo've pil hiTod ti frutlmr 8 HI dozmm of ull anrtnnud hiwa lioin Uoodnnui'a ati ck. Tlioy'roodda mid ends nt rtixulur numloiH, and we're not .k hiV half what thoy cost fir your choice. HOSIERY Fast Mark for mlsae!1 or children, Tic! extra ooavy innki'H, Jo wnts, etc. Same value all tliu way through for muu', womou and children sizes. IMPORTANT POINTERS in yards-f at nilnr Drcs Print S ic Men' atroiiu Hatf Hose Men' Fancy Print uhlrta, with collar., lil'e llrn'a l.aundrloil bhirtxi Anchor cotton) 4Uc Men Strong Cotton Pant " Youth' Long Punt 4!c Heavy Overall and Jackets t't Now Uutint Mnunela (heavy 1 .... " Hove' All-Wool Mult Si '. Heal Turkey Ked Tulilo Daniaak, etc.... lUo - - EXTRA! EXTRA! On Monday, from R to II n'nlork n. m.. we will ml 11 n uood heavy Toweling Hi 1 Vu conta n yard, and from Htolu o'clock 5-cont llmidlier enlftfn At 'i eetitH. - . ThoHa cooil cannot lie had nt the price C'lotsd one mlnuto alter tho horn named. BANKRUPT SALE OF (JOODMAN'S STOCK, AVEME. II I: II E.I $50,000 worth of Dry Goods, No tions, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Gbods,niIlinery, Cloaks, Furs, Infants' Wear, &c, The steady increase of our business compels us to enlarge and remodel the en tire store for spring trade, and as the stock will be in the way ILL SELL III ANY PRICE. ,-, - - - . W egg Ihe Fair, 1 400 and 402 Lack Aye,, T Scranton, Pa. Curtains We commence today, and shall continue through out this week, the sale of a complete assortment of Irish Point and Tambour Lace Curtains, 3 and 4 yards long, at one third off former prices. A fine line of Brussels Points have also been put in with this lot of Curtains, on which we have put prices that will surely please you. UPHOLSTERY FABRICS Suitable for hangings, in choice colorings, at $1.50 and $2.00 per yard; formerly $3.00 and $4.00 respectively. SILK PLUSH In a splendid line of colors, $1.50, worth $2.50 per yard. TABLE COVERS Iu all sizes and qualities, at moderate prices. KERR 5) EBHE R&G0, 406 and 408 Lackawanna Ave. V v L't NEVER CLAIMED our mm m TO BE THE LARGEST. XOW we do. It's saying a great deal, as there arc some lut'sc stocks in Scranton. See onr's. Every grade and make exhibited here, in conjunction with 500 Kolls of Mat tlncic from V' nn .1 roll iinu'.-irris: or if van arc thinking of other HoilscFlirillslllngS, we have them at the right price. EVERY CONVENIENCE Cau be secured at this LIBKllAL CREDIT PALACE. OUR NEW TERMS: $'20.00 Worth of Goods for $2.00 Per Month 40.00 (it).OO 75.00 HO.OO 1 20.GO1 Larger bills in proportion. "Economy's Easy Way to Pay." ;!. 4.00 5.00 (i.00 8.00 Experiment with ,. . . ' . ..... 1 .1 J