THE SCRANTON". THIRUNE FRIDAY"' MORNING, FEBRUARY 8, 1895. 3' s Onerounded if teaspoonful of 1E!S 11 does more and better work I V than a heaping'; $ teaspoonful of, otherssA Cleveland Baking Powder Co., New York, Successor to Cleveland brothers, J& Norrman & Moore y FIRE INSURANCE, 120 Wyoming Ave. THE SUBURBAN Arc aud Inean- dat-tmt Lights la nearly h11 purl of the city. OFFICE: Commaaw.'altb PJ Building. Cor Incandescent System is absolutely unfa ALL THE LATEST Improvements used in doing The Wide Renowned Laundry work of THE -:- LACKAWANNA SOSPennAvo. A. B WAR MAN. M'ANULTY I27WY0MIN3 AVENUE 5 REWARD! So many complaints of irregular delivery liuvc reached us, which Wf have traced to stolen papers, that we now offer $5 reward for information that will lead to the conviction of any person caught stealing The Tribune from the doorsteps of regular subscribers. CITY A' PTES. The will of Mary J. Kennedy, late of Soranton, was admitted to jnobatu yes terday by Register of 'Is Hok!ns. The Delaware and Hudson Canal com pany paid Its employes at Laurel Hun, lialtlmore slope anil Parsons yesterday. Select council did not convene last niKht owlnff to the absence of a quorum. An ad journment was made to next Thursday nigh:. A marriage license was ftranted by Clerk of the Courts Thomas yesterday to Israel Onslander and Esther Wclslmrger, of Pcranton. There will be a meeting: of the Youn:; Men's Christian association base ball club tonight In Young Jlen's Christian associa tion rooms. The employes of the Delaware, Ijikra wanna and Western company at the car shops and Iirisbln and Cayuga mines will pe paid today. Next championship frame of basket ball Young: Men's Christian association teams Will bo played Monday night between of l'lttston and Bcranton. John Heardon, a bartender of Cedar ovenup, was yesterday morning chared With drunkenness and smashing windows on Cedar avenue. He was lined J7.5U and fl, the estimate damages. Despite the snow storm of last 'evening a large number attended the supper pro vided by the Ladles' Aid society nt the Kim Park church last night. A very suc cessful entertainment followed, several Vocal and literary selections being given. Otis Rklnner and company appeared at the Grand opera house, Wllltes-llarre, last night In "Ills Grace de Grammont" and Were accorded a most enthusiastic, recep tion. During the progress of the play Mr. Bklnner was called before the curtain four times. The piece Is superbly mounted. It will be seen at the Academy of Music tonight. The Klrmess diagram for today and to morrow will open at 9 o'clock at this morn ing at the music warerooms of J. u. rence Stelle, 1,14 Wyoming- avenue. Aftor 2.30 this afternoon, the diagram will be found at the box ofllce of the Krolhlng Jiam theater. This programme will con tinue throughout the week, the diagram being- open only one day In advance The! K.' L. C. R. society of the Green Jtldge Evangelical church will hold nn en tertainment on next Tuesday evening, J'"eb. 12. A programme consisting of lilnglng, recitations, etc, Is being arranged. Special attention Is given to provide good music. Refreshments will be served at the close of the exercise. A silver col lection wUl'be taken for the benefit of the UocleLjr.'' Aft' application was made yesterday for (i charter fdr the Wset Side Hospital asso ciation. The subscribers to the articles pf Incorporation were V. M. Jones, Will iam raricll, Moi jnin J. Williams. Llew ellyn W. Roberts. William A. Paine. John Van Uergnn, Alfred Twining, John R. lirr, Daniel 1'. Mannlx, U Unylord Thomas, William II. Freeman und David 1. Uvans. .NOTED AUOL'T TOWN. E. C. Edwards, after pleading Riillty to a charge of larceny by bailee In court Wednesday, was handcuffed to another prisoner to bo taken back to the county Jail. When the bracelets were placed on his wrists ho told Warden Grimes that he could slip any pair of handcuffs ever placed Upon him. Mr. Grimes thought that Edwuids would have a task to get rid of the pair Just fastened on him, but decided to watch without letting Edwards know it. Soon Ite saw Mm twisting his wrist and by allowing the muscles in it to contract the prison er succeeded In reversing his wrist In the cuffs. As soon w.t the muscles were relaxed, the new position became very uncomfortable and painful, and Ed wards was unable to get his wrist back to the original position, lie called to the warden and told him the cuffs had been put on the wrong way, but they wore not changed until Echvurdu reached the county jail. During that Urn he suffered great agony. It will probably be some time before lie will again attempt to nlip a Lackawanna county hiLtulcuff. Attorney WeuVman, of Forest City, who Is associated with Ward & Horn in conducting the defense In tne Bosch i no murder case, is becoming a familiar figure In the Lackawanna county courts. He Is tall and Impressive look ing and Is a good talker, as his open ing address to the Jury yesterday Indi cates. He will gain much valuable ex perience during this trial from Ward & Horn, than whom there are no more shrewd criminal lawyers in the county. District Attorney John II. Jones is receiving many compliments for the exe !!ent manner in which he Is con ducting the commonwealth's side of the Hoschlno case. He is very thorough and leaves nothing in doubt. When he is through with a witness the Jury has nil the information at the command of the person on the stand. It is a rather severe induction into office for Mr. Join s to have the first ease he is called upon to try one of such great import ance, but he is proving himself equal to the occasion. Chief Engineer H. F. Ferher, of the fire department. Is still laid up at his home on the West Side. He Injured his foot at a tire some time ago and cold Inflamed the wound to such an extent as to cause a most painful sore. Michael MeCiovern, of the firm of Mc Oi.vern llros., of Lackawanna avenue. Is dangerously III nt his home on I'enn avenue as the result of a cold con tracted a few days ago. IX LOCAL THEATERS. The Academy of Music will have a theatrical attraction tonight that has been looked forward to for a long time with mure than ordinary Interest. It Is the advent of Otis Skinner as a star In the new comedy-diama by Clyde Fitch, entitled, "His Grace de Gram mont." Mr. Skinner needs no introduc tion to Scrnntoil play-goers. Ite has always been held in high esteem here us an actor of tlv most sterling worth. His range of ability and tirtistlc per ception entitles him to a position among the foremost actors of his day. Percy Anderson, of London, designed the cos tumes of the ciiarncters from the old portraits of Sir I'eter Isely, and now hanging within the royal palace of Hampton court, lienutiful and artistic fit age pictures have been supplied from the lmish of Walter Hurridge. Mr. Skinner's supporting company Is a very efficient nnd capable one. containing a number of names familiar to Scrantnn theater-goers for praiseworthy and suc cessful efforts In other companies. !i II !! The ntage splendor, the onpltal fool ing of the comic players, the charm of the music, and the excellency of the specialties, together with a clever little love story, make "A Haggagn Check," the coming wttraotlon at the Academy next Saturday night, one of the best light entertainments. Mar k Sullivan, the. artistic, refined comedian nnd dancer. Is one of the leading features with the new farce comedy. Wherever the play has appeared It has given the best of satisfaction. It Is, In short, a rousing laughter maker. II II II The sale of seats for "The Still Alarm." Joseph Arthur's thrilling and popular play, will begin ".o Academy of Music Saturday nt 9 a. m. The en gagement will he for ono night only, Tuesday evening. The piny has been seen so ften that its strong points nru familiar to moot local play-goers. It Is BUlllelent to sav that It will 'oe pre sented on this occasion by one of the best traveling cotnpunles on the road and with an entirely new set of scenery At the head of the cast Is Edwin F. Mayo, whose portrayal of the part o? Jack Manley, the heroic fireman, is the most forceful that has been given of the part, DUSKEET MtOKE HIS LEG. Serious Kcsult of a Fall on Peon Avcnuo Last Night. Richard Duskeet, of Webster avenue, who is a cripple, slipped on the side walk on Penu avenue yesterday after noon and fell heavily, his right leg be ing bent under him. Mr. Duskeet's thigh was found to bo fractured and he was taken In the ambulance to the'Lackawanna hospital, where he was reported to be resting comfortably lust oilgh.t HOW THE WORK HAS GROWN Impression of the l'resent Usefulness of the Y. M. C. A. INCREASE IN- I'OITLARITY Opcniug of the New lliilldius Brought About Many New Social Pleasures. Presidencies of W. J. Ilund und A. W. Dickson. When the reader of Young Men's Christian association, history or the careful observer of Its work for the past quurter of a century comes down to the period of Its existence In the new building, ho is ut once impressed with Its great increase in popularity and usefulness umong the young men whom It had long sought to reach and inlluence. The opening of the new gymnasium drew many men to the association who have ever since been regular attend ants, and though the work suffered at Intervals because of the lack of a competent physical director, yet it showed a constant development of practical usefulness. Today, with iU skilled instructor and large classes of business men, young men and boys, it Is an important element in the physical well being of many citizens. With the opening of the new build ing came also Increasing social attrac tions. Muny Christian women, promi nent in social and religious circles, freely gave time and money to this part of the work, and their reports from time to time show what a large place these so cial receptions had In the activities of the association. l!y these agencies large numbers of young men were giv en opportunities for social enjoyment which have left lasting impressions for goi id. The Increasing secular attractiveness does not seem to have lessened the spiritual activity of the work, for the reports show that gospel meetings, Hible classes, etc., were more largely attended than ever before. l'.ducutiomil Work llegun. During the life of the association in the present building the following men have served ns presidents: Colonel II, M. Holes served a second term during lSSiMS'.ll. It was during this period W. J. HANI), Y. M. C. A. President, 1S91-1SU2. that the association made a beginning In educational work, and In his annual report for 1S!0 President Boles said: "The upper story of our building should be finished and occupied. It Is too valuable space to be allowed to go to waste; it would be an excellent place for a mumial training school. No edu cation would be of more positive benefit to the hoys and young men of our cjty than Intelligent training in the use of tools nnd in manual dexterity. Most of them will have to depend for their livelihood upon what they earn with their hands, but our public schools are us yet exclusively devoted to the in struction of the mind and brain, while the hand upon which most must de pend is entirely neglected." This view heralds a work which the directors hope very soon to begin. Its Youngest President. In 1S!1 William J. Hand, the son of the first president of the association, took the helm as president and served with fidelity and success until lvj;i. Mr. Hand's position was In muny re spects a trying one? because of the changing of executive officers and Secretaries, which necessarily threw upon him an unusual share of responsi bility for the details of association management, uli of which he bore with great prudence nnd wisdom. In April, one who had for a period covering almost the entire his tory of the association been a "wheel horse", in the harness and upon whom A. W. DICKSON', President, 18S3, 1S91 and the Present In cumbent. had often been placed the burden of raising funds wns elected to the presi dency In the person of A. W. Dickson, of the Weston Milling company. Mr. Dickson is still president, and though carrying muny burdens, gives the needs of the young men of the city constant thought and engages In earnest efforts for their welfare. List of Secretaries. During the twenty-six years of the association's history the following men have filled the position of general secretary: W. D. Mossman, 1870-1872; F. A. Goodwin and W. Hadden, tn 1873; ThomaB McCune, 1874; II. H. Chnpln and T. H. Roe, In 1873-1876; C. W. Klrk patrlek, in 1878; W. A. Cook, In 1879; D. A. Heldleman, 1880; T. T. Homey, 1881-1891; George W. Smithing, acting general secretary, In 1892; George O. Muhy, the present general secretary, who began hlu term of ofllce In May, 1892. BAD AMOS KOIJINSON. Had Mrs. Hunter Arrested nnd Was Di rected to Puy the Costs, A case revealing the lives of some of Scranton'a citizens Vas heard before Alderman Fltzslmmons last night, in which Amos Robinson, of Forest City, charged Mrs. drace Hunter with 'steal ing a light blue bedroom suite, folding ,r,v;t If ST. 7ifY,77T t : IT XI . bed, sewing machine, heating stove and other articles. Robinson said that ho lived ot 107 Lackawanna avenue with Mrs. Hunter, and after some difficulty they separ ated, but Mrs. Hunter removed the ar ticles surreptitiously. Attorney Elliott Ross subjected the plaintiff to a Bevcre cross-examination, and after some questions relative to the character of the house he refused in an emphatic manner to give any further Informa tion. Mrs. Hunter, a good looking young woman, in defense said that she lived at 107 Lackawanna avenue and was running the house for Robinson. It vu3 the resort for immoral characters. With these earnings of the resort she bought the goods in dispute. Robinson did no work and the proceeds of their business was sufficient for their main tenance and to buy the goods. The alderman dismissed the ease and the plaintiff was mulcted In $3.50 costs. - DREW A LARGE AUDIENCE. The linslgn Greeted with Fuvor at the Acudeiuy of Music. "The Ensign," an American naval play, attracted a large audience to the Academy of , Music lust night, notwith standing the disagreeable weather. It abounds in action and halr-liftlng climaxes, which never fall to evoke hearty applause. The action of the play revolves about Ensign Hen Halrd, of the United Stat ?s steamship Sun Jacinto, during the late war, who is court murtluled and seii tuueed to death for having killed Lieu tenant Horace Hlythe, of the English navy, a renegade American seaman, who escaped from Uncle Sam while un der sentence of death nnd joined the English navy under an assumed name. This man plots to cause trouble ut Havana In order to prevent the San Jacinto from capturing an English prize. He seeks a quarrel with Ensign l'.alrd, who, knowing Hlythe's design, refuses to be moved until the latter pulls down the American flag, tramples It under foot nnd, with drawn sword, advances toward l'.alrd. The latter re taliates and kills his man. The re markable thing is thnt an American court martlul condemned lialrd to be hung from the yard arm of the San Jacinto for the crime and It required great efforts tn induce President Lin coln to pardon him. That court mar tial finding Is the weak spot In the plot. The finding ought to be revised. The drama is produced In an excellent manner, the cast being a very capable one. Logan Raul represents President Lincoln, and his makeup Is a very good fac simile of the features of the mar tyred president. James M. lirophy wns highly emo tional as Ensign lien liaird, and Marl borough Hardy, Atkins Lawrence, Jo seph Tot ten, Esther Lyon, and James Grady did excellent work. K0 EVIDENCE YET. Common Council InvcstigntorsWill Make Another Trial. Members Morris, Rattle, Sweeney and Hickey, the special fire department investigation committee of common council, met yesterday afternoon to in vestigate the charge recently made that Chief Ferher had kept the Niagara company out of service for one week. District Chief Detweiler Informed thi: committee that Chief Ferher is con fined by rheumatism to hlu home on the West Side and wished the committee to postpone action until he la able to ap pear before It. No evidence was heard and the com mittee adjourned to meet at the call of tile chair. A gentleman well posted in muniol pal matters told a Tribune reporter that the investigation will come to naught, no matter what the evidence may be. He stated that an investiga tion committee lias no authority unless constituted Jointly by each branch of the council. Select council, he ob served, will not ratify a conclusion made without a representation from the select branch. What Mayor Con nell will do, Is another question for con sideration. iMORAN OE SCRANTOX. He WusKcjcctcd lly Miss McAiiliffc, of Lumhortville, N. J. The New York Herald yesterday printed the following dispatch from Lambertville, N. J.: "A crowd that al most filled the large St. John's Roman Catholic church turned out this morn ing to witness the wedding of diaries H. Cullan and Mamie McAullffe. Miss .VicAulifl'e some time ago became be trothed to Joseph Moran, who came here from Scranton, Pa., and was em ployed by a tailor. "Shortly after the engagement was announced Moran went to Pittsburg, Pa. At different times he remitted to his intended bride small sums of monev for the purpose of defraying the wed ding expenses. Hut Mamie soon begun receiving the attentions of Charles II. Cullan. Her engagement to Callan wns announced a few weeks ago. Moran heard of Mamie's unfaithfulness and came here to press his suit. "Mamie, however, would not receive him, and today she was married to Cal lun. "The fact that Moran had remulne l in town and had asked to he allowed a seat near the altar to witness the cere mony created the impression that ho Intended making a scene. He was per suaded, however, by some of his friends to leave quietly last night." Flllsbury's Flour Mills have a capacity of 17.W0 barrels a day. DILI). QUINNAN. Tn Scranton, Feb. 6, 18M, John, son of K. J. Uulnnan, aged 3 yea.'s. Funerul from the residence, 820 Orchard street, Friday afternoon at i o'clock. Open Kettle N, 0, Molasses Put up in gallon tins by Q. W. Dunbar's Sons, New Orleans. NOTICE TO CONSUMERS: Wc warrant this molasses to le PERFECTLY PIRE. It Is drawn from the original package Into the cans ('Old, without any previous heating or rcbolllnir, thus retaining Its natural flavor and color. This is on age of adulteration, hut wc endeavor to . supply Pure Food Products, and Intend to carry it out on this plan. E. Q. Coursen . . 429 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. CITY ALMOST SNOWBOUND Snow and intl Has .Made Railroad Travel Very Uncertain. ELECTRIC TRAFFIC STOPI'ED Huge Sweepers und (Jan:;s of Shovellers Accomplished but Little-Cubiuen Heap a llurvcst-Discourug-ing Prospect for Today. At midnight last night the city was almost snowbound. Long before that hour regular traffic on the street car lines was practically abandoned, nnd the indication!! are that travel on the railroads will be demoralized before (i o'clock this morning. Three large theater audiences found a blinding storm awaiting them when ready to go homeward. Sensible per sons paid famine price? to cabmen, a few unluckily took chances In a lonely street car or two while a lurge per centage stood a few moments In the whirling snow and after chewing cuds of wrath depended on their legs to carry them home. Up to S o'clock the cars appeared only In fitful gasps, and afterward made a pretense of running, only when preceded by one of the two huge elec trical sweepers, which, with a small army of shovellers, accomplished lit tle against the fury of the snow and consequent drifting. At this hour travel was completely nt a standstill outside the city limits and the two sweepers were sent out on various lines to head a procession of stalled cars on inward-bound trips. Sw eepers und Plows In I'se. Horse plows were pressed Into ser vice on the West Side and Laurel Hill lines, but they proved useless. At 11 o'clock the two electric, sweepers were being used to bring in cars with broken motors on several lines. The sweepers were kept running throughout the inlght, but even though the storm abates it Is not likely that traffic will be possible before noon. All the available vehicles In the liv eries were engaged In advance by theater-goers with the result of giving the nlghthawk cabby who holds forth on Lackawanna avenue an opportunity to reap a rich harvest. He demanded and received duublo fare?, and chuckled with ghoulish glee as he "g'langed" to his snowballed nag in frequent and demoniacal trips about the city. At 1 o'clock ho disappeared with his tired horse and the belated traveller had to pay a good price to a livery or sleep in the snow or a hotel. The hostelrles were filled. The Delaware and lludnon train for the north, due here at 11.20 o'clock, was forty-five minutes late, and the 11.33 south-bound train was nearly an hour overdue. On the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western road the 12.10 train, going north, was reported one hour late ut 11 o'clock. Trouble was experienced in getting freight trains over the Poeono, and messages were received of consid erable drifting north of the city. Or ders were given to hold several coal trains at Clark's Summit and Great Hond. Freight trains north and south were from one to three hours behind time. Unless the storm abates, today's passenger service will be thrown com pletely out of joint. Storm Is General. At an early hour the wires of the Western Union and Postal Telegraph companies were working properly. Telegraph reports indicate that the storm Is general and snow has fallen to a considerable depth in all the neigh boring towns aud cities. MID-YEAR CONVENTION. Will lie Held ut West l'lttston on Feb. 11 und 15. The mid-year convention of the Woman's Chrlrtlan Temperance unions of Luzerne and Lackawanna counties will be held in the Methodist Episcopal church, AVest l'lttston, Thursday and Friday, Feb. 14 and ,". Mrs. Louise S. Rounds, the talented president of Illinois Woman's Chris tian Temperance! union, will give a Hilile reading Thursday at It o'clock a. m. and nn address in the evening. The ladles of the l'lttston unions ex tend a cordial Invitation to all Inter ested In temperance work. Entertain ment will be provided for all who at tend the convention. Telephone 2212. W. O. Doild & Co., fiU Lackawanna avenue, for all kinds of plumbing. - - City Scavenger. Business promptly attended to, and prices reasonable. Charles Cooper, 719 Scranton street. Have used Dr. Thomas' Eelectric Oil for croup and colds, and deelure It a posi tive cure. Contributed by Win. Kuy, 670 Plymouth Ave., Buffalo. N. Y. . Position Wanted. By a competent accountant (.11) posi tion where experience and business ablllay In required. Highest references as to ability, Integrity, etc. Address C 11. Noyes, Chenango street, Blnghur.i ton, N. Y. Your watch run for ever without having it cleaned and repaired. Take it to Who has repaired Watches and clocks for over 25 years. 417 Lackawanna Avo,, 6CRANT0N CITY. BESl SETS OF TEETH. $8.00 Including the psiulem extracting ot tenth by au sntlroiy new prooua, S. C. SNYDER, D. D. S., 321 SPRUCE STREET. HAVE RECEIVED 1 WEEK Fine Chocolate Candies, Puncheon Queen Olives Royal Milk Biscuit, : Popular Graham Wafers, Babbitt's 1776, Modeling Java Coffee, Golden Rio, Firkin Butter, Full Cream Cheese, Messina Lemons, Golden Maize, Pearl Barley, Farmose, Saratoga Chips, Camelia Buckwheat Flour, Turkish Prunes, Bill Pickles. THE F, P. PRICE, Agent. " ;r -t mm ': K- b- .ii? .1 fats": rViV)IM Tills is the nearest to Iiei fectioii of any Waffle Il'Oll ever invented. II IS lis s Tlio Most Simple in Construction. iwi .mi wiueiic 10 utiuuie. Ubicst to Clcuu. Andean be used on any sized stove. Keeipes lor making Waffles go with each iron. Price 89c. each. . S. WOOLWORTH SI9 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Green and Gold Store Front, THS CELEBRATED 8ft PIANOS tr tt Present tl Moot Popnlar ud tnttmi It l.tling Aru:a. Wtrcrooms : Opposite Columbus Monumsnt, 00 w-ohinn-ton Av. Scranton. Pt, WOOLWORTH'S BANISTER'S FEBRUARY SALE OF SHOES The mouth of February of each year is devoted to the cleaning up of stock, getting rid of all odds and ends aud making room for new Spring Goods. TO ACCOMPLISH THIS EM) Wc mark such prices ou all goods that make them move quickly. Our February and August sales are too well known to need any special comment, but we wane to say that during this sale we will have more and better bargains for you thau ever before. DON'T MISS THIS SHOE SALE BANISTER'S. SHAW, EMERSON, KRAKAUER, NEW ENGLAND, ERIE. 11 11 J. LAWRENCE STELLE, Music Dealer, 134 Wyoming Avenue, Scranton, MID-WINTER FUIISALE Astrakhan, large sleeves, lull skirts, $53.00, former) $100.00 Electrical Seal Sacques, large sleeves, full skirts, $05.00, formerly $125.01) Seal Sacques, 30-incli long, 9;.uu, lormcriy $uu.ou The balance of our Fur Capes we are selling at half price. We also offer Cloth Coats and Cloth Capes at 40c. ou the dollar. A SPECIAL SALE IN MACKINTOSHES 600 Mackintoshes for $3.00 which are useful both for traveling and stormy weather. Have your Furs repaired by the only Practical Furrier iu the city. J. BOL 138 Wyoming Ave. I IN THF II III llll. I UUM. When the advertising atmosphere is so heavily charged with exaggeration, it is well to remember wh the houest advertisers are. Windy assertions about GKEAT reductious---advertising goods at impossible prices, find no lodging place in the minds of intelligent people. Hull trade throughout the legitimate business season may make necessary, wild statements from sonic clothiers to attract trade, but the seheniersjvill have to scheme harder and Cud new disguises for their lame excuses before they can stop the people from coming to this store for houest values. The triumph of this store is the triumph of intelligence, and yon have made it so. Trade has been up to the mark here, yet there's a touch of attractivenessjti the styles and assortments. We've add- ed another and more taking attraction -Ri;iJL'ti:i) l'KICL'S, natural order of things here at this season; LOWER PRlCKSUiun you undL'LSEWHEKE. Glottars, MersAfurnishera Miss Alcutt OF NEW YORK, Will Explain the Advantages aud Fit 'the I Week Commencing Monday, February 11, ut OSLANDS 123 WYOMING AVENUE. Bl HATS AT Dunn's fCLOUGH & WARREN, CARPENTER, WATERLOO, CROWN, I PALACE. UEsn jBll a m a r