THE FCRANTON TRIBUNE THURSDAY MORNTN'GL JANUARY" 31, 1895. . TALES Of TWO PITTSTBNS News of Interest to Headers l'p and Down the Valley. STRUCK BY AN EKIE TRAIN Lazarus Boyd, While Coasting, Rcctcvcs Injuries That May Prove 1-utul-Dcuth of an Old RcsUtcut-Tho Traction Company Snow Banks. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Plttston, Pa., Ja.n. 30. Petitions ar,? in circulation appealing to the Judges of the court of quarter eesslons of Lu jserne county to appoint a necessary number Xt Citizens as competent and disinterested viewers to properly ex amine a.nd assess the actual value of all toll 'bridges and itoll roads within this county now uwned by private stock corporations, so that ithe court and county commissioners may, in accord ance with the law, iproceed to determine upon the purchase of all such bridges and turnplku property for free use of the public. Aserious accident befell a young lad named Lazarus Boyd this evening at C o'clock. When coasting on the hill at a upper end of Market street, the coasters cross the Kile and Wyoming tracks. Boyd attempted to cross this evening when he was struck by a train. JIls left arm was cut off, lingers of his right hand were severed and he re ceived numerous other Injuries, His condition is critical. Ablngton Collins died this evening at 7.30 at the -home of his daughter, Mrs. A. J. Stanton. He is survived by the following children: Mrs. Stanton, Mrs. Alex. MciDougall, of this place, and iMrs. J. Van Nont, of Scranton. Mr. Collins was 76 years of age and died f mm the effects of a stroke of paralysis which he sustained about noon. He was an old resident of Plttston. Mysterious l ire. Fire was discovered la the house be longing to James Fitch, located on the corner of Park and Kxeter street, be tween 1 and 2 o'clock this morning. The house was lately vacated and was in a dilapidated condition. The fire is sup posed to have been of Incendiary origin. Chief I.oftus, on an order from Bur gess Maloney, very suddenly put a tsop to the labors of the Traction company's men who were clearing the tracks on North Main street rhis afternoon. The offense was increasing the banks of snow already piled beside the tracks which make our street almost Impos sible to cross. The Daisy Beverly Comedy company Saturday night, Feb. 2, at Music hall in "old Maid Band." Popular prices. The celebrated DeMoss family, "Lyric Bards," at Music hall Monday, Feb. 4, for the benefit of 'the First Baptist church. This Is a rare musical treat and will be appreciated by all. Henry DeMoss will play tvo tunes on the organ while singing "Home, Sweet Home," thre tunes at once. George DeMoss will play soprano on one cornet and alto on anuther cornet, two cornets at once, also will play the guitar and banjo at once. Misses Lizzie and Min nie DeMoss will play duetts on the Col umbian hand bells. This is the twenty second annual tour of the Hards. Ad mission, 23 cents; children, ID cents. Company C's Team. Company C, National Guard of Penn sylvania, (has re-organized Its basket ball team with William Borer as cap tain; Charle Connelly, manager; Dr. Arch. Miller, secretary; George U. Buss, treasurer. Company C's team won the honors of the state last year. They will play a team of selected men of town on Saturday evening. The tleWet nominated last evening by the Wset Side citizens' convention, from what we can learn, seems to ac cord with the popular sentiment. Dr. H. L. McKoun, resident physician of the hospital staff, registered on Mon day last as practicing physician In Lu zerne county. A meeting of the directors of the school board will be held at the high school building Friday evening, Feb. 1. Manager rtosencrance, of Jones Bros., tea store, accompanied by his wife, was In town today. Joseph Archur, of Boston, was ad mitted to the hospital today as a medi cal patient. He is suffering from an at tack of pneumonia. John Cohen was Injured by a fall of rock at No. 6 shaft of the Pennsylvania Coal company yesterday. His skull , was fractured. He was admitted to the hospital. The Democratic caucus was held in Hughestown this evening. It is conced ed thai the Citizens' ticket will be em phatlcally endorsed. Tonight at Armory hall an exciting rame oi oasKeLDau oeiween the Scran ton and local teams of the Young Men's Christian association. George Lovell Is confined to his home with illness. MINOOKA. Patrick Gallagher, Jr., Is serving as a Juror this week. Patrick McCann, of Pittstonv circu lated among Mlnooka frlenda yester day. George. Fasshold has predicted a clean sweep for the ltepabllcan ticket In the spring election. The friends of Constable St. John are hushing and are' determined to elect their man. By a npeclal request the nautical drama, "Among the Breakers." wis Where Science ends and Common Sense sbould rule. Persons of seden tary habits are liable to indigestion or dyspepsia. These, in turn, will bring on nervous disorders, kidney com plaints, constipation, etc. This is es pecially the case with merchants, stu dents and scientists. They will give you the exact dimensions of Jupiter, the distance from Saturn to the sun, to a foot but thev cannot or will nnt tell themselves what will cur this train ol disorders. For ailments resulting from scdeo dentary habits Inactivity of the liver, habitual constipation, etc. the entire medical fraternity of Europe and Amer ica almost ( unanimously recommend the genuine Carlsbad Sprudel Salt and the Waters of Carlsbad. Eisner i Mendelson Co., Sole Agents, JSa Franklin Street, S. Y. reproduced at tha Father Ma"thew hall last ovenlng to a fair-fized audience. The different parts were well inter preted. "Andrew J. O'Haru, as Larry Divine, scored a big hit, , and was loudly applauded. The other members of the company did their parts well and deserve praise for their creditable performance. A number of specialties were introduced during the phiy. After the performance a social was held, which was attended by a number from out of town. A man, supposed to hall from Pltts ton, made his appearance in Green wood yesterday. He was in his bare feet and partially clothed. He refused to give his name, but said he was from PittBton. It Is thought that he la par tially demented. All news intended for publication in this department will be received by John J. Gallagher. IXUISTMAL TOPICS. The rittsburg Bridge company has Its plant running night and day on a number of orders received lately, ami the pros pects are good for several months of steady work. The Latrobe (Pu.) Steel works recently manufactured what Is said to be the larg est lire ever rolled In America. It was 101 Inches outside diameter, U Inches wide, and three Inches thick. The Sharon Boiler works are erecting at the Alice furnace, at Bhurpsvlllu, I'u., the largest boiler ever built In the She nango valley. It Is a Wheeler patent vertical water-tube boiler, of 4'JU horse power. The tin plute plant of the Kilwood Tn Pluto company, at Kilwood City, Fa., is now In operation to nearly its full ca pacity. Three trains of rolls aro running and the tinning department will be put tn operation very; soon. The Lehigh Valley Railroad company Intends stocking the trout streams of Bradford, Sullivan and Wyoming comi ties, of which there ure many, also all streams emptying Into the HiisuuehunnH, with black bass and other llsh. This will attract sportsmen from the larger cities and will In this way benefit the Valley. The New Castle (Pa.) Steel and Tin Plato company's mill will resume soon. The company recently closed a contract for the most complete electrical plan In the world. Extensive additions ure to be made to its plant. Norton Bros., of Chi cago, who ure to become partners, uie thinking of building un Immense stamping works in connection with the mill. During the year of 1S!U A. S. Van Wlckle, of the Hazleton region, mined over 4WW tons of coal at the illlnesville colliery and shipped 376,000 tons to market. This is probably the largusxt shipment from any single breaker in the anthracite re gion. The place was 1n operation 301 days. The Delaware and Hudson company Is having instruction cars placed all along the road to Instruct the employes In the use of the Westinghouse air brake. The Carbon Steel company, of Pittsburg, Pa., large manufacturers of plates and Hheets, recently received an order from a leveland firm for about 10,000 pounds of shp plates which were to be placed on a lake boat that hand been damaged. The or der was secured on a Saturday morning, and the plates were forwarded by express the same afternoon, Teaching Cleveland Sunday morning. They were placed on the boat the ame day, in time for her to leave the dock at noon. The order for armor plate which the Bethlehem Iron company recently re ceived from the Russian government amounts to 1.500 tons. The contract Is for un-Harveylzed plate, which will bo used on two warships the czar's govern ment Is building. Twelve hundred tons will be of 10 Inches thickness, and 300 tons of 7 inches. The contract requires that Urn) tons be delivered at St. Petersburg within seven months from the receipt of the drawings, and the rest In Ave months thereafter. The order will keep the great plant of the company in operation for"a year. Work on the armor will begin nt once. Coul of good quality has been discov ered In thu new tunnel which Is being driven north from the west gangway near the bottom of No. 4 slope at Audenrled. The seam was unearthed to a thickness of ubout one foot near midnight on Wednes day near the center of the face, and every Inch of rock that Is being pierced ever since discloses the fact that the seam of coal Is attaining greater thickness. The new seam is thought by many to be the Lykens Valley, the same as was discov ered in the No. 10 slope at Beaver Brook a few weeks ago. The discovery of this new vein It It turns out as expected will give employment to many idle miners. It means the development of a new co;il territory which will take many years to exhaust, Philadelphia Stockholder: "The anthra cite coal sales agents have decided to re strict the February production to 2.3oo, 000 tons. In February, 1!I, production was 2.2L'9,472 tons, and In the same month In 1893, 3,0S4,bi tons. Jt is evident from this action that the several companies mean to reduce their stocks In hand as largely as possible through the restrict ive policy, in this they display com mendable wisdom, for the trade's only hu. vation, in these dull times and sharp com petition, is to keep the supply on as near a level with the demand as possible. So far as could be learned, the session was an en tirely harmonious one; and It was devel oped, in the course of an Informal dis cussion, that the situation shows a slight Improvement, due, of course, to a freer movement of coal from second hunds to consumers." New York Produce .Market, New York, Jan. 30. Flour Neglected, weak. Wheat Dull, firm, 2c. higher; No. 2 red store and elevutor, D7c: afloat, ra Mftic.; f. o, b., fiSaT.O'ic ; ungraded red, na lilt.; No. l northern, G7c; options closed ilrm at a;a'4c. over yesterday: January and February, r.8c; March. fi7fiP.; May, rty; Jnue, r,$V.: July, 'Ii874e. ; August, &9'v Corn Dull, firm; No. 2. 47V. ele vator; 4'Jc. afloat; steamer mixed, 48'ia 47c; options closed firm at ii1',t.c. ad vance: January and February, 47Tdc; May, 4Sf4c; July, 48ljc. Outs Dull, firm; op tions quiet, firmer; January and Febru ary. 33-He.j March, 33c.; May, 3:le.; spot prloes, No. 2, V:tRWfc. ; No. 2 white, 3tia 3HV4C.; No. 2 Chicago, 34:V,a3IV-; No. 3, .WjC.; No. 8 white, 'STi'ic; mixed west ern, SIViRlfic: white state and western. 37a40V4c. Beef (Julet. Beef Hams Dull. Tlerced Beef Dull. Cut Ments Quint. Lard Quiet; western steam, $0.0",; city, M.Sijafl.XJ'i; January, $8.70, asked; May, tfi.HO, asked; refined, easy; continent, J7.?ii; South Amrelca, J7.50; compound, Bu5't Pork Dull, steady; mess, Jll.2.".itll.7fi. Butter Fancy creamery Arm; state dairy, loalSc.; do. creamery, 14a2lc; Pennsyl vania do., Ma2l; western dairy, IOiiKic.; do. creamery, 14n24e.; do. factory, Salic; rolls, 8al4c.; Klglns, Ste.j imitation cream ery, lOalSe.; June creamrey, liable. Cheese Dull, easy; mute large, miic; no. fancy colored, ll'ic; do. white, luallc; do. small, ttalllic: part skims, 8',4n9c.; full skims, 2c. Kggs Light receipts, firmer; state and Pennsylvania, 2"ia27e. ; refrigerator, Matte.; western fresh, 2,r,Ua 2lc. ; do. per case, J2.D0a3.fi0; southern, 24a 2.",c; limed, lCjazoc. Chicago Stock Market. Union Stock Yards, 111., Jan. 30. Cattle Receipts, 10,000 head; market weak; com mon to extra steers, 3nG.U0; Blockers an t feeders. I2.10a3.7fi; cows and bulls, 1.40n 8.75; calves, HaG.GO. Hogs Receipts, 44,000 heud: market weak and demoralized .heavy, J3.H0a4.15; common to choice mixed, 3.70u4.10; choice assorted. J3.90a4; light, l3.0aS.S0; plgB, I.1a3.7fi. Sheep Receipts, 15,000 head; market weak; Inferior to choice, )2.r0a4; lumbs, 3.2"ia4.85. Philadelphia Tallow Market. Philadelphia, Jan. 30. Tallow Is dull and unchanged. We quote: City prime, In hhds, 4a44c; country, prime, In bbln, 4a4Mic.; do. dark, In bbls, 80.; cakes, 4'4c; grease, eftc. , . . . ' ' Oil Market. Pittsburg, Jan. 30. Petroleum Ruling price, 100. For Colds, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis and Bore Throat use Dr. Thomus' Eclec trio OH, and got the genuine, STOCKS AM) BONDS. New York, Jan. 30. Operators at the Stock exchange were waiting to hour from Washington In regard to finan cial matters, and In conseiiuencc there wus a muterlal falling off In business, the transactions amounting to only 1:17,7 700 shares. At the opening there was some pressure to sell, but conslerlng the developments ov'er night the liquida tions were 011 a very motlerate scale. In the first place there was the failure of the senate fimince committee to agree; the repeal of the . differential duty on sugar by the house; the ap pointment of receivers for the Distill ing and Cuttle Feeding company, ind the certulnty Hint there would be further heavy withdrawals of gold from the sub-treasury, These adverse fac tors, however, 'had but little influence on the market. The comparative strength In the face of the unfavorable developments noted was due to a gen eral belief that negotiations had been completed between the treasury depart ment and a syndicate of foreign capital ists a ml national banks for the sale of one hundred millions of 4 per cent. bonds. Of this Bum seventy-five mil lions ure to be pluce'd abroad. As sistant Secretary Curtis' visit to the city, It was said, wus for the purpose of completing the details, and it was understood an otliclul announcement of the deal will be given out later In the week. This sustained the market throughout and led to n rally if 4u2 per cent. Jersey Central sold up 2 to SS; Chicago Gas. 1'i to 73; Munhuttan, Hi to WiV..; Lackawanna, lty to UN; Missouri Puoitlc, 1 to 21M:', Bay Stale Gas, l'.j to 21Vi; General Klectrle, IV4 to :!l'i8: Sugar, IVi ti ilO-; Lead preferred, 1'4 to x, anil the other usually active stocks Ji to 1 per cent. Louisville itnd Nushville was exceptionally heavy and on London selling fell 14 to 4H. Man hattan was strengthened by the report of the rapid transit commission ex perts and Sugar wus higher, notwith standing the repeal of tile 'differential duty by the house. Chicago Gas moved up on rumors of un early settlement of the Internal troubles. Distilling Was not specially uffected by the receiver ship. The range of toduy's prices for the ac tive stocks of the New York stock mar ket are given below. The uuotutions are furnished Tho Tribune by G. du B. Dlm mlck, manager for William Linn, Allen Co., stock brokers, 412 Spruce stree;, Scranton. Op'n- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. Ing. Atch., To. & 8. Fe... S 3i U Am. Sugar Re'g Co. SU'i W)a ' Am. Cot. OH 10 I'J'j jsi llHj CMc, Mil. & St. P.. D4 G!i D4U 6I Chic, K. I. & P 01'i B UlU 01 Chic, It. & y 7(i 71'i 701.1 71 Chic. & N. W Ik'.'i, Ki'a M7s &VHi C. C. C. & St. L 37 37'j 37 37' i Can. South 48 48'.a 48 48', Clies. & Ohio 10' lO'-i 10'i l'H Mats C. F. Co 7" K-1 7T, fi'i D., L. & W 1f'i l.'li 158 vm; Delaware & Hud....)2H,s 12S'ii N'i ia3 Gen. Klectrle 30 Sl 30i 3P4 Jersey Central S'i's 0 Louis. & Nash fmu 5o 40 4'.i'i Lake Shore lia 13L W Manhattan Kle UW'si WVs loOMi IW'i .Mo. Pacilic 20'a 21'i 20' 2U'i Nat. Lead '30 3if.j 2' 30-', Nat. Cordage 47i u 4 4a4 New Kngland 20 29i 29 N. Y. Central W H9 W 99 S. It 9 9 8-s Ont. & West l.V'i 13'i Phil. & Read X 9 8-- 9 Sus. & West., Pr 30 39 39 39 Tex. Paclllc S'i ' 8-'a I'nion Pacific '3 8r 8S, W. & St. I... Pr 123i Vl 12't 127 West. I'nion M' C. . R 7l" TSa 71 7;)',4 A. II. T 9i"s 93 Ktt, 93 N. P., Pr b'"j l"s I"' 1'A'i B. S. 0 21 2Ma 20 21'j CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE PRICES. Op'n- High- Low-CIo'-WIIEAT, lug. est. est. Ing. January &.3 fin's to'a ftm,, May &2:1, iM-'a " :i July &3:l4 0IU 03'3 54's OATS. January 2S 21 28 28 .May 27i 2.1 ZA2 29 CORN. January 40 41'i 40; 41'i May 4:: 44 4S'i 41 July 4::'2 41; 43's 43i LARD. January C.3. C.3j G.oy 6.a May u.ij u-4. u.iKi PORK. January 9.77 9.77 9.77 9.77 May !.7r, 10.02 9.72 10.0-J Scrunton board of Trade Exchango QUO' tutions. No. Pnr Shs. Val. STOCKS. Bid. Ask. 100 7S 100 Allegheny Lum'r Co 4 Crystal Luko Water Co 4D0 CO 100 Cent. Penn. Tel. & Supply Co , 20 CO Dime Dep. & DIs. Bank M 10 100 First Nat'l Unnk 000 6 100 First National Bank (Carbondale) 20 ItiO Green R'go Lum'r C'o .... 100 1 100 Lackn. Lumber Co... 110 5 100 l.ncka. Trust & Safe Deposit Co 135 5 100 M. & M. Savings Bank (Carbondale). 140 10 CO Providence ft Ablng ton Turnplko Co.... So 5 100 Scrnnton Glass Co 10 100 Scra'n Snvings Bank 200 2 100 Scra'n Jar unci Stop per Co 1 100 Scra'n Axle Works 10 loo Scru'n Lane Cur. Co r, Pie Scranton Forging Co 100 CO 100 Spring Brook Water Co 25 101 Third Nat'l Bank.... 850 5 100 Knt'l Boring & Drill ing Co., Pr 4." 100 Thuron Coal Land Co .... 20 50 Scranton and Potts- vllle Coal Co BONDS. 5 500 Scranton (Mass Co 2 500 Heon'y StPiim Heat & Power Co, ICO 50 110 50 60 76 90 110 100 )00 .17 DO COO COO Buffalo Stock Market. Bilffnlo, Jan. 30. -4 'little-Receipts, 1,710 head; on sale, 40 head; market opened steady with light supply on sale, closed easy, all Hold; venls, strong, Ju.fiOiit!.?! light to medium, 1, 150-pound steers, S3.HT,a 4.10; fair fat cows, $3u3.2r.. Hogs Receipts, 1,080 head; on sale, 8,000 heud; market opened dull, lower; late sales at S4.35a4.40; Yorkers sold early at S4.4i,a4.50, mostly. $1.50; lutcT sold at 81.40; good mediums and heavy, 14.40; later, $1.3.,; pigs, 4.4oa 4.50; roughs, 3.503.7f; stags, l:iH3.2r,. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, It, 400 head; on sale, 9,800 head; market opened 10n25c. lower for lambs, closed dull fur fair to medium grades, steady for prima lambs at t.i.50 for tops; fat sheep, 83.K5u3.7o; II f teen loads were held over; three loads of Cnnada lambs sold late at $5.50a5.60; chob-e to prime, t4.75a5.35; good. 84.4lHi4.ti5; fair to good, H.90U.4.HO; culls and common, 82.75n 8.75 sheep slow and shudn weaker; good fat mixed sheep, 83n3.50; common to fair, 82.10a2.75; culls, 8I.752; export ewes, 3.50u 4; export wethers, 84.15b4.50. Would you ride on a railroad that uses no danger signals? That rough Is a signal of danger. The safest cure In Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction. IUt too Bon Throat, Pimple, Copper-Coloied flpota, Aohei, Old Korea, Uloen In Mouth, Utlr l&lllna? Write Ceok Beiaealy Csnllot Mw (oaleTeaivle'hleBaeJII.Jurpiuohof mires. C pi tail fjAttOOO. I'dilenUourod bib r jBjgtjoinidnUOjiijfb CFEJTiConnoIly Word. vTmri-ia rAoti ipnif aiuiiT ........... i in r l TXT A TV. VANCH. WHKN A BOOK ACCOUNT IM IVlAUli, NJ CBAI1UIS VV , i-.Li ra ursao THAN 25 CKNT8. THIS RULE AP PLIKS TO SMALL WANT ADS, EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH ARB INSERTED FREE. Help Wanted-Malc - VJALIisMKN - Kl-SIDENT BALtSMIi-N O WHiiti'il. ncnnnintuil with the local slid nearby drug and tirocury trsde, to lmiidlo our liim lit. hluli grailo cigHrs. Addri-as, givliut roftirences, J. EDWARD UOWLKS a CO., U3 ClmmberH Ntruut, N. Y. Special Notices. T UK ANNUAL MEKTI v U OF THE STOCK In, Ulm nf TI10 Lackawanna Trust mid Safe Deposit L'uinpuny will be hold at its oflii u, 404 I Hcliawuiinu avenue, 011 Februury 4 next, from it to 4 p. in. HIONHV BKLLN, J II.. Heo'y. L'HKU M. BIJItUY. NITRSK Hit ADU.ii'lE I MBit Trni ,iug Schoul. Uullovue Hospltul, New York. M0 Honmy uveinio, cltyj I AM NOW PUEPAKKDTO FUKNISU EX 1 Inbitliiiis Mud li-ctuiu upon uny subjout (It- Hired. TliuDH exIiihitioiiH will bo IliUHtritte I, hiiving in niv iioHSussioii the ui'iftt powerful dissolving ttU'uoutU'oiiH made. E. H. CALL, Tribune Office. VrOU WANT THIS RHLIO RKPRINT Frunk LohIIk h lllUHtratod Week v War IHuKti-utioiiH lvlil.lHli&. Two Volume Folia $10.50; puyuble liioi.thly. $2.00. Delivered by express iunplte, Prcpuld. Addiess I. O. OlKjyjUl, HID UIOHUU hLIUUI, I7(TI HllbOII, rik 1)1. ANK BOOKS, PAMPHLKTS, MAOA J) ziniw. etc.. bound or rubound ut TlIK TlilltUNU ulllco. Quick work. Keusunublu pricuH. For Rent. OK KENT-A LAlttlE, 4-8TOKV BUILD iDRiitlitl Franklin avenue; auitalilu for wholeHnlo liuslness. CAUttON it DAVIKS, Scranton. 'VO HE S T A l'K 1 L 1 HOO.M 8 NOW OCClr- X uled bv ill in Keunv surctunuikluii' eatuo- lishuient. Apply at Finley'a. Ij'OK KENT LA ROE HALL FOR LODGE 1 or club ruoin. Aimly at l'iiilev. 610 LackBWiuili-i avenue. I'OH RENT -BHU'K WAREHOUSE WITH I elovator 011 D L. it W . switch aud Went Lackawanna avenue. Scrunton Stove Work. SUPERIOR MODERN IIOUBE; AVENUE. JONES, 311 Spruce. JOIl RENT FURNISHED AND UNKUK L uished rooms at 500 Lackawanna avenue. ?OK RENT-SIX BOOM HOUSE ON WEST X Lackawanna avunuo. Address 1 HOMAS E. EVANS, uear 1132 Luzeruu, Hyde I'ark. IOli RENT NICELY FUKNISHED HALL J Bultubln for lo'liru rucmi. JOHN JEK- MYN, 110 Wyoming uvonuo. Furnished Rooms to Let. 1)OOSlS-LIUHT AND WARM; WELL J I furnished: wither without board: 044 Wii!hiiigton avenue. No spring moviug. Drets Cutting OCRANTON DRESS CUTTING AND MAK. in if Hcbonl. Himlls taucht nil the brunch- os ofdroM cutting and iiiukimr. For terms call 01- address MRS. II. A TRIPP, 434 Adauis avenue. Physicians Notice. F IN NEED OF SQUABS FOR PATIENTS . we are large breederof tlieui. HASLAM 3, 118 Cliff street. Agents Wanted. GENTS WANTED TO HELL TO HELL THE I tin thrilling new book. "Parkhurst s Oruat Crusade in New York City." A complete 11 Iuhi ratud history of oue of the most desperate, daugurous and hotly contested battlen of mod ern tiuu-H, resulting in tne complete overturow ol Corrupt King Rule, and revealiim a system- anc oiuciai proiuciion 01 cruno wiuioui a par allel in history, and by which many million anuuidly wero taken In bribes. How tho bat tle was waged am! tlie mighty reMUIts aciuuveu. Prepared by tho Uintinguisliiid journalist, W.O. Ingiis. Esq., who went tnrough the light with Dr. I'arkluir.t. and with an iutrrduction bv John W. Uolf, Esq., leading counsel for the 1.CX0W iouiuiiiTop. i-rice. 91.00. 1 no ueiuanu is immense. Sale rauiil. Send at once 30c. for on tltt and limko big iniiiiey. Adiliess uuuiiAKLi run, cu., 4011 uace hu. riuia. A GENTS IN EVERY STATE ON SALARY and commission. Auents niukimr SS'i to J.VI weekly. EUREKA CHEMICAL & JI'F O CO., La Crosse, W is. AITANTI- D ACTIVE SALESMEN TO 1 V handle our line, no iieddling. Salarr, $75 por mouth and expenses paid to all. Ooods entirely new. Apply quickly. P. O. Box, 6.10, Boston, Muss. JLitgal DMINISTKATOR'S NOTICE ESTATE iv of Hiuinon larpeuter, lato of Scranton, Pi nnsylvania, deceased. Luttors of admiiiistration upon the above named estate bavins b-eti irrantod to the tin- dersigned all iiersons having claims or do- nanus against tue saiu estnis will present them for payment, and those Indebted thereto will make unmeilinte psvment to FANNlK M. ('ARPENTEK, Adiu'x. 100 Hiinih rsou nvo.. Scranton, Pa. WlM AIlll. A II KIN & KNAI'l', Attorneys for hsinte. Situations Wanted. POSITION HY YoUiNO MAN AS CLERK 1 in gr's-ery store. Address Uox 3dl, Tuuk ImnniK'k, Pa. ClTUA'riONWNTED'UY" AH AMEIt'" O can widow as housekeeper. Address "HOl'KEKEF.PER.'Ware T inline I'ittstou nllico. No.X, Hnutli Main street. ANTED SITUATION AS TEAMSTER; ..... .-l...l ',,.,. ..1,1. A.1.I..A.. II D. WILLIAMS, 412 Piitiia n street, Scraiitnn.' OITI'ATION WANTED MAN 20; t'SEKlTL O any kind of work; very low wage) until times tmproro. AltTHUR BALM, Delivery, Serautoii, Pa. CITUATION WANTED -ROY 111 YEARS 11 of age would like work nt nlinint any. tlilnir: is well noqua nted with city. Address 'C. J ," TtiOuno olhce. A YOI'N(t' LADY. STKNOGU API! I'.uT Would like position 111 lawyer's office, to gain extierioncp; salary no object. Addrcas .STENOGRAPHER," Tribune nh. SITUATION WANTED- BY A HOY AGED i 1:1: stenily and iiidustrliuis; will work at any tiling: leit ot references. AU.iress "II. K ," 1313 Plttston avenue, South hcrsuton. CITUATION WANTED -BY A YOUNG O mail to work In a carpenter shop or any thing In Hint liici: has had oMierlcnci with tools mid will furnish suinu. Address "GUY Kit." HISCnpoiise avenue, city. I OF SCRANTON. WILLIAM CONNr.l.L, President. UliO, 11. CATLIN, Vice-President. , WILLIAM II. PECK. thUr. DIRECTORS: William Connell, Jamei Archhald, Al fred llund, George II. Catlln, llonrjr Bolin, Jr., William T. Smith, Luther Keller. , The manaRement of thla bank polnta with pride to Its reoord during the eaaio Of 1HU3, and previous panise, when fa ial facilities were extended to Ita business aeevunts. A Iliil 1 SPECIAL In Our Cloak Parlors. The Most Elaborate and Ever Shown in Scranton. NIGHT GOWNS, SKIRTS, CHEMISE, GORSET COVERS, DRAWERS. Materials are the best to be had and the workmanship is of the highest possi ble order. The advantages of this sale to you are evident, when you consider that prices are about one-third less than usual, and our entire Cloak Depart ment is devoted to the display, where you can take plenty of time in making your selections. CONNOLLY & IS NOW Keystone THE SCRANTON BEDDING CO., PRICES OUR The Great Blood Purifier and Liver Regulator. 200 DAYS' TREATMENT, $1.00 COMPOSED OF And will Posltivalv cure all iliseaimn arising from IMPURE BLOOD, HLX'H AS Rheumatism, Kidney Disorder, Liver Complaint, Sick and Nerv. ous Ilenduche, Neuralgia. Dys fiepsia, l ever and Ague, Scrofti a, Female Complaints, Erysipe las, Nervous Affections, Catarrh, and all Syphilitic Diseases. E. 31. HETZEL, AGENT, 330 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Call and Get Circulars. rzr RE VIVO RF.ST0RE8 VITALITY. 'V Made a Y'i- Mih-mVfp" . i? '-5psvt,weii man lflthDay.)! of Me. THE GREAT 30th hoyl FXtBKTCZI REMEDY prodnnra the above ronlt la 30 dya. It arti powerfully and quli'Jtly. Cures when !! ottmra fail Vouna men will regain their lout mauboud, tad old Inm will recover tlieir youthful vmcr by tuiug KKVIVO. It iiuickly and tvirely retorc Nervous neas, Lout Vitalltr, Innioteucr. NIKlitly EiuIbsIduk, Lout Power, Failius Mrmory, Wasttmc Dltteasee. aud sll effect ot aclf abiue or electa Bud Indiscretion which unttts one tor atudy, buslnew or niarrluo. It nnt only curea by atartlnit at the neat of dlBcaim. but la as reat nervi tonto and Uluod Imlliiitr, bring lK back the pink glow to pule rlicrksaudrc torlng tb flro of youth. It wsrdx off Insanity and Consumption, lutlkt on bavins III; VIVO. no other. It ran be rained lu vert poikt-t. by mtll V 1 .00 per packaite. or aix for SS.OO, with a poai tlvo written ajuarantee to cure or refunc' tho money. Circular free. Addrcaa 'OVAL MEDICINE CO.. 63 River St., CHICAGO. ILL Tor sale by Mntthews Bros., Urmtre e' scrHutuu . BKITEIt SI10K CO., Ittf'p. Capital. BUST t.RO BMOK IN THE WOBLU. "A dollar tared i a dollar tarnrd." ThUl.adlf ' Holl.l French IhinaolH Kid Bt toa Boot delivered tree anywhere in the U.S., on receipt or cairn, Money wrncr, or l'otlnl Note for l.f0. Kqiial evory wny the boots dlil In all retail alorrs for . 1 IV - n, . L ,,. tww.. olrMivea, tlieirtoro we guar antee UmJU, ttylt ana wear, and If any one la sot aatiatlcd KO win reinna uie nmurj or aend another p.'r. Opera h. Too or Common Benae, V;!k. wldtlia t'. IV It, It KK, 'TVs.'1"' 1 to nd h" Wt'w'lMa. SiniluourtiKi Dexter Shoe Co??' special lermt 10 itaitr: Complexion FresamsO DR. HCBRA'S VIOLA CREAM Removes Freckles, Pimple. Liver Moles, Olaokhasda! stores the akin to its ortgl- .l lkM.. Mnriiintni, .1 il lin.lthi. f.m. nlezlon. Bnperior to all litre I mtiA .f.u.t 1 W uarralNs. At all uUti or mailed for 50i'U. Bcua lot circuiur. VIOLA SKIN 0AP Haply lwaiMkle aa a kla purllTlaj rvn uraaaM ft. tlie WK -" M Un aarxry. Aknlimly cure mat ednuay SMlt aaua. atnHni Prlea 25 C.Ma. O. C. BITTNCR & CO., Tolkdo, O. . ' by Matthewi Broa. and John H. Pheloa. AYLESWORTH'S MEAT MARKET Tire Finest in the Cltj. The latest improved furn inn ings and apparatus for keeping meat, butter and eggs. 223 Wye amino A. i HERBS n;-3 wrr.ezrs"-- & SALE OF MM UNDERWEAR WALLACE, THE CELEBRATED MADE EXCLUSIVELY BY GREATLY REDUCED. . to our patrons: Mrash!;urn.Croshy Co. wish to assure their many rmN rons that they will this year hold to their usual custom of niillitiK STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and owing to the excessively dry weather many millers aro of the opinion that it is already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will take no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully three months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every detail of milling has placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'s Hour fur above other brands. e 1 MEGARGEL Wholesale Agents. if . U BLACKSMITHS' AND m .m 1 WAGON MAKERS' 11 with HJ SUppLEs. P! Hold Fast i ' lL is? - BllGi1l)6ri 6f X 1. calks We have the following supplies of lumber secured, at prices that warrant us in expecting, a large share of the trade : Pacific Coast Red Cedar Shingles. "Victor" and othor Michigan Rrands of White I'lne and White Cedar Shinnies. Michigan White and Norway Pine Lum ber und 13111 Timber. North Carolina Short and Long Leaf Yellow Pino. Miscellaneous stocks of Miue Rails, Mine Ties, Mine Props and Mine Supplies iu general. THE RICHARDS LUMBER COMPANY COMMONWEALTH BUILDING, SCRANTON, PA. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURINGCO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA., Manufacturers of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. General Office: SCRANTON, PA. EVERY WOMAN SoasMaas needs a rellabla, saoathtr, wnlaUni mtdlein. Only tiaraalass a the purcat drugs abtald bs naad. If jou aat lira baal, tt Dr. Poars Pennyroyal Pills For Saleby JOHN H. PHELPS, Spruca Street, Scranton, Pa. , Wall ace Comprehensive Line 309cou!rt0Housvrue Spring 602 and 604 Lackawanna Avenuet Cor. Adams Avenue, CONNELL SUPERIOR TMLL OTHERS. Also a Full Lint of Scranton, Pa. Juniata County, Pennsylvania. VTbltal Oak. Sullivan County Hemlock Lumber unit Lath. TIorii County Dry Hemlock Stodd Hoards. Elk County Dry Hemlock Jotots and Studding-. Pharipael t. Cor. Wyoming Avenuo ana
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers