The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 29, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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    the sctr vntox tiubuxe Tuesday motixixct, .tasfatiy so, isos
Tublc Linens. Napkins. Doilies,
Towels, etc. When we say Linen
vc .! not mean the cheap imita
tion of Linen, or sonic other im
position upon Linen, hut we mean
that articles bought in this depart
ment from us is a nuarantee for
wear, quality, variety and gen
uineness. Wo will prove this department a
bouan.a for the housewife.
56-inch Table Linens 25c, 20c
56-inch Table Linens 3uc, zoc
56-inch Table Linens 35c, 30c
56-inch Table Linens 45c, 37c
60-inch Table Linens 58c, 44c
60-inch Table Linens 65c, 55c
64-inch Table Linens .75c, 59c
66-inch Table Linens 90c, 79c
Wore Now
56-Inch Bleach ;d Tab e Diniisks, 45c, 35c
0-!nch Bleached Table Damasks, 50:., 3'Jc
62- inch Bleached Table Damasks, 55c, 5c
M-inch Bleached Table Damislts, 75c, 59s
Clinch Bleached Table Damasks, 85:., 65c
63- inch Bkachtd Table Damasks, 95s , 79:
7U-!ncb Bleached Table Damasks, 51.00, 85c
85c Quality, now $ .75
SI. 35 Quality, new 1.19
2.50 Quality, now 1.98
Jobs in Towels
At 12 i-jc. i-;c., 17:.. Joe. ami jjc.
All at iicc-thirij less than former
prices. Sjjt'iia! Snk1 of Ladies
Muslin Intfcrunr Will Co
41a Spruce Street, Scranton.
Dr. Ruevos has had Ions; und p.
fprifn! tn ho.uiltiit an. I nrivnti practice
ami trt-iit:; nil acut and chronic diseases
of mm, women and children.
Mr. with his nHMstHiits. treat all dls-
r.'i.sea of hi? n-rvoiiH system, dlsoapn of
1 ni eye, i'itr, nose anil tnro.'ii, ctyHpepsm
rnvuniutfeni, lost vltiillly. premature
wenkness or deray In both stxes. nervous
cieninty. catarrn, tumors, cancers, crop
1 1011s, . hlnod'PoisoriinK, lits. epilepsy, in
tliseretiou nnd errors of youth, lost man
hood, eczema, serofilia, St. Vtus' damn,
nsinma, innxases 01 inn nenrt, lungs,
liver, kidneys, bladder, stomach, etc.
Young Men Positively Cured.
Offer to the Public for ntnrrh.
Any one surferinjt with Catarrh who
Wishes to he permanently, quickly and
cheaply cured may receive three months'
treatment for only I-'IVK DOM..A Itfl. The
ioclor has illscovered u suecillc for this
dreaded disease. You can treat nnd cure
Juurseir and ramlly with It nt home. It
I.ever fails to cure. A trial treatment
OKFIPK HomS Dally. 9 a. m. to 9 p.
m.; nunoays, iu 10 12 anil & to I.
At This Season
We invite onr sjecial attention
to our iiidiiilictnt display of
We will give ou full benefit of the
recent decline in the price '.if Carpets.
Price is always a great object, and in
this matter we are not only determined
to hold our own but to outdo all coin-
ctiturs. Come and see us.
J. Scott Inglis
James K. Walking, rendiiifr clrk nt
th(-ihoU! of representatives at llarrls-
l.tri'K. 'huid another honor ctMrfeirreil
upon him on Butnrdiiy lust. On motion
vt Joseph O'llrlen, of Sera n ton, with
whom he lias been studying law for
Bump time past, J,o wan admitted as a
miimher of the Iot'ka wanna county bar
to practice law.
MIps Ida Com-trlBht Is visiting rela
tives In 1 Mil City.
John Jones, of Hanover, la Kpondlnir
A Tow days In 'this boroujrh.
Yesterday nrranffenienta were marie
to brititf the Cambro-Amerlcan Concert
company Ho this city. They will uppear
in the auditorium or the Berean Hap
tlst ta.bernacle on Wednesday evenliiK,
Keb. 20, under the auspices of the Chris
tian Kndoavor society of that church.
The price of tickets will be BO cents.
The company Is composed of the fol
lowiiiK noted titiRui-s; First tenors, It.
Wllllitnis, W. D. Kvans, T. liynon: sec-
md tenors, K. Bowen, H. Davis, T. J.
Davis; lirst bass, V. W. Watklns, J. T.
Watklns; socond bass, H. Thomas, V.
Warren, J. J ansa.
Dr. I!. Hampton, who has been the
)ist three months In Hcranton, spent
yesterday In Carbontlale.
Mrs. John Ccpeland, of Canaan street,
was a Scranton visitor yesterday.
Announcement is made of the coming
nurrlaKe of Miss Klla Boland, of Dun
daff utreet, to William H. Mahady,
formerly of Archbald, but now a resi
dent of this city. The ceremony will hi
performed In St. Hose church on Tues
day, Fob. 5, at hiirh noon.
Miss Iona F. Tyler, of Forest City,
was the guest of Miss Minnie Kowen,
of Terrace snivel, over Sunday.
Raymond, the J-year-old son of John
Malla, of Dutidaff street, died Sunday
niorniiiK of diphtheria. The remains
were Interred In St. Hose cemetery yes
terday afternoon.
On Saturday afternoon at the Miners'
and Mechanics' bank In this city was
held the annual meeting of the Hock
Cliff Water company, of Forest City.
The election of olllcers resulted in re-
eloetint; the former ottleers, president,
W. A. May; secretary and treasurer,
L .A. Patterson; directors, It. II. Pat
terson, William Bowers, Thomas Levi-
sun, K. M. Peck and Cleotxe VV. Haw
kins. An annual dividend of 5 per cent,
was declared.
Thomus Lynch, of Cottage street, was
Injured at No. 1 slope yesterday morn
ing. He was removed to the hospital.
.Misses Alice and Jennie Butler have
Issued Invitations to a thimble party to
be Riven at their home on Canaan
street on Friday evening of this week.
fc. d. Kerr, of Scran ton, made a busi
ness visit to this city yesterday.
J. H. Heese and K. It. Iteese. of the
tlrm of Pascoe, Scurry & Co., went to
Now iork city yesterday morning on
business in the Interest of the Mrm.
Irving Davis is seriously ill at his
home on Seventh avenue.
Mls.i Uertha Powell returned to her
home In Scranton yesterday from a
visit with friends In this city.
Miss May Meeker, of Sidney. X. v..
Is visiting her cousin. Herbert Frear.
Councilman W. ll. Stevens circulated
unions Hyde Park friends last Sunday.
A young coal Inspector arrived at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. 1eonard
last Friday.
The fourth of the course of lectures In
the Baptist church this evening will be
on the subject: "Who Is the Man of
Mr. and Mrs. William Youngs nnd
Mrs. Oakley, of Dunmore, spent Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. Windsor Foster
S. J. Cullender, who received a severe
Injury to his hand on the Gravity road
a week ago. Is Improving and expects
to resume work In a few days.
This evening the fur will fly at the
Republican caucus of the First ward
between W. S. Bloes nnd William Day
for the councilmanic nomination.
A merry sleighing party of about
twenty-five took a delightful ride last
Friday night to the home of John
Worth and found the house brilliantly
illuminated and well heated, florid
music and games occupied the time
until all were Invited to the dining
room, where they partook of a good
supper. They arrived homo about 10.H0
on Saturday morning. The following
were present: Mr. and Mrs. Maple
Hi ll. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Peck, Misses
K:ite Bell, MHggie Williams, Jennie
Benjamin, Jennie Williams, Ktta and
Emma Peck, Addle Swingle, Ktta Budd,
Alney Doud. Flla Bundle, Cora Savage
and May fJummoe, of Honesdnle, nnd
Messrs. f.eorge Reed, Robert Barnes,
Harry fli-orge and F.lmer Roberts, Fred
Benjamin, Harry Peck, Mark Sltgraves
and Leonard Kelley, of Olyphant.
The Rr publicans of the Third ward
held their caucus Saturday evening In
the council room. Dr B. Morgan was
chnirman and Robert Abraham was
secretary. Considerable excitement
was manifested because of the close
contest for the nflice of councilman bt
tween R!chrrrl Reese anil Dwlght
Kingsley. The nominations were:
Coiincilmnn, Richard Reese; school di
rector, Ci. B. Newton; constable, Kd
wrd N. Jones; assessor, D. B. Morgan;
Judge of election, Albert Newton; In
spectors, W. A. Taylor and A. W. Pen-
Mothers! .Mothers I! Mothers!!!
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup ha
heen used for ovor hfty years by mil
lions of mothers for their children whils
teething, with perfect success. It Boot hoi
the child, softens the gums, allays nil
rain; cures wind colic, and Is the best
remedy for dlnrrhea. Sold by druggists
In tvery part or the world, lie sure, and
ask for "Mrs. wlnslow soothing Syrup,'
and tuka uo other kind. Twenty-nvo cents
a buttle.
Mrs. William H. Smith and son nro
nuw rumbertJ wCth the Hick of our
A large sleighing party ppent the
evening and night, on account of the
stonn which prevailed on Friday, at
thd rome of our townsman, J. W. Mul
lenix, and returned to their homes In
Scott in early morning on Saturday
Mis. Alice Realty. c,f Newark, N. J.,
vvim has been spending a few weeks
wllh her mother, Mrs. J. B. Austin,
here, will if turn to tovr Ironic tomorrow.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Ii. J. Chuipman will
tittenil the annuHj meeting of Musical
Alliance at Nlohclyxm this wek, to be
absent from home a couple of we:1s.
N. S. Davis and son, Hoi ace, exhibit
ed soino of thiilr t'holce poultry at
the poultry show o,t Pltlston.
HuKcne Rossdnger severed llils con
nection ith J. V. Mullenlx in the
wheel v!'U'ht business last Saturday.
Miss IJxxId Frace. of Wyoming seiii
Inary, Kpent Saturday Sunday with
her purinis here, returning yesterday.
Karncst Mott was seen upon the
streets again on Saturday last, having
recovered from recent Jllness.
Large crops wf Ice have been trtored
In this viclnliy during the last week.
Miss Mlna Welles epent Sunday with
frlendB on Ihe West Sld.
A Republican caucus was held tit tlhe
elc'tloii tuning of this township on Fri
day evening Hast, when the following
candiduV'S wre nominated: A. 1. Ack
erlr.1:', B. I. Roblni'on, supervlwoia;
tlllf Stanton, t. V. flood, q1iihI direc
tors, a. K. Ackerley, assessor; J. C.
Cbirk, town treasurer; J. V. Rhodes,
town, cli ik; Q, S. Orlllln, Judgo of eleL'-
tlon; A. A. Davis. Insepctor of election. ;
H. j:. Nouhup, of Stroudrburg, Is
visitivg at the home of his farther, i
Jeremlan Northup. .
Kleccio SU.r lodge, No. iilO, Inde
pendent Ores r of Oddd Fellows, are
planning for their annual anmveisaiy
for Feb. 2i). They will confer the he-.-
iim: tiv.iio uprn two cunillilu?. on
next Saturday evening. Interesting
meetings are reported and largely at
tended. DILNMOKE.
ttoorge Warner, who has been visit
ing friends In town, has returned to
A. L. 'McDonnell, of Avooa, spent
Sunday In .town.
Klcctiic avenue !a lined with Fka'ters
every afternoon, their destination be
ing the Driving .park.
A Flelghrlde party on Blakely street
collided with a street car last even
ing. The car wan derailed, but, for
tunately, no one of the party was in
jured ,nor wiih any serious daima.Be
done. '
Borough politics are getting lively.
The leading lig'ht seems to be the
street commissionership.
Mrs. Janet Stoddatt CoMlns died at
her home on Madison avenue, North
Patk, at 11.30 yeaterday morning, aged
66 years, 2 months and 17 days. The
dtciased had only been ill a few days.
Shu was the mother of Architect Will
lam Collins, of Now York, formerly of
Scranton; Mrs. Thumas Jjoble, Walter
and Jessie Collins, of Sccantou. Notice
of funeral later.
Our sidewalks are at present very
dangerous. if the snow hail been
cleaned off, as the borough ordinance
directs, our wivlks would not be cov
ered with Ice,
Miss Jennie Osborne,, of Wllkes-
B.irii, Is visiting at A. D. Blackinig
ton's, on Kim streeet.
Miss Margaret Sweeney, of Hyde
Park, spent yesterday in town.
John MoAndrew, of Moscow, has been
in town.
Miss Jennie Russell, of Blakely street,
U ill.
Miss Annie Citifllths, of Jermyn,
spent Sunday with her sister, Kmnia,
In town.
Miss Anna Lovering, of Avoea, spent
Stwulay with friends lit town.
Mass Diauia. Capwell has returned to
huf home at Mill City, ufter spending
i w-ifek visiting Dunmore friends.
Frank L. Patterson, '01, is at present
In Boston, Mass., where he Is the New
Kngland .manager for B. F. Kelley &
Son. dealers In boilers, pumps, etc. j
The Codex Medlcus, a new magazine
devuted to medicine, published in Phila
delphia, is edited by Dr. C. R. Marshall,
M. Dr. J. M. Cattell, 'SO, editor of
Science, write. to 'the college request
ing coiiltiibutions relative to the ad
vancement of science.
Friday evening the Young Men's
Christian association gave a reception
to the college students and member
of the faculty. The following pro
gramme was observed: Bible study. Il
lustrated 'by the blackboard. Dr. Fer
rler; Informal discussion of the main
problems confronting association work:
1. Whait does the Young Men's Chris
tian association owe the student? A. J.
Underwood; 2. What does the ntudent
owe the Young Men's Christian asstr
clatlon? S. M. Jordan; 3. What should
our committees do? M. W. Kratz; 4.
What are the claims of missions on
the ilttulenit body? W. H. Wells; 5. How
shall we manage our finances'.' D. S.
The glee and banjo clubs will give
their first concert 'this season at Doyles
tojivii, Pa., Tuesday, Feb. 29.
The day of prayer for colleges will
be observed here with appropriate exer
cises on the last Thursday of this
Rev. James I. flood, D. D., '72, of
Reading, is the author of a "History
of 'the Reformed Church of fiermany."
This is a continuation of his book. "The
Origin of the Reformed Church in fier
many." The seniors held a class meeting Sat
urday and ejected class day oflieers its
follows: Master of ceremonies, R C.
Chaill'ant; salutatorian, C. K. KarUett:
historian, M. W. Kratz; prophet, C. fi.
Troll; poet, K. P. H. PfaWeioher; class
orator, A. Hays; presentation oraitor,
P. L. Hansel; mantle orator, K. B. Huey;
valedictorian, J. H. Spackmun: music
committee, B. McCready, chairman;
A. F. Hovey, DcRead Stauffer; invita
tion committee, R. J. Click, chaiirman;
M. T. Swartz. 10. P. Walter; decoraitlon
ommittee, J. C. Atlix, chairman:
Thomas Barber, H. H. Perkins; toast
master for senior banquet, C. C. Shull.
Dr. Wurllefd will conduct service In
the college chapel Sunday afternoon.
Quinsy troubled me for twenty years
Since 1 started using Dr. Thomas' Kcler
trie Oil, have not had an attack. The oil
cures sore throat at onee. Mrs. Letla
Conrad, Stuudlsh, Mich., Oct. 24, '&I
The Republican borough caucus was
held In the town hall Saturday night
nnd the following nominations made:
Town council, C.rahum Watts, M. B.
Allrm, C. M. Betz. W. A. Wood, O. W.
Lane; assessor, C. F. Rockwell; Judge
of election, William II. Lse; Inspector
of election, Robert A. Smith, Jr.; school
board, J. M. Bun man and A. T. Sealie;
justice of peace, R. A. Smith, sr.; con
stable, R. W. (Joesser.
The funeral of Mrs. Peter Krantz
took place from her residence at Haw
ley at 2.110 p. m. yesterday. A number
of Honesdnle relatives and friends at
tended. Iidwln F. Torrcy, Jr., was in town
over Sunday.
The funeral of C.eorge Kck, sr., took
place from ills late residence Sunday
afternoon. Interment In German
Lutheran cemetery.
Khciimutisin Cured in a Duy.
"Mystlo Cure" for Rheumatism and
Neuralgia radically cures In 1 to 3 days.
Its action upon the system Is remarkable
and mysterious. It removes at once tlio
cause and the disease Immediately disap
pears. The first dose greatly benefits, 75
cents. Hold by C. M. Harris, 23 Penn ave
nue und Carl Lorenz, druggists, Scranton,
The Rev, Mr. Tennant preached nt
the Methodist Kplscopal church from
thu text, "And he took bread and broke
Itrund Rave unto them sayltiK, This Is
my body, which is given for you! This
do in remembrance of me." The
preacher spoke of the pleasure of th?
Christian nt the return of the sacra
ment of the Lord's supper, the moiit
beautiful and 'touching of the sacra
ments of the church. The wonderful
Fiteps that science bus made has not
detracted In th least from Its power
over the Chtintlnn mind In youth or
old uge. Let the thoughts of the people
turn 'to the early celebration of the
Jewish pasaover, 'the dearest to the
Orthodox Jew of all the ordinances of
his church behold him looking for the
promised klnif. At the time of the
Jewish Passover Jesus, our Master, In
stituted among his followers th ordi
nance of the Lord's 3Upper. The Pass
over represents the freedom of a
narrow minded nation, the Kucharlst,
the gift or .eternal salvation to Jew and
flreek. -Neither by the blood or goats,
but by Ills own blood, 113 enterea Into
the holy place und obtained eternal
redemikllou for us."
Ct. 11. Peard was a visitor to Wapwal
open yesterday.
The Druckenmiller family gave a
concert Friday night In 4he -Presbyterian
church for the benefit of the par
sonage fund.
Andrew Storm is home, lek with the
,Rev.'L. A. Llndermuth has returned
from his visit to Ohio.
Lnst night a sleigh load of young
people from this place enjoyed a ride
to Waverly. They were delightfully
entertained ait the home of Miss Stella
Miller. The party was composed of the
following: Misses Nettie Knapp, An
nie Widdiwttcld, Edith and May Hull,
Mabel CaJleuder, Alice Llllibrldge,
Flora and Alice David, Agnes Hull,
Minnie Orlllln, Grace Barber, Messrs.
John Ahl, J. L. Knapp, T. H. Kvans, T.
M. Voyli E. S. Jones, C. W. Houser,
Klmer Barthold, Florence Mitchell,
Frank Northup andC. M. Hathaway, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Benseuter, of Car
bondale, spent yesterday at the Ken
nedy residence on the West Bide.
Charles Houser and Thomas Palmer
spent Sunduy at Stroudsburg.
W. J. Broad, of Peckville,- was In
town yesterday.
David Owens returned from a visit at
Jermyn yesterday.
C. W. Watklns, of Aloosic, spent Sun
day at this place.
Frank Northup visited his home In
Glenburn Sunday.
Mrs. Benjamin Williams, who has
been conlliled to her home for 'the past
week by serious illness, is convalescing.
Baptismal services were held In the
Baptist church Sunday morning.
The revival services at the Methodist
Kplscopal churoli will continue every
evening this week, except Saturday.
Dr. John Hbiop, of Plains, called
on friends hete Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Richards, of
Plttstoti Junction, spent Sunday after
noon with itheir uncle, J. P. Richards.
The Republican caucus held at Mo
Uskle's hall Saturday evening nomi
nated the following candidates: For
justice of the peace, Rudolph Mollskle;
soiiojl directors, .David Kvans and
Thomas Owens; treasurer, Stephen
Mellmenage; constable, Baal Kvans;
assessor, Frank Savage, and supervi
sor, T. R. Williams.
The following wcll-kmkwn young peo
ple of this place enjoyed a sleightide
to Plieevlllc Saturday evening, where
they were delightfully -entertained ut
the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson:
Misses Jennie Miller, Agnes Dick, Ag
nes MacDonald, Lizzie Borthwlck, of
Duryea, and Miss M:ury Kellaway, of
Scranton; Messrs. Robert, Mathew, and
Robinson: Martin, George Brown,
Thomas Kellaway and Mr. and Mrs.
Kphriam Brown.
Acute Rheumatism 1
Months of Suffering -Hood's
Saisaparilla Cured
Sir. Koah J. Horner
SUtlilstown, l'cnu.
"C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. :
" Gentlemen: Four years last January I wa
taken down with sub-acute rheumatism which
located at tlio liaso of the brain. Itwaselidit
weeks less one (lay before I was ablo to walk
out of tlio house and after months of suflcrlnj
tud much pain I feared
I Would Never Be Well.
My physician advised me to uso Hood's Sars
pariilu. After tukltiK it in half doses for two
weeks I felt better, so at different times utter
wards I used it iiwhllo and durliifi the last year
1 have again Lrcn restored to Invigorated health
hy It. I attribute tny restoration to health to
the mo of Hood's Sarsaparllla. My sun bus had
cutiirrh Hlni'o quite, young still last summer
whllu attendiiiK school he used two botllta ol
Hood's Sarsaparilla and said It did him more
food than he realized from S100 fur prescrlp
ions, etc." Noah J. IIoKnkk, Postmaster and
General Merchant, Stahlstown, Pennsylvania.
Hood's Pills cure liver Ills, constipation,
Wllluuiucss, Jauudlco, sick headache, Indigestion.
European Plan. First-class Bar at.
tached. Depot for liergnor & Kngle'i
Tannhueusur Beer.
5. E. Cor. 15th and Filbert Sts. , Phila.
Most desirable for resldonts of N. EL
Pennsylvania. All conveniences for
travelers to and from Broad Street
station und the Twelfth und Murkot
Htrect Million. Desiruble for visiting
Horuntonlans and people In the Ab
tliracito Region.
" A I'oftlilvtt Writ U-n
tiiiiruiiti'Fil Cur for
uid all atttJitiliiiK lliiiPTita,
both of yuunjr and mldillo
atrotl raoa Aim womon. Iha
nwfiiUtrecUof YOUTHFUL
KcGnltf of treatment. KltliOKS, protluptnjr k
tifM, Nitvouh lMiility, NlphMjr Kuilwilonn, tomuniiitton.
rnlivHf )rirftiiiin1ILt.lMr onn fortttudv.
, bun I new mid roar-
rlnKClBquH'klcurrtl by lr. Itmlrla nriNnnnlah Kci'v
iimiwrn. Thi.r not nnlvciiri.hv iiurMiiia1
ciwn. but tie (not KKIIVK TON1U mmi II1.UIID
III il.llKIt, brliiKlnit back tho alak clnir In al
chrrka ai'd rHit.ri!,( tho FlltK4K VTH Til to tb
bo Roat '
d i
I low In
twllent. It jr mall, 1 1 . lo ier bos or f or & with
ft with wi
tt'H ffimrantnt to cur or refund lh mtmry. Nook
traa. aaUk Narro U rala to., UoiuailK, . n ark,
Kor sale by JOHN 11. HHELl'H, Drug
gist. Wyoming ave. and Spruce street.
nm IUN DVrc m uiuaa, imiu wvami-vvai'ima
9fota, Aobea, uld Ckrea,UlMn in Muutb, Hair
Kalllnn? Writ Cok Krmrdy C..ttOT M-
- aa Ormaawu tMannlaSal fm Tl 1 1 fSl 1 -1T fl
HDK a iiDpita jiim.iiiaiunPiviiioi uurva.
CniltttlSAOOM0. Patlonttcutud nine yean
go to1ay 10110(1 anil wtU. t OQ-irtMok fir
I , if I
1 y
What ! no appetite for break
fast ? Try a dish of Quaker
Oats and cream. You'll
like that.
Sold only In 2 lb. Packages.
From their Bankrupt Ktock of), the
Hyde 1'urk Clothing Store. !
Our Great Bankrupt Sale is still In
force, making low prices beyond belief
on well-nmilu Clothing and Gcuts'
Boys' Cape Overcoats, sold
everywhere for $2.00; our
Boys' Double-breasted Suits
and Cape Overeouts, sold
everywhere for $2 50 and
$3, our price -
Boys' Ulsters, sold every- ') 'y
where for $4.75, our price... "i
Men's Wool Suits and Over
coats, sold everywhere for
$8 and $U, our price
Men's All Wool Fuits, also
Black and Blue Overcoats,
sold everywhere for $12, r
our price 1.1M
Men's Dress Pants, black aud
fancy stripe, stylish pat
terns, gold everywhere for
$5, our price
Your choice of Men's All
Wool Camel's Hair and
Natural Wool or Bed Med
icated Underwear, sold
everywhere for $l,our price
a w
230 Lackawanna Ave.
Also a large stock of first-class
Standard Instruments In over- tense of
the term as applied to Pianos.
Exceptional In holding their original tal
Tin mr nf Innit
Fifth avenue. . .
11B Adam Avo., New Telephone wag.
$50,000 worth of Dry Goods, No- -g
tions, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing r-g
Goods,nillinery, Cloaks, Furs, Infants'
Wear, &c,
The steady increase of our business
compels us to enlarge and remodel the en- -
tire store for spring trade, and as the stock
will be in the way
Sr 400 and 402
We commence today, and shall continue through
out this week, the sale of a complete assortment of
Irish Point and Tambour Lace Curtains, 3 and 4
yards long, at one third off former prices.
A fine line of Brussels Points have also been put
in with this lot of Curtains, on which, we have put
prices that will surely please you.
Suitable for hangings, in choice colorings, at $1.50
and $2.00 per yard; formerly $3.00 aud $4.00 respectively.
In a splendid line of
Iu all sizes and qualities, at moderate prices.
406 and 408
That attracts shrewd buyers, and always re
sults in highly satisfactory transactions.
Prices have been 'Chopped," "Slaughtered,"
"Butchered," "Razored," "Cut," Etc., Etc.
Prices of motive power have been used, and
success the result.
In All Departments.
USgAil our goods yours for the promise to pay."
mmm mm
Lacka. Aye,,
Scranton, Pa.
colors, $1.50, worth $2.50 per
HiKER 1 00,
Lackawanna Ave.