&t ?i EIGHT PAGES 5 G COLUMNS. SCRAXTOX, PA., WEDNESDAY MORXING, JANUARY 30, 1S95. TWO CENTS A COPY. WORK OF OUR LEGISLATORS Proceedings of State Senate and House of Representatives. TO REDUCE CLERICAL FORCE .Mr. Porter's Hill 1'ixlnn the Number and Eligibility of Couucilincn Arouses Pls mission A Pecullur Resolution by Mr. Onnc. of Schuylkill. Special to the Seranton Tribune. Harrlsburg, Pa., Jan. 29. This was a day of debate In the senate; there was also considerable talk In the house. Senator Penrose, the leader of tha friends of Senator Quay, won a deci sive victory over the Porter-Martin combine by overwhelmingly defeating Senator Porter's pet scheme reducing the number of the councllmen in Phila delphia, the vote being 29 to C against its Anal passage. Senator Porter tried to have the bill recommitted to committee, but Pen rose Insisted upon immediate action and was sustained by the solid Quay forces. In the house the coinmitttee on rules scoied a point in providing more hours of work, The Democrats will hold a caucus tomorrow and an effort will be made to form a combination with the Martin-Porter people to fight Quay and his friends. The Democrats are anxious to defeat the bill being urged by the state administration to reorganize the state banking depart ment and Increase the. salary of one superintendent $4,000 to $0,000. They ere in a hopeless minority, though. In both branches, and even if they were to combine with Quay's opponents, this could not rally enough votes to defeat this or any other measure in which the Heaver senator Is Interested. Gover nor Hustings will appoint Chairman Ollkeson, of the Republican state com mittee, superintendent of bunking as sociation as soon as the bill becomes a law. BUSINESS OF A DAY. New Hills Introduced nnd Other Matters Considered at Hegular Sessions. By the United Press. Hsrrlsliurg, Pa., Jan. 29. The senate met at 11 o'clock. Among the bills In troduced were the following: iiy Mr. Hnnnon Providing for an ad ditional law Judge In the Forty-eighth district. Hy Mr. Green Appropriating $2,000 for the Home for Friendless Children, at Reading. Among the bills which passed second reading were the following: Creating the office of custodian of state sup plies. This bill was so amended as to strip the custodian of the extensive powers originally conferred on him un der Its provisions and make him prac tically an employe of the board of pub lic grounds and buildings, the board to be held responsible, as now, for 'the purchase and distribution of supplies. An hour was spent In the discussion of the bill, ai determined effort being made by Senator Grady to reduce the clerical force, for which provision Is made, as well as the large force of watchmen to be created. The sentiment of the sen ate was overwhelmingly against him, however, and the proposedamendments were rejected. Senator Gobln declared that the sen ate might as well face the fact that al most every bill before it was designed o create new ofllces or to Increase present salaries, and Insisted it was lime to call a halt. He was supported by Senator Kauf man, who declared himself against all Increase of salary or the creation of new ofllces, unless they could be shown to be absolutely necessary. Mr. McCarrell championed the meas ure, and Anally secured its passage as amended. Mr. Porter's BUI Discussed. Mr. Penrose 4hen called upon third reading Mr. Porter's bill fixing the number and eligibility of counollmen In cities of ithe first class. Me Porter objected, but Mr. Penrose moved to suspend the rules, end the f prate agreed by a. vote of 38 to 79. M r. Ptlrter than moved that the bill be re committed, but the senate refused to agree. On the question of the bill's passage, Senator Penrose declared the bill to be vicious and charged Its author (Mr. Porttr) with being responsible for de moralizing legislation by Philadelphia councils. . The measure was defended by Messrs. Crouse and Porter. The bill failed to pass: Yeas, 5; nays, 39. These nominations were sent In itoday by the governor and confirmed: John L. Koyer, to be alderman at Johns town; Valley Forge commissioners, F. M. Brooke, W. J. Latta, S. V. Penny packw, Tatnall Paulding, F. D. Stone, J. J. .Badley, Philadelphia; WJIllam Wayne, Paoll; L. O. McCauley, West Chester; H. A. Muhlenberg, Heading; quartermaster general, A. J. Logan, Pittsburg. House Proceedings. The house met at 11 o'clock. Mr. Ly tic, of Huntingdon, chairman of the eoir.ml.ttee on rules, offered a resolu tion thnt the sessions on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays begin at 1 o'clock. The resolution was then adopted. Among the bills -reud In place were the following: By Mr. Cotton, of Allegheny Creating a department to. be known as the savings association department, and providing for Iho supervision and examination of do mestic and foreign building and loan asso ciations. By Mr. Illchey, of Allegheny Providing that where councllmen refuse or neglect to perform their duty, the clerk of quar ter sessions may, upon complaint of any lx taxable clt liens, und proof thereof, declare their seats vacant and appoint others In their stead until the next elec tion. ' Hy Mr, l.uden, of Berks Appropriating $2,000 for friendless children at Ken.dl.ig. By Mr. Kuy, of Jdincaster Appropriat ing 190,000 to tha normal school at Millers burg. By Mr. Harvey, of Lucerne Providing for the payment of three-fourths of the State appropriation to 'School districts upon the completion of the minimum school term, the balance to be paid at the Close ot the year. Mr. Urine's Kesnlutlon. Mr. Orme, of Hchuylklll, presented a ' resolution which was out of order and "withdrawn, which was as follows: Whereas, The prestdnet of the United States by his messuge to congress Jan 'a, seems Impressed with the Idea that gold only has vnlue, and that the credit, honor and patriotism of the people count for naught under a Democratic adminis tration ; and Whereas, The walling and fear of the president and his secretary are having a demoralizing effect upon the business in terests of the country and the securities Of the government: be It Resolved, Thut the committee on ways and means be directed to draft u measure for the lluuncial mllof of the United Slutes to the end that credit and honor of the general government be encouraged and maintained and relieved until such time aa the present unfortunate adminis tration Is replaced by a competent and thorough American policy at Washington Just before the close of the morning session Mr. Ititer, of Philadelphia, in troduced the revenue bill prepared by the state tax conferenoe. The house at 1.25 adjourned until to morrow at 11 o'clock. TO MUCH REALISM. A Pistol on the Amateur Stage Kills One of the Comedians. By the United Press. Da Grange, Ga., Jan. 29. News of a sensational tragedy enacted In Cham bers county, Alabama, Just across the C'torgla line, has reached here. A. T. Davlston was killed by his brother. Will. The two, with their sister, Mrs. Jones, and a Mrs. West, went from Lafayette, tiheir home, to Davlston, to give a musiiical entertainment. The Duvlston boys were giving a comedy In which a pistol was to figure. Will'iim drew the pistol at the proper time and pulled the trigger. He was horrified to see ills brother drop, und when It became known that he was dead there was great consternation. Nobody seems to know how the pistol became loaded. The boys are of a prominent family In Lafayette. PHILADELPHIA REFORM. The .Municipal I.eugue Will Petition to the Legislature in the Interest of the Organization of a l.exow Committee. By the United Press. Philadelphia, Jan. 29. Tf the Muni cipal ileugue, . a non-partisan organiza tion, whose object Is reform in muni cipal polltios, has its wishes acceded t by the legislature, Philadelphia poli tics will have a stirring up similar to that carried on by Lexow eomSnlttee In New York city. A pttltlon will be pre sented In the legislature tomorrow from the leagua asking for the appoint ment of j cumtni'ttee to Investigate the municipal government of Philadelphia. The petition recites that it is almost dally reported In the newspapers that corporate influence Is being exercised In city councils to the detriment of Philadelphia. The petition also refers to Sr-nator Quay's arraignment of David Martin, the Republican loader of Philadelphia, In the United States senate and states that Mr. Quay's accusation that Mr. Martin broke "pllghte-d faith" yaa In reference to 'the latter's promise to nominate a certain candidate for mayor of Philadelphia. The petition aays that such a promise If given was In viola tion of the law. The league therefore asks that a. committee be appointed with full power to examine books and subpoena witnesses and that the league be allowed to be represented by counsel. VERDICT FOR DOONER. The llrukemnn Uceelvcs $8, 104.1 A In Ills Suit Against the I). A II. Company. By the United Press. Wllkes-Barre, Pa., Jan. 29. The Jury In the case of John F. Dooner vs. the Delaware and Hudson Canal company returned a verdict today for the pluln tlCf for J8.104.1C. Dooner was a brake man In the employe of the company In 1S89, and while making a flying switch was thrown from a car and had a leg taken off. It was stated that the car was not equlped with "hand holds," nnd suit was brought for $10,000 damages. It was tried In 189.1 nnd the Jury awarded Dooner $8,080, but on an appeal by the company the supreme court ordered n new trial which resulted as above. The case may be carried to the higher courts again by the company. - - RECEPTION BY MRS. GRANT. Confederate Vetcrns Honor the Widow of tho Cireat General. By the United Press. Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 29. The reception of the Fulton Coumty Confederate Vol unteers' association by Mrs. 'Ulysses S. Oranit, at the Aragon hotel, was a nota ble event. AH the morning tihere was a steady throng of visitors to pay their respects to .the widow of the great Union gen eral. Many confederate veterans took the opportunity to welcome her to At- lnnta. Many other distinguished cltl zens Joined In the reception. I.ady School Directors. By the United Press. Ureensburg, Pa., Jan. 29. Last night tho Democrats of New Florence placed In nomination Mrs. -Hubburd Swarts, Mrs. Lawson, a widow, and Miss Mary Trim ble for school directors. These persons have tha honor of being the first ladles ever numed for office In this county, and It Is said their chances of election are good. Iluywnrd's Defence, By the United Press. Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 29. Another Juror was secured this morning In the Haywunl murder trial. This makes the eleventh one secured. .Mr. Krwln, nttor- ney for the defence, announced that his line of defence would be Insanity nnd thut It was hcredltury. . (iold Reserve Shrinking. By the United Press. Washington, Jan. 29. The treasury gold reserve was reduced, as far as reported up to the close of business, to $18,516,198. The withdrawals for the day amounted to $3,149,000 and for yesterduy and toduy combined aggregated $7,224,000. CONDENSED STATE NEWS. At Shamokln, by their sled running Into a fence. Miss Annie Muri'ock hud a leg broken and' George HI net was badly cut about the limbs. On the ground of lack of 'confidence In councils, the People's party, of Heading, will oppose the proponed city loan of $900,- 000 for public Improvements. The Btute college authorities have rtc termlned to put a stop to busing, and a student mimed Itlen, of Allegheny, hus been expelled for the offense. A fund Is being raised by the Ministerial Association of Hchuylklll county to con tlnue the auditor's 'Investigation of the suanduls at the county almshouse. George Ft. Taylor, aged 8ii, for ten years captain or company H, Fourteenth , regi ment, Nutlonul Guard of Pennsylvania slipped on the Ice In front of a train at Bdgewood, near Pittsburg, and was hurled to death. COMPLICATIONS OF STRIKE Much Grief in Store for the Brooklyn , Trolley Car Magnates. STRIKE PRACTICALLY OVER Vet the Street Car Olliclals Will De Ar raigned for Violations of Labor and Other Lows and Roads Will lie Iloycotted. By tho United Press. Brooklyn, Jan. 29. The withdrawal of the Vtvst brigade was followed by many small disturbances. President Ltwla declaimed with muoh emphasis that It was a serious mistake to with draw the brigade. He said that he had received anonymous information that If the remaining troops are disbanded. sheol will break loose. He had a body guard of detecMves about his person, and President Norton never moves without an armed guard at his side. On the other side the mayor, General McLeer and other officials believe that quiet Is restored and turbulence at an end. Master Workman Connelly still in puts that the strikers are not beaten. There are no signs of a break In their ranks. Only a few of them have made personal application. The formal ten der of 'their services by Mr. Connelly wa l a move upon which to base an ap plication for u new writ of mandamus. This was made against the Atlantic Avenue company today and was the first proceeding In court against that company. Similar writs are to follow against the Brooklyn, Queens county, and Suburban. The Brooklyn Heights company was served with formal notice In the mandamus proceedings against them. They have twenty days to an swer. They have also 'to appear before the attorney general at Albany tomor row in the application for action look ing to the forfeiture of their charter. In addition to this, warrants are to be upplied for tomorrow before Justice Tlghe, for the arrest of the officers of the line for violating the ten hour law. One motorman has made allldSvIt that he was forced to work eleven hours and f ix minutes for the company. Violation of the ten-hour law Is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of $500 for each offense, or lmirl9onment ror three months. There are J.ooo em ployes who threaten to bring action. Still further proceedings which are In the programme are suits by each em ploye for one week's salary, and suits for damages by merchants whose busi ness has been prostrated. While the strikers are pulling all these strings to give trouble to the companies and force athem to surren der, there are other complications. Other Complications. The board of aldermen are seeking for some means of demolishing the com panies; the labor organizations have decided not to ride In their cars; the grand Jury is looking into the loss of life and limb due to violations of the laws regulating speed of cars; the board of arbitration has gone to Al bany to report upon the causes of the strike, and a new committee from the legislature Is on Its way to Investigate the whole matter. All In all ,the lot of the trolley magnate Is not a happy one. Tha companies made a good showing In the number of cars run and lines operated today. They have shown that all they need Is time to engage and break in new men, and protection for the men and property of the roads. Snow and cut wires In the early morn ing gave them some trouble, but by noon about two-thirds of the number of curs operated previous to the strike were in operutlon. Cars run close to schedule time all duy and later at night than has been attempted In two weeks. Only once toduy were the troops called out. At about 3 p. m. a gang of men placed a wagon on the track of the Fifth avenue line at Twenty-first street and mobbed the crew of the first car which arrived. The policeman on the front platform was powerless. He whistled for help, however, and another officer nutified the Twenty-third regi ment boys at the stables of the line at Twenty-third street. The militiamen rushed to 'the rescue at double quick. The mob scattered In all directions. Lewis Grim, one of the men In the crowd, attempted to remove the lever used by the motorman to turn on the current, and was arrested. Numerous Accidents. Tlfcre were many accidents today due to the Inexperience of motormen. Trol ley car 1310, of ithe Hnlsey street line, ran Into a coach at the corner of Ful ton and Oxford street at 3.40 p. m. Two ladles In the coach, the Misses Anderson, received contusions and Buf fered from the shock, and the driver, Henry Day, had his ribs fractured. The coach was damaged to the extent of $500. The motorman was arrested. In tho police courts today twenty-two1 men were arraigned charged with stone throwing, wire cutting, track obstruct ing or otherwise Interfering with trol ley roads. They were all held for trial. ELECTION AMMUNITION. AThousund Hottlcs of Whiskey Alleged to Have Been Used, By the United Press. Indima, Pa., Jan. 29. An examina tion of the bill of particulars filed by Judge While shows that Judge White claims about 800 Illegal votes cant by non-registered voters, non-tax payers and defective affidavits. In court to duy several ballot boxes were opened, and several witnesses testified to re ceiving pay and promises from Judge White In return for their votes. Judge Blair's attorneys claim tihat they will produce evidence conclusive that Judge White purchased and sent (nio the county 1,000 bottles of whiskey shortly before election. AWAITING THE JAPANESE. A Large Army of chlnuineit Ncur Ku- Shung-llun. By the Unltod Press. Hiroshima, Jun. 29. A dispatch re ceived here from tho headquarters of the Japanese army operutlng against the Chinese says that a strong force of the enemy, which retreated from Yuen-Cheng-Shen to the northwest without fighting, Is now In the vicinity of Ku-Shung-Hon. Large, numbers of the enemy are reported to be along the coast road from YiAig-Cheng-Shen. The dispatch adds that It is now possible to convey field guns three miles west ward, but the roads are bad and it is difficult to tepnlr them. A telegram re ceived here from the commander of the Second Japanese army announces thut a Chinese fugitive from Llerklng Island, off Wel-Hal-VVel, reports that the Chi nese fleet Inside that harbor numbers eight warships, six gunboats and eleven torpedo-boats. The hole which was knocked In the bottom of the Chinese battle-ship Chen Yuen, when she grounded, has been filled with cement; but she will be un able to fire her heavy guns. The re pairs 'to the Lai-Yuen, the Chinese double-screw armored cruiser, are in complete and the Kang-Chl has no guns. WANTS A DIVORCE. Mrs. Mury klegel Charges tier Husband with Cruelty. By the United Press. Trenton, N. J., Jan. 29. Mrs. Mary Rlegel, of Bloomsbu'ry, N. J., has brought suit for alimony against her husband, Dr. U. Lear Klegel, on the ground of desertion and cruel treat ment. It was Dr. Rlegel who a few duys ago had an Interchange of shots with William Blbbler, of Germantown, Pa., whom he accused of undue Intim acy with Mrs. Klegel. Blbbler and Mrs. Klegel are first cousins. In her complaint filed In the court of chancery toduy Mrs. Rlegel charges the doctor with having been most cruel to her, getting Into violent passions, using profane language and striking her on several occasions. She also says he hus threatened her life, and that once he knocked their child out of her arms. A short time ago she went to her home for a week with her husband's consent, and afterward through unwarranted Jealousy he charged her with Improper relutluus with Blbbler, and sent word to her through her father not to re turn to their home, as he would not permit her to live with him any more. The doctor, she says, Is In receipt of an umple income and is able to properly provide for her needs. EPISCOPAL ARCHBISHOP. Question of Creating an O if Ice for the church in this Country. By the United Press. Baltimore, Jun. 29. Bishop Paret Is preparing a report on the questlun of creating an archbishop In the Kplseopnt church of America, with headquarters at Washington. The matter was re ferred ulong with other matters by the lust general convention In 1S1I2 to a commission appointed to consider changes In the constitution of the church. This commission appointed a j committee, of which Bishop Paret was j chairman, to muke a report on the sub ject. The bishop's report will be read for the meeting of the commission In New York Feb. 12. A prominent clergyman said today It was generally believed the commission would report agalnstthe establishment of ' an arch-Episcopacy In America. Such a change, if recommended, could not be brought about before 1898, as it would have to be adopted by two gen eral conventions. In case such a chance were made It was stuted that Bishop Potter, of New York, would likely be made archbishop. MEXICAN WAR CLOUD. Offers of .Mediation by the United Stutes . Will Not He Considered. By tho United Press. City of Mexico, Jan. 29. The govern ment still refuses to disclose the tenor of the Guatemalan note. The Impres sion prevails that it has been consid ered, and thut Mexico has demanded Instant payment of $1,800,000 Indemnity, which, if refused, wlll'mean war Of fers of mediation by the United States government will not be considered. The death of Dunn, the American, and 'Murphy, an Irishman, Is confirmed. They were murdered und robbed by Guatemalans. threadbare Joke. By the- United Press. k Trieste, Jan. 29. The Qerman warship Stein, which was reported through the medium of a note enclosed In a Moating bottle to be sinking, Is lying In this har bor, where she hus been since last Thurs. day. Nothing has happened to her. It In surmised thut some Joker on board tho Slelu set the bottle afloat. ' General lllssell Will Stay. By the United Press. Washington, Jan. 29. When asked by a representative of the United Press today If It were true that he would resign at the expiration of the present congress, Post master General Ulssell said very em phatically: "No, sir. It Is not true." Carpet Mutters Will Not Strike. By the United Press. Philadelphia, Jan. 29. The members of the Ingrain Carpet Power Loom associa tion held a meeting tonight and decided not to Inaugurate a general strtks among Its members. A number of new recruits Joined the association at the meeting. Purpose of the Our. By the United Press. Berlin, Jun. 29. Private dispatches from St. Petersburg suy that In replying tod:iy to a delegation representing the provincial cities the rzur suld that he wns firmly re solved, as was his dear futher, to up hold the uutocrucy of the czar. TELEGRAPHIC TICKS. A companion shot and killed Dr. John Powell, of Pennsylvania, mining physi elun at Kucirtecas, Mex. The New Orleans Cotton Factors' asso ciation indorses the proposed reduction tf the cotton acreage of the coming year. General William Shakespeare, of Kala mazoo, Mich., whose pension was reduced from $72 to $30 a month, threatens a contest. After masquerading as a man for six teen years, Louise Matson ("Milton B. Mutson"), hus been arrested as a forger at Los Gatos, Cul, James Cox, of Flndlay, O., has been found murdered In the Indian Territory, and his traveling companion, Thurman Brothers, of Canton, O., Is missing. George Gould's demurrer In the $11,000. 000 bond suit of tho Soldiers' Orphans' home, Ht. Louis, has been dismissed, und ho and Russell Sage must answer the alle gations, 'Diego Gonzalez, who betraye a Miss Valasquei In Uuroyeca, Mex., was stabbed to deuth by the young woman und her mother and burled under the floor of their house, Gold coin to the amount ot $2,GOO,000 was yosterdny shipped from the Philadelphia mint to the New York stibtreasury. Within the past week $10,000,000 In gold has been shipped from the mint here to the sub-treasury In New York, FINANCE IS AT THE FRONT Mr. Manderson Offers a Compromise Resolution. MILEAGE FOR THE DRUMMERS Bill Allowing Five Thousand Mile Books. Measure Kepcullng Duty of One Tenth of a Cent u Pound on Su gur Passed in the House, By the United Press. Washington, Jan. 29. The financial question was brought to the front early in today's session by a resolution which was offered by Mr. Manderson, and which after discussion, was referred to the finance committee. It embraced seven' propositions which Mr. Mander son admitted looked like a hodge-podge, but which really was, he said, a com promise that might be, and ought to be, embodied Into law: A reserve of $200, 000,000 In gold and $200,000,000 In Bllver; the Issue of bonds payable In gold or Bllver;' the destruction of legal tender notes when paid in gold or sliver; the exchange, for five years, when demand ed, of gold coin for silver coin, and of silver coin for gold coin; the use of the new bonds for national bank currency (of not less denomination than $10); the requirement of payment of duties in gold on goods Imported from countries having a gold standard ana In gold or silver onji, goods Imported from coun tries having a silver standard; and, finally the free coinage of silver and gold at the ratio of IB to 1, and the en larged coinage of subsidiary silver coin. Interesting remarks on this proposition and on the finance question generally were made by Senators Manderson and Teller. Amendments to the pooling bill, which Mr Butler said he .would call up tomorrow, were suggested by Mr. Chandler, looking, among other things, to the preliminary submission of pro posed changes of railroad rates to the Interstate commerce commission. The bankruptcy bill was discussed for a couple of hours and the commercial travelers' bill (allowing the issue of I 5,000 miles mileage tickets) was passed. The Sugur Tariff Vote. Hy the decisive vote of 239 to 31 the house this afternoon at the closj of an Interesting session passed the bill re pealing the differential duty of one tenth of a cent a pound Imposed In the tariff bill on sugars Imported from I countries paying an expoi i uuuui uu i mat article, i ne reoreseiuuuves vol ng against the passage of the bill were: Republicans-Adams. Pennsylvania; Belden, New York; Bingham, Pennsyl vania; Boutelle, Maine; Bowens, Cala- fornia; Dalzell, Pennsylvania; Curtis, Daniels, Gillette,- Hooker and Lefevrc, New York; Loud, California; Louden Blager, New Jersey; Marvin, Payne, Qulgg and Ray, New York; Reed, Maine; Robinson, Pennsylvania; Storer, Ohio; Sherman, Van Vorhls, Wads worth nnd Wever, New York; Wanger, Pennsylvania. Democrats Covert, New York; Davey, Meyer, Ogdcn, Price and Rob ertson, Louisiana. While the bill was In the committee all the amendments were voted down except one, and tha t was pending when the committee rose. It was offered by Mr. Dlngley (Rep., Me.) and provided that -the repeal of the differential duty was not to be held to Imply that the United. States surrendered Its rights under treaties to offset bounties by the Imposition of equivalent differential duties whenever congress deems It de sirable to enforce them. A yea and nay vole upon th-la amendment was hud In the house, resulting: Yeas, 112; nays, 150. On this amendment the Republicans and Populists, with the exception of Baker, of Kansas, voted aye, and the Democrats generally no. The follow ing Democrats voted with the Republi cans: Bairnts, Covert, Geary. Harris, Lester, Martin, of Indiana; Meyer, Price und Ryan. An amendment! of fered by Mr. Hltt, to repeal the one eighth of a cent additional duty on re fined sugars was rejected by a vote of 85 to 109; and an amendment by Mr. Van Voids, of New York, to place all sugars and molasses on the free list was rejected 75 to 120. TWis action was taken nt the request of Mr. Wilson, chairman of the com mittee on ways and means, in charge of the bill, who stated that the chances of its becoming a law depended en tirely upon Its going 'through the house as an Independent measure In the shape In which It was reported. MISS EOGEL WANTS $50,000. Mr. lloycr Now Kegrcts That Ho Pooled with the Hatcher's Deughtcr. By the United Press. i Bethlehem, Pa., Jan. 29. Valentine L. Hoyer, a wealthy confectioner, who on Jan. 3 was to have been married to Miss MUry A. Fogel, and who an hour before the wedding left for parts un known, leaving only o note saying that he was a married man, returned to town itoday and was promptly arrested and, In default of bail, sent to Jail. Miss Fogel claims $50,000 damages. Hoyer returned here from Northamp ton, Mass., with his wife and child and never suspected arrest. Miss Fogel Is 18 years old, and Is the daughter of n well-to-do South Side butcher, . LIVED IN WILKES.BARRE. Mrs. Michael Moore Becomes Tired of Life and Coinmltts Suicide. By the United Press. Wllkes-Barre, Pa., Jan. 29. Mrs. Michael Moore, the wife of a promin ent miner living at Port Bowkley, near this city, committed suicide tonight by taking a half ounce of arsenic, from tihe effects- of which she dLed In. great agony, Mrs. Moore had been an Inva lid for several years and stated to the priest who administered the last rite of the church that she was "tired of life and wished to end It all." The poison was secured by her brother-in-law, Frank Moore, Jan. 22, at a drug store in Plains, for the al leged purpose of killing rats. FAIR'S WILL STOLEN. Tho Important Document Disposing of $20,000,000 Is Missing. By the United Press. San Fransiaco, Jan. 29. The will of Utiie late) ex-Senator James G. Fair ha been stolen from the office of the county clerk of this city, a lot of worth less papers being ' substituted. No trace of .the missing testament has been discovered. The affair has caused a great sensation, over $20,000,000 being at stake. Copies of the will are in the possession of attorneys, but the accura cy of the copies may be questlonsd. The signature of Mr. Fair is also gone and cannot be produced for Identifica tion by attesting witnesses on the hear ing of the executors' petition for the ad mission of the will to probate. The stealing of the will produces a serious dilemma. The Bon of Senator Fair .Is about to contest the will on the ground of undue Influence and Incapaci ty, with the consent of the daughters. The executors have refused to produce other wills known to be among Mr. Fair's papers. He had a mania for making new testaments. The children object to 'comparative strangers han dling their father's property aa a trust and wish to break the will. NATIONAL BOARD OP TRADE. Proceedings of Annual Meeting at Wash ington Hcsolutions Upon the 1'lnanclal (Question-President l-'raley Ke-cleetcd. By the United Press. Washington, Jan. 29. The annual meeting of the national board of trade begun at the Shoreham hotel today, and during the morning session It was shown pretty clearly that the organiza tion was heartily In sympathy with President Cleveland In his efforts to obtain some financial legislation. A reference to the subject resulted In some discussion In which Mr. Ray mond, of Detroit, appeared to voice the sentiment of the meeting In his state ment that the board was going to help the president and that all its members were In sympathy with his object as outlined in his message yesterday. The discussion was brought to a close by the adoption of a resolution pre sented by Mr. Dousman, of Chicago, for the appointment of a committee of nine to be appointed by the president of the board to consider all plans for financial relief, the committee to report tomorrow morning, and to the conven tion to take action which should be communicated to President Clevelund by the nutlonul board at 1 o'clock to morrow afternoon. Previous to -this a note had been re ceived by the convention from Private Secretary Thurber Inviting the del egates to call upen Mr. Cleveland at the hour and date named. Resolutions were also presented re way of securing permanent financial relief and declaring It the opinion of the board that congress should make some provisions for -providing for the expenses of the government and to keep unimpaired the national credit. These and other resolutions endorsing the president's mess-age of yesterday, and also calling on congress to adopt -some financial legislation was referred to the committee of nine. The Hon. Frederick Fralcy. of Phila delphia, the venerable president of the office. THE PROPOSED STRIKE. A Threatened Struggle in Which Debs and Arthur .May Join Hands. By the United Press. Oakland. Cul., Jan. 29. Chief Arthur, of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engi neers, arrived this evening. He is hav ing a vote polled on the Southern Pa cific, along the entire system, on the uqestion ot ordering a general strike If the Southern Pacific company will not recede from the schedule pre sented the first of the year. Such a strike cannot be ordered unless two thirds of the entire membership con sent. The result of a general strike of the engineers depends entirely on the attitude of the men who lost their places In the American Railway Union strike last July. T. J. Roberts, of the local union, sard tonight that nothing would be done to Interfere with the success of the strike by the engineers as organized labor was now at stake, and If another fight came on all would unite to make it a suc cessful movement to overthrow the power of corporations. The American Railway Union will furnish no men, he said, and is of the opinion that Debs and Arthur will unite their forces In California early in the spring and make one of the greatest national strikes ever attempted. The fact thut 149 branches of the order have been organized since last August shows it has strong Inward strength, N lot lug at liiojunelro. By the United Press. Rio Janeiro, Jan. 29. The government Is preparing for a possible outbreak on the part of Pelxotolsta and Jacobins. There was much rioting In the streets lust even ing. The police attacked and dispersed the rioters, some of whom were injured. The outlook is somewhat serious. Object to Pittsburg Scale. By the United Press. New Castle, Pa., Jan. 29. One hundred and fifty miners employed In the lloyt Hale mines went out on strike today. They object to reductions In conformity with the Pittsburg scale. WASHINGTON GOSSIP. Vice President Stevenson returned to duty yesterday. Speaker Crisp's health- Is better, and he Is expected to be on duty by Thursday. Captain Howgate's trial for embezzle ment was begun yesterday, a Jury being sworn. Senator Allen expects to get an Investi gation of the Alabama election by the aid of tho) votes of Mantln and Clurke, expect ed to qualify from Montana and Wyoming respectively this week. Olliclals of the Indian bureau Interior department place no credence In the pub lications that a great gambling game Is In. progress between rival tribes In the Btute of Washington, which hus been huttlmf several weeks, and the Indians are etnklug property and large sunn ot money on the result. FOREIGN SNAP SHOTS. Great Britain and Western Europe are snowbound, and there Is live Inches of snow at Nice. Lord Randolph Churchill's remains were burled at lllabon Church, Woodstock, Eng., Monday. Sir Philip Currie has demanded $2C0 as Indemnity for the recent arrest In Ar menia of a British Wenleyan missionary. Italy has usked President Cleveland to arbitrate the claim of her subject, Cerrutl, for damages for unwarranted Imprisonment In Colombia. WEATHER REPORT. - For eastern Pennsylvania, fair; warm er; southwest winds. pNLEY'5 Opening of Embroideries Thursday, Jan, 24th. We will have open our And the largest stock wa have ever shown. The character of the line of these goods we carry is so . well known that it is Needless for Us To Specify Styles, But Merely Say WE HAVE TH3 VERY LATEST NOYELTIES AND SPECIAL DESIGNS And the entire stock at The New Tariff Prices. FIN LEY'S 510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave. H. A. KINGSBURY AGEXT FOR J. OEM'S U THE VERY BEST. 313 SPRUCE ST., SCRANTON, PA. LEWIS, REILLY & DAYIES, HONEST SHOES. The boys and girls must have the best Leather and Rubber Shoes. We have them. They don't cost much, either. LEWIS, REILLY & DAVIS, . Closed Evenings Except Saturday, THE HID fi WEICHEL, Is doing the business. POPULAR GOODS, POPULAR PRICES, And the population of Scran ton know where to go for popular goods at popular prices. VJ. VEICHtL, 406 SPRUCE STREET. US r NEAR DIME BANK,
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