THE SCRAXTON TRIBUNE THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 7, 1895. LUGE BROS. GASH STORES, 122 K.' Main Avenue, Scranton, Feed, Meal and Corn, $1.00 Stowers Hams, . 9 1 2C 25-lb. Sack Buckwheat, 53c 1 gallon Finest Maple Syrup, SOC 1 doz. Finest Cold Packed Tomatoes, SOC Long and Cut Hay, per 100 lbs., 75c Choice Oats, per bag, ' 90c Best Butter, per lb., - ' 21c Try our "Strawberry Brand" of Smoked Meats. 30-IIj, Pali Jelly, 75c ON OTHER SIDE OF CHANNEL Charitable People Assisting Louis Linder and Family. A VOCALIST OP KAKE MERIT Death of Mrs, Thomas J. Lewis Will lie Keenly Felt in Musical Cicclcs-Dcath of Thomas .Monuhun Personals . and Condensed News Items. The condition of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Linder and family, who were burned out a few mornings ago by a lire which originated in a barn near the house, Is much improved. After the fire the family were left without furniture or home and scant clothing. Everything ih?y possessed was consumed In the Haines. Including a small sum of money, which Mt. Linder had Just received and left on the table. The family found shelter In tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Phenlx Relchert, on Everett avenue, for a short time, until Mrs. Bonetta, a benevolent lady who resides 'nearby, kindly allowed them to occupy one of her houses. The dwell ing contains six rooms and Is very com fortable. Mrs. Linder, who was very HI, received medical attention and Is now doing nicely, although the fright almost prostrated her. The family have received wagon loads of furniture. Clothing and food from kind friends all over the city. Some money has been secured for them. Mr. Linder desires, with heart-felt gratitude, to thank those who so kindly assisted them. She Was a Vocullst. Mrs. Thomas J. Lewis, the account of whose death was recorded in this column yesterday, was born in Wales and had resided in Pennsylvania about ten years. She is 'survived by a hus band and three children. Mrs. Lewis was a member of the Cymrodorion Choral society that sang at the World's fair. She possessed a splendid soprano voice, which was often heard at eis teddfods in the valley,. jyhere she al most Invariably, won. the competitions l she entered. Dr. Parry paid her a high compliment by stating that her voice was one of the sweetest and most well-trained he had ever heard. The deceased possessed a large number of friends in musical circles. The funeral will occur tomorrow afternoon. Thomas .Monuhan Dead. At an. early hour yesterday morn ing Thomas Jlonahan, a very well known and esteemed resident of the West Side, died at his home, 613 Kynon street, after a brief Illness. Mr. Mona han was born in Ireland, and came to this country with his wife several years ago. He was 65 years of age, and a member of St. Patrick's church. The funeral notice will appear later. Brief Notes of Interest. Miss Mary Owens, of South Sumner avenue, is ill. Miss Grace Doud is 111 at her home on South Main avenue. Miss Sadie Lynen, of Olyphant, called on West Side friends yesterday. Mrs. C.-L. Beers, of Merrlfield street. Is recovering from an attack of the grip. Miss Sadie Adklns, of Lafayette street, has recovered from a severe ill ness. Miss Teresa Burns, of Trenton, Wayne county, is the guest of friends here. Mrs. Frank nought, of Sadie Place, is confined to her room by a severe ill ness. Mrs. Thomas Leyshon, of North Bromley avenue, Is convalescing after an Illness. Mrs. Arthur Purcell and Mrs. Philip Jeremiah, of this side, are visiting friends at Shamokln. . Cashier A. B, Eynon, of North Hyde Park avenue, has returned from a busi ness trip to Wilkes-Barre. Lackawanna council, No. 1133, Royal Arcanum, will meet tomorrow evening in Harl Garl hall on North Main ave nue. A recital will be given In Mears' hall on Monday evening, Feb. 23, by the pupils of Miss Kate Cummlngs, elocu tionist. Miss Jennie Davis, of Merrlfleld street, rutunned "home last evening after spending Beveral days with Wllkes Barre friends. , Star of Hope lodge, American Pro testant association, will meet this even ing in Evan's hall on South Main ave nue, instead of on the second and fourth Thursdays as heretofore.. A horso owned by Joseph Thomas, of this Ride, sustained a broken leg on Tuesday evening by falling on the Ice In front of the barn on North Main avenue. The animal had to bo shot. John Gallagher, a coachman for M.' F. Wymbs, undertaker on Jackson street, had his hand severely bitten on Tuesday by one of Mr. Wymbs' horses, a vicious Htulllon. The third finger was severed from the hand, The Bible school exercises in the new Washburn Street Presbyterian church wUl be held next Sunday. Tho pro gramme is an excellent one and in cludes many speakers who are con spicuous in church work. The commit tee on arrangements request .all mem bers to attend,, and extend a .cordial invitation to those who have attended heretofore and any who desire to Join. Bauer's orchestra will probably be In attendance. West SIJo Business Directory. PHOTOGRAPHER Cublnet Photos, $1.40 per dozen. They are Just lovely. Con vince yourself by calling lit Startler's Photo Parlors, 101 and 103 South Main avenue. HOHSliSlIOEING N. Bush, practical horseshoer. Work done only In u tlrst cIubs maimer ami guaranteed satisfac tory. Shop, Price Direct, close to North Alton avenue. GROCERIES- Revero Standanrd Java Coffee Is unexcelled. The leading coffee of the day. Fur Bale only at P. w. Mil lion & Co. Pino Groceries, 110 South Main avenue. SECOND HAND FURNITURE-CASH for anything you have to sell. Furni ture, Stoves, Tools, Pte. Call and see the stock of J. C. King, 1024 and 1026 Jackson street. WALL PAPER Go to Fred Reynolds, 206 North Mulsj avenue, and see his completo line of Wull Puper, Paints anil Wimlow Sliudes, Just opened with new stock. PLUMBING William D. OriflUhs, 113 North Main avenue, does flint-class Plumbing, Steam Heat and Gas Kitting. Satisfaction U strictly guaranteed. OYSTERS R. E. Davis, market house. Dealer In Foreign anil Domestic Fruits, oysters served In every style. 310 North ilain avenue, next to Clarke's. NEWS OF THE NORTH END. TwoN'otublo Wcddings-Tho Contracting Puriies Wull Known Young People. Personals and Brevities. In the presence of a large number of friends Miss Anna Evans was married at 8 o'olock lust night to William T. Pearce in the Puritan church by ltev. A. F. Ferris. The bride and groom wore met at the door by the ushers, Thomas Owens and John Grler, who preceded them to the altar. Miss Eliza beth Thomas attended Miss Evans and Edward Lewis was groomsman. The bride was dressed In cream albat ross, with lace and ribbon trimmings, and curried a bouquet of white carna tions; and the bridesmaid was dressed in cream and carried a bouquet of pink carnations. After the ceremony a re ception was held at the bride's home on Margaret. Those present were: Rev. A. F. Ferris, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Humphreys, Luke Evans, Edward Lewis, Thomas Owens, John Orler, Jen nie Pearce, William Morris, Edwin Ev ans, Miss II. E. Matthews, Miss Anna Reese, Mr. and Mrs. William F. Mor gans and Harry Evans. Stevens-Mitchell Nuptials. The Methodist Episcopal church was crowded last night When Burton A. Stevr-ns and Miss Elizabeth J. Mitchell were married by Rev. M. 1). Fuller. They entered the church at 8.30. while Miss Bolle Green played Lohengrin's wedding march. They Were met at the door by the ushers, Clarence Hlgelow, Richard Thomus, Jason 'McDonald and Wllllum Kennedy and were accompa nied by Westley Mitchell, a brother of the bride, and Miss Georgia Kittle, who was dressed in pink cashmere, with chiffon trimmings, and carried a bou quet of pink carnations. Miss Mitchell was dressed In white figured silk and carried a bouquet of white carnations. The front of the church was filled with palms. A reception was held In the home of the bride's father after the ceremony, which was largely attended. The cou ple were the recipients of many valu able and beautiful presents. They will begin housekeeping immediately on Main avenue. Told in a l ew Lines. Miss Elizabeth Morgans, of Kings ton, is visiting relatives In this end. The party from the Welsh Baptist church, who are rehearsing "Daniel In till' Lion's Den," expect to be able to perform it on Fob. 14. The Epworth league of the Provi dence Methodist Episcopal church In tend holding a basket social In the Sun day school rooms on Friday evening, Feb. 13. The Woman's Missionary society of the Providence Presbyterian church will meet today to prepare barrels of clothing to be sent to the destitute In Nebraska. Owing to the outside door of the Liberty Hose house being left open when the company went to the fire the water pipes froze and burst, and In thawing out, the station house, which is underneath, was flooded. William Love, of Cayuga street, and Miss Catherine Cunningham were mar ried In the Holy Rosary church yester day afternoon by Rev. John O'Tool-j. Michael Neary acted as groomsman, and Miss Teresa Duggan as brldesmuld. Lots of Bargain for everyone at Banister's February shoe sale. NEWS OF THE SOOTH SIDE Interesting Matters That Kill Come Before Board of Trade Meeting. AT LEAST TWO NEW INDUSTRIES Sleighing Party from Plttston at Mi nooka Last Night Entertainment at the Hickory Street Cburch-Instpl-lotion of Couelavs Officers. From all accounts tomorrow night's meeting of the South Side board of trade will be an Interesting one. The manufacturing committee of the board has for a long time been holding under advisement the propositions of certain out-of-town capi talists who are desirous of locating on the South Side. Thomas J. Moore, of ithe manufacturing com mltteee, has not been in good health for the past few months, and on that account the same results have not been rendered by the committee. Mr. Moore Is now In active spirits and his presence ut the meeting of the bourd will lend an impetus to the work. There is expected a report in relation to the proposed new silk factory and also the carpet factory. Besides this the committee on highways is likely to have something to offer. C. G. Roland Is chairman of this committee. The matter pertaining to the consolidation of the different boards of the city will also receive some consideration. Purty from Plttston. Two sleigh loads of young people from Plttston enjoyed a sleighrldeto Minooka last night, and It hod been pre-arranged to assemble at John J. Coyne's hull, on Main street, where the even ing was happily spent In dancing. The Plttston young people arrived at 9 o'clock and at once proceeded to enjoy themselves. At midnight Mr. Coyne served refreshments. Those who com prised the party from Plttston were among the most prominent young folks of that new city. ThoBe from this place who were present were: Misses Ella F. Donahoe, Katie Donahue, Winifred Melvin, Annie Fltzhenry, Annie Con nell, Margaret Lundy, Thomas O'Boyle, M. T. Howley, of Scranton; Thomas J. Flannery, E. H. Jordan and M. J. Don ahoe. j Shorter Paragraphs. Miss Bessie McTlghe, of Cherry street, Is enjoying her winter vacation. Tomorrow evening the Young Wo men's Christian association will cele brate its third anniversary with an en tertainment. Frank Kleinschrodt, of Plttston ave nue, yesterday purchased a valuable trotter, that has the reputation of be ing able to go a mile In considerably less than three minutes. Patrick E. Lavelle, who has been vis iting his folks, on Cedar avenue, for the past week, will return this morn ing to resume his theological studies at St. Mary's seminary, Baltimore." The installation of officers of Roaring Brook conclave, Improved Order of Heptasophs, will not take place this evening, as had been heretofore an nounced. It will occur on Thursday evening, Feb. 21. John, the 2-year-old son of Alderman John E. O'Malley, died at a late" hour Tuesday night, after a long and pain ful illness. The funeral will take place this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Interment will be made in Minooka Catholic ceme tery. Herman, the 2-year-old child of Will iam Vanderheer, of 618 Brook street, died yesterday morning, and the fun eral will take place this afternoon at 1 o'clock. .Burial services will be per formed at St. John's German Catholic church, corner of Luzerne street and South Main avenue. Interment will be made In the German Catholic cemetery, Hyde Park. Tonight at the Hickory Street Pres byterian church the Junior Maennerchor Bociety of the parish will hold an en tertainment. The following programme has been arranged: "Roesleln auf der Hnide," Junger Maennerchor; Leo pold's March," Saengerrunde Zlthjr club; "Seht, Wle die Sonne Schon Sinked," church choir; zither solo, Min nie Budenbach; "Tho Lorley," Junger Maennerchor; duet, "Oh, How Sweet the Hunter's Song," Miss Manda, West pfahl and Mrs. Jacob Trester; "Stelr Icsher Laendler," Scranton Saenger runde Zither club; double quartette," "Die Helmnth," sopranos, Lizzie Kirch hoff. Lizzie Schneider; altos, Maggie Trester, Jettie Art; tenors, Berthold Sholt, Fred Hermann; bass, Louis Hed rlck, Theodore Leewrt; address, R-jv, August Lunge; .recitation, "Simon Levi and the Drum Corps," Professor John Lentes; selection, church choir; waltz, Saengerrunde Zither club. THE WAY to reach catarrh is through the blood. Hood's Sursaparilla, by puri fying the blood, removes the cause of the disease and permanently t:ures catarrh. Take only Hood's, HOOD'S PILLS act easily, yet promptly and effectively, on the liver and bowels. 25c. . i When Baby was rick, we tare her Castorta, When she waa a Child, the cried for Castorta, When she became Mist, the clung to Castorta, VVhou she had Children, (he (are them Caatorl THE TRIBUNE'S POPULAR CENT-A-WORD COLUMN. Advertisement!! Inserted under the clarification of Male Heln Wanted. Female llelo Wanted. For Sale, For Kent, Hoarding, Rooms to Let, Apartments to Let, Lost, Found, Estray, Reward and all other headings of a similar nature cost only ONE CENT A WORD. FREE Situations Wanted FREE aSlr? It Costs Nothing to Give This Scheme a Trial, less than 25 cental i . ' . ' i ..I ' i 'V ' " ' ' ' .' ; " -v ' ' . ' ' ' ' ' ; ' ' Write TOUr advertisement on above blank and send with amount in THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE, cor. Spruce street and Penn avenue. It will be Inserted in tomorrow's Tribune. ANNUAL STATEMENT t OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF ' LACKAWANNA COUNTY. Showing receipts, disbursements, condi tion of the finances and accounts of State and County tax collectors for the fiscal year ended January 7th, .695: RECEIPTS. Amount of receipts for the year 1894 as per statement of D. W. Powell. County Treasurer, and chargeable to general County and Bridge funds... $206,637 S2 DISBURSEMENTS. Amount of disbursements from General County and Bridge Funds as shown by the follow ing statement pf tho County Commissioners ' 203,479 37 Disbursements In excess of receipts $1,842 16 ASSESSMENTS. Paid Assessors for making Stato and County assessments, Clerks extending und muking duplicates, School Copies, and Transcripts of Mortgages und Judgments $4,910 06 ADVERTISING. Paid for publishing annual statement of County Commis sioners, advertising sale of seated and unseated lands and redemption of County Bonds., $1,944 68 BRIDGES. Paid Groton Bridge and Manft'g Co. for bridge over Liuk'a river In Old Forge Twp $2,450 00 Paid Groton Bridge und Manft'g Co. for bridge over I.uck'a river In Dickson City Boro.... 1,500 00 Paid James Twlss & Co. for stono arch bridge over Kennedy's Creek, North Abliiuton Twp.. 455 00 Paid W. D. Walker for abutments at Lehigh river In Clifton Twp.. 180 00 Paid McLaughlin & Snyder for stone arch bridge over Hurdlck's Creek, Greenfield Twp 650 00 Paid Groton Bridge and Manft'g Co. for bridge over Lehigh river, Clifton Twp 620 00 Paid A. B. Dunning, Jr., making plans und specifications, &c, for bridges 250 73 Paid for viewing bridge sites, Inspecting bridg es, and advertising bridge lettlngs 94 42 Paid M. E. Gardner, fill- 4ng ut bridge In Green field Township 45 00 $0,145 15 BURIAL OF DECEASED SOLDIERS. Paid burial expenses of deceased Indigent soldiers us per Act of Assembly, approved 12th May, 1885 $630 00 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE. Paid 8. W. Roberts, County Commissioner $1,095 50 Paid Giles Roberts, County Commissioner 1,118 54 Paid John Demuth, County Commissioner 1,095 50 Paid CIiom. Wagner, Commissioners' clerk. 1,500 00 Paid J. F. Williams, As sistant Clerk 935 00 Paid II. A. Knupp, Coun ty Solicitor 500 00 Paid H. L. Halstead. County Commissioner. 3 50 Paid Wllllum Franz, County Commissioner. 3 50 Paid J. J. Flanaghan. County Commissioner. 3 50 $6,255 04 COUNTY AUDITORS. Paid John Morris, Coun ty Auditor $ 75 00 Paid J. A. Dolphin, County Auditor 112 44 Paid S. S. Spruks, County Auditor 75 00 Paid B. F. Suuler, County Auditor....... 927 00 Paid John P. Rink, County Auditor 927 00 Paid S. S. Spruks, County Auditor 927 00 $3,013 44 COUNTY OFFICERS. Paid John P. Kelly, Dis trict Attorney $4,196 16 Paid John J. Fahey, Sheriff 4,562 95 Paid John H. Thomas, Clerk of Courts 4,917 31 Paid C. E. Pryor, Prothonolary 1,328 0J Paid John J. Shea, County Detective 900 00 Paid D. W. Powell, County Treasurer 212 00 Paid II. T. Koehler, Register of Wills 300 00 COUNTY SURVEYS. Paid C. P. O'Malley, stenographic work in connection with dis puted boundary line between Lurkuwanna and Susnuch'nu coun ties $19 00 Puld II. A. Knupp, ex penses attending court at Mxmlrose in the matter of disputed botindury line 33 87 Paid C. E. Tltsworth, stenographic work.... 10 40 Paid 8. W. Roberts, ex penses attending court at Montrose In the matter of disputed boundary lino 6 50 $16,416 47 COURT EXPENSES. Paid Court Criers. Tip staves und Messen gers $5,173 00 Paid 11. II. Coston, Stenographer 6,098 65 Puld M. A. MeC.lnley, Stenographer 255 80 Paid John Taylor, Stenographer 8 75 Puld 8. Shaughnessy, Stenographer 1 05 Paid Luekawanna Jur ist, publishing names of Jurors, Trial Lists and Court Rules 446 35 Paid Advertising Court Rules 119 00 Paid Typewriter Paper, Ribbon, Judges' Note Hooks, etc .. 233 91 Paid Grand Jurors 1,812 01 Puld Traverse Jurors... 9,563 68 Paid Petit Jurors 8,503 51 Paid Constables for making Returns to Court 1,108 02 Paid Referees appoint ed by Court 630 00 Paid Jury Commission ers and Clerk 626 78 $69 77 $34,582 41 COMMONWEALTH COSTS. Paid Aldermen, Justices, Con stubles and Witnesses in Crim inal Cased $19,056 75 COURT HOUSE GROUNDS. Paid Mowing and . Sprinkling lawns, shoveling snow and other work on Court House Grounds . , .585 92 DIVISION OF ELECTION DISTRICTS. Paid Maps, etc, of proposed , Election Districts... $13 CO DIVISION OF TOWNSHIPS AND BOR- UUUHH. Paid Viewers appointed , Court and other expenses. by $80 33 EASTERN PENITENTIARY. Paid Hoard and Clothing of Convicts $1,884 91 ELECTION CONTESTS. Paid Witnesses in the Contest of Okell vs. Quinnun, Thomas vs. Cuslck, etc ELECTION EXPENSES. Paid Election Officers and for use of polling Places 17:978 88 Paid Ground Rent for Temporary Election Houses -.. 140 00 Paid Printing Ballots, Cards of Instruction, Election Blanks, etc 3.186 48 Paid Repairing, Remov ing ana ceiling up Temporary Election Houses 288 19 Paid Ballots, Boxes, Booths, etc, to Poll ing Places, Expenses of Delivering 687 58 Paid Clerks appointed by Court to Compute Election Returns 427 88 Paid New Iron Booth . and Rebuilding Old Ones 324 00 Paid Publishing Sher iff's Election Procla mation $590 00 Paid Supplies to Elec tion iJourus 124 93 $39 C7 $13,647 91 INQUESTS. Paid' J. A. Kelley, Cor oner $1,119 89 Paid Jurors at In quests 1,072 02 INSURANCE. Paid Insurance on Boil ers In Court House and County Prison.... $ 45 00 Puld Insurance on Fur niture 150 00 $2,191 91 $195 00 PREMIUMS. Paid Premiums for Killing of Noxious Animals, lnt'ludlng fees of Aldermen and Justices. $259 75 PUBLIC BUILDINQ EXPENSES. Paid Janitor, Fireman und Watchman $1,856 90 Puld Gus, Wuter, Elec tee Light, Heut and Fuel 2,300 71 Paid Repairs of Court llousu, Sewers, Water Closets, etc 2,607 84 Paid Telephone Rent.... 118 22 Paid E. p. Gross, at tending Tower und Court House Clocks... 155 50 Paid Wushlng, clean lug and Snubbing 339 20 Puld New Furniture, Repairing Furniture and Carpets ,.. 1,133 47 Paid Supplies, Brooms, Soap. . Brushes, etc.... 88 01 Paid Hauling Ashes und Work In Court liouso Basement 35 40 Puld Freight und Ex press Charges 32 91 $8,6CS 1G PRISON EXPENSES. Paid Feeding Prisoners. $9,846 50 Puld Salaries of War dens und Keepers 0,608 35 Paid Fuel, Gas, Water and Electric Light.... 2,14149 Paid Prisoners' Cloth ing, shoes, bedding, etc 713 53 Paid Conveying Prison ers to and from Coun ty Prison 221 00 Paid Supplies, Brooms, Brushes, etc 139 17 Paid Disinfectants 08 01 Puld Telephone 56 67 Paid Repairs on Coun ty Prison 1,297 59 Paid Physician and Medical Supplies 3U0 00 $21,382 90 PRINTING AND STATIONERY. Paid Blank Books for the Several County Olllces Paid Printed Blanks for the Several County Ollices Paid Taper, Pencils, etc. $933 ' 6S3 35 237 95 $1,910 05 REGISTRATION OF VOTERS. Paid Assessors Making May and December Registration, Clerks .Making Copies lor Election Boards $7,935 96 ROAD DAMAGES. Paid Geo. Watkins, Damage to Land Awarded by Viewers Appointed by Court... $50 00 Paid H. E. Capwll, . , Damages Awarded by . by Viewers Appointed by Court Paid J. 1L Klingle. Damages Awarded by Viewers Appointed by Court 600 00 600 00 ROAD VIEWS. Paid Viewers and Surveyors Ap pointed, by Court STATE AUDIT. Paid E. IT. Bailey .Auditing Ac counts of County Officers with the State STATE HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE, $394 75 $1,050 00 $310 67 $148 50 Paid Keeping Insane Convicts from Lackawanna County...,, SUNDRY EXPENSES. Paid Fred W. Klrchott et. al.. Clerks for Services and Other Sundry Expenses MISCELLANEOUS. Paid Postage Stamps and Envelopes $56 80 I'aiu state industrial Reformatory Paid Legal Expenses... Paid Taxes Over charged and Refunded raw 1 uxes JlecovereU by State on Judgment. faiu Assessor ior ihuk ing Return of Births and Deaths $1,434 22 Paid Keep of Insane Convicts at Hillside -Farm 863 99 Jf am street Paving 18 07 $16,064 21 Total Amount of Disbursements iy the County Commissioners on their Warrant Nos. 1 to 4,982, Series O $170,273 7 The following disbursements were made by D. W. Powell, County Treasurer, from the General County Fund, to wit: Interest on County Bonds $ 8,225 00 Tax on County Bonds... 640 00 County Institute 200 oil City Institute 200 00 Sinking Fund 20,000 IK) County Tre'urer's Com mission 8,940 90 $38,205 9) 95 04 11 00 12 57 , 14,509 S9 ' 87 35 Total Amount Disbursed from county and Bridge Funds for the Year 1894 $208,479 17 STATE TAX ACCOUNT. To Valuation of Money at Inter est, Bonds, Mortgages, etc., Assessed In Lackawanna County for the Year 1894, sub Jeot to a four-mill Tax for State Purposes and Reported to Board of Revenue Commis sioners, 4 mills on $5,332,126.... $21,323 60 By Puld State by D. W. Powell, County Treas urer $21,115 22 By Treasurer's Com- 1 mission 213 23 $21,328 50 Rebate Allowed County $15,336 41 D. W. Powell County Treasurer, in Account with Lackawanna Co. DR. "Town- Sinking Fund sbiu Fund Kedemp tlon Fund State Fund Bridge i uud County Fund Total I . $21,328 60' 4,997 07 . .1. Balance December 30. 189a $20,000 00$ 1,948 41 $ 422 901.. i axes, Dupl cute ol m. ... Taxes, Duplicate of JW)3. Taxes, I uplicateof 1891... . Seated aud Unseated Laud; tax Interest on Unseated Laud! tax i. Liquor Licenses, Hotel.. ... " He.stuui ants . Kebate State Personal tax . Fxouerated tuxes paid. ...I. Jury lees, fiiifsand costs. . Prisouors board collected.'. Prothonotary liens r.oll'fd . H'crantun Savings Bank. ( j County bonds refunded i' i' U. 8. Government, 1 yrs 1 1 Heat, court room andVi, offices ) D. llcswc-enejr, delectivei liceusn Co.C'ominl8S'ners tax sales . tier. Internal Affairs com i i Exn. roiiimlinir. Rt tax .-!. statistics year istll I Co ts and int. on lands I reileeined from Coiu'rs f Refunded by C. Uchroe- j der and others over paid l.y commissioners I j j Old file cases sold by com.' ! I I Taylor boro, extra Ballots j 1 Heduinption fund ' 1 874 41 Trausf'r from county fund, 20,000 00 I 640 00 $8,124 84$ 104 00, 81.W5 12 $ 2,:00 77 a, KB t.wi w 4,214 14 I 30 34 1.6,584 Oil 34,t78 US 141,127 45 I 1,296 3 6,329 74 217 89 23,749 45 6.2N8 2 16,811 41 7 82' 849 81 Mb 261 VO 120,00 00 100 00 25 00 SOU 50, 217 89 23,749 4j 6.2D8 28 li,m 41 782 849 81 mm Ml 90 120,000 00 100 01) I 110 00 16SVI 25 00 288 50 110 09 U9 84 49 6 00 18 UU 874 41 20,640 00 J40.JOO l)U$ 6.945 48$ 1,297 81 $21,909 oO$12,52V 31$8M.0V7 87 $436, 837 97 CR. Sinking Fund Town sbip Fund IBedeuip tion Fund State Fund Bridge tuna I Interest coupons paid Transfer to Sinking Fund Transfer to tax on loans.. County Institute City Institute ! County and bridges, war-1, j rants paid Kox.l to492 i inclusive, except No. f 4S64, Series O J ! County bonds, redeemed Nos. 251 to3K), inc. issue t.f June 1. 1881. VJ bonds. $25,000 00 A so. Nos. 1 to .'10 inc. issue i of Dec. 1, 1.3, ao bonds. 15 000 00 County bonds, refunded from 5 per cent, to 4t per rem int., Nos. !U to l.'iO, inc. iqaue of Dec. 1st,: lss.'!, l'.'O bonds ! Also, Nos, 1 to 120 inc. is-' sue of Dec. 1. 1885. (120).! Township fund, warrants I I 453 to 496 inclusive 1 $ 6,422 63 1 Redemption fund ' : $ 1,184 04 State personal tax to n i i Stato trensurer ; Tax on loans 1 1 1 Treasurer s commission..! , 2o9 60 9 Wj Total . $ 6,955 12, 8.'.'2i 00$ 20.UU0 Co 040 W 20U (10 2U0 0O I 164,316 So. 8.225 00 20.0U0 00 640 CO 200 00 200 00 170,270 97 40,000 00 60,000 CO I 60,000 00; Balance 263 85. $21,115 22 . I 608 00. 1 245 28... 120,000 0J 6.422 63 1.104 04 6,574 19 I 8.940 m 31,575 02 21.723 22 9.40 78 88,526 43 113 27 $40,000 CO$ 6,945 48$ 1,297 81 $21,908 50$I2,529 81 $ 854.097 37$ 438,837 97 Statement of the Accounts of Collectors of State and County Tax for the Year 1S94. DISTB1CTS. COLLECTORS. Arcubald Borough Blakely Honmuli ilentoti Township Carbbondalo Township, lovington Township... Cbftou Township Carbondnle t Ity Kirst Ward Sscond toard luird Ward Fourth Ward Fifth Ward Mxtli Ward Dickson '. ity lloruugu,. Dunnioro Borough F.lmliurst U"rougb Fell lowi:sliip li Unburn Borough Greenfield Tcwnsbip.... Uouldsboro Borough... Jermyn Borough Jt'ffuisou Township.... Liil'luniu Borough I.ehigli Township Luckuwauna Township. .UsdiHon Township Maytleld Burouirti North Abingtou Twp. ,. Newton Township Olyuliant Horougli Old Forgo Township.... Kaiia'jm Township Roaring brook Townshi Scott 'township South Ab IL'ton Twp.... Spring Brook Township, Taylor Borough Wavorly Borounn Wlnton Borough fccranton C ity - ' First Ward Second Wurd Third Ward Fourth Wavd Fifth WHrd Sixth Ward Seventh Ward Eighth Ward....'. N.uth Ward 'Tenth Ward Eloventh Ward,......, Twelfth Ward thirteenth Ward Fourteenth Ward Fifteenth Ward Sixteenth Ward . Seventeenth Ward I ighteenth ward Nineteenth Ward Twentloth Ward Twenty first Ward.... .'P. A. Phllbln , David C. Ph Hips . H. (4. Smith . Patrick Casey . H. J. Tantiold . ,1 ames O'Boyle JF. A. Wonnacott . William Ulmer , .George F. Cnainberlin., . K. A. Wonnacott.... , George F. t'liamlierlin., . (li-nrge F. Chainberliu ., . William Moses , . C. P. Savage , . Samuel Freible . Patrick Motieevor , . ('. A. Mierman , J. .1. Sicliler . J. B. Gardner , K. A. L:ino , .(4. It. lucLaugbliii i . (Icoree Kisson , . W. 11. NpwcII , , .Tames Butler . Eugene Noaclc , . Patrick Brady , . U. J. Thomas , . J. D. Hopkins . B. N. Kennedy . J. Oeorge Kehr . I,. M. JicCloskr p.lncob Weaser , . ttorton tiaruner , . .'. 1. Aylesworth , . II. E. Arms . John D. Jones .Charles W. Hall , James J. Lawler COUNTY AND BRIDGE TAX. S3-: nS 2.994 83$ 2.419 49 1,312 ; 1,317 74' (i'.'7 75 ISO 73 f 8 5? U tS3 S3 ss-gg .3-51 STATE TAX. 55 3 3 21 91 J23T 19$ 74 Wi 3 mi 76 . 4 73. 1 42 as 67 17 70 : 19 88 3 1 ; V 90 , John D. Evans . William H. McDonnell. . Giles Decker , II organ W. Morgan..... , W. 1(. Tliomas , W llliani Euan .William Hundlacn . John Al. Itoso , Fred L. Ward .Charles Riyner . Til so. Hessinger , Edwin Frable . A. E. Kiefor , . David Jones , Keese C. Powell , George Conner . , , , John Roll . Patrick R. Douther.... . Kdwln Frable , . Mark ( nhilan . Michael 'Rupp 2. 734 87 . 1,844 24 . 1112 22. 776 78 . 1,094 61 . 1,18 HO. 4.522 47' 7,915 277 03 8.10U 16 4m 92 . 1.U4II till . H8 27 . 1,(W5 K 7u8 23 217 05 176 48 0,689 09 1,"0 16 1.374 06. 1,578 85. 1.65'. IT. 3.IIM TO. 4,973 110 l.mi 16 4117 57 1.689 86 1,15(1 K . 1117 29 3.127 01 . 0(11 46 . 2,223 8j 4.802 Ol' 4,015 70l 2.2 ill 9v 4.0 1 7 :18, 0,2iVl 4:1 S 48! 2.0M7 1)1 1S,4C 78 . 8.4H4 70. 2,1170 U 8 075 77' ll.VI ;is 5,487 49 ;t,4.Vi 44 8,17 lit ft. 788 99, 10.4H7 tkV 736 12. 8, 111 65 6,4.'.7 31 8.375 IV) 23 12 91 00 50 134 33 8f L3 34 llNl 20 12H 2ft 1 'iii as.... 17 i 14 8 38 10 60 n -I-;;;-! :"'"Tie,"'i'w 50 1 02 32 67, 19. 90 . 6 00 6 to 76 66 29 41 14 10 w : 20 63 w'.'.'.'., UK 45 62: ::::::::::i 31 60 03 01 10 8U 40 68 96 108 51 182 67, 60 85! 28 18 1 42 m 173 1 3 29 66i 116 45 46 (3 74.) Oft 27 87 ; 'ct ' 76 : 22 ' 41' 14 95 107 9; 828662 2.029 56, 7119 61 t.a 56 352 11 130 oft. S.C8-I 48' 1,7:40 ua . 4110 00 025 Oji 6u0 00 too 10 3,105 08 6.494 4ft 255 82. 1,811 97 404 49 896 62 34 78 1,2119 90 468 2(1 149 85 130 Oil . 6,710 84 778 17l 931 01 777 97' 1,424 7K . 2,612 75 8,889 8t) M7 87. 401 18 . 1,676 24 22 94 ai 4i 2,eoti At, 41t 61 1,881 91 . 3.086 6?! 8.UI7 16 1.973.20 8.621 62 4,714 60 219 66 1,691 911 13,790 07 6.020 06 2,212 64 . 2,697 40 84117! 1,494 20 2,806 60 2.874 aft 2,298 67; 9,330 48 435 30; 2.503 72' 4.510 67 8,191 63. $376 20 671 94 451 51 257 0J I 654 4l a a 5 512 21, 151 78 594 61 58S 90 1,367 01 X.287 07 "323 'is 81 43 149 47, "'fiso'sii 116 95 66 88 I 'sfi'iio1 281 01, 439 Oft 8O1) 88j '"495 86 1,067 73! 1,133 93 ;vn 5, 618 47 166 95 1,698 27 1.560 20 2:9 72 1,276 14 l,ft3S 2l)l 1O1 8i 392 23i 4,649 71; 2,474 62; "sfimi 114 58: 2,9(14 46 631 7t! 299 48 2,489 45 1,064 80 299 82: 7,3 ( 773 42 91 90 161 8 125 20 1 43 71 ! 71 OS 8 iiO 1 1,060 54 1 1,394 11 $9 UU 154 79 1 10 25 ' IBS 83 , 49 64 1, 21 98 1,295 S2 1 99 01 86 80 90 75 ! 27 l 6 72 Ill U8 40 58 79 10 9 8 121 12 109 1ft 15 To 233 7 255 8 . 73 95 20 64 J08 21 12ft 12 154 8,1 186 80 23 74 175 22 68 93 215 lJ 74 W4 82 27 8119 HO 0,18 67 52 lis 109 49 1,455 79 2,4 0 06... 49 42... 653 14... r 8ft... 1,059 I... 620 89... 212 14... 1,448 36... 8,8.16 46... 68 10... 248 96., , 91 7ft... 42 60 ... 12 6.3 Oh S3 ' x m : w ; ci o a 2ki $4 69 (3 ft! 69 26i $87 21 $151 86 1 125 211 43 71 I 7106 7 79 64 77; 4 95 1 84 4 54 1 87 84 6 55, 2 08 8 95i 48 6 661 5 4! 79 11 68: 12 76 3 70, 1 02i 5 41i V 26 7 78 9 34 1 19 8 76 8 441 10 75 S3 74' 1 61; 40 4s; 31 9l 2 63 5 48, 72 79! 124 00 2 60 52 65 1 79 53 00 26 02 12 10 72 42 191 82, 8 40 12 45 4 ft 2 13 1.007 SI' 1,315 86. 153 10 193 69 21 L. 230 55 Ht UB 84 96 86 21 25 19 6 38 105 68 88 65 75 16 9 20 114 56 101 69 14 99 222 l'8 242 55 70 25 19 52 102 80 118 86 146 87 177 46 22 66 166 46 6 49 204 41 641 Oil 30 66 769 12 606 74 50 03 104 01 1,383 00 2,337 06 46 82 620 48 81 06 1,008 96 494 87 2HI 04 1,375 94 8,644 64 64 70 836 61 87 16 40 47, n .u,a .).iilA a-AlO? nn, O- Ml JOl Al V1 ! Q ml I13M AH V M 7'Jl Tor the Year 189.1. $881 41 Olyphant Borough John F. Fadden..,, South Ablngtou Twp J. D. Aylesworth., $2,603.19 $120 521 9.18 5'.' 1 00 $1,468 III! $121 52'. $1,439 40 628 021 $910 47 838 9li $51 15 180 40 $2,068 Ol1 f 1 279 371 $231 55 , IS & 9 oi $48 t. 171 38. I $u tw.r;i 9?...,. CONDITION OF TUB FINANCES OF LACKAWANNA COUNTY. , LIABILITIES. 4'.i per cent. Refunding Bonds of the Issue of Dec. 1st, 1891.. $120,000 00 ASSETS. Cosh In Treasury Coun ty Fund $31,575 02 Cash In Treasury Bridge Fund 6.574 19 Court House Building.. 200,000 00 Furniture and Fixtures In Court House 30,000 00 , Court House Grounds.. 175,000 00 County Prison 129,000 00 Furniture and Fixtures In County Prison 8,000 00 Due from Collectors Kstlmated" 38.000 00 Prison Grounds 30,000 00 $643,149 81 Assets In Excess of Liabilities. ..$523,149 81 Assessed Valuation for the Year 1S94 $26,662,027 00 Estimated Expenses for the the Year 1894 192,590 00 Amount of County Tux Dupli cate for Yeary 1894 ... 159,860 84 Amount of Stats Tax Duplicate . for Year 1894 21,115 23 Respectfully Submitted. GILES ROBERTS, JOHN DEMUTH, 8. W. ROBERTS. County Commissioners. Attest: Charles F. Wagner, Clerk. Scranton, Pa., February , 1896. MRS. BLOODGOOD TO APPEAR. The Well Known Artist Will Be Heard at Mr. Carter's Concert. George B, Carter has about completed arrangements for the appearance of Miss Katherlne Bloodgood, the famous contralto of New York city, for his vocal concert next Monday evening. Miss Bloodgood Is a handsome lady of "Gibson" figure with a voice ranging from E below the staff to B above, and of superb quality. At the same concert will appear a young non-professional, whose name Mr. Carter Is not allowed to give, with a range from O below tho staff to the Eiffel tower a above the staff, made famous by Sanderson. Nothing preventing, these two singers will appear with Messrs. Wooler and Thomas, and a silver collection will allow any one to hear them. Mr. Car ter begs to Infor'm the public that very few pennies or nlckles are made of sliver, and in view of the silver agita tion they cannot be accepted as legal tender. No one admitted without an offeringtof some coin, TO RECOVER $20,000. Mrs. Susan Kcutor Is Suing the Scranton Traction Company. An action "to recover $20,000 damages against the Scranton Traction com pany "was commenced by Attorney S. B. Price 'on behalf of Mra. Susan Keator. The plaintiff declares that while step ping on a car on Lackawanna ave nue, In Aug. 1894, the arm of the trolley fell and struck her on tho head, per manently Injuring her eyes and nerves, and she sues the company for the amount named as. compensation for the damuge Inflicted. Rhoumatism Cured in a Day. "MystlcCure"for Rheumatism and Neu ralgia radically cures In 1 to 3 days. Its aollon upon the system Is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause, and the dlseaae Immediately dis appears. The first dose greatly benefits, 75 cents. Sold by, Carl Lorent, druggist, Scranton. nr. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL. Coal of the best quality for domeatM se, and of all slses, dellverea la U part of tke city at lowest price. Orders left at my Office NO. 118 WYOMING AVENUE, Rear room, nrat floor, Third National Bank, or sent by mall or telephone to Um nine, will receive prompt attention. Special contracts will lie made for tke lata and delivery of Buckwheat Ceal. WtVl. T. SMITW.