THE SCB ANTON TRIBUNE THURSDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 7, 1895. 3 TALES OF TWO PinSTONS News of Interest to Readers I'p and Down the Valley. . THE GREAT CURLING MATCH Curlers from Yonkors Will Moot Local Clubs West Plttstou Wants More Lights for Less Moncy-Tcrro Cottu Chimney Causes Fire. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Plttston, Ta., Feb. 6. There is a movement on foot among the enter prising citizens of West Plttston to or ganize a new gas company that will furnish light to West Pittstonlans at a rate much less than It is already furnished by the present manufacturers who have the monopoly of the gas lighting system of our town. The peo ple feel the imposition of being obliged to pay $1.90 per cublo foot when the WUkes-Barre gas companies only charge their patrons J1.00 per cublo foot; Scronton citizens pay but $1,30 for the same measure, while the rtfople of the suburban hamlet of Kingston, where hardly one-third of the amount of gas is consumed that Is used in West Plttston, are fumlshel the same at $1,35 per cubic foot. Over $2,000 has already been subscribed and more will soon be raised to place West Plttston in an independent position in her light ing system. David Evans and his class from the Welsh Congregational church enjoyed a sleighride to Mill Creek last even ing, among whom were the following: John Robers, WII) Evens, Frank Evens, David Evens, Ebe Evens, Will Proby on, Edgar Probyon, Miss llattle Owens, Miss Mary Buckley, of Plttston; Miss iHamnali Evens, Miss Maggie. Evens, of Platnsville; George Evens, ailss Thabltha Howell, and Mr. and Mrs. John Evens. Theyf were enter tained at the home of Mr. and H. M. Dingwall. Overheated Vluo Causes a Fire. Fire was dlcovered this morning at 9.30 o'clock In a house iloeated on Dela ware avenue, just beyond the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western railroad. An alarm was rung in from box 74, to which the West Plttston, Niagara and Eagle Hose companies promptly re sponded. The conflagration was oc casioned by an overheated terra cotta chimney which set fire to the Joists of the second floor and followed to the roof, where It was quickly extinguished. The house is owned by W. C. Truck and was occupied by John Wyckoff. Considerable damage was done, which is fully covered by insurance in Charles Williams' agency. The Trinity guild meets at the home of Mrs. Merrltt, on Wyoming avenue, this afternoon. Today Is the last day on which ob jections to candidates may be tiled and corrections of the official ballot made. All regular subscriptions to the Scran ton Tribune will be received at our local office, 8 South Main street. General Secretary B. F. Armstrong, of Kingston Young Men's Christian as sociation, is confined to his home on Wyoming avenue with ulcerated sore throat. John, Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. George Brando, of Exeter, died of pneu monia at the family home this morn ing. Interment at West Plttston ceme tery Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. All complaints of non-delivery of The Tribune should be reported at our local office, No. 8 South Main street. The committee of arrangements of the Mechanics Hose company will meet at their rooms Friday evening to ar range for their fair, which will soon be In progress. An F.njoyablo Sleighride. The exceeding cold weather of last evening did not check the ardor of our enthusiastic pleasure seekers. The fol lowing enjoyed a ride to Scranton, where they were welcomed and warmed by friends: Mr. and Mrs. Carl Coun cilman, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. MacDonald, Mr. and Mrs. William Sharps, Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Hartman, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Haston, Mrs. Dlvely, Mrs. Bartlett, Mrs. Gardner, Messrs. C. B. Smith, Edward Rhod rlck, Harry Weaver, Misses Bertha and Laura Morris and Miss Edith Sweet. Last night was the coldest of the sea Bon. The mercury made a desperate effort to reach the bottom of the ther mometer. The temperature indicator at the bridge registered eight degrees below zero at 7 o'clock this morning, while at the Junction It fell to ten de grees below. Oregon Heights Is the coldest place in this vicinity, mercury touching a point fifteen degrees below zero at 4 o'clock. At 8 o'clock It was till seven degrees below at the hos pital. Two rinks of the Yonkers Curllnpr EVERYTHING SEEMS WRONQ to the dyspeptic. The world is upside down; the times are out of joint; he's ready to turn his back upon his best friend. Now, the thing that oftenest is wrong "With dyspeptics, is their choice of a remedy. There are drugs and medi cincs on the one hand the Carlsbad Sprudel on the other. They can't both 1c right; there's too much difference Ha their methods and in their results. Carlsbad the waters of the Sprudel jSpring at Carlsbad have been curing dyspeptics for hundreds of years. Cur ing them. No remedy in the world has Teen so thoroughly tried and proved, in all digestive disorders, stomach troubles, lack of appetite, or perverted .nutrition. Add a little of the genuine Carlsbad Sprudel Salt to the first turn blerful of the water if you desire lo increase its purgative action. Do not be imposed upon by unscru pulous dealers who will sell you a linixture of Scidlitz Powder or Glauber ISalt as "Improved Carlsbad Salt," or "ArUticial Carlsbad Salt," "German Salt," or other names. . Insist upon the genuine article, which must have the signature of "Eisner & Mendelson Co.j Sole Agents, New York," on every .bottle. club arrived in the city at 9.12 this evening and registered at the Wyoming Valley House. The curlers will com pete in the international curling .match to be held tomorrow on the river Just below the lower bridge. The first game will be played at 9 o'clock a. m. be tween the Yonkers and Pleasant Valley clubs. At 2 o'clock In the afternoon the visitors will meet the Plttston club. The visitors are as follows: Edward Thomas, president of the Grand Na tional Curling club; Robert Kellock, Robert L. Stewart, J. T. P. Stewart, John Feazler, John Gremmer, G. W, Teene, Thomas McVicar and George Colquhoun. SKATED IN HER BARE FEET. Curious Freak of an 18-Year-Old Ken tucky Girl. By the United Press. Louisville, Ky., Feb. 6. The Post gives an interesting account of a pretty 8-year-old girl who created a sensa tion at the East End Skating park yes terday, where she was watched for an hour by a score of men in addition to other spectators as she glided about on the Ice. She was a graceful skater, and every movement was Delsartean in its perfection. It was not lier grace and beauty that attracted the men. It was her bare feet, which gleamed in and out beneath her skirt as each foot was thrust gracefully forward. The foot was such a one as described by Du Maurler In his "Trilby." The coloring was perfect, and now and then as the wind switched her skirts the glimpse of a perfect ankle, and, sometimes, even the swell of a shapely calf was seen. It was this that attracted the men, They wondered that the cold did not make her suffer, but It seemed unno ticed. Her mother finally appeared, and, after much cheerful persuasion and a little force, the girl was Induced to remove tier skates, don her shoes and stockings, and leave. With her de parture the crowd rapidly dwindled away. DI N MOKE DOIXGS. Lost, between Green Ridge street and the Erie and Wyoming Valley trestle, a butcher's cleaver. The finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving it at G. W. Potter & Son's meat market. One of the most enjoyable entertain ments that have been held In town for some time was the "Evening in Japan" at the Presbyterian church Tuesday evening. It was a success financially. The ladles in their Oriental costumes looked like real Japanese ladles, and the boys who peddled oranges and ba nanas, and the whole interior of the rooms, with their curious decorations, served to turn one's thoughts to scenes In the Sunrise Kingdom. Boiled rice was eaten with chopsticks, which caused much amusement. Fred Russell, who has been 111 nt his home, on Blakely street, is able to be out. Pride of the Valley castle. Knights of the Golden Eagle, will go In' a body this evening to South Scranton, where they will, In company of many other cas tles, enjoy a smoker with the South Scranton castle. Every member of the Pride of the Valley castle is requested to be present. INDUSTRIAL TOPICS. Barre Coal company have been ordered on urn uma ior me remainder of the month. The Dirkson Manufacturing company have received an order for three lurno passenger locomotives for the Delaware and Hudson railroad. "Pennsy's" superintendent at Altoona denies that his men's wages are to be re duced. The eight-hour shopmen will re sume on a ten-hour basis next week. Lehigh Valley mine runners, near Wilkes-Barre, to the number of 1,500, have won their strike, and returned to work at Prospect, Oalcwood and .Mklvale collieries. The report that the Lehigh Valley nail road company contemplates a radical re duction in its subordinate official forco Is pronounced wholly untrue by Vice Pres ident Hartxhorne. Frederick J. Kimball, president, and Henry Fink, were yesterday appointed re ceivers of the Norfolk and Western rail road on order of the 1'nlted States cir cuit court for the western district of Vir ginia, at Richmond., The Lehigh Valley Railroad company Intends stocking the trout streams of iiradfon, Sullivan anil Wyoming counties, of which there aro many, also all streams emptying Into the Susquehanna, with black bass and other fish. The coal tonnage of the Rending Rail road company for the week ended Feb 1 amounted to 222,50ft tons, against 177,072 tons In the same week Inst yenr, an In crease of 45,432 tons. Prior to last week, for the fiscal year to that rtute, the com pany reported a decrease of G.201 tons, so that on Saturday lost the company's ton nage was 39.227 tons greater than for the. same period the preceding year. It was recently said that "the cheek de livered last week In New York to Thorn m A. Mclntyre for 12,UOO,nOO and some odd thousands carried with It the largest transfer of a sum of money by cheek ever known In a commercial operation In lids country, iiossllily ever known In the treas ury department, and some of our bank ers think It may have been the largest single check ever issued anywhere In tho world." The largest check ever drawn In this country and possibly In the world hangs In the office-of the treasurer of the Pennsylvania railroad at Broad street sta tion, Philadelphia. This cheek was drawn June 7, 1881, by John I. Taylor, treas urer of the Pennsylvania Itnllrond com pany, for $14,949,002.20 In favor of H. P. Kidder, Charles M. Catting, Henry I., Hlgglnson, Charles P. Ilowditeh and Will lam1 Merlat, Jr., committee In payment for tho stock of the Philadelphia, Wil mington and Baltimore Railroad com. pany. It attracted much attention at the World's fair, where It was shown In the Pennsylvania Railroad company's ex hibit as "ine iarauti check ever drawn In the United States." Tha following paragraph from the Phil adelphia Inquirer Is Interesting rhlelty for it Inaccuracies, one of which la the assertion that the Pennsylvania railroad contemplates a rut In freight rates. That the railroad officials have unequivocally denied: "The uncertain attitude of the Pennsylvania railroad on the coal freight question arotines great apprehension In tho anthracite trade. Evidence Is said to bo In existence that agents of the Pennnyl vanla have offered stove coal at a deliv ered price that would net the producing company but 11.96 Vt the mines, provided the full regular tolls were paid. It Is fur. tlier said that If a large quantity Is taken the price will be made such as would leave but 11.70 for the mining company, It is, of course, Impossible for any one to ay that the freight rate has been cut, be cause the coui Is sold delivered, but either the rate has been cut or the coal com pany Is selling at an absurdly low price, As the Pennsylvania controls the coal company, It makes no difference to the railroad company whother the rate Is cut or the price of coal Is cut, as It amounts to the same thing In the long run, and of course it means absolutely no difference to the buyer. The disorganised condition of the trade is shown by tho fact that tho Pennsylvania will take 11.90 for stove, the highest priced coal made, whereas the Reading is refusing to sell pea at 11.40. The other companies are apprehensive that the Pennsylvania will make an open cut, -anil, as slated before, it Is claimed that some hint ot this has been given," Oil Market. Pittsburg, Feb. . Oil opened and low est, 103; highest and closed, 1W.4. STOCKS AND BONDS. New York, Feb. . Speculation at the Stock exchange was especially dull today, the sales of stock amounting to only 111.- 4f2 shares, against 107,843 yesterday and 168,000 on Monday: The decline Is dlrectily traceable to the delay in the bond issue. Still the market holds well for the rea son that the street is firmly convinced that the negotiations for the-placing ot the bonds have been successful and that all that remains Is to announce tho details of the deal. Sterling exchange Is weaker and under heavy offerings by houses sup posed to ne in touch with the bankers handling the new loan, posted rates were reduced c. to $4.8714 and $4.89. The ro newed activity on the part of friends of tho railway pooling bill In the senate en couraged the bulls somewhat, although it Is doubtful whother anything can be ac complished at this late hour. London added to the bullish feeling by Its purchase of St. Paul, Louisville and Nashville and some of the low priced issues, The recov ery In com and wheat also had a good ef fect. The gain In prices ranged from Vt to 19 per cent. In the last hour there were realizations and the gain noted was partially lost. Norfolk and Western com mon fell to S and the preferred to 13'4 on the appointment of receivers. Tho market closed steady with prices any where from 4 to ?4 per cent, higher than on yesterday. At a late hour posted rates of sterling exchange were restored to $1.88 and S4,89'i. Actuul rates wero $l.87V& for sixty days, $4.S84u4.8S;i for demand and $4.8ia4.S9!i for cables. One of the largo foreign houses understood to be heavily Interested In the proposed new govern ment loan wero the buyers of bills all day. The sum of $700,000 gold was withdrawn from the sub-treasury by the Merchants' National bank today. It Is understood that gold will not be shipped to Europe. In the last hour there were realizations and the gain noted was partially lost. The market closed steady with prices anywhere from U to per cent, higher than on yesterday. The range of today s prices for the ac tive stocks of the New York stock mar ket are given below. The quotations are furnished The Tribune by G. du n. Dlm- mlck, manager for William Linn, Allen & Co., stock brokers, 412 Spruce street, Scranton. Op'n- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. lnp. Atch., To. & S. Fo... i 4 4 4i Am. Sugar Ke'g Co. S2'a 8Si 92'i 3H Chic, Mil. & St. P... GO", 07 Stl'i M' Chic, K. I. & P tOS 4 l. Chic, B. & Q 71". 723 71' 72 Chic, & N. W JUST 97V4 Can. South 49 49 49 49 dies. & Ohio It!"; .17 16i Jtri Dial. C. F. Co 9'4 94 ll'i IX, L. & W 1U0 lfiO'i 100 lWi Con. Electric 29i 30 2ts 29H Jersey Central 88'i 89 8S'i m I.ouls. & Nash 62-; M 02 ly'js Lake Shore 137 138i 1378 1381, Manhattan Ele 1077 ltiS'i 107'i lOS'i Mo. Pacific 22 Sl 217, 1:2 Nat. Lead 30! 3 31 29i S04 Nat. Cordaxe 4 4'4 414 4"j New England S0' 30S SO 30 S. H 10 10'i 10 10'i Ont. & West 10Vi Ki'i 16 10 Phil. & Read 8i l"'a 9S4 l'W, rnlon Pacific 9'i 9:, 9'i 64 W. & St. L., IT 14 14 13i K West.' Union " Wi 884 M'4 C. O. R 74'i ?,V, 74U 74', A. M. T 9"'i 90 9T.4 , 90 U. 8. G 20U 20'4 20!i 20'i CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE PRICES. Op'n- High- Low-Clos-WHEAT. lug. est. est. ing. February W" G0; BO-i 004 May r.:l'j 04 04 July D4'i 55 Cits 05 OATS. February 27 27i 27 27-li May 29 Sil'.j 28i 29'j July 27'i 27"s 2T"'s 27?3 CORN. February 43 43 43 4.1 May 44 4:.'i 4:1-i 4:,'j July 44 45i 45 45" j LARD. May 6.C5 6.C7 C.C2 6.07 PORK. May 10.07 10.22 10.02 10.20 Scranton Hoard of Trudo Exchange Quo tat Ions. No. Tar ShH. Val. STOCKS. Bid. Ask. 100 73 100 Allegheny Lum'r Co 4 Crystal Lako Water Co 450 CO 100 Cent. Penn. Tel. & Supply Co 20 00 Lime Dep. & Dis. Bank C2 00 10 100 First Nat'l Bank COO 6 100 First National Bank (Carbondale) 20 100 Green U'go Lum'r Co .... 100 100 Iacka. Lumber Co... 110 0 100 Lnrkn. Trust & Safe DepoHlt Co 110 C 100 M. & M. Savings Bank (Carbondule). 140 10 GO Providence & Ablng- ton Turnpike Co.... 85 G 100 Scranton Class Co 10 100 Scran Savings Bank 200 2 100 Scra'n Jar and Stop per Co 1 100 Scra'n Axle Works 10 WO Scra'n Lace Cur. Co 0 loo Scranton 1'orglng Co 100 00 100 Spring Brook Water Co 25 100 Third Nat'l Bunk.... 350 G 100 Nat'l Boring i drill ing Co., 1'r 40 loo Thuron Coal Land Co .... 80 00 Scranton and l'otts- vllle Conl Co 200 GO Scrnnton Trae. Co 00 PJ. Traders' Nat'l Bank 00 100 Bonta l'lato Olass Co .... BONDS. G 000 Scranton (l4iss Co 2 GuO Econ'y Stenm Heat & Power Co 100 00 110 100 225 "to 110 100 100 90 37 on 11 120 COO GOO New York Produce Market. New York, Feb. C Flour Unlet and steady. Wheat Fairly active and firmer; No. 2 red store ann elevator, Gil&c,; afloat, 5!l'ie.; f. o. b 0S'jS09-V; ungraded red. 57a00c; No. 1 northern, 07l,in(17:c. : options closed firm at !iiV. over yesterday with a fair rtnde; May and July most active No. 2 red February, 07-fie.j March, DSe. May, f,9c; June, 09Ue.; July, 09'ic; August 09c. Corn Dull and stronger; No. 2, -18a 4N',ic elevator; 49al9c. afloat; uiiKradeil mixed, 48li,e.; steamer mixed, 47a49'ii: No. 3, 4c?Sa48c!!4.; options wero more ae. live an strong at lUalSfce. advance; Feb ruary, 48',V.; May, 49Uc; July, 49',ic Oats Dull and llrm; options .firmer, quiet; February, 33nc.j March and muy, 33'4o.; spot prices, No. 2, 8314a34,4c.; No. 2 white, 3ia:iVic. ; No. 2 Chicago, S4,i; No. 8, 33V4e.; No. 8 white, 30'ic. ; mixed western, 3ta35',ic. ; white state and western, Ofla 40'4c. Beef Inactive and unchanged Beef Hams Dull. Pried Beef Dull, steady. Cut Meats Quiet and steady. Lard Quiet and stronger; western steam, 6.90, asked; city, OftiuiHc; February, $il.S3, nominal; Muy, $7, nominal; refined, llrm; continent, $7,110; South America, $7.60; com pound, GaO'ic. Pork Dull and steadi ness, $11.25011.75. Butter Quiet, fancy stefldy; state dairy, 10nl8c; do. creamery. 13a20u.; Pennsylvania do., 13u20c.; west ern diUry, lOalOc.; do. reamery, 14a24c; do. factory. 8al4e.; rolls, 8al4c.j Klglns, 24c; Imitation creamery, iitaigc; June cream ery, lla20c. Cheese Quiet, unchanged. Eggs Firmer; state and Pennsylvania, SI a.'l2c; refrigerator, 20a24e.; westorn fresh, aOii.HiVic.: do. per rase, $3.0VaG; southern, 9n30c; llmrd, 18a21c. CURES n BAD BLOOD. ' BAD BLOOD. CURES BAD BLOOD. I brm bun uffsrtnc tn Purifies The year with SnrtlpelM, Uken doctors' nMdlointe and pstrat mwliolnie ot most all kinds, bai twi mimJ to io 1 torn way un mi is any gooA I finally mt BLOOD, IU1DU u ITT bo B)oo4 Bltt, and lout 4 thiol bottlMot&l. myself enl MRS. 1 rTiot Id, tTWC0., l MUNYON'SJBEST DEEDS.. Stories That Well-Known People Like (0 Recall. The Learned Professor a Truo Philan thropist Ms Humane Methods Praised Everywhere. Charles J. Mutch, of No. 99 South Division street, ButlTalo, says: "For tho past 20 years," said he, "I have suffered terribly from dyspepBla. I could not eat scarcely anything, and at times was unable to even retain water on my stomach. When I ate, the food seemed to He in my stomach with a hot, burning sensation. There was a pain on my right side that caused mo Intense agony. Usually within four to six hours after eating I vomited my food, when tho pain in my side would stop until hunger compelled me to eat again. I was troubled with dizziness, was very nervous and my whole sys tem was so run down that words can not describe how I felt, I had four doctors, besides trying every medicine I ever heard of and spondlng hundreds of dollars without receiving any bene fit. Just one month ago I began using Munyon's Dyspepsia Cure. I did not have much faith in it, but my friends who had been cured with his remedies urged me to try It. The first few doses Improved me so much that I contluued taking It, and am now thoroughly cured. I have a good appetite, can eat and digest any kind of food and am in excellent health. My friends are great ly surprised at tho change in me, as they did not believe I would ever be a well man again. I owe it all to Mun yon's Remedies." Munyon's Homeopathic Remedy Com pany, of Philadelphia, put up a cure for every disease. No matter what the disease Is or how many doctors have failed to cure you, ask your druggist for a 25-cent vial of one of Munyon's cures, and If you are not benefited your money will be refunded. With Munyon's Remedies, every one can doctor themselves. Sold by all druggists. T A Word. WANTS OF A LI. KTNDH COST TttAT UIIC1I. WJIRM PAin BYlIt. TV Aft. VANCE. WHEN A HOOK ACCOUNT in MADE, NO CHARGE WILL BE LESS THAN 26 CENTS. THIS RULE) AP PLIES TO SMALL, WANT ADS. EX. CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH UUI ICIDUUi JbLf tf JtUblti. Agents Wanted. A OK NTS IN EVKKY (STATE ON SALARY i V uml eoniiniftNinii. Aironti nmlflnir to I.HJ weekly. KUKKKA CHEMICAL & II'F'U CO., La Crosse, is. WaN'tT U - ACTIVE SALESMEN TO VV lmudlo our lino, no peddling. Snlarr, 1 75 per mouth and expenses paid to all. Uoods entirely new. Apply taik-My. P. O. Box, SJUS, Hwtnn. Mii. Help Wanted-Malt. CALE8MKN RRSIUEKT SALESMEN O wunted. acmtutntod with the luetd and iienrby drug and grouery trade, to hundls our line ot hliih grade cigars. Address, iclvlng references, J. EDWARD COWLE3 Co., 143 t'lisinlierHhtreet, N. V. Helo Wanted Females. A DIES WAKTKt) TO WRITE AND DO J llitlit work at home. Sift weekly : no ran- vsKKiiui: none! itaum MRS. E. E. MERCER. Toledo, ). Special Notices. l.ttKU M. BERRY. NURSE GRADUATE J1 MilliTral nir School, Belleruo Hospital. New York. IIXiO Mont ty avenue, city I AM NOW PRHPARED TO FURNISH EX I lilbitiorii and leettt e upon any ruliinut de sired. Tuene exhibitions will be illmtrstel. liarlnK In my nowtetuuon the mint powerful (UsBolvmu at'jrcopticotm made. v u I'll I T.ikNn. nffl VoiJ WANT THIS RELIC - REPRINT I Frank Leslie's Illustrated Week y War Illustrations IKtil-lmVi. Two Volume Folio, tniui; paynhle monthly, fci.lO. Delivered by express ruinplntH, Prepaid. Aildies P. O. MOODY, UlHtiibson utreet, Serautuii, Pa. iilank hooks. Pamphlets, maoa- J) ziiina, etn., bound or relioutid at TflE Timi:i;m: ollieo. Ouiek work. Reasonable piieo. For Rent. I'Olt KENT A LAItUE, 4-KIUKV Mlll.U ingatlUi Friuiklln avenue; suitable fur whnleanle business. CAKSON DAVIES, Sirantiiii. TOlUtENT-lllUcK WAREHOUSE WITH I' elevator on D L. & W . switch and West Lackawanna avenue. Scranton Stove Work. SUPERIOR MODERN HOUSE; AVENL'Jt JONKS, ail Spruro. I.XIR RENT-FUUNISIIF.D AND UN PUR- iiinhed rooms at Lackawanna avenu. 1,'OR RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST 1 Lackawannn avenue. Adiltw 'J 110MAS E. EVANS, aeor llici Ltiaorne, Hyde Park. l70R REN T-N H.'KLY Fl' RNISH Klfn A l.L I' aiiltubln for Iwlito rooms. JOHN J Lu ll YN, 1IU Wyoming uveiiUH. For Sale. IXR KALE CHEAP-BAY HORSK.SOUND, 1 not afraid uf care or atvani; lady ran drive bur; ran trot in ktiaJ; also vood set, nearly new hnrnce, aleiali. roliea, boll, eta Inquire office Dr. Reeves, 41S Spruce street, Scranton. Lost. I OST-A SMALL DIAMOND PIN OP I I lovetV knot dpniitn auppoaed to be lost b'-twnen Wilkes-Burro and Hcrtitnn: finder will be lllierally r. wardei by returning tbe same to Tribune oflloe. Physician Notice. I F IN NEED OF SOUABS FOB PATIENTS L we are large brovderof theru. HAKLAM'H, 118 Cliff atreet. Dissolution of Partnership. JANi'Anr 1st, iws. 'THE BUSINESS HERE l Of OKE CARRIED 1 on under the firm name of Hodmlon A Moalwr, Is tlile day discontinued. All accounts for nr asalnrt aald firm will 1m settled by K U. Moahr. We b( to announce that the biialnena will lie rarrled on under the Arm nnuie of Kosher tt Coleman. L. R MOM1F.R, ' J. W. B. COLEMAN. Situations Wanted. rU'EN FOR ENGAOEMENT PRACTICAL J picture frame Joiner, mat uiaKer sua gilder; thoroughly conversant with every de Kill nf the mistneea; W years' experience: com petent to take charge. Addroa "PICTURE," Trlbuue oflloe, eltyj , 4 W ANTED BY A RESPECT ABLR YOUNQ lady, position as cashier or clerk. Ad- dreaa ' CAHHIEK," care ef Tribune. w ANTED SITUATION As TKAV'ELINO salesman, bookkeeper or alilpplng cum, rholeaale house; butt of reference and with wholesale Ave years' experience, ' Address -HAL," Trlimne onice. Philadelphia Tallow Marker. Philadelphia; Feb. .-T11ow la dull and unchanged. We quote: City, prime, in hhda, a4H! country, prime, In bbls, 4a 4tto.; do. dark, lu bbl. Sc; cake), 44Ci OE CM grease, 80, Connolly & Wal LADIES'SIuTLlfiDERWEAR In Our Cloak Parlors. The Most Elaborate and Ever Shown in Scranton. NIGHT GOWNS, SKIRTS, CHEMISE, CORSET COVERS, DRAWERS. Materials are the best to be bad and tbe workmausbip is of tbe bigbest possi ble order. Tbe advantages of tbis sale to you are evident, when you consider tbat prices are about one-third less than usual, and our entire Cloak Depart ment is devoted to the display, where you can take plenty of time in making your selections. CONNOLLY & WALLACE, 30Cou8A0rlousvrue THE CELEBRATED Keystone IS NOW THE SCRANTON BEDDING CO., 603 &XZ.Amm' PRICES GREATLY REDUCED. r OUR Tho Ore at Blood Purifier and Liver Regulator. 200 DAYS' TREATMENT, $1.00 COMPOSED OF And will Pofitivelr eure all disease arising from IMPURE BLOOD, BUCH AS Rheumatism, Kidney Disorder, Liver Complaint, Sick and crv ouh Headache, Neuralgia, Dys- ftersiu, Fever and Ague, Scrotu a, Female Complaints, Erysipe las, Nervous Affections, Catarrh, and all Syphilitic Diseases. E. M. HETZEL, AGENT, 330 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Call and Get Circulara. REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY Made a i TV It Day. Vf 4? Well Mar 18th Day. of Me. mr. untai aoth Day. proxlurre the above reanlta In 30 ilaye. It arti powerf uIIt and qun kly. Curoa wbtn all othen tail YouQumeu will regain thutr toet mantiood, and old men will recover tbeir youthful vigor by uainu KKVIVO. It quloklrandaurelyrentortMiNervoiu nua, Lobt Vitality, Impotuucy, Nttfbtly UulKlonc, Loat Power, Falling Memory, Waiting I)lcasc. anil all effMta of eolf-abuau or exceoaand ludliioretion which unnU one for aiurly, bimlaeaji or niarrliga. It not only curua by atarting at tbe neat ot dlaeaoe. but Is a great nerve tnnle an.l blond builder, bring lnf back tbe pink fflonr to pato rbeeka and re glaring tbe Are of youth. It ward off Jnunitr and Coniuniptlnn. Inal9t on baying RF.VIVO, nc ether. It can be carriad in vr-st pocket. By meil H 1 .00 per package, or ! tor SS.OO, with a poal tive wrlttea guarantee) to enre or refunt' ' be money. Circular froo. Addreae 0YAL MEDICINE CO.. E3 Rivor St., CHICAGO. ILI Vet tale ky Matthew Broa., Drnl' , Scranton . Fa. STILL IN EXISTENCE. The World Renowned and Old Reliable Dr. Campbell' Great Magic Worm 8ur and Tea. Every box gurrante! to give eatlafaction or rcouoy refunded. Full printed direotlona from a child to a grown pnit'.n. It la purely vegetable and cannot positively harm tbe most tender infant. Ioatat on having; Dr. Camp bell'; accept no other. At all Di ugita, Uic WONDERFUL BotJTH SrRAKTON, Pa, Nor. 10. 1694, Mr, O. W. Campbell-Dear Hlr: I have civen my boy, Freddie, 7 yeara old, aome of Dr. Camplieir Magic worm Sugar and Tea, and to ray anrpriae thin afternoon about 4 o'clock be paaaed a tapeworm measuring about Si fnot In length, lioad and all. 1 have It In a bottle and any peraon wtahing to aee It can do ao by railing at my alore. I bad tried nnmerou other remedies recommended for taking tnpewornie. but all failed. In ray eatlmation Dr. Oaniplwll'e ia the freatoet worm remedy In eitatnre. Your varv reanectfully, FRED HEKFNEit, T32 Beech St. Note-The above la what everybody aay after onoe uilng. Maunfacturoil by U w. Campbell, Lanountor, l'a. Buccoaaor to Dr John Cam pboll Bon. W. L, Douclag Vl OnWaaeNOaaOCAKINOL 5. CORDOVAN. FfttNCHAENAMEUEOOALT ' 90.VPQLICE.3SOUS. 2.L7JBOYiSCH!)0iiHflSi LADIES 8EN0 F0H CATAlMVa WLDOUaUAS, BROCKTON. MAS. Yea cae eave eaey by pnrcaaalaf W. ta Uauglae ahaee, , , . Benin, we are tbe Urf eat manufactorer of adverUied hoe In the world, and guarantee the value by tamping tha name and price rleea for the value Etven any other make. Take no iibtttui. Ji year dealer cannot aappiy you, w caa. awtany E.J.LEONARD. mm nw naCotTpia ""'lerVVrV nan njuinem va ii jtn nrniaviB win ata-ainH man price and the middleman' profit. Oorahoe equa euatom work in tyle, ensy nttlag ana wearing qualUlea. We have them aold every where at lower niice for tha value Etven than ed MADE EXCLUSIVELY BY (Action TO our patrons: Washburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their many pate rons that they will this vear hold to their usual custom of milling STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and owing to the excessively dry weather many millers are of the opinion that it is already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will take no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully threo months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every detail of milling has placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'s flour far above other brands. e MM i MEGARGEL Wholesale Agents. b ICON MAKERS' 1 HolTlFast , SU,ES- V I Steel Ccn- I IW fl Till All 1 tered, Self- ' r V Sharpening, .J I Dptiirh.thle f I U U L U v-' CALKS We have the following supplies of lumber secured, at prices that warrant us in expecting a large share of the trade : Paclflo Coait Red Cedar Shingles. "Victor" and other Michigan Brands of White Pine and White Cedar Shingles, Michigan White and Norway Pine Lum ber and Bill Timber. North Carolina Short and Long Leaf Yellow Pine. Miscellaneous stocks of Mine Rails, Mine Ties, Mine Props and Mine Supplies in general. THE RICHARDS LUMBER COMPANY COMMONWEALTH BUILDING, SCRANTON, PA. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURINGCO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA., Manufacturers of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. is DMda rellablt, uepueiiarugaiasuia aeaaw, u;a.iiiaiuiii,H Dr. Poaro Pennyroyal Pilla Tier are wrestst, aaia eertala la renlt. The leaalM (Dr. Peal'i) aerer alaaaa elat, Aaaree. rati aluioua Oetelana, O. For Saleby JOHN H. PHELPS, Spruce Street. Soranton, Pa. Comprehensive Line Spring SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS. Alio a Full Line of 9 m Scranton, Pa. Juniata County, Pennsylvania, Whlta Oak. Sullivan County Hemlock Lumber and Lath. Tioga County Dry Hemlock Btockl Boards. Elk County Dry Hemlock Joists ui4 Studding. General Office: SCRANTON, PA CONNELL ni rininiiiTiin EVERY WOMAN aaenthlr, rernlatln nedleln. Only hamlea n Pharmaclet, Cor. Wyoming Avenue mni