THE SCRAXTON TBIBTJNE "WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 13, 1895. Settled . . Out of Gourt. (These short serial stories are copyrighted by Bacheller, Johnson & Bach eller and are printed InTheTrlbune by special arrangement. simultaneous with their appearance In the leading dally Journals of the large oitlea). CHAPTEK II. "I confess, ymi have made me feel rreepy." unM Fiirrester. "My Jove I I'd feel Inclined to blow my bruins out if my expectations were wrenched from nu'! However, there is no use in going half way to meet trouble! Don't sup pose I mean to throw away my money. 1 Intend to keep a firm hold of It. My scheme Is to buy a place in the country not a grand place, you know a su perior sort of shooting lodge, and make it my headquarters; at any rate till 1 marry, as 1 suppose 1 shall! l!y the way, 1 saw an advertisement of the very thing 1 want In the paper 1 got at Dover." He rose as he spoke and crossed the room to where his ulster lay over a chair ami pulled a newspa per from the outside pocket. With It came the lace scarf, which he threw on the table as he reseated himself to read the templing description of Ideal shoot ing quarters on the border, to be sold at a great sacrifice. "Ah! well, It Is time enough to think of purchasing property Just yet." said Dixon. "I say, where did that come from?" nodding toward the scurf. "Have you turned a diptomaniac?" "No!" said Forrester smiling. "This Is a treusuie trove which I must return to its rgihtful owner. A young lady who traveled over with me from Paris a deuced idee girl, too, Dixon! I was almost late for my train and Jumped in without noticing that there was an other passenger already seated till we were moving off when I saw a young thing in black at the other side of the carriage stand up ami wave a kiss to a stout, elderly, gray-bearded man on the platform, liy and by I put up the window for her. and we got Into con versation: it seems that she had never been in Kiigland since she was an in fant. Her Kuglisli was perfect, and a plight foreign accent gave it dis tinction. 1 never met any girl who talked like her. She is not what you would call pretty, but she has ;i pair of eyes, by Jove! you can read vol umes lu them, and they look you she was so composed and at her ease. I might have been another woman for all of eucpietry lu her manner, I had a deJCed pleasant Journey, I can tell you. But for all our talk I could not get the smallest clew to who she was or where she was going, except that the gray-bearded buffer at the station was her papa. I'd like to see her again, Dixon. I picked up that scarf which she dropped at the station as fOie was going off. I saw her address n her wraps, and I'll take the scarf to her tomorrow." " Don't he a fool, ("is!" said Dixon gravely, "She may be an adventuress, i -S:-v 1 "Han't nc a Fool," SaiJ Dixon, Gravely. and you are given to getting Into scrapes about women. You remem ber" "Xo.'I don't." Interrupted Forrester. "Why should I worry myself about the follies of my boyhood? I never got into permanent mischief. And Dixon, there was something devilish attractive In that gii'l!" "Take my advice, don't go and see your fair friend; send the lace by par col post with your romplimonts why trouble yourself further about a chance acquaintance who may be a mere ad venturess for all you know; remember you are a big catch now." Forrester laughed heartily. "Do you think 1 run not take cure of myself, old man?" "Yes, I do; you are Just the sort of fellow to get into a scrape, and pay dear for extrication." "Many thanks for your flattering opinion! I'll see how I feel tomorrow. I may not be Inclined to take a Journey due north my charming companion lives at Kilburn. Hut, Dixon, your news has taken the bloom off my glori ous anticipations! What do you think of the outlook?" "Oh, the other side wil have to prove a lot, the marriage, the birth, Identity nnd no end of points. I have no great fear, hut we had better be careful." "J shall , try to enjoy the next few weeks, whatever . happens! There's nothing so foolish as not to Improve the shining hour." The following day was fully and pleasantly occupied. With replenished pockets, Forrester visited hlgh-dlass tailoring and outfitting establishments, also his club, where he was recognized and all mothers who are nursing babies derive great benefit from Scott's Emulsion. This prepara tion serves two purposes. It gives vital strength to mothers and also enriches their milk and thus makes their babies thrive. Scott' 23 Emulsion Is a constructive food that pro motes the making, of healthy tissue and.bone. It is a wonder ful remedy for Emaciation, Coneral Debility, Throat and Lung Complaint, Cough, Cold, Anaemia, Scrofula and Wasting Disaaes of Children. Stndfor PamfklrttnSccll'i EmulttoH, V. Scott Boone, N.Y, All Druggist. 60o.ind$l, Wei in BY MRS. ALEXANDER. by several acquaintances and cordially greeted. He was always popular, and vague rumors of his succession to un told wealth threw his popularity Into high relief. "it Is all pleasant," he thought, as he sut at breakfast the sec ond morning after his arrival in Lon don, "tiad! everything wears a new aspect, but" There was a break in tile current of his thought, he became vaguely uware that something was wanting, and at the same moment his eyes fell upon the black lace scarf which hung neglected over the back of a chair. "liy Jove, 1 will go und see her!" he exclaimed, half aloud. "1 am not such a fool as Dixon thinks. Why should I avoid u lilt of harmless amusement." he reflected. "Her eyes have haunted me ever since we said good-by- a ml she' ll miss her scurf. Yes, I'll be off to KU- Please Walk in, Sir. burn as soon as it Is late enough to call. 1 suppose I may call before luncheon'.' there is nothing very prim or struck up about her! Then I can get back In time to look ut that man; Bligh was recommending. I'll he off, and frighten idd Dixon with nil uc count of my visit after it has become an accomplished fact!" He finished his breakfast Very delib eratelywalked to his club, where ho read and replied to several letters, looked in at his bootmaker's and tail or's, and at length hulled a hansom and set forth on his voyuge of discov ery. "Thirteen Alma terrace, Kilburn," he said authoritatively to the driver. "l!og pardon, sir, but Is it before or after we come to the station?" "Oh! 1 haven't the faintest notion! Ask the policeman or anyone when we get near It." ' 'Kilburn Is a biggish . place, sir," returned the Jehu, and they drove off at a good pace. It took many Inquiries and divers turnings to and fro. buck and forward, before Alina terrace was discovered, and proved to be a melancholy road bordered by semi-detached villas, with very high, steep steps to their front doors. No. i;i had very fresh lace cur tains and brightly polished brass han dles, and a neatly-kept garden. "Wait," suld Forrester, descending nnd ringing the bell. The garden gate was unlatched by some machinery from within, and by the time he had as cended the high steps the door was opened by a rosy-faced girl of perhaps 12, with a huge cap and long white apron. "Please w'alk In, sir," was her reply to his inquiry for Miss Cavallo, and Forrester was ushered Into a front room which opened Into another at the back originally by folding doors, which were now removed and replaced by portlers of many colors, ("heap Jap anese screens, brackets upholding spe cimens of Indefinite china, painted tam bourines, photographs, oleographs, and many other "objects d' art" decorated the walls. Some gay colored rugs here and there partially hid a threadbare carpet. A widely varied collection of chairs offered rest to the weary, and a sofa, draped by a huge rug of kangaroo skins filled a good deal of space In the back room. Forrester stood In the window gaz ing at the door, which soon opened to admit his traveling companion who came in with a half-amused smile play ing on her lips and gleaming In her eyes. She held his enrd In one hand. "It Is you, then?" putting out the other to him. "I was puzzled who Captain Forrester could be." "I have taken the liberty of calling without permission," began Forrester. "Hut I was anxious to restore your property which I found on the floor di rectly nfter you left the station, I tried to overtake you In vain. Now, here It Is," and he took the scarf from his pocket. "Oh, thank you very much! I wns so vexed when 1 missed It! My mother gave It to me on my seventeenth birth day. I value it greatly. Pray sit down." She unfolded and examined the lnce, saying softly: "I am so glad to have It again!" Then she lifted her smiling eyes to his and added: "It Is very good of you to take this trouble. Hold how did you find me out?" "That was easy enought. T am not so unobservant as to miss making a men tal note of the address on your wraps! After enjoying a talk with you I was anxious not quite to lose sight of so agreenble a companion!" "That Is very flattering," she re turned, laughing a pleasunt refined laugh, ForreBter thought. "I did not think that words of wisdom came nat urally to me." "oh! I do not mean to Insult you by saying that your conversation was Im proving. That would nol have created a wish to hear it again. Are you going to make any stay In town?" "I may he here a month: I may be longer." "Why do you banish yourself to these wilds? You are too far from every thing." "Because there Is no other place for me. I am alone and know no one In London except Mrs. Iliirtlett, and she Is a friend of my father and mother. Mrs. Hartlett Is my hostess, the ludy who came to meet me." "Oh! you'll be deucedly bored here. What are you going to do with your self?" "Oh, no, I have plenty to do. No one Is bored who Is nut Idle. I am golntf put with Mrs. Itnrtlett this afternoon to present some of my letters of Intro duction. Thut will take most of the afternoon. In the morning I have my practicing and letters to write." "Indeed but all that Is not amus ing," said Forester, much puzzled. Why should she present letters of In troduction? What was her business? Why did she want husinuss? '"Perhaps It Is Intcivsllng, which Is belter than amusing. I came over to try and find engagements us a concert singer, though 1 fear It will be very dllllcull." "Ah!" a long-drawn ah! f'l am rather anxious about It. You ?e my father has spent a great deal of money upon me, both lu Paris und Milan, und I want to make some now! Are you fond of music, Captain For rester, and do you know any musical people?" "I am deucedly fond of music, but must acknowledge that I only Iguo rantly worship. The only musical personage l know Is a Dr. Dclnuey. He was in my regiment. He has retired now, and lives somewhere In the north. He used to sing Irish melodies and Jacobite dil lies very Veil, Indeed." "Ho was not professional." "No." "All" she evidently dismissed De la ney. "Tlioueh I am no Judge, may 1 ven ture to ask for a song?" asked For rester. "You would really like to hear me sing?" "Heyond everything!" 'Then you must tell me truly If you think my singing would please English people." "1 shall be brutally frank," said For rester. "Yes, pray do!" She rose and went to an open piano on which lay a quan tity of music. "1 shall sing you a lit tle Neapollan liarcarolle," she said, "quite one of the people's songs." Thcaccompnnimcnt Imitated a guitar. Her voice was contralto, wonderfully rich and full, to come from so slight a form. She sang with spirit and ex pression, putting a graceful espleglorie Into her rendering of the verses. "If file public don't like that they will be hard to please!" exclaimed Forrester fervently. "You like it? Yes, I see you do! Anil I suppose you represent the ordinary cultivated public!" and she turned to look tit him. Forrester was greatly fascinated, she was so frank, so unaf fected, so lu earnest about her work and transparently simple into the bar gain. , Their talk flowed easily, until inter rupted by the entrance of Mrs. Hartlett, who sailed In uttircd in a trailing black silk afternoon dress, a cap of black and gidd lace Willi streamers of red ribbon and a 'plnceiies' witli a long handle hung by a ribbon from her neck. Her nose looked even more prominent without the background of a bonnet. Smiles wreathed her lips and satisfac tion beamed ill her eyes which were something the color of a boiled goose berry. "N'ow this is nice and friendly of the professor," she began, when she Inter rupted herself, "why, it Is the gentle man you traveled over with, Angela." (To be Continued.) isOMi: M; COLNT1LS. California lias One Digger lliun lour Status Put Together. From the New York Sun. East of the Kocky mountains there are only twelve counties in the L'nit .'d States containing more than 5,0'JU square miles. Not one of these Is In New York state, the largest county of which, Sr. Lawrence, covers only ".W"0 square miles. One of the twelve Is Aristook, the forest county of northern Maine. Another Is Dade county. Flu., which Includes the everglades of Florl du along tlie Atlantic coast, and has an area of u.tioo square miles anil a total population of less than '.. Cherry county, Neb., in the extreme northeast of the state, with the Snake river divid ing It In half, hart an area of ii.KBS miles. Three northern counties of Minnesota lying south of Manitoba and west of Lake Superior. Heltranil, Itasca, and St. Louis, have respectively .1,(110, u,iy and ii.SGO square miles. The last county Includes the important city of Duluth, but the (list has a population of only 3n0,' and the second only of The population of Duluth Is .".".iw. Two counties of Idaho, Hingham, con taining the lava fields, and Malm, south of the Nez Perces' reservation, contain more than lo.eoo square miles each. Two counties In Texas, I'ecos and Kl Paso, have more than fi.(l(K) square miles. Pecos, which Is In the extreme west of the state, on the Hlo tlrande, has fi.VnO. Kl Paso, which adjoins It on the Hlo firande, has D.T.'iO. One coun ty of Colorado, Arapnho, has an erea of "1,220 square miles, but It Is still more notable from the fact that It has a pop ulation of ir.0.000, including the city of Denver. Houtt county, in the same state, has an area of fi.OUO square miles. On the Pacilllc slope counties, like trees and fruits, are of gigantic size. Six counties of Oregon, three counties of Washington, seven counties of Nevada, 1 - The most Effective Skin Purifying and Beautifying Soap in the World. The Purest, Sweetest, and Most Refreshing for Toilet Bath and Nursery. For Pimples, Blackheads Red, Rough,' Oily Skin and Baby Blemishes, For Red, Rough Hands, with Shapeless Nails and Painful Finger Ends, For Irritations of the Scalp with Dry.Thin, and Falling Hair it is wonderful. Sale greater than the Combined Sales of all other Skin Soaps. Rultl throughout Ills world. IMai.Soc. PoTTEn l)iiuu and c 11 1: H . (Join-., Hole I'nipa,, Iluitun. All AboutthuHLIn, Sculp, and Hair," fro. &J ACHING SIDES AND BACK, Hip, Kldhoy, and Utarlun pulns and Wpiikn(mMi relieved In on minute i liv thn liiitlttara Ami. PmIii Plantar. I VjjBTM Unit aud only ualo Witig plmUir. and seven counties of California have more than 5,000 square miles. The larg est of all In thelTnlted States Is the county of Sun Hernardlno, to the east of Los Angeles, Its area is 21,000 square miles, nearly half the size of Nev. York Matv, and .1,000 miles larger than New Jersey, Delaware, Connecticut, and Rhode Island combined. Till: WOULD OF LABOR. Canada has 39 banks. Illinois has IM.IHIO Swedes, From the Philadelphia Kccord. t'tuli claims anlhraelte coal. Vnolo Sam has 2,riH).(MKI mules. (lermany has tiiMUii distilleries. Jerusalem has 135 liquor bars. London has riO,(Hl women clerks. 1 1 'lli'lo Sam lias liS.litf poslufllees. Thin country has HO.IWO Chinese. Ilru7.ll railroads mi-etch i.r.xo miles. Paper cigars are a (lei-man novelty. Our Scandinavians number t,uuo,iKM. An Atlantic liner's crew costs !0,lu0. Pulled States contains 4,il,i;il farms. A ton of iliamonils Is worth J;:;."..uoo,0m. Montana's gold output ill 1SIU: $4.500,0110. Portugal's royal crown lu worth $K,000, liiiii. The states have uD),uU0 commercial drum mers. America contains 12,iioo,u00 business htniHcH. Ion uses 20,000,001! gallons of milk an nually. Fin-ope produces B0O,OuO,0iK) pounds of to bacco a yeur, America oiel ili-cd, in W.ti, l,til9,4'Ji;,i::0 bushels of coi n. In 'ixsil, 7'i27.21l bales of cotton were raised ami packed. American sheep last year grew wool to the extent o' nu,, Kni.udii pounds. The farm lands of fids country are es timated to he worth $i;i,279,2'p2,ill9. America exports $072,si',l,:i7X worth of goods ii ud hnporls only $7 W,TM,'i3. About a million dollars' worth of sweet corn was canned In .Maine last year. Only one lirm In -the I'nlted Slates Is making slate pencils from native slate. In China, the hands of clocks stand still, while the dials are made to move around. New York Is talking or a building 2'"l feet wlde.Oiii) feet in length und 15 Bturles high. A young woman has applied for the place of public executioner, now vacant ut Vienna. The fishermen along our coats und In our waters catch $ir,,iK),iK)ii worth of llsh every year. The Argentine Uepiibllc has 1 ,500,01 Ml tons of wheat ready for expurt to the markets of I he w orld. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF Is safe, relluble and effectual because of the stim ulation uctlon which It exerts over the nerves and vital powers of the body, add ing lone to the one und Inciting to re newed and Increased vigor the slumbering vttullty of the phystcul structure, and through this healthful stimulation und Increased uctfon the cuuse of PAIN Is driven uwuy nnd a natural condition re stored. It Is thus that the KHADY RE 1.1 KK is so admirably udapted fur the Cl'KR OP PAIN und without the risk of Injury which Is sure to result from the use of many of the so-culled pain reme dies of the day. It Is Highly Importaut That Every Family Keen a Supply of ADWAY' READY RELIEF. Always in the house. Its uao will prove beneficial on ull occasions of pniu or sick ness. There Isiiothlng in the world that will stop pain or arrest the progress of disease us quick uu the HEADY RE LIEF. CURES AND PREVENTS Colds, Coughs, Sore Throat, Influenza Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Head ache, Toothache, Asthma, Dif ficult Breathing. ri'RES THK WORST PAINS In from one to twenty minutes. NUT ONE HOUR after renMio; this advertisement noud any one SI KFER WITH PAIN. ACHES AXD TAINS. For headache (whether sick or nervous), toothache, neuialulu, rheumatism, lum biiKO, pains und weakness in the buck, spine or kidneys, pains around the liver, pleurisy, swelling of the joints and pains of all kinds, the application of Kudwuy's Ready Relief will afford Immeillute ease, and Its continued use fur a few days ef fect a permunent cure. Internally A half to a teaspoonful In hulf a tumbler ot water will. In a few minutes, cure Urnmps, Bpasms, Sour Ktomach, Nausea, VomltiiiK, Heurtburn, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Sick Head achp, Flatulency and nil Internal pains. There is not a remedial fluent In the world that will core Fever and AKUe and nil other Mularloue, unions and other fevers, aided by RADWAY'S I'lLLH. so quickly us RADWAY'S READY RE LIEF. Price 50 cents per bottle. Sold by all druggists. ADWAY'S PILLS, Always Reliable. Purely Vegetable. Perfectly tasteless, elegantly ooatAd, purifo, regulate, purify, cloanse ana strengthen. RADWAY'S PILLS for the cure of nil disorders of the Stomach, Rowoli, Kldneya, Bladder, Nervous Dis eases, Dltzlnesa, Vertigo, CoatlveaesJ, l'llea. SICK HEADACHE, FEMALE COMPLAINTS. BILIOUSNESS INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION AND ALL DISORDERS OF THE LIVER. Observe the following symptoms raiuJt Itiar from diseases of the digestive orxmaa: Constipation, Inward piles, fullneaa of blood In the head, acidity of the atojusrn. nausea, heartburn, disgust of food, full ness of weight of the stomaah, sour oruo tatlons, sinking or fluttering ot the heart, choking or sutlooatlng sanctions whn In a lying poiiure, aimnoas ot vision, oots or webs before the light, fever and dull pulu In the head, flafJclancy 0 perspira tion, yellowness of the akin und syrs. noln Intheaiile.eheat, llmba. and sudden Hushes ot heat, burning In the ncan, A taw donna uf HADWAY'fl PIIXS will free the system of all the above-named disorders. Prloe 25o. per box. Sold by Druggists or tent By man. Rend to DR. RAD WAY A CO., Lock Box MS. New York, for Hook of Advice. ROOF TUNING AND SOLDERING All done nwny with by tho use of HART MAN'S PATKNT PAINT, which consists of liigivdlcnl well-known to all. It can be applied to tin, Kalvunlaed tin, sheet Iron roofs, also to brick dwellngs, which will Firevent nbsohituly uny crumbling, crack ng or breaking of the brick. It will out last tinning of any kind by many years, and It's cost does not exceed ono-llfth that of the cost of tinning. Is sold by tho Job or puuiiii. louirncis lasen iy ANTONIO UARTMAfaM, 62T Birch Bt tiers yon SoreTbroat, ltmplM, Conpor-Colorwl gnoti, Achea, (Mil Hnrva, Ulwra in Month, Italr- L. 1 1 1 . ..1 UUltn .t..nW 1I.H..1 f'n ItlkT Acne n? W nnlcTrnple,f'hlsBSllll..furpnxraof ouree. Kapltal s)aoM00, 1'atUinUcured sine rears BjotodajniomMyvniVe THE SEAL Of approval of 25,000 promi nent physicians has been placed on Boviniue, the origi nal raw food. It is ac knowledged by them to be one of their greatest factors in the cure of all wasting diseases. ovinme Is not a medicine, but a strength and flesh producer, giving to the patient at a critical moment the real strength not that of a stim ulant, to tide over the crisis, and make the physician's skill available. For convales cent cases, chrome invalids and infants, Uovinine is in valuable. Sold at all drug gists. The Boviniue Co., New York. T CO., MAKUFACTOains' Aqthts roa TRENTON IRON CD'S WIRE ROPE. VAN ALEN & C0.'S STEEL NAILS. OXFORD IRON C0.S MERCHANT BAR IRON. REVERE RUBBER CO.'S BELTING, PACKING AND HOSE. FAYERWEATHER & LADEW'S "HOYT'S" LEATHER BELTING. A. B. BONNEVILLE'S "STAR" PORTLAND CEIflENT. AMERICAN BOILER C0.S "ECONOMY" HOT AIR FURNACES. GRIFFING IRON CO.'S BUNOY RADIATORS. 434 LACKAWANNA AVE. PFXTEB BII0B CO., Inc'p. fiplUl, $1.000,0W. 1SKST Sl.ftO HIIOIC IN THE WOULD, A dollar tared it a dollar earned. ThULtu.ton'Holiri French llnngola Kid But ton lioot delivered free anywhere in the U.S., on receipiiii;aan, uoiwy uraer, or I'muI Note for tlJ0. KnuslA every way the boon PUid In Bit retail ttoree for J.:). Wo make thl boot f oiiraelvMi, therefore we guar 9 f'i Jry,A ami if any one fa not eaitafled we wm re 1 una ine money or Mtud another pair. pera loo or common rente. width t K, ft KK, izea l to e and hail lzea. Send your nitt; will fit vow. iUUBtrau-'Q Cata. FREE Dexter Shoe Co., BOSTON. MASS. special I emu 10 jJtaier: Standard Instruments In every sense of the term as applied to rinnos. Exceptional In holdltiB tholr original ful ness of tone. . NEW YORK WAREHOUSE, NO. SO Fifth avenue. SOLDBY E.C.RICKER&CO US Adams Ave., New Telephone lildg. riT. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL Coal of the best quality for domestic Use, ami of all slzi's, delivered In any purt of the city at lowest prloe. Orders left at mv Ollleo NO. 118 WYOMING AVENUE, Rnnr room, llrnt iloor. Third National Hunk, or sent liy mall or telephone to the nine, will rvrelve prompt attention. Hpeeliil rnntrnnts will be made for th lal aud delivery of Duekn lical Coal. WM. T. SMITH. HOTEL WAVERLY Muropcian Plan. Klrst-class liar at. tnehod. Iiepot for Horgner & KiikIo'i Tsiinhnetiwr lloer. S.E.Cor. 15th and Filbert Sts., Pblla. Most desirable for residents of N. 13. l'ennsylvuniu. All convenlenees for -travelers to and from Hrond Htreol station and the Twelfth and Market HtlVet elation. Peslrublo for visltlns geraittonliuiH nnd people. In the An. tliiaiilH UukIoii. T. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR. Wm. Linn Allen & Co. STOCK BROKERS, Rtty and sell Blocks, Ilonds nnd Grain on New York Exehaniro and ChleaRo lloltrd of Trado, either for cush or on margin. 412 Spruce Street. LOCAL STOCKS A SPECIALTY. ' G. duB. DIMMICK, Manager. TELEPHONE 6.00J. f illlp 10 OMi Bill mm uiiiii nun And all who Kiilli.r from Nerve KiihIii, NervmiH Debility, Errors of youth, etc., read the symptom: culling for ireutmeiit by a specialist. Disorder of Sleep, Nerve Htruln, Morbid Habits, Nerve Exhaustion, Pressure and i'ain in I he Head, Sensitiveness of the Scalp, Incapacity for Methodical M,.ntal Work. Weakness of Vision and a KceliUK ol Pressure In the Eyes, Depression of the Mind, a Keillim- of 'Anxiety, Sensation of Dizziness, icnciul Hodlly Weakness, Poor Appetite, Constipation, Poor Circulation, Nervous Palpitation, an I'nuccouiituble Dread or, pain in the Hack and Limbs, Excitable, Constant Slate ol Pu rest, etc., etc. If you have these symp toms or a majority of tlicni, see a Spe cialist at once. Fur threatened Drain Softenlnif, due to excesses of uny kind, call on a Specialist. lu all cases of Chronic Nerve Strain or Exhaustion, consult a Specialist. All NcuralKlc conditions are simply ex pressions of Exhausted Nerve Powor. See a Specialist. Sexual Excesses affect the nerve cen ters. The brain Is the great nerve center. Talk Willi a Specialist. Kidney, Bladder, Hlood and Skin Disease. DR. W. H. HACKER Is IhujJiily Specialist In Nervous Diseases between llutfulo and New York. Olilce, yj7 Spruce street, opp. New Hotel Jeruiyn. Hours, 8 a. m. to b p. in. OUR The Great Blood Purifier and Liver Regulator. 200 DAYS' TREATMENT, $1.00 COMPOSED OR And will Po'dtivplvcureid! disease arising from IMPURE BLOOD, sL'CH AS lihcumutisiu. Kidney Disorder, Liver Complaint, Sick and Nerv ous lleadirche. Neuralgia, Dys pepsia, Fever and Auue, Scrofu la. Female Complaints, Krysipe las, Nervous AlVections, Catarrh', and all Syphilitic Diseases, K. M. 1IETZEL, AGENT, 330 LACKRWANM AVENUE. Call and Get Circulars. STILL IN EXISTENCE. The World Renowned and Old Reliable Dr. Campbell's Great Magic Worm Sugar and Tea. Every bo gurrantead to civs catisfaction or money refunded. Full printed directions fruma rbild to a grown person. It is purely vegetable and cannot positively harm tuemot tender infant. Insist o;i lui'viui; Dr, Camp, boll's; aucapt no other. At ull Druggists, iic WONDERFUL Boi th S 'ltAXTov. Pa., Nov. 10. 1W4. Mr. L V. Cnupbell -Dear Sir: I have given uiy boy, Freddie. T years old, Koine of Dr. Campbell's Magic Worm hui:ar and Tea. and to my surprise tli:s afternoon about 2 o'clork he passed a tnpeworni measuring about 81 feet in length, head and all. 1 have it in a liottie una any person wishing to gee it can do so by railing at my store. 1 hud tried numerous other remedies recommended for taking but all failed. In my estimation lr. Campbell's is tho greatest worm remedy in exist -noe. Yours v.-rv reaiie-'tfullv, FUKD HKFKXHH. TTC Bench St. Noto Tho above is what everybody savs alter once using.. .Muuntarturea by r. v. Campbell, Lancaster, Pa. clucceaaur to Dr. Joliu Cuuipbcli & bun. REVBVO RESTORES VITALITY Made a lCthDay. of Me. THE GREAT 30th tlnv. phektcii xiisiwciEsrrsr proilncm tho nlmvo result h In .TO cluyt. It art powerfully and ouirkly. ( uivh when all other tail Youiiiiniou will tvyiiir, their lost luunhooti.aad ohl men will recover their ymitMul visor by using II K 1 O. It quickly ami wiruly rentoo s NorvouH new. Lost Vitalitr. ImiHitfiicv. Nitintly Kiuttwionti, Lo&t Tower, Failing Mtimyy, Wasting Diiita?. aud ttl eflVctg of KoH-ahiiRo oremand Indmrretion which unlttHone for mi.ty.buNiue8or mamace. It Hot only cures hy ntnrtuur at tho Heat of ducats, but Is a great ncr tonic aul blood huilitpr, bring Irg baek thn 11 Ink irlow to imlc chrrk and re Ktovtnit tho tiro of youth. It waril off Fnrmitj md Conhumntion. Insist on having other. It ran be carried in Test pocket, liy 9 1.00 per packajfo, or six tor 03.OO, with ol tlve written Rimrnnteo to cure or rcfuuY tho mono v. Circular freo. Addri'ta 'OYAL MEDICINE CO., E3 R'vrr St., CHICAGO. ILL for IftU by Mnttliews Rro Urmcgla' y ScrutUoo . Mnncm Pnuiflnr Hn Rooms 1 and 2 Commowealtn Bld'g, . ., SCRANTOtf, PA. ' MINING and BLASTING POWDER inAlJM AT MOOSIO AND KUSH . ' . . UAL 10 WOKK.S. LalUIn & Riind Powder Co.'i Orange Gun Powder Kluetrlo Untterlcs, Fupc for oxplod . Ion bluHlH, Safety Fuse and Ropauno Chemical Co.'s High Explosives ROYAL rr.MVY TIIU.KT, SMll&li UDiES' ONLY I nurr, Ntto curu tor uu- nrco antl iKentnl mrn.trn.uton, Ml! a certain PREVENTATIVE (or all fettialu irrt'KUl.truir, Nutwilh a Wrlt'.na Ou:otie W Cnro Send n Co Ktamp lor earticulamand'(uuir tec LnilieA." Insist on having Thi Boys itiiiiytcrsl Tf.tlcts (Sod Crows Sr.nd) VKKM II. ItlH AL MM). I'll, Tiw 111. KMii li d B Uoi HUH), N" Vurk For sale liy JOHN 11. l'HELl'S, nniK-. Hist, Wyoming ave. und Bpruce street. 1 lllBS ;TV tmm UU. tew 75 THE FROTHINGHAM .I , . 1 . . unaer new management. THURSDAY EVENING, FEB. 14, Tha Appearance, of the Distinguished Lecturer and Eminent Divine, HI SUBJECT "My Journey Around the World." nebular priced. Hale of Heats opens Tues dny, r'eb. 1-', at the bux ollicu. DAVIS THEATER Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb. 11,12 and 13, 1895. The Iliulily Successful MoloJrama, KENTUCK WltU ltn Wealth of Hconic SuleuJur ami iiare SetiHaiionul Keaturus. luelu'l itiK tliu ICxeitui; Horse Ritcu. ft VIGOROUS, PICTURESQUE AND THRILLING PLAY, ILLUSTRATING LIFE IN KENTUCKY. The Show of the Season. Be Sure and See It ADMISSION, 10, 20 OR 30 CENT) Two performances (Lilly ut 2.3) and, lip. in. NEXT ATTRACTION : J. V.. Toole in "Killarncy und the Hliinc." I OF SCRANTON. WILLIAM CONNLLL, President. OLO. 11. ( A II. IN. Vluc-President. WILLIAM II. 1'LLh, Uartfclcr. DIHl.CTDliS: William Cunnell, James Arcbbald, Al fred Hand. Ueorse II. utlin, Henry Hclin, Jr., UilUum 1. smith, Luther helUr. The raunuRcment uf this tank points v ith pride to its record during the ranu of I HUM, and prcvititis punics, when spec ial fucilitici were extended to its business accounts. THE TRADERS Rational Bank of Scranton. ORGANIZED 1S90. CAPITAL 250,000 SURPLUS, $35,000 6AM"ET, HTXES, President. W. W. WATSt.i.v. Vloe-1'resldent. A. B. WILLIAMS, Cashier. Dl HECTORS. Bnmuel Hines. James M. Kverhart, Irv ine A. Finch, I'leree H. I'lnley, Joselih J. Jprmvn, M. S. Kemerer, Charlea H. Mat thews, John T. Porter, W. W . Watson. T C I, LHLIIULII'J, and LIBERAL. This bank Invites the patronagj of bus loess men and firms generaly. LAGER BEER BREWERY. Manufacturers of tha Celebrated PILSENER LAGER BEER CAPACITY : 100,000 Barrels per Annum r- HORSE - SHOEING REMOVED tt - DR. J011X HAMLIN,' Tlic AcknowlcJucd Kxrcrt In HorscMhochiK und Dentistry, is Now Permanently Located on West l.ackawamla Ave.. Near the HHUne. AYLESWORTH'S MEAT MARKET The Finest In the City. The latest Improved furnish' ings and apparatus for keeping meat, butter and eggs. , 223 Wyoming Avo. DEWITT TALMACE Ill II '5 SB