T TIIE SCKANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY MORNTtra. FETVRUATIY 13, 18!)o. pflWB P1TTST0NS ,'ws of Interest to Headers Up and Down the Valley. ; MID-YEAR MEETING 01' vT. C. T.U. c Mop of Ilttston-Tho Merry Chime of Wedding Hells-1'unerul of Jumc Owcus-l'crsonul and Other l'ur ugrnphs of Interest. ppeclixl to the Scranton Tribune. Pittston. Feb. 12. The mid-year bl tounty convention of the Women's ChrlKtlun Tempernnee union, to be held Thursday and Frldny of this week at The AVest Side MrthiullHt Kiiscolul i-huri-h. will be of unusual interest to all lovers of the reform movement. A Very Interesting iroK'anime has been urraiiKed us follows: TiirifSDAY. FKimrAUY 14. .MOKNl.Nt! SKSSION. 9.3l Devotional exeivlwa, .Mrs. Knilly F. I!. It loins. 9.43 Resume of mid-year meetlnsf held last yeur In Serantun, .Mist. An nie Wilson 1'aiey; appointment of eoinuilttee. 10.00 A'lilresses of welcome, Hev. O. 11. .MeAnulty, l. D., paslor West l'iltslou 'Methodist lOnlseopil ehureh; response, Jlrs, Charlotte Yost. JO.SO l'aper Xarcotles, Mis. Sarah Jeli hIiikh; dlseussion opened by .Utas Kannlo Field.. 11.00 Bible reading. Mrs. I.oulse ltounds, pivsldent of Illinois State union. 12.U0 Noontide (prayer; iutioduotloa of visitors; aunouneeiueuts; adjourn ment. A FT K U X OON S HSS 1 ON . 1.30 levotional service, Jlrs. Fannie Mutter. 1.45 Parliamentary drill, Mrs. ltounds. 2.15 Hoys' Industrial assoelatlon, Mrs. K. W. 1'alnier: reeltutlou. 8.30 Free parliament Mothers' ' meeting, .Mrs. ina II. tialbralth; frtim hi-ie, .Mrs. l'rane T. Vail; soeial purity; publle meetings; parlor soeials; lit erature: eolleetion. .00 Memorlul servke Our jiroiiiotHl leaders. 4.30 Adjoiirnment. KVKX1XO session-. 7.30-lIymn: S.-iiptmv: prayer. I'.ev. T. W. Swan, iastor West Side Pres byterian ehureh; anthem, choir. 8.00 Address. .Mrs. Koumls: collection. I'KIDAY JIOKXIXC. 9.30 Devotional exer.'is.-s, Jlrn. J. X. l,ee. 10.W Keport of commlit"es: oenl:ig ipus. tion box; miscellaneous business; adjournment. These inid-yer meetings are occa sions ofn-eat intertKt und profit, am! It is hoped there will be a large tit tend ance from both Lackawanna ami Lu zerne counties. The ladies of the Pitts ton and West Pittston unions extend a cordial invitation to nil Interested in temperance work. Kntertalnmeut will be provided for all who come. Pastors are especially Invited to come and speak brielly on the work. The iieonle of West Fittaton are well pleased ut the manner In which tie Traction comtiany b-veled off the s-.m-.v which they pil,.j n th- utreet. T'.K' West Side cai s are now running to their I regular stooping place, the west end of f-rry bridge. The east side cars only dune to Pine street switch. A New City .'.lap. Ileal Estate Agent F. 11. Hanker now lias his ip '.v city map linlshet! and is distributing copies among his friends and among -he business hm:si-s of both sides of the river. The map is wry complete In its arrangements, giving an outline of the str-ets of the borough of West Huston und of Hie city of Pitts ton; also showing tit " location of all n.iW streets, the street railways, and outlining and numbering tucli wan',. The Ladies' Catholic penevolenf as sociation will give a banquet at Pher.ix hall on Wednesday evening, Feb. l:i. A pleasant time Is exoect -d. About !l Visitors ure expected to be present, con sisting of a branch of the order from Dunmore and a branch from Avoea. Refreshments will be served, after which there will be a line musical and literary entertainment followed by the festlvn dance. Curd ure out announcing the mar riage of Charles Mcilraw, of Klmira. X. Y, to .Mif.s May Fortner, of C. n tr.illa. Fa., on Tuesday, Feb. Mr. MeOraw has been for some time clerk in the general forwarding olllce of the Lehigh Valley Uallroad company at Coxton, and has gained many friends la this vicinity who wish him sui ces:; nd prosperity. .Miss Fortner is the daughter of John Fortner, a cn.il oper ator. The marrigae of James Carr, of Wilkes-iiarre, and AIism Margaret O'.Malley, of lirowntown, took place at St. John's Kvangelical church, at o'clock that afternoon. Very Kev. Father Flmnen officiating. John .1. .Mor rison was best man ,and Miss Loretta Morrison was biidesnuild. A large .number of relatives und friends were present. The funeral of James Owens took place this afternoon at 2.30 from bis lata home. In Hamtown. The remains were interred In Market Street ceme tery. The pnllbearers were: IMwnrd fSllloran. Hugh Itlchards. Flunk Flynn, James Mi) ran, Thomas Toye, und John Glendlnney. Sundry New Notes. All regular Huhficrlptlonss of the Scranton Tribune will be received at our local ollice, No. H South Muln ntreet. Uerhard Snyder, of the Kagle hotel. Is confined' to his bed by injuries re ceived Sunday, by a full. Uenrge Morris has Revered his con nection with the News-Denier, an'l will enter upon u more lucrative posi tion ut Alhnny. N. Y. W. I). Hownrth, of the West Side, has been confined to his home for sev eral days by Illness. UurKCHB s. li. llennett, of West Pitts- ton, is again restrained from his busi ness, by injuries received some time ago. . . . AU complaints of non-delivery of The Tribune should be reported ut our local olllce. No. S South Main street. The Pennsylvania Coal oompnny pay the upper end tomorrow, Wednesday; the lower end will receive pay on Thursday. II. It. Cornelius, of Milwaukee, who has been visiting the family of P. .K Kiclmrds, on Delaware avenue, re turned home this morning. Manager MacDougall, of Music Hall, bus secured the return of the "White Crook," at a large expense, to appear Friday evening, Feb. 15. The people of Pittston will welcome the return, us the company gave satisfaction on Sat urday evening laid. The scenery and costumes will be entirely different from those used ut their last performance here. A regular meeting of the board of trade wan held In the town hull this evening. The committee on constitu tion und by-laws submitted a report which created cunslderuble discussion. A motion was entertained that n copy of the articles of government be printed und mailed to each member of the board with a letter in regard to the regular membership udnilssion fee, which Is ilxed ut $5 In advance. An nual dues ure sin, puyublc bull' yearly In advance. An Invitation Is to be ex tended to all business men In Pittston and West Pittston who are likely to be Interested In progressive movements to Join the board. The report of the committee on industries was submitted. It is to the effect that the Cash ltegls ter company of Klmira, N. Y., with A. F. Pratt us president, had made a formal proposition to remove the plant here. The company will employ ill'ty bauds when the works are llrst opened, and IU0 utter being in operation for a year. A letter from Thomas Maugan, president of the old board, was read In which there was a check enclosed for $42,30, funds of the old board. At the election of otlicers ut the lust meet ing no treasurer was elected. Tonight Mr. Mangan was chosen to serve until the second Tuesday of April, the date of the annual election. George 1!. Heap, John B. Law, Albert ltrown. and M. F. Macks were proposed for membership. Another meeting will be held two weeks from tonight. lNDl'STKlAL KJriCS. The shipments of coal over the liuntinrr iloii and Uroad Top railroad for the week ended Feb. V aggregated IV 15 tons, a decrease of tlx I tuns from the correspond ing week of 1MM. The total shipnuiits .'or the year to date ure K.S.UU1 tons, an In crease of HZ'.i tons over the same period of 1VI. The statement of the Heading llallroud Relief association for the month ot Jan uary, 1;05, shows payments of benelits ugSreualiiiK Sll. UIK.tSij. There was paid I on account of deaths $H. I ll.'.W; on account of accident disablements, jri.ut:'. and lor sl.-k disablements, .i.i;4.40. Twelve death claims were paid, six occurring from acci dent and six from natural causes. The total number of new cases reported during the mouth was I Til" capital of the anthracite co:il car i rvlim companies ! approximately as fol- lows: Philadelphia and ilea. ling $3!,1nH.:d:3 New Jersey He.imi.'d'l ,(.llgll 4ii.U1. u'n) Uickawanna 'XiMimmjU Delaware and Hudson IM.mi'i.i) Kr!e "41 IM P.rie preferred S,.V;.t;-i Ontario and Western ".HS.!k3 New York and .New I'lnylaml W,PI,WI i:M.-lfc.i II Wilkes-Earre Record: Mr. rieese, of j Plymouth has tntroiiuced a lull .n the ieg irlalurc Intending to repeal Hie law pr i I viihng fir the examination oi miners in the unthraeite regions. This law was in- ae'.ed in 1W and has not proven a kiic cuks. it compels every one to s-'erve two years as a laborer before receiving cer tificates as minus. Men who worked In the mines la other countries and who Aere iiiaitii tent to take a breast at once would not go to loading until the expira tion of the probationary period. The flf In Huzle mine slop" is gradually fating Its way toward the surface, and an outbrcnk Is feared at the crop of the vein. The ndditinnul vuit this would give th tile Is catisinw- nd little npprehi nslon. A line of four-inch gas pipe has now bee run from the big pump on the bottom of No. I slope out to the surface through Xi slope. Wuter Is being pump thrrmgh these pipes to the tank which Is mir-hiag the boreholes, the surface pipeft being all frozen. The third bore hoff- has now been started wllh the artesian well apparatus. The shaft which is being sunk will open Into Ihe old airway and will af ford aiidiilonu! means for ventilating the underground works. It Is impossible to lell how ad the lire Is In the :iope on a count of tho falls which have taken place. The Philadelphia Tiimiirer evidently does not wiint the cord trade to be reorgani..'d. We surmise as much from the tone of lis market reviews. Witness this: "Tli" failure of the pooling bill In the senate, if that measure does no! become a law, will badly damage the plan uf the anthracite percentiiRe committee. Thnt body has embodied In Us rchemc a proposal that money pool be riirmol, every coniputty ovcrshippfng its uuota being tuxed or fined for Iho benefit of those thnt onderslii) lint pooling bill or no oolbig bill t he r Is some uuestlon whether the anthracite roads engaged In Interstate comnierco will be peniilitiil to enter Into any such agreement while the attorney general of tho I'nlled Slates p lu'.ns in h;s mind Ihe recollection that there Is a slutute com monly culled the Sherman nntl-trust la.v and even then there Is some question whether the receivers of any corporation will be allowed by tbe court that has jurisdiction to become, parlies to any such agreement. The whole business of Imposing a penally upon any company that opurates Its mines In response to a publle demand Is so dangerous that even If the pooling bill did puss objection would cortulnly be madu by Ihe slate or by somu other Interested parly. In theory Ihe Idea Is an excellent one, and If It could be carried out the trade would be reguluted In the most perfect manner possible. Hut Ihe suggestion Is one that pertains to a past decade." FREE COINAGE OF SILVER Mr. Sherman Reports a Kill from Finance Committee. ALABAMA FRAUDS DISCUSSED .Mr. Stewart Denounces tho Hcccnt bond Issue An imgcnii;nts-Appropriation for l'eiision orflce I mplores Dis cussed In tho House. fly tho I'nlled Tress. Washington, Feb. 12. The bunlness record of the senate today comprised the passage of all the private pension bills mi the calendar twenty-six in number and some half dozen bills of miscellaneous character. Including one appropriating JUU.UUO for a public building at Pottnville, Pa. No prog ress whs made on the postolllce appro priation bill, although It was, ostensi bly, under consideration most of the day. The question of election frauds In Alabama wus discussed ut much length by Mr. Allen (Nebraska) in continua tion of his speech on .Monday, and was wound up by the presentation of u pro test on the part of the two Alabama senators (.Morgan und l'tiglt) against the arraignment of their state under such circumstances. The recent bund Issue arrangements were denounced by Air. Stewart (Nevada), who indulged in direful predictions ns to the future of the United States under the curse of gold pooling." Mr. Uray (Delaware) reported ad versely on the bouse joint resolution proponing an amendment tn the consti tution for the election of Senators by direct Vote of the people. Mr. Quay (Pennsylvania) reported back from the committee on commerce joint resolu tions introduced by Mr'. Cameron (Pennsylvania) for the appointment of a commission of urniy engineer ofllecrs to examine as to the bridge to be con structed across the Delawure at Phil adelphia, und to determine whether it would be an unreasonable obstruction to the commerce of the river, unci di recting that until thut time the work f constructing the bridge shall not be proceeded with. The joint resolution was passed. The bill for the free coinage of silver was reported from tin' finance commit tee and placed on the calendar, Mr. Sherman, Ohio, remarking that It had unly a bare majority in committee. House I'rocecjings. The hill making appropriations for the legislative, executive and judicial departments of the government was passed by the bouse this afternoon after three days' consideration, prac tically as it came from the committee m appropriations. It carried, as it canio to the house, a total of $2I.Sor.7-G; is It passed the. total was SlllX'fi.S'ii. Most of today's session was spent in discussing tlie appropriation for paying pension ..liice employes upon an amend ment offered by Mr. Tickler, of South Dakota, to maintain the present force for next year and not authorize the dis missal of lt'.j cl u ks. This was reject!. Upon the amendment agreed to in the committee of the whole to make clerks to members uuuiial instead of sessional employes, a vote by yeas and nays was '..maiidcd in the house afier nil hour's miniated and ut times disorderly but ihvays good humored discussion, und it was lost. The committee of the whole, in which no record of the vote is kepi. twice voted in favor uf the amendment once to M and once 1J4 to ell. The vote on the clerks amendment was nearly on party lines the Republicans favoring it and tut Democrats oppos ing it. Among the othf i l.u.siiu-ss transacted was the passage of the two house bills auihoiizing the construction of a bridge over Newark buy be". ween Hudson and Union counties, New Jersey, and the restoration to the public vlomnin of certain live oak reservations in JII: i:: slppi and Alabama containing about Ti.UtlO acres, vh4c!i were originally set apart for naval ptirpos-'.-i. The house at 4.;i.-j udjourned until tomorrow. MLN00KA. Tlert Hanks, of 41 invood, Is con fined to his home by an attack of grip. Citicens' meeting will be held p.t No. " school Saturday evening. All citi zens are requested to attend. Thomas Jones, ol Hyde Park, us- sumed the duties of mine foreman ut the No. X drift, of the (iieenwood Coal company, yesterday. The Oreeinvood nnd Moosie line of the Traction company was opened for traffic yesterday. All cars were run on schedule time. The Ji.lly Twelve will enjoy a slelgh- rlde to Plttnton, Friday evening. Martin Joyce, of (Silmore avenue, m with a mishap Monday evening. Young Joyce was playing wllh a loaded re volver, when the weapon wan dis charged, Indicting a slight wound on the hand. Thomas Murray met with n slight ac cident Monday evening while trying to drive through a snow drift In Conry Hollow. The cutter upi'"t, throwing Mr. Murray out. The horse became frightened anil started of nt brenk neck speed. He was stopped In Oak Hill bv Joseph McDonougli. The cutter was slightly damaged, but Mr. Murray escaped uninjured. Tbe Greenwood mines will be Idle to day. New York Produce Market. New York. Feb. 12. Flour (Julet, un changed. Wheat-Dull, Vic. lower; steady; No. 2 red store and elevalor, Nlic; alluat riX' .c: f. o. b.. ri7:'iri9c.: ungraded red, i.oa r.;' ,c-. ; No. 1 northern, 7c.; options very dull and Vie. lower; No. 2 red February, Wic; March, fiT'ii'.; May, Wt-le.i June, RS-'V. ; July, Kp.i August. fMi:)c.; Hep tember, Hic. Corn Dull, steady; No. 2, 47a4Hc. elevalor; 4Stil!)c. nlloiit: steam er mixed, 47U:nlsi;c.; No. 3, 474nWjc; op tions doll, steady, : lower; February, 47'ic; May, 4Si;c; July, 4S:',e. Outs-Dull, unchanged; options dull, easier: February and May, a2vie.; spot prices, No. 2, S.!'3u s:,'M; No. 2 white, 2ii'jii:!7e.i No. 2 Chi tugo, SIVic.; No. 3, :.; No. 3 while, 3.V. mixed western, 1a:!e.; while state mv western, 37a41e. Heef Dull, unchanged. Tlereed IJeef Dull. Cut Meats Quiet. Lnrd Quiet, llrmcr; western steam, $r..9n city, 6'V.: February, piM, nominal; Mav, 7, nominal; rrllned, quiet; continent, J7.40 Booth America, 7.7."i; compound, fiaMv.' Ittrk Dull, unchanged. Ilutter Light re ceipts, choice llrm; state dairy, limbic.; do. creamery, -3u2Hc.; western dairy, lOal.lc. do. croumery. 1lla20e,; do. factory, Snlte. rolls, tuil4c: Klglns, 20c. ; imllutlon cream ery, loulftc.; held crenmery, 1lul!)c. Cheese Moderate demmid, unchunited. Fggs Dull, lower; slnto and Pennsylvania, Hta 2'Ac; refrigerator, 2lu24e.; western fresh, 2Hc. ; do. per case, .'l.r0u4.f0; southern, 2Ua 27c. J limed, 18u20e. Philadelphia Tallow Market Philadelphia, Feb. 12.-Tn1low Is dull lit former rale. Wo quote: City, prime, In hhds, 4a4'ic; country, prime, In bills, 4a 4'.Jc; do. dark, In bbls, 3c.; cakes, 4;4c. grease, 3!ic ' "For Earache, Toothache, Bore Throat, Swelled Neck, and (he denults of colds nil Inflammation, use Dr. Thomus F.c lectncuiMJTn reai rain uesiroyer, 1 STOCKS AM) BONDS. New York. Feb. 12. Affairs at the Stock Exchange were characterized by pilot again today, and the movements In tho leading shares were erratic, yet on the whole a firmer feeling prevailed and In a majority of instances the net hanges for tho duy show gains of ft to per cent. In the early dealings there was an udvance of to 1 per cent., Manhattan, Chicago (las, Sugnr and the grangers loading. The market con tinued firm until advices were received from Washington that tho senate fln- inee committee had voted In favor of unlimited silver coinage. On this the ars raided the Hut und most of the early improvement wus lost. In fact. few stocks like Sugar, Manhattan and Northwest sold fraetlouully below ist nlght'H prices. Among the special ties Canadian Pacific dropped S per cut. In sympathy with the break at London. The market closed steady in He. The transactions were 1114,244 shares. About one-hall' the business was In Sugar, Northwest und St. Puul. The range of today's prices for the ac tive stucks of the New York stock mar ket are given below. The onotutlons iro furnished The Tribune by O. du II. Dlm- mlck, nmnayei- for William I. Inn, Allen & slock brokers, 412 Spruce street. Scrunton, Op'n- High- Low- Clos lug. est. est. Ing. Am. Bugur lle'g Co. !pii'4 !il '.hi ! U'a Am. Cot. Oil lr! 18 1SS, chic, mil a st. p... r,.-i r..v r,i-s r,r Chic., It. I. & P Ill'-s IS2'j m lil -i Chic, H. ti Q 7o Tl'i 70'3 Wi Chic. & N. W M iill'i! !I2' !I2',j c. c. C. St. I Ki'i ::; t :v. :im, Can. South Is', 4SU 4S', bp, Dist. C. F. Co !i'H 11 Cell. Kleclrlc... 2xr. 211'., 2s'i! 2S?; Jersey Central S7 ST'a Mi', X7'i Luuls. & Nash fci; K! S2'i Lake Shore 11I7:' i:i7-'n i:)7'i 137', Manluittan Kle HKi- lo7'i lH'i' liiii', ilo. 1'aclllc 2l'-j 2I:,4 2l'i Ills Nat. Lead 2Hr, IW'a 2l-'i Nat. Cordage :t'H 3:14 3's ." i New Kllgilllld 30' 3H'i 21l"8 N. Y. Central !i!l'4 !W' V.Wt 'liHj H. It 10 10-! IP., 10.1, Out. H West h! Pi hi hi Tex. Pacific h"-; K-"i i n I'lilon Puclllc !' Itt !"i 914 W. & Ht. L., Pr 13 13 13 13 West. Union 87T xl'k S7'4 S7'i C. O. It 7.'!' 74' i 73-, 7 Pa A. M. T Mi W- S3 ! Kcninlon board of Trade Exchungo Quo lotions. STOCKS. No. Par Val. Shs. Hid. Ask. 73 100 Allegheny Ltnn'r Co 101) 4 Crystal Lnko Water Co 450 CO 100 Cent. Penn. Tel. & Supply Co 100 20 CO Dime Dep. & Dis. Hank 62 50 in 100 First Nat'l Hank 000 ti 100 First National Hank (Curhondale) iM 20 WO (ireen K'k" Luin'r Co .... 110 100 100 1iicka. Lumber Co... 110 u 100 Lueka. Trust & Safe Deposit Co JfO D 100 51. & 51. r!aviiiR3 Hank (Carhondale). 140 225 10 50 Providence & Atiing- ! ton Turnpike Co.... S5 5 H) Scranton Glass Co fO in 100 Scran Savliuts Hank 200 2 100 Scra'n Jar nnd Stop per Co 40 ; 1 100 Rcra'n Axle Works 75 1 10 100 Scra'n Lace Cur. Co 75 j 5 loo Scrunton ForginK Co 100 110 50 1"0 Spring Hrook Water Co : 100 2". 100 Third Nat'l Hank.... 350 5 100 Nat'l llorlnit & Drill ing Co., Pr 80 100 4.1 100 Tliuron Coal Land Co .... 90 So 50 Scranton nnd Potts- vllle Coal Co.. 37 rn 50 lil Traders' Nat'l Hunk 1L-0 40 100 1 Mi k.-ion Mftf Co Vi) HON 1S. n 500 Scranton Class Co EOO 2 5CJ Keon'y Steam lieat Power Co 500 3 100 DlekMon .MfK Co 105 lliiffalo Slock Market. Buffalo, !!). 12.-Cattle-U di-ts, 1.r,;l0 heacl: on sale, 220 head; market ooened steaily, closed steady; nood to tdiolce fat cows, $2.Nf.a;!.tiO; linlit steers, $;i.75aS.!i0; bulls, fc!.4Uu:l; choice, t3.25iU.5o. IIoks Ue celtils, lo.onl head; on sale, 13,000 head; market openeil wllh a fair demand; York ers, Sl.l.'ral.-ii; choice, 14.25; mediums and mixed packers, Jl.25a4.3ii; urood to choice heavy, tl.X'.al.lo; pls, 44.15al.35; roughs. $3.50:13.75; sIiikh. $;!.30a3. 10. Sheep and Lumlis Hecelpts, K1.001) head; on sule, 2;!.- 0"0 head; market slow nnd lOniac. lower for all hut prime lots; best lambs, $5,75a II; (food to choice, 5$.2.'ia5.C5; fair, $I.50,5; culls nnd common, $:!al.25; jrood mlX"d sheep, S l;i l.2i ; fair, J3.50a3.75; export sheep, H.5oa"i. Chicago Stock Market, f'hlcairo, Feb. 12. Cattle- Ueeeiptia, 3,rl heud; market steaily anil unchuiiKed; 1'iiiiiinnii lo extra sleers, $3. 10a5.50; sto' k- ers und feeilers, t2.2Tra3.Vi; cows and bull, $UOu3.85; eulves, t2..Vn5.d. lloes Ite- celpls, :!8,0il heud; niurket stroiu; heavy, $;l.95u4.25; common to choice mixed, t3.."a 4.15; choice ussorlcd, tlul.lo; IIkIU. t3.7il.i 4; pli;s, $2.5oa3.!i0. Sheep Iteceluls, s.noo head; market linn; Inferior to choice, f 2 75 nl. 50; lambs, $3.5"a5.i)5. Oil .Market. Plllsburp, Feb. 12. -oil closed nt loS, tho only limitation today. . ... Adolf Lnllo?.. carriage manufacturer, 11! Cnrroll slreet, lluHulo, N. Y., slates: I was troubled wllh nuusea of the stomach, sick headache and Keneral debility, liur dock Hlood Hitters eureil me. " For Sale. I-OU SALE-NEW HOUSE, ONE AND I 1 n i-lialf acres of land, uuod frnlt. school. dopots. ntore, i-liurelies; livo luinut 8' walk; on Siisipielianiit valley; $7KI: part paynient; easy terms; p:il ticnihirs address "hi.," Trlli- lino nutce. Physicians Notice. K iVn'eed'ok sgifA iw'kor pTents 1 we are large brnedersof tlim. IIASLAM'S, lis Cliff trcet. Admln'atratoi'a Sale. "i'DMmSTKATT'H'H SATlTofMtEALnKs' i tnteNotie is liornby niveii that bv vir tile of an order of III" ('riilinni' Court uf Lark swiiniia County, the umlerslKued, tirvivlnf ailinllilstmtor of thn ottnt" nf Wllllnui A. My ers, deceased, will oil SATURDAY. FKH. 21, IKUi, nt Hi o'elei l; n. in., nt tliu Ai bltiiitiou RiMiins, Court llousa, In tluicilv of Kcrauteii, Lncknwarn county, I'Xpcwn to uhlle wilo to the hlfcli st nd best bidilvr the fulkiwluit d s ribiiti tract of hind, tltuutu in the township of South Ablimton. cennty of Linkawnnua and state of Pennsylxania, bounded and do serlbed ns follows, to wit: llmiiided nurth and iiurtlu usteriy by lands uf .b In Vosbnritli and Inn Is late of Hunan A. Vosbui Kh. deeessed: smith and sontlinBt irlv l"V lands of William Vusburuh: aoulliweste Iv by lamia of William M. Swallow and northwesterly by lauds latu or John Mvnr, decea-erti eontatnlnat about rlliy-one (HI 1 anrea, more or less, and halua; thuHiuuu premises which bec-iino vested lu Suniuel Myors, fatlior of said ueendent, by lined of Adam My era and ethers, dated June 15, ia"i4, recordml in the ofllce for recunlinjt rici'ds. etc., in Lnxorne county, la Heed Hook No. ill, at pa No. MM, i n.; the title to which after the Heath of said Bammd Mvera, by va rious inesme eonvoyances, recorilod In tin nmee afnrosald, became vistoil In said Will lem A. Myeia. who died neixvil and pnss-B-od of the same, exceptlnit so lunch thereof aa lie conveyed In Ids lifetime to Samuel D. Mver bv deed dated Jan. W. 1711, and recordnl in raid olllce in Doud Book No, IU5, at pave No. MT, etc.. nnd another pleco coiitaiiilliK about twenty (i!U) acrna which lie conveyed by deed lo William Voslnirgli, auppoaed to be also re corded in said unlet). Said premises are Improved with a two-story alniinand frame dwelling house, frame barn, outbullillnKs and fruit trera tlieraon. TEKMS OF SALE-One-fourtli part of bid down on day of sale: one-fourth part upon final ronflrmntlnn of aale and delivery of deed; and the balance within one year from dual confirmation of aale, tn le aeeurcd by bond and mortgagea 011 the premises. . WM. P. LITT8, ' 6tirvlvlnt Admlnlatratoi' uf Wm. A. Myera, deoeaaed . . ' E. V. NEWCOMB, Attorney. Connolly In Our Cloak Parlors. CORSET NIGHT m CHEMISE, Materials are the best to be had and the workmanship is of the highest possI ble order. The advantages of this sale to you are evident, when you consider that prices are about one-third less than usual, and our entire Cloak Depart 111 en t is devoted to the display, where you can take. plenty of time iu making your selections. CONNOLLY &WALLACE 309&Zuei L 1 . - I THE CELEBRATED IS NOW PRICES A Word. WANTB OP ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH, WHEN PAID FOR, IN AD VANCE. WHKN A BOOK ACCOUNT 18 MADE, NO t'HARGB WILL BE LE33 THAN 26 CKNTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS, EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH AKE INSERTED FREE. Agent Wanted. A UK NTS IN EVERY STATE ON SALARY mid cuiuniitsion. Apcnt mukiui; to weekly. El'RKKA CHEMICAL ic M'F'O CO., La Crosse, is. YV" a n t i "h ac Five Sales men 'ro 1 V handle! our line, no peddlinif. SalarT, S75 per month and expenses paid to all. Uuuds entirely nuw. Apply quickly. P.O. Box, odu Restiin, M:l. Help Wanted Male. 3n-EU121?liAlirA O Iv worker to beit'u: posit'"" will be per niaiioiit with advanced pv to riht uiii. Call V today; 22 Library Bullillut?. W ANTED - WELL KNtlWN MAN i.N 1 every town to solicit utis-k subscrip tions; u uieiKipoly;'biir nioilov fur aiients: no capital requlivd. KDWAKDC.K1SII CO., Borden HliH.-k, Chloaita 111. t; ALES MEN - K -7s IDE NT SALESMEN O wanted, acqualntoil with the lo-al nnd nearby druir and urocery traile. to handle our lino of hlith armU eiitars. Addres, ifiviiiK references, .1. EDWARD COWLES CO., H3 CIlHl.lbers street, N. Y. Special Notices. AM NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH EX- 1 iniiitiens and lectuie upon any subject de sired. These exhibitions will bo illustrato 1. hviiiR in my possession the. must iiowerful dlsuolviiiii ate'reont icons made. E. II. CALL, Tribnne Ollice. A'OU WANT THIS 1IEL10 - REPRINT I Frank Leslie s Illustrated Week y War Illustration- IWl-lWi. . Two Vohinu Folim Jltl.."i(l; payable monthly, $2.00. Delivered by txpn-ss complete, l'rcpaid. Addieis P. O. MOODY, ills Uilmon streut, Scrantoii, Pa. BLANK HOOKS, PAMPHLETS, 11 AO A -r.heis, etc., bound or rebound at Tiik Tiiiiii:m; ollice. VnUk work. Reasoimble pi'iei' .m For Rent. IMK KENT-STOKE AND TWO HASE J1 ineiits. No. t7 Lnckawiuina nvenne; also second and thud floors arranged fer two fain Hies or entire buililiic! for wlmli-sule purposes; elevator: I). A- II. switch to buiblinc. Unit EKTSO.N ,V- HIlt'HCOl'K, No. 404 LucUa wanna avenue, Scraiiton. Pn. ,1 ,'OH KENT-A LAIIHE. 4 STOKY Hl lLD I inn ut lit! I'rniikliu avenue: suitable fur wholesalo business. CAUSO.N ic DAV1ES, HeranUm. IOH KENT - HHit'K WAIIEIKU'SE WITH 1' elevator on 1 L. . switch and Wcst Larkawaiuii avenue. Scrantoii stovu Work'1. eUPI'.HIOK MnllEKN HOUSE; AVENUE. O JONES, .'111 Spruce. I 11 HKNT-KCKSISIIED AND I'NU Il nlshed rooms at jiH Lackawanna avenu . I -OK KENT-SIX KOUM HOUSE ON WEST Lackawanna iivemei. Adilresi 'J IIOMAS E. EVANS,- near Luzerne, Hydo Park. f'OHRENT-NH'KLY I-UUMSllEH HALL I' suitable for lol.w iiHims. JOHN JEtt MYN. I III Wvoinhm eveini". Election Proclamation MAvou's ottii i: ( Scrant'in. Pa. Eeb. (I, I MR. 1 "OTI('E IS I1EI4EIIY tHVEN THAI' AT A il ifi'iieral election to beheld ou Tiicduy, tho filth day of Kahruary, inst.. In iiiif the third Tues lay of Februnry. tho r. llowiiiK c, Ul cers will be voted for at the usual places ot huldinu elections in tho city of Sci antoiii to oiio Common Conic flman to serv for ttri term or two ve s. hcKiuninit tho (list M'.n day of An il. IH'V in each of the odd luimlv.ii-d wards, to wit: The l-'int, Third. Fiff, Sev enth, Ninth. I lev nth, 1 hirleenih. Kilt enlli, Sevetiteenlh. Nlnetwntli ami Twenty-First. (1110 Alileimnu to Bcrve fur tlui term of live vears In ei:oA of the lollowimt wanls. to wit: Tito Firs-, Second. Slxdi, Eiglilh. Thlrteeiilli, Fifteenth nud I wcnty l' ird; nr olio Judge of Fl rtion. two liHpectors of Eleciioii and the Assessor of Voters Iu each and every elec tion d a rt t ill tho city. In addition to the iiliovo nnmo.l nOleera ami In pursuance to resnlultlnn "f Conuiion Conn-cil.-panaed January It, IH!l."i. th?ie will be ulrctid in thn Sixteenth ward one Common unnellniau for tliu unexpired term oniliiitf tlio Hist Mennav In April, IMKI: also In pursu ance to a resolution of Selrrt Council, passed January .'Id, ISD'i, then will Imi rleeteit cue So lect Ci iliicllman from the Seventeenth ward and eiie Select Councilman from tho Twenti eth ward, t- fill tho unexpired terms ending; the llrst Monday in April, IH1U, auil the flrat Moudsv In April, 1M. rmpeellvely. (Signed) W. L. CON NELL, Mayor. Situations Wanted. WANTED A SITUATION A8 HOOK. lceeHirnr assist or clurk ft store: accu rate In flmircs and the host yf rel'nrencea tn ho bad; wllllu tn work at a low figure. I. M. HIUIIAHDK. Clilnclillla. Pa. OERMAN tllRL 1(1 YEAKH OLD WISH, ea praitlcn aa 11 11 is s girl; wlllliiir to help with huliso work. Address MRU. THKll., 1018 West Lackawanna avenue. LJ IT U A T ION WAN T E D B VAY (TP N(? k) Klrlaa clerk: would like a position In a groi'ery. shoo, bakery or confectionery store, or to do olllce work; ran furnish lieat. ot rrf erem-ea, Addreaa "A. T.," X1U North UarOvld avoniln, city. OPEN FOR ENOAUKMENT PflAtlTICAL picture frame Jolnor, mat makor and f llder; thoroiifthly conversant with every de all of the bnsinraa; ID years' experience; com petent to take charge, Addreaa "I'lCX Cltli," Tribuna oQloe, olty. THE SCRANTON BEDDING CO SPECIAL SALE The Most Elaborate and Ever Shown in Scranton. SKIRTS, COVERS, DRAWERS. MADE EXCLUSIVELY BY 602 and GREATLY REDUCED. i (ACTION TO our Washburn-Croshy Co. wish to assure their many pat rons thut thev will this veur hold to their usual custom of niillin h l'RICTLY OLD WHKAT until the new crop is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and ow in'to the excessively dry weather many millers are of the opinion thut it is alrcudy cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washbu'rn-Croshy Co. will take no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully threu months to mature before (rindint;. This careful attention to every detail of milling has placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'s 'flour far above other brands. MEGARGEL h CONNELL Wholesale Agents. Mjf HAVE YOUR ' g Borses Shod M wl Steel Ccn- ' My T tercd, Self- Trf U Sh.irpenini;, -a!W 11 TjV Uetaehable l7 U U CALKS We have the following supplies of lumber secured, at prices that warrant us in expecting a large share of the trade : Pacific Const Red Cedar Phlnetee. "Victor" nnd oilier Mlehlsnn Brands of White Pine nnd White Cedar Shingles, MIc hlirnti White Hnd Norway Tine Lum ber und Hill Timber. North Carolina Short and Long Leaf Yellow Pine. Miscellaneous stocks of Mine Rails, Mine Ties, Mine Props and Mine Supplies in general. THE RICHARDS LUMBER COMPANY COMMONWEALTH BUILDING, SCRANTON, PA. THE DICKSON MAIMUFACTURINGCO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA., Manufacturers of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. Uencral Office: SCRANTON, PA. . g .,-ia v.siiiiMMrf. All A 4N iKEU Cnr Hsfxs aaa Aim luu Forsai By JOHN H. PHCLPS Saruea Strati. Scranton, Pa. OF Comprehensive Line 604 Lackawanna Avenuei Spring Cor. Adams Avenue, patrons: SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS, Also a Full Line of if SUPPLIES. Scranton, Pa. Juniata County, Pennsylvania, Whit Oak. Sullivan County Hemlock Lumber and Lath. TIorii County Dry Hemlock Stoctf Hoards. E1U County Dry Hemlock Joists out Studding. RESTORE LOST VIGOR Will erftM von nets a wek 4 flairf villi fftnm MlTTonsDvltllltv. Lost Offtsmal Pnwar in Allhi m. BLACKSMITHS' AND WAGON MAKERS IliTOliintiM UminlaftoaianTCsiif. If noglectsd, luck trouble Irad ti comumptein nt laiasitjr, II. mi pur hoi by ruall,abiiMo'. a5. Wllh r? (ft omct iro (Its a nrlllen iuaisate to cure xluad tbs . Ar flAli llEIllOlMG 00.. Cl.T.l.uil.Oblo. , Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming vamioane -1