r i i iii iii iii in iii ii in in iii --?33?s ivr v in . in ii in hi in ii mi r EIGHT PAGES 5(5 COLUMNS. SCll ANTON, PA., TUESDAY MOHXIXG, FEIJIIUATJY 12, 1805. TWO CENTS A COPY. WORK ATSTATE CAPITOL Representative Moore's House 15 ill Covered with liristles. AID l'OK THIS SCKANTOX HOME Sir. O'Molley Introduces a Measure Cull ing fur an Appropriation of $.'5,000. Sew Circuit Court Hill A .Min ing Deportment Scheme. Special to the Soranton Tribune. HaiTlsburg,Pu.,Feb. 11. In the house tonight Mr. O'Mulli'y invsi'tited bills providing that territory umiext-il to cities of the third-class shall consti tute part of the poor district and Bchool districts of such cities. The object of these acts is to 1i-Iiik the recently im nexed portion of Carbomhilc under the previsions of the poor and school laws of Oarbondale city. There are at pres ent uboula 2.000 people who are annexed to that city and have no means for providing education for their children or provisions for the care and support of the Indigent. While the part an nexed comes under the control Of the municipal government there seems to be some doubt as to whether they are part of the city or township school and poor districts. The acts, if passed, will give them a legal status and settle the question. Mr. O'SIalley also presented a bill appropriating $J5.000 to assist In thp erection of the new home for the friend less at North Park. Scran ton. lie Is working assiduously to secure the $12, 000 appropriation for the I'arbondule hospital, and the bill introduced this evening will have no effeot on the Oar bondale appropriation. -Mr. .Moore's .Measure. ItepresentativeMoore. of Bradford, the leader of the Granger element on the Moor of the house, has succeeded in getting through the house a bill which is not even satisfactory to all the farm ers. It will likely suffer tho well merit ed fate of the ax on the senate side. The bill makes It unlawful for a person to even reach over a farmer's fence and pluck a blackberry. Walking over a faryn or shying a stone at the brown chestnut burr, is also provided for by n heavy tine. If this bill were to be come a law all the pleasure of goln? to the country for the city folk would be destroyed. It would be impossible to wander through the lanes and fields without first getting the permission of the owners, and they might live miles away from their property. If the house concurs In a resolution lately presented to U by irrepressible John Fow, of Philadelphia, another paternalistic triumph will have been achieved. That resolution asked for the appointmnt of a committee to con fer with the board of public buildings and grounds on the advisability of putting in its own heat and light plant. He produced figures furnished by the auditor general showing that the state j pays about SXG04 a year for light , and nearly as much for heat. (governor Hastings was at first dis- posed to be against the visitation of the various Institutions receiving state j old by the committees on nppropria- j tions, but he Is understood to have j changed his mind. Whn It was pie- pented to him that a personal inspoe- j his money and then he was ashamed to tlon of the hospitals and other instl- j go home. His relatives did everything tuiions was necessary to an Intelligent in their power to locate him, but wlth diseharge of the duties of the commit- out avail. tees, he was convinced, and it may be 'j10 wife .Married Again. safely asserted that the Inspections of I the sub-committee will be more rigid than ever before. There will be a flitting down of appropriations to cer tain favored Institutions that have for Several years been getting the lion's share. New Circuit Court Hill. Another circuit court bill has been in troduced, this time by Senator Mc Carrell. Instead of establishing six rlous common ideas Judges, as In the ; Brower bill, it proposes one separate court of five or seven J.idges. It Is .itnlun.lLvl thnf thlu l.t.in lina mnn7 advantages over the other, the principal : one being that it would insure a uni formity of decisions. Senator Br.:ver, who Introduced his bill by request, has &vn,noaurl Vilmcxilf n a Kiiira f :t V"fn ),la ... the MeCarn.il bill than to his own. The ! Indications are that both will be sent j back to the committee and a new bill framed containing the best features of both tho present bills. Under existing laws the various mine I Inspectors have practically no responsi ble head, and the bill which Is lein? fathered by Senator Coyle, of Schuyl kill, is Intended to remedy that defect by the creation of a mining department under the charge of the commissioner of mines at a salary of $.",noo. He will be appointed by the governor for a term of four years. He Is authorized to employ not more than five clerks, one of whom shall be designated as his deputy and receive a salary of $2,.".00. The other clerks are to be paid salaries of $1,500 each. The mine Inspector will bo appointed as under the present law. nd shall not exceed In number forty for the entire state, with salaries as at present of $.1,000. each. The proposed commissioner of mining Is to have full power' to enforce the mining laws of the state, and Is given authority to enter any mine at any time for a thorough In spection and Investigation. He will have full control over the various mine Inspectors, and Is to see that they de vote their whole time to the work for which they are paid. The governor informed the senate that he has signed the resolution for the appointment of a committee to in vestigate the Nonistown and Wurnera vllle hospitals. 1 Hills Introduced. The house met at 8 o'clock. Among the house bills read In place were the following: Mr. jStlneman, Cambria Permitting disabled soldiers, who are peddlers, to canvass for or solicit orders and de aivcr goods without being owners of same. Mr. Grigsby, Lawrence Providing that In ftll public processions no ling except that of the United States shall be carried, and that no flag except the 'Stars and Stripes Bhall be Moated from any public or private building unless occupied by a foreign minister. Mr. Kratz, Montgomery Providing for the appointment of a commission to purchase the histories of various regl cenU of Pennsylvania volunteers who served during the rebellion and appro priating $20,000 therefor. The negative bill introduced by Mr. Kocht. of Union, was placed on the culendar by a vote of 150 to 3. It in creases the amount of preferred claims of laborers, mechanics and Working girls from $200 to $500 and the limit from six months to one year. HOB-NOUS WITH ROYALTY. Miss lloerccker, the Only Wotuun Saved from the I I ho, .Meets the Queen. l!y tho United Press. London, Feb. U. Miss lloerecker, the only lady saved from- the wrecked steamer Kibe, had un interview with the Kmprcss Frederick today. After the interview Miss Uocreckef was In troduced to the queen and the duke and duchess of Connuught.' All lis tened with deep Interest to her nar rative of the wreck of the Elbe. At the queen's request she wrote lier name in her majesty's autograph book. After leaving Osborne she received a souvenir from the Umpress Frederick. F1XKR1N A ENOCH ARDEX. After on Absence of Thirteen Years lie lictiirns Home unj i'iudiug His Wife Happily .Manic J. Leaves Towu on the I list Train. By tho United Press. Pittsburg. Feb. 11. A Connelsvllle special to the Pittsburg Despatch gives un account of a scene which wus en acted at th, Cottage hospital, in that town which has many of the points of an F.noch Anion story. It was the meeting of Matthew .Flnerln and his son, Frank, who had not seen each other for twenty years. Their greet ing was an affecting one and was wit nessed by thirty patients undergoing treatment at the hospital. Two months ago Matthew Finerin was brought to the hospital with both legs so badly mangled that amputa tion was necessary. He was employed as a coke worker at the Valley works of the II. C. Flick Coke company and met the accident while performing his duties. Finerin's stumps healed re markably fast, considering the fact that ho was "5 years of age. 1J evaded all questions put to him by the hos pital authorities regarding Ills rela tives or friends. His only answer was that all his friends In this world were dead und that they need not worry con cerning his welfare. The Relatives Were I ounJ. About two weeks ago a visitor at the hospital noticed Finerin wheeling hlm sulf ubout in a chair and asked who he was. When informed of his name the visitor told Superintendent Ferguson that a well-to-do family by that name lived in Worcester, Mass. A corres pondence was begun with the Finer ins at Worcester and the identity of the old man here was established. This morning his son, Frank, arrived and to night will start with him for the home from which he has been absent for al most twenty years. Both father and son recognized each other as soon as their eyes met. This afternoon Frank Induced his father to tell the story of his wanderings for a wore of years. It was in the spring of 1T6 that he left home on a periodical spree, to which he was addicted. Be fore starting he drew from bank the saving of years, $l,"00. It was but a short time before Finerin had spent all Abl)Ut ttn yeara BKO a repul.t whk.,, they considered authentic reached them, to the effect that he was dead Mrs. Finerin was many years younger than her husband, and three years later she married a second time. In the meantime her family had grown up, and by the death of a bachelor undo she Inherited $10,000. The recreant husband heard of his wife's good fortune and started back to rejoin her, four years ago. Upon arriving at Worcester he learned for the Hist time that Mrs. Finerin. had taken unto herself another lord.' Flu- a '" "'V""!"' the Impression that ne was really Head. He came to tin ( coke region and remained at work ! until injured two months ago. When Finerin arrives at Worcester tomorrow. In his terribly crippled eon- ditioti, his wife of twenty years back will not be there to greet him. She died over a year ugo. Finerin was greatly moved when his son informed him of this. The complication that will arise now Is, which of tho two husbands will In herit Mrs. Finerin's wealth. She has willed It to husband No. 2, but now that Matthew Finerin has been found the children propose to muke an effort to break the will. ST AT ! NEWS r;LEAMN(iS. liellefonte's centennial celebration will begin on June 0. West Chester's smallpox scare hus died out, us there. Is not a genuine cuse there. The loss to tho state by the burning of the printing establishment of Clarence M. lliisch Is ubout tlii.OnO. lawyers of Schuylkill county are pre paring to oppose the orphans' court bill, pending In the legislature. Warming herself by the lire at Glad stone, Fayetto county, Mrs. Kllxubeth Ilrown wns burned to death. Burgess Burger, of Ulrdsboro, drove out nn engineer corps thut attempted to sur vey lines for un unauthorised trolley road. A traveling salesman, '.. 11. Keller, lot a satchel at Beading containing notes nnd papers valued ut several thousand dollars. Selwln Hell Military academy of the Kplscopnl diocese of Cent ml Pennsyl vania, at Iteaillngi has closed for luck wf students. A diphtheria epidemic In McKean county has' closed tho schools at Sawyer City, Dnllus City, Corwln Center and l'luU Hollow. Executions aggregating $20,000 have beon Issued agnliiHt Jones & Caldwell, furniture dealers, at Tyrone, this county. The larg est Individual claim against tho embar rassed firm Is for Jll.OiiO and Is held by I. C. Caldwell, of Philadelphia. Dovernor Hustings has abandoned his trip to Cincinnati, where he wus to be tho principal speaker at tho Lincoln banquet tonight. He has no assurance from the railroad rompnnlcs the ho will bo uhlo to muko connections west of Harrlsburg. Oovcrnor Hastings has approved the Oohln bank bill, which reorgunlos the banking department. It Is understood that tho nomination of Chairman Qllke' son, of the Itepubllcnn state committee, to be superintendent of banking, will be sent to the senut, tomorrow. AGAINST PACIFIC ROADS Mr. Pctthjrcw Assitjns a Cause That Affects Credit of the Country. ARE STOCKHOLDER'S KObUED? The South Dnkotu Senator Will Offer Some Evidence Mr, Hill's Coin Ucso lilt ion-Approprlut ion Amend ments in the House. By the United Press. Washington, Feb. 11. The senate had under consideration today the post otllce appropriation bill, but its prog ress was blocked by tt discussion aris ing out of an nmondmont looking to the abolition of the southern fast mall service. Senator Allen, Nebraska, drift ed Into a speech relutlve to the elec tions In the state of Alabama last August, asserting that on account of gross frauds therein perpetrated thai state was deprived of a Republican form of government. The two Alabama senators occupied seats In his Immedi ate neighborhood while he read alll davlts in support of the charge which lie made, but they seemed not to be ut ull worried over the showing which he made. The postolllce appropriation bill went over without a vote on the southern fast mull service Item. Mr. Pettigrew, South Dakota, Intro duced a joint resolution directing legal proceedings to be Instituted against the stockholders und directors of the Union and the Central Paclllc Railroad companies for the recovery of amounts diverted or converted by them to uny unlawful purpose and for the fore closure of the government mortgages. He asked that It be laid on the table and said he would undertake to show that the methods of railroad companies to rob their stockholders and bond holders have done more than anything else to affect the credit of the country Karller in the day a concurrent reso lution was introduced by Mr. Hill, New lork, and went over till tomorrow In reference to the question of the coin In which bonds now outstanding or to be Issued aro to be paid. It declares it to be the true policy of the government to direct Its efforts to the establishment of a safe system of bl-metallism, w here in gold and silver may be maintained ot parity, but if that cannot be done, then the bonds shall be paid in standard gold dollars. This resolution was fid lowed by one offered by Mr. Stewart, Nevada, declaring that there Is no au thority or law to buy gold coin In pre ference to Bilver coin for uny purpose whatever. House Proceedings. A session of the house today. lasting six and one-half hours, was given over almost entirely to the consideration of the executive und Judicial appropriation bill. Amendments were made to the bill as follows: Directing the secretary of the treas ury to arrange for the refining and melting Into bars of gold and silver bul lion at the Helena, Montana, -assay office. Referring to the attorney general for report to the next congress, as to law and facts, the statement made by the Indian bureau of the accounts between the United Staes and several Indian tribes, as authorize by the act of 1S!H, for the purchase and opening of the Cherokee strip. Striking out the appropriation of $2,000 to pay the salary to the private secretary to the secretary of the In terior. In the course of the discussion upon the paragraph of the bill providing for session committee clerks, Mr. Van Voorhls (New York) advocated their employment on the ground that more brains were necessary in the financial committees, and that If the chairman could not lind out the facts connected with the recent negotiations for bonds, which he declared to be suspicious on its face, some brainy clerk might be able to do so. The senate bill amendments to the diplomatic and consular appropriation bill, were on motion by Mr. McCreasy (Kentucky), nun-concurred In and a conference agreed to Messrs. Mc Creasy, Hooker (Democrats), and Hitt (Republican), managers. Tii i v ii am; so bridge. forest Citluns forced to Swim the Rag ing l.ncknuannu In Order to Kcuch the Ontario and Wantoni. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Forest City, Feb. 11. The Ontario and Western Railway company, has stopped the free delivery of express matter at Forest City. The reason was that the business men hero patronized that road very little of late on account of there being no way ut present of fording the turbulent ami seething Lackawunnu. The old bridge was partly burned down some months ago, and no one came forth to offer to build a new one. The Forest City bourd of trade corresponded wllh the two coun ties, Wayne and Susquehanna, and showed them that they should help bear the expense, because the Lackawanna was a boundary line and , a public thoroughfure from each county met at the point where the proposed bridge was needed. The foxy commissioners of Susque hanna county said they would agree to anything Wayne would. The lender of the commissioners from Wayne re flected that the voters In Clinton town ships, who would be bonelltted by a bridge, were few compared with his selllsh constituents In eustern AVayne, who would oppose the building of such a structure, If Wnyno hud to bear even a fraction of the expense. And so he hesitated for the looks of the thing and finally declined to have anything to do with the matter. And his two colleagues rolled their tobneco quids to a better location In tho other side of their Jaws, looked wise and rxclulmed: "Them's our sentlmitits, tew!" Then the Ontario and Western and tho borough were asked to do some thing, and the borough consented; but the Ontario and Western said the board nay. Now tho trolllo from hero Is cut" off; the people of tho western half of Wayne have to go a mile out of the way to reach our town; the board of trade Is slumbering and the old brldgo stands almost on one end, like a monument of lost hope or a ruin qf the Sixteenth century, while the rushing Lackawanna rolls Its mighty tide tq tho sea. LOWER COURT A1TTRMED. Conviction of William Freeman of Mur der lit the Flint Degree Is Mistulticd. By tho United Press. Phhiiludelphlu, Feb. 11. The supreme court today, In un opinion by Justice Deun, sustained the conviction, In the Westmorelund county court of oyer anil terminer, of Willlum Freeman of mur der In the lirst degree. The defendant appealed to the upper court on the ground thut the handling of the jury wheel hnd been irregular. .While ruling that this condition was not trilling or Immaterial, the court held that the complaint had been made too late. The judgment of the dower court was accordingly alllrmed. IN THE BLIZZARD'S TRAIL. HuilrouJ Truffle Is Kcsliincdiii l.ustcrn Pennsyiiianla-Cold Weather Contin ues in Southern States. By the United Press. ' Philadelphia, Feb. 11. At the Read ing terminal this evening General Su perintendent Swelgert and General Passenger Agent Hancock were con gratulating themselves upon the quick emergence of their lines from the incu bus of snow and the rapid restoration of normal conditions all over the Rending system. Trains on the New York divi sion and on the muln line of the Beth lehem branch were moved all day with out noticeable deviation from schedule time. The Reading's western connec tions, via the Lehigh Valley route, have been completely rehabilitated and traf fic 'to and from Buffalo and Niagara Falls Is proceeding with Its customary regularity. The lines extending from Harrlsburg to Carlisle, Gettysburg und Shlppensburg were opened during the morning, and the Pine Grove division will be in condition to resume opera tions tomorrow (Tuesday.) Favorable weather enabled the big snow plows, with their several auxiliary corps of shovellers, to make a good headway on the branch roads north of the city, where the bulk of Fhlladelphlan's milk supply is derived. It Is proba'de that by morning the milk trains will have clear tracks Into the city, and while dairymen are having serious difficulty In reaching the rail road, there is no longer any danger of a milk famine. Coal, too, Is arriving In considerable volume, the coal trains which were side tracked all along the Reading lines on Thursday and Friday having been started toward the city again on Sunday. The movement of all freights will be necessarily slow for a day or two to com", but freight trains are now in motion and supplies of meat und similar Indispensable, are coming In quite rapidly. The Reading's Atlantic City line and Its Laknvood connection were more len iently treated by the elements, and the full train sendee has been effectively operated since Saturdny, barring occa sional short delays caused by Ice Im peding the movements of the ferry boats. The trains on the Wiliamstown and Olassboro branch have also re sumed their regular trips. Jack 1 lost .Moves South. Atlanta, Gu., Feb. 1,1. All North Georgia is under snow today. Snow began feling this morning shortly after midnight and by 8 o'clock It was about the Inches deep. A heavy sleet then began to fall until It has covered the snow with a heavy cake. Hundreds of buggies In Atlant.i have been put on runners, liusln.-ss Is generally sus pended. Reading, Pa., Feb. 11. The Reading company sent tlon men out along the Fast l'enn and Lebanon Vulley branclvs today to dear the sidings. The snow ploy was also used on both roads, und It become necessary to use. two engines on ull passenger trains. The trains, however, made fairly good time. Freight and coal tralllc Is now being moved, the lirst having been sent nut over the l-.'ast I'cnn at noun. The Kutztown branch was opened this afternoon. The Schuylkill anil Le high branch is still blocked nnd may not be opened before tomorrow night. Wilmington and Northern road Is cical as far as Springfield, but between that point and Waynesburg Junction the drifts are from twenty to thirty-five feet high und from n quarter to a mil" In length. Tralllc may be resumed some time tomorrow. Pittsburg, 'Feb. 11. Order has been restored on all the railway lines center ing In Pittsburg. On nil the roads the movement of perishable freight was re sumed this morning. The regular track of the Allegheny Valley railroad be tween Pittsburg and Huffulo is still blocked north of oil City, but truins are milking schedule time over the Western New York tinil Pennsylvania route via Olcan. N. Y. Ctgnrctte liend's I'nte. liy the United Press. Lancaster. Pa.. Feb. II. Cigarettes have made young Walter Htuekhouse Ins me. Ills father came hero from ltlverton, N. J., today and caused his son's arrest. He smoked sixty of tho dangerous little weeds every dnv. Stuckhouso escaped from un olllcer while being taken to the Trenton asylum, and came to this city where un aunt lives. Ills father will now place him In un usylum, i -. Told In tho Tugcblutt. By tho Unlled Press. lleiiln, Feb. II. The Ht. Petersburg cor respondent of the Tugehlatt sends a re nmikahle dispatch to the effect that both tho empress und dowager are eticlente. The empress was the Princess Allx of Hesse, nnd was murrled to Nicholas II on last Nov. 2.". Strike Threatened, lly tho United Press. Clinton, Mass., Feb. U. The Lancaster mills tonight issued notices In every de partment announcing a cut down In wages which will nffect In the vicinity of D.OtK) men und women. There Is a general talk of astlike. An Old Sea Sharp KngngcJ. By the United Press. New York, Feb. 11. The old sea sharp, Captuln Terry, has been engaged to Kail the cup defender of lMtfi. It Is said that In many respects he Is tho superior of Cap tuln llunson, who sailed tho Vlgllunt. Cold Wavo Coming. Colorado Springs, Col., Feb. 11. Tonight the signal thermometer registered 18 de grees below sero. The cold wave Is trav eling eastward. . WEATHER REPORT. For eastern Pennsylvania, generally fair,1 except snow flurries on tho coast; west winds, becoming variable. uWIflFt News That the French Liner Had Been Sighted Causes Much Excitement, STRONG MEN WEEP FOR JOY The Missinti Vessel First Siijhteil 1'ifty Miles East of Fire Island Display in Signals of Dis tress lirohen 1'iston Kutl and the Gales Cause Delay. Ey tho United Press. Quarantine, Feb. 11. La Gnscogne Is snTe. The big French liner, eight days overdue, dropped anchor at the bar Just before midnight, all well on board, and u sign of relief goes up from two conti nents. The delay was due to a broken piston rod and to the terrllic gales which have swept the North Atlantic for ilhe past week or more, and have brought distress to many a staunch boat. The captain and ollicers of the clew of the La Gascogne brought the ship and passengers through the gales and made port without help. From the time they left Havre, Jan. 20, until yesterday, they spoke to no trans-Atlantic steamer and saw only a four masted schooner, the one which re ported at St. Pierre, Miquelon, N. S., as having seen a large steamer off the banks apparently In distress last Sat urday. The United Press tug, with repre sentatives of the Times, Tribune und Recorder on board, was the first lug to reach La Gascogne. The disabled steamer had left Fire Island twenty five miles astern and was eight miles to the eastward of Sandy Hook light ship. It was U.4". p. m. The big liner was limping Into port at half speed with two big red lights, signals of distress, at the foremast. The tug lay alongside half an hour, and the following story of the trip wus obtained: Story of the Trip. The steamer left Havre Jan. 26. On the first duy out 449 miles were logged; on the second day, 407 miles; on the third day, after traveling SS0 miles, the piston rod broke and eighteen hours were spent In making repairs. When they were completed the ship steamed at nine miles an hour, making only sixty-six miles on JaJi. 2!. On Jan. 30. 21 and Feb. 1. 215, "55, and 2(s0 miles a day were made, respectively. On Fct. 2 the piston rod broke down again. The break was more serious this time. Sea anchors were put out and for forty-one hours the ship was hove to making re pairs. On Feb. 4 the first severe weather was experienced, and the ship was blown 150 miles out of her course. On Feb. ',, the repairs having been com pleted, 10 miles were made. The ship wus then clour to the north ward of the track of trans-Atlantic steamers and was therefore not seen by the many steamers which passed I over the regular track. On Feb. 6, ltio miles were made. Un Feb. 7 the ma chinery broke down for the third time. The heavy cyclone struck her on that ! day and the ship lay hoye to with sea I anchors out all day. No headway was made and owing to tho motion of the ship, repairs were dltllcult. On the next day the chief engineer, who hnd been ut his post day and night, com pleted the repairs nnd the ship pro ceeded i:u mill's. On Feb. 9, for the fourth time, the machinery broke down nnd only 74 miles were made. On Feb. 10 150 miles were made, and today, to the great relief of all on board, lire Island was sighted and the ship crept up to her anchorage off the bar. Joy of the Passengers. The United Press tug was received with a cheer by the anxious passengers. They crowded to the rail, yelled and clapped their hands with all the en thusiasm of the French race. The ollicers refused to allow uny one on board and would not come to the rail to talk. The passengers were more oblig ing. Julius Mutrigrln, iv represetitma tlve of the linn of Penin, Frees & Co., of Paris and New York, was Inter viewed over the side of the ship, lie said: "We broke down on tin? third day out. We did not become alarmed, us we didn't know very much about what was the matter. The captain said It was all right, nnd vi had conlldence In hint, our lirst experience with gales was on Feb. 4. We had a terrible Mow then and one of the boats was badly damaged." "Wus anything carried away?" "No, the ship stood It well. We had plenty of provisions and fared first rate. We were blown away off our course und spoke no steamers." The La Gascogne, at thut time, was eight miles east of the light shin, nnd was ploughing along at about six miles an hour. The crowd of passengers leaned over the bulwarks and one of the women wrapped up In sea togs Joined them in 4helr etiger quest for news from shore. So eager were they, Indeed, that It wits .dlfllctiK to secure answers to the questions that were hurled ut them front the tug. A copy of one of the United Press morning pa pers was thrown aboard, nnd In ac knowledgement Jules Matagrln threw his card, weighted to a heavy substunce, aboard the tug. On the buck of It was a copy of the log. Passengers 1 nrcd Well. They said they had been given plenty to eat nnd except for the number of times the sun rose and set, they would not have known that anything was wrong. All particulars of the accidents to the ninchlenry were kept from the passengers, but the daily bulletins of the knots miulu told the story. Beyond tedlousness of the voyage, the passen gers positively suffered no. inconveni ence. Although the derangement of the machinery occurred on the third duy, It was not until the ninth day that the steamer Tan Into bad weather and then the Blow tltnu which she was mak ing was only that which some of the ocean greyhounds would have made un der similar circumstances, for the fast est and Htaunchest steamers slow down berore such a gale. In fact, from the time La Gascogne struck the cyclone, she was little worse off than If she was In prime running or der. The Teutonic was two days off the lightship before she could make Sandy Hook, therefore La Gascogue's whole delay, so far us It would be an occasion of ularm to her passengers, occurred before she encountered bad weuther, consequently they were at no time reully fearful for their safety. She wus not coated with Ice as was other steamers which have reached port In the last two days, und there were, therefore, none of the evidences which ordinarily cause anxiety. The passengers all united In saying that they were not alarmed and had a good time aboard. The ship was out sixteen days In ull, and both coal and provisions held out to the end. The repairs to the piston rod were made by splicing It with steel bands. These worked loose or broke after a day or two's steaming und had to be made over again. The Campagnle Gen omic Truns-Atlantique sent the tug Louis I'ulver down to the ship. La Gascogne did not accept the aid of the company's tug, but proceeded un der her own steam to her anchorage off the Handy Hook light ship. The Gascogne will start up the bay early In the morning and the passen gers will be landed before noon. Discovered Off l ire Island. Quarantine, S. I., Feb. 11. The steumer Hollvla, of the Anchor line, sighted at noon today the French steamer La Gascogne, lifty miles east of Fire Island. The Guscogne was neurly abeam when lirst seen, but hauled in toward the land and gradual ly fell astern about 4 o'clock. Saw her last showing three balls, one above the other, Indicating "disabled, unmanage able," but as no assistance was asked, did not go to her. The oil tank steamer Vashlngton, from Rotterdam, reportb that she passed near the Gascogne at 1 p. m. today, ten miles east of Fire Island, going about six miles an hour, showing on the foremast three balls in perpendicular line, indicating "unman ageablo and disabled." The Gascogne hauled In toward the land as if about to anchor or signal. The Bolivia also brings word that La Guscogne has anchored off Shinnecock light. The Bolivia did not have her in tow. The Gascogne-. was proceeding under her own steam when she sudden ly broke down ajraiii (and came to anchor. New York, Feb. 11. The news that La Gascogne had been sighted was re ceived amid the greatest excitement at the oflice of the French line In Rowl ing Green. The cabin office was crowd ed with anxious inquirers who have relatives and friends on board. They hud been standing around with pale faces expecting at any moment to hear the worst. When the word came that the-ship was safe, for a moment a still ness reigned which was almost painful in its intensity. Agent Forget for a moment, was ren dered speechless, which evidenced how anxious he had been for the safety of La Gascogne. Then he regained him self and became wildly hilarious. He grasped his overcoat and started for the French line pier, where a tug had been in readiness for days to take him to meet La Gascogne, should she be sighted. The strain of days of worry had been too much for some of the callers at the ollice. One man, a Mr. Riche, broke down completely and sobbed ns if his heart would break. Mr. Rlche has three daughters on board, two of them of very tender years. He had abandoned all hope when the joyful tidings came. frenchmen Celebrate, At no place In New York was the news of it he Gascogue's arrival boiled with as much Joy as at the Hotel Mar tin. The cafe was crowded late this afternoon when the news was first flashed over the wire. Only a party of Frenchmen (all were Frenchmen) could have expressed their extreme happiness ns they did. "We will drink champagne tonight," said Proprietor Martin. Quarantines. I., Feb. 11. The anchor line steamer Hollvla was reported early this evening, and her arrival at Quar antine was anxiously awaited because her reported appearance off Fire Island led to the Idea that something definite would be learned concerning the long delayed French liner La Gascogne, as long before her entrance In the nar rows It was known that she had been reported in company with the La Gas cogne off Fire Island. The moon shone brightly over the waters of the bay, showing the rapidly driven Ice floes, which extended from shore to shore, precluding the possible chance of boarding vessels In a small boat, the usual method employed nt Quarantine at night time. The Bolivia anchored about a nillo northeast of the dock at Quarantine, and finding It Im possible even to venture in a small bout without considering the posslbllty of Isiardlng by that means. The United Press representative obtained the per mission of Hi-alth Olllcer Doty to use the regular boarding boat, the Charles F. Allen. The doctor accompanied the boat and the Bolivia was hailed und u ladder thrown over the side. Captain Baxter was questioned, and sutd: "We sighted a large liner Just before noon today nnd an Inspection with the glass showed her to be a large two-masted steamer with two funnels which, from general ap pearance, was thought to be a French steamer, and, ns the pilot had Informed me that La Gascogne was overdue I was certain that It tuust be that vessel. When first seen the steamer was nearly nbeam and brining south, t gave no further thought, expecting her to out run us, but some time later felt sur prised to find her dropping astern nnd heading slightly toward the land. Later the lines was observed to be steering across our stern nnd making for the land at a speed of six or seven knots an hour. About 4 p. m. she had disap peared astern. 1 did not see any sig nals and asked the pilot If he had ob served any. He said he saw nothing like signals, but wondered why she did not overhaul us. Later I learned from the purser that he thought he saw three bulls in perpendicular line forward of the foremast. I did not see them. They Indicate 'unmanageable or disabled.' There was no signals displayed asking for assistance. When I first saw the liner there was an nil lank steamer a Bhort distance nhend of her, and If as sistance was required this vessel would have answered the call." FiNLEY'S TBI For the next tea days it will be to your interest to visit our And sec the values we are ollering in line German, Seoteh and Irish Table Linens, .Napkins, Tray Cloths, ete., etc. STOCK LARGER THAN EVER. PRICES NEVER SO LOW. 1 19 M SPECIRL Numbers in (ierman Linens, ''Sil' ver Bleach," extra tine quality and heavy : 66-in. Sale Price 48c, Reg. Price 60o 60-in. " 59c, " 75c 62-in. " 75c, " 90s 72-in. " 89c, " $1.10 Napkins to match the above. 65 doz. 5-8 $1.55, Regular Price $1.75 75 doz. 3-4 2.35, 14 2.75 THREE SPECIALS hi Tine Bleached Towels: 25 doz. Colored Damask Border Huck, MAM doz.. IU-k. Price $120 25 doz. Bird's Eye, hemstitched, I'lO. each, Res. Trice (5c 15 doz. double hemstitched huck, extra size, roc. each, Res- Trice T.'ic Our Special Muslin Sale continues all this week. Muslins, Sheetings, Counterpanes, etc., at "Rock RoUOIU Prices." FINLEY'S 510 and 512 Lackawanna Am. H. A. KINGSBURY At EXT FOR 11 Ii THE VERY BEST. 313 SPRUCE ST.. SCRANTON, PA. Zero! Zero! Zero! Zero Shoos for Zero Weather ut Zero Prices. Wholesale and Re tail. LEWIS, REILLY & DAYIES REPAIRING OF WEIGHEL the Jeweler, cau repair your watcli to give per feet satisfaction, having liad ten years' experience in our leading watch, factories. LEWIS, REILLY& DAVIES V ' i m mm GIVE US A TRIAL 9