8 TITE SCTLVKTOX TTU1UTXE---WEirSESPAY MOUNTNTr, JANTTAUY 30, 1S93. GORMAN'S GRID DEPOT. NOTE The Special Trices and Ex traonlinar) Iiidiieements on Ladies' Muslin liidcrnear now prt'vniliiig. 20c., 40c., 45c, 50c, 1 5c, Sc, $100 and 4!)c, 50c, 75c, ?)sc, $1.00, $1.11) ami $1. 25 CORSET COVERS 25c, 20c. 35c, 40c, 45c, 40c, 50c, C5c, T5('., ;0c, S"?., NOc, ami the. 25c, 35c, 40c, 45c, 50c,, (Sc, 75c, S5c, 80c, and si. 00. Kopreseiitiiiu: the Very llest .Materials ami the Neatest M'orkiiiaiishii). The Present Prices are the Lowest that we cut made on goods of these grades. GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT. DR, -:-REEVES, 412 Spruce Street, Scranton. Dr. Reevex has had lont; und varied ex perience In ho.iptlul ami private ructlco and treats all acute ami chronic diseases of men, women anil children. CONSULTATION AID EXAMINATION FREE. Hi, with his aHskitunte. treat all dls- easex of he nervous ystem. dl.-icaxes of me eye, ear, noso and tnroot, lyxcisia, rhcunialiMtn, lost vitality, iireniuliire. weakness or deeuy In hoth sexes, nervous debility, catarrh, tumors, caheers, erup tions, hlooil-poisonltiK, tits, epilepsy, In discretion and errors of youth, lost mun hooil, eczema, scrofulu, St. VtUM' ilanen, asthma, diseases of the heart, liintfl, liver, kidneys, hladder, Htotuaeli, etc. Vuuiik .Men Positively Cured. Uffur to the I'uhlic for ( iiturrh. Any one milTerlni? with Catarrh who Wishes to he permanently, nulckly and cheaply cured may receive three months' treatment fur only 1-'1VK IMiM.AitH. The doctor has discovered it Hpeelilc for thin dreaded disease. You can treat and pure yourself and family with It at home. It never falls to cure.' A trial treatment I l ee. OK PICK HOi:iia-I)ally, 9 a. m. to 9 p, Jn.: Sundays. In to 12 i.iu 2 to I. At This Season We invite your sreciul attention to our imnjinliant display of We will ive you full benefit of the recent decline in the price yf Caructs Trice is always u great object, and in this matter we are not only determined to hold our own but to outdo all com petitors. Come and see us. J. Scott Inglis 419 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. - JKKMYN. Tho revival meeting's held In the Methodist Kplsei.pul church ure Kreut 1y successful. One hundred and llfty have been t the uU'ir. All the ohurcheB will share In the results. Mrs. Ornre AVelser linvls, who Is at present conducting- the meetings, Is uu. Meal evnnKellst consecrated, iiwwt spirited, a Crenulnc womun, an easy, pertiuuHlve speaker, apt at Illustration, putting plain truths in the Karb of love; a sweet sliiRer; u Rood tactician and full of holy ze-ul for her Master. She leaves here Thursday night at the close of her lust service, but tho meeting, will go on. , . HOUSEKEEPING LINENS AND WALL PAPER Highest of all in Leavening Power. MM ABSOLUTELY. PURE NEWS OF THIS VICINITY EAST STKOUIKSBUKG. Services were held In the Normal oluupn! Sunday evening, after which eoiiti'lbutlons were cjllei'ted for the benellt of tihe sufl'ereta in KiiiWiin iind Nobraska. Professor Paul .Is on the sick list. The Mlulslnk Literary society held tholr oionlii(? mtutlng Saturday even ing. Miss HiiMlhead spent Sunday with Miss Krautnr. Miss M.vivsj spf-nt Sunday fit the Norma.!. V. J. Cannon has reovcered from his recent Illness. Mr. illotmin, of Palmer Swamp, spent Sunday with lil-s Normal friend. The ShitkeHpearean Literary society w!M hold their opening meeting next Saturday evening in the Normal cha pel. Mr. llenson ifi alle to be about ug:Un, after bt.ng continea to nis room by u brief i'.ltu a. A Kk'lgbiliiig party of ladies from both boroughs visited lius.likill, stopping ut Jacob Place's hotel, on Saturday last. Tha rolliiwlng were present: Mrs. TIumuuk J. Dt'Uriek, Mrs. Itev. Tunner, Mrs. W. II. Th.MiipKon. Mrs. Daniel Steniples, Mrs. .J 11. Sluilwell, Mrs. H. K. Muivy, Mrs. Charles Khodes, Mis. Ph.ules Kriser. Mrs. 11. Carman, Mrs. S. Smith, Mrs. S. Watson, Mrs. 1. I'lili ilps. i.M i, Jos'tpit' Hcmsard. Mrs. V. llotTniun, Mrs. F. Klstler, Miss Minnie Mtuhllng. Charles N. Mutchler lias been sworn In us deputy to iWlllum II. Vos-s In the pustotllee. Mr. Mutchler Is well iiualitled for the position, being active and intelligent. He has been traveling- for the Kast Ptroudsburg U-lass company. Representative Schui'tz at the state leg-'.la'ture at Harnisburg lias Intro duced a bill appropriating $so,()U0 to the Kast Stroudeiburg State Normal school. .Miss Sa'.lle Hruiulhiad. of Tobyhan na. is 4-penditiK a few days with friends at the Normal. Thomas Palmer, of Prlceburg, spent Sunday in town visiting friends. The Delaware Valley Hlectrle mail has gone Into the hands of receivers, Kilward Peter, of llushkill, and M. F. Coirlbough, of this town, being named as receivers. The company's affairs are badly tangled up. There is some talk of for ml iik unother company and pushing the road to completion, as about nine miles are already graded. (Hurge W. Mount, of this borough, has bteti grunted an additional pension. Miss Kdmunds and Miss Hradley, of the N.Mmal. spent Saturday last in New Yolk city. Miss Fraunfelt'T. of College Hill, Kastiin, spent Sunday In town, the guest of fi'Sends In Stroudsburg. Miss Lizzie Pattln, of nioomslmrg. Is visiting Mrs. C. H. Allen for several weeks. A (ile? clul) composed of twenty voices has he-n organized at the Nor mal and will be under the direction of Profes3'r Hlbsman. Charles Houser, th? well-known harness dealer of Olyphunt, spent Sun day in town visiting relatives and friends. K. It. Corey and w.ife, of Sparta, N. ,J, are vKting the lattcr's slater, Mrs. Morton Decker. A surprise party In honor of Miss Jennette Henry, of Hlairstown, N. .1., a student at tha Normal, was given af the residence of Harry Dreher, on (ir:'.'n street, on Saturday evening. An elegant slipper was served by the host, to which the f.illowliig guests sat down: The AIis?es JtimUte Howe, Mabtl Howe, lilanche Howe, Alice Chambers, Florence Savaco d, Olive Smith, Maud Place, L..ura Tlit.r. .Lunette Henry. Hdith Sampson, I Little Thompson and Messrs. Charles Tutor, Layton Mussel man, John Van (lorden, Frank F.ckert, H. I!. Hush, Cihaiiles King, Lowls Wal ton, Kdward Hws, Charles Mutchler, Will (Msli, Wade Jayne, and Mr. Sar rick. AHcinrviii). Mrs. Martin Hutl.-r, of Hill street, fell on the Ice on Sunday while on her way to church and sustained n broken arm. This evening a grand musical and literary entertainment will be given in the Presbyterian church by u number of young people frotu, 'nrbondul: The proceed-will be devoted to the par sonage building fund. The entertain ment will be given under the auspices of the Ladles' Aid society of the Car bondale Pitsbyterlun church, which has very generously volunteered to fur xlsh the talent. That It will be u most enjoyable way to spend an evening Is evident from the following programme which has been urranged for the occa sion: Violin quartette, Messrs. John son, Smith, Crane and Thomas, "Na tional Airs;" male (uartetle, Itowlson, Yai'iington, Shepherd and Crane, selected; recitation, Mrs. J. S. Niles, selected; Hither solo, Miss Miller Timer; duet, "Iteuben und Knchel," Minnie Moyles and John Morgan; mixed quar tet I e, "TIs Morn." Misses McMillan and Vlmer, Messrs. Thomas and Shepherd; recitation, Mrs. J. S. Nlles; tenor solo, F. P. Thomas; violin tiuartette, "Dor Feysehutz:" male iiuurtette, "Wander ing Down." The admission fee will be 10 cents. On Tuesday evening the Democrats of this borough held their general and ward caucuses In Newcomb's hall. The attendance was very large and business was conducted In an orderly manner, James F, McAndrew, of the vigilance committee, was chalrinun, and John J. Ilarri'tt secretary. The tfdlcrs were A. J. Duffy, Joseph Hughes, John Ollroy and P. F. Klelly. Daniel Atkinson was nominated for Justice, of the peace over M. F. McIIale, and P. F. Kinney was nominated for high constable. John II. Kearney was named for auditor. Frank Cuwley and John J. Dotigher had no opposition for-councll In the First ward and were declared the nominees. ' In the Second ward T. F. O'Horo was nominated for school director and James McOlynn for council; Frank Mc Donnell was nominated for assessor; Kdward O'Horo was nominated for Judge of election and J. C. CummlngH Inspector. J. It. Mrliale had no opposi tion for the olllce of constable. Stephen Harrett and Thomas Slddon were nomi nated for council from the Third ward and P. J. Ijoftus for school director. William Dougher was nominated for constable and James P. Lotfus for as sessor. James tllldcu was nominated for Judge of election and Kdwurd Cole Latest U. S. Gov't Report Bakiii man and P. F. McUowun Inspectors. Some of those who were mentioned as candidates did not permit their names to be used at last evening's caucus and may not be governed by Its decisions. There may be one or more Independent tickets in the Held. A large party of young people enjoyed a Hleighrldc to Providence I ant evening. They were entertained at O'Donnell's hall. Miss Mary Monahan, of ltullroud street, wlm has been ill. Is recovering. Announcement is niaMe that W. 11. Mahady, of Carbondale, formerly of this place, will be married on Feb. 5 to Miss Klla lioland, of Carbondale. NEW M1LF0K1). Miss Annie Kenchler, of Scranton, who has been visiting friends in town, returned home Saturday. Surveys were taken of the tannery yards last week with a view to enlarg ing und improving them. Miss Josle Todd, of Hlngha'mton, was calling on friends in town last week. Representative L. AV. Moore Is home from llarrisburg. Susquehanna county grange, Patrons of Husbandry, No. 7. will meet with Jackson Orange, No. :i4i, Feb. (i, to continue two days with u public meet ing on Wednesday evening, to which all ure invited. , ! Several of our people are attending court at Montrose 'this week. One hundred and eighty-eight mar-' riage licenses were issued in'tlila county during tho past year. "' . New Milford people who were depos- i Itors In the uncertain HlnghninUm ' bunks, have recovered from their shock and have faith that the concerns will i pan out all right In the end. liovernor Hastings has Issued a writ i to the sheriffs of the counties comprls- 1 iug the Fifteenth congressional dis- j trict ordering an election on Feb. 19 to (ill the unexpired term of the late Congressman Myron H. Wright, of Sus- 1 quehanna. Fred Wright, brother "f ; the late congressman, will, It is thought, be the favored Individual. i The box social at the home of John j A. .McConnell, in the township, was : well attended and very enjoyable. I Professor Hunrahan's dancing class 1 continues to Increase both In size and grace. An institute for the teachers of Hridgcwater and Montrose will be held In the Montrose school building Feb. 1'. The second quarterly meeting of the Susquehanna County Medical society ! will be held at the Mitchell House, Hall- ; stead, on Tuesday, Fell. 5, at P) o'clock a. m. Tile vocal music class of this place will meet in the Haptist church on Tuesday evening of this week to con sider the rendition of the cantata, "David, the Shepherd Hoy." J. A. Sophia, of Susquehanna, will be In at tendance with the nccesasry Instruc tions. A cordial invitation Is extended. "Cort" Tingiey, an old-time resident of this iilace, is reported as a progres sive electric light man of Cripple Cteek, Col. It is reported that another milk train will be added to tho list on the Dela ware, Lackawanna, aim veiein in no early spring. Tht "Martin Creek' lumbermen are doing a rushing business during me good sleighing. The ice harvest Is reported as the largest and best in the history of our "oldest inhabitant." .Mothers '. .Mothers ! ! Mothers ! '. ! Mrs. Wlnslow's Boothlng Syrup ha been used for over llfty yeai-8 by mil lions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain; cures wind colic, und Is the best remedy for diarrhea, iiold" by druggists In every part of the world. He sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow' Soothing syrup," unu taKO no oilier kiiiu, """i "'" .- a bottle. OLD FOKOE. The Ladies' Aid society of the Brick chinch will meet at the home of sirs. Andrew Alden on Wednesday. Mis. A. W. Fargo and son, Ray, of Wa'terliury, Conn., are visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rrodhead. D. C. Reed, after being confined to his home for the past week with two broken ribs, Is a.ble to be out again. Thomas Calloway anil Walter Bigger were admitted to membership on pro bation at the Brick church On Sunday. What, to ull appearances, was- cold blooded murder'was committed on Sun day by four big dogs. They caught a rnialler dog and bit hltn to death. The Republican caucus was held in Fallon's hull on Saturday night. S. Brodhead. Jr., was elected chairman and the following ticket was nominat ed. Supervisors, David Price, Roger Howells; school directors, William Repp, P. J. Judge; assessor, John Sib ley; treasurer, Button Taylor; town clerk, JaniPS Salmon; auditor, James Calvert. - Uhcuinutisiu Cured in a Huy. "Mystlo Cure" for Rheumatism and Keuriilglu radically cures In 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system Is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once tho cause und the disease Immediately disap pears. The tlrst dose greutly benellts, 75 cents. Sold by ('. M. Harris, 125 Penn ave nue and Carl Lorenz, druggists, Scruntun. I1ALL8TEA1). - The Railroad Young Men's Chilstl.in dissociation cottage meeting on Friday evening will be held at the home of K. F. Wilmot. An entertainment will be Riven In the ItaMroud Young Mien's Christian Assoc.latilon hull on Thursday evening of this week by parties from the city of Bing'hamlnn U'lidir the auspices nf the Ladies' Aid society of the Jlaptlst church. Mrs. 11. F. BertiPtdn vUMted In the Pai'lor city on Saturday. Rev. L. W. Chuivh, pastor of the Presbyterian church in this place, -will preach next Sunday morning and even ing upon the subject "Baptism." Mrs. Nrllle Llsk, of S-.'tii'titon, who hs conducted a hair dressing estab livimmt cm Front rtreit, ias rctuini"d to tl-.-R place. J. J. Compton, wilio had his flock of boiaIs destroyed In tho recent lire, will occupy the building va cated by her. F. J. Oral-ton attended the Df.-no-cratlc .county convention at Montrosp on, Saturday. , Hon. James F. DuDols, of Washing ton, 1). C wlm has leen spending a fow duys In town, has returned home. A meeting of tlie congregation of the Presbyterian church will be luld ..! Tutsday evening; A large attt-nd-un;e Is defiled, as business of Import ance Is to be considered. Th. teachers' meeting on Friday evening u ill be held at the home of (.!. W. Capwell, on Church .street. ' Mrs-. Oeorge' Ston.J, of Hiughamton, Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McOsvary, on Main street. A u-n'.m tiji vlce was luld -In the Presbyterian church in this place on Sunday evening under the auspices of the Young Women's Christian Temper ance union. The meeting was ad dressed by W. W. Adair, secretary of the Young Men's Christian association, of this place, and was largely attended. Itev. It. N. Ives, of lilnghamton, called on his daughters, Mrs. H. R. Tanner and Mrs. L. (i. Simmons, Mon day morning. The -Church street depot, the- Pine street depot and the round house are to be connected by a telephone ln the near future. Mis. 10. D. Tyler, of Scranton, who has been visiting at the residence of Charles Reamer, ihas returned home. The platform in the Railroad Young Mcin's Christian Association hall has bt .'ii reni.idi li d recently. Oeorge M:thy, secretary of the Young Men's Christian association at Scran ton, Willi address the Gospel meeting in this place next Sunday. Quinsy troubled me for twenty years. Since I started using Dr. Thomas' Kclec Iric Oil, have not had an attack. The oil cures sore throat nt once. Mrs. Letta Conrad, Blandish, Mich., Oct. 'M, '3. TUiNKHAMOCK. N. H. Mack has decided to settle at South Bethlehem and will remove his family there about Feb. 1". He will operate a photograph gallery. Frank Hawke was home from Phlla'- l delph! i over Sunday, j John Xewhart desires the borough to pay him $L'5 for Injuries sustained by falling upon an icy sidewalk. Rodney J. Bardwcll, one of the lead i ing members of Triton Hose company, i Is out with a letter in the Scranton j Republican denying the insinuations of I the Tunkliannock correspondent of that paper that the companyus un organiza tion desire the repeal of the billiard law. He says that out of forty-six members who are legal voters thirty two have silgned the remonstrance against the repeal, while the petition asking for repeal has laid on the table at the hose house for some time with out receiving any signatures. He con tends that the insinuations of the Re publican scribe put the organization in a false light. Mrs. M. L. Jennings, of Lemon, is reported quite ill. Lyman ICllsworth is moving Into th.' house recently purchased by him on Slocum street. Frank Hartt, foreman at the spool works, will occupy the house vacated by Klloworth. Miss Kllie Reynolds has returned from 'Montrose, Messages from the people who Went south last week Indicate that they ar rived at their destinations all right, the only mishap being a failure of trains to connect, leaving them stranded In Washington for twenty-four hours. Hairing congress, 'there might be j worse places than Washington to get ' stalled In. F. F. Drake, esq., one of the wlde ; awake members of the Uaptlst church i here, conducts Sunday religions ser- vices at the Russell Hill Baptist ' church. A week's mission services commenced at St. Peter's Kplscopal church Mon- l day evening, and will continue day I and evening during the week. Rev. K. II. Kckel, rector of Trinity church, West Pittston, is the missioner. I . The county commissioners are dis tributing the ballot boxes which were gathered up to have their contents In vestigated by the court carrying on the Judicial contest. i Miss Kate (iearhart has returned from Wilkes-Uarre, bringing her niece, i little Georgia Frantz. James Champion, of I'lster, visited at II. H. Brown's over Sunday. Misses Anna and Klla Brown are spending a fnw days with relatives at Bradford, Pa. Kxtra services are to be continued at the Baptist and Methodist churches , this week j Tht, jnf.llt child of Mr. and Mrs. . , Avery, of Lemon, was burled at the Clark cemetery yesterday. Whooping cough was the cause of Its death. Pn.fessor .1. S. Raoklyeft, of Uing- hamton, will Instruct a class In music jut the' Presbyterian church on Friday I and 'Saturday evening of this Week. The tuition will be free to the class, ! the professor being paid by popular I subscription. j Mrs. John Collins fell on the Icy pavement Sunday evening and sus- i tallied a severe fracture of the arm. i The borough authorities should compel the citizens to vlther clean the Ice off the walk or sprinkle ashes upon It. Salting the Ice Is an abomination and should not be allowed. I Miss May Kutz Is seriously ill with I tonsllltis. if I'M. Little Ooaa Tyrone City, J'enu. After theGrip Hood's Cave Back Health and Strength That Dreadful Prostration Cured. "C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Muss.: "lletitlemeii A little over a year ago, I. win attacked by the grip unit, after the crisis hail passed, I was left so weak and with that dreuil (id prostration, that I wus unable to dress my self for uluiost niue mouths. Home friends who Hood'ss?Cures knew Its merits, persuaded me to take Hood's B:irsaparlllu and I am now taking my fourth bottle. I urn so thankful to he able to say tlmt 1 c.iu da uiy housework, and um gaining lust. I Sleep Well, ' do not have sourness of tho stomach, and cun ent with good appetite. I think Hood's Ssrso partita deserves all the praise It gets sad more." Mas. I.kttik (loss, Tyrone City, l'enn. HOOd'8 PIH cure liver Ills, constipation biUirasuess.iuuutUue.slckhvU'.luuhe, ludlgesUou RECLAIMED FROM DEATH. The Terror of Man Thwarted. In the Cntap of that UreiMl Unease, Cun uiupliou. Life Ui veu Buck. Aliuoat Mlravulous. Fortunately, perhaps, the Consumptive does not realize bis own condition. His Is a disease of continual waste until he meets a death that is iu reality one of starvation. It, is now generally conceded that this disease Is incurable, that is, by any known medicine. Change of climate, or some life-infusing food that will give new tlcsh, blood, and strength, and induce the various organs of the body to assume their normal functions, this is the only hope. The only way to do this effectually is to give the patient lioviuine, that great raw food product, tiie greatest concentration of the life-giving elements of raw beef known to modern science. In this con nection the results obtained by Dr. J. II. Head of Atlautu, (iu., in the treatment of a case of consumption, are interesting. Dr. ITead relates briefly how a man about thirty-live years of age came to him for treatment. He had lost forty pounds in weight in six mouths; he suffered with a bad cough and experienced severe night sweats; he was unable to do any work; most of his family hud died of consump tion, and on examination his right lung wus found to be seriously affected, and as the doctor remarked, " He was in a gcod way to have uu curly funeral." Hut note what happened. He was given Ilovinine. In two weeks he had gained seveu pounds, his appetite bud returned, he was able to do a good day's work, and most of the distressing symptoms hud vanished; uud at the time of writing the doctor felt suie of a complete cure. This Is but one of many similar cases, Boviuine will give new life and strength, make new blood and flesh, stop waste, ward off disease, and turn the current of life's river again into its natural channel, (jive It ouc trial while there U yet hope. THE BELL - CALLS ATTENTION TO Seven Stunning Specials From their Bankrupt Stock of the llyile Park Clothing Store. Our Great Bankrupt Sale is still in force, making low prices beyond belief on well-made Clothing and Gents' Furnishings. Boys' Cape Overcoats, sold everywhere for $:2.00; our price Boys' Double-breasted Suits and Cape Overcoats, sold everywhere for $2 50 and $3, our price Boys' Tlsters, sold every where for $4.75, our price... Men's Wool Suits and Over coats, t-'rHd everywhere for $8 and $1), our price Men's All Wool Fuits, also Black and Bine Overcoats. .08 4.75 - sold everywhere for $11!, our price Men's Dress Punts, black and fancy stripe, stylish pat terns, sold everywhere for $5, our price Your choice of Men's All Wool Camel's Hair and Natural Wool or Bed Med icated Underwear, sold everywhere for $l,our price 2.48 .50 o li 230 Lackawanna Ave. SIGN OF THE BELL. HORSE - SHOEING REMOVED. DR. JOHN HAMLIN, The Acknowledged Expert in Horseshoeing and Dentistry, is Now Permanently Located on West Luckuwumiu Ave Neur the Bridge. riT. PLEASANT COAIv AT RETAIL Coal of tho best quality for domestic Use, and of all sizes, delivered In miiy ,u, i ui uiu cuy at lowest once. I Orders left at my Office NO.118 WYOMING AVENUlt. Item fvwit, ,1 - , , .. 'l' 1. 1 . v . .... , .. . - - ,lai num. jiuiu ieiiuoai llank, or sent by mall or telephone to the nine, will receive. uromDt attentlor Special contracts will be made fr the il. uia uw o uvery or uucKwhcat Col, wm. t. s rvi n'M ROOF TUNING AND SOLDERllG All done away with by the use of MART MAN S rAJKNT FAINT, WhlehOnnlntS of Ingredients well-known to all.t can be applied to tin, galvanized tin. ineet Iron roofs, also to brick dwellnns. hleh will prevent absolutely any cru-nining-, craolc. lug or breaking of the V it wui out laat tinning- of any kl "Y many yean, and It'a cost ilnen tintxceed one-fifth thai of the cost of tlmili. Is sold by the job r uounu. loiuracu en uy ANTONIO lUinflA;, U7 Birch BL ammmmmmmimmity 111 1111! 1.1 $50,000 worth of Dry Goods, No g tions, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods,nil!inery, Cloaks, Furs, Infants' wear, ccc, The steady increase of our business compels us to enlarge and remodel the en tire store for spring trade, and as the stock will be in the way B W SELL III I The FairJ r, 400 and 402 Lack Ave,, .Scranton, Pa. SumummiiiiiiiiHiimug dee We commence today, and shall continue through out this week, the sale of a complete assortment of Irish Point and Tambour Lace Curtains, 3 and 4 yards long, at one third off former prices. A fine line of Brussels Points have also been put in with this lot of Curtains, on which we have put prices that will surely please you. UPHOLSTERY FABRICS Suitable for hangings, iu choice colorings, at $1.50 and $2.00 per yard; formerly $3.00 and $4.00 respectively. SILK PLUSH In a splendid line of colors, $1.50, worth $2.50 per yard. TABLE COVERS In all sizes and qualities, at moderate prices. 406 and 408 THERE'S A CERTAIN ATTRACTION ABOUT. ECONOMY'S AND im That attracts shrewd buyers, and always re sults in highly satisfactory transactions. IT'S NOT NECESSARY TO TELL YOU HOW Prices have been "Chopped," 4Slaughtered," "Butchered," "Razored," "Cut," Etc., Etc. SUFFICE TO SAY Prices of motive power have been used, and success the result. OUR EQUITABLE CREDIT SYSTEM PREDOMINATES In All Departments. - WSr'All our goods yours for the promise to pay." IT.- HNY PRICE. (urtains G3B 1 GO, Lackawanna Ave. j t J f ,v ? -. '.'. : i'- V a ;'-'. AND mm sale IT SYSTI .