The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 31, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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Lackawanna Avenue,
Lackawanna Avenue,
Alteration -:- Sale -:- Continued
We Mention a Few of Our Prices for This Week:
Linen finish 17
Apron Ginghams, best qual-j
Indigo Blue Calico, best quality
Shirting Prints,
Unbleached Sheetings, 1 yard
j wide
Bleached Muslin, 1 )'ard
Dress Goods, all
All co;ors Cashmeres, 36-mch
, i .
wide was 25 cents,
All colors Cashmeres, 36-iuch'
wide was 39 cents,
: : . '
All wool Cashmeres, 38-inch
wide was 50 cents,
j All wool, 36-iuch
Flannels ...
All wool, 40-iuch
fc Tenant
(These short aerial stories are copyrighted by Bacheller, Johnson ft Bach.
eller,ani are prlntPd InTheTribuno by special arrangement, simultaneous with
their appearance in the leading dally Journals of the large cities).
Frank Ames' Discovery.
In the afternKin of the following clay
Viw biitly rt ("latlittte Warren waa com
mitted t.i thf tomb.
Deteetlve Mulligan whose total lack
Of Irish clinracti'riHtlcs HUKgcMed that
hf could ilinl another name for hlmsi'lf
by liK.kln'B In his family libit' held
what he culled a omference, after the
fwicra'l. Nobody tlse was present. He
opened the dscu-Hliin by remarking to
himself that OhurKrtte beat any woman
lie ever knew fur kit-pus a secret.
"Never did I see a corpse that hnd
less to say," he remai ked. "She walked
a con si durable distance through the
Biaow, and got her dress and her shoes
wrt, and (hen ulie partially dried them
bi-fore a hot lire (her dress la scorched a
bit) awl that's all I know about what
Blie did In thl town."
The lire he surmised to have been that
which had burned in the room whre
Ned Ames' liily. or flt least his collln,
had lain on Thursday night. But that
was guesswork. He had failed to find
Bn.y of the girl's presence In or
BJbout the Ames house. If she had np
proadhed the house in the usual way,
hir footprints had lxn obHteratfd by
those of the crawl thait had attended
the funeral. If she hail approached In
airy othur way, he could nut find out
vvlmt It was.
Ttwre was n,bo the puzzle of the
rewpon which had made U( h a pecu
11.19 wound. He had searched the Ames
house twice openly and once seoretly
an 1 had l.n'ilcd to find anything In It
which would answer the requirements
of tine Case.
liy V-'rtful (untlonlng of Horace
It idUo he had located the upot the
WtMds' where lh xy had seen Xed
Ami'iMir thought he had seen him
but the detective had not succeeded In
g.'tUng a eff-w at that point which
would guide hi in a single 'inch In the di
rection which the ihuntcd criminal had
It 711111111 be nimomlfored that the cap
ture of Ned Ames was desired for a dou
ble tvuMifl. Mulligan had been pursu
ing him forweiks as one of tha Hhrewd
wt active operators n a. leagu ? of Ngh
grade thieves which had given the Bos
ton polle no end of trouble. Kven If
InnowntJ f the "murder, the young
man'fl liberty was forfeit ito the law.
In view of thaso facts Mulligan de
cided to try It again 1n the woods, on a
ftrmawhat. different "lay."
Rev. Air. Warn?m had formed a very
high oTlnlon of Mulligan's abilities, and
he'.beMeTOd that big, heairty, plivasiant
raoed man, o dlfferenit from the de
tective of romance, concealed tih spirit
- iuch Towel-j
j was 6 cents,
was 6 cents,
was 6 cents,
bast quality was 6 cents,
!was 6 cents,
was 9cents,IlOW Oc ji bleached and
kinds was 15 cents,
wide, Dress-
jwas 39 cents,
wide, Dress ,
jwas 50 cents,
Narrou) Rods?
of the bloodhund in his heart, and
would yet track -the criminal down.
The clergyman grew Impatient when
ever Mulligan was out of his sight. He
wished to know very new fact ithe In
stant lit was 'brought to light. Only by
concentrating his mind upon the prob
lem ot detection could he keep his grief
wiithtn Ir. minis. Messed Is he who has
work to do ait such a time. Early In
the evening Frank Ames called upon
Mr. Warren, whom he found pacing his
study In eager expectation of a visit
from the detective. Frank brought
painful news. His mother had not ral
lied from the shock of the terrible scene
at the grave. On the oontrary, her en
durance 'had been so seriously over
taxed that, at her time of life, the
gravest results were to be feared. She
lay 111, and hud relapsed Into a merci
ful unconsciousness of her porrow. In
Ir. Maxwell's absence there wa no
compe.te.nt physlolan In Wllllston, and
lit had been necessary to teilegraiph for
otto ho lived Iih the Junction. He had
not then artllved. There never is any
lack of good nursing In a New lOngland
town, Ihowevur, and Samuel Ames had aibundant help for the bedside of
his wife.
On hearing this news, the clergyman
thought It his duty to go at once to Mr.
Anted' ihuuss. Frank remailiMd with
Anna Warren. .
At such a t'lme, when the whole vil
lage falnly thronged with excitement.
It may not be a matter for wonder ithat
Frank Ames llspi!niyed agitation. Yet
Anna, who 'was at tremendous nervous
tension herself, could not help remark
Ing upon the condition of her compan
ion. The pallor of his face was
heightened by his heavy brows and
black mustache. His hands trembled.
He paced the little parlor In the manner
of one tortured by the most harrowing
yioughts. I
"The sight of you," said Anna, "makes
ma regard myself as a marvel of self
control." . ' "
He wheeled about suddenly and faced
"And. the 'sight; of you," he said,
"makes' me lose what little self-control
I had before." t
His tone frightened her. Blip , asked
him with a 'trembling voice what he
meant by that.
"Anna," he said approaching her, "we
have been friends a good many years.
I remember you almost from the day
you were born, and I hnvc watched you
grow year by' 'year Into the beautiful
woman that you are tonight. .How
have you regarded me?"
"As a friend, certainly," said Anna,
"Have you ever had cause to think
ot-Vi rflse?" ' . .
Alteration Price. : -. BARGAINS.
HOW 3 3-4c ji China Silk, all
HOW 3 3-4C ! Surah Silk, all
now 3 3-4c i Fancy Silk for
DOW 3 3-4c jj Bed
Table Linen,
HOW 3 3-4c ; turkey red.
; Table Linen,
HOW -1)C . Blankets
' 1
, T A. , , ,r. ,T 1 . waa $10.00,
1 ' 1 Ladies' and Misses' Jackets., was 15.00,
110 W J C ! J was 20.00,
nOW 26c !
Ladies' Fur Capes.
j 1
' Ladies' Wrappers, calico and
nOW 3oC flannel Iwas $1.00,
Ladies Hats,
HOW 26c ! tmtrimuied
HOW 35C j Boys' Suits
"I'm afraid not," he replied, while his
lips quivered.
"I'pon my word I do not understand
you," cried the girl.
"If you could see my heart but there,
I frighten you. Yet I can't help it. I
have that to say to you tonight which
demands that both of us chould be
stronger than human flesh and blood
can be. Hometlilng has happened;
something that you do not suspect
any more than I did a few hours ago. I
believe that It gives me an opportunity
such as a thousand lives, if I might
live them one after Another on this
earth, would not bring the opportunity
of serving you in an emergency Involv
ing awful risks and the most harrowing
He spoke wildly, yet with such evi
dent, deep purpose that the gill was
startled into calmness. There Is such
a possibility, though few there be who
are ever called upon to know It by ac
tual experience.
"Tell me exactly what you mean,"
she said, and the steadiness of her tone
amazed him.
"You love Robert Maxwell?"
"How can you ask me that? 1 am to
be his wife."
"I know that, but in this modern life
It means but little. Do you love him
enough to do him any service that one
human being can do another? Do you
love him as I love you? Htop! This Is
no time to evade and disguise the truth.
Hear me out. When I tell you what I
propose to do for you my disclosure will
h.:ve to be made. You will know that
no motive of human conduct save love
alone Is strong enough to account for It.
1 have mild It, and there Is an end. And
now for him. Does your love answer
the test?"
"I believe," said the girl firmly, "that
there Is nothing he could ask of me that
I would not do."
"He cannot ask It. You must do It
without the asking. You must serve
him nt your own cost, and at your own
risk, and at once."
"What does he requlre'of me?"
"Hurely you must suspect."
"I cannot guess your meaning."
"Where Is he now?" ' ' " '
"You know well enough. He Is In
lioston doing bis best to solve the mys
tery of my sister's death."
"Can you believe It? Do you not see
thnt his sudden departure Is a flight?
Not a word! You must hear me. Who
resisted to the utmost the opening of
that collln? Who has been most diligent
In casting suspicion upon my brother?
Who, at the disclosure of the secret of
that grave which so nearly closed over
the most horrible of crimes, was the
first to leave this place? Already the
detective suspects him, but It has been
reserved for me to find the, absolute
proof of his guilt." .
He spoke with 'such appalling con
viction, that his words froze the heart
of the girl. Yet che found strength to
"I do not believe It.'! .
"Let us not waste time. Supposing
I convinced even you; supposing that
you could not longer doubt; would you
deliver him up to justice or would you
save him?"
"You cannot do It. Stay! I will
answer your question. I would save
him." .
"At what cost?" I . ,
"At any cost." '
They faced each other with uch In
tensity of deadly earnestness, that each
felt the other's thought as If it had been
a magnet lo force throbbing in the air
between them. , , . '.
"At the cot of yourself?" he de
manded. ., . i ;
Regular Price.
colors was 35 cents
colors 'was 69 cents,
Shirt Waists was $1.25,
SPreads extra
was $1.00,
unbleached and;
was 29 cents,
bleached, tin-
turkey red.... was 50 cents,
va? ....08 rents
90 Z "'
ias $4-
was $10.00,
was 18.00,
trimmed audi
was $1.00,
Iwas 3 and $4,
'was 5 and 6.50,
Again the awful calmness settled
upon her.
"I know now what you mean," she
said. "You have discovered strong evi
dence of Robert's guilt enough, doubt
less to satisfy you. In connection with
the old slander that Joined his name
with my sister's ruin, and, supported by
the strange fatality of his conduct, you
think that conviction would follow.
You have doubtless, discovered what I
know, namely, that his whereabouts on
Thursday night cannot be proven, be
cause he was driving alone on the road
that leads toward Lincoln. So the case
stands, and you propose to me that you
will bide the evidence which you possess
if I will promise to marry you, as the
price of It."
He bowed his head.
"What is your evidence?"
"If It is conclusive, have I your prom
ise?" "If It Is conclusive to whom?"
"To you."
"I am to be judge and Jury to con
him and sentence myself?"
He winced, but recovering himself in
stantly, answered firmly:
' "Yes; I trust wholly In your word."
"You huve It. Now for your evidence.
I have no fear of It.
"Wait it 111 you have heard. You
know that I suspected him from the
llrst. Itesi'lcs that, I believed that my
brother had really died and that his
"Coroo," She Sold, "I Must See It."
body was in the collln that I brought
here with me. I think there Is no doubt
that these facts will be established on
Investigation. You must know I had
some evidence of his death before I left
lioston. Against It Is only Horace Rid
dle's story, which you know to be worth
nothing. i
"The ense stood thus with me, and I
was confronted by the problom of the
disappearance of my brother's body. I
believe in fact, I now know that it
was taken from the collln and your sis
ter's substituted. Her full story I can
not pretend to read, but the detective
will do that. My attempt was o.llnd
my brother's body, and I have suc
ceeded!" To say that Anna. Warren heard this
statement with calmness would be to
pass the bounds of reason. Her heart
seemed to stop. Kven a woman may
doubt, though ordinarily she is spared
that misery by the absence of logic.
This disclosure removed Edward
Ames from the field of conjeoture. The
man whom she had believed to be
guilty had proven a" alibi measurable
only by the distance between this world
and the. next. Having been mistaken
in what she held to be pruotlcally cer
tain, her faith In all things was shaken
which is the way with women at
such exceptional moments. But faith
reasserted itself. As yet she had had
- 'iff
Alteration Price.
Children's Black Hose, seam-!
j less, 5 to Sli
110W 43C.
Ladies' Kid
I10W ?9c.
Ladies' Handkerchiefs, all i
now 02c.
HOW l.)C.
HOW 34c.
HOW Ml1.
gtyj Corsets
HOW .40
now. $n.oo
now 7.R0
now 10.00
Ladies' Muslin
HOW 5.00
now 9.00
I Ladies' Muslin
HOW G9c.
Ladies Shawls
now 39c.
Ladies' Skirts
HOW 1.50
HOW 2.50
j Gent's Shirts
no proof. The mere finding of the body
could not convict her lover.
Yet she, shuddered at the question
which she must ask next, and her lips
moved almost without sound.
"Where was it?"
"In the old Maxwell house on High
street," he replied. "It Is there now."
Her face was like a mask of white
marble. She put her hand on his arm.
"Come," she said; "I must see It with
my own eyes."
(To be continued.)
Gilmores Aromatic Wine
A tonic for ladies. If you
are suffering-' from weakness,
and feel exhausted and ner
vous; are getting thin and all
mu down; Gilniore's Aro
matic Wine will bring roses
to your cheeks and restore
you to flesh and plumpness.
Mothers, use it for your
daughters. It is the best
regulator and corrector for
ailments peculiar to woman
hood. It promotes digestion,
enriches the blood and gives
lasting strength. Sold by
Matthews Bros., Scranton.
Inmn ar tmi Hmnf Mhiih Arrwonm.
Thli Mmraoi will oar jnu. a
woDdorful booa to
from Cld, Sore Throat,
Inflneiwa, Rrucliltl.t
or II A If FtVEK. fwdl
immntUilttttUf. ADeHolenl
rcmerlT. coriTf nlfliit to carry
tn poetat, raaijy
LllV tA n.a on first Indication of eold.
I'onllaueci F.e Klraeta reman. at ci
Sttltfaauonfraaranteed or money rciUDdad. Prlra.
a eta. . Trial five at Dnitgl.ta. Reentered mall.
BJoeau. a.D.CDJ3Mllt,alr.,IkmLtwi,aitk,D...
UPNTUfll The iure.t and (.it ramerty for
HILVI1 1 I1UL alllklndlMa.oaJCi'irina.ltell.Sall
nhurfl1olrl Snratllunit, 'nu. wonderful rum'
dr for I I L. KB. Price, (ft et. ut llrui-D A I M
gtfta or by mall prepaid. Adflr.n a.abOTa. DrM-tll
' For tale by Matthews Bros, and John
W.L Douglas
e eunr itmicst.
3S FlNECAlf &KAN8AR01 '
3.WP0LICE.3 SoLEi..'
Van can tare meaty by -jrchaelD W. Im
Doualne Mhoee,
BccaitM. we are the largest ruiBiif.chireri of
lilverliKd shoei In the world, end guarantee
the value by lamping the name end price on
the bottom, which protect you agalnat high
prices aiid the mlddlemaa's proAuv Outehoee
equal cu.tom work In tlyle, aty fining and
wearing quallllea. We have tbem eold every,
where at lower price Tor tb value given than
any other make. Take tlo ubttltute. If your
dealer cannot supply ydu, we can. bold by
Regular Price.
'Was 15 and 18c
Ladies' Black Hose, imported,'
regular made jwas 25 cents,
Gloves, Foster
was $1.00,
'was 5 cents,
Ladies' Handkerchiefs, em-1
broidered was 25 cents,
1 wuh o ceutH per yard,
wus 10 ueulu per yard,
was UU cents per yard,
wus CO cents,
wu vscenu,
jwas $1.00,
Underwear was 50 and 65c,
Underwear..... was 89c aud$i,
;was $2.50,
was 4.00,
, was .' (5.00,
was ,.,.50 cents,
and Drawers was 50 cents,
Anil all who miffer from Nerve Btraln,
NervouH Debility, KrrniH of Youth, ele.,
read the Hymiitoiiis eulllng; for treatment
by a Hpet'liillMt.
Disorder of Slwp, Nerve Strain, Morbid
HubltH, Nerve KxhnuMtiun, 1'rennure and
Pain In the lleitd, SeiiNlllveness uf the
Siulp, lniiiiiiielly for Metlioillial Mental
Work, W'piiknePM of Vision and it Keeling
of rrvMNiirn In the Kyea, DepresHlon of the
Mind, a t'eelliiK of Anxiety, Beiiatlon of
Dlr.zlneti, tlenernl Bodily WeukiieHH. Poor
Appetite, CoiiHllpiiIioii, Poor I'lnuilntlon,
Nervoua Palpitation, an rnnocoiintHliU'
Dread or l-'ear. Pain in the Bark and
Limbs, Kxeltable. Constant Slate of t'n
rest, etc., ete. If yon have these synip
toniK or it niajorlty'of llieni, nee a Spe
cialist nt onee.
For threatened Hraln Softening, due to
exeesses of any kind, eall on a Specialist.
In all eases of t'hronle Nerve Strain or
Kxhunstlon, consult a Specialist.
All Neiiralgle conditions are simply ex
pressions of Kxhausted Nerve Power.
See a Specialist.
Sexual ICxcesses nfftfet the nerve ren
ters. The drain Is the great nerve center.
Talk with a Specialist.
Kidney, Bladder, Wood and Skin Disease.
Is tlm only Specktllst.ln Nervous Diseases
between Hnnalo and New York.
Oltlce 3i'7 Spruce street, opp. New Hotel
Jeimyn. Honrs, H a. in. to a p. m.
This Kamnna Remedy euros quickly anJ per.
naiiently all nervous cllreiiMif. such as Weak
kloiuory. l.o:nor Mrnln Ponor, lli'iio.i'bo, Wnto.
ttilnoKi, I.e.t Vitality, nlithtly eniloiuons, ovll
dri'mui. ItiiiMiii'iii'y ami wivitmu dlaeciiiied by
voiilbful errora or eacr.e. remain, no
online. I. a acrvn tonic and lilooil bullilrr.
Makes the pitta and puiif siroimanil lunii. Kuaily
onrrleil In eM pocket. l per pox I 'or . Dy
mall prepaid with a written guarantee to cure or
money refnndpil. Write us for free aaerilead
knok. .ent scaled III plain wrapper, which con.
tains testimonials and rlnnncml ivfnrnnoes. Ho
charge I'or vnp.llllatlnn.. flrufirv of fmOd
tinvn. Sohl h our mlvorllseil sireuts. or
NKUVUNKkWrtl.i Masonic Toiuplo, ('blears.
A I'olll.. H r.tu
Gunreatced rare for
atitl all ettiMiillUK silau'Dt
bulb of younir and mkldt.
auml men and women. Tlia
uwfulitteelsol OV 'THrt'L
ltcim1tsorinAtiilfinB, uuctn;n, producing wtatt
Iras, Nervous linnulty.Mgktl.v rniliioi.M,ruusuinptiou,
uiuuatr. rlilintiBtluif ilrslusaud loiof nowiT of tin Ucn.
erntlntOruaosunlittlng oucfer study, business and mar
lisvelsqulcklyrundbrlre. ItmlrlruesHpsaUb Ner
Urala Tby not only cure by sui ting attlieernt of ills.
eiusi,lut area great M ltVlC 't'ONftl ai.d lll.oou
111 ll.lf Kit, bringing back the pink Blew to sale
eh..k. and restoring the I'lltG 111' Yl I' I'll to to.
pstlrut. lit mm, ti.oo prr boi era for fswiuwnu
l.a aaapantee le ease ee pcOind the winner. Hook
(reaktaalakAarTeilralat'e., Ua.Mw lark.
For sale by JOHN 11. PHKLl'H, Drug
glst, Wyorulnv ave. and BpruiYnlreeU
19 OVMHi ions
Alteration Price.
, 1
HOW 10c.
HOW 15c.
HOW (il)C.
nOW 2 1-2C
HOW 12 1-2C
now 2 1-2 cts.
now 5 cents.
now 11 cents.
now HHc.
now Wc.
now ,. 72c.
now 3SC
H0Wr 05c.
now $1.2S
now 2.00
now 3.00
HOW 35c.
HOW 25c.
lUnder New Management)
And Every Nlgbt This Wee t 8 sharp.
No Matinee during this rcmarkabia engage-,
Marvelous BALDWINS!
Snperb Company of Entertainers.
The Strangest. Queerest and Funniest per
formance in existence. Prices 'Ji, 60, 75, and
The Original New York Cast,
Presenting the Rattling Comedy by
Miuiaffenient of l'HAM,E4 FRDHMAX.
JaimsT. PoA-otn, Frederick U obi n son. R. K.
Cotter, HeorK Backim. W. K. Shiitay, Ho!ia
Kinntard, Ka'lifl Buoth ami otnrs- The sim
conjitany and dotntiR whirli ennracterized tb j
oiiKHtft'inui.t uf KM) nipt) ts nt the BtMtidar i Th
uttr. a.V. Sale of beataown Tuesday, Jun .Sli.
prisoner "Tor life
A Realistic Molodrama, Depicting Life la
South America. A Truly Amoriuau Play.
Scnsutional Scenes ... .
Strong Comedy Situations
MR. HARRY Bl'RN'S in New Specialty. '
TwoDcrforiuaucoadail)' st3) and 8.15 p, in.
Next Attraitlon-"Royal Vaudevilles." '
Manufactured at tb Wapwallopen Mills. L
erne county, Pa., and st WU-
miugtou, Dulawar, !
General Agaut for the Wyoming District.
118 WYOMING AVE, Scranton. P"
Third National Bank Building.
JuHN B. HMITH 4 8(N, Plymoath Pa.
Agents for the Kepauno Ctiatuicai Coat. I