TIIE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-WED JfiSllAY MORNING. JANUARY 110, 1895. ' v 3 - Remainder Norton's Fire Stock at "snap" prices to close. Fine pressed, Ivory finish Wall hangings, Ingrain papers, plain and figured, tine gilt papers, Kooui and Frame Mouldings, lilank Hooks, etc., Will be sold at auy reasonable price to clear them out the old store, which is now being renovated and rebuilt' and the balance of the tire stock must be moved out the way of the mechanics by February l, hence "snaps" await those in want of the articles intuitu1, at Lackawanna ave. M. NORTON. A Fob to Dyspepsia GOOD BREAD USE THE . FLOUR And Always Have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALE TO T"E TRADE 3Y The Weston Mil Co, THE GEW1INE POPULM Punch Cigars HHVE THE IMITULS G. 8. & CO. IIWPRIUTED OW EACH CiGM. Garney, Brown & Co. Mf r's Court House Square. PERSONAL. Kit-Sheriff John J. Kahey Is In Utica, N. y. V. L. Crawford, of Owejo, N". V., is via ltins Rev. A. W. Cooper, pastor of Hamp ton Strwt Methodist Episcopal church. The announcement yeatentayln this col umn of the resignation of Miss Ijreaither, solo contralto of the Kim Park church, was Incorrect. .Miss Dreairher is too val uable a siner to be spared, nor Is it likely that her resignation, hail it been proffered, would be accepted. A recent number of the Newport. Enor., Arsus contains the following: 'Miss Sadle Kaiser, the brilliant youK American soprano, whose sinking so charmed N'ew portonlans at the Infirmary concert, and the L'ambro-Amerlran party's concert a few months aw Is an accredited corre spondent for an American paper, the Scranton Tribune. Her letters upon her experiences in England and Wales, the cus toms of the Inhabitants, etc.. musically ami otherwise, have been read In America with much interest, not only from the abundance of news they possess, but ateo from the chatty style In which they are written. Miss Kaiser Is at present study ing at the Koyal academy, and no doubt Inn training she will receive will con siderably enhance her already line reputa tion." -NEW VAiY AT ACADEMY. Will n Prodncod hjr Power and His ', ompn ThtirvJay Mht.. : "The N'c f'.y,"' which will 1 pro dutea i th i);a)iUnly f ;Milo Thurs d:i V tulRirtt.JisJa rildjlrip fcotnf'ly in three sictWiUf lAI'.tliur nAvi, if iV'nil.m. and has been the rein!nff toughing furore in London for the past two years, in t the author Is said to have reah;d the supreme luxury of fun an1 frrm a well-told consistent story hs evolved mor legitimate kiughter ami pure, nn adiiltetated fun than has been seen In any play of this class for years. The play Is thoroughly original In concep tion, construction, atmosphere noid lo cality and In Its entirety a perfect study in laughter. JamfgT. I'owera.ho has many warm friends amoral the tlwater-goera of this city, will be seen In the leading role. His support Is very strong. SAUHATII OllSERVAXCE UNION Important Meeting of the Hoard of Mana gers of Northcaxtorn I'cnnxyl vanlii. An Important meeting of the board Of manager of the Northeastern Penn sylvania Sabbath union was held yes terday afternoon at the olllce of J. W. Hollenback, In Wilkes-Karre. A. W. JMckson, J. tj. Stelle and Hev. F. A. Pony, of this city, attended. The lat ter was elected general secretary of the now society. Some vacancies In the board were filled by the election of Dew men. The meeting Adjourned to Feb. 25, when It will receive reports of commit tees and arrange plans for n vigorous prosecution of the work. .... . ... Don't Miss Seeing the great Poultry and Pot Block Show, to be held Jan. 22-62, In Armory hall, Plttston. Iioors open from 7 a. m. to lo p, m. Ad mission, adults, 15c. j children, 10c. l.cttnce and Celery. Nothing Ilka It In the city. K. (1. Cour iwii. i 1)1 Kl). OAI.LAGHEIl.-MaKKle. ilnughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Uullimlier, aged 8 years. Funeral Thursday afternoon from parents' residence, Mil Pnrker street, at 2 o'clock. Interment In Hyclo Park Citholle. cemetery. IICjyT. At Rochester, N. Y..' Tuesday, Jan. 29. Carroll 11. Hoyt, formerly of .Hcrunton, aged 24 years. Interment at . Wellsville, N. y. M'CAttTH y. In Bcrnnlori, Jan. 29, WJ5, Mrs. McCarthy, mother of Michael and Jonh McCnrthy. Funeral from the residence on Urlck avenue Thursday at 2.30 p.m. WORK OF EVENING CLASSES Younij Men Eilucntcd in u 1'ractkiil Manner at V. M. C. A. ABOUT 1N1USTKI.U TKAIXIXG Association la Also Desirous to Hinder Assistance Along Hint l ino hut Must Have tlio Sympathy and Active Support of the I'urllc. One feature lit 'the, work of the Young SU-n's Christian assoclaUon that should command the absorbing Interest of parents is the (rieal opportunity and excellent facllrtlts for educating ye-uns men in a practical manner, and at the same time combine their education with many pleasures of a social na.ture w hich are to be obtained In the rooms. Thruug'lioitt the states the as.cl:i tilonj have superb equipment for this wrk, which have involved an expetuM tiu. of $17,000,000. and it must be ad ntitttd th:ut united action throughout the country in this direction will, and is already, proving a great factor of the metal, Lhyslal ai well as the spiri tual devclvptnent of 'Young Ametlca." In this respett Scranton workers are no exception to the rule, but rather are ahead la the desire to benefit the young men of th city. In the tlrst place, they have a imird'ble rooms for the purpose, being pjssei.-sed of a total space of ST0RRS SHAFT MINERS. Ucld a Conference with 1. L. 4 W. Of ficials Hut Cuine to No Satisfactory Agreement Another Meeting of the .Men Will lie Held This Afternoon. Between 1W and 175 of the miners and laborers employed In the three shafts connected with the Storra mines gath ered in Lloyd's hall, Priceburg. yes terday morning to try to arrive at some settlement regarding the price to be paid the miners for the coal they mine. The meeting was called to order by John Armstrong, one of the men at present affected by the present reduc tion, at 10.30. Samuel A. Norris acting as secretary. Mr. Armstrong reported for the committee which had been ap pointed to confer with the officials that they had been refused their demands, as the company claims that the price to all their miners for the top coal In the fourteen foot vein is cents a car ami eight cars to the shift. The miners ac cepted this report and appointed a com mittee composed of fteese Davis, Jamea tjolightly, Thomas Williams, John Neat and John Kldrikton to confer with Coal Agent VV. It. Storrs, General .Mine Superintendent Benjamin Hughes nnd Assistant Superintendent Thomas W. Phillips to see if they cannot receive the same price for their bottom coal as the miners In the other shafts belong ing to the company, which Is from Jl.OS'i to 11,07'i a car, against 9:1 cents received by the miners In Storrs. The meeting adjourned at 11.30 to mei-t In the game place this afternoon at 4 o'clock. The committee waited upon the official In their office yester day afternoon about '2 o'clock-, but they failed to come to any agreement. One of the workmen says the trouble Is due to the company's failure to keep the promise It made the men about four years ago, when It told them thnt If they would mine the bottom conl for 83 cents a car they should receive the same price for the top coal. Now that they have began to mine thn top coal the company will only pay 77'4 cents. I'LFASANT KIT.IIKK PARTY. Hold at the Residence of Mr. and Mrs. II. II. Coston, (day Avcnne. At the cosy rpsldnnce of Mr. ant) Mrs. If. II. Coitrn. 410 Clay avenue, a very pleasant progrssive euchre party wa hold last night In honor of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. H. II. Phlnney. of Kargo, N. I.. parents of Mrs. ronton, who are paying her a visit. Those present were: Hx-Congress-mnn and Mrs. Lemuel Amerman, At torney and Mrs. M. W. !wry, I Jr. and Mrs. II. II. Ware, Dr. and Mrs, John L. Wentz, Dr. and Mm. L. H. Karnes, Attorney nnd Mr. Mllo J. WHwoii, Mr. and Mrs. II. II. Archer, Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Council, Mr. nnd Mrs. Frederick Council, Mr. nnd Mr. W. H. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Jes up, Mr. and Mrs. (,'. D. Jones, Mr. Hnd Mrs. Frederick Kingsbury. Mr. and Mrs. L F. Megargel, Mr. and Mi's. .1. II, Pholps, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Phlnney, Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Powell, Mr, and Mr. N. Itloe, Mr. and Mr. George Rus. Mr. and Mr. C, Hchluger, Mr. John Roll, Mr. Hteven. Mr. Pratt, Miss Ilesnlo Phelps, Misses lloardman, Hitchcock, Norton, Jessup, 1'iutt, and Attorney A. J. Colltorn, Thomas Au brey, George Hrooks, W. I. Coston, K. H. Lynde, WIH Pryor, Albert Bellin ger, U. Wolf. WORK OF RFSCUi: MISSION! Many Conversions llnvo llcctt Wrought Through Its If forts. There are few Instltutlona In the oily that are doing more practical work to help humanity than the Hescuo mis sion. Last Hiinlay evening nearly loo young men were present ami Joined with the other In the spirited ong service and gave the beat attention to the address given on "Two Gates, Two Way, Two Classes, and Two Destina tions." Following the address wax n 'testimony meeting, In which 'those that had been redeemed from a life of sLn testified to the change in their live and homes luce .they oame under the ISO feet by ISO feet on the two floors. These Jvavt been specially arranged for evening educational classes, where the work 4s 'being can hid on every availing under the direction it men specially trained for t.he imrpose. benefit of lAciilne riusses. Tliis bcnellts ilerlvcil by the large number of pupils In the ordinary branches of cdiicatilon me so well known that they require no reiteration, but ill would be rlntenestliiK lo note the efforts that are bolng made to lrwlde a 'thorough dudiurtnliil tivtluliig for the future artisans of Scranton. Alivudy the Wirk has benn successful i far as It has been organized, but the devel opments which It l Jnteiided to carry out !u 'Industrial! Irwlulng, will undoubt edly iwolullonl'.e the opportunities Klviii to navhuulcs tend oilier young Au Keniui; Class in Arithmetic. artixans to obladn u thurougii practical and theoretical knowledge of their Vol k. Klsewhere this particular work has been eminently successful and progres sive. Scranton will not be content with out being in the van. The work must be accomplished by the Young Men's Christian association, as it can be j started und run by them at less ex- penditure than any other Institution la j Scranton. The schedule of instruction will comprise free hand drawing, me chanical und architectural drawing, bench work In wood and iron, plumbing and also l.i the, wurlc in wood und Iron. There are hundreds of y.iung men In the city possessing strong mental cali bre, but who have not been trained for any special work, hence they are drag- influence of Ch Gospel as it had been spokn at the mission. The Rescue mlislun Is located at 111 FrankXn avenue, and a visit to it any tKgh't In the year will give an Idea of the work being carried on there under the auspices of the central churches of our city. Kvery night an audience of fioni fifty to 100 persons, mostly men, can be seen there. The singing Is live ly; Gospel talks brief, and th? wonder ful testimonies of those who have been redeemed from lives of sin by the power of the Gospel shows what has been and is being accomplished at this life sav ing station. The third anniversary of the mission will occur Feb. 11. AH meetings are free and all ciaes welcome ait the mission everV might at S o'clock. ... Kc.'olutons. At a special meeting of the board of di rectors of the Dunuiore Iron und Steel company, held Jan. 28, 195, the following resolutions were adopte-il: Whereas, It has pleased the Huler of the 1'nlverse to remove, by death, the trusted ami hiklwird trf.sl,l,,lt of thin cnmu.lHV. ! Mi- .!,,) n It Kmllh Resolved, That In the death of Mr. Smith this company loses an officer who, by his Indomitable energy and persever ance, has been the direct means of placing this company on the solid business fool ing which It now enjoys, and Resolved, That while we appreciate the fact that he has been permitted In re main with us for morn than the allotted years of man, still we. the directors of this company, are deeply sensible of the great loss we have sustained. Resolved, That these resolutions be spread on the records of this company. That a copy be presented to the family of the deceased and that they be sent to tho dally papers for publication. GKORGK II. CATM.V. HKNItV IIKYKA. Committee, At a special meeting of the Dunnwro Gas and Water company held at the of fice of the Pennsylvania Coal company, Jan. 23, IK'.iT,. the following resolutions In relation In the death of Mr, John II. Smith were adopted: Whereas, An overruling power has taken from us John II. Hinlth, our Chris tian friend and president; nnd Whereas, Mr. Hinlth was the originator of this corporation nnd Its president since Its formation In IHOS; and Whereas, Tho Duiimore flss and Water company was but one of Win many gen erous conceptions of Mr. Smith's untiring efforts In contributing to the happiness and welfare of the community; now, therefore, Resolved, That this board, for them selves and this corporation, desire to record fheir sense of Irreparable loss by their bereavement. Resolved, That his Indefatigable energy nnd perseverance In thus contributing to the good fif his fellow men, his gnnilnrss of character, his determination to do with all his might whatsoever he undertook, Is an endearing monument to his memory, and un example worthy to be emulated by nil. Rpsolved, That we extend to the family our temlerent sympathy, with the insur ance that Ihe bereavement they havo sus tHliied comes home to each member of this board In the nut lire of n personal loss. Resolved, That these resolution ho spread upon the minutes of Ihe company, that a copy of this expression lie pie sen led to Ihe family and a copy furnished to the press, WILLIAM GILLMORK, CHAIll.KH B. I'ARRKIt, KHWIN M. HF.y KA, Committee.' Attested by K. M. lleyen, Hecrntiiry, l ..- - IJANOL' I'T AT WI'STM 1 NSTF.R. Tendered to the Kcprcscntnflvc of per severance (Inh Components. A ' meeting of representative of tho various components of the Persever ance club In northeastern Pennsylva nia wa held yesterday at the room of 'tho .local club, on Wyoming avenue. OIIIcct were elected and business pertaining to the government of the components transacted. In the even ing a bH'iiquet was tendered the visitors at the Westminster. .. . My physician suld I could not live, my liver out of order, frequently vomited greenish mucous, skin yellow, small dry humors on face, stomach would not re tain food. Hurdock lllood Hitter cured me. Mrs. Adelaide O'lirlen, 372 Exchange 8t Buffalo, N. Y glng on their careers In a monotonous round of duties requiring no special nualltUcutloiis, nnd for which they have no natural liking. Owing to this lack of training there Is a greater sup ply 'than demand of clerks and lippll rants for almllar positions where sal iirlea nre gcnci-uHy low, while there Is oftentimes a ilearlh of skilled in tlziinu where good, substantial salaries are paid. The association will endeavor to rectify this anomaly by giving the opportunity for young men to receive a training In the evening after their usual day's work Is over. To ensure the success of Hid scheme, however, It Is essential to secure the sympathy and active assistance of the parents as well as of the young men themselves. A striking Illustration of the utility of these, truliillig clusses Is ufforded In the history of tho late Charles Pratt, the founder of the Pratt Institute in Hrooklyn, which embraces a very large range of educational facili ties In their most practlcul form from the work of the house Joiner to that of the modeler from life. ( This institution possesses very great Interest and value for the ussoclutlon men of America. Mr. Pratt was con vinced of tlie availability of ttie asso ciation as a Held lor the practical do velopiuent of the Ideas which lay at the foundation of the institute. The suc cess of the work has been acknowl edged by till, und its benefits. to the young men of the City of Churches have been appreciated us their attendance and progress In the trades In which they had been trained at the Institute. THEY (RIEI) TOGETHER. Tears Win Hack a Young Lady's Dis carded love -A Marriage Will He the Hcsult. Last New Year's day Jacob Miller, a young Rlakcly swain, met Miss Lena Davldowitch nnd his heart went out to her. She reciprocated the flame and they ngreed to be married on Feb. 4. Miss Davldowitch Is a plump young maiden, quite pretty, nnd she has been In this country for more than ten years. In that timje she laid aside a good sum of her earnings and a week ago she went to New York and Intended to purchase her trousseau. While she was away Jacob wrote to her and told her to give him back his heart; that he could not marry her, because his wages as slate picker in one of the Hlakely collieries did not nveruge more than $12 a month, ami he thought that was rather a small salary for two. He said he loved her still, but could not marry 1 GOOD TIME Ah nnv to mt a Watch We want to talk today about a good, rli Ms lira1 piece that we soil mi nnny of. Of court?, we have them at nil prh't'H, hiuh aiulltiw, hi t for time few WuU'hua beat this one. $ 3.90 Bnlid Nlrhel Cmo. Aniorlcnn 7 Jeweled Movement, Htmn Wind. Klmii Met olid Warranted Kvery Way. I J CO.. 21:) I.iickawiuina Ave. Picture Frames Made at short notice. High Class lo every respect. Inside Decorating In all 1U branches. PRATT'S i Lackawanna Avenue. EWELRY -DON'T HIDE VOIR LIGHT I'NDKR A BISHEL." THAT'S JIST WHY WE TALK AB01T APOLIO. her until fortune threw a brighter smile across his pathway. She rebelled against being thus sum marily abundoncd und went yesterday before Alderman Fll.slnimons and nwore out a warrant against hlin on the charge of larceny. One evening while he was courting her he took a ring from her linger us n memento of their love, and that was the urticlti she charged him with steal ing. When they met in the uldermau'H of fice one look was Hufllcleut; each read the other's story In their eyes and they embraced, and In thut clasp of urms till wus forgiven. The couple cried, nnd Constable Hen nlgan wna obliged to use his handker chief. The suit was wllhdrawn und they will be maj rled. . ltlHOCMATISM In the back, shoulders, hips, unkles, elbows, or wrists, is cuused by ill-cumulation of ucld it the blood. Hood's Uiirpaiillu neutralize the acid und cures rhuuinutlxiu. HOOD'H I'lLLH are the best family cutarthlc. ii nd liver medicine. Harmless und reliable When nby wan aleU, we gave lior Cutorlk. Wheu blio was u Child, Khe cried for (Ustorl. When alio became Miss, she clung to ( 'astorla, vVhou alio had Children, she gave tlieu Caaturl THEY ARE BARGAINS, DID YOU KNOW IT? If you don't there lias been hundreds who have. ANY ARTICLE IN THE WINDOW FOR JjC MANY ARE WORTH 50C. We will continue this sale as long as the goods last. If j'ou are wise you will take advantage of it. We have other bargains inside, of odd pieces. China Hall WEICHEL & MILLAR, 116 WYOMING AVENUE gCHANK CHANK CCHANK CHANK gCHANlC gt'HANK CHANK CHANK CIIANK CCIIANK CCHANK gCIIANK CHANK CIIANK CIIANK CHANK fCHANK VCJIANK CIIANK gCIIANK CIIANK Il NEW. NEW STORE, NEW COCDS, NEW PRICES. You buy your shoes of Schank you wear the lat est styles. 410 Spruce St. STILL IN EXISTENCE. The World Renowned and Old Reliable Dr. Campbell'a Great Magic Worm Sugar and Tea. Every boa Riirrnntcxl lo aW tlfetlon or money refunileil. Full printed ilirvntiona rmm n cblld to grown pnrsnn. It in purely vKtlilanl eannotpodtlvnly hurrn the moat Uiidi-r Infant. IiiniKt on IihtIiih Dr. Camp bell'!; accit no other. At nil Dmtll'U. -i WONDERFUL Bovth BeliANTow, P., Nor. 10, IBM. Mr, 1!. W. rmuttliell- l)er Kir: I hvi nivon my boy, Kreddlr. 7 yem old, eome of Ur. fnuiplwll'i MakIc Worm Kuiir and Ten, and to my aurpriae tbla nfternoou alNiut g ,,'l,";lc.. ! P"""'! taimworm menMiirlng alrnut 8.1 lent in length, hrail and all. 1 have It In a bottle and any pnrnoli witiliinK to t It ran do to by ratlin at my More. I Imd tried numoroua other rvmedine raemiimended for taking tnpeworina, but all failed. Ill my estimation Dr. Dainpliell'i la the areata! worm remedy in exlHtetire. Youra y,rv reanertfullv, KURD H K.FFN HH, Beech St Note -The above in what everybody mya Afl.,1, AHKit ,1.1, tt. kl.t.H .. , 2. .1, (ainpliell, Laneaater, 1'a, Uucooasor to Dn vuuv.uiuuil Of OUH, HOPSING.lIWk'vTIn Km moved from th Old I'oetollloe Building to now and larger (jaartera, IHu Pean avenue. Family w aafalug and Ironing dona at reaion abl pi-leu. HOP SING, 130PennATe. RHUS LOKRIBHEfERBEFfllffi m : FIRST-CLASS BARGAINS MEN'S, BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S Ulsters IIITIl If Tin. . rri n ttt ai t ill THE FASHION 308 Lackawanna Avenue. OUR ANNUAL SPRING SALE OF LADIES' MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Will Begin on Monday, January 21st. These guuds are all new, well uiade and handsomely trim med, and are ottered at prices one-tbird less than those usually charged. Our assortment is very large, and well worth a visit of inspection. l'.te...COHHET COVEKS KOU..llo tttc bKlKTiS f'Olf 4lw " " " I!- k - - ").; 3He. " " " tv. JJ.ijij " rr- fUe. " ' " ;;je ' " W. UVr., ,. NIGHT UOWKS FOR... 4l'c J.5i " " Wv: Tie. " ' Site 1 7.) " " 1.15 CI U0 ' " " TV- liOU " ' J.W l.ii " " " We ail.: CHEMISE KOE 5e . 'Kl ' " " (Me .). " - ill i T5 ' " " f 1.15 TV-. - " 4'c zuu ' " ).:; ' gl.nj " " !!. " " " 11 1 1. -'.'1 ' " toe m- DRAWEKS FOR l.Ti " J! Ulc. " ' 3.-K I Mie COKSETS FOR T5e. " " 4Hf I Tiit.'. " " 'jOc Sl.iW " " Tie 1 $1UU " " Tic j 0 . HAIR CHAINS FOR Something nice for a Christmas Gift. some dear mend's hair. Leave orders an early as possioie. E. M. HETZEL, 0XE 31IGIIT AS WELL TBI t.i lift himself In a bufihel basket, ns to UNDliKSEI.L 1"S on skates, fiymnasium and athletic Koods. We do not make a big blow or bluster about betnc head quarters In thl line because we do not have to, one elanee at our store is enough to convince one that there Is OXL.Y ON H SPORTING GOODS HOl'SE In the city. Come and see for yourself. C. M, FLOREY. Y- V yomina Ai UlNfl, Xt. DURING OUR GREAT SALE Drop In and buy one of those Comfortable and Storm defying ULSTERS. You buy . them now at So cents on the dollar. Later on you'll pay the regular price. Fabrics are Chinchillas, Beavers.Mcltons, Irish Frieze & Kerseys. FURNISHING DEPARTMENT We start today, and continue until sold, 200 dozen Men's Laundried Negligee Shirts, in all the New Spring Effects, worth 7S cents, at the EMER QENCY PRICE of 47 cents. PENN CLOTHING 137 AND 139 IN. j s Overcoats AT- IE 9 I ml i 1 C1IH PRESENTS. Chains made out of your own or 230 Lacka. Ave. IIIXTIXG FOR BARGAINS fs profitable ns weil as amusing sport. To make It pay, though, hunters mu.-st look for Kame "Rhtre pame is. or lUh where there are f.sh. to latch them. Wi3e awake buyers have bafred more bar jraJn game In our slock ihnn ever veteraa hunters found in any forest. CONRAD, and FURNISHER 305 LACKAWuNKA AVE. AND SHOE HOUSE PENN AVENUE.