. THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE -THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 7, 1895. 5 A rounded spoonful of Ldoes better work kthan a heaping spoonful of others. Unrrmftn nu itisi i FIRE INSORflNCE, 120 Wyoming Ave. THE SUBURBAN tlGHT CO. nnr'.y w!l r-.irtt of tiii nly. OlTltE: Comisw;ali milat. Cur Incandescent Syitom is absolutely sufi) ALL THE LATEST Improvements used iu Joint; The Wide Keuowued Laundry work of THE -:- LACKAWANNA SOtlPunnAv- A. B WAHMAN. 127 WYCaHiiQ AVENUE. $5REWARD1 So many complaints of irregular delivery have readied us, which Ave have traced to stolen papers, that we now offer S3 reward for infornvition that will lead to the conviction of any person caught stealing The Tribune from the doorsteps of regular subscribers. Supper at Elm Park church tonight at 6 o'clock. Come and be bountifully served. On account of the exereme coldness, 1.0 fslons of the hlph school classes were held in liberty hall yesterday. A meetlne of the Ladles' Hebrew so ciety will be held in the vestry room.-:, Lin den street, at 3 o'clock this afternoon. The Delaware and Hudson emnloyea at the Grassy Island, Olyphant and the le!a ware, Mill Creek, were paid yesterday. Secretary Mahy, of the Youns .Men's Christian association, addressed a lnr:;o contrreiratlon at the Rescue mission last evenlnsf. The Delaware, Lackawanna and West ern company will pay their employes on the southern division and at Scrunton de pot today. Deprivation and suffering nmorifr the poor of the city are reported by the Asso ciated Charities' agent as being abnor mally prevalent. Tho special committee of common coun cil appointed to Investigate charKC-s against Chief Ferber, of the fire depart ment, will meet this afternoon In the Nlapara Hose house. The will of the late Mary J. Keetran, of this city, was yesterday admitted to pro- Bate by KegiKter of Wills Hopkins and letters testamentary granted to Charles CavanaiiBh, of Carbondale. Marriage licenses were granted yester day iy t ierK or tne courts Thomas to William T. I'eiirco and Annie Evans, of Scranton, and Timothy Loftus and Cath arine MoAndrew, of Olyphant. Patrick Duffy, assessor of the Eigh teenth ward of this city, David Jones, as sessor of -the Fourteenth ward, and James Dolphin, Assessor of the First ward cf Dickson City, returned their assessment books to the county commissioners yester day. As the management of the Klrmew are desirous of giving all the children In the rVty an opportunity or seeing tho dunces, they have decided to make the price ol admission to the upper gallery iu cents for each afternoon and evening perform ance. i ne Asuury onnouy scnoni will give a dime entertainment for the benefit of tho building fund tomorrow night. An excel lent programme of vocal and instru mental numbers and recitations has been arranged, also beautiful doll and sun flower drills. AB a meeting held a few days ago, whn eighteen of the twenty president of the Board of America in Lackawana county were present, It was decided to unite with tho Ancient Order of Hibernians, Hoard of Ktin, In their parade at Carbondale on March 18, St. -Patrick's Day being on Sunday, the 17th. John Oberdorfer, through Attorney 9. K Price, yesterday obtained a writ of for eign attachment against the Central Na tional Building and Loan association, of Omaha, Neb., to attach goods and money of the defendant company In the hands of the Lackawanna. Trust and Safe De posit company. The Klrmess diagram for today and to morrow will open at o'clock this morn ing at the music ware rooms of J. Law rence Stelle, 134 Wyoming avenue. After 8.30 this afternnon, the diagram will be found at the box office of the Frolhlng ham theater. This programme will con tinue throughout the week, the diagram being open only one day in advance. Some Important measures will be con- . aldered by tonight's meeting of select council. The ordlnnnce creating a paid fire department and which has passed two Hands ftIXrVJiiTorrTrvs WILLIAMS QT) CS r uolty reaillnsrs. will be presented for final con sideration In the select brunch. Jt Is prob uble that the ordinance will be effectually killed, for this year ut least. Al Tuesday nltrht's meetliiB of the estimates commit tee It wis decided to consider u lire appro priation only on u volunteer basis for the ensuintr year. ROOM FOR PATRIOTS. Two of Lacknwnnmi Township School Directors Aro Going to Ue&ign. C.riflltli T. Dnvls. of Greenwood, and Robert nurlelcrh. of Mooslo. ure now serving ns school directors of Lncka- wanmv township. Mr. Davis intends to change his residence to Hyde Park nfler Anrll 1. and Mr. IturleUrh will l'CiilK'i nt the next meeting of the board, which will bo next Monday atteruoon. Mr. HurlelBh hna accepted n position as mine foreman up the valley. This will create two vacancies that t-he directors of the board will be called upon to 1111, and there will be a lurse scramble for tho honors. BEFORE J,ll)E EDWARDS. Coses That W'cro Culled I'p for Trlul In Court Itoom No. J-l'dwurds l'lcuds Utility to tlic Charges. JucIkc Edwards was on tho bench In Xo. 2 court room, and when court opened the case uguhist Mrs. Margaret Harry was ivMiimeil. Mrs. Hurry went on the stand i;:ul snvore Unit she had not Mi'ld any Intoxicating drinks since t. l.'S last. She was tried at the last term of criminal court for keeplns a tippling house and found guilty of the olli'iiw. Site is now serving a term m the county jail. Tin- jury found a ver dict of not guilty, and placed the costs on the tiefemlunt. The next case Involved two little breaker boys. Richard lluddy was the prosecutor and Martin Mungun the de fendant. Doth woilicil 111 tne lioiucu breaker. In Taylor, and one day last November Mat::.;un placed a hot coal in the chute ho thr.t lluddy would pick It up. lluddy did pick the coal up, and it burned his hand so badly that he was not uble to itk for two weeks. Mungun said that It was a trick com mon among breaker boys and it Is very freiiucntily played. lie admitted he fixed the coal so that lluddy would pick it up, but he did not mean any harm by It. The Jury found a verdict of lint guilty ami ordered the defendant t.i pay three-fourths and the prosecutor one-fourth of the costs. The next case was that of Michael Gossamer against Kichurd Richards and Patrick Gallagher, charging as sault und battery. Tho prosecutor and the two defendants live nt the Khlge near Arehbald. On Dec. 5 last Cassa- mer and hia laborer were on their way to work In the miaes of the Hluo Ridge Coal company. The laborer had a can of oil and both defendants attempted to use some of it without Casstr.iier's consent. When he interposed Ualla gher and Ri .-hards assaulted him and he was not uble to work for three days. The defense was that they took a lamp full of oil apiece out of a can which they had a right to do and that Cassamer tried to stop them and they orjy shoved him away. The jury found a verdict of not ;rutlty and ordered the defendants to pay the costs. , KJwards Pleaded Guilty. E. C. Kd wards, the typewriter thief, wa3 led from the prisoners' dock and his attorneys-. A. J. Colliorn and H. C. Reynolds had a conference with Dis trict Attorney Jams. The district at torney stated to Judge Uunster that the attorneys for the defense proposed to him to save lime and expense by having Edwards plend guilty to the indictment of larceny by bailee in case the other two indictments were dropped alnsL hint. There seemed to be a nils- undertandlng about this between the opposing attorneys, however, and the case wan called before Judge Edwards in No. 2. The defendant, who also goes by tho name- of Cooper, cam" to this city, boarded at the Wyoming House, und represented himself us an insurance agent. He rented desk- room in the office cf Monies & Jackson. of Spruce street, nnd also hired a type writer machine from the Remington igency of Wyckoff, Seaman & Piene- dict, of Lackawanna avenue. Edwards suddenly left the town, without paying his board bill at the Wyoming, and taking with him the typewriter machine and a mackintosh valued at J1S, owned by Mr. Jackson. He was captured at Klnghamton and the typewriter and mackintosh were re covered. District Attorney Jones left the mat ter of dropping the prosecution on the Indictments charging larceny and re ceiving In the mackintosh case and de frauding a boardlnjr house keeper In the Wyoming Houf-e case, to the court. Judge Edwards decided that the ends of Justice would be served as well by having the defendant plead guilty In the typewriter case in consideration of the withdrawal of the other two cases. The court stated that the penalty would in all probability be as severe as if he were convicted of all three cases. The only gain to the defendant would be that ho will have less costs to pny. The defendant was then remanded for sentence until Saturday. Mary I-Viy was then put on trial, charged by her brother-in-law, Patrick Hannahnn, with stealing cabbage from his garden In Providence. The case was to decide whether the defendant Is sane or, not. Will lie Sent to Asylum. Dr. Lnekey was put on the stand by the defense to prove that he, with Dr. Sullivan, constituted a committee ap pointed at the Instance of the Bcranto-n Poor district. That was three years ago, and the result of the matter was thnt Miss Foy was adjudged Insane and sent to the asylum. She got out some lime ago and her relatives think she is not safe at large. P.y order of court a verdict of not guilty was taken and Miss Foy will be sent back for safe keeping to the Hillside Home. When, court adjourned the case of Robert Alexander, charged by Mrs. Deckllnlck, of the West Side, with hav ing committed an assault and battery upon her, was opened, but no testimony was taken. The verdict of the Jury In the case of Michael Pndden, charged with larceny and receiving by Cather ine McNulty, was that of not guilty. Peter Lentes fund John Hchamber were found gnHty of an assault and battery upon Catherine Huchert, and Schamber was found guilty of obstruct ing Constable Joseph Wodlkers while engaged In the execution of a legal process. Mr. A. D. Holland having resigned the agency In this city of the Mutual Life Insurance company of New York, tho company has appointed Mr. Thomas J. McUnlre to be his successor. Mr. Me- Oulre has had a long nnd extended ex perience with the company and the large body of policy holders In this city may congratulate themselves on tile fact that the Old Mutual Life I to have so worthy a representative. The company's oflices are now ready for their" occupants ana are located at No. 421 Lackawanna avenue. Are you paying too much for plumblng7 Our telephone Is 2242. Try us. W. O, Doud Co., CUD Lacka. ave. ' Buy tho Weber and get the best. At Guernsey Bros THE COIL IS TIGHTENING Koico Sulvutori's Evitknc Is Very Duiiuiginy to the Murderer. SHOWS THE CKIMEWAS K1L1TI Roschlno Had a Kuxor and Tried to Slush Snlvatorl When llo Acted as Pcaci- . maker A Number of Witnesses Heard During tho Day. Public curiosity has attained such u pitch that the main room of the court house Is not Jialf largo enough to ac commodate tho throngs that haunt tho trial of Joseph Hosehluo for the murder of Francesco Conforti. It requires all the attention and pntlence of the llp stafTs on duty at the doors to prevent the crowds from stampeding Into court from -the main corridors. Hosehluo sat ut tlu defendant's table and drunk iu every word that fell from the lips of witnesses, and whenever Judge Gunster titmice the prisoner leaned forward ns If to better liutir what the court hud to say. His tvlfa sut ut his side ami appeared more til ut ease. All who have seen lloselilno admit that he Is one of the coolest and nerviest m. n who ever sat charged with murder hi the courts of thl:i county. After court convened yesterday morn ing Antonio liuhrluiio was re-called by Mr. Horn, of counsel for the defense, for further cross-examination. The witness declared emphatically that Hosehluo hud knocked Conforti down and he denied that he had told a news paper reporter In the Dunmore lock-up the nl;;ht he was arrested that the lin t he knew about the murder of Conforti was when his wife told him. In a few minor particular!) the witness contra dicted the testimony he gave In chief. He said that he was a native of South ern Italy and came to this country nine years ago. Since then he has been a resident of a 'dace called Cooney, New York and Dunmore. "Is it not a fact," asked Mr. Horn, "Unit at the time Joe Gennello was killed In Dunmore in 1SII3, you were there and Immediately skipped out of the county and were gone for eight months; that you were in New York during that time." The iiuestiou was objected to by the commonwealth, but Judge Gunster de cided that the defense had the right to call lmbrlano's attention to the event, and find out whether subsequent to that event he did not go away. The witness said that he did go away about that time and remained In New York for four or five months. Soon After (icnncllo Was Killed. "How long was It ufter the killing of Joe Gennello that you went away from Scranton'.'" "Six or seven days." "And you did not come back until after that case was tried, did you?" "The trial was over when I came back." His wife and children were not with him while he was away. Before leav ing for New York he was employed as a section hand on the Erie and Wyoming Valley railroad, and during the time lie was in the metropolis he only worked one month. Roschlno denied that he was the owner of a revolver at the time of -the murder. He said he sold It the May previous. George E. Storner, a photographer of the West Side, testified that views he took of the scene of the murder were correct. Rocco Snlvatorl, who was with Con forti at the time of the murder, was the next witness, and his evidence was of a convincing nature. It would tend to show that tho murder was cold blooded and premeditated. He said that his home Is near Dunmore and that he remembered distinctly the night of Nov. 11, 1894, when Frank Conforti was killed. About C o'clock on the night of the murder he met Joseph Roschlno, Frank Conforti nnd Antonio Imbriano near the bridge that crosses the Roaring IJrook. Conforti told him that P.oschino wanted to kill him (Con forti) for 110 cause whatever and wit ness asked Bobchlno why he made such threats. Then while I was asking him that," continued Salvatori, "I laid my hand on his coat sleeve nnd he tried to cut my neck. I mafle a dive for his razor and he cut my finger. Then we re mained together, me and Conforti and Imbriano, and Ronehlno went ahead nnd hid himself In the bushes." "Was your hand cut with the razor?" "Yes, sir." "Go ahead from that point." "Then we began to walk and when we wnUied about twenty steps John Myran, Louis Valvano and Frank Chlprlanno came up to us. I walked a little way with Conforti, who was wondering about his hat, which had been knocked In the stream bv P.osehino. Then I went a little farther with him and bid him good night. After going two or three steps from him I stopped to take a f l:tv of tobacco and I saw somebody tiro shots from the bush." Ilosehlno fired tho Shots. "Who was It?" "Roschlno. Just then I saw Frank Conforti drop on tin: ground and he cried 'Virgin, Mary I am kllledl' " "How was Frank Conforti standing when he was shot?" "He was walking and when ho heard the noise of the leaves ha turned to see what was In tile bush and Just then he was shot." "Do you Identify Hoschlno now as the intin that fired the shots?" "Yes, sir; 1 saw him with my eyes. He did not say n, word, but, after he shot, he stepped from there. He fired two shots nt Conforti, and after he got out of the bush he mude two or three steps and fired three shots nt me and John Myran. Then I ran to ConfortTs house to tell his wife, but she was not In." The witness was then turned over to Mr. Horn for cross-examination. "Did you ever tell Frank Rossa that It was Hoschlno and Imbriano that killed Conforti?" asked Mr. Horn. "No, sir; I was shivering-and I didn't know what I was saying to them."- "Did you, while you were In the coun ty Jail, say you didn't know who It was that shot Frank Conforti?" "No, sir." J. O. Westcott was the next witness called by th'e commonwealth. He Is a special police oftlr of Forest City, lie arrested Hoschlno on Nov. 24, 1894, at Rlehmondale, and took him to the coun ty Jail In this city. Raphael Tredescall told him the day before the arrest that Roschlno wanted to give himself up, but would like to be protected by an officer At this point court adjourned for the noon recess. The -first witness called during the afternonn was Mary Berlanno, of Car bondale. She Is acquainted with Jo seph Roschlno and saw him In Carbon dale the day after the murder. Me ar rived at her house about 11 o'clock at night and remained until 9 o'clock the next morning, when he said he waB go- Ingwlth Raphael Tredescall to ForeBt City. Felix Serlannl, the woman's hUB band, was called and corroborated her story. Michael Bacosa, of Rlehmondale, said that Boschlno came to his house the second day after the murder and told him he left Dunmore because they were trying to put the blame for the killing of Frank Conforti on him. Boschlno re muined at Bacosa's house a week. John Balvanno, of Rlehmondale, als-j swore that he saw Hoschlno at that place ' two days after the murder at Dumore. He remained In Bacosa's house nine or ten days, but kept In tho houHe all the time. Coroner Kelley was recalled and said that In his opinion It was possible for a person shot through the heart, in the way Conforti was, to utter the words, "Virgin Mary, I am killed." W. J. Maxey, Justice of the peace of Forest City, testified to receiving In formation from Raphael Tredescall that Roschlno would give himself up. Patrick Flnnerty, of Dunmore, was called and said that on the night of Nov. 11 he was standing on the Dela ware, Lackawanna and Western rail road bridge, at No. 6, when the last three shots were fired. As he was ap proaching the bridge the llrst two shots were fired. He could not see when the first two shots were fired, but the last three were fired by someone standing olose to the path that leads to the Erie and Wyoming railroad. He could Bee the flashes of the revolver and the form of a man standing close to the path, us if holding a revolver hi his hand. Groans of pain, as If some one was Injured, followed the shots, und then the form of the man disappeared In tne bushes. The form reappeared u moment luter on the embankment of the Delaware, Luckuwanua and West- ern railroad, on whleh he was walking. Hie man had a revolver In his hand and walked across the Delaware, LucKawamia nnd Western tracks toward the Dunmore turnpike, but hesitated ut the second track and went up the railroad ahead of the witness instead of tnking to the turnpike. How was the man dressed. If vou re- member?" asked Mr. Jones. "In re gain to -his dress, us near as I could get at It, the clothing w'us of a dark color. The maw wore a slouch hut ine features I couldn't tell, nothing more than the man that passed me had a moustuche. I could not be positive as to the features." Other Witnesses Heard. Ltllgo Bolvauo was the next witness sworn. He lives in Bunker Hill and was ut home when the murder was committed, but he had previously been in tne company of Hoschlno and Con fortl. 1 here were others present also. Bolvauo went home and he was not more than a few minutes In his house when he heard shots fired. There were four or five shots, but he did not know who fired them. He was willing to give it as his opinion that Boschlno fired the shots, but the attorneys for the defense put u quick stop to his speech. On cross-examination he made a val uable witness for the defense in glvng his testimony regarding the position of Confortl's body as it lay on the ground after the shooting. He first pointed out on the map the spot where the murder was committed and then went on to tell about the state of Confortl's cloth ing. The dead man's coat, he said, was thrown up over his head and the onus were half drawn out of Wie sleeves, thereby Indicating that there had been a struggle between Conforti and some one else. Frank Clprlo.no was the next witness. He was with Conforti. Rocco Salvatore, Tony Imbriano and Boschlno three or four minutes previous to the shooting. tie walked toward -home and was startled by hearing first two shots and then three shots about two minutes afterward. He ran back toward the wagon road and was told by John Miranno that Conforti was killed. He went back to where the body laid and there were seven or eight persons gatli ered around. The body was on Us back and the coat was half pulled off. Joseph Dl Leo was culled as a wit ness. He was at home when Conforti was killed. Hp left his house nt twenty minutes past 6 o'clock and Frank Ciprlano met him on the road. They went down to where the murder was committed and saw Conforti standing: near the stump that marks the spot where his body was found later. Con forti had been with Boschlno, Salva tore, Imbriano and Bolvauo, and he left thc-m and started up the hill through the path. The witness did not remnin because there looked to be signs of i quarrel among ithe (men. In, a foy minutes he heard shots, but could not swear who fired them. All he knew was that Conforti was murdered, but by whom he could not swear. He was cross-examined at length by Mr. Horn regarding the location of the ground nnd the position of the body as it was found after the shots were heard. At this stage court adjourned nnd Judge Gunster handed down an orde upon the consent of attorneys for both sides, allowing Barber W. F. O'Brien to shave the Jurors. MISS HALL IN DORCAS. . i Pleased tho Audience at the Academy of Music Last Night. Charming Pauline Hall sang"Dorcas before a small but very appreciative audience at the Academy of Music last evening. She was In fine voice and received good support from Hugh Chllvers, F Michelena, Charles H. Bradshaw, Jean nette St. Henry and Kate- Davis. The opera contains many pretty numbers, It was seen here before this season nnnistcr's February Sale of Shoes. The month of February of each year I devoted to the cleaning up of Btock, get ting rid of aill odds and ends and making room for new Spring Goods. To nccotn pllsh this end we mark" such prices on all goods that make them move quickly. On February and August sales are too well known to need any Bpeelal comment, bu we want to say that during this sale we will have more and better bargains for you than ever before. lon't miss this shoe sale. HANISTKH'8. Open Kettle N. 0, Molasses Put up in gallon tins by Q. W. Dunbar's Sons New Orleans. NOTICE TO CONSUMERS: We warrant this molasses to be PERFECTLY PIRE. It Is drawn from the original package Into the cans ('Old, without any previous heating or rcbolllns:, thus retaining its natural flavor and color. ' This Is an age of adulteration, but we endeavor to supply Pure rood Products and Intend to carry It out on this plan. E. Q. Coursen 429 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. LAST NIGHT AT Dancers , Arc Improvini) with Each Performance. MANY GRACEFUL DANCES GIVEN Children Warmly Applauded at the Mati nee for Their Clever Work Miss lie lln Donees tho Serpentine in a Graceful Manner. The Klrmess was well attended both afternoon and evening yesterday. At the matinee performance the little ones gave the dance of the Roses and Bells, the Hornpipe, Carnival, Japanese Court and other dances In a manner that called forth the most hearty com- mendu-tlon, The prollclency the children have ao quired Is a tribute to the patience and cure of those who have hud charge of the rehearsuls. Last night the dances were given with greater vim and precision than on either of the preceding' nights. The dancers ure becoming accustomed to the Btuge, aro less conscious of self and consequently their movements are more natural and graceful. The evening's performance opened with the pretty tableau, "A Pardon in Brittany," which was followed by the Breton Peasant dance, during which Miss Grace Silkman gave the Shadow dance. She Is a lithe, graceful young woman nnd mukes a very pretty figure while coquetting with her shadow. Then came the procession of all the dancers led by Jester H. G. Newman, and following the Toreador, North German, Harvest, Scotch, Military, Gypsy, May Pole, War and Moon and Tarantelle dances were given. Miss Belln made a graceful figure as she went through the mazes of the serpentine dance, and was accorded the warmest encore of the evening. Lit tle Elsie Wlm-ihell ulso danced in a clever manner. After the Klrmess dances many re mained to purtake of refreshments and Join In the general dancing which was Indulged in on the stuge for an hour. This afternoon there will be another matinee nt 4.1.1, and the evening per formance will begin at 8.15. DEATH OF J AMl-S J.v NALLIN. Former Scruntouiun Passed Away at His Home lit llrooklyn, N. Y. A promising young man In the per son of James J. Nallln, of Brooklyn, N. Y., died yesterduy afternoon at his home In that city. He was a son of James Nallln, of 402 Pittston avenue, on the South Side, and at his death was 34 years of age. Ills name was familiar to residents of this city, although he left here fourteen years ago. At the age of 20, after having ac quired hi the Western Union telegraph office a special training as un operator, he left this city tyid went to Mt. Clair, N. J., to manage the Western Union telegraph ottlce. Later he was called to the main office of the company In New York and subsequently was put in charge of one of the press wires in the New York -World office. Six years ago he formed a partner ship In the brokerage business, at 52 Broad street, New Y'ork, with J. S. Bor- ger, on Wall street, New York, and thrived successfully. A year ago he purchased his partner's interest and since conducted the business alone. He was acquiring wealth in his avocation and was looked upon as an exemplary und progressive citteen of the younger generation. He lived at 232 Carroll street, Brooklyn, nnd had a happy home and a wife and family of two chil dren, a little boy and a girl. Two months ago he became ill and his ailment developed into neuralgia of the heart, which was tho cause of his death. His mother and sister, of this city, were at his bedside when he died. His brother, John J. Nnllin, bookkeeper of the Casey & Kelley Brewing com pany, left last night to attend the funeral, which will be held Saturday morning from the late home of the de ceased hi Brooklyn. COLLISION AT (JRLENWOOD. An Llcctric Car Kims Into a Train of Empty Aline Cars. The Mooslc street car which leaves the central city at 12.15 p. m. ran into a trip of empty mine cars yesterday afternoon nt the Greenwood crossing nt the foot of the steep Greenwood hill. The car was in charge of Motormnn West Kresky and Conductor Patrick Dolphin. The motorman saw the danger but the rails were so slippery that he could not control his car. The mine engine attached to a trip of empty cars was just crossing the tracks und the Btreet car banged Into the cars, throwing them from the track. Nobody was In the car at the time, and both motorman and conductor Jumped. The street car was considerably dam aged and had to be piloted back to town. Position Wanted. By a competent accountant (.111 posi tion where experience anil business nblllay required. Highest references as to ability, integrity, etc. Address C. II. Noyes, 4!5 Chenungo Btreet, Bingham ton, N. Y. Don't .Miss It. Banister's February shoe sale, DON'T LET Your watch run for ever without having it cleaned and repaired. Take It to BERRY, THE JEWELER Who has repaired watches and clocks for over 25 years. 417 Lackawanna Ave., SCRANTON CITY. I SETS Of TEETH. $8. Including the tlultu extracting of Weta by an entirely uaw procwa. S. C. SNYDER, D. D. S., an SPRUCE STREET. WOOLWORTH'S This Is the nearest to perfection of any Waffle lroij ever invented. II 15 The Most Simple in Construction. ne iiont convenient to uundle. lie busiest to clean. And can be used on any sized stove, y Mcc'ipcs for makiug Waffles go with each iron. Price 89c. each. G. S.W00LW0RTH 319 LACKAWANNA AVENUE, Graen and Gold Stora Front GRAND KIRRIESS AT THE FROTHINGHAM, SCRANTON, PA. One Week, lleglnning Monday, Feb. 4, for the Benefit oflhe LACKAWANNA HOSPITAL NATIONAL DANCES Of France, Spain, Italy, Hungary, Germany, England, America, Rus sia, and Scotland, by 350 Young People of Scranton In costume, under the direction of Miss Li la A. Stewart, of Kings ton, X. Y. Refreshments will be served after noon and evening. Ladies in appropriate costumes will preside over the Candy, Flower, Lem onade and other Booths. PERFORHANCES Evenings Doors open at 7 o'clock, curtain rises at 8 o'clock. Matinees Beginning Tuesday, doors open at 3 o'clock, curtain rises at 4.15 o'clock. ADMISSION Evenings, 75c, 50c. and 25c Matinees, 50c, 35c and 15c For excursions watch the newspa pers. TNK OILIBRATI tra t rrcnut tlx- Mt roMiUr ud Tnttmi by WurtrooBu: Oppoiiic ColumbiuMonun-.ini. -- Wfthlni?tcn Aw. Scranton. Pa. HOPSING.lI ncse MAN Has moved from thi O J Postoffioe Building to new and larger quartern, 1H6 Fmn nvnu. Knmily washing gad Ironing don at reason able uncut. II0rsiG,136FcnnAve. BANISTER'S FEBRUARY SALE OF SHOES The month of February of each year is devoted to tha cleaning up of stock, getting rid of alljodds and ends and making room- for new Spring Goods. TO ACCOMPLISH THIS END We mark such prices on all goods that make them move quickly. Our February aud August sales are too well known to ' need any special comment, but we want to say that during this sale we will have more and better bargains for you than ever before. DON'T MISS THIS SHOE- SALE BANISTER'S. SHAW, EMERSON, KRAKAUER, NEW ENGLAND, ERIE. II J. LAWRENCE STELLE, Music Dealer, 134 Wyoming Avenue, Scranfon, MID-WINTER FUR SALE Astrakhan Sacques, large sleeves, full skirts, $58.00, formerly $100.00 Electrical Seal Sacques, large sleeves, full skirts, $65.00, formerly $125.00 Seal Sacques, 30-incli long, $75.00, formerlj $110.00 The balance of our Fur Capes we are selling at half price. We also offer Cloth Coats and Cloth Capes at 40c. on the dollar. A SPECIAL SALE IN MACKINTOSHES 6oo Mackintoshes for $3.00 which are useful both for traveling and stormy weather. Have your Furs repaired by the only Practical Furrier in the city. jr. BOI 138 Wyoming Ave. "WE'RE Hffl IN HE PH," When the advertising atmosphere is so heavily charged with exaggeration, it is well to remember vbo the honest advertisers are. Windy assertions about GREAT reductions-'-advertising goods at impossible prices, find no lodging place in the minds of intelligent people. Dull trade throughout the legitimate business season may male necessary. wild statements from some clothiers to attract trade, but the schemers will have to scheme harder and find new disguises for their lame excuses before they can stop the people from coming to this store for honest values. The triumph of this store is the triumph of intelligence, and you have made it so. Trade has been up to the mark here. yet there's a touch of attractiveness in the styles and assortments. We've add ed another and more taking attraction REDUCED PRICES, natural order of things here at this season; LOWER PRICES than vou find ELSEWHERE. Clothiers, Hlter3,8t furnishera Miss Alcutt OF NEW YORK, Will Explain the Advantages and Fit the Week Commencing Monday, February 11, at OSLANDS 128 WYOMING .VENUE. Bl HATS AT Dunn's rCLOUGH & WARREN. CARPENTER, WATERLOO, CROWN, I PALACE.