SCH ANTON, TA., FJiTDAY MOliNING, EEmiUAKY 8, 1805. EIGHT PAGES 3G COLUMNS. TWQ CENTS A COrY. i : NOTES OF THE State of the Elements Reminiscent of the Storm of ISSS. CATTLE DYING IX THE EST Zero Weather in Tennessee HlinJlns Sno Storms Mloek liuilwuy and Street Car Travel About the Country. ' y the t'nltcd Tress. WashliiBton. Fi-b. 7. WasWnston cx jiciitMicea a hotivy snow storm today with sporadic Rusts of wind reminis cent of the blizzard of 1SSS. This moru Iiik the thermometer registered 5 de Erees and there was a slight raise dur ing the day. The weather bureau pie diets a fall to 5 degrees below zero by tomorrow morning, and that the snow will continue. The l'otomuc is frozen and predictions are made that the I.imis Bridge. Washington's direct railway connection with the South, will be car ried away. The district commissIomTS vlll ask congress to appropriate $,"',000 to clear the river of ice. AY likes- Harre. Feb. 7. A snow storm, accompanied by a heavy wind, set in through this valley today, and by S o'clock the fall was about five inches deep. The snow was tine and Hunt, and drifted badly. The entire system of the W'ilkes-LIarre and Wyoming Vulloy Traction company is snowed in. and cars ceased running at B o'clock. It .ill take two or three days to raise the. on all the Hues. The rail- jjbMs are havlinr some trouble with "flfiftinsr snow on the Wllkea-Fiarre mountains, but trains are nearly on time. The temperature stood at about 4 above zero throughout the valley to day. At S o'clock it Is still snowins with no signs of letting up. Snow in Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Feb. 7. Ttie blizzard that has been prevailing throughout the western states struck Philadelphia and the eastern section of lVnnsylvi li'u this afternoon, and tonight it is Bnowlr.g furious' over the entire east ern part of the stat. Tho highest tein ri rature attained today was 11 abov zero and at 0 o'clock tonight it had fallen two degrees. Through transpor tation from th" west is delayed from one to three hours, and the delay is growing worse as the night advances. The local weather bureau predicts that the blizzard prevailing will cease el tier some time tonisht or during totiorrcw morning, and that by night this section of the state will feel the cold v ivv that is advineing from thj west and th.' temperature '1 fall to zero and below again. The sftiU-m Is also raging in Dalav.-nre and South Jersey and along tflie J-Tftiw coast. Thicigo, Feb. 7. The ice in the lake lietwe"ti shore and the water works rtrib off Sixty-e'.gtht street is so solid that the city tugs were unable to r.-eieh that point today. The telephone cable through the water net has broken anl there Is no way to communicate wi'.'i the men in the crib. It is said the crib men have plenty of Hour and salt r.ieat. ' JetTersonville., Ind, Feb. 7. Ice in the Ohio was stopped, forming a gorge sixty miles long. Two million bushels of coal are in danger of being sunk, the minute the gorge moves. The tem perature is 8 degrees below zero. The river at this point is an almost solid cake of ice, over a foot thick and rapid ly forming. There is no great suffering among the poor here. IiliarJs in the Southwest. Washington, D. C, Feb. 7. Blizzard weather urevailed throughout almost the entire south and southwest today. At Richmond, Va snow has been falling since yesterday evening; at At (lanta, Ga., the temperature has fallen from 4n to 6, with a blinding snow storm; at St. Joseph, -Mo.t the thermo meter was IS below, the lowest record for the winter; at Mexico, Mo., the roads are Impassible with drifted snow and the thermometer is 4 below; Hun tington, V. Va., experienced the coldest (lay in that region for twenty years, and tonight It is 10 below, with snow a foot deep; at Birmingham, Ala., the thermometer 19 10 bnlow, with a furi ous gale blowing; at Mlddlboro, Ky., the wind tonight Is blowing forty-five m les an hour, with a fine snow failing. Milwaukee, Feb. 7. Altogether, there Is now eighteen inches of mr.w on the ground. Xo freight trains were run out of Milwaukee on the Northwestern line until tonight. The Kt. Paul road's faat mall from the east was five hours late. The Wisconsin Central trains were twenty minutes to half an hour behind time. At West Superior, Wis., the thermometer tonight was 15 below zero, and falling rapidly. At Sioux City, la., It Is 20 to 30 degrees below Zero. Lima, O., Feb. 7. Today was the coldest this city hasseen in many years. The thermometer, at noon, showed 4 degrees below and it Is growing colder, and it will probably be 15 or 17 degrees below before morning. JStorm iu Other Localities. -Cork, Feb. 7. Snow has fallen fijr fif teen hours In southwestern Ireland. Several trains are Imbedded in drifts and no railway train Is operating regu larly. Communication with Klllarney, 'Trelee. Hallow and Bantry has been suspended. i Jacksonville, Fla., Feb. 7. Tonight the mercury had fallen to 20 degrees and was still falling. Iteports from various points In the state show that the cold Is intense and that the freeze of December last will be equalled. It Is feared that the orange trees, which were recovering from the freeze, will be ruined. The loss to the early vegetable and strawberry growers will be heavy. Denlson, Tex., Feb. 7. A howling blizzard, with the wind blowing fifty miles an hour, prevails throughout northern Texas. It Is the worst storm In years. Thousands of cattle are dy ing" from exposure. J'erry, O. T., Feb. 7. The blizzard that set In here yesterday Is the worst storm that the territory has experienced In twenty years. Sedalla, Mo.; Feb. 7. The worst bliz zard since 1883 Is sweeping over this section . ' Little Rock, Ark,, Feb. 7. The tem perature fell to 3 -degrees below zero this morning, the coldest weather ever known here. Memphis, . Tenn., Feb. 7. The mer - cury reached zero this morning and Will go 6 below tonight. JIISS GOULD'S COUNT. The Heiress Will Wed u Son of Marquis dc Custelluno. By tho 1'nlted I'ress. . New York, Feb. 7. It was learned this evening that -Miss Annu llould, the youngest sister of lleorge Oould, Is en gaged to Count Do Castelliino, of I'arls, and that the wedding will take place In New York some time In the spring. It is said that Miss llould met the count ut a reception In Purls about ten mouth.1! ago. The count has made his home In New York during tho last four or live months. He is a handsome man of about "S years of age, of pleasant man ners anil good address, lie Ut the elder son of the Marquis do Custelluno, a wealthy Parisian. In un interview with a representative of the 1'nlted Press, tonight, Oeorge Oould continued the fact of the engagement. TIMID J1K. 1TLLMAX. I'eputy Marshal Jones Is limbic to Lo eute tho Man Whoso l'reseneo Is De sired at tho Trial of luene Debs. By tho Vnlted I'ress. Chicago, Feb. 7. The Debs case was preceded this morning by the examina tion of William It. Johnson, a colored porter In tleorge M. Pullman's otlice. Judge Urosscup conducted the exami nation, which was Instituted with the view of finding out whether Mr. Pull man had evaded service of a subpoena issued for his appearance In court by the defence. Johnson said Mr. Pull man came to Ills olllce at 10.30 o'clock Tuesday morning. Deputy Marshal Jones arrived an hour later. Porter Johnson took Jones' card into Private Secretary C. S. Sweet, who, without going into Mr. Pultmah's room, brought back the card with the statement that Mr. Pullman was out. The defence tried to get Secretary Sweet into court, but stated to the Judge that he also had disappeared. The matter will be pushed. Judge C.rosscuji said that even long after this case Is finished, when Mr. Pullman gets back from Florida, lie can be punished for contempt of court if it shall be proved that he evaded the subpoena. The intention of the court was to find out the truth of the matter. President Debs was re-called and re mained on the stand all the morning. Attorney Edwin Walker put the wit ness through a hot cross-examination. It was brought out that all the services Debs ever did for any railroad was as iiivman and car cleaner, during a period of four years. Mr. Debs stated that he was not drawing no salary from the American Railway union. He had cut It off himself on Oct. I last. The cross-examination of Mr. Debs occupied the entire afternoon session. In a deliberate manner he narrated the part he took in the preceding of the American F.ailway union and during the continuance of the strike. He stat ed that he advised against a strike un til the members of the American Hall way union were discharged from the employ of the Pullman company, when he ordered a boycott of the Pullman cars. All efforts of the government's counsel to confuse the witness were without avail, he carefully consider ing each question put to him before an swering, lie will resume his testimony tomorrow. WOMAN L1VKS IN A CAVE. Oscar Lawrence's Widow, Mourned for Dead, Found to He a Hermit. Ey the United Press. Shelbyville, Ind., Feb. 7. This even ing City Marshal Sparks and several citizens discovered a cave In an Isolated spot on the bank of the Blue river. Smoke was seen coming out of the ground, but they were kept at bay by a large dog. Finally a woman ap peared and called the dog inside. The officer, followed by the crowd, advanced and demanded admission, which was finally given. When questioned the woman said she was the widow of Oscar Lawrence, who died In this city three years ago. Lawrence was a sta tionary engineer. After his death she went to the home of her father, I!en Martin, who has his second wife. She could not g't along with her step mother, and concluded to camp out. Her cave, as well as herself, pre sented every phase of the most abject poverty. Hhe was dirty, her hair was disheveled, and she hovered over the fire thinly clad. She said she was con tented, and desired to remain where she was. The woman had been mourned as dead. At one time she was1 a teacher In the Mission Sabbath school, of Hliel byville. She and her sole companion, the dog, manifested much affection for each other. Addicks-lllRRlns Deadlock tnbroken. Ey tho United I'ress. Dover, Del., Fob. 7. The Democrats who have been voting for Chancellor Tunned for United Slates senator broke from him today oust thPir votes for Ambassador Jiiiyiinl. The deadlock between the fol lowers of Addleks and Higgltis remains unbroken find today's two ballots were the thirty-fifth and thirty-sixth that have, been ctfut. Disastrous Church I'iro. Ey tho United Press. Johnstown, Pn., Feb. 7. Flr today brought $10,000 OamitKO to tho beautiful Franklin Street Methodist Kplscopal church. Tho great plpo organ was drenched with water and probably hope lessly damaged. Tho building Itself, which Is of solid stone, Is not damaged. All losses are fully Insured. Tho Fair Will Cass. Ey tho United Prima. Run Francisco, Feb. 7. AVhen the mnt ter of probating the will of tho late James Fair camo before Judge Slack this morn ing tho attorneys for tho children asked for a continuance of two weeks In order to prepare for a contest of tho will. ,Tho court grunted the request. Mayor Yctood tho Resolution. By tho United Press. Brooklyn, Feb. 7. Mnyor Hehloren to day vetoed the resolution passed by tho aldermen on Tuesduy revoking the II cenHes and franchises of tho Brooklyn Heights Itnllroad cotnpnny and the Al lan lie Avenue Hlalroad company. - Negotiating tho I.onn. By the United Press. London, Feb.1 7. The negotiations for placing a portion of the new United States loan In England will be definitely concluded tomorrow. About IW.OOO.OOO of the-bonds will bo tuken, of which Lon don will tako half. No Appreciation of Art, By tho United Press. , Albany, Feb. 7. The assembly this morning passed the bill prohibiting boxing or sparling exhibitions iu this state. FINANCIAL SCHEMES FAIL Lenders I'nuble to l'ersuude Balhy Congressmen to Full Into Line. ALL MEASURES A HE DEFEATED Kcpiiblieiius Ueudy to Agree to Any I'lun for Hcllcf hut Minds of Democrats n n J Populists Are in luuotic State. By tho United I'ress. Washington, Feb. 7. The house dis cussed plans for tinanclal relief three days and thou this afternoon refused, by a decisive vide, to pass any one of them. WUcn the committee of the whole at 3.;so o'clock this afternoon con cluded Its sessions, three propositions were reported to the house for Its ac tionthe original Springer bill (known as the administration bill) proposing tho Issue of live hundred million 3 per cent. II ft y year gold bonds, as amended by the committee of the whole; the substitute, proposed by Mr. Heed, au thorizing tin" Issue of two-year 3 per cent, certilicates of indebtedness to meet current dcllclencles in the reve nue mid bonds to cover the dellclency In the gold reserve, with an amend ment proposed by Mr. Bryan, Nebraska, reallirmlng the . declaration of the Matthews resolution of 17S, to the effect thut coin obligations of the gov ernment are payable In standard silver dollars at Its option; and the substitutj of Mr. Cox, of Tennessee, containing a rehabilitation of state banks, with an amendment proposed by Mr. Cobb, of Alabama, expressly declining to confer the right to issue bonds upon the secre tary of the treasury. Mr. Bryan's amendment was rejected yeas U'7, nays ltiii, und then Mr. Ueed's substitute went the same way oy a vote of 1011 to 1S7. This was nearly a party vote, the Populists and Dem ocrats In opposition and Republicans. in favor of the substitute. The amendment nresented l.v Mr Cobb to Mr. Cox's substitute was voted down viva voce, and the substitute Itself received but fifty-five votes In the atiirmative, to 1st in the negative. Mr. Cox's .request for a yea and nay vote was not supported by a sulllclent num ber to secure It. Hy the unexpectedly large vote of I'll nays and J7 ayes, the house, on a division, refused to order the engross ment and third reading of the amend ed Springer bill, thus killing It. The announcement of the vote was received with applause. A vote by yeas and nays somewhat reduced the majority against the bill, It resulting: yeas, l-'io: nays, 1G2; present nnd not voting. 4. Messrs. Seranton, of Lackawanna, and Hincs, of Luzerne, voted in the afllrma tive. .Mr. Kccd's Explanation. Just before tho vote was announced Mr. Heed endeavored to make an ex planation of the attitude of himself and associates on the Kepjubllcan side, but was cut off by cries of regular or der. He was going to say: "I" had, with the support of all the Republi cans, presented a proposition which the ruling powers saw fit to refuse. Nevertheless, I had gone further and voted for a bill which contains things which I do not approve of simply to enable the matter to go to the senate in hopes that something might be done. The bill has failed. I now desire to suggest that I have no doubt that this side of the house would vote for the second section of my substitute or any other proposition which had any prac tical chance of passing." Mr. Springer, having changed his vote for fhe purpose, moved to re consider the vote, and that motion, on motion by Mr. Hatch, of Missouri, was laid on the table yeas, i:;.": nays. 1:!.", which finally disposed of the matter. The question pending when the com mittee of the whole resumed considera tion of the bill today was as to whether or not the decision of the chairman ruling out Mr. Bland's substitute on a point of order should be sustained. It was decided in the affirmative ISO to f2. In the course of consideration of tho bill Mr. Wheeler, Alabama moved to repeal the tux of 10 per cent, on state bank circulation, and It was lost by a vote of 16 to K4. An amendment proposed by Mr. Bell (Pop., Cid.) providing for the payment of the bonds In gold or silver without discrimination against either was lost 106 to 74. lllnnd Scare tlio Goal. Mr. Bland got a vote on an amend ment requiring the treasury notes Is sued under the Sherman uct of 1800 to be redeemed In accordance with section 3 of that law, nnd directing the coinage of the seigniorage on the sliver bullion In the treasury, and It came within six votes of being adopted 10!) to 114. Before the bill was taken up bills were passed nnthorlzlng the re-opctilng of the abandoned military reservation at Fort Jupiter, Florida, and granting a pension of $50 a month to the widow of the Into Oeneral John C. Kelton, ad jutant general of the army. Mr. Urosvenor, Ohio, offered a resolu tion for which he vainly asked immedi ate consideration, directing- the ap pointment of a committee of five to Investigate the congressional elections In Tennessee last November, with a view to reporting whether or not the commissions Issued thereunder by the governor of the state should be recog nized by the house. It was referred to the committee on elections. At 6.20 the house adjourned. M UH DF.RI.I) AND CK EM ATED. A. HI flowers. Well Known Patent Medi cine Seller, tho Victim. By tho United Press. Denver, Feb. 7. A. S. Bowers was murdered, robbed nnd his store fired, and the. body cremated shortly after midnight. "Doc" Bowers conducted a combination cigar store, faker's cane and knife' rack and a patent medi cine scheme at 1317 Seventeenth street. He was about 80 years of nge. He had Hold patent medicines on the streets In many cities, nnl was worth considera ble money, a good deal (if which he car ried with him. He wore u great dia mond Btar on his vest. Bowers' head had been mashed, tho right side was gashed and torn and tho stomach showed' evidence of having been pounded with a hatchet. He had been shpt twice. Tho valuable dia mond star,-worth $1,000, was taken and also a bag ot silver and a large quan- tlty of Jewelry, which Cowers had re cently tried to dispose of. After the robbery the place was llred. Gasoline was added to oil in a live-gallon can und placed In a position so that it would take fire us soon as the thief and murderer had made his escape. lNJUKl.D AT A 1 IKE. employes or u Tool Company lluve , Nar row 1. sea pes from Dcutli. By tho United Press. Woodbine, N. J., Feb. 7. The two story brick building occupied by the Woodbine Machine and Tool company and D. WilentHcliIck, a pocket book manufacturer, was burned today nnd the thirty-eight men and women em ployed In the building hud a narrow es oupe from death, und, as It was, a' number of them were burned and In jured by Jumping from the windows. The injured are: ltoda Seagull, Internally Injured and burned about the face and head; Re becca St. Call, seriously burned; Ber tie and Mary 'Stein, the former badly and the latter slightly burned; Rosa tloldbuig, burned about the face and hands; Rosa und Rebecca Llpshutz, burned about the mini, broken leg; burned about thu chle, unkle broken. face; Samuel iler Barney Breslow, hands, Louis Krit Sevcral others bus- tallica slighter Injuries und less serious burns. The loss on the building was only ubout $,1,000. SIMP'S GHASTLY FREIGHT. A Vessel Drifts Ashore Currying Lifeless llodics of tlio Crew Incused In Ice. Ey tho United I'ress. ' Vineyard Haven, Mass., Feb. 7 The after part of a good sized vessel covered with Ice, witli what appears to be the lifeless bodies of three men encased In ice and frozen to the top of the cabin, has drifted ashore on Paul's Point, Lambert s Cove, on the north side of this Island. . The wreckage was discovered by Ed ward Cottle, of Lambert's Cove, this morning, and he came here to notify the medical examiner, who has slurted for that ijluee to tako charge of the bodies. Mr. Cottle slates that the features of one man could be easily discerned, ami there are apparently two other frozen boys on the cabin. It Is impossible at this time to ascertain the Identity of either vessel, or bodies. There is no doubt that the portion of wreck which drifted ashore at Lam bertcove on the north side of this is land is what Is left of the schooner T. P. Dixon, or Rockland, Me., Captain Boswick. which vessel left, New York Feb. 3 for Rockland. The bodies of three men nnd a dog were on top of the cabin when found. The men were encased In ice. When the bodies were landed on the bench at Lambcrtscove one was Identi fied by the United Press marine corre spondent 03 that of OnpujJ.ii Joseph Boswick, of the Dixon. He also identi fied one of the bodies as that of Martin Lee, mate of the Dixon. It Is consid ered 'likely that the vessel struck on some ledge tit the entrance to Vineyard sound during the; gale yesterday, and was dashed to pieces. TROLLEY ACCIDENT. Conductor l'olkcnson Is Terribly Injured in n Collision. By the United I'ress. Kaston, Pa., Feb. 7. In the midst of a blinding snow storm this evening an electric car of the Fasten Transit com pany became unmanageable while de scending a steep grade on New street. South Kaston, and gained frightful speed. Molormnu Trexler was power less with the front brake ami ran through the .car to the rear to get to the rear brake. The car rushed on nnd the single passenger In It leaped and escaped In Jury. Conductor Folkenson went out on the front platform just as the car reached the fool of the hill at the Le high Valley railroad depot. There it met a snow plow, which was struck by reason n( no power. Folkenson was caught between the broken platforms of the cars. He was taken out of the wreck terribly cut about the head and badly bruised and was removed to tho Kaston hospital. SARATOGA'S CRUISE, The School Slilpat Anchor In tlio Harbor of llusso Terrc. By tho United I'ress. Philadelphia, Feb. 7. A cablegram received at the olllce of the board of di rectors of the Pennsylvania Nautical school announces that the school ship Saratoga arrived at Skltta this morn ing. Mhe Is now at anchor In the har bor of Basse Terre, a town of 4,000 In habitants, whoso chief employment Is the raising of sugar. The Saratoga left Barbadoes on Tues day, and reached St. Kilts a duy ahead of her schedule, having remurkabl. favorable weather during her sull (if over 300 miles. She Is to remain, ac cording to schedule, until Feb, 27, when shrt will set sail for St. Thomas. HIG HOTEL UL'RNEI). Tho Denlson House ut Indianapolis (lifted by Flumes. By the United Pross. Indianapolis, Ind., Feb. 7. Tho Denl son House, one of the largest, hotels In the west, was partially destroyed by fire today. The fire probably started from an overheated flue, but the find ing of a smouldering fire In a room wns where tho flames broke out gives ground for thinking incendiaries have been at work. After burning for over an hour part of the enves fell, nnd Fireman Frank Nutter wns struck with a burning 'timber and seriously hurt. The loss will rench $50,000, fully In sured. The furniture wns damaged $15,000. STATE NEWS NOTES. Ono Reading firm Is cutting 70,000 tons of Ice on the Schuylkill river. Newmnnstown rill wns subscribed $25,000 for tho Womelsdorf and Sheridan trolley road. Anllirac'.trtoon.l miners claim to bo In us destitute, condition us the Nebraska suf ferers. , To curtail expenses, freight crews of the Philadelphia and Reading rullroad at Reading Jiavo been dismissed. A WllllnmsKrt alderman awarded Rov. A. 10. Hchudo $3 for preaching a funeral sermon, tho minister having sued for $5, Pretty Edith Williams, an Allentown hotel employe, was yesterday fatally burned, her clothing having cuught tire from the stove. BUSINESS- OF LEGISLATURE I'locecdinns in House and Senate ut Harrisliiinj. PENNSYLVANIA AT GETTYSbTKG i All i:tru Edition of the Hook to Ho Pub-lislied-David W. Powell Collector of Stutlstics-llills introduced and Measures Adopted, Special to the Seranton Tribune llarrlHburg, Feb. 7. 1). W. Powell, of Seranton, has been appointed a collec tor of statistics in the bureau of Indus trial statistics, to succeed T. Larry Kyre, of Chester, who has been appoint ed deputy secretary of internal affairs. He will report for duty March 1. The salary is $1,500 a year. By tho United Press. The senate met at 11 o'clock this morning. After hearing reports from committees, a bill wns Introduced by Mr. McQuown providing for the publi cation of un extra edition of 10.000 copies of the book known as "Penn sylvania at Ciettysburg," the edition to be practically the sumo as that of 1891. Opposition developed to the bill au thorizing the state to purchase and ussuinii control of bridges across livers, but the bill was passed 35 to 1. Another of Mr. Wood's bills that giving municipalities control of incor porated water companies was also op posed, but It, too, passed. Among tin; bills that passed finally were the one Increasing the salaries of the judges in the Erie judicial district from $1,000 to $5,000, In accordance with the uct of 1SS3, providing for such In crease in counties having over 90,000 population. The house met at 10 o'clock. Among the bills reported from committee with favorable recommendations were the Marshall Pipe Line bill, the bill regu lating the charges of pawnbrokers, and that guaranteeing workmen the right to join labor unions. Hills Introduced. Among the bills read In place were the following: By Mr. Seyfert, of Lam aster To pre vent the spread of contagious und infec tious diseases among children In the pub lic school, children not being permitted to attend school from a house In which such a disease exists until three weeks after the convalescence of the patient. By Mr. llhks, of Philadelphia Requir ing all at ts of assembly to be published in two or more newspaners in each county two consecutive weeks, at the rate of 10 rents a line for the first anil 5 cents a line for each subsequent insertion. Hy Mr. Jennings, of Sullivan Provid ing for the election of prothoiiotarlcs, clerks of the several courts, registers and recorders In counties where the oilices are held by im person. By Mr. Moore, of Chester To prevent the killing of quail for live years. By Mr. Culbertsori. of Allegheny Amending the act of -March, INslt. In rela tion to wealing Loyal Legion, C.rand Army of the Republic and other Insignia, making the unauthorized wearing of such badges n ni'sdemcanor. By Mr. Sniilh, of Bedford Providing that banks la which state funds are depos ited shall pay interest ut tho rate of 2 per cent., and that there shall not be on de posit In any hank at any time n sum ex ceeding 2.1 per cent, of tho capital and surplus. To Huntingdon licforinntory. The bill appropriating $45,000 to the Huntingdon reformatory was passed finally. There was considerable discussion on the bill to provide for keeping the pub lic highways from becoming blocked with snow by giving supervisors power to have removed board, hedge or stone fences and substitute wire fences In stead, in which the farmers partici pated. Mr. Phillips, of Chester, moved that the bill be indefinitely postponed, but later withdrew his opposition. The bill was amended sn that the fences could only be removed with the consent of the owner. Mr. Foy said the point of order that the bill was unconstitutional because it referred to a special class. The point of order was submitted to the house and was not sustained. ' Tho bill then passed second reading and the house, at 1.15, adjourned until tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock. - - - SAYS HE WAS HYPNOTIZED. William S. Wysc's 1 xplnnntioti In a Suit to Kegniii Property. By the United Press. New York, Feb. 7. William Sumner Wyse alleges hypnotic influence as the basis of an action to recover $150,000 from his wife, which wns called In the superior court yesterday. Wyse was married In lS7:t. His wife was twenty years his Junior. Wyse had a goo I business In the advertising line aind made a great deal of money. He was free-handed and was well known around the Hoffman, House and the uptown clubs and swell cafes. Ton years after his wedding Wyse found himself almost penniless. Do mestic Infelicity had marred his home life for several years. After one ot their differences Wyse alleges he trans ferred his entire property, valued at $150,000, to his wife, who, ho says, Im mediately set to work to secure a separation on the ground of Incompafa- blllty and cruelty. AVyse says that by a misunderstanding he let the case go by default. Marie Wyse was free, anil AVyse says she wont to live at the Hotel Savoy. Wyse occupied a small funv Ished room on West Twenty-second street. Six years ago Wyse irought suit to recover his property. His counsel says Wyse- was Induced to meet Mrs. Wyse, and under her Influence, which wns al most hypnotic, signed a release, giving up all right and title to the property. FATHER STOPS A MARRIAGE. Burns tho License lit tho I'rescnco of tho Minister and Guests. By the United Press. Terre Haute, Itul., Fob. 7. Madison Bryant, a wealthy farmer of this county, prevented the mnrrlage of his l.D-year-olil daughter to Ferd Little, n young farmer, by burning tho marriage license Just as the clergyman was pre paring to perform the ceremony In tho presence of fifty guests. Mr. Bryant, without displaying the slightest emo tion, requested Mr. Little to accompany him to an adjoining room, When they were alone Bryant asked to examine tho marriage license. Little produced the paper, which was seized by Bryant, who darted into the parlor where the guests were assembled and threW Jt Into the blazing grate. "... Ho then ordered .Little from' the house and dismissed the guests. Little at first contemplated the arrest of Mr. Bryant, but concluded to bide his wrath and make another effort to wed! the girl of his choice. He secured a dupli cate of the license, und un elopement may be the seuual to the sensational scene. It Is reported that Bryant jus tifies his action on the ground that Lit tle broke his pledge to abstain from the use of liquor, which he made when Mr. Bryant gave consent to his marriage. STILL UNSETTLED. Tho Trouble between Mexico und tiuutu- inulu May Vet Spill Blood. By tho United Press. St. Louis, Feb. 7. A City of Mexico special says that Hon. Ignaclo Marls cal, secretary of foreign relations In the Mexican cabinet, yesterday official ly denied the statement thut Guatemala has retired from its grounds and ac ceded to the demands of Mexico. "But we are still hopeful that war may final ly be averted," said the minister. Kenor Marlscal did not Indicate that the settlement of the boundary ques- tiun Is any nearer an amicable settle ment than at the beginning of the negotiations. TROLLEY CAB SMASHED. Kcduced to kindling Wood by a Pcnnsyl vaiilu Locomotive Murrow Escape of 1 Ive Passengers. Ey tho United Press. Wilkes-Barre, Feb. 7. The passen gers on trolley car 24 running between this city and Nanticoke hud a iiauow escape from death todav at noon. The car was coming from Nanticoke to this city and had nearly reached the Penn sylvania railroad crossing at South Wilkes-Barre when a passenger train was sighted. The motorman, Andrew Elliott, applied his brakes, but they would not hold on the slippery r.ids and the current failed on the reverse lever. The passengers made a wild rush, the last, an old lady from Ply mouth, jumping off the platform as thu locomotive struck the car. The car was hit squarely In the cen ter, one side was driven through the other and it was reduced to firewood. The motorman escaped by Jumping r.s the crash came. The Pennsylvania train was twenty minutes late and running at a terrific speed, and theengl neer could not slow down until he had went nearly a square past the wreck. The passengers were all shaken up from jumping but none seriously. BIG I'IKE AT MT. CARMLL. business Portion of the Town liluckcned by u S-SO.OuO Blaze. By tho United Press. Mount Carmel, Pa., Feb. 7i Fire here this morning completely destroyed live store buildings, causing a loss of nearly $"0,000. The fire started in D. L. Bolich's shoe store. The losses are divided as follows: D. D. Bolich, shoes, loss $20,000, In surance $7,000; 11. Goldschmidt, cloth ing, loss $a,000, insurance $3,000; J. C. Mlnagh, dry goods, loss $2,000, Insur ance $f00; Jennie Smith, millinery, loss $2,000, insurance $.".00; Frank Shoener, cigars and confectionery, loss $3,000, In surance $1,500. Other individual losses range from $300 to $1,000. Till: GANG WIPLD OUT. Sudden Death of the Last Members of Hill Cook's Combination! By tho United Press. Tulsa, I. T., Feb. ".Jim French and Verdigris Kid. two members of the Oook gang, were killed last flight while attempting to rob a store at Catosa, fifteen miles east of here. Sam B. Ir wine, manager of the store, was shot and seriously injured. These outlaws were members of tho noted Bill Cook gang, nnd are the last of the desperadoes. All the notorious murderers and thieves are now either dead or in prison. Tin: u:i: GAVF. WAY. Mrs. Grcshiitn and Her Son Arc Browned at Atlanta. By tho United Press. Atlanta, On., Feb. 7. While Rev. T. C. Gresham and family were attempt ing to cross the river at Fish Ferry, S. C, the Ice broke. Mrs. Clresham nnd her son were drowned, while the husband reached shore with their little daughter. Mr. Oresham Is a Baptist minister and was ou his way to Spartansburg to take charge of a pastorate, lie Is secretary of the South Carolina State BaptiBt convention. Strike Not Probable. By the United Press. San Francisco, Feb. 7. Chief Arthur nnd tho grievance committee of engineers met tho Southern Pacific railroad officials to day, but failed to arrive at a settlement. It Is generally believed, howevlr, that there will bo no strike. 1 roen to Dcutu. By tho United Press. Chatsworth, N. J., Feb. 7. Charles Maturing, a laborer at the Clay works, ut Woodmutisee, N. J., was found today by a gang of section men of the South Jo soy railroad frozen to death. FLASH Fl) OVFR THE CAHLE. Sir William Barcoiirt, chancellor of the. British exchequer, Is 111 and to his bed. President Fuure. of France, will visit Havre and Auuen on special Invitation?. A pension will be asked from the Brit ish parliament for the widow of Premier Thompson, of Canada, Tho queen of Spain lias algnod the mo dus Vivendi which gives tho United States the old tariff rates on exports lo Cub und 1'ot'to Hlco. As the result of the passage of the am nesty bill by the French parliament, tho nleeo of Oeneral Boulanger will movo tho hitler's body from Brussels to lNirls. WASHINGTON GOSSIP. The president nominated Oeneral J. M. Scholleld to be lieutenant general, nftar Blgning the bill Just passed by congress. It Is said Hint fiepresenliitlve Tracy, of New York, will succeed oVnoral Blsaoll, who desires to return to his law prnl'tice. W. B. Hornblower's presence in Wash ington has started rumors of his bclncc nominated to succeed Justice Jackson, when the latter has been retired. ' WEATH Fit REPORT. For eastern Pennsylvania, snow, prob ably followed by fair In the aftornoonj colder; north galea shifting to northwest. Fair Saturduy. -INLETS TBI Tor the next ten days it will be to your interest to visit our And see the values we arc ofl'er iti liue German, Scotch and Irish Table Linens, Napkins, Tray Cloths, etc., etc. STOCK LARGER THAN EVER. PRICES NEVER SO LOW. I ffl VERY SPECIAL Numbers in German Linens, ''Sil ver Bleach," extra line quality and heavy : 66-in. Sale Price 48c, Reg. Price 60c 60-in. " 59c, " 75c 62-in. " 75c, " 90c vz-m. " 89c, .Napkins to match the above. 65 doz. 5-8 $1.55, Regular Price $1.75 75 doz. 3-4 2.35, " 2,75 THREE SPECIALS i In Fine Bleached Towels i 25 doz. Colored Damask Border Iliick. :.)i doz.. Kes. Price 4.'i0 25 doz. Bird's Eye, hemstitched, 4.K-. 'each. Kesr. Price C5o 15 doz. double hemstitched buck, extra size, 50c. each, Reg. Price 73c Our Special Muslin Sale continues all this week. Muslins, Sheetings Counterpanes, etc., at "Rock Bottom Prices." FIN LEY'S 510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave. H. A. KINGSBURY AGENT FOR XHfiS. B. SGHlERtS 8 CO.'S ill THE VERY BEST. 313 SPRUCE ST., SCRANTON, PA. irmess Slippers -OP- Every Description -AT- Closed Evenings Except Saturday, I REPAIRING OF WEICHEL the Jeweler, can repair your vatcli to give per fect satisfaction, having had ten years' experience in our leading watch factories. 1 II IB 1 LEWIS.REIILY&DAVIES Fl WATCHES GIVE US A TRIAL i . I.