TIIE SCItANTOlT TRIBUNE FRIDAY MORNING,' FEBRUARY 8, 1895. SEVEN REBELSARE TO DIE Hawaiian Malcontents Arc Convicted by the Court Marshal. MERCY KILL BE SHOWN L1LI. young Spreckels Also Wiggles Out of the Difficulty The Ks-Queen's letters Accuse lliin but lie Is liiven llcno fit lof the louht. By tho United Progs. Sun Francisco, Feb. 7. While the con fession of John Cummlugs, one of the Hawaii rebels, whleh was published yesterday, seems to Implicate Kudolph Sprcckels as the one who furnished the arms to the insurrectionists, the gov ernment does not seem to have strong proof of the fact. Anions the ex iiueen'a papers, which were seined by the Kovermnent. were found memor anda In which she says Spreckels had advised the use of urms. but she was doubtful of adopting such measures. Anions her notes were also references of the uppolntment by her of a com mission to po to Wash! us ton and seo 1'resldent Cleveland. She says one of the commissioners, Sum I'urker, trieu to sell his secret to W. U. Irwin. J. O. Carter, the ex-queen's counsel, advised arbitration, and when young: Spreckely advised force she thought the arbitra tion plan would please President Cleve land better. ItcKurdint; the purchase of urms it is the impression that young Spreckels did not purchase the arms himself, but simply advanced money on the queen's account, and that the arms were purchased by some one else. It Is known the court martial has passed death sentences on some of the rebels, presumably Wilcox, llurleman, Nolan, tlulick, Walker, Davles and Klckard. and sentences of lite Imprison ment for many others. Vhese decisions have been handed to 1'resldent Dole for final Judgment, and he will decide whether or not they shall be carried out. It is certain .nothing will be done hustily or In a spirit of revenge. Sprccklcs in Sua l'mud-ico. Kudolph Spreckles, who Is uccused of furnishing; the Hawaiian rebels with arms, is the youngest s..ii of Claus Spreckels. and Is about years old. He has lived in Honolulu much of his life. and. like all Spreckels' sons, has plenty of money. He is at present in San Francisco. V. 11. Cornwall, who is ulso wanted in Honolulu, Is In the cltv. , London, Feb. ".In an Interview with A. Hoffriung, who was the Hawaiian charge d'aft'ulrs here under ex-ljueen Lilluokalani. he is quoted as sayln that the abdication of the queen could only have a pacifying effect upon H i waiian polities, as, doubtless, the repub lic would make terms with her in re jrard to her future and the position of l'rincess Kalulanl. the young- ladv who considered herself the heiress to the throne of Hawaii. The princess, is now In lOngland. Mr. Hoffnung added: "Of course it was well understood that the republic of Hawaii was always prepared to deal liberally with the queen, provided she renounced her rlt-ht to the throne, and, doubtless, numbers of Koyallsts will now become Republi cans." Washington. Feb. 7. Minister Thur ston has received a dispatch from Honolulu which confirms the Associat ed Press dispatches concerning the trials of the rebels and the abdication of LUiuokalanl. He says his dispatches contain nothing about interference on the part of Minister Willis concerning any of the offuhders. NOT USED TO GAS. Hayseed Assemblymen Aro Asphyxiated at a liurrlsburg Hotel. By the t'nited Press. Harrishurg-, Feb. 7. W. Newton Por ter and Archibald T5. Hunter, members of the assembly from Westmoreland county, were asphyxiated In their room nt the Hershey House last night. It Is believed the gas was not en tirely turned off when they retired. Porter's condition was exceedingly crit ical fur a time, but this afternoon he was out. of danger. Hunter was nut so much affected as Porter. - - - - OPERATORS COMBINE. Western Coal Magnate Will Fight Cer tain Legislation. P.y the fnlted Press. Pittsburg-, Feb. 7. Thirty-six promi nent river and rail coal operators In the Pittsburg district met here thin mornln? ami appointed a committee to fix upon a date arid issue a call for a Keneral meeting- of con I operators of the bituminous districts In the state. The object of the meeting Is to take concerted action with reference to cer tain legislation at Ilarrlsburg and will likely be held next week. EYRICK ALL RIGHT. An Insane Asylum Patient Declared to lie in His Right Mind. Ey the t'nitcrl Press. Harrishurg-, Feb. 7. Ttelatlves of William Eyrlck, of Heading, at pres ent confined In the state' Insane hos pital here, had him brought Into court today o.n a writ habeas corpus to test the question of his Insanity. Several physicians testified that he is sane and able to attend to business. The patient's property seems to be tho bone of contention. THO IJOOIES FOUND. Victims of the Klho Disaster I'loat Vpon tho Sea. London, Feb. 7. Tho fishing smack Speculator arrived at Lowestoft this morning-, bringing the bodies of two of the Elbe's passengers. Coins and bank notes were found in the pockets of both. The body brought ashore yesterday. A POUMDof FLESH S EASILY LOST THROUGH LWl?ffimiBirQlCaY JtGAfiD by use orme hiuLT EXTRACT, on which was supposed to be that of Chief Steward Pschunder, is- now believed to be that of Frlta Hnrtmann, musical di rector, who was a iwBsenger on tho Kibe. The coroner's inquest has pecn adjourned to Feb. 26, . WAYEHLY. The thermometer registered 18 de grees below zero Wednesday night. George Hall and fumily, of Wllkes P.arre, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hall. Fred Carpenter has accepted a posi tion with A. I. MeDbnough, ut Uuu more. 10. Andrews, of Pinghamton, wus u vlsitur hero last Wednesday. Mrs. Thomas Jenkins anil family aro visiting Mrs. Julia Collins, Mrs. Jen kins' mother, who is very 111 at Provi dence. Miss Cora ltelph is visiting friends in Scrantoii. lUariug Arrow tribe, No. 'i-i. Im proved Order of lted Men, will meet at lUIss" hall Friday night for re-organization. Lively times aro expected at tho com ing electiun. two tickets being in the Held. The Citizens' ticket is composed of the folowlng candidates: For Justice of the peace, Douglas Smith; council. A. 11. Cowles, Charles Tinkham; school directors, Dr. N. C. Mackey, John Hall; judge of election, J. H. MisAlnliie; in spectors of election, Thomas Jenkins and J. 11. Mersiion; ussessor, 10. II. llulley; high constable, lieorge ltothelmer; poormuster, (leorgo Perry. The second ticket Is: For justice of the peace, E. J. Feohtoy; council, An drew Mahoney; school director, M. C. Parker; Judge of election. 10. S. Cal kins; auditor, lieorgo Steeg; assessor, K. H. Hailey; high constable, A. O. Squire; puormaster, George Perry. liev. F. H. Parson, of the Methodist Kplscopal church, will attend the quar terly meting at Clark's Ureen next Sunday morning. liev. A. liergen Hrowe will 1111 the pulpit at the l'.iiptist church next Sun day morning at 10.30, and In the even ing at i o'clock. An entertainment lor the benefit of the Dickson church will be given Jiext Wednesday evening for the purpose of defraying some of the expenses of the church. It promises to surpass any thing yet attempted in that direction. The entertainment will be held In the church. Everybody should buy a ticket for such a worthy cuse.. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wilson, of Lin coln street, entertained a sleighing party from IHuyea Wednesday even ing. Among those present were: The Me-JTS. Th mns ll-illowa, James llml dleson. William Shales. Joseph Taylor, Hubert Martin, Walter Na.yl.jr, Matthew Martin, Koblnson Martin, William Perils, and Charles I'.icluu'd son: the Misses Jennie Miller, Agnes Iturlew, Hannah Dunning, Annie Tay lor, Martha Carey, Lizzie ISorthwiek, and Lydia Heed. Jaims Morgan, of Sugar Notch, is visiting friends her.-. John Lally, of Carbondale, made a business trip here yesterday. John Hentham is improving his cot tage by a porch. INDUSTRIAL TOPICS. A new breaker Is to be built at Auden rled. Philadelphia capitalists will build a washery at No. 3 Ebervale culm mini;. Morgan H. Williams' new mines In Pottsville are said to be very prom ising. Coxe Bros. & Co. will next spring strip hundreds of acres of coal land at Buck Mountain. The Conlock coal washery, at Tresckow, Is to resume operations on ur about April 1. Near the Monarch coal washery, nt Honey Brook, a stripping Is to be start ed by James Pollock & Co. A new stripping is to be opened at Eekley. There Is about 2.'0,0()0 cublo yards of clay and rock to be removed from the thick basin ot coal at iso. colliery. At Hazlu Brook, the old No. 1 slope Is to be re-opened, and at Mllnesvllle, stripping that have been idle nil win ter will be started up again as soon as warm weather arrives. As sooti as the weather will permit the strlpplngs at the Lattlmer colliery, which have been Idle Nince last Decem ber will resume, and at least 1,500 laborers will be givon work. The owners of the No. 1 Ebervale washery tire so favorably Impressed with Its value as a producer of smaller sizes of coal that they have In con templatlon the building of an addition, iquaMy i.' large ns the present breaker, and the operating of the same day and night. At present this washery em ploys over IU0 men and tho shipments are over :sui ions. Philadelphia Stockholder: Attention Is directed, by a specialist In the an thracite coal trade, to the profit, derived by certain anthracite coal shippers from their line trade against tide-water busi ness, strikingly Illustrated by the certain data In the annual reports of the Head lug and Lehigh Valley. The Lehigh Valley reported an average loss tier ton on Its coal of 70 cents during the year ls:4. compared with lM.I; the Heading loss was 23.7 cents per ton. This differ ence of 40.3 cents per ton wus due largely to the fact that after the great bulk of Lehigh Valley's coal In propor Hon to Its total was marketed In tide water markets, the opposite was tho case with the Heading's operation. It Is reasonably certain that a market affording superior facilities will be held on to with great tenacity, and that many concessions will be made be f org It will be given up. All this has bearing upon the Pennsylvania's stand to equalize line and tide-water freights, which would be equlvolent to equallz Ing line and tide-water prices. W ,11 neckjabefc ALES OF TWO PITTSTDNS News of Interest to Readers Up and Down the Valley. THE 1'ITTSTON CUKLEKS WIN Yonkers Chins Are Defeated at Doth Games The Visitors Royally Treated by l'tttstonluns lire, at the Resi dence of Joseph ICungsford. Special to tho Sl union Tribune. Pittston. l'u., Feb. 7. The rittston curlers uro greatly elated over their success In the International game. heir opponents were the club of Yonk- rs, N. i ., who arrived here Inst even ing. The visitors had the pleasure of being worsted In both games of tuday. In the morning the A vol-a players won the laurels by eight points. The score was as follows; Jtlnk No. 1, Avucu, 1"; onkers, 10; rink No. i, Avucu, Hi; Yonkers, 17. The players were as fol lows: Avoca, rluk No. 1 James Bur- en, James McCrludle, John Hullstone, Thomas Hailstone, skip. Yonkers, rink No. 1 Hubert L. Stewart, Thomas M icar, George Colquhouu and Hobert Kellock, skip. The game started ut 10 o'clock and lasted until 12.30. The con test was gotten up to allow tho players from Yonkers to get some practice for the afternoon game. Tho afternoon game was hotly contested. The Yonk ers made a desperate effort to keep in night, but were sadly disappointed. They were greatly handicapped, us they have been uccustonied to pluylng on a closed rluk. The Pittston curlers won tlie international medal and the honors by slxtenn points. The players were as tollows: Pittston, rink No, 1 Neal Hobble, Hubert Watson. John Thompson and Alex. Thompson, skip, Yonkers, rink No. 1 (ieorifo Peeno. ohu Ihemmer, James P. Stewart, John ra-zier, skip. Score, Pittston. JS; Yonkers, II. Pittston, rink No. 2 Peter Thompson, John Cowan, Mongo Thomp son, llliam Thompson, skip. Yonkers -Hobert Stewart, Thomas MeVlcar, leorge Colquhouu, Hobert Kellock skip. Score, Yonkers, HO; Pittston, 19. James Graham, of Avoca, was the of llclul umpire. The game was opened at 2 o'clock und was closed at S.l.". The Pittston curlers tendered their visitors banquet at the Wyoming Vulley House lust night. Thut a very pleasant time was Had Is putting it mlldlv. ilie 1 onkers boys say that they will submit to another defeat If thev mav be recipients of another such a warm welcome-. They cannot HDeiik too hlirh iy or the hospitality of the Pittston clans. An Afternoon Itlao. l ire was discovered in the residence of Joseph Langford, corner of Luzerne and yomlmr avenues, nt 1 :m ti,i ifternoon. Th,. alarm was rumr In from mix .o. it. The West Pittston and Eagle Hose companies resounded. Vl'ter a careful search the lire was lo cated In the partition ndloliiliu in., nnnney anil extended from the first 11.; or to the roof. The firemen worked wltn much care so that little damage was uoiiu by water, though the building was chopped open In several places Tl... ,1 .... "amen were excinguisned m a Very hort time. Tlie family were in the house when the gong was sounded nnd came to trie door to ascertain wlini-e the fire might be. To their surprise tney n-nriieit It was their own house. The loss will be covered by a few hun dred dollars. me -wnite crook," which will bo seen ut Music hall next Saturday even ing, Is presented with new nnd elabor ate scenery, costumes and sta II f Hut. tings, and an admirably selected com pany to great credit to the novel und well composed spectacle. The trans formations are beautiful, the specialties Introduced are clever nnd funny, und the evolutions of the twenty girls In the grand march, the "Blue and the Grey, arouse the patriotism of all beholders. Personal uiiJ other Items. All regular suhscrlptionsof the Scran- ton Tribune will be received at our local olllce, S South Main street. Tlie lady friends of the lOngle Hose company meet tonight to complete the arrangements for their coming- "old lime l air." which commences Feb. 2 Miss May Mathews, of the West Sid ft tod-iy with the family of 11. G Brooks, of Scranton, for Florida. i very appreciative audience graced Music hall last evening to see Otis Skin nor In Clyde Fltrh's comedy drama The Count tie Urnmmnnt." It was by far the best play that has visited Pitts ton this Keason, mil was derervliig of l.itger audience. This was Mr. Skin n:rs l.isl appeuraucuin I'l.lston. which no depot accounts tor the small sicd cu pnf tt. Should he n. ill in pear in f ire lie? peopie hf; will be Ki'eutcd by 1 full rouse. Complaints of non-delivery of The Tribune should be reported at our local olllce, 8 South Main street. Attorney W. H. Gilllsple and M. A. Wynne left this morning- for Newton, Luzerne county, on legal business. New York I'mdiico .Market. New York, l-'eli. 7. l'lour Unlet, easy. Wheat 1 Mill and lower, with options ( IohIiik Htm; No. 2 red mure und nlevator, u7iir7'.4'. ; iilloat, t. o. b., M'-iiifiHU .; iitiKi-aded red, Hu.V.ie. ; No. 1 northern, Ii7a Gi'.r.; optlonH fairly netlve, Irreuiilnr ond cloned unsettled at -VBii'ae. under yester day; No. 2 red l'Vlniiiiiy, 67c.; March, r7;;dc; Muy, Mv.; May, MSiC.; line, m:; July, rJ'ic.; AUKiist, 00-V. Corn Dull and firm; No. 2, li,,r.. elevator; 4!l4al!lli . allixit; Btcamer mixed, 47:V1a1Jc. ; No. 3, 48'.iiil!i',ic.; options moderately active, un settled and closed weak at V- under yes terday, with only a local trade; May, 4le July, Vjv. tints Pu lily uctlve, Mini: op tions ,dull und firm; February, iMV4e.; March, IBVic ; May, .Hl'ic. ; No. 2 whito February, 3'i'io.; Murch, ;KH4c; spot prices, No. 2, .IXiai-Vtc; No. 2 white, 3iii4a:t,o.; No. 2 CIiIcbko, an4e.; No. . 33c; Nu. 3 whlto, ar's('. ; mixed western, iUuSli'ie.; whltn do., Wn Hi' ac. ; white state, awilti'ji-. Heer Dull, l'eef llamn Uulet. Dried lleef Inactive. Cut Menta Dull und steady. Lard Uulet und hltcher; western nteam, t0.Vi; city, li'v''. ; option gales, none; February, t0.li.i, nominal; May, $7.1(1, noin luul; refined, lli-mer; continent, $7.10; Houth America, t7.7f; coiiiixiund, r.ari'c. Pork Unlet, Btendy; mess, f ll.2rull,7'; ex tra prime, noinliuvl. it ut I er Unlet, choice steady, unchiiimed. Cheese Dull and un (.'hniiKed. IOkkh Klrincr; state ami I'eiin Bylvanla, SitM'fa:; refrlKi'rutor, 22a'jric. ; western fresh, 3la:ilMo.; do. per case, );U0u G; aouithern, 30u3lc.; limed, 18u21c. Iliiffulo Stock Market, tluffalo, Feb. 7. Cuttlo ltecelplN, 3,010 lieiul; on sale, 40 head; market oKncd Rtejidy und 111 in w-llh but few on snlu, cIohoiI ptronic; fair to good cows, t2.00u3.7ri. HoKH llecelirls, 7,0;0 houij; oil ulo, 2,3(10 bind; miirkul Ktronic lute sales, Yorkers, t'l.l7,vu,4.70; meilluins, tl.0.1; choice heuvy, JI.7D; curly suIoh, Yorkei-H, S4.5rnt.uT, niostiy Ji.Ooul.OTi; few selected rancy, HM; me dium, tl.00a4.55; Rood to choice heuvy, tl.5ru4.00; )Ikr, t4.0ou4.GO; roughs, tXU'iU 4. Hhuop nml Lumba lteroliits, 7,400 head; on sale, 0,000 liend: market atcudy; fancy Rolc-c.ti'd laiiibi". tu,75uU; Rood to choice, f.'iil 5.07,; fair to rood, t4.27iii4.tK): extra mixed sheep, tl.27u4.5o; fair to kooiI, t3.50a4; cx port wethers, tl.50u4.75; ewes, t3.75ul.27. . . Oil Murket, plttsburff, Feb. 7. Oil opened and low est, 1034; highest ana closed, W. STOCKS AS1 BOXDS. New York. Feb. 7. Not' for many weeks has tho stock market been so dull and devoid of, Interest as it was today. The result of tho transactions of the day was only 67.400 hure and fluctuations In a majority of instances of to ',(, per cent. In tho Initial deal ings the market was somowhat higher, but the rise induced realizations and a reaction ensued. General Electric ile- llned 1V4 to 2SVi, and tho remainder ot tho list Vi to Vi per cent. Near tho close there was a fractional rally. Among the specialities New England moved up 1 to 31V6, Norfolk and YV est- ern common declined to 3, while the preferred rose to Y.. The placing of this company In the hands of re ceivers had no particular effect either here or In London, as Its affairs havo benn going from bud to worse for some time punt, it wus thought that Lon don would come In us a seller of the news of the uppultitnient of receivers, but such wus not the case, und the operations for foreign uccounts were quite nnlmiiortuut. Local speculators held aloof owing to the uncertainty In regard to legislation on pending finan cial meusures by congress and -the de- slre to wult the decision of the treusury depurtment on the proposed new gov ernment loun. It Is believed thut action on tho latter Is imminent and that business will revive within the next few days. Thu market closed steady In tone. Tho range, of today s prices for the ac tive stocks of the New York stock mar ket tire given below. 'The quotations are furnished The Tribune by G. du B. Dhn lu ii-k, nianuuer for William Linn, Allen & Co., stuck brokers, 412 Spruce streut, Scrunton. Op'n- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. lug. Ateh., To. & S. Fe... 4 j Am. Hugur llii'g Co. IM'j 4 Mi ill' a fill', U3'4 72'i, llii'i 17 Id VJi 2S'a KKMi f.:l'- PW'.j 21'. 4:i 10 pl'i M'a -Hi O'h U'-i li'i 13i SS'i 74 4 Chic., Mil. & St. P... Wi Chic., It. 1. & ! KH Chic., 11. q 72'i Chic. & N. W !I7', r.7 mi i)V,i 17 " 2!lr-H HS'u CI 1"S 3oi A Sl'i Hi'h HP, 10 14 3tt ili i ' CU i: ( 75". M 1)7 17 li'i 12S-Vi " U'i HN'.i 22 MVt 4--i 31 :wt Mi 1314 an n 7i',i Quo lied. & Ohlu 17 I list. C. F. Co Delawaro & llud....l2!t'. (en. l.lcctrlt'.. Jersey Central . ISM, . G''K .KW3 . 22 . a' . -Ia! . 30-, . 10 . iu'4 . 10 . n . 3M . !; . n . 6'i, . 13 . H7a . 70'4 Louis. & Nasli. Mauliuttun Klu Mo. Piiclllc.... Nat. Leuil Nat. Cordage. . New KnglunU. H. it Out. He West.. Phil. & Head.. Sua. & West... Sus. & West Pr. Tex. Pacific.... I'nlon Pueltlc.. W. & St. L.... W. & St. L.. Pr Wert, i'llloil... C. G. It Scranton llourd of Trade Exchange lotions, No. Pur Shs. Vitl. STOCKS. Bid. Auk. 7S luo Allegheny Luin'r Co luO 4 Crystal Luke Water Co 4M CO 1U0 Cent. I'enn. Tel. & Supply Co 100 20 50 Dime Dep. & Dls. Bunk 62 CO 10 100 First Nat'l Hank CuO ti luo First National Bank (Carboiidiilo) SCO 2ft inn Green H'ge Lum'r Co .... 110 leO 1(H) Laoka. Lumber Co... 110 5 100 Lucka. Trust & Safe Deposit Co 140 150 5 100 M. & M. Savings Bank (Cui'boiiilale). 140 22D 30 t.0 Providence & Ablng- ton Turnpike Co.... 8,1 r. luo Si ranton Gluss Co CO 30 i Scran Savings Bank 200 i 1W Si'iu'n Jur nnd Stop per Co CD 1 IK) Scra'n Axle Works 17 10 Hl Si.-ru'n Luco Cur. Co 70 ii luo Scranton Forging Co 100 i 110 CO loo Spring Brook Water Co 100 2r. 1(h) Third Nat'l Bunk.... S50 5 luO Nul'l Ilorlng & Drill ing Co.. Pr 100 4"i HH) Thuron Coal Iunl Co .... 90 30 DO Scranton and Potts ville Coal Co 37 CO 200 CO Serunton Trac. Co 11 f. IK) Traders' Nat'l Hunk 1:'0 CO 100 Bonta Plate Class Co .... 23 BONDS. u C0 Scranton Glass Co COO 2 CuO Keon'y Steam Heat & Power Co COO Chicago Stock Market. Pnlon Stock Yar.la. 111.. P.-b. 7.-Cnttlo Hii-i-Ii1m, 7.(KJ ht'Ud; maiki-t llrm; roin inun to t'Xtra HtHer, t;tuiir.7" ; HliK-kciH ami ft-ciliTH. -J.ir.u:i.H.'.; i-iiwh mill Lulls. $1.40 n:i.Sfi; riilves, $'-'.5uur.Ki. IIokh ltt'i't'lii's, UI.oiki hcinl; niHiki't llrm; heavy. $4.ufnil.:i5; ootilllliilk to c-hoire mixed, lll.tniitl.i: i-luilcu itHsortifd. M.I5u4.25; light, 3.Ma4.ir; iIkx, J.i"al. Kheep lUM-i'ltH, K.OnO limil; iniir-ki-I firm ; Inferior to iliulce, J-'.7.'Ul.i."i; liimbs, t:i.2ju5.1Ti. I'hiludclpliln ialliiw Market. Phllaili-lphlu. Ki-b. 7. Tullow la Btoady, but di-maml ia IlKht. Wo (iiotc: City, piliiiL-, In hlids, lnl'.i-.; i-ountiy, prlm. In 1.IIm, 4al'c.; do. dark. In bills, HV.; vukm, : (jri-im, 3'.'-i Election Proclamation- M.Vvnu'B Oll-li'- l Hernnt'in, f's, Feb. fl, IMij. I VOTICE 1H IIKRKHY (HVEN THAT AT A il ueneial election to belaid on TuemUy, the I1H diiv of Februsry. itixt.. belnu the tiiird 'rucHilriy of Fehruiiry. tlie followinir olll cers will lxi voted for nt the uhiiiiI plucos of ImlilinK ekctlona in tho city of Kcruutou, to wit: Ono Common Counidlman to servn for the term of twovonia. liculuuliiK tlie first. Uon. day of April, 1MIV in each of the odd numbered warns. 10 wit: i ne rir, iinro, ruin, nev out Ii. Ninth. Eleventh, Thirteenth. Fift entli, Keveiitoeutli, Nineteenth and Twenty-Flint. One Alderman to aerve for tho term of live vr-nra in each of tho followlnit wards, to wit: Tho First, Herolid, Hixth, Kialith. Thirteenth, Fifteenth and Twenty-Kii-Ht: alxo ono JuiIk" of El ictloa. two luipeetors of Kloctloii and the Assi-PMor of Voters ia each and every elec tion d sti l t in the city. In addition to the above named ofllcers and In pursuance to resoluttlou of Common Coun ill, pawed January lOili, Wo. there will tie elected In the Htxtoonth ward one Common t'ouuciliniiii for the unexpired term ending the first Monday in April, lM'l: also In pursu ance to a resolution of Holed Council, pan-nod January 3d. ICV), there will he elected ono Hu loct Cuunclluiiin from the heventeeiilli ward and one Solent Councilman from the Twenti eth ward, tj All the unexpired terms endin the Mint Monday In April, IstHI, aud the Hint Monday In April, IMJ8, respectively, imjii, 1 W. !,. (SIkiiciI) t ONNF.i.l,, Mayor. Charter Application. iAAWVWWWWWVVVV OTU'E 1H HEREBY UiVKN THAT AN anullcation will be made to the uovarnor of PuuiiKylvanln, on the fourth day of March. iMin, under the Aot of Amainbly entitled "An act to provide for the Incorporation and rcKuliition of certain corporations,1 approved April 20. 174, and the supplements theretn.for the charter ot an Intended corporation to lie called "The Lackawanna HUiiih Com pany," the character and object of which are iptarrylnii atone, and drtnlnu, cuttluK, preparing, aellintf and shipping tho aumo to market, and for then purposes to have, posno-oi, aud enjoy all the rih UinotlU anil prlviU'ea of said Act Aawuibly auu the supplemunts thoroto. LEMUEL AMEHMAN, Holtcltor for Company. KiriTKBHKHT:BY" GIVEN THAT AN X appltentinn will be mails to the Court of Common I'lens of Lackawanna county, or one of the Jtidues unroof, on Monday, tba 4th day of March, A. I). 1"VJ, at 10 o'cloci a. m., under an Aot of Awwinbly of tho Commonwealth ot PeniiMylvaiila, entitlu 1 "An aot to provide for th Incorporation and regulation of certnhi corporations." approved April 20th, A.D. 1H74, anil Its aiipplcmenta,' for a charter of an Inteiidid eoi Lorniifiii to be called the "Wwt Klde Hospital Asxoi'latiou of Heranton," till character and objrot of which is the estab lishing, malutalnlng and manaulng a hospital for the cure and troatmout ol the sick aud In jured persons who may apply to It for relief within tho bounds of Lackawanna county, Pennsylvania, and for those puroaea to 1 ve, pasa and enjoy all thu rights, beuonU and prtvilegei of anld Aot of Aiaombly aud tta suplvment4. The proKsed chartur Is now on tile in the rrothenotury oinca ui vacua- wauua county to No. jw, aiareaterm, i.Wj. n.UAlwnu tuvaaa ovuvuw, Connolly In Our Cloak Parlors. The Most Elaborate and Ever Shown in Scranton. NIGHT GOWNS, SKIRTS, CHEMISE, CORSET COVERS, DRAWERS. Materials are the best to be had and the workmanship is of the highest possi ble order. The advantages of this sale to you are evident, when you consider that prices arc about one-third less than usual, and our entire Cloak Depart ment is devoted to the display, where you can take plenty of time in making your selections. CONNOLLY & IS NOW Keystone THE SCRANTON BEDDING CO,, 602 PRICES ONE CENT A Word. WANTB OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID FOR, IN AD VANCE. WHEN A HOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE, NO CHAROB WILL BE LESS THAN 25 CENTS. THIS RUL10 AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS, EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH ARB INSERTED FREU. Agents Wanted. A"oTBrVEUVt?f ATlf0N8ALAKV mid cumiiiiwion AKunt niakiup 2 to S'0w.!j(ly. El'KEKA CHEMICAL & Jl'F'U CO., La Crusw, is. WfANTr I) - ACTIVE SALKHMEN TO ' V liumlhi our lino, no jii-iMlint;. balarv. $75 per niuutli mid expunw-H itiri to nil. Ouods intinly new. Apply quickly. P. O. BuX, 1M, Help Wanted Male. .0, (JALE8MEN IiESIDENT SALESMEN 1? witnted, Bciiuaintud with tho lot-al und nturby driitf und iti-octry trudu, to hundJe our linn of lilb'li vrailn i-icarH. Aildri-ss. l'IvIhk rol.-riMH-cH, ,1, ElAVAKL) COWLES A Co., Uo Clmi;ilr Htrmtt, N. Y. Special Notices. l.KEH M. BEUUY. X L'KSE U R A DU ATE V Mills TrRi'inin; tichool, liiilluvuu lluspital, New York. 1M) Munu -y uv,.-iiuu, city. AM NOW l'KKPAKEDTO KL RN1SII EX I liibitinnii and lmituiu upon any subject d mrcil. Thuau uxhibitioim will hu illu.-.tr.itu i. hiivinff in my )KiHiftiHioii tlio mu.t powerful UUaolvuiif fltii'eipticotm made. E. II. CALL, Tribune Otllcp. VOll WANT THIS KEI.1C -- RKPIilNT I Krank Lmlie ' lllUNtrated WiwUy Wur IIIUHtrutimia Istll-lfUVi. Two Volume Polio, fllloU; puyiiblo monllily, Si.00. lh livered by -XroHS complete, Prepaid. Addio P. O. MOODY, ills Olliwm xtreol, Scranton, Pa. TLANK HOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAOA J I Kinmt, pti-., bound or relwuiid at The Tii i ii u.n a ollico. pi-ires. Ouiik work, Keasonuble For Rent. l.'Olt KENT STOKE AND TWO I3ASE I inentH, No. 17 Lm-kawauna avonuo; also second ami third tlooia urranged for two fam ilies or entire biiildim; for wholesale purposes; elevator: D. & H. switch to budding. Hell F.U l'KON 111 rcilt.'ol'K, No. 404 Lacka wunna avenue, Heraiitoti, Pa. l.iOlt KKNT-A LAHlll-;. 4 STORY HCII.D J lug ut btt Franklin avenno; suitable for wholesale business. CARSON A DAMLS, Heranton. l.Olt RF.NT -llltICK VAHKIIii:SKW"lTH 1 elavator on l) L. & W. switch and West Lucltawauna avenue. iScrantoii St ova Works. SUPERIOR MODERN HOUSE; AVENUlS. JONRS, 311 Spruce. i.'OR RKNT FURNISHED AND UNKCK 1 nishiHl rooms at fust Lackawanna avenue. lOR RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST V Lackawanna avenue. Address THOMAS E, EVANS, aeur 11W Ltisornu, Hyde Park. 1OH RENT Nll'KLY Fl'HNISHED HAlTL J1 snltnlile for lodnu rrsims. JOHN JEU MYN, 110 Wyoming uvenuo. For Sale. TX)R HALE CHEAP- HAY HOHSE.SOUND, I not afraid of cars or steam; lady ran drive her; can trot in 2.30; slu aood int. iionrlv new hurnesH, sleigli. rolies, bulls, etc. InquirA olllc Dr. Keovt-s, 412 Hpruco street, Horanton. Phyalclana Notice. IF IN NEED OF SSgUAllS FOR PATIENTS we are large breodrsof them, HASLAM M, 118 Cliff atroet. IN RE INCREASE IN NUMH1CR OF COUN. cilmou of the Unrough of Archbald. No. , February session, IsU.'i; Uuartur Sessions. Lackawanna County, sh.: On the application of Johu R. Jones, Esq., attorney for pi-lttiouei-s. it is ORDERED that keresfter thuro shall bo Ihreo councilmen oloctvd by tho ipialilled elortora of each of the three wards of the borough of Archbald, from tile residence of each of said wards, rtspect lvely, iu such iiminor. however, as not to in turfcro Willi the terms of those heretofore elected; that la to ssy, that nt the next elec tion for borough ollleors. In said boroauli, tlio ipialilled electors of tho First ward h;ll elect tworoiincllnien, ono to surve for one year and ono for three years; und the qualiiled oloctors of the Second ward b1iu.I1 elect one couiiidlman to serve for throe years; and the iiunlilled electors of tile Third ward shall elect two counciluieii, one to serve for two years and ono to aerve for three years BY TUB COURT. January 21th, 1MKV. Situations Wanted. 4"PEN FOR ENGAGEMENT Pit ACTICAt V picture frame joiner, mat maker and glider; thoroughly conversant with every da- )' i uuhiiii'ss, iyuuii miu- petont to take chargu. Address "PICTURE," Tribune oftlce, city. l)OB TlON WANTED HY AN EXPKHl J vuevd wall, paper aud window shade salcKiiian; also understands all branches ot shade making: in or out city: A-l reference. Address "WALL PAPER," Tribune ollico. ItTANTEl'-lWAIlISSl'ECTABLEYOUNa 'I lady, iHisltlon ns cnshler or clerk. Ad dreaa "CAblllKK,' caro of Tribune. WANTED SITUATION AS TRAVKLINU suhvman, bookkeeper or alupplng clerk, with WhoUlo house; bust of reference auu five years' experience, Address ''UAL,'' a iiuuue uuicw SPECIAL SALE WALLACE, THE CELEBRATED ed MADE EXCLUSIVELY BY GREATLY REDUCED. .. - - - - - - W (Action to our Washburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure thefr many pat rons thut they -will this year hold to their usual custom of milling STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, anil owing to the excessively dry weather many millers ara of the opinion thut it is already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will take no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully threa months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every detail of milling has placed Wushburn-Crosby Co.'s flour far above other brands. 4 9 MEGARGEL & CONNELL Wholesale Agents. . HAVE YOUR Horses Shod Ml Hold Fast I j lUS Steel Cen. IUJ Fl Detachable" f J tM CALKS We have the following supplies of lumber secured, at prices that warrant us in expecting a large share of the trade : Paolflo Coast Red Cedar Shingles. "Victor" nnd other Michigan Brands of White Pine and White Cedar Shinnies, Michigan White and Norway Pine Lum ber and Kill Timber. North Caroltnn Short and Long Leaf. Tellow Pine. Miscellaneous stocks of Mine Rails, Mine Ties, Mine Props and Mine Supplies in general. THE RICHARDS LUMBER COMPANY COMMONWEALTH BUILDING. SCRANTON. PA. THE DICKSON MAIMUFACTURINGCO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA., Manufacturer of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. (JeneraJ Office: SCRANTON, PA. 40 Kw dlMfr. oritur iv aire a reraal ty JOHN H. PHELPS, Sprue Siraat, Scranton, Pa. Wall ace OF Comprehensive Line 209 Washington Avenue,' Opp. Court House. pring UNDERWEAR and 604 Lackawanna Avenue! Cor. Adams Avenue, patrons: SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS. Also a Fall Line of ii SUPPLIES. J Ham Scranton, Pa. Juniata County, Pennsylvania, Whits Oak. Sullivan County Hemlock Lumber andt Lath. Tioga County Dry Hemlock Stoctt Hoards. Elk County Dry Hemlock Jolsta and Studding. RESTORE LOST VIGOR Will rB T P" 50 . lwHWttTH WAGON MAKERS hei o a a KAN IfcKIB VUrt P0FTOUI uvnui.j, yumm i rv. .ni , 8 IntotunUr? mHtioftomoTcii.. If Btglrcud, inch trcubln Itmii t coniunitliiia of IbmuIit, II.W Pr t J '. boi for M. Wila (A. uaiauti'V o cull ih luitivu aittDaf. awni.. ioTalaatli Otilo. Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Avsnu anil
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