The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 13, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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Teachers of Cookery
have critical audiences. Their cooking must
be perfect They can't afford to make any
failures and in their work they must use the best.
I have used Cleveland's Baking
Powder exclusively for several years,
because 1 have found it what it claims
to he, yiure and wholesome. The
results have been uniformly satis
factory." Mary J. Lincoln,-
Author of the "Boston Cook Book."
" I prefer to use (Cleveland's Halving
Powder because 1 consider it per
fectly wholesome und it has always
given uniform results."
Carrie M. Dearborn,
Late Principal Boston Cooking School.
' I am convinced Cleveland's is the
purest baking powder made, and 1 have
adopted it exclusively in my cooking
schools and for daily household use."
Sarah T. Rorcr,
Principal Philadelphia Cooking School.
All leading teachers of cookery and writers
' on Domestic Science use and recommend
Cleveland's Baking Powder.
. It's" Pure" and " Sure."
Norrman & Moore
120 Wyoming Ave.
Ari' und Incan
descent Light in
nearly all part
uf the city.
Cur Incandescent System is absolutely saf J
Improvements used in doing
The Wide Renowned
Laundry work or
308 PennAv& A. B WARMAN.
So many complaint! of irregular
delivery have reached us, which
we have traced to stolen f apers,
that we now offer $5 reward for
information that will lead to the
conviction of any person caught
stealing The Tribune from the
doorsteps of regular subscribers.
city wri-is".
Delaware and Hudson trainmen nt Car
bondale were paid yesterday.
The Keystone Social club officers are
planning for a hop to be given the evening
of Peb.
There w ill be a rehearsal of the "Chimes
of Normundy" this evenltm In tlio hall
over Howell'x mush: more.
The basket ball team of Company C
chllnijm any team to nuly a game of
basket ball at any time or place.
The will of John Kinney, late of this
city, was admitted to probate yesterday
and letters testamentary granted to Mary
A. Kinney.
Professor Oeorgo Taylor's Knterprlse
(lancing class will give- a masquerade ball
In Excelsior hull on Wyoming averlue to
morrow night.
The entertainment by the Asbury Sun
day school postponed from Frldiiy even
ing on account of the storm, will be given
tomorrow evening.
Employes of the Delaware, Lnekawanna
nnd Western rompuny at the l'lne. Tay
lor nnd Haitian mine will be pnld toduy.
The trainmen were paid yesterday.
Murrlagn licenses were grunted yester
day by Clerk of the Courts Thomas to
Henry Philip, of Jermyn, and Hertha W.
Reder, of Bcranton; Hosea ('. White nnd
Kthel A. Tlnklepough, of Justice.
From toduy until Wednesday, Feb. 21,
no commonwealth costs will bo paid by
the county commissioners on account nf
tho clerks being enguged with muttors
pertaining to the coming election.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Kmellnc
Carlton will bo held this morning at
o'clock, when the companions of Circle
No. 88, O. O, F are requested to meet nt
Mrs. Helen Klliiry'l residence, 4IIU F.lghth
Invitations have been Issued by Editor
John McCarthy, of the llazleton Sentinel,
to members of the Lehigh Valley Writers'
rlub and o. few other guests to a dinner to
be given at the Central hotel, Huzleton, on
Saturday evening, Feb. 2.
Judge Edwnrds yesterday refused a rule
to show cause why execution should not
be stuyed In the cases of William Jteady
nnd John llrogan, convicted last week of
larceny and receiving. A ruin was also
refused In the case of V. V. Williams.
' A rehearsal, the first of the season, was
held 'by the Sacred Music society at the
Conservatory nnu nisi evening. J no one
rlo, ."Saul of Tarsus," Is being lakon up
" I use Cleveland's Baking Powder
in my kitchen and class work,"
Emma P. Fwing,
Principal Cliaiitamiia Cooking School,
"The results obtained by the use of
Cleveland's Making l'owder have alw ays
been satisfactory.
Fannie At. Farmer,
Principal Boston Cooking School.
"I prefer Cleveland's to others
because it is pure and wholesome, it
' takes less lor the same baking, it never
fails and bread and cake keep their
j freshness and flavor."
I Cornelia C. Bedford,
I Superintendent .Xc-v York CookingSehool.
" I wish to say that I use and re
commend one und only one baking
powder, and that is Cleveland's."
Marion Harland,
AutiiorH'omnum Sense in the Household.'
by the im-mbern and last lib; Ill's, reheuraul
opened the nvosuii very auspiciously.
t'hlel' Simpson uirlved In thotUj- laal
nlirht about 10 oVIoek with Alexander
Mitchell, the iickto employe, who on
Thiiuday looted ti'llriin's burlier
shop on Spline stivet. Mitchell wan cap
tured ut Philadelphia, on Friday nlK'ht and
will be given a heurl'iin this rnornluir.
Uymnustlc exhibition by business nnd
pnitVsskimil inch this al'teitiooti at 5
o'clock III the Youiib' Men's Christian asso
ciation Kymnashim. llnlshlnu with u tfame
of basket ball bi-tween the lawyers and
bankers. All men und their lady friends
cordially Invited to attend.
Accordini; to Manager Sanfoid nil In
correct Impression prevails rcKiirdlns the
heat In r'rolhlnnhain theater. He stated
last niKht that dufliiK Kirniess week the
theater was cold owhiK to the opening of
the I'eiin avenue entrunees. 'I he weather
duriiiK the week was unusually severe and
an almost constant noi-thwest wind swept
in the Penn avenue doors whenever
The case of J. V. ('unwell aj:aint
Charles rilvely whs heutd before Arbitra
tors David Davis, C. H. (iardner and Will
iam It. Lewis yesterday. Atorney J. W.
Carpenter appeared for the defendant and
Attorney D. P. lteplosle for the plulntlir.
Mr. Capwell sold a property on the West
Side owned by Sivelly to T. Jenkins.
He sues to recover a commission of bW
on the sale.
The Temple Quartette Concert com
pany, of Hoston. will Rive the llfth number
of the ounir .Men's Christian ussociation
standard course on Thursday evening,
I'Vb. 14, In Young Men's Christian asso
ciation hall. .Miss Toy Davis, who was so
popular here two years utto with tue
Apollo quartette, will upear us reader in
stead of .Miss denevleve Pugh, as udver-tl.-e
1. The concert w ill be one of the best
of the station and deserves a full bouse.
I.ust evening at l!.:;u at the Hickory
Street Jewish synagogue the marriage
of Miss Kttu Wcisberger to Israel ()s
laiuler. of South Wash. union avenue, was
celebrated by Kabbl . Samuel Aldeman.
The bride Is a niece or Merchnnt Ignalz
I'ram, of South Washington avenue, und
resided with him. Misses Ktta I' rum,
Ktta yudkowitz unil Annie Vurhowltz
were bridesmaids, und David Welsberger
ami Max (iross, of Duryea, were grooms
men. I'.iiv. arn eiss was usner. A re
ception was held alst night at Music hull
and a weddlns feast was served.
Charge .Made Aguinst James Connors,
Who killed His Wife.
James Conner, of Cayuga street,
Providence, was arrested lust night by
I'utiolman Mills cm n warrant Issued
by Alderman Itoberts nt the Instance
of Conner's turn, who charged his father
with threatening tn kill him and other
members or me lumily. Conner wus
committed to the county Jail without
About twelve yours ago he was
charged with killing his wife with a
carpenter's siimre, nnd was sent to Hip
penitentiary for ten years. Since his
lebase he has lived with his son. but
h!A appeared sonnnvhnt demented and
at times becatm; violent und threaten
- .
.Mr. nnd Mrs. Lemuel Aincrtnnn I ntertain
n largo Party l ast Night.
A large compnny was entertained by
a progressive cueliro Inst night by Mr
and Mrs. Lemuel A merman ut their
home, 612 Clay uvenue. Those present
Judge nnd Mrs. Knapn, Iir. nnd Mrs
Harnes, Dr. anil Mrs. Capwell, Mr. and
Mrs. A. Connell, Mayor and Mrs. W. I,.
Connell, Mr. anil Mrs. Porter. Mr. and
Mrs. C. Hchlager, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. .
Jones, Mr. and Mrs. McMulleii, Mr. and
Mrs. McOownn. Mr. nnd Mrs. Kleins, Mr.
anil Mrs. Stevens, Mr. und Mrs. Crawford,
Mr. and Mrs. Pierce. Mr. und Mrs. Lowry,
.Mr. ami Airs. ('onton, Mr. and Mrs,
Penny, Mr. and Mrs. N. R. nice, Mr. and
Mrs. K. I,. Hlce, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. F. Wlilt-
temore, Dr. nnd Mrs. Ware, Mr. nnd Mrs.
II. Illll, Dr. nnd Mrs. Charles Hill, Mr.
and Airs. Megiirgel, Mr. nnd Mrs. Dan
Thomas, Mr. and .Mrs. E. J. Smith, Mr. nnd
Mrs. lllghrlter, Mr. and Mrs. Scott, Mr.
and Mrs. II. C. Reynolds, Miss Anna
Imvls, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. II. Penman. Mr,
Avery, Mr. and Mrs. Kenner, Mr. Hchla
ger, Mr. Patterson, Miss (Irace Norton
Miss Anna (Inint, Lou (lemon, Joe Van
Nort, Jllss llurlbert, II. T. Xorthup, Win
Ifred Norlhup, Mrs. Selsson.
1)i:layi.d thi: itRiixii.s.
Storm and Cold Prevented Work for
lino Week.
The recent storms created hnvoc with
the work of excuvutlng for the masonry
for the Spruce Street mid Linden Street
bridges. l,nst week Tuesday operations
were abandoned. Work on the Linden
street idte will bo resumed this morn
I 'IB.
Unless tho substructure of the Linden
Streeet bridge Is completed by March
28, the contractors wlll be obliged tn
Pay a iiivrp dully penalty. The minm
provision Is Included In the Spruce
Street brldgeeoiitrnet.wliere the mason
ry work must be finished by Muy L'S.
MANY ik(;i:nt casls.
tntistial Demand on tho Associated Churl-
tics Continues.
The popeul of thp Associated C'harl
ties for food, clothing and fuel, Which
was presented by The Tribune yester
day, tniiMMl a generous response.
It Is Mill reported by the Associated
Charities that they huve use for all
the nupplien that can bo nc-nt. Tho
(Niloe In the city Iiall is daily visited by
scores or persona who, until recently
have been too proud to ask assistance
The condition of many Is such as to
demand immediate attention. .
Is the Contribution Ashed uf You
Just Now.
Tho Tribune Gives $100 to Help Finish
and Furnish V. M. C. A. Ilulldlng.
Any Sum Kccclved and Acknowledged-It's
a Debt of Honor.
With this Issue The Tribune makes
a proposition whereby hundreds of
SriantiMi reslih tils, young und old. c:in
ciiiiti'ibul,' eny sum, from 1 cent up
ward, towurd the Finishing arc! Furn
ishing Fund of the Young Men's Chris
tian association.
It Is ohiimed that the sum of $10,000
Is actually needed to Finish nnd Furn
ish the Interior of the building on
Wyoming avenue. This Is a great deal
of money, but The Tribune proposes to
raise as largo un amount an possible
and will start tie" bull rolling by j;lv-
ing $1011.
From now on any sum sent to The
Tribune for Ibis cause will be acknowl
edged In these columns. It Is not neces
Hufy to give your illume. Your Initials
will do, or you muy make your con
tribution anonymously. The only con
dition is that you must mention. In
your letter that the enclosure is for
the Finishing und Furnishing Fund.
'Ibis Coupon Will Help You.
If you desire, cut this out nnd send
w it li your contribution to
'the Tribune.
Finishing and Furnishing Fund.
It is not necessary to use th'lcutipou,
which is priuted only for your cuuvc-
Any amount from l-cput upward will
be received hy The Trihune und ac
knowledged through its culiuniM.
Adilrem,: The Trihunu Y. M. C, A.
finishing nnd Furnishing I and.
Yesterday's Tribune told of Hie
shameful and deplorable condition of
the Young Men's Chrlstlun Association
building, and already there have been
many letters received from generous
persons asking what could be done to
rectify this condition. The .remedy Is
offered In the present plan for raising
a fund to Finish und Furnish the build
ing. chance for tho Children.
If any young boys or girls choose to
do a good act they can give some kind
of a home entertainment or club to
gether, or collect money from their
friends. Then If these little ones care
to write a brief letter about It The Trib
une will gladly publish It.
While even so small a thing as 1
cent or even a postage stamp will be
received and acknowledged, there are
many who can afford 10 cents, $1, $.",
$10 or $100. A few of these large en
closures will soon swell the fund, but
whatever sum the sender thinks he
or she can afford will be Just ns grate
fully acknowledged In The Tribune's
columns as a check for $100. The daily
acknowledgments will be for money
received up to C o'clock on the previous
In INN" tho association building was
only partly finished and furnished by
the Judicious expenditure of $:i.00O. Since
that yeur there Iras been no outlay ex
cept to I:p: ; the building und Its con
tents In repair. The members pay less
than one-half of the yearly expenses;
the balance Is supplied by generous
Scrantoii men und women. When it Is
considered that It costs about $!i,000 to
run the association one year, the
amount subscribed during the last
seven years may be readily ascer
tained. What It Doesn't Need.
The nssoelatlon Is not hamperpd
through want of space, snlurled olliclitls,
reading matter, free educatlonul facili
ties, entertainments and that sort of
thing. Of these It has nil It needs. Hut
It does need decent furniture, pleus
Ingly decorated walls, comfortable bath
rooms, a renovated gymnasium and
many other things of a like nature.
Now wlK-n It Is considered that Its
benefits .no enjoyed without restriction
upon religion or nationality, rich or
poor, when It Is considered Unit In a
given number of years It hns accom
plished more good than any similar or
ganization In the world, It does not
Heein possilde that a Sernnton public
will stand Idly hy while the association
is In need.
What the Young Men's Christian as
sociation hns done for hundreds of
resident nnd strange young men In this
city Is too well known to Invite argu
ment. It quite uaturally follows that
a debt Is owed to the association. There
is now an opportunity to square the
Huslncss Transacted nt the Meeting Held
I nst Night.
A meeting of the Hoard of Associated
Charities' wns held lust night In the
city hull. Colonel K. H. Itipplo pre
sided, und Hev. lingers Israel acted
us secretary. Other members present
were: T. J. Kelley, 10. J. I.ynett, J. It.
Cohen, and John Gibbons. Mrs. ,T. H.
Cohen, of the Indies' auxiliary; Mrs.
W. 1). Duggnn. agent of the board, nnd
Mrs. Pettlgrew, her assistant, were ulso
The report of the treasurer for the
month of February was rend, nnd T. J.
Kelley, of the child saving committee,
told of the work done by the commit
tee In having the two . children of
Charles Hall removed from the disrep
utable resort In Ituymotul court, . In
which the parenjs had them, to the
Home frr the Friendless.
The committee was directed to take
netloii in the matter of the children of Caflerty, of Prospect avenue,
The mother c.f the children Is dead,
und, though the fnlher Is a good man,
lie Is unable to give the children the
attention and care they iilmulil have.
Colonel Hippie announced that he had
Issued an nppeul lo the public for as
(rlalio nnd thut Ihere hud been muny
vcsponseB to It. He said they hud re
reived niiifiy donations of coal, clothes
nnd money.
Mr. Cohen reported that there would
lie a meeting on Friday of the confer
ence committee of the Hoard of Churl
ties und poor board to come to nn un
clers'atiillng ns to whether or not the
pool' board will puy the salury of Mrs.
Peltigrew ns nwr.lstnnt lo .Mrs. uuggan
In the meantime Mrs. Pettlgrew was
directed to continue in the position she
lias been filling for the last live weeks.
The report of Mrs. Duggan showed
that seventy-three cases hud been In
vesllgnted, of which sixty-one were
found deserving. Twelve were deemed
unworthy of any help. Admission was
obtained for three persons to the Hill
side Home, for two to the Home for the
Friendless, and for two to St. Joseph's
Foundling Home. Transportation was
given to seven persons to their homes
and ten were provided with work.
During tho month cash donations
amounting to $ll!5 nnd the following
were received: F. P. Trice, two bar
rels of Hour: George Owens, twenty
new coats; Times pound fund; twenty
four new garments from Needle Work
guild of Honesdale; eighteen new gar
ments from Kt. Luke's Industrial
school; Helzer & W'arnke, one case of
tomatoes; William Connell, $100 worth
of groceries. Aside from these, eleven
tons of coal were received.
His Skull Crushed and l uce Mutilated In
Dickson Shu ft.
James Corcoran wus Instantly killed
yesterday morning about 11 o'clock
while working i in it In fourtti.'n foot
vein of the Dickson shurt. He had
prepared a shot in the face of his cham
ber about three l'eet from the bottom
and with his laborer, Thomns Mona
han, of Parker street, went Into an
other chamber while waiting for the
shut to go off.
After wultlnr about ten minutes Mr.
Corcoran concluded that the fuse hud
gone out, ns the chamber Is very damp
owing to wuter dripping through the
roof, and went In to investigate.
As he stooped down to see the con
dition of the fus the explosion oc
curred, und the force of it threw him
about ten feet, lie was Instantly killed,
the left side of bin skull being crushed
In and his fac badly battered. H
was conveyed to his home on lirlek
Mr. Corcoran was born In Mayo
county, Ireland, and came to this coun
try about twelve years ago. After
spending three years in New York state
be moved to the South Bide and lived
there until about a year ago. when be
removed to Brick avenue, lie was :'5
years of age and Is survived by a wife
ami two small children.
Duvls Says Miss Wilcox Slundcrcd Him.
He Wunts to Uccover S,(M( from the
lady Who Sued Him for llrcuch of
Herton K. Dnvls, a Providence con
tractor, yesterday began proceedings
to recover damages from Miss A. Muy
Wilcox, who, he charges, has slandered
him und Injured his reputation and
business. He usks $5,000 damages.
Miss Wilcox resided' with relatives
near the boarding place of Mr. Davis,
and they became fast friends and Mis:)
Wilcox alleges that Mr. Davis some
months ago asked her to become his
wife and she consented to do hlni that
honor. The ceremony was never per
formed, and about a month ugo Miss
Wilcox begun proceedings against Mr.
Davis for breach of promise nnd mimed
$10,000 us the balm necessary to bring
peace to her lacerated heart.
lii a newspaper interview bearing on
the breach of promise ense Miss Wilcox
Is quoted as follows: "lie (referring to
Mr. Davlsi made Indecent proposals to
me which I resented us any honest wo
man should, nnd this is the reason that
lie broke the engagement." This state
ment is the foundation of the present
suit for slander. Mr. Davis says that
the statement Is wholly false, but that
nevertheless Miss Wilcox persists in
spreading It broadcast to his great In
Jury, lie says that he conducts a con
tracting business amounting to $50,000
a year, and that the stories that are be
ing put In circulation by Miss Wilcox
have seriously uffected Ills business.
When the breach of promise suit was
begun against him his attorneys, Hols-
lander & Ynsburg, succeeded In having
the capias in the suit nbated. which put
an end to the action. It lids not since
been re-coniiiieiiced.
Health Hoard licceivcM a Ouuntity Made
In (icrmnnv.
Six bottles of genuine ltohrlng anti
toxin, manufactured In the famed lab
oratory ut Frankfort, Germany, were
received by the Hcrnnton hoard of
health yesterday. They ure now 111 the
possession of Dr. W. K. Allen, health
ollleer, and will be tested by liim and
other Sernnton physicians.
It was over a month ugo that the
local authorities ordered the serum.
The best product was not then obtnln
able, and. rather than use nn Inferior
concoction, tile board or health decided
to wait until It could get the kind it
now possesses. Although the amount
received is not grent in (uunl Ity-ench
small bottle cost $:l-lt Is amply sulll
clent for practical tests. Local phy
sicians will be allowed (o use It mid
the tests will be made under the obser
vation of Health Ollleer Allen.
It Attracted a Largo Audience to Acad
cmy of .Music.
There wns not a vacant seat In the
Academy of Music last night. "Th
Still Alarm." given as u benellt for tin
Cryslul Hose company, attracted un
audience that tilled the house to the
The drama Is of the realistic school
ond Is very Interesting. A fine com
pany Interpreted It last night and won
hearty rounds of applause from tin
well-pleased audience.
The llnance committee of the Klrniess
and llospitul Fund request that all bills
connected therewith be sent to the under
signed on or before Thursday next.
A. D. HOLLAND, Treasurer,
Don't fall to see the Great Foreign
Dances at the Turners' inusipicriidc bull
ut Turner ball Monday evening, Feb. IK.
25c. to 28c. Per lb.
is Cases Fancy Callfor
nia 3-lb. Apricots, 15c. per
Columbia River Salmon,
i5c; $1.50 per doz. Pancy
flat cans, 20c; $2.25 per
Bargains on Canned
Corn, Pancy Peas and
tringless String Beans.
E. Q. Coursen
HI 11
Dr. A. N. Lcctc Killed $50,000 by a
Wealthy Californiiin.
For an Honor I.oun of $500 Thirty Years
Ago .Millionaire Curcy I'ojs It a Hun
dred Pold-Story Reads Like
a Honiuncc.
An unexpected and unusual good for
tune which smacks more strongly of
fiction thnn reality lias fallen to the lot
of Dr. Allen N. 1ete, editor of the
Sunday News. He bus been willed $50,
U0U by a California millionaire of Loii
Angeles, who had been befriended hy
ir. l,oot( over thirty years ugo. At
that time Dr. I,eete loaned Henry H.
urey r,uo. Mr. Corey disappeared and
nothing was heard of him until Mon
day, when Dr. 1 te received from
the deceased's attorneys a letter telling
him of bis good fortune.
The details of the uli'ulr reveal nn
Interesting story.
In Newurk, in lSCl', Dr. Leele binned
Carey $500, which the latter used In
opening a billiard parlor. The business
proved unprolltiible, was attached by
the sheriff and Cnroy disumieared to
iarts unknown. Within a few years
Dr. I,eeto abandoned any prc-vloun
hopes be might have had of hearing
from the man he had befriended.
Contents) of the Will.
The letter from Hie California attor
neys hud been sent lo Newark and for
warded from ithat city to Philadelphia
and then lo Sernnton. It rtaled that
Mr. Carey left an estate valued .it from
0,000 to $1,000,000, and at the time of
his death was considered one of the
wealthiest ranch owners of the state.
The letter contained an uhrtl.lot from
Mr. Carey's will which read us follows:
"And 1 furt her beiiieath to Allan N.
l.i'i te, who, over a iiuarter of a cen
tury ago In Newark, N. J., advanced
me $500 (to which 1 uttiibute my for
tune) the stun of $50,000, which 1 con
sider a fair return for Hie acconnnoda-
It was further provided that in the
event of Dr. I,oeto being dead the sum
was to be delivered to his heirs. If
there were no heirs the money was to
have been given to such charitable in
stitution us the executors deemed
Dr. Leete wired the attorneys Moiubvy
evening that be had received the letter
ind would leave for Los Angeles as
soon as lie could arrange proper proofs
of Identification. To this message he
received the same night a telegraphic
Yesterday Dr. I,eete was engaged In
arranging business matters here for his
prospective absence. He leaves today
for the west.
Ceremony Thut I niteJ James J. Cmn-
inings and Miss.lcnuio I'vrgnson.
Itcv. 1'. J. Murphy, pastnr or St.
Patrick's church, niyphant. nt 9.:;u
o'clock yesterday mornhiK "tliciatecl at
the ceremony w hich unileil in lmm-lnxe
James J. Cumniltms, ndverllHlns mnn-
UKer of the Hcrautoii Truth, ami Miss
Jennie M. Kei'KUHon, of Lackawanna
street, Olyphsmt. Captain 11. H. Chase,
of Company C. Thirteenth roRiment,
was uroomsman, und Miss I.lzzle lllew
Itt, of Httston. bridesmaid.
When the hrldul party enterd the
church the Kioonismun nnd bridesnuild
proceeded down the main ulsle, fol
lowed hy the bride and j;room. At the
Banctuury rail Kulher Murphy was In
wuitinK nnd the ceremony was begun.
Knther Murphy, lifter KlvliiK his hloss-
liiK, coiinrutjilnted theyounKpeoplc nnd
Wished them unalloyed happiness an 1
that their wedded life would be u Ions
and blissful one.
Miss Nellie (lall.iKher was nt the or
gan, and Stephen Janauscheck played
u violin accompaniment. Mendels
sohn's wedding inarch announced the
entrance of tho hrldul party, and the
ulr from I,oheiiKi'in was played on their
After the ceremony eoiiKrntulatlons
were extended to the happy couple lit
the home of the bride's parent, on
l,ueknwaumi street, Kolatives and
friendshud untherednnd extended their
wishes of Ioiik life, prosperity und
happiness. The presents bestowed
were very numerous and costly. An
elaborate wedding breakfust was
served, and at 1 2.4.". yesterday afternoon
Mr. and Mrs. CumtniiiKs took the train
on the Central Itailroad of New Jer
sey - for Philadelphia. Their honey
moon will occupy one week, and before
returning a pleasant stay will be made
at Washington. I). C.
This marriage unites two well-known
youtiff people, whose qualities are do
servliiK -of words of commendation.
Mrs. Cumtnlmis possesses nil the vir
tues that will bring happiness to her
husband's home, and Mr. CummliiKS Is
noted as a young man of Intelligence,
business ability ami Integrity. He lias
been connected with the Truth ns man
ager of the advertising department
since its Inception eleven years ago.
- -
There will he skating at the Ihivlng
park today. There will lie music tills
evening, weather permitting.
rillsbury'it Flour Mills have a capacity
or li, wiu uarrcis it au;
Your watch run for
ever without having it
cleaned and repaired.
Take it to
Who has repaired
watches and clocks
for over 25 years.
417 Lackawanna Av3.,
luflmlliiff tho pnltiUw extracting of
tvotli by au ttiitiruly now inoceas.
S. C. SNYDER, D.D. S.,
- -
1 1
Puncheon Queen Olives,
Royal Milk Biscuit,
Popular Graham Wafers,
Mandeling Java Coffee,
Golden Rio,
Firkin Butter.
Full Cream Cheese,
Messina Lemons,
Golden Maize,
Pearl Barley,
Farmose, s
Saratoga Chips,
Turkish Prunes,
Dill Pickles.
F. P. PRICE, Agent.
Are Others
Almost too numerous to mention,
but here are a few uf the best bar
gains ut
Uaii'j! Made Soap, (3 cukes iu a box)
"2Ac, per hox
Volvo Cream, tho great skin anil
complexion soap, 1 cako and ti
beautiful niairu.ine for 15c
Fancy Hair Hruslies, nil bristle 'JSc
j Embossed Kilvcriuu Trays, for chil
dren, with fasteners for tiible.eiich 10c
I Fancy Celluloid and Shell JlairOr
i uauieuts, nil sixes and styles, for
1 10c, 'inc. und ,SOc. each
j Good Quality Writing Taper und Kn
I vclopcs, H-i sheds of paper and
! envelopes in u box 10c. per hox
Fancy Lace Valentines embossed,
medium size, with envelope, Sc each.
IjRi'Ka s'zs Valentiues with fancy
raised pictures, with envelope, 10c.
Green and Gold Store Front
Ira at frsjont the Mot l'oT,lr mil rrefirrtd bt
Lcattinq Anlaifc
Wtrtrooms: Opposito Columbus Monument,
Mil lira
February Sbo? Sale
We place on
W! today Ladies'
Gaiters at
Music -: Dealer,
134 Wyoming
Astrakhan Sacqucs, large
sleeves, full skirts,
$53.00, formerly $100.00
Electrical Seal Sacques,
large sleeves, full skirts,
805.00, formerly $125.00
Seal Sacques, 30-inch long,
$75.00, formerly $110.09
The balance of our Fur
Capes we are selling at half
price. We also offer Cloth
Coats and Cloth Capes at 40c,
on the dollar.
600 Mackintoshes for $3.00
which are useful both for
traveling and stormy weather.
Have your Furs repaired by thu only
Practical Furrier in the city.
138 Wyoming Ave.
IIUIII 111 lllb I UVIh
When the advertising atmosphere is s
heavily charged with exaggeration, it
is well to remember who the huoest
advertisers are. Windy assertions about
('HEAT reductionsadvertising goudi
at impossible prices? find no lodging
place in the minds of intelligent people.
Dull trade throughout the legitimate
business season may make necessary,
wild statements from some clothiers U
attract trade, but the schemers will
have to scheme harder and find new
disguises for their lame excuses before
they Can stop the people from coming
to this store for honest values. The
triumph of this store is the triumph of
intelligence, and yon have made it so.
Trade has been tip to the mark here,
yet there's a touch of attractiveness in
the styles and assortments. We've add
ed another and more taking attracting
Kni)CCtl) I'KIC ES. natural order of
things here at this reason; LOWEK
lUUCKS than ytm find ELSEWHERE.
Clothiers, HsttersFurnisnsra
Miss Alcutt
Will Lxpluin the Advantages und
l it the
Week Commencing Monday, '
I chruarv 11, ut
mm list 1
Mm if
Avenue, Scranton,