THE BCEANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 5, 1895. TALES OF TWO HUSTONS News of Interest to Readers Up and Down tbc Valley. COMIXG MUNICIPAL ELECTION An Inciting Runaway on Main Street. Th. Coming Basket Ball Contest. . Uurrls Property Sold Personal and Other Hits of Mews. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Plttston, Fa., Feb. 4. The voters ot Plttston now haVe It in their hands to elect to our new municipal offices men who are qualified and who are worthy of the trusts which will be placed be fore them. The delegates of the dif ferent conventions have pluced on each ticket names of men who have the best Interests of the community In view, nnd will pledge themselves to promote ithe general welfare of the public ut large. It Is essential to the prosperity nf our new city that men who have lut forth their beat energies In effect ing the change In our government be placed In positions to still carry on the grand work already commenced. While A. Kaufman, a Polish merch ant of Exeter, was driving tip North Alain street this afternoon his horse became unmanageable near the Sin clair House. The driver was thrown from thev wagon near tho Davenport mill. The horse attempted to cross the ferry brltlga, but in Its excitement sprang over the railing and alighted on the Lehigh Valley tracks below. fThe horse was led up the Carbondale road to the front of the bridge, where lie dropped dead. All regularsubscrlptlons of th Scran ton Tribune will be received at our local oflice, 8 South Main street. The next gymnastic exhibition of the Young Men"s Christian association will take place- at Armory hall Feb. 28. Our hoys will vie with the team from Vllkes-Barre In the game of basket ball. Otis Skinner, who will appear In "His Oraoe de Grammont" on the boards of Music hall next Wednesday evening, was u recipient of many social atten tions while on his tour through the south. Mr. Skinner is an artist In his Imitations of the characters of the time of Charles II. This high class enter tainment will be a treat to the theater Boers of l'lttston, as It has not been here for some four or five seasons. All complaints of non-delivery of The Tribune should be reported at local office, 8 South Main street. No. 8, 1,0, 14 and Burnum collieries of the Pennsylvania Coal company will work this week. All others will be Idle until further notice. Daniel Shelby, manager of Waite's Music hall, died ot apoplexy at his room in Mrs. Weir's boarding house, 12 North Washington street, Wilkes Barre. He had suffered with the dis ease for a long time. Mr. Shelby, whose correct name was Matchett, was about 60 years of age and was widely known among theatrical and circus men of the country. The deceased leaves a wife, who Is leading lady In the "RobinHood" company. Miss Drake, of Delaware avenue, Is Visiting friends at P.ochester, N. Y., for a few days. General Mine Superintendent W. G. Thomas today purchased through the real estate agency of P. H. Banker, ithe I. F. Harris property located on Phila delphia avenue for a consideration of P. J. Conners, of Binghamton, N. Y., Is home for a few days. S. M. Park, esq., was a visitor in Wllkes-Barre today. George G. Brooks, of Scranton, was in town on Saturday. Williams. Neville and wife, of Bing hamton, N. Y., are the guests of the family of Burgess Maloney. Eleanor Williams, of Plymouth, spent Sunday with Miss Jennie Hughes, on the West Side. Contributions of news will be thank fully received at The Tribune's local office. Mr. and Mrs. W. Marrlnan, of Bing hamton, N. Y., are the guests of Mrs. M. Conners, on Parsonaige street. Regular monthly meeting of the city council was held lrist evening. Little business of importance was transacted. WAVKKLY. John A. Flk is seriously ill at his home at Lily la.e. Ex-Mayor John H. Fellows, of Scran ton, was a visitor here last week. F. H. Bailey. E. S. Calkins and MlM Ruth Perry attended the concert of the ninth an-iiml Musical alliance conven tion at Nicholson last Friday nigh. Miss Orace ThompMon, of CampCown, Bradford county, in tha guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Elkss, Jr. J. A. C. Stone Is con Until to the house tiy a carbuncl. Patrick Harding, the efficient tonsorl al artist, who has been located here for the past eight months, has returned to his home at Providence, The Rev. A. Bergen Browe, of the Baptist church, and Rev. F. H. Parson, of the Methodist Episcopal church, held services at their respective plaoes of worship last Sunday morning to small congregations, owing, no doubt, to the prevailing-diphtheria scare. George E. Stevenson, George Steeg, Harry Kennedy, Professor F. C. Han yon, Lucius Kennedy and Captain George Warner comprised a party that attended the performance of the Bald Wins, at the Frothingham, last Friday night. Owl nit to the prevalence of that i Nature's Kemo diet ofttimes poor ly flattered by chemical and dan geroua imitations. For five centuries Carlsbad has stood in the role of strength and health-girer, and millions have been cored by the Carlsbad Wa ter! of all sorts and manners of diseases'. The genuine Carlsbad Bprudel Baits are the . Carlsbad Water solidified, bottled and placed In every American drug store, to relieve the publio of malassimilation of food, flatulent obesity, catarrh of the stomach, and gives to all a healthy app tit, strong, vigorous flesh, a per fect digestion. Take no imita tions. Eisner & Mendelaoa Co., Bole Agents, New- York. ' dreadful disease, diphtheria, in our Im mediate neighborhood, - the Madison academy has been closed since last Fri day, and will 'be closed for the balance of this week, B. E. Parker has accepted a position with the firm of P, C. Thompson, of Philadelphia, as traveling salesman. Harry F. Warner, of Tlllary, N. G, Is home on a visit to his parents, Mr, and Mrs. George F .Warner. George Bailey and Claude Relpli, of Scranton, spent Sunday here with their parents, WARNING UNHEEDED. frivolous Citizens of Klttannlng Disre gard the Predictions of Arthur Kirk. By the United Press. Klttannlng, Pa.. Feb. 4. Arthur Kirk, of Pittsburg, who superintended the dynamiting of the ice gorge for the Ford City company, believes Klttan nlng will be swept away by the expect ed flood. He was here Sunday evening soliciting subscriptions to continue tun nel cutting to save this town. Citizens refused contributions. Mr. Kirk was disappointed, and says Klt tannlng deserves its Impending doom. Explosions of dynamite on the gorge shattered windows and shook so many houses at Rapton and Manorvllle that tho Plate company 'may be aued for damages. Blasts two miles away shook houses here yesterday. BOILER EXPLOSION. Four Persons Killed and Fifteen S.rlousl y Injured in su Accident at Providence, K. I. By tho United Press. Providence. R. I., Feb. 4. Patrick llehlr, 50 years of age, and his cousin, John Hehir, 35 years of age, Miohael Dury, and William Morton, a boy, were killed, and fifteen Injured by the explo sion of a boiler at Earl Carpenter & Son's ice houses at Mashaupaug this morning. At the time there were 100 men stand ing about the engine house waiting for orders to beg-In harvesting. The first cake of Ice had been carried ten feet on the run when the endless chain caught and at the same Instant the boiler exploded. The driving wheel was thrown 200 feet in the air and fall ing, struck the run, demolishing it. Portions of the engine were thrown 400 feet over the ice houses. Of the in jured Thomas Casey is the only one that Is thought will die. SITUATION AT HAWAII. Government Will Bo I'nable to Protect Foreigners Through Another Vprislng. By the United Press. Washington, Feb. 4. A batch of Ha waiian correspondence which has been In the persldent's hands some days was sent to congress today. Most of it has been covered in these dispatches, except a letter from Minis ter Thurston to Secretary Gresham, In which the department of state Is In formed that In case of further outbreaks at Honolulu, which are deemed highly propable, the Hawaiian government will be unable to protect foreigners who may be on the island. INDUSTRIAL TOPICS. The wages of the mine workers of the Schuylkill district of the anthracite coal region, for the, last hulf of January urvl the llrst half of February, will be 11 per cent, below the fc!.C0 basis. This is 1 per cent, lower than the previous month. The Lehigh Valley railroad men re ceived good news Thursday when it was announced that the pay of passenger en gineers and firemen running between Easton and Wllkes-Burre had been raised, the former from $0 to W.50. and the latter from U to $1.50 per trip. According to the Stockholder, the an thracite producing companies have made another failure In their effort to restrict the output to a limited amount. At tho meeting of the sales agents In December they agreed that the output for January should not be more than 2.3U0.00O tons. These figures have been already largely exceeded, shipments for the flrat twenty six days of the month having aggregated 2,S22.!t tons, or an average of 97,021 tons per day, equal to an output for the month of 3,0O7,6il tons. In the early part of the month It' appeared as though the output agreel upon would not he exceeded, but in the second week the percentage was largely Increased, and since then It has grown steadily. Shipments for the week ended Jan. 26 were mci,fW tons, an Increase compared with the same week of 18M of KjH.bgS tons. Prior to this WPtk there had heen a decrease compared with Inst year, but last week's Increase resulted In mak ing an Increase for the year to the date named of 144.931 tons, totals being tons for twenty-six days last month, against 2,377.603 tons for the correspond ing period In 1S5I. Coal percentages of the anthracite com panies In 1894 have been obtained and pub lished by the Wall Street Journal. The tonnage of the several companies three years past Is as follows. for 1K9I. 1813. 1KIW. WI.l Rending Ihlgli Valley Jersey Central Del.: lyork. ft West , J.u2 19.3ft K..88 12.5 It). 10.1 13.0 4.4 3 2 2.7 2.8 lu.r,2 , 11.71 , 14.19 , 9.0T, , 11.411 . 4.12 , 4.03 . 8.31 , S.M , 1.79 12.C K..0 9.7 13.3 4 3.3 1.9 lel. St Hudson.... l'enna. railroad... Penna. Coal Erin Ont. Western... Coxe Bros Susq. & Western. Totals 100.00 100.00 100.0 It appears that Reading, Cox Bros., the Ontario and Western and the Erie have made gains, while the Jersey Central, Lackawanna, Delaware and Hudson and Pennsylvania railroad have made losses, In Some Instances of considerable magni tude. The Lackawanna's decrease Is, however, explained by ths appearance of tha Susquehanna and Western as a fac tor, hut It Is none the less clear that the smaller Interests contorlng In New York have been aggressive at the expense of the larger com-erns. The gain of the Head ing is dun to the announced policy of the management hot to consent to any further reduotlons In tonnage under any circum stances. , Pittsburg, Feb. 4. Ths Western Now York and Pennsylvania railroad, cover ing C39 miletf of track. In addition to equip ments, will be sold tomorrow at in o'clock by the United States marshal. Tha fore closure of mortgages forces the sale of tho properly. It has been in th hands of a receiver since 1HK7. Ths company In management Of the road succeeded the HufTslo, New York and Philadelphia In 11X7,. Soon after Its organisation the road was placed In the hands of a receiver. Some of the stock was owned by east ern capitalists, but the greater part was controlled by moneyed men of Oermany and Holland. In 1KV3 ths stock repre sented $7,Hr,7,709, with corresponding lia bilities. The bonded debt at that tlmo was $al,lTfi.000. The first mortgage bonds amounted to $9,7M,00O. Ths rest were sec ond mortgage bonds. There has been some talk of ths Pennsylvania Railroad company buying ths road, but an offlclnl said today thst they did not want It Ths New York Central, hs said, might bid on It, but hs scarcely thought they were anxious for It, as they hnd a good outlet without ths property. The Alio ghony Valley would be most affected by any change which might bs made In th ownership of the road. It was stated this morning that more than likely the stock holders will bid It In and reorganise. Philadelphia Tsllow Market. Philadelphia, Fob. 4. -Tallow dull and unchanged. W quoUt City, aprlme, In hhds, 4a4'4c; country, prlmo, In bbls, 4a 4 ',4c; do, dark, In bbls, 3u.; cakes, 4 Vic; f raso, 314c. STOCKS AND BONDS. New York, Feb. 4. Th tendency of prices at the Stock exchange during the early trading was downward, operators having been disappointed at the delay in the bond issue. The defeat of tha Rellly bill in the house on Saturday lad to sell ing for both home and foreign acoount and as a result prices fell to 2 per cent. In tho llrst hour. After that the market gradually gathored strength and prices moved up everywhere from ',4 to 2'A per cent. The Improvement was due to a re duction In exchange to M.87'4 and 14.89. The return ot $560,000 gold to the sub treasury and to an unconfirmed rumor that the call for the bond issue will be given out tomorrow. In regard to the bond matter it 1s stated on good author ity that the call will not be mado publio until Wednesday and that the Issue will be 3100,000,000. Of this amount 170,000,000 Is to be placed in London, Paris and Hol land, and $25,000,000 at home. The leading banks of this olty have arranged to assist tho syndicate In making the loan a suc cess and will temporarily advance ull the gold necessary. The stock market closed very linn at or near the top llgures of tho day. London sold early In the day and then turned buyer. Its favorite uppeared to be Louisville and Nashville und this was considered significant In view of the position occupied by C'halrmuu Belmont in tho government bond negotiation. Net changes show advances of Vi to V, per cent, Sugur leudlug und Roek Island '. Oinuha Lead j, Chicago Gas and Union Puclllu Totul sules were 1SS,- 4SS shares. The range of toduy' prices for the ac tive stocks of the New York stock mar ket are given belw. Tho quotations are furnished The Tribune by G. du B. Dim mlek, manager for William Linn, Allen & CIV stock brokers, 412 Spruce street, Bcranton. Op'n- High- Low-Closing, est. est. lng. Atch., To. & 8, Fe... 4'4 4". 4'i 4 Am. Sugur Re'g Co. W 3 il'4 M' Chic, Mil. & St. P... W'i f.7'4 6ti', GlH Chic, R. I. & P 2'a 037; ft!i, 34 Chic, B. ft Q 714 Wa 71 K Chic. & N. W KtJS, 974 !KI 1V C. C. C. & St. L 38 38 38 38 Cun. South 49 4(4 ' Ches. & Ohio 10'i 17'4 ItiU 17 Dint. C. F. Co 87, 10" Ws Wi Delaware & Hud.. ..ISO ISO;, 129 12914 (len. Electric 29',4 3( 28'i 29!, Jersey Central 88 (Mi 87;,4 8'A Louis. & Nash M'i &W mi W. Lake Shore 137!, 137!H 137T4 137!, Manhattan Ele 10 li; 108 1094 Mo. Pacific 22 22 22 22 Nat. Lead 32 32 30H 314 Nat. Cordage f'i b l t New Englund 30!i 30!, 30 30!i S. It 10 10 94 10 Ont. West 10'i lti'4 ltitt 104 Phil. & Read 9' 10, V 10 Sus. & West 14 14 W4 13 Sus. & West., Pr 3914 SM6 3U'4 SH'j Tex. Pacific 9 , 9 t. Union Pacific i 9 8'4 W. & St. L., IT 134 13'i' 134 13'4 West Union 87'., 88 87, SIM, C. O. R 70 70 744 7f. B. 8. U 20'i 20 Wi SOti CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE PRICES. Op'n- High- Low- Clos WHEAT. lng. est. est. lng. February 49 49 49 49 May 02 03'., 02 02 July 03 04 031, 03 OATS. February 20 2(1 2ij 20 May 28 28!, 214 28 CORN. Februury 40 . 401J 40 4014 May 43 434 42:, 43 July 42!, 43 42 43 LARD. May .53 C.C7 C.u5 6.57 PORK, May 9.90 9.93 S.87 9.90 Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quo tutlons. No. Par Shs. Val. STOCKS. Bid. Ask. 78 100 Allegheny Lum'r Co 100 4 Crystal Lake Water Co 400 ..... CO 100 Cent. Penn. Tel. & Supply Co 100 20 00 Dime Dep. & Dis. Hank 62 TO 10 100 First Nat'l Bunk COO 6 100 First National Bank (Carbondale) 250 20 100 Green R'ge Lum'r Co .... 110 100 10O Luck a. Lumber Co... 110 ..... G 100 Lacka, Trust & Safe Deposit Co 140 150 5 100 M. & M. Savings Bank (Carbondale). 140 225 JO DO Providence & Ablng- ton Turnpike Co.... 85 E 100 Scranton Glass Co 00 10 1(10 Scran Savings Hank 200 ..... 2 100 Scra'n Jar and Stop per Co 00 1 100 Scra'n Axle Works 75 10 100 Scra'n Lace Cur. Co 70 C 100 Scranton Forging Co 100 110 00 100 Spring Brook Water Co 100 25 100 Third Nat'l Bunk... 350 5 1U0 Nat'l Boring & Drill ing Co., IT 100 45 100 Thuron Coal I .und Co .... 90 20 50 Scranton and I'otts- vllle Coal Co 37 00 200 00 Scranton Trnc. Co 11 0 10O Traders' Nat'l Batik 120 BONDS. 6 000 Scranton Glass Co 000 2 ' too Econ'y Steam Heat & Power Co.... 000 Traders' National Bank stock sold at $120 yesterday. New York Produce Market. New York. Feb. 4. Flour Dull, weak; winter wheat, low grades, $1.9Vu2,30; do. fair to fancy, t2.35a2.7i; do. patents, $2.U0a S; Minnesota Icear, 2.25a2.C0; do. straights, t:ln3.25; do. patents, t3.2Tiat; low extras, tl.9oa2.30; city mills, 3.20u3.35: do. patents. Jla4.1.'i. Wheat Dull, easier, closing nteady; No. II red stors and elevator, 56',4c j afloat, 03c; f. o. b., 07iiar8c; un graded red, IViuutlc, ; No. 1 northern, Mi'4c. ; options closed Bteady; No. 2 red February, 00'ic; March, 07'ic; May, 57c; June, W'kc; July, B8c; August, 08c. Corn Dull, steady; No. 2, 4'Hiu lO'iC elevator; 47'4n48c. afloat; ungraded mixed, 48c; steamer mixed, 4ua47e.; No. 3, 4h'1B4fi'ic ; options dull and steady; February, 40V.; May, 4t!c; July, 47.,c. Oats Dull, steady; options dull, weaker; February, 32c; May, S2ftc: No. 2, 33a34c; No. 2 white, 3.,;ic; No. 2 (.'litcago. S4'4a4'c. ; No. 3, 32c; No. S white, D5c; mixed west ern, 83'ia.Hio. ; white state and western, 8tta40',4c Beef-quiet: family, S0.75al2; ex tra mess, I7.llf.a7.7ri. Beef Hams Dull; HO. Tlerced Heef-Inactive; city extra India mess. J12.MaH.M). Cut Meats Dtdl, steady; pickled bellies, 5'jiric; do. shoulders, 4'tl'to.; do, hnnis, 7'aXo. ; mid dles, nominal. I Ard Quiet, easier; west ern steam, t'i.70, bid; city, 6c; February. 10.75, asked: May, SA.90, nominal; rellnud, quiet; continent, $7.35; South America, 17.00; compound, OaO'ic Pork Dull; moss, tll.35n11.75, ltutter quiet, fancy steady; state dairy, 10a 18c. do, creamery, 14a2lc. ; Pennsylvania do., 4a2lc; western dairy, lOnlOc,; do. creamery, 14n24c; do. factory, Dalle; rolls. Ral4c; Elgin, 24c; Imita tion creamery, 10al8a.; Jun rreamery, 11 n20c. Cheese Quiet, choice steady; statu large, Unlike; do, fancy colored, llc.; do. white, 10a1lc; do. small, ttVlll)e. ; part skims, 3u9c ; full skims, l'fcalV. Eggs Light recelpns, firmer; alnt and Pennsylvania, 274a28c; refrigerator, 19a 22c; western fresh. 27c; do, per caso, t3.5on5.50; southern, BGa26tc; limed, llal9o, (HI Msrkt. Pittsburg. Fob. 4. Oil opened and low est, 101 !4; highest! and closed, 10214. NT. -PLEASANT GOAL AT RETAIL M . . . . ..... , v obi or me D,i quality ror aomssiu vmr, win, vi an man,, aenversa in ailj part of ths city at lowsst prlus, Orders left at my Ofllc NO. 118 WYOMING AVENUE, Rear room, first floor, Third National Bank, or sent by mall or telephone to th nine, will rclv prompt attention. Special contracts will bo mado for th lal and delivery of Buckwheat Coal. WM. T. SMITH. 0 BE C OT A Word. want of all kinds coat that Much, when paid for. in ad vance. WHHN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE, NO CHARGE WILL BH LESS THAN at CENTS. THIS RULH AP PLIBS TO SMALL WANT ADS, RX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTHD, WHICH ARB INSERTED FREE. Agents Wanted. A0KNT8 IN EVERY STATE ON SALARY and couialwiiou. Aguntt msklng 116 to 140 weekly. KUHKKA CHEMICAL A M'F'O CO., La Orosae, V, is. WANT D - ACTIVE SALESMEN TO haudla our linn, 110 peddling. Salarr, 15 per month and n pannes paid to nil. Quods entirely new. Apply quickly. P. O. Box, 6J0K, H'Mtun, Musi. Help Wanted Male. OALEttllEN KhhlDKNT SALESMEN (j wunted, aonualntod with th local and ntsrby drug and irouery trade, to hundl our line of high grade cigars. Address, giving retorsnc., J. EDWAKD OOWLKtt CO., 143 Chmnboi'KStritat, N. Y. Special Notices. I.-'HED M. BERRY, NUHSE GRADUATE I' Mills Training School, Bellevue Hospital, New York. 11160 Monsiy avenue, olty. 1 AM NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH EX 1 lubltlnns and lectui upon any subject du aired. Tue exhibitions will uu Illustrated, having lu my poiueiuion the most powerful dissolving stereqpticons made. E. H. CALL, Tribune Office. YOU WANT THIS RELIO REPRINT Frank Leslie's Illustrated Week.y War Illustrations lHOI-letVi. Two Volume Folio, $10.50; payable monthly, 12.00. Delivered by express complete, Prepaid. Addiess P. O, MOODY, OIKUlUion street, Scranton, Pa. BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAOA alnas, eto., bound or rebound at Ths Thuiuns oftlco. Quick work. Reasonable prices. For Rent. XR RENT A LARUE, 4-STO I luiratKU Krankllu avenn: suitable for 1 wholesale business. CARSON & UAVIES, Scranton. 'TO RENT APRIL 1-ROOMS NOW OCCU X pled by Miss Kenny's dressmaking stab lishment. Apply at Muley's. I.-OR RENT LARGE HALL FOR LODGE 1 or club room. Apply at Piuley's, 610 Lackawanna avenue. X!I RENT BRICK WAREHOUSE WITH r elevator on L) L. & W. switch and West Lackawanna avenue. Scranton Stove Works. SUPERIOR MODERN HOUSE; AVENUC JONES, 811 Hprut'O; ' Ir-OR RENT FURNISHED AND UNKUR nisbed rooms at 500 Lackawanna avenue. F'OR RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON W EST Lackawanna avenue. Address THOMAS KEVANS, aoar 1132 Lusorne, Hyde Park. L'or rent-nicelVfurnished HALL F suitable for lodge rooms. JOHN JEH UYN, 111) Wyoming ovenue. For Sale. FOR KALE CHEAP BAY HORSE, SOUND, not afraid of cars or steam; lady can drive her; can trot in 2.3U; also good sot, nearly new harness, sleigh, robes, bells, etc Inquire ottke Dr. Reeves, 412 Sprac street, Bcranton. Physicians Notice. FIN NEED OP SOUAB9 FOR PATIENTS L we are large breeders of them. HAHLAM'S. 118 Cliff street. Dissolution of Partnership. JnTvRvTr"Si5 TM1E BUSINESS HERE i'OKOKE CARRIED on under the firm namo of Hodndon 4k Moalier, is this day discontinued. All accounts lor or airainst said t)rm will be settled by L. H. Mosher. We beg to announce that th business will be carried on under th firm nam of Mushor & Coioman. L. B. MOSHER. .1. W. B. COLEMAN. legal. IN RE ESTATE OF LORENZ HOCHREIN. lunatic. No. 583 June T., 1891. In the Court of Common Pleas of Lackawauna County: Notice is hereby given that a rule to show cause why L, J. Ilockrein, committee of aaid lunatic shall not be discharged from Ills said trust has been granted by said court return able at next Argument Court, beginning on Monday, February 1H, 1805. E. C. NEWCOMB, Attorney for Committee. Situations Wanted. waWed-IwahTm t V lady, position as cashier or clerk. Ad dress "CASHIER," care of Tribune. VrANTED hFtUATION AS TRAeTiNG VV salesman, bookkeeper or shipping clerk, with wholesale house; best of refereuc and fir years' xierlence. Address "UAL," Tribune olllcc. 1 osrrio by youao man as clerk In grocery store. Address Box 301, Tunk linnnock, Pa. SITUATION WANTED BY AN AMER? C? can widow ss housekeerer. Address "HOUSEKEEPER," car Tiibuna Plttston office. No. tl, South Main street. WANTED BITl'ATIOJJ AS TEAMSTER; married man, 24 years old ; Address H. D. WILLIAMS, 4U Putnam street, Sorauton. S" TtUATION WANTED-M AN 28; USEFUL any kind of work: very low wages until times Improve. ARTHUR HALM, General Delivery, Herantnn, Pa. STEMW1Y t SON DECKER BROTHERS nd KMNICH t BACK Others STULTZ I BAUER PIANOS Also a large stock of first-class ORGANS MUSICAL HERCHANDISB, MUSIC, ETC. m A Dldd Mots la tb BkaUs trad has st tn and It 111 pay yon to usmln th (took of JURHCH'B, atiU spi-uo trk Fin lip of superior pocket cutlery, rasors, etc. for Hole day trad, Guns sad ammunition at bottom flsures. Alto some second hand h4 at prises that will Mtonisk you.Slag I Ulitriai N.A.HULBERrS nil WYOMING AVE, SCRANT0M. 1 Connolly & Wallace LADIES' (1SLI ID In Our Cloak Parlors. The Most Elaborate and Ever Shown in Scranton. NIGHT GOWNS, SKIRTS, CHEMISE, CORSET COVERS, DRAWERS. Materials are the best to be bad and the workmanship is of the highest possi ble order. The advantages of this sale to you are evident, when you consider that prices are about one-third less than usual, and our entire Cloak Depart ment is devoted to the display, where you can take plenty of time in making your selections. , CONNOLLY & WALLACE, 20couHoue, Keystone IS NOW TUT OnnJIIITnil DrnnillO On 602 and me ounHiiiun dluuihu uu., PRICES 1 in Ik OF SCRANTON. CAPITAL - WILLIAM CONN ELL, President. GKO. H. CATLIN, Vice-President. WILLIAM U. PECK, Cashier. DIRECTORS: William Council. James Arcbbsld. Al fred Hand. Ueorss II. Catlln, Henry Bella, Jr., William T. Smith, Luther Keller. The management of this bank points with pride to Its record during the panis of 1893, and previous panics, when spec ial facilities wcra extended to Its business accounts. THE TRADERS Rational Bank of Scranton. OR0AN1ZED 1890. CAPITAL 250.000 SURPLUS, $35,000 SAMTJEI. H1NE9, President. W. W. WATSON, Vice-President, A. B. WILLIAMS, Cashier. DIRECTORS. Bamiisl Hlnes, James M. Ererhart, Irv ing; A. Finch, I'lftrue B. Flnley, Joseph J. Jennyn, M. 8. Komorer, Charlps P. Mat thews, John T. Porter, W. W. Watson. 116, and iIBERAL. This bank Invites the patronage Of bus man and nrms guneraiy. W. L. Douglas S3 SHOE NO MMKAHlNOk a. CORDOVAN, a.4JP0UCE,3Sous. LADIES "WIDOUOLAS, BROCKTON, MASS. Tea aaa aava ateney by srekaslaf W. Im Itasala hs. , pecs as, w are the laracstpianuraclurersof savsrtitea shoes In th world, sud guarantca the value by stamping th aaai sod price oa the bettoiu, which protects you against high prUc end th middleman's profit. Our shoes nual euatou srark In olvlc. easv Bttiua, aa HUM ,.H Wtsrlng qusllUfS. We have Ibem sold erery where t tower prices for th value sWen than any other mnk. Tk n aubmtttltt. If year dealer cannot supply yea, wcsa. told by E.J.LEONARD. DUPONTS hllNING, BLASTING UNO SPORTING POWDER U an a sutured at th Wapwallopsn Mills, L sen county, Pa., and at WU mlnctou, Dttlawar. HENRY BELIN.Jr. Qsasral Atsnt for th Wjomlng Dlstrlst. 118 WYOMING AVE, , Scranton, Pa, Third Katiansl Bonk Building, ' Aassriss i . TROS. OBD, Httstou, Pa. JOHN B. SMITH ()N. Plymouth, Pa, K. W. ainXLIUAN, WUkas Bam, Pa. Asants for the Hvpaana UhanUual Uuhh boay's iligh Szplosivea, - THE CELEBRATED ed MADE EXCLUSIVELY BY GREATLY REDUCED. (Action TO our patrons: Washburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their manv pat rons that they will this year hold to their usual custom of milling S1RICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop Is fully cured. New wheut is now upon the market, and owing to the excessively dry weuther many millers aro of the opinion that it in already cured, and In proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will take no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully three months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every detail of milling haa placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'s 'flour far above other brands. MEGABGEL Wholesale Agents. WAGON MAKERS' MM V) h!5soee ( CALKS - We have the following supplies of lumber secured, at prices that warrant us in expecting a large share of the trade : Paclflo Coast Red Cedar Shingles. "Victor" and other Michigan Brands of White Pine and White Cedar Shingles, Michigan White and Norway Pine Lum ber and BUI Timber. North Carolina Short and Lone Leaf Yellow Pine. Miscellaneous stocks of Mine Rails, Mine Ties, Mine Props and Mine Supplies in general. THE RICHARDS LUMBER COMPANY COMMONWEALTH BUILDING, SCRANTON, PA. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURINGCO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA., Manufacturers of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. aeneraJ office: SCRANTON, PA. EVERY WOMAN tsttsalaiis ail a rllbl, awnthlr, wtslstol mcdlclo. 01 bamlaacil tapmtarugasauidBi. T won! th ban, gt Dr. PcaPc Pennyroyal Plllo Tlty ass anast, safe as cwtala In nralt. Tk mls (Dr. frsal's) tTsriiaasi Fer Salaby JOHN H. PHELPS, 8pmoa Straatt Scranton. Pa. ERWEAR Comprehensive Line Spring 604 Lackawanna Avenue, Cor. Adams Avenue, CORNELL SUPERIOR TMLL OTHERS. Also a Full Line of llhT Scranton, Pa. Jnnlnta County, Pennsylvania, WhlM Oak. , Sullivan County Hemlock Lumber and Lath. Tioga County Dry Hemlock St odd Boards. Elk County Dry Hemlock Joists anal Studding. Pharmaolat, Cor.Wyomlno Avanu ancl una
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers