T1IE SCJUCNTUX TKBtnxiS ITTESDAT MOBISTSPO, VlTEBKUAKY 5, 1895. 400-402 Lackawanna Avenue, Scran ton. 400-402 Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton. FAIR Great -:- Alteration -:- Sale -:- Continued We Mention a Few of Our Prices for This Week BARGAINS. Linen finish 17-inch Toweling Apron Ginghams, best qual Indigo Blue Calico, best qual-l ity I irting Prints, Sh Unbleached Sheetings, 1 yard wide. i Bleached Muslin, 1 yard wide. Dress Goods, All wool, 36-inch wide, Dress Flannels All wool, 40-inch wide, Dress Flannels FOR BARGAINS THE Two Highwaymen .. . By DAVID WECHSLER. (These abort serial stories are copy righted by Baeheller, Johnson & Bachel ler, and are printed In The Tribune by special arrangement, simultaneous with thetr appearance In the leading dally journals or tile large cities). CHAPTER II. We rode on and on through the dark ness. At first my excitement-was so great as to render thougtit impossible; moreover the riding was of the roug-h-est, and I had' all I could do to keep my eeat. But gradually as I began to fcrow more accustomed to my situation, I was overtaken with a most dreadful misgiving. Th rider ihad hitherto seemed like enough to Dick, for I hud known he would do his best to change liis voice; and as for 'his foolish robbery, it was just a. piece with tils natural love .- Imagine My Distress. Df mischief. : But now I began to feel certain that some Imposter had taken his part; that I had eloped with another man and him a common highwayman. Imagine my distress! I could conceive of no method of extricating myself from the position; & sense of blank helpless ness, came over me, and I could do no more than cling tightly to the high wayman and await the event . We had ridden some miles, when he suddenly drew rein and dismounted, landing me lightly beside him. "Upon my soul!" he said, "here Is a pretty adventure! Heaven knows that I had always a passion for the unusual, or I should' still be a humble URher In BnyincaHter academy. Hut, tell me, What am I to do with you?" . 1 suppose I, had hoped against hope; to find my tears were Justified wa a disastrous blow to me, nor could I make any answer. "I .would not wish a braver sweet heart," he continued) speaking wtth nn odd and attractive perplexity. "But what have we gentlemen of the road to do with wives? Why, sweetheart, you heard, the promises of your guardian. He will surely do his utmost to fulfill (hem, end how should I dare go tol the gallows if I knew that I left you wid owed and' alone?' 1 trust a score of maids would weep a little if poor Jack Arthur went the common way; but God, forbid that any should remember him at a week's end. It may seem that I a Regular Price. was 6 cents, was 6 cents, .6 cents, was. best quality! was 6 cents, 6 cents, was. was 9 cents, all kinds iwas 15 cents, All co:ors Cashmeres, 36-inch j wide i was 25 cents, All colors Cashmeres, 36-inch i wide was 39 cents, All wool Cashmeres, 38-inch j wide was 50 cents, was 39 cents, Jwas 50 cents, am ungallant, yet I protest that I do not like my share In this adveuiture. Kiss me, sweet, and then fancy that I am old and very wise, and take my counsel, which is: that you permit me' to con duct you back to some place near your home. And yet I would not wish a braver sweetheart!" And then, moved by the kindness of his words, and his pleasant voice, I lost command of myself and burst Into fool ish weeping. "Sir," I said, "I am altogether at your mercy. I have done that which will shame me all thft rest of my days. But, Indeed, I thought you were another, my sweetheart, whom 1 should have mar ried tomorrow." I fancied he spoke less gaily than be fore: perhaps he had not hoped alto gether that I would take his sage ad vice. "Ho, ho!" he cried, "then my good fortune is but another theft to my ac count? I do not understand. You were were to have married your lover tomor row, and yet you entreat a stranger, und a highwayman at that, to carry you off! This is the maddest of adven tures." "Sir!" I said, "my uncle stands to me in the place of father and mother." The highwayman chuckled. "Poor child!" he said, and softly stroked my hand, which, it seems, he had been holding for some minutes. "Poor child!" "He would have me marry one whom I do not love, and I begun to fear that presently he would overcome me, and and compel" "The old hunks!" cried the highway man. "You shall marry whom you choose. Nay, I withdraw my foolish wisdom; pome with me,- and before the night is here again you shall be Mis tress Arthur. Believe me," he added with a pretty conceit "believe me, there are many who will envy you." "But, sir," I Interrupted, "you forget what I have told you. Of late I have been closely guarded, for my uncle had discovered that I have, given my love to a yeoman of the place, and It was ar ranged that he should stop the coach on our return from the ball aud carry me away with him." . The highwayman, laughed loudly. "And that Is why you did not faint or scream?" he said. "I fell In love with you because of that, and that Is why I was so flattered at your suggestion of an elopement. But, what will the real lover do? Will he stop the coach a sec ond time , and find the bird flown? I warrant he will piny the part exactly. I should hardly be surprised to hear lie had let himself be captured." I could not endure his Jesting. "Sir," I ald, "I am In your hands, and it is small wonder you find my plight only laughable. I have made myself a show for all the country to laugh at. Never a peddlar but will be singing ballads In a se'nnlght about this that I have done tonight. Yet I could believe you kinder than most. I entreat that you will help me." He was sober In a moment. "Upon my soul!" he said, "the case Is one to puzzle a very Holomon. I would do much to help you, but I am not alto gether free to do as I would. To be frank, my Ufehangs upon my escaping out of these regions with all the celeri ty I can command. And my Jlfe But listen!" .. . He broke off, and kneeling,, placed his ear to the ground.' Then he arose, with a curious, excited laugh. "The adventure grows in Interest," he said. "Here comes the honest yeoman, and In hot haste." I listened eagerly, and heard far oft the sound of a horse galloping furious Alteration Price. BARGAINS. ! HOW 3 3-4c jj China Silk, all Surah Silk, all now 3 3-4c HOW 3 3-lC jj Fancy Silk for now 3 -4c j e. - . - Table Linen, HOW 3 3-4cj turkey red... l Table Linen, I10W Gc j i bleached and i, . 110W iC jj Blankets 110 W- ' , - 1A i, Ladies aud liC,: !: 110W 2Gc j; Ladies' Fur Capes. j; Ladies' Wrappers, calico and. now 3aC flannel was $1.00, j1 Ladies Hats, HOW 2CC untrimmed j HOW 3oC j. Boys' Suits ly along the rough track, which was then the only road across the great moorland. I saw a sudden movement on the part of my companion, and per ceived that he was fingering his pistols as he stood silent in the darkness. "Not that!" I cried, entreatingly. "There will be need of an' explana tion of some kind," he said; "perhaps you will undertake it. 1 confess I havei not a sufficient gift of words, and am a little Inclined to doubt wheth 'l' "Kick." I Cried, "All's Well." your sweetheart will be In the mood for explanations. Doubtless, as a g-.'ntl"-man of the road, he will ride armed." The sound of hoofs grew nearer. He was silent now. and listened most at tlvely to the approaching sound. Pres ently the rider was quite near. "Dick!" 1 called. "Dick! all's well, and I am In the company of a friend of yours and mine." A moment later he was upon us, and sure enough he held n pistol in his hand. He Jumped from his horse In an In stant and caught me to him; but It was the highwayman who spoke first. "Sir," he said, "I see by the pistol you carry that you take a very proper view of the situation. And yet I believe that everything may be explained. If you will consult the lady" "Dick," I snld, "this gentlemnn Is a friend. He took me with him, very much against his will, bpoause I asked that he would take me; and I did that because I thought ho was you. You know our plan. He Is " I paused. The highwayman laughed. "I follow, day by day, the trade which it pleased you to adopt for a single night. I anticipated you by a. few min utes. We are both of us tall men, and the lady took the difference at voice and manner as a clever disguise.1 I was engaged about my ordinary business when she appeared to suggest that I should elope with her. 1 will confess my good luck amazed me at first, but I was quick to embrace It; nor did I dis cover how far astray my conceit had led me until the very moment of your approach. We were endeavoring to devise a method of restoring the lady to her friends when you appeared to solve our dllllculty." "You forget," said Dick, doggedly, "you forget the little matter of the money and Jewels you have stolen." The highwayman started. ' 'Con vey,' the wise call It," he replied, with some tartness. But the only course is, that I should surrender everything to you; and then it hould be clear to you that 1 am no less than a messt'n'gcr of Providence to you and the lady-pa god from the machine." Dick was silent, his arm about my waist, his figure held ready for action. "The good uncle has been lobbed of goods and niece," went on the high wayman easily. "You come upon him In his dlntrees, hear the tale, and straightway go In pursuit of the thief the good unole called m 'thief and compel him to disgorge. In truth, the Regular Price. ! colors was 35 cents j colors jwas 69 cents, 1 Shirt Waists was $1.25, ..Av as $1.00, unbleached and was 29 cents, bleached, uu-j turkey red.... was 50 cents, was o8 cents, .was ...4 O0' ,r , ;was $10.00, Misses' Jackets.. .was 15.00, was 0.00, jwas $10.00, was 1S.00, trimmed and: ;was $1.00, jwas $3 and $4, .was 5 and 6.50, THE FAIR least the uncle can do is to give you the lady in return for his goods. For, though perhaps you do not guess it, you have shown some bravery tonight." The thing was beautifully clear. "Indeed," I cried, "he shall do no less. Dick, we will go back; and I promise you shall marry me when you will, and with his consent. Do you not see It?" "He ought to do so," said Dick, grudg ingly. "I suppose we must thank you, sir." "Oh!" said the highwayman, lightly, "there Is no need of llmiiks. Here are the Jewels and the purse. Hut first" he opened the purse and extracted some scraps f paper "1 promised to liber ate certain poor debtors, and that promi.se I must keep." He tore the paper into fragments and leaped upon his horse. "Farewell!" he cried, and vanished into the night. Nor did II hear of him again until he was hanged two years afterwards for a daring robbery. At hast there was one who wept at the news of his death and she a happy wife. (The End.) CURES Constipation. CURES Constipation. CURES Constipation. 1 write tlmt you may kn.iw . . tiie tuod 1 have receired from ACtS H. a a I ra all out of henltb nd suffering with cou- , , s:lpntlon aud biliousness. I Jtl tn tried othrr nidiiines, ' but tbey fulled t' do any good. , At Isst I bought a bottle of B. tJOWeiS.I B- B.. I had used It all I wont tu wnrK as well a ever. Gug Nklson, I liux 56,Irvinton, Warren Co.l'a Complexion Preserved DR. Hf BRA'S VIOLA CM Removes Freckles, Pimples, liver Moles,., BlaoMietdi; Sunburn and Tc.i, mal n tores the tklu to lisortl- nnl fnMihnf.ua. t-mimt,ii a clear aud healthy com-( preparations and pi'Hecily linrmlesi. At all druggists, or mailed ior JOoU Bead tor Clrculu, VIOLA SKIN 80Ar H.plr Incoa-anM- u a tin .rffjln Rei UMttM'tH IM HM, an wUml rl.i! for lb. LurxrJ. ADMliitw wa ao4 atllmmy ftw41 uud. ai 'ntni.1., PHoaJJC.nH. G. C. BITTNER 4 CO.. Tolkoo, O. uForsaleby Matthews Bros, and John Eaooawo t .-!,..- Mioic.i AiiTHoamia O Mram a Uiio, i CATARRH UFinAPHcneuRAijGifl AX 'Hi. ixnat.xn will euro you. A J f 1 3)tefciouurrul iHioa to nfftran 1 inflavnrii. MftiicaltL, orllA KFVIIt. Afmit 4mmrfla(r.irr. Anttfllctml , . ? . rcmnr, convenient lit carry In pnekat. Marly to ) on ana loiiiraiiou of roia, t'nntttiand Ira a frap.a lAvaMBnaa a.MU Jiill.fK'Ui'nm.mntcrdorinnnojrofiiiiilmt. Prler. fcLTf" lH.,,T.',."ll'r"w,"u. mall. UWQta. n7D.CU3a.ll(;klr.,)kmiHri,aic.., D..i OTTBirMja-rr'as MENTHfll 'rr" unwt and aafcit raoiMy fo MICH nUl. ail tain dl.aa.M. :,. Hoi .Hall Hhonro,nlil snraa, Hurna, our.. Wea4rrnl raw. n forPILKal. Prloa. S eta. at Drue,. r a m gHUurbyruiillp'rapaia. Adniyu wuhoTe, PMHn For 'Me by Matthews Bros. and John H. Phelpa, Alteration Price. BARGAINS. I Children's Black Hose, seam- HOW 20c. le'ss 5 to S4 - was 15 and 18c I Ladies' Black Hose, imported,! HOW 43c. jj regular made was 25 cents, i: Ladies' Kid HOW 79c. j; hook now. .. 02c. Ladies' Handkerchiefs, em-! 110 W IOC j; broidered HOW 34c. li ,. Ribbons now Mn. now 0,35 jj Corsets. now $S.O( now 7.R0 now 10.00 j Ladies' Muslin Ladies' Muslin T , p. , ! Ladies' Shawls ; now 5.00 now 0.00 now 09c. HOW 30c. now 1.50 j Ladies' Skirts J Gent's Shirts HOW ;2.50 Gilmores Aromatic Wine A tonic for ladies. If you are suffering from weakness, aud feel exhausted and ner vous; are getting thin and all run down; Gilmore's Aro matic Wine will bring roses to your cheeks and restore you to flesh and plumpness. Mothers, use it for your daughters. It is the best regulator aud corrector for ailments peculiar to woman hood. It promotes digestion, enriches the blood aud gives lasting strength. Sold by Matthews Bros., Scranton. OUR The Great Blood Purifier and Liver Regulator. 200 DAYS' TREATMENT, $1.00 COMPOSED OF And will prwltlvolv cure nil rllaeaae" arlalng from IMPURE BLOOD. bUCH AS Rheumatism, Kidney Disorder, Liver Complaint, Sick und Nerv ous Headache, Neuralgia, Dvs ricpniu, l ever und Ague, Scrota u, Female Complaints, F.rysipe. ' Ian, Nervous Affections, Catarrh, . and ull Syphilitic Diseases. M. HETZEL, AO EXT, 330 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Call and Get Circulars. STILL IN EXISTENCE. The World Renowned and Old Reliable Dr. Campbell's Great Magic Worm Sugar and Tea. Kvory h-.t (rtirrante d to eva FaMsfactlnn or mouey refundod. Full printed dlraflltons from a child to a grown pel ton Hlr.piir.lv vegetable and aanuot poaitlvaly harm tue moat tender llilunt. Insist o i having Dr. Camp bell's; accept no other. At all Drug glata, 2&0. WONDERFUL Boltm RnKTnv Pa . Wat. 1(1 IftOi. Mr. V. W. Ctmwbfll-Uoar Blr: 1 bar given my boy, Freddie. T years old, some of Dr. Cauinlaftli' Mairle W.irm Kuirar and Tea. Slid to my surprise th.s afternoon about I o'clock ha passed a tapeworm Pious irltig about .") feet III length, lieud and a 1. 1 hav It iu a bottlo and suv person wishing to aea It ran 4 so by calling ut my eiore. I had tried numerous other remedies recommended f..r inking tapeworms, but all fullod In my estimation Dr. Campbell's is I ha greatest worm remedy In existence. Yours r.-rv reaneetfullr. FltrCD HKFFNEIl, 732 Borrh SU . Nots-Ths above Is what everybody says after once n-lng. Manufactured by C W, Campbell. Lancaster, Pa. tiuccessor 14 Dr. Joint laiopbell Ok kon. i m Regular Price. Gloves. Foster! Vas 1.00, Ladies' Handkerchiefs, all 1 kinds jwas 5 cents, ...vas 25 centsnow 12 l-2c jwas 5 cents per yard, ! was 10 cents per yard, "Us cenis per yara, was 50 cents, was 75 cento, was 1.00, Underwear ,was 50 and 65c, Underwear.. ...jwas 89c and$i, 'was $2.60, was 4.00, I was 0.0O, .was 50 cents, and Drawers (was 50 cents, Ami all who suffer from Ktrve Struln, Nervous Uvtilllty, Krrors of Youth, etc., ivail the KymptoniH cuIIIiik for treatment by a Hperlallst. I ilKoidei'H of Sleen. Nerve Strain. Morbid , llilhltK. Nerve ICxiia list loll. Hrenmue und i .nn in me ni'uu, raoiimuveiiesN 111 inr Hialp, lncitiuu-lty for MelhoillriU Mentul Work, WeukiM'SH of Vixlnn ami a Keellnir of Pressure In the Kyes, Depression of the Mlml, a Keellnir of Anxiety, Sensation of Dizziness, (Seneral Ho. Illy Weakness, Poor Appetite, Constipation, Poor t'ireulatlon. Nervous Palpitation, an I'naecountable Dreml or Fear, Pain in the Hack und l.lnibs, Kxeltable, Constant Stale of Pu rest, etc., etc. If yon have these symp toms or a majority of them, see a Spe cialist at once. For threatened Hraln SoCtenlntr. due to excesses of any kind, call on a Specialist. In all cases of Chronic Nerve Strain or Exhaustion, consult a Specialist. All Neuralgic condition are Bimpiy ex pressions of F.x haunted Nerve Power. See. a Specialist. Sexual Excesses affect the nerve cen ters. The brain Is the great nerve center. Talk With a Specialist. Kidnev, llladder, Ltlood and Skin Disease. DR. W.H. HACKER Is tho only Specialist In Nervous Diseases between Huffalo and New York. Oflice, 327 Spruce street, opp. New Hotel Jermyn. Hours, 8 a. m. to li p. m. nr? RE VIVO RESTORES VITALITY. Made a Well Mar of Me. THE GREAT 30th produces the above eesulls In 30 days. It sab powarfulljr and quickly. Ou-M wben all others tall Young meu will regain Uisir loat uanhood.aadolil men will recover their youthful visor by uilni UK VIVO. It quickly and surely iwtores Nenous ncss. Lout Tltalltv, lmpoleuoy. Mgbtly EmlssloBt, lnt Power, Falling Memory, Wsstlns Dinesscs. ssd all affects of so If abuse or siransad Indiscretion, which nallts one for s'udy, bUflBrsa or marriage. It not only enres by ntnrtlng St the seat ot dlsrsse, but issgrest nertatontr sad blood builder, bring, leg back the psah sjlow to jsala rhoakasndr storing lbs fire of f oath. It wards off Insanity and Cosiumalb. Imlbt on ksrlag ItKVIVU.a. other. It oan bs carried in vest pocket. By mill sjl.OO psf package, or six for SS.00. with post tie writ ton guaranioo to enre or refond lb money. Circular f roe, Addivss '9YAL MEDICINE CO., 53 River SI., CHICAGO. ILL rot sals by Matthews Bros Drarjltt Scrantoa l'tv 31H nave yon Bore Throat, Pimples, Copper-Colored Boots. ASbes, (Mil Hores, Ulcers In Mouth, llair t ailing? ' Write lVk Kenedy Vm HOI Ms. aamleTcsple,e'blcnt,lM..fiir proofs of ou res. t'aplialSSOO.OVO. I'allciitscurednlneyeau-e Jiaysomiaajjdwenjo WthDa'y.W r t Alteration. Price. HOW IOC. HOW 15c. HOW 69c. HOW 2 1-2C now 2 1-2 cts. now 5 cents. now 1 1 cents. now 38c. now 48c. now 72c. HOW 38C. now 05c. now $1.25 now 2.00 now 3.00 HOW 3oC. now 2oC. FOR BARGAINS MMMWL ACADEMY OF MUSIC Since the appearance of the company hero Sept 'Ju, the requests for a reoetitlon of the performauue have been so frequent and con tinued, tnat a return engagement has been, etlected, WEDNESDAY. FEB. 6, When Harry and Edward Paulton's (authors of "Niobe" and "Erminie,") Delightful three-act operatic comedy, DO RC AS, Will Be Given by PAULINE HALL And a Talented Company of Actors and Sing ers. PKICES-Uallerv. Soc.j Balcony, 60c : Orchestra Circle, 7.ic.; Parlor Chairs and Or. i hustra. Si. Sale of scats opens Monday, Fob. 4. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. THURSDAY, FEB. 7. THE NAVAL PLAY, THE ENSIGN ASK THOSE WHO SAW IT WHEN HERE BEFORE. Bale ot seats opens Tuesday, Feb. 5. ACADEMY OF MUSIC FRIDAY, FEB. 6. ENGAGEMENT OF OTIS SKINNER PRESENTING HIS GRACE DE GRAMHONT By CLYDE FITCH, With all the beautiful stage setting, rich costumes and elegant appointments, under the direction of J. J. BUCKLEY. PRICES-Lowor Floor. $1.60, $1,00 and TSo.S Balcony, 50c.: Gallery, 25c. Sale of seats opeoi Wednesday, 9 a. iu. DAVIS' THEATER Monday, Tueaday and Wedneaday, Feb. 4, S and 6, 1895. will. A MERRY INTERVAL OF MIRTH AND MUSIC Presented by a Comiwny of Artists culled from the best vaudeville talent of the Ameri can and European capitals. ADMISSION, 10, 20 OR 30 CENTS Two performances dally at .3J and 8. 15 p. m, KEXT ATTRACTION ; MIssTelephonia." II ROOF TINNING AND SOLDERING All done away with by the use of HART MAN'S PATENT PAINT, which constate of Inaredienls well-known to all. It oan be applied to tin, galvanised tin, sheet froa roofs, also to brick dwellns;s. which will r. re vent absolutely any crumbling, crack ng or breaking of the brick. It will out last tinning of any kind by many years, and It's cost does not exceed one-fifth that of tho cost of tinning. Is sold by the Jos) or pound. Contracts taken by , . ANTONIO HAKTMAAN. $27 Birch ft. i
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