1 jnE schantox trtivcxe Friday 3roiixrN-G, FEnritrAiiT s, isds. GORMAN'S f Drss Wc have many pieces of goods which were once full pieces but now they are in hall. Half in price, but enough for waist or dress pattern. If you are making over old costumes, or if you have school dresses to make over for girls at school, this is an opportunity which wc give our customers every season. Our prime object is always to look after the interests of our cus tomers. We also have a selfish in terest, that is to prepare ourselves for the new stock of dress goods which we have arriving daily. MIES' - KLIN WEAR Ilcst in every sense of the wordBest Materials, Best Shapings and Best Workmanship. This special sale will continue only a few days. BIDES li FABRICS Our Fashion Monthly for February, JUST OUT. Describes and contains the Lcadin; Fashions, latest Dress Materials, Sto ries, etc. GIYKX AWAY to those who call for it at our store. Every lady wishing to be well dressed and dress economically should have it. GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT. DR,- REEVE S, 413 Spruce Street, Scranton. TT. Reeves has lincl lonj? anil varied ex terlence In ho.mllnl ami prlvatn nrui.'tlco ami treats nil ai'ino ami chronic diseases of men, women nmj children. COriSULTftTlOM AND EXAKINATIOH FREE Hi:, with his nssl.itiints, treat all tfis fa.st'H of he nervous system, diseases of the eye, ear, nose unit throat, dyspepsia, rheumatism, lost vltiility, premature VieaknesB or decay In both Hexes, nervous flelillity, oiiturrh, tumors, cancers, :rup tliins, hlooil-polsonlnK, llts, epilepsy. In discretion and errors of youth, lost man huod, eczema, serofuln, St. Vtus' dam.o, asthma, diseases of the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, bladder, stomach, etc. Vuuiik Men Positively Cured. Offer to tho I'nhlic for Catarrh. Any one RUfferinK with Catarrh who -inhcs to be permanently, quickly and cheaply cured may receive three months' treatment for only FIVK DOM..ARS. The doctor has discovered a spocillc for this dreaded disease. Von can treat and cure yourself and fumlly with It at home. It never falls to cure. A trlul treatment free. OKFterc HnrRS Dally. 9 n. m. to 9 p. rrt.; Supduys, 10 to 12 and 3 to 4. At This Season Wc invite your special attention to our magnificent display of CARPETS, DRAPERIES MP PAPER We will give you full benefit of the recent decline in the price of Carpets. Trice Is always a great! object, and in this matter wc arc not only determined to hold our own but to outdo all cow j ctitors. Come and see us. J. Scott Imglis I 419 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. New Colorless Varnish. A colorless varnish, made by passing a current of electricity through purltied lln-Hei-d oil contulnltiR an admixture of sul jdiurlc arid, has been made the subject of 11 patent by a Uerntun chemist. The elee trolyzlnit process Is continued for two or three hours, ilurhiK which time tho oxy Ken. as It Is net free from the acid, con verts tho oil Into varnish. Slated by H. R. Cochran, druggist, Lan caster, 1'a. : Have guaranteed over 200 bottles of Ilurdock Blood Bitters for dys pepsia sour stomach, bilious attacks, liver and kidney trouble. Y 'Stilt Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY PUCE BF T CAKBONDALE. On Wednesday evening occurred tho death of Mis. Barbara Mane, at the hnine of her daughter, Mrs. Henry Held, In Willow lane. Deceased was born In Hesse Darmstadt, Germany, and had reached the ripe old age of S7 years. She Is survived by her daugh ter, Mrs. Held, and three sons, who are Peter and Philip ManB, of this city, nnd Anthony Mang, of Cherry JUdgo. Funeral will be held this afternoon at 3 o'clock, services being held at the house. The remains will be laid at rest in St. Rose cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kelley have re turned from their wedding tour. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Klbrecht were surprised by a large party of their friends on Wednesday evening at their home on Sevejith avenue. Miss Mary lirldgett has returned to her home on Dundaff Btreet from a three weeks' visit in New York city. Yesterday George Shaeffer purchased the business and bottling plant of P. H. Murray; price paid was $1,000. Mr. and Mrs. Whipple, of Oneonta, N. Y., will be guests at the Burr resi dence on North Church street today. Hon. John Kuhback, of Honesdule, was a Carbondule caller yesterday. The unnual tea of the Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary socie ties of the First Presbyterian church will be held this afternoon at 3 o'clock in tho lecture room of the church. At the occasion Mrs. W. W. Shaw, of Arehbald, will address the ladies In the Interest of missionary work; also a brief music and literary programme will be rendered. We have had forty-five days of ex cellent sleighing and still there Is more to follow. O. J. Collins went to New York city yesterday afternoon on a business trip. Mr. and Mrs. George Dubois enter tained a party of friends at their home on Wyoming Btreet on Wednesday evening. The canal thnt feeds the Delaware and Hudson No. 1 shaft water wheel burst at noon Wednesday, and as a sequence that mine was idle yesterday. A large force of men were at once put to work to repair damages, and the mine Is expected to resume operations today. The Dickson Manufacturing company have received an order from the Dela ware and Hudson company for three large passenger locomotives. The Ladies' Catholic Benevolent as sociation will give their annual recep tion and banquet this evening in the W. W. Watt building on Church street. After a two weeks' vacation at tryir homes in this city William Gislaind, Michael Loftus and Kieran Bnnks re turned to Baltimore, where they will resume their studies at St. Mary's seminary. A large party of young men from Honesdale passed through this city last evening en route for Scranton, where, they witnessed the Kirmess. At a hearing belore Alderman Low ery 011 Wednesday evening Tommle Monk confessed to stealing the watch of H. J. Delevan, but he denied that he broke the door open of Mr. Delevati's confectionery store. He traded tho stolen watch for a clock with a young man named Laughlln. of the South Side. Laughlln tried to sell It to Sam uel Mathews, and thus the theft leaked out. Mr .Delevan has stated his terms of settlement, and Monk will doubtless comply. William Artha is eonfliiPd to tho house with a severe attack of rheuma tism. The fair of the Sacred Heart church was closed Wednesday evening. Kev. P. J. McManus, of Green Bldge, de livered a lecture before the Brownson Literary society in the Parish hall. Subject, "Life and Character of Or estes A. Brownson." Last night rtov. J. J. Curran, of Cnrbondule, gave a nmgln lantern exhibition to those pres ent. The fair will be open each even ing until further notion. According to the rules adopted by tho lire company the following alarms will designate the different districts: One short, (itilck sound of the whistle signi fies that the fire Is in the powder mIM district; two, all the district east of the Lackawanna river; three, west of tho Lackawanna river, south of Bncon street; four, north of Bacon street to tho Bushbrook road; five, all north i,t Itushbrook mad. Alarms are located at C. H. Merrltt. Dr. M. J. Shields, W. J. McDermott. Mrs. W. Nicholson, A, Gavin, Dr. S. D. Davles. Cut this out for future reference. Mrs. Grace Welser Davis, who has boen conducting revival services In the MVthodist church, left for her home In Jersey City, Wednesday night. All the churches have been benedted through her efforts. Three hundred and forty-two persons have experlenc-d a change of heart, of which 24ii have united with the Methodist church, and, no doubt, others will be given an op portunity next Sunday, at which time all who have not been baptised" will have the rite of baptism administered The revival meetings will be continued by the pastor, Rev. F. ?rndall. The store of Lew White, of Tomn klniBvllle, caught fire from the ehlmney last night. It was extinguished by tho assistance of neighbors, who formed a bucket brigade. The loss to the stock is estimated at about 400, A. Prett, representing the White Star Steamship company, was a Jermyn vis itor yesterday. . On account of the wiow the street cars are having a hard tlmo gettllig through, Dr. M. J. Shields Is In New York, Wednesday evonlng large number of the friends of Miss Katie Stevenson gave her a surprise at her home, on L street. Delaware and Hudson No. 1 mine was Idle yesterday on ncoount of tho giving out of one of the boilers. The Citizens' bamd fair, whlc'.t has been closed for a few dny, will re-open Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dunlop, of Rcott, called on Jermyn frlonds yesterday, YANDLINO. ,A meeting was held Saturday even Ing by a number of residents of Vand linir and Forest City to organize a com pany to manufacture Knoll's patent head rest.- About $0,000 worth of Btock Powder was subscribed. A board of trustees was elected, consisting of William I!ry den, chairman; F. J. Osgood, of Forest City, secretary; W. T. Davis, Benjamin Milton and L. H. Wilcox. On Friday evening next another meeting will be held to elect jermanent olllcers. Mrs. Fred. Smith Is ill. Tuesday was considered the coldest day of the present winter In this vicin ity. The thermometer registered 25 de grees below zero. Martha Arnold has been visiting friends at Aldeiivlllo tho past two weeks. Henry Carter made u, trip to Carbon dale last evening. A. D. llryden is In Scranton doVig jury duty this week. T U K K UAO 0 CK. There's nothing in It the tube of the thermometer. The new calendar for Temple lodge, No. 248, Free and Accepted Masons, Is out. It Is neat and tasty and Includes the calendar of Temple Chapter ulso, The ballots for the entire county for the February election will be printed at the Job rooms of the New Age, A small but appreciative audience greeted Homer B. Sprngue at the court house to listtn to the first of his serleB of lectures on Shakespeare. His topic was "Shakespeare's Cradle nnd School Satchel." At tho close of the lecture an "University Center" was organized with the following ofllcers: President, James W. Piatt; vice president, John A. Slttser; secretary. Miss Lizzie Bunnell; treasurer, C. O. Dershelmer. The nexl lecture will be given Feb. 20, the topic being "Shakespeare's Wedding Ring.'' Commissioners' Clerk Elmer 1'. Brown suffered a relapse Wednesday and is still in a serious condition. Rod ney J. Pardwell Is assisting at the of fice during his absence. The arbitrators In tho Bannalyne Vofimrg case will meet today to make their utvard. Mrs. Edward Provost, of Russell ll'.'i, Is visiting her son, II. C. Prevost. The will cf the late George C. Lice ras been admitted to probate. !! was the owner of several farms In Wash ngton. Auburn and Springvllle town ships, which have been divided among his soli:) and daughters. The Wayne Independent calls noon the voters ef that county to solilly support S;o.ker In the congr'it'jnal canvass, claiming that the Bri'Jfjrd ct unt v man was foisted on to the iVk- trlct by a tins.'. The Independent cor tuinlj must be codding. The p.itriot'.i: Order Sons of America, of Forkston, will today present the school on North Branch Hill with a flan. Their newly fledged cornet band wi'.l furnish music. Appropriate addresses will be made, anil In the evening a sup per and general festive time Mrs. l'atton and daughter, of Pitts- ton, are guests of F. B. Hight's people. Mrs. Brungess, of Centermoreland, is visiting Mrs. Joseph Armstrong". FOREST CITY. Mrs. Hurry Joseph, who has been visiting at Big Springs, Tex., fur sev eral weeks past, has returned home. Frank Hollimlmrk Is taking advan tage of the line sleighing. He has had five teams drawing props to the North west breuker for the past month. A meeting of the Republican club will be held in the-Davles House hall this evening at 7.S0. Every Republican In Forest City Is requested to attend. L. P. Wedeman, of Vandlltig, Is one of the attorneys for the defense- In the Bosehlno murder case. Miss May Evans, of Vanillins, had one of- her hands (Ulte badly frozen Wednesday morning while on her way to Forest City. Our burgess has caused notices to be printed and put up calling attention to the fact that there Is a borough ordi nance prohibiting coasting nnd skat ing on our streets and sidewalks, and asking the participants to desist. lie has also notified property owners that there Is an ordinance compelling thorn to keep their sidewalks free from snow. We think It proper that these ordi nances should be enforced. About three months ago, Eddie, son of Thomas Cluiio, while returning home from school fell through n hob', breaking bis left arm. Mr. Clune, through his attorney, L. P. Wedeman, has brought notion against the bor ough, placing his damages at $3,000. Sheriff Leonard was In town this week and notllled the burgess and oouncll mon to appear at Mpntroso ut the inoxt term of court as defendants in tho action. Mothers '. Mothers ! ! Mothers '. '. 1 Hm Wlnalnw'i Rnntliini? flvrnn hn been used for over fifty years by mil lions or moinors lor ineir vuiHireii wnoe . ikl urllt, narTnnt allncna tt ftnrttlma the child, softens the gumB, allays nil pain; euros wiiki cone, aim is uie iwm remedy for dlurrhea. Bold by druggists 1- ai..pv nnrt nf fhn wni-lrl. Be Rllro nnd III - ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and tauo no omcr kuiu. wuiu-ivv veins a bottle. M1N00KA. Next Monday will be pay day with the teachers of Lackawanna township. Miss Anna Lnverlng. of Greenwood, Is enjoying her whiter vacation. Patrick Brown, of Mnln street. Is getting ttround rapidly and will be able to resume his work In a few days. The fight for constable. In Lacka wanna township between . Anthony Burke and John P. St. John Is getting to be a very warm one. All Indications point to the election of Mr. Burke. Patrick Flannery, of Scranton, visit ed his folks here yesterday. He docs not seem any the worse for the recent Injury which he sustnlned. . John Coyne, of Chicago, who . has been visiting friends here for the past week, will leave for tho west today. Motorman Thomas Mangan, of Gil more avenue, returned to work yester day after being Idle for some time with .in illness of throat troubk. .' Rome Remarkable Cures of deafness are recorded of Dr. Thomas' Eelcctrio Oil. Never falls to cure earache. HALLSTEAl). J. J. Compton was at the county sent on business yesterday. Professor 8. 8. Thomas will deliver a lecture In the Railroad Young Men's Christian Association hall In this place next Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs.' Dudley, of Minnesota, who have been visiting friends and relatives In this place, have returned home. ' ' The funeral of Arthur Harding,' of Cnrbondule, was held at the home of his grandfather. Rev. A. K.-Harding, In Great Bend yesterday afternoon,' and was quite largely attended. . , Mrs. J. II. Brow Is ill ut her home on Main street. Mrs. Edward O'Brien was in the Par lor City yesterday. Larklns & Shaw, of Carbondale, will open a clothing store In this place next Tuesduy. AYOCA. Division No. 9, Ancient Order of Hibernians, Board of Erin, are making arrangements for nn entertainment to be held in O'Malley's hall on March IS. The members of the Curling clubs of Plttston, Avoca, Inkermun and Wilkes Barre expect the curling clubs from Yonkors, N. Y., today, when arrange ments for the contests will take place. . A number of Avoca's young people entertained a large number of young people from Tuylor on Tuesday evening ut the Odd Fellows' basement. Refresh ments were served. Messrs. William Jennings, John R. George, Walter An derson and Allan McDonald pleased the young folks with a few recitations. Dancing, singing and games were In dulged in till a late hour, when all de parted for their homes well pleased with the night's enjoyment. The Ladies' Foreign Missionary so ciety of the LangelifTe church will meet this afternoon at the home of Mrs. William Anderson, of North Main Btreet. Rev. A. J. Welsley Is visiting his riiends at Catasauquu. Dr. Gillespie visited friends at Pitts ton yesterday. sTiroTHisBuiiG. Mrs. W. F. Downing Is In Scranton at the bedside of her mother, who is se riously 111. The Knights of Pythias held one of their famous gatherings at the Indian Queen hotel on Tuesday evening. Land lord Shafer provided the finest menu ever given in this place. Tho affair concluded with Ihe departure of Hon, R. F. Schwartz for Harrlsburg. J. S. Case, of Tobyhanna, spent Tues day in town visiting old friends. Mrs. William Decker, of East Strouds- burg, Is confined to her home with a severe illness. Thornton Decker and wife, of East Stroudsburg, are oonllned to the house with a severe attack of grip. Mrs. Thomas Kane, of this borough is sick of grip. Dr. George H. Rhodes, of Tobyhanna, spent Monday In town on business. A sleighing party composed of ladies from this borough sleighed It to Spiagueville on Tuesday und were en tertained by Mrs. Charles Hallet at that place. The following composed the pnnty: Mrs. C. C. Marsh, Mrs. J. P. Walton, Mrs. D. Wyckoff, Mrs. Youn kers, Mrs. F. Smith, Mrs. Thomas C. Walton, Mrs. Llghtner, Mrs. p. Butz, Mrs. Charles Phillips, Mrs. B. Skeller and Miss Lizzie Berry. Dr. S. Herbert Voorhees. of Mount Poeono, spent Tuesday In town on busi ness. Mortis Kohn, 1lme keeper for the collapsed Delaware Valley Electric road spent Wednesday in town on busi ness, returning to his home at Philadel phia In the evening. A ball was given at the Burnett House on Tuesday evening under the auspices of Weber's Dancing class. The spacious dining room was utilized for the occasion and the young ladles and gentlemen Hunt tripped the light fan tastic; looked very becoming In their different costumes. Olldorf's orchestra furnished the music. Refreshments were served. The following were pres ent: Misses Alice M. Walton, Phebe Yotinkers, Rattle Singer, Emma Singer, Dollle Dixon, Jennie Tuhle, Lizzie Bush, Nellie BosR.ird, Carrlo Urown, Katie Buzzard, Mae Palmer, Mamie Dunn, Mrs. A. K. Stone und Messrs. Allen Musseiman, A. K. Stone, Harry Rocner, George Rocner, Flank Miller, Harry Olldorf, Arthur Wilcox, R. E. Ruth, Thomus KitKim, Charles Dunn, George Dunn, W. M. Burnett, John Olldorf, Wood Morris, William Miller and E. A. Raisley, Norman Dreher, stenographer, left for Seranton on Monday and will spend the winter in that section. Albert Abrams, connected with the stafY of the Dally Times, returned on Monday evening from a pleasure trip to Philadelphia. Henry S. Harris, of Relvldere, N. J., spent Tuesday In town on liuslness. Miss llattle Thompson Is confined to her home In East Stroudsburg by severe Illness. Mr. Mann, of Phlllipsburg, N. J., vis ited his business friends in this section on Tuesday. The Normal Is crowded with pupils at the present time. Four hundred nnd two scholars have been registered. Unless the new addition Is completed for the spring term the accommoda tions will be far too small. WEAK HEN TOUR ATTENTION U.CALUtD TO TBI Uroat English Remedy, Gray's Specific Medicine JV IF mil SIIFFFR from Nor- fumiUm ma IIM dnnUbdhbAUa TOUS D blllty, Wuaknnof Body and Mind, Bpsrraa torrhra, and lmuotoucy, and all dUeanoi thnt ati' fiom over Indulgence and solf abusa. as Loss of Memory and Power, Uimnew of Vis ion, l'remntura old Aire and many other due eaBon that lead to Insanity or Consumption Mid nn early Brave, write for a pamphlet. Addrrm OKAY MKDICfNK to.. Buffalo. N. Y. Tb Pperiflo UedI,:UV In sold by all drugaiBtaat 81 per package,, or six t arkaiee for ."i, or aent or mail en receipt of moiiov, and with oveiy J5.0O order UF RIISRSITEt a cure or money rafundad. c Vi'"nl1n1cS J;iry"On aeeonht of counterfeits wo have opted the Yellow Wrapper, the only genu ine. Bold la Boranton by ilatthewa Bros. MM if wc bad not bought tills stock from the sheriff, selling at such prices as the following would ' they only figure up about half This i liow we treat the Clonic stn-k: $10 garments ko at :i.U. 87 Rarnn-nt at $U.'iO, ?(i Knrmi'iit at ' fit Rurmimt at Jiou. otc. Every garment up to datu in style. AM) Children's Gretchon Ovorcoats, etc., at your own price. THIS 'LL TICKLE YOUR FANCY! J0O White Marm-illog Quilts, now pattern, tiii'lio alan. 4 Ilia welitht, fill rents; 6lhs. welKlit, lit) cent; 0 llx. wuiuht, M) cents. Tuny coat more to iiinnufaoturo. The Heat Ulnachrd Rhoetlnj- on the market at any lirico la tliu "MohawK." Everybody knows thin; noto the new price: 0-4 wide, IUfj cunts; 10-4 wide, IS cuuU. UNDERWEAR At lesa than tlio pout of tho yarn in lb We're iratherod tnRtithnr 6m dons of nil sorts and aivtos from tioodrnan'a stock. They'reodda nnd ends of regular uunibem, and we'ro dot ailc InK lialf what they coat for your choice. BANKRUPT SALE OF 518 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. " Almost blind . . Inflamed Eyes and Run ; ning Sores The Success of Hood's Causes Croat Rejoicing A Perfect Cure. Ulna Cora Ji, Rbert liarnesvllle, Pa. " C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. : - " I feel It a duty to state vliat Mood's Earsv parlllu lias dune for me. I was almost blind, being compelled to stay in a darkened room on account of inflammation of tho eyes. I also suffered with running sores on my body. I was lu terrible condition. My mother tried every thing she know about and I was attended by two doctors but without helping me. Finally Hood's Hursnimrllla whs recommended and I had lint taken two bullies before I begun to ret better. The Inflammation IcH my eyes und the sores lioaled, mid the result was that ' I Became Stronger, and was restored to perfect health. At that time I was only twelve years old; now I am nineteen and I have not since been troubled Hood's5? Cures I with my eyos or noticed any sign of a return of the sores on my body. I cau recommend Hood's Sursaparllla as an excellent blood purifying medicine." Mibs Cora Riif.kt, Barnesville, Pa. ""Hood's Pills act easily, yet promptly and fllclently, on the liver and bowels. 25c. ' 230 Lackawanna Ave., Scranton, Pa. S 85 ! 8 85 8 85 8 85 S So S S5 Wc Arc Selling $15.00 AMD $18.00 Suits and Overcoats at 3 85 3 85 8 85 S 85 S 85 3 85 8 85 8 85 8 85 8 85 3 85 8 85 8 85 8 85 8 85 3 85 3 85 3 85 3 85 8 85 8 85 3 85 8 85 8 85 S 85 8 85 8 85 8 85 3 So 3 S5 8 S5 8 85 S 85 S 85 8 85 8 85 8 85 8 So 8 85 3 85 8 S5 8 85 8 85 8 85 8 S5 8 85 8 S5 S So Single and Double Breasted All-Wool Serges. Cheviots, (assliueres in Suits ; Single and. Double Breasted Black and Blue Long Cut Kersey Meltons iu Overcoats. 8 85 8 85 8 85 8 So 8 85 8 85 8 85 8 85 S So 3 85 THE BELL CLOTHING HOUSE 230 Lackawanna Ave. SIGN OF THE BELL wc CAN GIVC vou mj Come and see us about the Job work you will need soon. The Scranton Tribune Job Dept. be impossible. Taken ail round the value of the goods : HOSIERY ' . : Fast blcka for misses or children, 6e.f extra f maaea, iu centa, etc. Han value all tho way through for mon's, wuinun n urn cunurcn a aizes. IMPORTANT POINTERS 10 yards f 1 at color Dress Prints 230 Mini's stronif Half llime 4o Men's Pani'y Print Hhlrts, with collar.. BDo Mn'l.autidrled 8hirtM Anchor cotton) 4Va Men's Ktriinu Cotton lanta 4Va Youth' Long; Pants 4c 11 envy orornlls and Jackets 4lo New Outlint Hanneb) (hoavy) 6c Boys' All-Wool Suite. SISi Real Turkey Rod Tablo Damask, etc.. .. Wo -"EXTRA! EXTRA ! ' On Monday, from 8 to U o'clock a. m.. we will sell a aood heavy Toweling at centa a yarn, anu irom v toll) o'cloak o-cent lianducr crilrfa at 2 conts. Those goods cannot be had at the prices ijuumu uuv ujiuuie nicer uie uours.uauieu. GOODMAN'S STOCK, jB SQ.85 PRICES BS IBI 1. sK $50,000 worth tions, Ladies' and uents' Furnishing o Goods,nilIinery, Cloaks, Furs, Infants', Wear, &c, as - The steady increase, of our business gjis compels us to enlarge aud remodel the en eZ tire store for spring trade, and as the stock will be in the way SELL CS : 1 r b foe pair 3 5- J & 400 and 492 Lack Ave., Scranton, Pa. RTS We commence toda, and shall continue through out this week, the sale of a complete assortment of Irish Point aud Tambour Lace' Curtains, 2, and 4 yards long, at one third off-former prices. A fine line of Brussels Points have also been put in with this lot of Curtains, on 'which we have put prices that will surely please you. UPHOLSTERY FABRICS Suitable for hangings, in choice colorings, at $1.50 and $2.00 per yard; formerly $3.00 and $4.00 respectively. SILK PLUSH In a splendid line of colors, $1.50, worth 2.50 per yard. TABLE COVERS In all sizes and qualities, at moderate, prices. 406 and 408 jAKLOR SUITS CAN at the small 04111111 Then there are others rang- costof OlUlJu ARPETS HAVE BEEN , MADE OUR LEADING DEPARTMENT. Wiltou Velvet, $1.00 HEN YOU . COME TO : SEE THE ABOVE offerings", other things will grasp your attention, . UR NEW TERMS, MAKE NOTE OF 'EH: $20.00 worth of goods for $2.00 per month. 40.00 44 44 3o 60.00 " 44 4.00 75.00. 44 ,44 5.oo 90.00 44 44 6.00 120.00 44 ) 8.00 Larger bills in proportion. Ask us about what you want to know regarding "'Econouiy's Easy Vay to Pay." Remember our FREE ... ,. . ECONOMY FURNITURE CO f SGRANTON'S . HOME PROVIDERS. - ' ' 22B AND 327 WYOMING AVENUE. 1 ajs II 1 of Dry Goods, No. I. AT ANY PRICE. 3 e-5 Lackawanna Ave. BE BOUGHT . Silkf. -Plush, bpnng .beige. ing lip to $150. Per Yard. Would be de sirable at $1.75. it Railroad Delivery, . . - " ' Curtains EBB 1 GO.
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