The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 09, 1895, Page 7, Image 7

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, 122 K. Main Ivenne, Scraston,
Feed, Meal and Corn, $1,00
Stowers Hams, , 91-2G
25-lb. Sack Buckwheat, 55C
1 gallon Finest Maple Syrup, SOe
l doz. Finest Cold Facked Tomatoes, SOC
Long and Cut Hay, per 100 lbs., 7"C
Choice Oats, per bag, ' 90C
Best Butter, per lb., - 21c
Try our "Strawberry Brand" of Bmoked
30-lb. Pail Jelly ,75c
Pissing Events of the Day on the
West Side of the City Noted.
Service Conducted by Rev. B. J. Evans.
The Cymrodorlan Society Attended.
Young Till-tapper in Decker's Drug
Store-Couldn't Reach Cemetery.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Thomas
5. Lewis, of Decker's court, -took place
yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Al
though a fierce blizzard was raging at
the time a great many friends of the
well known singer were In attendance.
The services were conducted by Rev. R.
J. Evans at the home, after which the
remains were removed to the Taber
nacle Congregational church, where
Mr. Evans held further services. As It
had been Mrs. Lewis' dying request, a
large number of the members of the
old Cymrodorion Choral society at
tended, and several selections were ren
dered. The remains were then conveyed to
the Washburn Street cemetery by Un
dertakers Neville & Tague, where In
terment was made. At the gate of the
cemetery the snow was drifted up ii.
piles manv feet high, making it Impos
sible for the carriages to pass through.
This difficulty was overcome by the
pall-bearers, who carried the remains
from the gate to the grave. The bearers
wwe: Samuel Rogers, Richard Thomas,
W iam B. Jones, David Davis, John
Ej ns and Evan Evans.
Yonng Thief at Work.
While Harry Decker, the clerk at
Decker's drug store on North Main ave-
nue, was cleaning the snow from the
sidewalk yesterday morning two young
lads, Robert Dawes, of Sumner ave
nue, and William Burgeroff, of Lincoln
avenue, entered the store and young
Dawes went to the money drawer and
after making a careful survey of his
surroundings, took change amounting
to about J2. At this moment Mr.
Decker happened to glance in the store
and caught sight of the young thief. He
promptly captured him. Dawes was
taken to the police station and turned
over to Officer Gurrell. After his mother
had been sent for he was released. The
lad Is only 9 years of age.
Monahan Was Not Buried.
Considering the fact that a fierc. ollz
zard raged yesterday morning a good
ly number attended a solemn high mass
of requiem which was celebrated In
St. Patrick's church at 9 o'clock.
Rev. Father Dunne conducted the ser
vices over the remains of the late
Thomas Monahan, of Eynon street. The
floral offerings were very pretty. Un
dertaker Wymbs atempted to convey
the remains to the Hyde Park Catholic
cemetery, but when he reached the lane
on North Main avenue which leads to
the cemetery he found it impossible.
The snow drifts were from ten to twelve
feet high. As there was no possible
means of reaching the cemetery the
cortege returned. The casket contain
ing the deceased waa placed In Mr.
Wymbs morgue and will probably be
Interred today.
He Was Badly Frozen.
A man named Williams, who said he
resldej on North Mam avenue, was ar
resUi yesterday afternoon in front of
Cooper's market on North Main ave
nue while in a beastly state of Intoxica
tion. Officer Gurrell and Constable
Timothy Jones removed him to the
West Side station house. When near
the stove, lWlllams suffered great pain,
and it was found that he had been bad
ly bitten with the frost, aUhough ton
drunk to realize it. The officers rubbed
his hands and warmed him up, after
which he was comfortably placed in his
cell to await a hearing.
Brief Notes of Xntoreat.
Llewellyn Davles, of North Rebecca
avenue, is seriously ill.
Bezaleel Davis, of Washburn street,
Is suffering from a sprained foot,.
Miss Lizzie A. Brown, of Ninth street,
Is visiting friends In Plttston and
Attorney David 7. Davis will be
Advertisements inserted
For Sale, For Rent, Boarding,
aU other headings of a similar
FREE -Situations Wanted FREE lSSSiRSSrM
It Costs Nothing to Give This Scheme a Trial. ietiScenrncd for
- if-
Write vour advprtliement on
Spruce street and Penn avenue.
toastmaster at the Ivorlte banquet on
St. David's Day.
The Republican league of the WeBt
Side held a business meeting last even
ing in their rooms on South Main ave
nue. The Welsh Philosophical society will
hold a meeting this evening in their
roms. Many current topleB will be con
Owing to the extreme cold weather
the Young People's Llteary society did
not meet in the First Welsh Baptist
church last evening.
The entertainment of the St. Cecelia's
Total Abstinence and Benevolent socie
ty of the West Side has been postponed
until Tuesday night, Feb. 12.
Owing to a typographical error the
name of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bayers
appeared as Sayles in yesterday morn
ing's issue. The item referred to their
tenth anniversary reception.
The Cambrian Mutual Fire Insur
ance company have elected the follow
ing officers: Benjamin Hughes, presi
dent; Richard Williams, vice-president;
Benjamin E. Evans, secretary; D. M.
Jones, treasurer; D. C. Powell, general
The alarm of Are which was sounded
from box 39, at Sumner avenue and
Washburn street, at 7 o'clock last even
ing waa euused by a slight blaze among
some combustible material at the home
of Thomas Beach. The fire wus quick
ly extinguished and the alarm blew for
lire out ulmost before the arrival of the
locul companies.
West Sldo Business Directory.
PIIOTOGRAPITF.R-Cablnet Photos, $1.40
per dozen. They are Just lovely. Con
vlnco yourself by call us nt Starner's
l'hoto Parlors, 101 and 103 Soulh Main
HORSESHOEING N. Bush, practical
horseshuer. Work done only In a Mist
class manner and guaranteed satlsfuc
tory. 8hoi, Price street, close to North
Main avenue.
GROCERIES Revere Btnndanrd Java
Cofl'eo Is unexcelled. The leading coffee
of the day. For sule only at K. W. Ma
son & Co. Fine Groceries, 110 South
Main avenue.
for anvthlns you have to sell. Furni
ture Stoves, Tools, etc. Call and see
the stock of J. C. King, 102t and 1020
Jackson street.
WttL PAPER Go to Fred Reynolds,
203 North Main avenue, and see his
complete line of Wall Paper, Paints
and Window Shades. Just opened with
new stock.
PLUMBING William D. Griffiths, 113
North Main avenue, does llrst-class
Plumbing, Steam Heat anil Gas Fitting.
Satisfaction Is strictly guaranteed.
OYSTERS R. E. Davis, market house.
Dealer In Foreign and Domestic Fruits.
Oysters served in every style. 310 North
Main avenue, next to Clarke's.
Contracts for Printing Them Awarded by
County Commissioners.
The contracts for printing the ballots
for the coming election were yesterday
awarded by the county commissioners
to The Tribune and Republican. The
number to be printed is 72,000. This In
cludes specimens and official ballots
The Republican will print the ballots
for the city of Scranton and receive $1S
per thousand. All ballots for the re
malnder of the county will be printed
In The Tribune job offlce The price
for these will be J21, per thousand.
This increase in price is due to the
fact that there will be many more
changes of the forms necessary per
thousand for the ballots from the coun
ty districts, as In many of the polling
places but a small number of ballots
will bo required.
Coroner KcIIcy Docs Not Think Ono Neces
sary In Priccburg Case.
Coroner Kelley yesterday made an in
formal investigation into the circum
stances attending the Are which oc
curred at Prlceburg early on Thursday
morning in which Mrs. Joseph Choper
lnski and her7-year-old daughter, Mary,
were burned to death.
The results of his Inquiries satisfied
the coroner that a formal Inquest would
be unnecessary, as no blame could be
attached to any person according to the
information given.
The drifts in this part of the city are in
some places over four feet deep.
Mrs. W. L. Jones, of Sanderson ave
nue. Is seriously ill at her home.
Dr. C. W. Treverton, of Sanderson ave
nue, has returned from a visit to New
Dr. Edson Green, of Delaware Btreet,
has returned from a business trip to New
Mrs. N. F. Stahl. of Sunset avenue. Is
vlsltlpg her son, N. F. Stahl, Jr., at Prince
ton. N. J.
At no time yesterday did the thermo
meter at Lewis' drug store register over
two degrees above zero.
The Green Rlrigo Woman's Christian
Temperance, union enjoyed a sleighrlde
to Peckvllle Thursday afternoon.
As no street ears were running yestor
day William Kline and McAlullnn broth
ers ran sleighs between Scranton and
Providence, going through Green Ridge.
Notwithstanding the weather a large
number attended ithe eoclcul In Arch
hnlJJiall Thursday night, conducted by
the members of the Puritan Congrega
tional church, when the contest for the
bedroom suito waa closed. It was won by
Benjamin Evans, of Putnam street.
Remeber our telephone number Is 2212
If you want plumbing work. W. G. Doud
& Co., 609 Lacko. ave.
Rhoumotlsm Cured In a Day.
"MystlcCure'Toi Rheumatism and Neu
ralgia radically cures In 1 to 8 days. Its
action upon tho system Is remarkable and
mysterious. It removes at ones the
cause, and the disease Immediately dis
appears. Tie first dose greatly benefits,
75 cents. Sold by Carl Lorenz, druggist,
under the cluKKificntlnn nt Hula Heir.
Rooms to Let, Apartments to Let,
nature cost only
above blank anil aenrl with amount tn
It will be Inserted in tomorrow's Tribune.
Station Policeman Spcllman Says We
Are Victims of Circumstances.
lie Has Had an Eventful and Stirring
Career Congressman Straus, of Now
York, on Interstate Commerce.
Interesting News Notes.
"We are aW victims of circumstances,
and few young men of 17 can toll what
occupation or station of life they will
drift Into before they reach middle
age," said P. F. Spellman, the special
otllcer at the Delaware and Hudson
station yesterday as he kept one eye on
a frozen-looking resident of Wlnton,
who had a grip oh one of the station
radiators which indicated that he
would like to carry it away with him
to impart heat to his benumbed anato
my. "Now take my case for instance,"
remarked the officer, returning to his
subject, having satisfied himself that
the radiator was securely fastened,
"police duty Is something I never was
In love with, but here I am in it all
the same.
"In my younger days I attended the
public Bchools of the Seventh ward
of this city, and afterward picked slate
at the Diamond breaker and did al
most ever other kind of work to be had
about n coal mine. In 1864 I ran away
from home and joined the construc
tion corps of the United States army,
for I had a bad attack of the "war
fever" that was then sweeping over the
country. I was with Sherman from
that time until the close of the war,
and accompanied his army on the fam
ous march to the sa. Those were stir
ring times. I waH In Atlanta. Ga.,
when Sherman gave his orders to va
cate and burn that city, and saw the
big roundhouse It contained blown to
A Poor Christmas Dinner.
"At Murfreesborough, Tenn., we were
hemmed in at the time General Thomas
and General Hood were having their
engagements. For three days we had
scarcely anything to eat, as our com
munication with supplies was cut off
by the rebel army. Our Christmas din
ner that year I remember well. It con
slsted of mush and molasses which wo
devoured with relish, I can assure you.
"I was at Fort Fisher in '65, soon
after the rebels surrendered to the
United States troops. We landed on
the steamship Baltic at Moorehead city,
N. C, from which we took a train to
Newburn and repaired the railroads
from Gouldsboro to Raleigh. While Bta-
tioned In this city our company and a
corps of bridge builders were Bent on the
Southern railroad to build a bridge over
a creek. Here I served as cook. I saw
Generals Johnson, Bureauguard, Early
Longstreet, and others of tho rebel
army. They came to Raleigh on an en
glne built on tho style of the "Comet."
"I remember a war hospital between
Newburn and Gouldsboro, where legs
and arms were plied up In a stack four
feet high. When I Baw the doctors
amputating a young soldier's arm my
chicken heart gave way. My comrades
made great fun of me after I had re
covered. After this I had a glimpse of
Andersonvllle and Llbby prisons.
Executed I'ndcr Martial Law.
"In re-building the roads at Goulds
boro I saw a cavalry soldier shot under
martial laws for the murder of a wo-
man ne naa also robbed. You can t
realize how awful the ceremony was;
the drum corps playing the dead march,
the soldier sitting on his coffin. Twelve
soldiers were picked out, six had loaded
rifles and six had blank charges. The
captain gave the command and the sol
dier was dead.
"I started to work for the Delaware,
Lackawanna and Western Express
company In August, 1870, the day that
John Handley's bank was robbed.
was talking to Father Dunn on Lacka
wanna avenue and saw the riots when
the Miner's union paraded the avenue,
and was with Father Dunn when he ad
ministered the rites of the church to
one of the dying men. I casted my
maiden vote for M. W. Lof.tus for mayor
of this city in 1872 and in 1876 shook
hands with Horace Greeley. I have
been county and city assessor and
served one term in the select council.
"Now, after all my travels, I am here
and one of my busiest features is keep
Ing the waiting room clear of the young
ladles who will insist on making these
rooms their centers of flirtation. God
bless them, I hate to ask them to move
on, but 'orders Is orders,' and the girls
have to go. Twenty years ago I would
not have believed that I would occupy
a position of this kind today. But that's
the way of the world, you know," con
eluded Mr. Spellman in a philosophical
Interstate Commerce.
Representa. Straus, of New York
city, in a speech In ingress the other
day, concerning a bill governing certain
phases of Interstate commerce, took the
sensible ground that since railway in
vestments constitute the most import
ant single form of Investment In the
country, and consequently the most
conspicuous evidence of general flnnn
clnl conditions, they cannot possibly
rest under a cloud without Impairing
the real recuperative force of other en
terprlses. The restoration of confidence
In our railroad securities and railroad
management Is of Importance second
only to the question of sound currency,
Little hope can be entertained of check
ing the present unfortunate condition
of affairs so long as railway robbers go
Wnnted. Female Ilelrj Wanted.
Lost, Found, Estray, Reward and
unpunished and those who are responsi
ble for the losses of millions to inves
tors continue to mismanage and to ruin.
The Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific
Railway company caused the arrest, at
Chicago, of Mrs. Mary Freeman and her
two daughters, Fannie and Jennie,
charging them with an attempt to ob.
tain money under false pretenses. The
Frecmans claimed that the daughtci
Fannie had received injuries on one
of tho company's trains, rendering her
a cripple for life, and offered to settle
for $2,000. Detectives employed by the
company investigated and found, as
they allege, that the girl was shamming.
They are charged with having worked
several eastern roads through a slmllur
The financial troubles in the construc
tion of the Pennsylvania Midland rail
road from Cessna, Bedford county, to
Brooks Mills, Blair county, have been
overcome, and the work will be pushed
to completion as soon as the weather
will permit. The main line will be
opened for traffic by May next and the
branches by the following September.
A contract for 700 cars has been award
ed Murray, -Dougal & Co., of Milton,
Pa., and the construction of ten locomo
tives has been ordered.
Of a Local Cliuruetcr.
Bible class at noun today in the ma
chine shops.
Henry Albert, of the machine shops,
who is detained in the Moses Taylor
hospital by a fractured leg, is progress
ing Batlfactorlly.
A handsome Bible has been presented
to tho Moses Taylor lodge, Brotherhood
of Railroad Trainmen, by the heirs of
tho late Moses Taylor.
William S. Kressler, the holder of tha
Hallstead membership medal. Is hon
ored by the appearance of his bio
graphy In the current number of the
Lackawanna Bell. William's cut also
appears, and the jovial features are
easily recognized.
A charitable and generous work was
performed by the members of the Rail
road Young Men's Christian associa
tion yesterday afternoon In serving out
hot coffee to the yard men of the Dela
ware, Lackawanna and Western. The
kindness of the members was highly ap
preciated. The Humane society at Wllkes-Barre
has brought suit against the Delaware
and Hudson Railroad company, for
cruelty to animals. It is alleged that
the company recently placed as many
as thirty-eight head of cattle In a sin
gle car, and that while enroute from
Buffalo to Wilkes-Barre, several of the
cattle died from suffocation.
Frank E. Smith, who recently suc
ceeded I. I. Demurest as Wllkes-Barre
passenger agent of the Wilkes-Barre
and Eastern railroad, has been con
nected with railroad interests for twenty-three
years. At one time he was in
Auditor Webb's office of the Lehigh
Valley: Inter he was with the Chicago,
Milwaukee and St. Paul and previous
to going with tho Wilkes-Barre and
Eastern he was general freight and
passenger agent of the Lehigh and
Hudson. He is considered an authori
ty on all questions relating to the
freight and passenger business. "
A story of absent mindedness Is told
at the expense of ex-County Treasurer
I). W. Powell, who has just been ap
pointed to a snug berth at Harrisburg.
One night this week Mr. Powell re
ceived a message calling him to the
state capital. He left his home on Lin
den street and started for the Dela
ware and Hudson station, but so
wrapped was he In thought that he
passed by the handsome new station of
that company' and wended his way to
the dingy old building at the foot of
Bridge street, that for years did ser
vice as the Scranton Btatlon of the
Delaware and Hudson company. Not
until he had vainly endeavored to
open the locked doors did it dawn
upon the ex-county treasurer that he
had gone to the wrong place. He re
traced his footsteps as rapidly as possi
ble, and reached the new station Just
In time to get aboard the train as It
was leaving,
The amount of energy and conscien
tious hard work on the part of Miss
LUa Stewart, of Kingston, N. Y the
dlrectoress, In preparing for the Kir
mess and arranging the dances entitles
her to the utmost consideration anl
praise. Her extreme good taste and
equitable disposition under the trying
circumstances and fatigue entailed !n
her work have won for her tho friend
ship and esteem of the dancers and oth
ers with whom she has been brought
In contact. She has been sorely tried
In her honest endeavor to please every
body, but to her credit It Is sufficient to
Bay that nobody could have done better,
. .
William Conmell and his son, James
L. Connell, had arranged to start for
Florida yesterday, but the blizzard In
terfered with their arrangements by
rendering it impossible for them to
leave the city. If the weather permits
they will start today and proceed direct
by illmlted express to Jacksonville. At
that place they will make up their
Florida itinerary, it Is probable that
Mr. Connell and son will remain tn
the land of everglades and oranges un
til about April 1.
There were many stiff and Bore busi
ness and professional men about the
city yesterday who' told wonderful
stories of their achievements in the line
of handling the snow shovel and clear
ing acres of sidewalks of the accumu
luted snow,
Washington Avonue Property Sold.
County Commissioner S. W. Roberts
and his brother. Dr. C. W. Roberts, have
purchased ithe property nt 640 Washington
avenue from pierce & Hoigate, it is im
proved by a double frame building and the
consideration was Jii.uuu.
Mrs. Kershaw Wants Her Ring.
Mrs. T. N Kershaw, of Linden street,
who lost a valuable gold ring a few days
ago, yesterday swore Information before
Alderman Fltzslmmons, who issued a
search warrant for searching various sec
ond-hand stores In the city.
Now la the Time.
' The benefit to be derived from a good
medicine In early spring Is undoubted, but
many people negleot tuklng any until the
approach of warmer weather, when they
wilt like a tender flower in a hot sun.
Something must he done to purify the
blood, overoomo that tired feeling and give
necessary strength. Vacation Is earnestly
longed for, but muny weeks, perhaps
months, must elapse before rest can be
Indulged In. To Impart strength, and to
give a feeling of health and vltsor through
out the system, there Is nothing equal to
Hood's Sarsaparlllu. It seems perfectly
adapted to overcome that prostration
caused by change of season, cllmato or
life, and while It tones and sustains the
system it purifies and renovates the blood.
Wben Baby was sick, we gaxe her Cutorte,
When she was a Child, see orled for Cutorla.
When the beeamt Mlat, ah clung to Castorla, '
Waeu the had CUlldrea, the (are them Cattorl
Winter Doings Among Prominent
Leaders of the Season's Gaiety.
Tho Gamut of tho Wcok's Events Sounded
in Short Paragrnphs-Gucsts and En
tortaiucrs Personal Moutloa lie
duced to a Compact Compass.
Of alt the weeks of the present winter
season the past week has witnessed the
greatest dearth of social activity. To
be sure there were many strangers In
town on pleasure bent, but they came
for the KIrmess, and that attraction
succeeded in absorbing the attention of
everybody. There wns here and there
a tea or (luncheon, where a few met
quite Informally, but that was all which
transpired aside from the KIrmess.
Speaking of the KIrmess It was grand,
pretty and almost anything pleasing
which one might choose to apply to It.
It merited attention not only because
local dancers participated, but because
the carnival was entertaining and from
a purely entertainment standpoint was
well worth the price of admission.
In honor of the fifth birthday of little
Kate Davis, her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. W. Davis, gave a party at their
residence, 201) North Main avenue, to
about fifty children Thursday afternoon
from 2 until 6 o'clock. 10. H. Wenz was
caterer. Among the young guests
were: Fannie Mears, Mabel Suther
land, Myrtle Williams, Marie Becker,
Elsie Becker, Rachel Jones, Sadie Voor-
his, Merle Jones, Mattle Poole, Lily
Beavers, Jean Munson, Elsie Acker,
Margaret Acker, Ruth Acker, Ruth
Bryant, Pearl Bryant, Pearl Jeffreys,
Marlon Hall, Jessie Florey, Nellie Stew
art, Helen Hagen, Ruth Carson, Ruth
Fellows, Nettle Fellows, Myrtle Roth,
Bertha Houser. Grace Turner, Lulu
Castner, Ruth Williams, Helen Gillet,
Phoebe Thomas, Anna Harris, Mina
Harris, Myrtle Hazlett, Mario Beach,
Elsie Struppler, Edith Lindabury, Helen
Reynolds, Bessie Hughes, Helen Bass,
Brownie Smith. Harriet Thomas, Grace
Leyshrin, Ella Payne, Helen Glover,
Belle Post, Lulu Breese, Everett Tom
Dale, Robert Phillips, Arthur Beck
Rulph Snover.
The truth of the opinion that no
nationality knows better than the Ger
mans how to enjoy themselves, will be
demonstrated Monday night at the
rooms of tho Scranton Llederkranz, In
Music Hall. Tho society will then give
Its annual Vierte Jaohrllche Karnevals-
Sitzung or, In plain English, a fancy
dress carnival and a right royal good
time. The Llederkranz membership Is
composed of Scranton's best-known
German residents who, on the present
occasion, will have, as their guests,
delegations from New York, Wllkes
Barre, Plttston, Carbondale and llo-nes-dale.
Dancing and a sumptuous ban
quet will conclude un evening unique to
an American, but eagerly anticipated
and highly enjoyed by the Llederkranz.
Seated at tables In the main hall, sing
ing while in processional about the hall
and listening to the local Jokes of the
"king of the carnlvnl," the participants
pass a Jolly evening. More pleasure
comes after midnight, when begins the
feustlng and dancing.
Miss Laura Hughes, of North Sumner
avenue, celebrated her fifteenth birth
day by giving a party to her friends on
Wednesday evening. After a pleasant
Indulgence in games of various kinds,
refreshnifmtB were served. She re
ceived many pretty presents. Those
present were: Misses Edna Evans,
Stella Evans, May Davis, Maud Moses,
Clara Reed, Florence Freeman, Ida
Hughes, May Ilowells, Marcy Nicholls,
Jessie Lewis, Ray Hughes, May Rich
ards, Laura Hughes, and Bert James,
Will Williams, Charles Cadwgan, Reese
Lewis, Harry Hartman, Thomas Ev
ans, John Hughes, John Cadwgan,
Walter James, Chester A. Hughes, Lorn
Jones, and Frank Nicholls.
ii h i;
Among those from Carbondale who
attended tho KIrmess at Scranton
Wednesday evening were: Mr. and
Mrs. F. E. Dentils, Mr. and Mrs. F. E.
Burr, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Mellen, Dr.
and Mrs. W. A. Spencer, Mr. and Mrs.
N. L. Moon, Mr. and Mrs. John B. Hoyt,
Mrs. M. L. Rowlson, Mrs. Washington
Burr, Misses Josephine Burr, Mary
Watt, Margaret Clarkson, Gertrude
Harding, Mabel Jadwln, Minnie Reyn
olds, Flora Harrison, Mae Hallock and
W. D. Frank.
Mrs. M. F. Larue, of Adams avenue,
gave a whist party to a number of
young people Thursday evening.
Rev. and Mrs. Rogers Israel enter
tained friends at St. Luke's rectory
Thursday night.
Mrs. C. W. McKluney, of Washington
avenue, gave an informal tea yesterday
afternon. '
II II !l
Mrs. James A. Linen, of 622 Jefferson
avenue, will give an Informal luncheon
Mrs. L. C. Cushing, of Wyoming ave
nue, has gone to New York to mako prep
arations for un European tour extending
over three years. Mrs. Cashing will leave
New York on Feb, 15 and will proceed di
rect to Genoa, Italy, and will spend the
spring In Switzerland,
Mr. and Mrs. Heber Thompson, Miss
Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Archbald
and James Archbald, Jr., all of Pottsville,
are- the guests of Mr. and Mrs. James
Archbald, of Jefferson avenue.
L. B. Mosher, of the firm of Mosher &
Coleman, Is In Buffalo this week attending
tho annual convention of the Merchant
Tailors' National exchange of the United
Among the KIrmess spectators from
Honesdato Tuesday night were T. H.
Whitney, N. E. Blgelow, Charles Wes
ton, Charles T. Bentley and T. Frank
Among the visitors to tho KIrmess on
Wednesday night were J. H, Stewart, Jr.,
Mrs. C. V. A. Decker and Miss Lillian
Bonestall, of Kingston, N. Y.
James Boylo, of Dunmore, left yestor
day for Norwich, N. Y., where he has
charge of a largo contract as superin
tendent for Burke Bros.
Mrs. Amos Scott, of Wllllamsport, who
was tho guest of her daughter, Mrs.
George W. Heale, of Church avenue, re
turned homo Thursday,
Miss ' Anna Loverlng, of Greenwood,
saleslady at Haslaeher's millinery store,
on Lackewanna avenue, has entered upon
her winter vacation.
J. W. Decker is home from Princeton
and Is accompanied by his classmates, Mr,
Crawford, ol New York, and Mr. McCor
mlek, of Chicago.
Walter Gorman, of Penn avenue, has re
sumed his studies nt St. Mary's seminary,
Baltimore, after a fortnight's vlBlt with
his parents.
Miss Calara Simpson has as guests her
cousin, Miss Alice Holcomb, of West
Plttston. and Miss Sadie Judd. formerly
I' of this city.
Miss Lucy Carroll, of Madison avenue, Is
entertaining Miss Mama McUlnley, of
It Takes Strong Nerves and Clear Brain
The Rev. I. P. Quimby, of the Broadway Church, Bos
ton, Says It Is His Duty to Recommend Paine's
Celery Compound---It Makes People Well.
REV. I. P.
Clergymen today need big hearts and
sound nerves to accomplish all the
good they intend.
It Isn't merely the fact of preaching
once a week that makes the life of the
minister of today so wearing on nerves
and brain. Their every-day labor is a
round of exacting duties that tax heavi
ly their Jiervous strength.
The modern minlstermust keep up his
enthusiasm, hla hopefulness and Ills
genuine love of his work. He must feel
strongly, think deeply and have confi
dence in his labor and In himself.
But all this taxes heart and brain to
their uttermost. It calls for a tre
mendous outlay of nervous energy
seven clays in the week and 3G3 every
year. Many clergymen break down ut
terly under the nervous strain.
Rev. I. P. Quimby, the well-known
Boston preacher, lias been saved from
nervous prostration.
In a publication of his Sunday School
he hns recently published the following
open letter:
Boston, Nov. 20, 1S94.
Never in my life havo 1 commended any
proprietary medicine, but 1 would be
derelict In duty If I failed to let the public
know what a great boon to humanity I
believe Paine's celery compound to be.
With a family of seven, 1 have not paid a
dollar for a doctor in ten years, nnd 1 owe
It to the fact that 1 always keep Paine's
celery compound on hand, and when any
of us nro "out of sorts," administer it.
Both wife and I, in our arduous church
work, are often, by anxiety and overwork,
Mauch Chunk, and Miss Mary Ryan, of
Thomas M. Fuller, D. C. Osborn and ,T.
Kirk Rose, of Honesdale, witnessed Wed
nesday night's performance at the Kir
mess. EdwardvTImlln, an extensive cattle deal
er of Buffalo, Is visiting his brother,
Postmaster George Timlin, of Taylor.
Miss Sadlo Milton, of Syracuse, has re
turned homo after an extended visit with
Green Ridge friends.
Hamilton 2 1 111. of Scranton, has been
visiting hla sister, Mrs, James Elliott, In
Shlckshlnny valley.
Colonel F. L. Hitchcock, of Washington
avenue, has returned from a visit to
Washington, D. O.
Miss Lizzie Keogh, of Pe-nn avenue, has
returned homo from Wllkes-Barre after
a few days' visit.
John Coyne, of Chicago, will return
homo Monday, after a week's visit among
Mlnooku friends.
Mrs. Franklin and Miss Bentley, of San
derson avenue, have returned from a visit
to Schenectady.
Mr. and Xlrs. Conrad Schroeder are reg
istered at the San Marco hotel, St. Au
gustine, Fla.
Miss Blanche Woods, of Honesdale, it
tho guest ot Miss May Mason, of Sander
son avenue.
Colonel James Bronnan, who has been at
St. Joseph, Mo., the past two years, is in
tho city.
Miss Mary E. Bralnard, of Green Ridge,
has left for a three months' tour tn Eu
rope, Miss Nellie Foster and Lizzie Glbbln,
ot liinghamton, ore visiting friends In tho
Mrs. Georgo W. Finn and daughter, of
this city, ihave arrived in Jacksonville,
Miss Jessup, of Montrose, is visiting
Mrs. A. H. Storrs, of Jefferson aveenue.
Miss Gesslo Smltih, of Kingston, is the
guest of Mrs. T. Cramer Von Storch.
W. W. Woods, of Honesdale, waa en
gaged on business here Thursday.
Mrs. C 11. Welles is entertaining tho
Misses Stanton, of Honesdale.
Miss Lumson, of Chicago, U visiting
Miss Phelps, of Linden Btreet.
Miss Jennie St rat ton, of Adams avenue.
Is visiting friends at Moscow.
Colonel II. M. Boles was tn New York
on business during the week.
J. M. Ash, of Plttston, was engaged on
business here Wednesday,
Miss Blrdlo Well, of Altoonu, Is the guest
of the Misses Wormser.
Judge Archbald was in Wllkes-Barre
Monday and Tuesday.
P. J. HlgKlns, ot Wllkes-Barre, was In
this city Thursday.
Colonel E. H. Ripple was In Harrisburg
during the week.
Anson D. Blrchard, of Philadelphia, It
at the Wyoming.
Miss Mama Waitt, of Carbondale, was
here Thursday.
Dr. J. J. Kelly, of Archbald, was here
George A. Smith, of Honesdale, was here
James Blair, Jr., of Princeton, is In
.the city.
John Brooks Is homo from Princeton.
Telephone 2242. W. G. Doud ft Co., 503
Lackawanna avenue, for all kinds ot
reduced to tho verge of nervous prostra
tion, and as often, by the use of Paine's
celery compound, restored to our wonted
energy of mind and vigor of body.
Our sons, who are young pharmacists,
tell us they sell more of Paine's celery
compound than tiny two proprietary
medicines, not excepting the Karsaparillas,
Yours for Paine's celery eomiounU.
Rev. I. P. Quimby,
Pastor of Broadway Church, Boston,
When the nervous strength has be.
come from any cause Impoverished,
Paine's celery compound succeeds ai
nothing else has ever done.
From a state of depression, exhaus
tion and lifelessness the nerves grow
strong, active, and perfectly nourished
by means of Paine's celery compound,
the great modern nerve and blood rem
edy that makes people well. And with
the strengthening and regulating of tha
nerves the disorders that depend on tho
faulty nutrition of these tissues disap
pear. Such are rheumatism, neuralgia,
heart weakness, headaches, low spirits,
lack of strength, and that general poor
health that is so Impossible to define.
Sound nerves, healthy blood and an
all round, vigorous constitution of the
body Is the Invariable effect of taking
Paine's celery compound. This great
modern restorative corrects derange
ment of the nervous system, and averts
prostration when protracted strain has
reduced It to an exhausted, poorly fed,
devitalized condition. Try It.
Produced by Otis Skiuncr and Company
at the Academy of Music.
"His Grace de Grammont," a play of
the romantic school from the pen of
Clyde Fiteh, author of "Beuu Brum
mell," wns presented at the Academy
of Music last night with Otis Skinner
in the 'leading role.
The theme that Mr. Fitch discusses
In "His Grace de Grammont" admits of
beautiful and striking costumes and
elaborate stage settings, which have
been taken advantage of to the fullest.
The costumcr and scenic artist have
done their work admirably.
Mr. Fitch has painted Count de Gram
mont in a much more favorable light
than does the historian. The latter
makes him a gallant, a rone, a profli
gate, whose amours were the scandal
of the courts of England and France,
but withal a person of unexceptional
manners. The playwright takes up the
thread of the count's career after his
banishment from the court of Louis
XIV., of France, for an unseemly pcan
dal at the time when he attaches him
self to the court of Charles II., of Eng
land, where ho ut once becomes a
great favorite, especially with tha la
dles. He Is fitted by Mr. Fitch w ith a nobis
nuture, tho same unexceptionable man
ners he In reality possessed, and IS
made capable of loving and winning
the love of the pure-minded Mistress
Hamilton, a young woman of great sim
plicity and loftiness of character, who
has nothing In common with the gay
butterflies ot fashion who mnde tho
court of Chanles II. notable. This lova
affair embroils both the count and tha
lady in serious trouble, which furnishes
the real material for the play.
Mr. Skinner Is a careful, polished
actor, who speaks his lines with preci
sion and intelligence. He understands
the niceties of stagecraft and is equally
effective and artistic In the passages
where he employs the natural tone o
voice as when he arises to tho dramatlo
pitch. The scene nt the end ot the
third act was very well done and Mr,
Skinner was given a hearty curtain
Maud Durbln was winsome and
charming as Mistress Hamilton, but
speaks her lines in a somewhat emo
tional manner. Tho remulnder of tha
cast do not approach the standard ot
Mr. Skinner and Miss Durbln. On ao
caunt of the disagreeable weather the.
audience waa small.
Charged with Theft.
A rolander named Ymnalyskl was ar
rested on Thursday nlxht upon a charge
of stealing 10 from a follow boarder. He
was given a hearing yesterday, when ar
rangements were made for the rettoration
of the money and tha case waa amicably
1)1 KD.
JORDAN. In Scranton, Friday, Feb. t,
18115, aged 3 years, James J., son ot Mr.
and Mrs. J. J. Jordan. Funeral at I
o'clock Sunday afternoon from tha fam
ily residence, "ot! Clay avenue. Inter
ment In Hyde Park Catholic cemetery.