The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 07, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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We have many pieces of goods which
were once full pieces but now they are
in half. Half in price, but enough for
waist or dress pattern. If you arc
making over old costumes, or if you
have school dresses to' make over for
girls at school, this is au opportunity
which we give our customers every
season. Our prime object is always
to look after the interests of our cus
tomers. We also have a selfish in
terest, that is to prepare ourselves for
the new stock of dress goods which we
have arriving daily.
Best in every sense of the word Best
Materials, Best Shapings anil Best
Workmanship. This special sale will
continue only a few days.
Our Fashion Monthly for
Describes and contains the Leading
Fashions, latest Dress Materials, Sto
ries, etc. GIVEN AWAY to those who
call for it at our store. Every lady
wishing to be well dressed and dress
economically should have it.
- 412 Spruce Street, Scranton.
Dr. Reeves has hnd long anil varied ex
perience In hospital mid private prarttro
and treats nil acute and chronic diseases
of men, women and children.
Ho, with his assistants, treat nil dis
eases of he nervous system, diseases of
the eye, ear, nose and thront, dyspepsia,
rheumatism, lost vitality, premature
Weakness or decay In both sexes, nervous
debility, catarrh, tumors, cancers, erup
tions, blood-poisoning, (Its, epilepsy. In
discretion and errors of youth, lost man
hood, eczema, scrofula, St. Vtus' dance,
asthma, diseases of the heart, lungs,
liver, kidneys, bladder, stomach, etc.
. Young Men Positively Cured.
; Offer to the Public for Catarrh.
Any ono suffering with Catarrh who
lshes to be permanently, quickly and
cheaply cured may receive three months'
.treatment for only VlF. llOI.I.AKS. Tho
doctor has discovered a speclilc for this
dreaded disease. You can treat and cure
yourself and family with It at home. It
never falls to cure. A trial treatment
OKFIPK HOrrtS-Dnllv, 9 n. m. to 9 p.
m.; Sundays, 10 to i und 2 to 4.
At This Season
Wc Invite your special attention,
to our magnificent display of
We will give you full benefit of the
recent decline In the price of Carpets.
Price is always a great object, and In
this matter wc arc not only determined
to hold our own but to outdo all com'
I ctitoi 3. Come and sec us.
J. Scott Inglis
t'so of Coal by Steamships.
The Atlantic steamers, which must
rmiko the vovuko now In seven duys or
under, burn from 2uO to 3K) tons of coal
dally, making this Item of expense over
$1,000 every twenty-four hours. The Vin
l)i la burns twelve tonH of coal per hour,
und on every vessel of her hIip the Jour
nals anil benrlnK of the machinery re
quire KU Bullous of lubricating oil per
' Stated by H. H. Cochran, dniKKlst, tan.
rnster, Pa.: Have, guaranteed over 3U0
bottles of Hurdock lilooil Hitters for dys
pepsia, sour stomach, bilious uttucks, liver
and kidney trouble., .
Mrs. Hallett returned to' her 'home at
Sonora, N. T., yesterduy.
1). C. DeWltt, esq., would like to
come. down from Towmida and address
tho furmers at their coming Institute
on the subject of nuance. DeWUt is a
sterling Democrat, but lie promises not
to Introduce politics If he comes. He Is
a deep thinker, and able to tell what he
knows; besides which he hits some
pretty sound views on the currency
question. It would not be amiss for
the committee In churge to Invite him
The Hotchkln Sisters Concert com
pany will give an entertainment at the
court house on Wednesday evening,
Feb. 13, under tho auspices of the Junior
Christian Hmlenvor society of the Pres
byterian church. They are not only
vocalists, violinists, etc., but play beau
tiful chimes on Swiss, Munich and oth
er bells. They are well recommended
and will doubtless give a line concert.
lleorge M. Sheldon came down over
land from I.ynu yesterday to bring the
mail, the Montrose railroad being
blockaded with snow.
The judicial contest will be opened
again Saturday by the pluintln"s, who
will tile a bill of specltlc charges. The
defense will do likewise on 1'Vb. 20, and
the court will meet again Match 4 to
Investigate the papers. Kverythlng
that can be converted Into evidence on
either side is being scraped up.
An old man named Sydney Spencer,
living alone in u little house in Dlmoek
township, was found dead by the
neighbors, who went to Investigate af
ter not seeing him for several days.
His body wvs frozen when found, but
whether he hud died from sickness, or
froze to death, was not apparent.
C. A. l.innekln, the Wllkes-Barre
dyer, has been looking up business here
this week.
Rev. Kuther I.afferty, the Catholic
clergyman, has promulgated the Pope's
edict' In this section concerning thj
withdrawal of church members from
secret societies. The Catholic member
ship in the various lodges here is light
and whichever way the subjects go,
the result will not be appreciable.
The Uaker ballot law hus complicated
the question or voting for school direc
tors among those who live out In tho
township, but belong in the borough
school district. They ought to be en
titled to vote for directors In their own
school districts, and yet, If allowed to
do so. there Is nothing to hinder their
voting the full borough ticket while
shut up in the booth alone. Again, if
they vote the balance of the ticket in
the township, what Is to hinder, beside
their own conscious Integrity, from
voting for school directors there also.
Perhaps the thing has been adjusted all
right by some wiseacre, and If so he
will confer a favor by rising up and ex
plaining. The Lehigh Valley telegraph opera
tor at Skinner's Kddy has been laid off,
and the ticket agent has not only to
fulfill his ordinary duties, but to smash
baggage and sling lightning as well.
Charles Watklns. who has been em
ployed as drug clerk In Manner's drug
store, Moosio, has accepted a similar
position In J. V. Reese's drug store,
In this place.
Yesterday was the coldest day In
many winters. At t! o'clock In the
morning the thermometer reached the
extremt'ly low point of 11! degrees be
low the zero mark.
The' De.Moss family of musicians,
known as the lyric bards, will be at
the Calvary Haptist church this even
ing, and will give one of their entertain
ments. This family has received the
highest commendation of both press
and public for the excellent quality of
their entertainments. They present an
entertainment such as the people of
Taylor rarely witness. The numbers of
tickets already sold warrants a crowd
ed house. The following lady mem
bers of the church hnve been selected
to act as ushers: Misses Susie Harris,
Sallie Williams, Davis, Antde
Rose, Jessie Jones, and Sadie Carter;
ticket and receivers, Mary Winterburn,
Mary Jenkins, Sarah Davis, Rosenna
Jones, Maggie Powell, and May Morris.
The borough school teachers were
paid yesterduy.
A rhllil of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fan
ner, of Fnlon street, tiled on Tuesday.
A. party of married women from this
place enjoyed a pleasant Hlclghlide to
Peckvllle yesterday.
The bnll of the Taylor Hose com
pany, to be hold on Feb. 1.", promises
to be a spl(nlld nffalr. Invitations
have been sent to the (Ire companies of
Scranton, Plttston, Avoco, and other
neighboring towns to attend.
Some Remarkable Cures of deafness are
recorded of Dr. Thomas' Kclectrlc oil.
Never falls to cure earache.
Mrs. Mark Sherwood, of Jermyn, vis
ited with relatives In town last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Whitie spent
Sunday at Carbondale.
Charles M. Curtis, of New York city,
and his sister, Miss Fannie, of Klm
hurst, hnve been visiting nt the home
of Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Peters, of
Academy street, the past week.
S. F. White Is visiting in Wnyne
The celebrated DeMoss family will
appear In the Methodist Episcopal
church for the benefit of the Sunday
School library next Friday evening,
dreet them with a full house and enjoy
a good entertainment.
The new hose cart for Knternrlse
Hose company arrived here yesterday.
The employes of Ciiassy Island, Dela
ware and Hudson, were paid yesterday.
The Infant -child of Mr. and Mrs. J.
I". Hollistcr Is very sick.
Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!!
Mrs. Wlnslow'i Soothing Syrup has
been usej) for over fifty years by mil
lions of mothers for their children whit
teething, with perfect success. It soothes
the child, softens the gums, allays all
pain; cures wind colic, and la the host
remedy for diarrhea. Howl by druggists
In every part of the world. Ho sura and
oi k for "Mrs. Wlnslow'i Soothing Byrup,"
and tska no other kind. Twenty llv cents
a bottle.
a nam a Li).
The regular monthly nieeHng of the
school board was held on Monday
evening. All the members, except Mr.
Myers, were present. The Becretary
was directed ,to Issue orders for the
following bills: ' John Cardon, for coal,
J:',0; James (Hlgnllon, coal, $10; James
Coleman, coal, I2..".0; T. J. Olldna, $1.
Several persons auked to be exonerated
from the payment of school tax. An
other effort was mndfl to fill tho va
cancy caused by tho resignation of
Miss Qulnnan, hut with no success.
The meeting adjourned without a de
cision ns to who should be appointed
or when an appointment would be
Wl!!lr.m F. CiiMMlnffa, . of Ba'.om
street, served as groomsman at the
Mahudy-Uoland murrlage, in Curbon
dale, on Tuesday. 1
Mrs. Clerblg, an . aged resident , 'of
South Main street, died cm Sunday
morning, after a short Illness. She was
a sister of Mrs. Jacob Rltter and Mrs.
Henry Welch, of this borough. Her
funeral took place on Tuesday after
noon. Services were held In tho buther
uji church by Rev. Mr.- - Schaburger.
Interment was made In the Protestnt
The fair of the Presbyterian church
will open in Father Mnthew Opera
House on the night of Feb. '11.
The nominating , of officers at (ho
Mitchell Hose company rooms on Tues
day evening resulted us follows: Presi
dent, Joseph II. Kclley; vice president,
Fred C. llalley; foremen, (leorge
Annger. (leorge V'nrd; assistant fore
men, Thomas 10. Campbell, Ollie llalley;
secretary, Howard 10. Potter; treasurer,
Frank C. Tlmmons; trustees, John
liurke, ,1. I?. Shannon, J. Marry Howl
son: drivers, John Swarkhammer, J. H.
Kelly, Frank C. Tlmmons.
On Saturday afternoon the Young
Ladies' Cooking club will take tea at
the home of Mrs. Thomus L. McMillan,
on Salem avenue.
A pleasant time was had last evening
nt the meeting of the Kpworth li ague
in the Methodist church. A very en
tertaining musical programme was ren
dered. The event was called a "Wash
ington evening."
Ralph, the S-year-old son of Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Dthoskey, of Fallbrook
street, died Tuesday night of diphthe
ria. The remains will be interred this
morning in St. Rose cemetery.
Miss Sarah MeComb has returned
home from a visit with Senilism
Mr. and Mrs. William Annger. of
Wyoming street, are the guests of
friends in Vnadilla, N. Y.
W. J. Maxey and M. Hrown. of FofPSt
City, were Carbondale visitors yesterday.
A son of John Rafter, of School street,
is conllned to his home by measles.
Thomas Farrell had his feet frozen
yesterday morning.
A number of the residents who pat
ronize the Taylor Water company have
been at a great disadvantage the post
week owing to Inclement weather. The
pipes burst in several houses yesterduy
and caused considerable trouble.
The Christian ' Kndeavor society of
Greenwood will hold an entertainment
in March.
William Ruane, jr., of Stafford street,
is slightly indisposed.
A slight collision occurred In Coary
Hollow yesterday. Car No. :I6 of the
Scranton Traction compnny was de
scending the Greenwood hill, while the
locomotive of the Greenwood Coal com
pany was pushing a trip of empty cars
over the crossing. The motormnn ap
plied the brakes, but the trolley car
crashed into the empty train, demolish
ing two of the cars. No one was In
The day of prayer for colleges was
observed on Thursday last. Rev. J. W.
Putnam, of Trinity ltaptist church,
New York, preached three excellent ser
mons during the day and as a result
several souls were led to seek salva
tion. The Hall Schuman quartette will give
an entertainment In Bucknell hall on
Tuesday evening, Feb. 12. They come
highly recommended, Proceedsfor the
Young Men's Christian association.
Professor L. Hulley gave an enter
tainment at his home to the students of
the Hebrew class on Friday evening.
K. H. Dutton, '!S, has not been able
to attend classes for a few days on ac
count of illness.
It Is said that Manager Firth has ar
ranged a gume of foot ball with Uni
versity of Pennsylvania, to be played
Oct. 5, ISM.
Tonight the Adonis dub will present
their play. "The Irish Statesman," at
the New Opera house. It Is needless to
say that they will be greeted by a
i ll
litO. II. t A II IN, Vics l'icsldcnt.
II.I.IAM II. I'LCK, Cashier.
WUIInm Cnnncll, James Arohhald, Al
fred llnnd. (icorRo II. Catlln.'llcnrv llelin,
Jr., William I. Smith, I other Keller.
The management of this hnnk points
with piido to Its record during tho pnnlu
of IHO.'l, and previous punlcs, when spec
ial facilities were extended to Its business
The Acknowledged I'xpcrt in
IIorsL'sliocinu, und Dentistry,
- is Now lVrmnncntly Located
on West I.aokawnmm Ave.,
Near the Bridge.
' The Finest lit the CltjV
The latest improved furnish
Inns and apparatus for keeping
meat, butter and eggs.
223 Wyoming Avt). "-'
'crowded house. The reserved seats are
on sale at Schlager's drug store. .
Miss Wills, of Providence, who has
been visiting her sister, Mrs. Fiyink
Simpson, has returned home.
John Kelley. of Ureen Kldge, was In
town yesterday culing on friends.
Notices have been sent out to the
creditors of the defunct bank to call on
ex-Cashier Stone and aslsst in making
a settlement. It Is the general opinion
of the people of the town that the bank
will be opened for business in a very
short time.
Mrs. I'. Miller, of Arehbuld, Is spend
ing the week with her sister, Mrs. John
The marriage of Miss Margaret
O'Hara to William Kalian, both popu
lar young people of this place. Is an
nounced to talce place at St. Patrick's
church on Wednesday evening, Feb. 2D,
at 6 o'clock
The ladles of tho Presbyterian church
held the first of a series of dime socials
nt Mrs. Frank Simpson's home in
Itlakely on Tuesday evening. The nf
falr was very successfully carried out.
It Is hoped they will continue the social
"Klllainey and the Rhine" will be at
the New Opera house tomorrow night.
A large number from here attended
the Klrmess at Scranton lust evening.
The funeral of the late Judgj Hamlin
will be held from the house at 'I p. m.
James Kerr, of New York state, a
former resident here, Is In town. '
Heglnnlng Feb. 11 the directors of the
HohcHdale National bunk will meet
Monday mornings nt 10 o'slock Instead
of Tuesday mornings.
The thermometer registered from 10
to 12 degrees below zero In vurlous parts
of the town yesterday morning.
In thawing out the water pipes In th?
building occupied In front by Miss Mc
Kenna, millinery, and Dr. Fred Powell,
the building was set on fire In the
cellar, but was extinguished before
any serious damage wus done.
Salt Klicum, Impure lllood and u Rucking
Cough 1 hut llufflcd l'hyslciuns,
linally Cured.
In the town of Amherst, Mass., Mr.
George H. Pierce and his mother are
the proprietors of the Amherst Cream
ery association. Mrs. Pierce has suf
fered for a long time with Salt ltheum
and a cough that forboded Consump
tion, but -they have given way to health
and vigor. Hearing of this a reporter
called on Mrs. Pierce, and the following
experience was related:
"For a long time 1 suffered from Salt
Rheum," said Mrs. Pierce, "but about
two yeurs ago I slipped and hurt my
knee, which made It worse. I can't
begin to tell the agony 1 was In. My
limbs became a mass of raw flesh cov
ered with running sores. My friends
would suy I could not live long, and I
thought so, too. Well, I heard of Dr.
David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy and
Dr. David Kennedy's Salt Rheum
Cream, I commenced using them, und
In three weeks I walked out of doors.
Last night I walked a mile, and I am
63 years of age. It shows thut Dr. Ken
nedy's .Favorite Remedy and Salt
Rheum Cream can do more than the
physicians, for they made me well after
my doctors told me I was Incurable. I
must also tell you of another prepara
tion Dr. Kennedy advised me to use,
which did as much for me. It was Dr.
David Kennedy's Cherry Ralsam. I
have had a wretched cough for the past
fifteen years; the best doctors in the
state united In saying that It was in
curable, and .that It was only a matter
of time before my lungs would give out
my sleep was restless, 1 would lie
awake for hours.' I well recollect the
first time I used Dr. Kennedy's Cherry
Halsam. It relieved my throat at once,
and I slept all through thut night, tho
llrst full night's rest I hud in several
years. It seemed like a miracle. 1 took
but two bottles and was cured."
Dr. David Kennedy's Cherry Ralsam
cures asthma, bronchitis, coughs, colds,
Incipient consumption, whooping cough
or croup. Taken with Favorite Rem
edy It never falls. Price 23 cents, ac
cents and $1 a bottle. Dr. David Ken
nedy's Salt Rheum Cream Is sold ut
60 cents a package. Dr. Duvld Ken
nedy's Favorite Remedy costs 1 a bot
tle or six bottles for $5.
Favorite Remedy ranks wfth the
medical profession as the most perfect
of all blood and nerve medicines. It
restored the liver to a healthy condi
tion, and cures constipation. It Is a
certain cure for nil diseases peculiar to
women, and affords protection from at
tacks that originate In change of life.
It cures Bcrofuln, salt rheum, tumors,
rheumatism, dyspepsia, all kidney,
bladder and urinary diseases, gravel,
diabetes and llright's disease. In this
last disease it has cured where all else
This Famnn Remedy cures quickly unit p; f.
niunwuly nil nervous ftincnhv, tnu-li s. Wouk
Alptiinry, bowser llnilil Power, Itomlnelio, Wnkp
fnincM, l.n.t Vlliilliy. nlKhlly rniiimioiim evil
ilrentti.impetcwjranii wnnnnit illnoum'ii canned br
youthful errors or exceniM. Contain, no
opiate. I. A nerve totilonml blood tiiilliter,
Muke.tlio pnloamt nun t .irons; ami plump. Ku.liy
enrried in vcut piK-ket. ffl per box l O for VA. Ur
mall prepaid with a irrlimn uimrniitiMi to euro or
money rotniKliHt. Wrlto lift fur free, medtcnl
bookt .ent .enled In plain wrapper, rt-hlrli con.
tRln. te.llmnnlnl. Anil tlnanrlnl t-pfemnro. K.
chnrg l'ir coii.iiIIi.Hoii.. lUwan uf i-ulttl.
ffntin. SnM hT our ailTerU.oil n.enl.. or niltlran
NKHVKHEI'.n !'!., Slutonlc 'rumple, ChlrugR.
II" wc had not bousltt this slock from the gkeriir, wiling at such
nrlces as the following would lie Impossible. . Taken all round,
they only figure up about half tl:c value of the goods :
Tills is liow trust the ( l.uilt .to -It: flo
Uruienti no i t '3.110. $7 iriirm nt atHfiO, KU
Kitrnieiit ill 111, $'t i:nnmm nt 5-.vU utn. Lvii y
garment tip. t ) ixto in stylo.
mm children's Qretcbeu Overcoats, eta, at
your own jirlca. ,
UK) Wh:tn MnrB. illos Q'tilti, n-v patterns,
lnrKlf. 41M. weight, hi I't'Dts: 611m. wtlfllt,
W rntitH; tl llx, weiiiht, HU ctn:s. Tury uuet
uinr to nm:iut .cturu.
Tho Bi'Ht I!Urli(tl Khei'tlnc on the mnrknt
nt mir Jirlr is the "AIiiIihwk. " Kv.'rybnily
kttixva thi..; nnto ths nnw price: 9 1 widr, IJ)
cunts; 1(1-4 tile, li coutit,
At le thm tin o wt o t'to yarn In tt Wo'ro
mttirrcil f B tlir 5 ) husois t a I sort, anil
!. tioin liiHxlm- it's ri c't. Thoy'rond Is mid
tinlsof rnailar muni o . mid we'r. not a.k
Intf knit wliut thu cost fir your choice.
Mr. D. Sterling Slllzcl
Yiiiiterstnwn, I'a.
Nerves and Blood
Strengthened and Purified
by Hood's Sarsaparilla
Ecrcfula Humor and Distress In
tho Stomach Cured.
The fuiluwlns testimonial comes from I.Ir. D.
Sterling Mltzel of Wintcrstown, l'a., who con
duets u printing ufik-e und collecting agency and
is the youngest justice of tho icaco lu the state:
"C. I. Hood Si Co.. Lowell, Mass.:
" Hood's S;irsi'.arl!lu is a wonderful licriih
restorer, nerve strengthens ntid blood purifier.
Vot tho kiit four or II vo years 1 lmvo beeu
troubled v illi humor and scrofula In tiic blood,
breaking out nil ovur my l.oily, whiiii caused
Itching und Kept mu from rust ut night, 1 v. us
uliu, ut tho sjuio time, troubled with u
Sour Stomach,
which was anything but pleasant. I could not
even tako a swallow of water but what I suf
fered from distress and acidity. I did not enjoy
a good meal until ulter 1 commenced to use
Hood's hnrs:i:u ilia. 1 could sue thu good cf-
fects after the first few doses. I continued to
use tho medicine until now I have taken five
buttle und feel entirely cured. " 1). Ktkkunu
Mi'iZKL, Justice, ol Peace, Wintirstown, i'n.
Hood's Pills act easily, yet promptly aud
eUcicutly, on tho liver aud bowels. fUc
From their Bankrupt Stock of the
Hyde Park Clothing Store.
Our Great Bankrupt Sale is still in
force, making low prices beyond belief
on well-made Clothing and Gents'
Boys' Cape Overeoat9, sold
everywhere for $2.00; our AO
price .( .JO
Boys' Double-breasted Suits
aud Cape Overcoats, gold
everywhere for $2 50 and Q 10
J3, our price JJl. iO
Boys' Ulsters, sold every- O O j
where for $4."5, our price... OtL't
Men's Wool Suits and Over
coats, sold everywhere for
$8 and our price
Men's All Wool fuits, also
Black and Blue Overcoats,
sold everywhere for $12, 7 f
our price I .U.)
Men's Dress Tants, black and
fancy stripe, stylish pat
terns, sold everywhere for O jO
$5, our price Z.-tO
Your choice of iron's All
Wool Camel's Hair and
Uatural Wool or Bed Med
icated Underwear, sold
everywhere for $l,our prioo
230 Lackpwanna Ave.
Come and see us about the Job
Work you will need soon.
The Scranton Trihune Job Dept.
l't lil'rks for misses orehiUlron, 5.; extra
heavy makes. 10 cents, oto.
raine vnlnos all tho wuy through for m.'u's,
women's and children's slcoi,
lOynrds f stenler Dress Pi tilts SSn
Meu'B ntrnuir llnlf tins i 4:
Min's Fi.n y l'rlnt hhlrt, with collar.. lHo
M'.nsl aiiiidrleilHhirMf Anuluirootton) 4'.c
Men s Strnnif Cnttou l'uiits 41k)
With' L, n.; p(.tt 4e.
Hoaty Overall, snd Jackets 41k)
New Ontliu b'liuinela (liuavy) fie
Hoys' All-Wind Kil ts $1 Si
KujI Turkey Ited Tuulo Dmniutk, etc.. Jtlo
Ou Monday, from R to U o'nloi k s. m , we
wills II a uoml liuavy Tnwoliuv at I Mi rents a
yard and Irom U toll oVlol! uocLt fiundlter
ulileN b,: 2 eelits.
These too s citnnot bo bad nt the pries
quutod ouj uunulo after tho hours nuiucd.
ii in i. i
$50,000 worth of Dry Goods, No
tions, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing;
Goods.nillinery, Cloaks, Furs, Infants'.
Wear, &c,
The stead' increase of our business
compels us to enlarge
tire store for spring
win dc in uie way
,400 and 402
ace (urtains
We commence today, and shall continue through
out this week, the sale of a complete assortment of
Irish Point aud Tambour Lace Curtains, 3 and 4
yards long, at one third off former prices.
A fine line of Brussels Points have also been put
in with this lot of Curtains, on which we have put
prices that will surely please you.
Suitable for hangings, in choice colorings, at $1.50
and $2.00 per yard; formerly $3.00 and $4.00 re
spectively. SILK PLUSH
In a splendid line of colors, $1.50, worth. $2.50 per
In all sizes aud qualities, at moderate prices.
406 and 408 Lackawanna Ave.
That attracts shrewd buyers, and always re
sults in highly satisfactory transactions.
Prices have been "Chopped," "Slaughtered,";
"Butchered," "Razored," "Cut," Etc., Etc
Prices .of. motive power have been used, and
success the result.
In All Departments.
l&SrAH our goods yours for the promise to pay.'
and remodel the en
trade, and as the stock
rair, 1
r - .1.. 1 - "
Lack Ave.,
Scranton, Pa.