The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 11, 1895, Image 1

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Trains on Many Railroads Are Still
Snow Bound.
Blockade Cuuscs Meat and Milk Famine
in l'hiladelphia-Snow-Boumi Trulns
on tlio Delnwurc-Stonu Inci
dents About the State.
By the United Tress.
Philadelphia, Feb. 10. The snow
bloikado on the Pennsylvania and
Heading railroads was practically
raised today. On the Reading the first
train through from New York Blnce
Thursday ufternoon reached here this
evening at 9 o'clock by the roundabout
way of Bethlehem. This evening, how
ever, both tracks of the New York di
vision were cleared, and the 12.10 a. m.
train to New York will be run over the
regular route. The branch lines of
both roads and the smaller railroads In
the state are still badly snowed under
and a number of trains are stnllel In
various' places and their storm-bound
passeingers are being cared for in f.irm
houses along the lines. k
The most serious situation Is on the
Delaware railroad In Delaware. Four
passenger trains are walled in by big
drifts at different points along the road
and they may not be reached by relief
trains before tomorrow morning. Or
ders have been sent to the nearest sta
tions to have the passengers supplied
with food from adjacent farm houses,
but even In the event of the trains being
amply provisioned their occupants have
undoubtedly suffered greatly from cold
aind exposure, as they have been snowed
in since Frday morning.
Between Wyoming and Dover this
afternoon three engines coupled to
gether were bucking a snow drift, when
the first engine jumped the track and
upset. Engineer (Jordan was badly
scalded, while Fireman Gri(Hn was In
jured Internally and is not expected to
live. On all the branch lines of the
Delaware railroad not a wheel Is turn
ing, and the interruption to trallic Is
having a serious effect, ns many small
places are cut off from obtaining their
usual food supply.
Provisions Are Scarce.
For the lirst time In thirty years the
Delaware river between this city and
Camden was frozen solid .today from
shore to shore, and people crossed on
the Ice. The continued freight block
ade on the railroad has caused a scarc
ity of provisions and milk In Philadel
phia and today the stock of fresh beef
In the city abattoirs were exhausted.
A train load of cattle has been started
from Harrlsburg, and will arrive some
time tonight or tomorrow morning.
i Reading, Pa., Feb. 10. After a delay
jof seventy-two hours the passenger
train which was snow-bound pear
Lyons.was finally released this morning
and reached this city at 9.30. The East
Penn and Lebanon Valley roads are
partially open and the oliiclals expect
to start out all trains on schedule time
in the morning. The main line between
l'nttsville and Philadelphia Is clear and
traffic has been resumed. The Reading
and Columbia road is open as far as
Lancaster Junction, but the Schuylkill
and Lehigh Valley branch, running
from Reading and Slatlngton, Is still
closed and the tracks may mot be
cleared before Monday. The Wilming
ton and Northern railroad is still snow
bound and the oliiclals do not expect
to resume traffic before Monday after
noon. Many of the men who were sent
out from Reading shops to shovel snow,
suffered Intensely of the cold, and not
a few had their ears and fees frozen.
Engineer Ueorge Leeds, of the Leba
non Valley road, it Is reported, had
his feet and ears frozen. The Pennsyl
vania railroad succeeded In opening Its
line between Norrlstown and Pottsville
this morning, and trains are running
nearly on time. A light crust has
formed on the snow and no further
trouble Is anticipated. Theodore nib
ble, the Reading passenger brakeman,
who was reported badly frozen on the
Lebanon road, . Is all right and re
turned home today.
Honds lllockcd hy Drifts.
Harrlsburg, Pa., 10. The blizzard has
spent Its force and the railroad com
panies are now devoting their energies
to resurrecting their tracks. The Penn
sylvania lines in all directions are In
fair shape, but the Reading and Cum
berland Valley roads are still greatly
crippled. The Cumberland Valley does
not sell tickets for points beyond
Mechanlcsburg. At some places ulong
this line the snow is high ns the cars.
The Lebanon Valley branch of the
Reading Is also blocked by huge drifts.
The city electric lines are gradually re
suming operations and the cars In the
city are running regularly. The sub
urban trallic Is still greatly Interrupted.
Middletown, Del., Feb. 10. The trnln
which lert Baltimore at 7.20 o'clock on
Friday morning arrived here tonight at
6.3B, having been snow-bound between
Mt. Pleasant and Middletown. The
railroad people did everything they
could to make the pnssengers comfort
able. The company have about 100 men
shoveling snow. They have five en
gines In front pulling and expect to
get from here by 10, o'clock tomorrow.
The snow Is In drifts twelve feet high
in some places.
Carlisle, Pa., Feb. 1.0. The passenger
trains on the Cumberland Valley rail
road which left Harrlsburg Friday
morning, being snow bound ever since,
reached here this evening. The entire
day was spent in shoveling them out
of the heavy snow-drifts enst of this
city. By gome means an engine was
thrown from the track, completely
blockading the road. Between this city
anddettysburgseveral pnssenger trains
have been stalled In the snow-drifts.
The passengers on the trains have been
transferred to the nenr farm houses and
provided for.
State Printing Office and Contents De
stroyed by tlio 1'lainen.
By the United Prom.
v Harrlsburg.. Feb. 10,-The fire which
was discovered In the annex of the
state printing olllce, on llerr street,
at midnight, was not under control un
tll'thls morning. The building and
co Wen ts are a total loss. The books
and papers of the superintendent of
public printing In an adjoining building
""ere saved. Everything else was Ue-
stroyed. The loss on building and con
tents Is estimated at $100,000, almost
covered by Insurance. It Is not known
how the fire originated. The only work
for the legislature that was destroped
was the calendar for the senate and
house for Monday night's session. The
annual report of the state treasurer
was destroped, but a revised proof Is
In the hands of the state treasurer.
About a hundred pages of the auditor
general's report for ISM had been print
ed and the manuscript Is all destroyed,
as were other state reportB.
Slate Printer Busch urrlved here this
afternoon and will endeavor to arrange
with one of the printing houses In the
city to do his work until he establishes
a plaint. . v
Would lilrdlc tho liloho and l uru $5,000
All in One Year.
By the United Press.
Chicago, Feb. 10. There passed
through hero, last week, a young man
who Is endeavoring to win one of the
queerest bets on record. His name Is
Palel Jones, and he started at a point
In Boston nearly a year ago, without
money or clothing, on a wager that he
would go around the world and return
to that city Inside of a year with $3,000.
He arrived here from St. Paul and
left last night for Rochester, N. Y. He
expects to win the wager.
Six Persons Die on a Ship in Sight of
Rescuing l'orty-lleroio Kfforts of tho
Life Saving Crew tol.uunch a Uout Are
Thuurtcd by the High Wuvcs.
By tho United Press.
Putchogue, L. I., Feb. 10. In the rig
ging of the three-masted schooner, be
lieved to be the Von Tlllson, w hen dark
ness fell last evening, there clung two
men, half dead, while five bodies,
lashed to ropes, swung against the liv
ing in the angry wind. Three life
saving crews have labored since yester
day noon to rescue the men. Nine were
In the rigging when darkness set In lust
night. At daylight Saturday morning
it was seen that two had dropped Into
the sea during the night. One body
was tied under the arms. The line was
fast o the crosstrees, and as every sea
lurched the vessel the body thumped
against her side. As the life gun was
rolled Into position last night, and
aimed at the schooner's rigging, the
voice of a sailor was heard to cry out:
"O God, save us! Three are alive.
For Clod's sake save us!"
The echo of the gun drowned the
cries of the man. After the life line
had been hurled across the vessel and
when no one aboard her tried to grasp
it, another cry was heard. This morn
ing life lines were shot across the ves
sel again, but the two surviving sailors
on the foremast were too cold and ex-'
haunted to take hold of It. At noon an
other line was shot. One of the men
caught hold of it, but he was too1 weak
to haul the whip line of the brfeches
buoy aboard. On this line defended
the saving of the two survivors.-
When the tide went down at 12 u"clck
both men Jumped to the schooner' deck
and ran to the mainmust. Onn who
seemed to he the stronger, then helped
the other into the shrouds and lashed
him fust. Every few minutes he
climbed the rigging and pounded his
shipmate to keep him awake. Attempt
after attempt to launch the lifeboat
proved unsuccessful yesterday. The
life-saving crew made one more effort
Just before dirk, but the high seas
tossed the boat back upon the Ice
bound beach. All efforts to reach the
two sailors were abandoned at 7 o'clock.
Part of the crews of the three stations
were left on duty, while the remainder
of the surfmen went on their regular
patrols. Just before dark one of the
men In the rigging could be seen going
through motions as If in prayor.
Signals of Distress.
The crew of the Patchogue life saving
station had taken .the last man from
the wreck of the four-masted schooner
John V: Manning at about 8.30 yester
day morning. One of the men was re
turning: to the wreck when he discov
ered a three-masted schooner rapidly
drifting toward the shore. She was
heading northwest, but her crew
seemed unable to control her. Her sails
were torn and the remnants were flap
ping wildly Jn the winds. A torn Aug
was flying from the leeward rigging.
The flag was bottom side up, showing
that craft was In distress. All her
sails, save the malnsaU and foresail,
were torn to ribbons, and the booms
were swinging first one way and then
another as the schooner rolled In the
trough of the sea. The tired patrolmen
hastened back to the beach.
Tho schooner struck on the outer bar
Just before the life savers arrived, and
then she worked In toward the shore,
AH the life-saving apparatus was still
attached to the Manning, but the crew
herolcully set to work removing It,
and In two hours they were In a posi
tion to throw a line to 'the newcomer.
Meanwhile the poor wretches on the Ill
fated vessel were running frantically
about the decks. From the shore they
could be seen lashing themselves to the
rigging. Three climbed the rigging of
the foremast, tying themselves there.
Two others climbed the mainmast, and
dragging the ropes after them finally
lashed themselves fast. Two were al
ready lashed In the mainmast rigging.
The men on shore worked hard to reach
the vessel, but the surf prevented the
launching of the life-boat, and line after
line waa shot out to her. Captain Rorke
and Captain Sim Daker realized that
all their efforts were of no avail.
While this was going on on-shore
some of the poor fellows lashed In the
rigging, who could plainly see the work
ing of the life-savers, died. The three
men In the foremast were hanging limp.
Tho life-savers made signs to tho sur
vivors to tie the life line around their
waists and Jump Into the sea, but they
would not do It.
Two of tho Crow Rescued.
Fire Island, N. V Feb. 10. Tho
schooner ashore at Point of Woods Life
Saving station proves to be the Louis
V. Place, of New York. Captain Squires,
from Baltimore for New York, coal
laden. Cnptnln Baker, of the Lone Hill
station and tho Point of Woods crew,
succeeded In reaching the vessel at 11
o'clock Inst night and rescued two of
the crew, which had consisted of eight
men. They were In a badly fror.en
condition and had been In the rigging
two days 'and a night. The othor six
men hud either been washed overboard
and drowned or frozen to death In the
Fifty-Third Has Less Than a Month
to Complete Its Work.
Proposition Leading to the Government
Control of Kailrouds Will Meet Oppo
sit lon-Kepublicans Will Kncoiirnuo
l'lnnnclul Relief Measures,
By the United Press.
Washington, Feb. 10. Beginning with
tomorrow there yet remains to this con
gress but eighteen days In which to
transact business and close up its af
fairs. Despite the fact that the end is
so near but one of the thirteen appro
priation bills ithat provide for the gov
ernmental expenditures for the year
ending Juno 30, 1896, has become a law
and received the signature of the pres
identthe Military academy bill. There
Is now on the senate calendar the poSt
oftlee and the Indian bills, and Chair
man Cockrell expects to report the ag
ricultural bill tomorrow. The two bills
now before the senate will be sub
jected to much debate, but the degree
to which It may be protracted depends
entirely upon the attitude of those In
charge with regard to the withdrawing
of certain objectionable amendments
that have been made. The first bill
to be called up is the postofflce appro
priation bill. At the solicitation of Mr.
Vilas tho committee has reported an
amendment to this bill providing that
the government shall own the postal
cars In use on the different roads carry
ing the fant malls. The Republicans
look upon this as the first step In the
direction of government ownership ,of
railroads and will antagonize the
Another and a far more Important
amendment, more objectionable from a
political standpoint. Is one that places
the expenditure of the IXOOO.OOO appro
priated for the support of the special
fust mall facilities, at the nbsolute dis
cretion of the postmaster general. This,
Republicans say, is contrary to all pre
cedents. They maintain that congress
Itself should stipulate where and how
this money should be spent. So long as
this amendment is permitted to remain
as a part of the bill Republican leaders
say they will not permit It to pass,
tight on Agricultural Hill.
It is Immaterial whether the agricul
tural or the Indian bill comes up next
Changes In both of them will be de
nmmled by the Republicans. At the
last session the Republicans, against
the opposition of the Democrats, had
Jl, 000,000 appropriated for the extermi
nation of the Russian thistle, this ap
propriation going onto the agricultural
bill as an amendment, but was stricken
out In conference. Now the bill carries
an amendment reported by the commit
tee appropriating the same amount for
the extermination of the gypsy moth,
which will bo fought by the Republi
Mr. Allen will take the first oppor
tunity that presents Itself this week to
call up his resolution providing for the
appointment of a committee to Investi
gate the Alabama election; and Mr.
Call, If he Is able to amend his lottery
resolution so as to make It acceptable
to the Republicans, will do likewise.
There Is a good chance of the Republi
cans assisting In the passage of both
these resolutions and thus sotting two
Investigating committees at work. In
any event they will be useful in con
suming time and preventing the discus
sion of other measures to which the Re
publicans are opposed.
The Republicans may precipitate n
discussion of flnnnciul affairs by the In
troduction of some sort of a resolution.
It Is apparent that the finance commit
tee will do nothing, although the presi
dent's message will doubtless be dis
cussed at the meeting next Tuesday.
Should nothing come out of It, the mes
sage will, It Is understood, be brought
before the senate for discussion through
some other channel. The Republicans
are willing that a financial measure
should receive ample consideration, and
will lend all tho assistance needed to
get some scheme, practicable In their
estimation, before the senate at any
time when the Democrats will Indicate
their willingness to co-operate with
them. A financial debate this week Is
not among the Improbabilities.
No Special Hill to lie Considered,
Immense pressure Is being brought
to bear upon the committee on rules
for orders for the consideration of this
or that measure, which Its advocates
deem to be of rarest Importance, but
members of the committee said yester
day that until the appropriations bills
were out of the way no arrangements
would be mude for the consideration
of special bills. Of course this decision
of tho committee Is not In flexible, and
should tho committee on ways and
means come to the Improbable conclu
sion to recommend the passage of a
bill giving the secretary of the treasury
authority to Issue 3 per cent, gold
bonds. In accordance with the sugges
tion contained in President Cleveland's
last flnanclnil message, doubtless a day
would be granted for Its discussion.
The programme outlined for this
week contemplates the passage of the
legislative, executive and judicial ap
propriation bill before adjournment on
Monday. The session of the house to
morrow will begin at 11.30 o'clock and
that Is likely to be the rule from thlB
time forward. By unanimous consent
Tuesday has been set apnrt for the
consideration of measures affecting the
Interests of the District of Columbia.
The naval appropriation bill, which has
been on the calendar for two weeks,
will be called up on Wednesday and the
debate oh some of Its provisions will
probably exhaust the remainder of the.
Opposition to tho Naval til II.
The provisions for the new ships are
sure to meet the determined If not ag
gressive opposition of several of the
Democratic leaders, interested In keep
ing the total of appropriations by this
congress down to the lowest possible
figure. But the declaration of Mr. wll
son, chairman of the committee on
ways and means, supplemented by
those of President Cleveland, In his
message to ctmgress and of Secretary
Carlisle In his .letter tho other day,
that there would be a surplus of re
ceipts over expenditures In this cal
emlar year, have undoubtedly strength
ened the ranks of the advocates of the
proposed Increase of the navy, and one
of the antagonists of the proposition
practically admitted on Saturday that
the bill as reported by the committee
on iiavai affairs would receive the sup
port of a majority of the house. Sat
urday afternoon has been set aside for
the delivery of eulogies upon the late
Senator Vance, of North Carolina.
Charged with Being a White Cop-Other
Prominent Men Accused.
By tlio United Press.
Atlanta, Feb. 10. At a white cap trial
begun before a federal court yesterday
three of the men Indicted and on trial
were S. Q. Treadwell, of Tllton, White
field county, member of the state sen
ate of Georgia; Dr.Samiuel Brown, his
son-in-law, a practicing physician of
Whltelleld county, and Frank Ollgore,
a justice of the peace of Tllton. They
are charged with conspiracy and the
"White capping" of Bob Hooker on
Ajpiil 14 last, because he had reported
Illicit stills to the authorities. The
charge, If proved, implies a heavy pen
ality. The grand Jury w hich Indicted them
believe that a general oath-bound con
spiracy existed by which men were
sent a distance of over a hundred miles
to execute the orders of the clan for
the punishment of persons who have
fallen under their pleasure. There are
over forty men In jail charged with
membership in this leugue.
Three Survivors of tbe Ill-Fated Elbe Arc
Passengers on the l inbria No News of
l.a (iuscognc.
By the United Press.
Quarantine, S. I., Feb. 10. The Red
Star line's Rhlnelund, which has been
several daysoverdue, arrived this morn
ing. She was so heavily loaded down
with Ice on the starboard side as to
list her at an angle of nearly 45 de
grees. It was Impossible to walk along
her decks unless by the assistance of
life lines. Captain Mills told the United
Press representative at Quarantine
that If the moderate weather had con
tinued he would have reached this
point on Wednesduy night, but the
howling hurricane which struck her lust
Monday upset all calculations for a
good passage. From 10 o'clock Tuesday
morning till noon of Wednesday the
ship was hove to. .
The Manitoba's captain, Griffiths, had
almost exactly the same experience as
the Rhintland, but did not suffer so
much from the Ice. The lowest tem
perature she' experienced was on the
eighth when the thermometer went
down to 10 degrees above zero.
The Cunarder I'mbiia arrived here
this morning. Her voyage was unevent
ful as' far as the weather was con
cerned. Last Wednesday morning,
shortly after midnight, she fell in with
a French bark, which is reported to he
the Jean Baptiste of Havre, with a
cargo of lumber from Halifax for Cork,
The' bark was water logged and the
crew made signals that they wislied to
be taken off. Captain Dutton ordered
a boat lowered, which took off four of
the crew, and ten others came alongside
In the two boats belonging to the bark.
They had been helpless for several
days. The men saved none of their ef
John Vevera, Charles Hofmann nnd
Eugene Schlegel, survivors of the Elbe
disaster, were passengers on the I'm
Neither the Umbria, the Manitoba
nor the Rhineland saw anything of the
overdue La Gascogne.
New Y.oik, Feb. 11. The steamer re
ported as coming In east of Sandy Hook
this morning at 11!. 00 hus anchored.
The marine observer at Sandy Hook
reports that she looks like u French
line steamer. The French liners now
due are La Gascogne and La Norman
die. . .
New York. Feb. 11. At 1.45 tho French
liner before reported tins anchored out
side of Sandy Hook liar. The mnrlne
observer' at Sandy Hook says she Is
piubably La Normandle.
A Woman and Child Start on a Journey
Which They Tail to Mulsh.
By the United Press.
New- York, Feb. 10. A general alarm
lias been sent out to the police of the
city to look for Mrs. Hatitle Carey and
her little 3-year-old son, who dlsup
pea ted last Saturday under very ex
traordlnary circumstances. Mrs. Carey
Is the wife of Henry Carey, who, until
recently, lived In Philadelphia. Mr.
Carey made up his mind about a fort
night ago to come to this city and live,
He has an aunt here, and it was ar
ranged that Carey and his wife and
child should make their home with her,
Last Saturday MrB. Carey, with her
little boy, left by the Pennsylvania
railroad and were due to arrive In this
city somewhere about 7 p. ni. Carey
remained behind to wind up his affairs,
From the time Mrs. Carey and her
child boarded the Pennsylvania train
up to the present moment all trnce of
them hns been lost. They apparently
have vanished off the fuee of tho curth,
and now Carey Is here In this city well
nigh distracted with grief and moving
heaven and earth to get some clew to
their whereabouts or their fate.
Taken for a Negro, Loses II Is Ticket and
a Holl of Monoy.
By the United Press.
nt. Louis, feu. iu. v. L. Slssela, o
Colombo, Ceylon, an Importer of teas In
New York, who was a World's, fair com'
mlssloner from Ceylon, took a berth In
the sleeper of an east bound Louisville
and Nashville train at the Union eta
tlun. .. ' the train nenred Belleville,
111. .Rbotir'twenty miles distant, the
conductor Mr. Slsscta that he must ride
In the smoker, evidently taking him for
a negro. Mr. Slssela demurred and or
fered a thousund-mlle ticket from which
to take the fare, but the conductor
confiscated It, as he said It did not be
long to him.
Then the passenger pulled out u roll
containing $100 avid offered to pay fare,
The conductor refused this and put the
tea merchant and his baggage off at
Belleville. In the scuffle tho $100 and a
check for a 'trunk containing $500 worth
of valuable teas were lost.
Storm in Ireland.
By tho United Press.
Dublin, Feb, 10. An unprecedented mow
storm hit blocked tramc throuKhout the
south of Ireland today. Hallway traffic li
bauly blocked.
Mr. Cranston Declares That His Ar
rest Was Unvvaraantcd,
Three Pussengcrs on tlio Wurrimo Say
That the Death of the Rebels Has
llecn Dcraunded by Cowards Who.
Run Ueforc Royalists.
By the United Press.
Victoria, B. C, Feb. 10. The steamer
Warrlmo arrived here late last night
from Honolulu, bringing ne,ws of hap
penings there up to Feb. 2.' On board
are three men who have been exiled by
the Hawaiian government for partici
pation In the recent rebellion. They
are: J. Cranston, A. Muller, and J. B.
Johnson. Mr. Cranston, upon arriving
here, sent for the American consul.
He Intends placing his case In the hands
of the American authorities and will
seek redress for the expulsion of Mul
ler, Johnston and himself.
Six of the rebels have been sentenced
to death for complicity in the recent up
rising. The general belief in Honolulu,
however, was that no capital punish
ment would be meted out to the rebels,
the first hut feeling of resentment
ugainst the disturbers having passed
away and given place to one of mercy
and moderation.
The trial of the ex-queen has proba
bly already occured. ' The churges and
specifications were served upon her on
Jan. 31, and the trial was set for the
following week. Her own diary, found
at Washington palace, will be put In
as important evidence against her. The
Impression Is general that bIic will
ilead guilty and will be leniently dealt
Cranston, one of the men who arrived
here on the Warrlmo, claims to be an
American citizen. He denies absolutely
that he was in any way connected with
the uprising in Hawaii or even knew
that such a thing was contemplated
until the day the rebellion broke out
He says his arrest, detention and ex
pulsion from Hawaii was unwarranted
and a gross outrage. Ho claims that
he and his companions were given no
hearing and were unceremoniously
ilaced upon the steamer an hour before
she sailed. He says his business In
Honolulu was ruined by the acts of the
Hawallun government, and that he and
Muller were put aboard the steamer
with only the clothes they had on when
they were arrested, and with the small
sums of money they happened to have
with them at the time. Cranston says
he Is going to lay his case before the
United States government and demany
Perjured Testimony Introduced.
Cranston charges that the Hawaiian
government Is procuring the conviction
of some of those charged with engag
ing in the rebellion by means of per
jured testimony, and that the fact Is
notorious In Honolulu.
James B. Johnston, who claims to be a
British Btibject, said: "I was In the
service of the government right up to
the moment 1 was arrested on Monday
afternoon. I had made arrangements
to take up arms for the government,
but before I could do so I was arrested
For twenty hours a dny we were con
lined In our cells and we could com
munlcate with no one. Martial law was
In force after mutual hostilities had
censed. The rebel leaders were being
tried by court-martial composed of mill
itarv men not one of whom knew cor
rectly how to draw a sword from Its
The cowards who fled before a hand
ful of rebels at Diamond Head demand
ed that all the prisoners be shot with
out the option of a trial. The govern
ment newspaper made the same de
mands. A petition was extensively
signed by the soldiers demanding the
Immediate execution of Royalist lead
ers. The government was in tne nanus
of a livib. Foreign ministers were
powerless, ns there were no warships
In the harbor to back them up or to
protect us. Every night we expected
an indiscriminate siuugnter. At last
the Philadelphia arrived and every
body felt more secure. The trials pro
ceeded, but were grossly one-sided. The
government luwyers would not defend
the prisoner?, and all Royalist lawyers
were In jail.
Mr. Johnson then told of his deporta
tion, his story ugrecing In every par
ticular with that told by Mr. Cranston.
Muller's testimony is to the same effect.
Johnston will land at Vancouver and
remain there for the present, but Crans
ton and Muller assert that they will
not leave the ship, but return to Hono
According to tho .Master Workman Thcro
Will Ho a Serious I phcuvnl In This
Country Within Twelve Months.
By the United Tress.
Philadelphia, Feb. 10. "The crisis Is
surely comliiif," Httlrt General Master
Workman of the Knights of Labor
Sovereign, this afternoon, at Labor
Lyceum hull, in an address to tho mem
bers of a local assembly composed of
cloth cutters and shop tailors. "There
will be a serious upheaval li this coun
try within twelve months. Kvery
move on the soclul chess board indi
cates It. Capitalistic tactics are forc
ing the Issue, and organized labor will
be the victor. It wilt be a peaceful
revolution, accomplished without the
aid of Winchesters and Oatllug guns.
After the light Is over people will say,
when they Bee a Knight of Labor who
has been stead fan t throughout the
great strife, 'there goes an American
patriot.' We want you to enlist for
the war, to become an Integral part ot
our grand organization; until there Is
gathered within our fold sufficient
numerlcul strength to say to the other
follows: "This far you have gone', and
by the Eternal Uod, you shull go no
These ralher forcible concluding re
marks of the general muster workman
were prefaced by a much milder dis
course. In which ho outlined, from a
Knights of Labor standpoint, the dif
ferences between capital and lubor In
the master of a proper wage scale.
"We want the entire abolition of wage
system," he said. "Ho long as thut
i "" -""l'""tD " " "--
slavery run rampant In the lands,
Wage yitum and slavery are sysno-
system continues so long will poverty
nomous terms. We consider the estab
lishment of a co-operative system to
supersede the grinding wage system,
and we can have it by thorough organi
zation and united action. Our whole
social system has gone all to smash.
The common people, the working peo
ple, must reconstruct it."
Mr. Sovereign attacked the trades
unions, saying that they were entirely
too limited In their scope, and too self
ish in their aims.
Story by the Teutonic's Captain Comforts
Anxious friends.
By the United Press.
Paris, Feb. 10. The story told by the
Teutonic's captain has given some com
fort to many persons who are watching
anxiously for news from the La Gas
cogne. If the Teutonic's speed was
twenty knots an hour, they say, La
Gascogne's could not be more than six
teen knots.
The captain of La Bourgogne, which
sailed from Havre yesterday, was in
structed to keep a sharp lookout for
the missing vessel and to shape his
course toward Newfoundland, with a
view to getting some trace of her.
A Londou Omnibus Driver Frozen to
Dcuth-Perils of Trying to Get Married
In a Howling Snow Storm.
From the New York Sun.
London, Feb. 10. The most remarka
ble fact about the severe weather the
past week is that an. icy band encircles
the whole northern hemisphere. It Is
not a mere cold wave or a series of
waves. It exists with tne same intens
ity and during the same time In Eur
ope, China, and Amerlcu. The war dis
patches from the seat of operations uf
the Japanese forces at Wei-Hal-Wel
say that the temperature Is more than
30 degrees below the freezing point.
From Russia come tales of unprece
dented cold. Western Europe, Includ
ing England, has not known such
weather for twenty years. In fact, the
whole earthi north of the thirtieth par
allel is Ice-bound, and it is doubtful If
the existing records of meteorology can
produce a similar situation.
Tbe effects of the terrible visitation
are, of course, most severe where the
condition Is most abnormal. When I
mention that an omnibus driver was
frozen to death In his Beat, with the
reins frozen to his hands, In London
yesterday, some conception may lie
formed of the sufferings of the poor
in tho great metropolis. Snowed-up
trains, and frozen rivers and canals
have been as common in England this
week as In America. The calamitous
weather produced some humurous ef
fects. . There Is nothing funnier than the
adventures of a wedding party in Cum
berland. John Howes, a mining en
gineer, was to be married on Wednes
day afternoon at the parish church
to Mabel Snelus. A big snow storm
had been raging, but the bridal party
of fourteen persons bravely set out to
church and succeeded In reaching it In
an exhausted condition., They found
neither parson nor bridegroom. After
fretting in. vain, they es'saped to return
home. All the roads meantime had be
come impassable, and the party had
ultimately to spend the night in the
When I.ovc Weakened.
All this time Howes hud been mak
ing frantic efforts to reach his bride.
He started out blithely, defiant of the
miow storm, hut was soon brought to a
standstill. Over and over again on
horse and on foot he tried to gain the
church. He was finally compelled to
give In. Not even love made desperate
could contend successfully against
snowdrifts sixteen feet deep, which
were the obstacles that stood between
Howes and happiness. The unfortu
nate parson had been In a desperate
plight, innrrowiy escaping with his life,
and finally taking refuge In a wayside
Happily for the belengured party In
side the church it Included two athletic
brothers of the bride, and these, mak
ing a gallant Bortle before night fell.
eturned with stimulants, food, and
blankets. Next morning the bridegroom
brought his engineering skill to bear
upon the problem, and, having enguged
200 laborers, 'he managed to cut a nar
row way, first to the curate's house, the
parson being too exhausted and un
nerved to take further Bhare In Cupid's
game, and thence to the church, where
the marriage ultimately took pluce on
Thursday afternoon. It will be seen
from this Illustration that England Is
having a real old-fashioned winter, such
as Christmas story-tellers delight to
write about and simple folk love to
read of In snug nooks. But, truth to
tell, only skatemakers and skaters are
enjoying It. Everybody else Is grum
bling and shivering, while the poor are
suffering untold misery.
Steamer Maverick Abandons a Rurgo
Carrying a Crew of Ten Men.
By the United Press.
New York, Feb. 10. Cnptnln Rubelll,
of the steamer .Maverick, belonging to
the Standard Oil company, arrived at
Huyonnethlsmorniiigand reported that
she was obliged to abandon barge No.
68 at sea Friday night and make port
for coal. The Maverick loft Hoston i
for Philadelphia last Monduy with
burge No. 5S In tow. The barge wub
light. Heavy gales were encountered
from the outset, and on Thursday and
Friday the steamer and burge had as
much ns they could do to keep afloat In
the bllzrard. On Friday night the sup
ply of coal on tho Maverick got so low
that Captain Rubelll decided to drop
the barge and make port, and returned
for the barge nfter coaling.
The crew of the barge consisted of
Captain C. Q. Farmnn, an old schooner
captain, who halls from Koton, Conn.;
an engineer, a fireman and seven sail
ors, ten ull told. Whether they are still
alive or not Is mere conjecture. The
severity of the recent gale and the In
tense cold muke the chances for their
safety very slim.
China Seeks Advice.
By tho United Press.
London, Feb. 10 The Central News'
correspondent In Pckln telegraphs thut
the Chinese government Is consulting with
the foreign diplomatists concerning the
new powrs to be exercised by the peae
envoys to Jupun.
For eastern Pennsylvania, fair; north
east winds.
For the next ten days it will be :
to your interest to visit our
And sec the values we are oH'eriut;
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Linens, ''Sil
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56-in. Sale Price 48c, Reg. Price 60c
60-in. 59c, " 75c
62-in. " 75c, " 90c
72-in. " 89c, " $1.10
' Napkins to match the above.
65 doz. 5-8 $1.55, Regular Price $1.75
75 doz. 3-4 2.35, " 2.75
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25 doz. Colored Damask Border Httck.
X3.UUdusN Reg. Price 81-20
25 doz. Bird's Eve, hemstitched,
45c. each, Res. Price 65o
15 doz. double hemstitched buck, extra
size, 5i)c. each, Re. Price 75c
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